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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #2161749
Just shooting the poop with Lori
He travels the world on the backs of others
Insignificant in his stature and size
His journey carries no mission
Randomly roaming at the will of his host
Sated enough to never question his trek
Life is an open adventure without worry
If the excitement of his dusty trail dulls
Another bus awaits to grant passage
With a furry friend to carry him home
Ah the wonderful life of a flea
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July 11, 2018 at 6:30pm
July 11, 2018 at 6:30pm
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July 10, 2018 at 4:02pm
July 10, 2018 at 4:02pm

We are all given by God a special space in time. It is the gift of existence upon this earth. Within this space are multiple threads of varying color that stretch endlessly into the spaces of other people. A few of these very colorful threads are woven tightly with the spaces of time of our loved ones, people that we consider family or close friends. Each individual thread carries the vibration of every thought, every action, every reaction, every word, or every prayer into the space or the lives of the other. It is with this thread that we impact the hearts, the souls, and the spaces of time of the people we encounter.

There are threads, not quite as vibrant in color, that stretch into the God-given space in time of people that we know well but may not interact with daily. These are the people in our lives that we care about and consider part of our larger family. They are the people that we work with each day or the kid seated next to us in a class. The may be part of the sports team to which we belong or the family that sits behind you each Sunday at mass. These threads woven slightly freer are still strong and powerful with impact. Each thread carries a vibration whether good or bad into the space of others.

The pastel shades of our threads represent the acquaintances in our lives. They are the people that we smile as we pass each day. They are the person that we held the door open for or the person whose hand we held during prayer this morning. They are the clerk at the local McDonalds who we were curt with because our food wasn’t done as quickly as we thought it should have been. They are the driver that we cut off in traffic. That single thread resonates its vibration into the lives and spaces of many other people.
There are threads that even represent our enemies. Even these threads add or delete the value of our God-given space in time. It is our use of this thread that empowers and calls us to create a better and more beautiful space.

God has given us all this special gift and as with any gift, it is our choice as to how we use it. God would call it a good day if we use the threads within our space to reach out to another. It is a good day if you have gone out of your way to make someone else’s space better and gone out of your way not to hurt the space of another. And, if in doing this our threads follow the path that he has set before us, we have used our gifts wisely. May God bless your space in time and may all of your threads be rich, strong, and vibrant. Make today a good day, resonate with the goodness of God.

July 9, 2018 at 2:47pm
July 9, 2018 at 2:47pm
Oh, Happy Day! Okay, it's an okay sort of day but much better to look at the day with optimism. I could list all of my woes, troubles, aches, and pains but it would lead to a litany of miserable unfounded complaints. If I smile the bad is replaced by the good that awaits. Here is the perfect example. When I got out of bed, my back was all stiff and sore. It seemed like ten minutes before the muscles relaxed and the ache flew away allowing me to feel like a human again. During that time I was greeted by two dogs, Dimitri and Vladimir, enthusiastic and energized about seeing me. They didn't care whether I moved slowly with my muscle aches. They were just joyous in the day to greet me. I hadn't even made it ten feet before they had me laughing with their antics. It is a good way to start the day. It makes me extremely glad that I rescued these pups because their love makes every day a happy day!
July 7, 2018 at 3:14pm
July 7, 2018 at 3:14pm
Give a shout out for Saturday
Hooray, hoorah I get to play
I’m awake while the sun is shining
Just for once it's perfect timing
To explore the treats of summer
My pasty skin an obvious newcomer
That greets the sweet golden rays
Virgin flesh meets hot sweaty days
But I will partake, make no mistake
It’s Saturday for heaven sake
July 7, 2018 at 2:54pm
July 7, 2018 at 2:54pm
Fart Party

Marvin yelled, “Let’s get the party started”
He walked into the room and then he farted
The room exploded with a turbulent gas
Marvin passed from the cheeks of his ass
To the detriment of all his neighbors
That caught a whiff of the smelly vapors
Filling the air with the scent of feces
When Marvin squeezed out the proverbial cheeses
Nothing mild about this juicy toot
Marvin unknowingly crapped in his boot
Leaving behind molten lava soft and creamy
With bits of corn and feral salami
While standing there in his party suit
Holding his own literal crapshoot
Obnoxious odors ferreted the wind as he expelled
Marvin’s flatulence was unparalleled
All conversations were quickly quelled
As the partygoers sniffed and smelled
“Who invited him?” they all gave a shriek
Such foul fumes made them all freak
Away Marvin and his menacing farts sneaked
With his boxer shorts now brown and streaked

Line Count 22
July 6, 2018 at 10:44am
July 6, 2018 at 10:44am
Vladimir, our puppy, is 5 months old. We were told that we would notice signs that he was mature enough to schedule the whack-a-mole surgery. This usually is a naturally occurring event around six months of age. Certain items grow more noticeable and behaviors are initiated. I made the appointment based on the fact that Dimitri, our two-year-old lab, ran from the room whining after having his face humped. Sorry, Vlad. IT'S GO TIME!
July 4, 2018 at 3:29pm
July 4, 2018 at 3:29pm
As we celebrate the independence of our country, do not forget to celebrate the dependence on one another. We are linked to each other through humanity and brotherhood. A minuscule universe with a myriad of opportunities to help each other on our travels. As the bottle rocket flies and the firecrackers pop, remember to cheer the family of man. Together, we are the composition of stars and stripes to be honored on this day. Happy Fourth of July
July 2, 2018 at 12:42pm
July 2, 2018 at 12:42pm
Waking a teenager up on a Monday during summer is an effort in futility. The water hose is coming out soon.
July 1, 2018 at 6:17pm
July 1, 2018 at 6:17pm
A toast to the Low Census experience in the life of a hospital employee. They are the rare prize in the healthcare crackerjack box.
July 1, 2018 at 6:13pm
July 1, 2018 at 6:13pm

She called to me, as if straight out of a dream. She beckoned to me from the sea. Her endless calling to me in the night was a siren for my soul. I could not sleep. My thoughts were consumed by a rendezvous with a woman I had never met. Seraphin, so lyrical her name, she whispered to me in song. Her name danced on my lips with each mundane task I completed throughout my day. There was no doubt fate would lead me to her. To my glorious sea witch, I had already pledged my heart. In my travels to meet her, I would carry my soul. It was all that she desired.

In the early morning hours, I woke knowing it was time. Even the sea, itself was calling.
I packed my gear, unsure of the length of my journey. I questioned each item placed in my bag. It seemed unlikely underwear would be considered a necessity in the depths of the ocean. I knew this trip made no sense but no other choice was left to me. The power of the sea witch had rendered me weak.

I bid my wife farewell. I kissed her with a passion long since gone. The kiss was meant to last a lifetime. Lies fell from my lips as I talked about the purpose of my journey. The truth seemed hurtful. Claudia had been a good and sturdy mate. She provided me, three fine sons, to carry on my name. Yes, I felt love for the woman but it could not compare to the ecstasy of new love. I think Claudia felt my deceit but knew the battle was unwinnable.

I walked to the docks and boarded my sea craft. It was an old fishing tub that had kept my family fed through the years. I readied the vessel to withstand the torrents of the sea. I danced on the deck feeling the excitement of a new life awaiting me. Looking to the harbor, I could feel the sea witch pulling me home. I felt no need to look behind me for that was yesterday. Tomorrow was in front of me.

The water's waves were wicked and strong. It took all my strength to steady the boat.
I withstood storms of incredible magnitude. My journey stretched for days with the sun's heat blistering my skin. At night, I logged a journal of my trip for my family. I hoped to somehow explain my actions. Delivering the news in this manner labeled me a coward. My words were easier written than spoken. Unsure of my exact destination, I left the waves to steer the ship. Destiny would guide me to the sea witch. Seraphin awaited me.

After two weeks on the sea, I spotted a large colorful rock sticking up over the water. I hoped my destiny with Seraphina was near. I pulled my little ship to the side of the boulder eager to meet my sea witch. Sitting on top of the rock perched a large serpent of green and gold. Its forked tongue flicked at me as I approached. The eyes bright yellow stared flaming daggers in my direction. The asp seemed familiar but I could not pinpoint the memory.

The reptile spoke to me in a dark and deep voice, "It is I, Claudia the sea witch you willingly threw away. I brought you here to test your love If you would have believed in me you would have known me to be your true Seraphina."

The asp reared back biting me in the neck and injected her poison. I pushed the boat away from the rock causing me to float farther into the ocean. I penned my story as I waited for the poison to deliver my death. My Claudia had dealt the fatal blow.

If you are reading my journal, please know that true love is often right in front of you.

Word Count 654

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