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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #2161749
Just shooting the poop with Lori
He travels the world on the backs of others
Insignificant in his stature and size
His journey carries no mission
Randomly roaming at the will of his host
Sated enough to never question his trek
Life is an open adventure without worry
If the excitement of his dusty trail dulls
Another bus awaits to grant passage
With a furry friend to carry him home
Ah the wonderful life of a flea
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August 9, 2018 at 9:25am
August 9, 2018 at 9:25am
Vacation is a state of mind. The prep before is stressful. Once you get where you are going life can be good if you just wrap your head around it. So I'm on my way to have fun. Wish me luck!
August 7, 2018 at 5:59pm
August 7, 2018 at 5:59pm
I have reached a milestone. My blog has been censored for use of an "i", an "s", and a "d" word. I had also posted a story that I had written for a contest that was a winner. I have since removed all of the offending unmentionables that I could find. I will become a milder and kinder blogger. Sorry for any harm this caused.
August 6, 2018 at 6:48pm
August 6, 2018 at 6:48pm
My World

The Earthen sphere spins upon its axis
A Rudimentary rotation of graceful gravity
A Distinctive orb, God's humble houser of life
Envelope encasing a world of possibility
Beauty envisioned lays a landscape of opportunity
Prayer, a weapon to infantry all evil
Human love, a tool to cocoon misery
Compassion, a baton to combat hatred
Grace, an inspiration for a calm and lasting peace
Empathy, an apparatus bridging to hope
Respect, an implement to extinguish indifference
Unity, a device employed to terminate animosity
Fidelity, an allegiance of trust to trumpet goodwill
Courage, a utensil for carving away fear and ignorance
Faith, that one day all will seek to paint this portrait of beauty
As the earthen sphere spins upon its axis
A global warming of the human spirit is needed now
A portrayal of Eden on earth awaits, we can build it together
August 6, 2018 at 2:21pm
August 6, 2018 at 2:21pm
Tired from a weekend of small-town carnival festivities. Throw in the fact that it is Monday and my lack of motivation is explained. Here's hoping tomorrow is a more productive day. Have a good one folks.
August 5, 2018 at 12:21pm
August 5, 2018 at 12:21pm
It's picnic time in our small city. It is a citywide fair that draws thousands of people from all around. It is accomplished through the hard work of many volunteers. It raises funds for the park's upkeep and citywide beautification. There are tractor pulls and races. Farm animals line the outskirts of the fair in a show of 4-H pageantry. Carnival rides draw the children. Music causes toes to tap. Funnel cakes, cheeseburgers, and beer buckets call you home. It is a quaint invitation to welcome folks to small-town America. Two days of hour-long parades celebrate the German heritage at UND Augustfest. It is our family tradition to enjoy the weekend as well.
August 3, 2018 at 11:37am
August 3, 2018 at 11:37am
I write stories every day. It is fun and cathartic. My inspiration is random. It could be a prompt for a contest, a conversation with a friend, or even a dream. I finish almost all of them but there are some that I fail to meet deadlines on and leave them hanging. The story below is one such item. I know how I was planning on ending it but let me hear your thoughts.

The Eyes Have It

My recurring dream, a face with no eyes, troubled me greatly. The details of the dream were vague as if a haze covered the place of its occurrence. Only the face was clear because of its close proximity to mine. The mouth and nose were masculine in form. The lips were turned downward in a grimace, almost pensive with a slight quiver. The nostrils were flared allowing me to see deep into the caverns of the man’s unsightly membranes. It was a view that I tried to escape by the twisting of my head. My movements were restricted by lightweight straps. My limbs failed to respond normally as if the neurons had been severed with my arms flopping like fish stranded on the beach. The dream conjured up such fear in me, not only for the unknown outcome but for my inability to fight.

There was no rhyme or reason for when the dream occurred. It visited randomly for several years. My first memory of the dream was at age ten, with me waking to mother’s calming voice. Now eleven years later, the dream was part of who I was and fodder for the family jokes. As accustomed as I was to its presence in my life, I couldn’t help but feel that I would see the face with no eyes without the cover of a dream. Illusions of blank peepers on a mask of mystery shaped my destiny.

With each vision, I attempted to learn more about the location and the people present. There were voices but they were distant and ambiguous. They served only to reinforce the male connection to my dream. Delivered by nostril man, I was able to make out one coherent sentence. ”This is harder to do than I thought it would be.” The statement only added to my anxiety, as it failed to clarify my predicament. The dream sequence never allowed me to see beyond the one room or the haze overhead. My sleepiness left me groggy and unable to think. It was always as if I was moving in slow motion.

On Saturday, the day I finally met my dream and the nostril man, I awoke from the dream as usual. There was one small difference. Incredible pains stabbed at my right side causing me to sit upright and vomit on my bedroom floor. I was diaphoretic, as usual. The pain seemed to stretch instantly from my side to the middle of my belly. I could barely stand with the pain so intense. Placing my feet on the floor was all I could muster before doubling over and calling for my mother. She came, as she always does, to tend to me. She immediately decided that I needed to see the doctor. After being examined at the office, I was sent to the local hospital for testing. Doctor Harmon believed my appendix had ruptured and a CAT scan was needed to verify the diagnosis.

We traveled to the hospital by car. I couldn’t decide if my uneasiness was due to the pain or the residue of my dream. Every movement I made seemed familiar like I’d done it all before. Even something as simple as opening the door at the hospital’s entrance stirred a memory. I was escorted to the emergency room. I didn’t have to wait long before Doctor Harmon’s suspicions’ were confirmed

I was prepped for surgery. After signing papers, they scrubbed me, medicated me, and coated my abdomen with orange goo. I could hear the doctor talking to my parents, telling them he had performed hundreds of appendectomies. He walked them through the surgery and warned of possible complications as an afterthought. When he entered the room I was waiting in, he introduced himself as Doctor Jagor. The medication had started to kick in, leaving me groggy. The doctor’s image was hazy but familiar. His voice echoed in my dreams. I tried to scream but nonsensical mumbling came out. The nurse flew to my side to comfort me and telling my parents that the medicines sometimes caused hallucinations.

August 2, 2018 at 12:30pm
August 2, 2018 at 12:30pm
Come on in and sit awhile
Leave some thoughts to make me smile
Tell me a joke or tell me a tale
Share a sip of ginger ale
Toss a snippet from your mind
Leave some wisdom for me to find
Strum a pleasant tune upon your banjo
While browsing my very own portfolio
Leave your name, a claim to fame
Friends, I'll call you, please do the same
Because at writing. com
We're all the "bomb"
Write upon my blarney stone
Think of this blog as close to home
August 1, 2018 at 9:45pm
August 1, 2018 at 9:45pm
We are all in need, of a safe and loving place
Our purpose in this life, to help the human race
Put differences aside, work toward the common cause
For the sake of mankind, we must alter the course
So vital the task, don't let another day pass
Let's rise above the past, find strength to make love last

Wake up! Wake up! The clock is ticking
Wake up! Wake up! The clock is ticking

We must Unite, Keep peace in sight
Shine bright the night, with God's good light

Wake up! Wake up! The clock is ticking
Wake up! Wake up! The clock is ticking

Hold out your hand, come take a stand
Let love prevail, Grace will not fail

Wake up! Wake up! The clock is ticking
Wake up! Wake up! The clock is ticking

Urgent is the need, Let us plant the seed
Can we make a start and open up our heart?

Wake up! Wake up! The clock is ticking
Wake up! Wake up! The clock is ticking

Let's stop the hate. make humanity great
The kindness we await, goodwill we celebrate

Wake up! Wake up! The clock is ticking
Wake up! Wake up! The clock is ticking

Within the hearts of man, lives the hope for peace
Embrace the caring spirit, so all hatred may cease
We must all make the effort, to bring about change
Honor and value all life, in this human exchange
The Time is now, to be the voice for our children
Give this gift, this legacy, can we stand as one?

August 1, 2018 at 9:35pm
August 1, 2018 at 9:35pm
My name is Noble and I am a unicorn. Labeled imaginary, they say I am not real. Gaudy and pink, identified only as a child's fictional character. Glitter gushes, as I dance and prance. Showcased for parties, I am a hallucination of a child's wish. Mythically displayed for celebrations, I am just a figment. Pastel ribbons aplenty adorn my scalp. My spiral spur, believed to be the granter of wishes, is legendary. Flying through the air, as no other maned creature can, I am a fabrication. My castle in the sky is just an illusion. I am the dream of a thousand dreamers. I am the fable built on falsehoods. A creature of fantasy conjured in mystery, my existence is a fraud. Witnessed only in myth, so the story goes, there is more to me than anyone knows.

Strong and powerful, I am a steed. I am the reality. I am the goodness of truth. My soft glimmering mane is the tangible element of my life. The warm steam, that exits my snout, is proof of my presence. Kindness and love are the core of my essence. I survive in the hearts of all mankind and thrive with each good deed completed. I lie behind the smile of all exchanges. My spirit prevails where grace is permitted. I endure where unity abounds. I will remain for all that believe in the power of love. My existence is fact, with no room for fiction.

A child, bright and fair, wished one day upon a star. The sadness of the heart, her malady was clear. Worry lined her brow, as her future seemed unknown.

She was heard to say in a childish song,” Please unicorn, creator of dreams, come to me. Make this world a better place to be. Please grant to me, this most important of Birthday wishes.”

In swooped the unicorn, all shiny and bright, dancing with magic to the child’s delight.

“On this day, I grant your wish, for the love you will know, forever more. It is not a gift for you alone. Tasked you are to spread the love: share it wisely with others you meet. It takes the heart of a child to bring kindness about. It will grow and abound with each person you gift. In your heart lives the possibility of a better world. “

This small child grew to be a loving and caring person. Through one person at a time and one act of kindness at a time, she makes our world better.

August 1, 2018 at 9:40am
August 1, 2018 at 9:40am
So first let me say, that I would never trade my teenage son for anything in the world. And then there are days.....
days that bring yourself to question your parenting through the years. Is the laziness of your child a reflection of the parent's erring deeds? Is the sleeping until noon with the parent screaming to make them descend from the cozy warm loft an effort in futility? Is asking the child to see the same mess that we see and randomly do something about it a lost dream? Is automatically asking the child to know that the dog's legs are crossed for a reason and are barking at the door to ask the child to know to take them outdoors? These are the many points a parent must ponder before letting one swift kick in the rear to travel.

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