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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #2161749
Just shooting the poop with Lori
He travels the world on the backs of others
Insignificant in his stature and size
His journey carries no mission
Randomly roaming at the will of his host
Sated enough to never question his trek
Life is an open adventure without worry
If the excitement of his dusty trail dulls
Another bus awaits to grant passage
With a furry friend to carry him home
Ah the wonderful life of a flea
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July 22, 2018 at 11:10pm
July 22, 2018 at 11:10pm
What would I be if I could be anything that I wanted to be?
What would I want to see if I could see anything I wanted to see?
Where would I go if I could go anywhere I wanted to go?
What would I know if I could know anything I wanted to know?
Who would I teach if I could teach anyone I wanted to teach?
Who would I reach if I could reach anyone I wanted to reach?
For what would I seek if I could seek anything that I wanted to seek?
What day of the week would I wish for if I could pick any day of the week?
What song would I sing if I could sing any song?
Why do I drive myself crazy all day long?
Because it is always fun to dream.
July 21, 2018 at 12:07pm
July 21, 2018 at 12:07pm
Life is funny, messy, crazy, sad, but never boring. You don't see that on a Hallmark card! Do your best and live life like you want to without hurting others. Go the extra mile for those that you love. Spend time with people that engage you and excite you. Spend your waking moments making them count. Find the good and savor it. Never stop growing and learning. Deal with the sad parts of life by clinging to others. Open yourself up to those around you. There is pain everywhere but is easier when shared. You have just received my words of wisdom. Now go embrace your Saturday.
July 20, 2018 at 9:04am
July 20, 2018 at 9:04am
Unveiled Triumph

Self-worth is not measured by the outer package
My ego refuses to be defined by your concepts
My value on this earth defies your grading system
No mortal scale shall weigh appraisal of my beauty
Camera lens breathes impotent in capturing the essence
Your photo of me does not speak of who I am
You hazard no risk to know the caliber of my character
True worth blooms from the heart and soul of the individual
My spirit shall not be contained in a carton of your making
I love, I care, I embrace, I grow, I dream, I am me
I feel pain, I feel empathy, I feel hopeful, I feel exposed, and I am blessed
I share faith, I share my heart, I share my soul, and I share myself
Exterior display is no witness to the quality of the realm within
I am beautiful in being who I am

July 19, 2018 at 2:53pm
July 19, 2018 at 2:53pm
A Tale to Tell


Cart with wheels

Traveler of the years

Now sits alone

Its rusted tales untold

Transporter of goods

For young and old alike

Mother's helper

Grandma's walker

Infant's cozy napper

Home of the homeless


Shiny metal basket

Inanimate viewer of life

Now watches alone

Its disrepair a lonely saga

Houser of generations

Cradle of straw

Temporary perch

Roosting haven

Nestling's nest

Feathered flyer of the sky

Metal orphaned waif

Wanderer of a thousand miles

Sanctuary of dreams

For food and refuge

In grocer's aisle or parking lot

Regale us with the tales of old

Cast the memories that you hold

Did the mother become a grandma?

Is the grandma now deceased?

Does the infant push his own cart?

Did the homeless find a home?

Did the birds all fly away?

Everything sings its own story

Our music is written in the footsteps

Lines 40
July 18, 2018 at 7:07pm
July 18, 2018 at 7:07pm
I have had the same ritual for years. Before I get in the shower, I lay my clothes to wear out on the dresser in my bedroom. I set my socks inside of my shoes, not knowing for sure when I will put them, my tennies sit in wait. Now comes the strange part. I was starting to believe dementia was visiting. I would set my stuff out and remember setting my stuff out as usual. Only to find out later that 1 or more items were missing. It was never the same object twice. It has not been an everyday occurrence. Well, today I found my pet doggos stash. Stuffed neatly behind the couch were five pairs of socks, two pairs of underwear, and a freshly chewed brassiere. I have yet to figure out which of the dogs is responsible as they both acted guilty when confronted with the pile of clothing. I am just very happy to know that I'm not losing it. It is probably a good idea to change up the routine so as not to get set in my ways. Puppies sure make life exciting!
July 17, 2018 at 2:43pm
July 17, 2018 at 2:43pm
Beauty of life

Have you ever noticed the simplistic beauty of a blade of grass;
Or examined the veins of a fallen leaf with its patterned elegance?
Have you visioned the angel-like grace of a snowflake in flight
Or looked upon the rainbow prisms of a teardrop?
Have you listened to the menagerie of calling birds in the treetops;
Or heard the sweet magic of a baby’s laughter?
Have you detected the snap of a flag in the wind atop its perch;
Or embraced in gratitude someone close your heart?
Have you felt the dainty softness of a rose petal in bloom;
Or whispered I love you to anyone?
Have you perceived the prick of a pine needle on your fingertip;
Or contemplated the moon bursting in yellow fullness?
Have you witnessed a mama bird feed its eager young;
Or felt the warmth of the glowing sunshine upon your cheek?
Have you inspected a vine in spiral growth upon the fence post;
Or examined in fascination both the power and gentle enchantment of the human hand?
Have you witnessed a child toddle about in pure freeing joy;
Or felt a moment of lazed relaxation snuggled in a bed of coziness?

Then you are alive, treasure it
Bathe in it, bask in its richness
Renew in it, share in it
Suffuse your soul, spiritualize the occasion
Immerse yourself, be the skylight of life
Remember this glorious day
You are alive, treasure it
July 16, 2018 at 8:37am
July 16, 2018 at 8:37am
True life seems to be knocking at my door. I am loathed to answer the knock. I'm not a big fan of true life because it is painful and messy. People that you care about get sick and others are fighting battles of no return. Squeezing their hand, giving hugs, and sending prayers seem minimalistic. Watching people lose their fight after battling with such grace and determination sucks. Death comes for everyone, this I know, but the scales seem so unbalanced at times. I'm a nurse, so I understand and accept death on a daily basis. It doesn't make it any easier, only more common. I still cry with each passing, and because of my faith, I still say a prayer in my head.

I have a family member that refuses to do anything to maintain his health. He is like a cat with nine lives. He refuses to take his medications, check his blood sugars, or use his insulin. Then he calls to tell me he doesn't feel well. I care for him as I would anyone else, but I have a desire to kick his butt sometimes. He doesn't see how "bad" really is or can be. There are so many people losing the battle. If given the chance and ability, keep moving, keep kicking, and keep living. As they say, the alternative is not as enticing.

Yes, I believe in heaven. Yes, I believe it to be a place of beauty and wonder. God will call for me one day, but when I answer that call I want to say that I found my grace through living and caring. Death is not so much a destination as a journey to peace. May the pain fly away and may the love embrace, my friend.
July 15, 2018 at 5:18pm
July 15, 2018 at 5:18pm
Bocci(Bocce) ball is my new favorite game. It is a leisurely and fun family pursuit. We currently have a tournament going, where sad to say my oldest son is champion. He never fails to let us know. We are so anal about the game that we carry tape measures to ensure which ball is nearest to the target ball. It is all in good fun and everyone is up moving and walking. It is fun for all ages. I played against a seventy-five-year-old lady who kicked my butt last summer. Strength is not a major factor in the win. If you are looking for something that makes a good Christmas gift, a Bocci set is relatively inexpensive.
July 14, 2018 at 11:19pm
July 14, 2018 at 11:19pm
Two thumbs up for Ant-Man and The Wasp! Funny and action-packed, it made for a wonderful night out.
July 12, 2018 at 7:27pm
July 12, 2018 at 7:27pm
The bearded man with the stove-pipe hat
Rolls uneasy in his tomb
He hailed from the State of Illinois

Once a great region of Prosperity
Politicians have doused Lincoln's torch
The Land of Lincoln
Is a broken dream
For the descendants of an honest man
His image born on a one-cent coin
The Land of Lincoln now shares its worth
Now stands for
High taxation
Crooked Politicians
Lottery Deficits
Bankrupt State
Swiped Pensions
Rampant Crime
Non-existent Jobs
Dismal healthcare
Fleeing citizens

Damn, I live here too

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