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Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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August 4, 2016 at 9:39am
August 4, 2016 at 9:39am
30-Day Blogging Challenge August 2016.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

DAY 3 Itinerary - Aug 3rd

Today we are going to visit the UNESCO-listed cities of Segovia and Avila. They are only a day trip from Madrid. The tour is approximately 9 hours. We travelled by air-conditioned coach so our feet can take a break and we can rest... though I don't want to miss anything. We go back in time and see picturesque old towns with 11th century walls.
First we headed to Avila. It is the capital of the Spanish province of the same name; a city in the rolling hill country northwest of Madrid. It’s best known for its intact medieval walls, with 80-plus crenelated, semicircular towers and 9 gates, including the arched AlcΓ‘zar, on the eastern side. Long sections atop the walls are walkable. At night, the lighted walls are a distinctive sight. Now that would be a treat to see!
On route, we got to hear tales of this beautifully preserved medieval city. It was an important pilgrimage site for being the birthplace of the Spanish mystic, Saint Teresa, in the 16th century. We stopped at the viewpoint of the Four Posts (Cuatro Postes) to marvel at the views of the protected, old walled city. It was like going back in time as we admired the 11th-century walls and towers. Inside we explored two of the town’s most impressive Romanesque and Gothic churches. Take in the fortress design and alabaster chapels of Avila Cathedral, and visit the Basilica of St Vincent, a sublime Romanesque church that houses the richly engraved tomb of the martyred saint.

View from Segovia Alcazarhttps://www.viator.com/photos/Madrid-tours/Avila-and-Segovia-Day-Trip-from-Madri...

We then continued on to Segovia, a history-steeped city with Roman roots, set between the Eresma and Clamores rivers. In the center of it all we went to admire the two-tiered Roman aqueduct, one of the best preserved ancient monuments in all Spain. It truly is an engineering marvel - constructed without mortar during the 1st century AD, and consists of 166 arches and 120 pillars. The Romans built this long stretch of aqueduct to get water from the mountains down to the city. This is purely made of uncemented limestones. Quite the architectural endeavour.

The famed aqueduct built by the Romans in Segovia

Then, we were off to the Alcazar, a spectacular 11th-century fortress-palace that was one of the inspirations behind the Walt Disney Cinderella castle. We took a guided tour of the 13th-century building as you hear how it served as a royal palace, prison and artillery college. It was definitely a highlight. All those turrets and courtyards. Apparently, Queen Isabella was crowned there in 1474. 

And the lovely Segovia Alcazar.... the views were amazing.
The view from Segovia Alcazar

From there we went on to see the Segovia Cathedral. The last Gothic cathedral to be built in Spain, this splendid church was finished in the 18th century and boasts a richly Gothic façade and unusually simple interior.

Here is one of the beautiful cathedrals we toured.
The Segovia Cathedral up close. Pictures not allowed inside, but it is absolutely beautiful.

I had decided to forgo the prepared lunches, in favour of going it on my own... hoping to sample the local area and put my money into the local economy instead of the hands of the tour guides. There was time to explore on our own and I enjoyed taking the time to walk and stop to write in a few of the nooks and crannies.

Today was well worth the trip, but I nodded off on the bus ride home and had to be nudged awake so that I could make it back to the hostel. Tomorrow is supposed to be an even earlier start and though I long to take in some of Madrid's cafes that stay open until 2:30 in the morning... I know I just can't do it and be ready for another day of exploration. Sure I could sleep on the three hour trip to Barcelona, but do I really want to? No. I would miss to much in the light of day.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 878

Prompt: What are some of your favourite blog entries you have written? I want to hear about them.

Right off the top I would have to say my August adventures with the 30 Day Blogging Challenge – virtual trips, camping and now Europe. How great is that. I have also enjoyed the ones I have done that chose a piece of music for each day.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 28 –Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe: Friends Request
"Tell me how your friends are and I will tell you who you are." - John Mason

The company we keep will either propel us forward and lift us up or it will suppress or destroy you, Preston writes. I have had toxic relationships I have had to let go of because the negativity was too much... I did not want to get dragged down. Letting go was hard, but it was the right thing to do. They were not going to change and I wanted something more for myself. Having grown up with a depressed mother, I find I am sensitive to negativity and try to stay away from it. Even today, I find if my mother is having one of those darker days I will try to help her out of it - much like I tried as a child, but I only do it for so long. Now I know if she is stuck there, it is better for me to do something away from her and stay out of the negativity.

Preston says it is important to "take inventory of what we want out of life and see if the people we spend mosto of our time with match up with that." You need to be brave enough to separate yourself from those who hold you back and surround yourself with those who will challenge your thinking and encourage you to be more... to reach for your potential.
You don't need to necessarily get rid of those friends completely, but acknowledge that they drain you when you are around them and limit the contact.

Preston says "steer clear of small thinkers with small plans and upgrade you group of friends to people who share a similar vision of the world. Surround yourself with people who thing big and put action behind their thoughts. These are the people that will support your highest growth and challenge you to step further into what's possible for your life."
You may have to go out into the world to find them.... use the internet if you need too.... finding Writing.com is where I have found like-minded people. I feel at home here, loved and encouraged to reach for my dreams. WDC is my tribe and I appreciate everything about the people I have met here. Preston says to find those people and appreciate them... you can't put a price on a good friend.

Make a list of 5 people you spend the most time with.
Write 3 things for each person that come to mind - she's supportive, she's augmentative...
Do you feel elevated or brought down after spending time with them?
Now make a list of the 5 qualities you like your friends to have.

August 2, 2016 at 3:57pm
August 2, 2016 at 3:57pm
30-Day Blogging Challenge August 2016.

30 Day Blogging Challenge - Virtual Trip To Europe

Day 2 Madrid Itinerary and prompt
Talk about what you've seen, what you liked and what you've eaten. Happy Blogging!

Aug 2nd-- Madrid, Spain
Our first day of travelling. We arrive in Spain. I will admit is not on my wish list of places to go, but the city is beautiful and my research has changed my mind. I am eager to see the sights and sample the food.

We get to the hotel without too much fuss. It is certainly good to be travelling with a few people I have come to know as good friends... and the new ones are interesting... this trip will certainly be a highlight of my summer.

We are staying at a hostel. My first time. I am given a bed and locker and am pleased to see that it is clean and comfortable. I stash my huge backpack and grab my daypack. It is filled with those necessary items that I cannot do without.


We arrived at 9 am. With things put away and settled in we find a spot for breakfast. Lyn suggests a light one, but with all the walking we will be doing I think I am going to need some good sustenance - just nothing that will slow me down. I am eager to try the coffee and see if the Spainish can make a good cup. I am sure I won't be disappointed.

Our first tour begins tour at 11:00am. We are to go to the Museo Del Prado. I am not a huge fan of art museums, but I am open to the experience... and taking in the sights I feel a little overwhelmed at the bounty before me. This is a feast for the senses. My eyes take in everything from the well renowned artists as well as the people and their reactions. My ears ring with the hum and buzz that filters along the passages of the place. The sound is reverent. An electric energy pulses through the place. I find myself getting caught up in the place.
I find the Bosch exhibit a bit disconcerting.... drawn in and kept off balance. Here is a clip of some people's thoughts...

The statues interest me. Solidity and Beauty by Miquel Blay is also on exhibit. Beautiful.

Here is the museum's website:

By the time we leave, I am under the spell held by time. Inspiration covers me like a mist.... but there is no time to stop. I jot a few precious notes for later then hurry to catch up with my group. It is almost two and we need to feast before heading on to the Segway tour. This, I am looking forward to... a sped up version of seeing the city. I just hope we can stop long enough to take pictures... and I also hope I can manage the Segway and not topple off.

At 3:00pm we gather for the segway tour and break into our groups - only 10 people in each to keep things small. I have opted for the 2.5 hour tour... I don't want to miss anything, besides I am still high on the sights from the museum and am not the least bit tired.
After our initial lesson on how to maneuver the Segway we head out. We seem to float through the city - stopping to enjoy the sights of the Royal Palace, Plaza de Mayor and the Templo de Debod - all while listening to an entertaining and educational commentary from our expert guide.
Had we walked everywhere I am almost certain I would be done. It is just after 5:30 when we surrender our Segways and return to walking.... the experience takes a bit of transition time and someone suggests an outdoor patio for drinks and a light snack. Nobody wants to spoil our dinner, but we need sustenance. It is also an opportunity to write down my thoughts and memories of the day so far.

I decide to head back to the hostel and freshen up before going to dinner. We are doing a Dinner Tour Madrid Authentic Tapas and History. It starts at 7 pm.

We meet our guide at a designated spot. Walking along the streets of the city as night begins to fall, seems intimate in a way. There is romance in the air and it kisses our cheeks as we pass on our way. We start at one of the best known markets in the city center and then head off to five stops at authentic local bars and restaurants where we sample the exotic local flavors of several tapas with wine or other drinks. The experience is magical and the company devine. All of us are fresh with excitement and eager to partake in all Madrid has to offer. I listen to stories of my friends and tell my own. It is a wonder that even though we have all seen similar things we all bring our own experience to it. That is part of the pleasure I derive from this experience.
This three and a half hour adventure with a Madrid-born connoisseur as guide, gives us a quick, authentic insight into Spanish culture, history, and gastronomic tradition. The food and drink lets us all forget our tired toes or any contemplation of jet lag. I enjoy getting to know more about tapas and my travelling companions.

We sample Iberian ham, paella, local cheese, and a lot more delicious favorites with a selection of red and white wines, beer, or soft drinks. I choose to indulge in the wines. I don't usually drink much, but I find the food and walking keep me from feeling too much of the alcoholic buzz. I also take note of any hints and tips from our guide. I am sure Lyn's a Witchy Woman is doing the same.

I have been to a tapas style restaurant before here in my own town – I loved it. Tasting a variety of foods without filling up on anything specifically – it is a lovely way to enjoy the food and spend time with your friends.

By the time our tour is complete, I am ready to find my bed and turn in for the night. Some of the others are eager to take in more of the nightlife and I am tempted, but I know tomorrow will be just as fabulous so I stick to my guns and head back to the hostel.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City - Day 877

Prompt: Which do you enjoy more, reading about the lives of characters in fiction or non-fiction? Do you enjoy reading a book or a series of books that cover the entire lifespan of the main character or do you rather prefer only one or two impressive stories within a life?

I am definitely into characters. I do enjoy books that follow a group of friends and you get glimpses of the character as another character is highlighted. Jill Shalvis does this well in her various series of contemporary romance novels.

I am also okay with a story that delves into a single character at a moment in time... though I will admit I like to read books that are spin offs of the original - for instance, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice has got many variations and spin offs. I like the various versions - some are better than others.

I have read autobiographies.... but those tend to be focused on people who have spent time in Paris, France. Hemingway's Moveable Feast, Callaghan's That Summer In Paris. The books play over historical time periods, but the city and its history play an important role.

Overall, I will say I am drawn to character and remain open to anything so long as they have a compelling story to tell.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 27 – The Family Plan: How To Navigate Family
"They say you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. They also say that life doesn't give you the people you want, but it gives you the people you need."

Family can be challenging. These are people you have known a long time, people that know more than any other... seen you at your worst and your best and all the points in between. The thing to remember is "they are there to help you grow". Anything done in the past, is just that; the past. Anything done right now in this very moment is what counts. Preston Smiles advises to "see people in the NOW and give them a chance to show up differently."

I have been blessed with a great family. Sure there have been ups and downs, but we can't change the past... we can let it go and remember that they were operating from a place of doing the best they could with the resources they had. My parents separation had nothing to do with me.... I have had to learn that. I have had to remember people are not perfect. They are doing the best they can. Learning those lessons went a long way to healing past hurts and I now hold my mother in a higher place and admire what she went through - now that I am older I know more of the story and I am grateful for her love and for her keeping the ugly details away from my young life. She never once said a bad thing about my father.... she did not get bitter... she did succumb to depression, but in time she has sot help in that area and blossomed.

Smiles writes, "The only thing that matters is love." He goes on to say, the "key is to be proactive about it so we don't miss our opportunity to heal what needs to be healed." Don't let things fester, deal with them and move on... towards that love and healing.

Next time someone triggers something, ask yourself: What am I committed to creating here? What would this look like if I didn't take it personally? And what story do I have running that is no longer serving me?

August 1, 2016 at 10:59pm
August 1, 2016 at 10:59pm
Blog City – Day 876

Prompt: Right now I am looking up at the ceiling; when outside, I look up at the sky, the clouds, and the tops of trees. Do you ever look up, and what does looking up mean to you?

When I was a child I tended to watch people's feet to see where they were. I followed my parents like that. I did not realize I looked down at the ground so much until one day, while walking home from grade 7 ( I think) I glanced up and took in my surroundings. I stopped. I was amazed at all the world around me that I had been missing. I also realized I was able to keep walking and not trip as I moved forward. From that day on, I made sure to keep my head up; to look around at the world around me instead of the few feet on the ground before me.

I also love to step outside and just look up. I love looking at the stars and have see the Northern Lights play their colours across the sky. There is nothing so soothing as stopping to watch the night sky and all its wonder.

Looking up into trees and foliage is also soothing. There is a lushness looking at nature. God's handiwork is in every bud, leaf, insect and plant. It puts life into perspective. A chance to step out of the usual mode of movement and take a look... a real look at what is around you.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 26 –Mastering Time
"There's never enough of it, it's always one step ahead, and you feel like if you had more of it, your life would be better.... time."

We all have the same twenty four hour day... but some people seem to play with time more gracefully than others. It is completely up to us how to spend our time. Fritter it away... or make it mean something. Your choice. It should be viewed as a tool - something that must be utilized minute by minute. Once we use it we can never get it back.

To have an extraordinary life you must make conscious decisions about its use: How do you want to use it? Whom do you want to spend it with? What do you want to create in your minutes or hours of each day? Each decision costs us time. It is a precious resource.
We must be vigilant about the habits we develop over time.

According to Preston Smiles, the "key to becoming masterful with time is to prioritize what's important first and then schedule in what you value so that you can manage it." I find that when we are getting ready for Nanowrimo we are asked to take a look at how we use our time so that we can carve out time to write 50,000 words of a novel in one month. It is doable.... what needs to be cut are the things that waste our time. I find I cut back on TV viewing and close out my Facebook window so that I am not tempted to go on and surf mindlessly. Those two things alone open up a wealth of time I can use for writing.

Make a plan for your day tomorrow.
What will you feel amazing about accomplishing by the end of tomorrow?
Whatever is important to YOU, schedule it and make it happen.

July 31, 2016 at 1:39pm
July 31, 2016 at 1:39pm
30-Day Blogging Challenge August 2016.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

August Backpacking across Europe/ Hostels

We land in Madrid on August 2nd. We are going to all meet up at Las-Musas, a hostel in Madrid. We stay there until Aug. 4th. I have never been to Spain... heck, I've never been to Europe... I am so excited about this trip I can barely contain myself. We are also going to Barcelona, then Montpelier, Monaco, Florence, Venice, Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Paris ending in London. I am so looking forward to Paris. I am definitely going to the English bookstore, Shakespeare and Company - does it still let writers sleep within the shop? That would be a dream come true. I just finished reading The Time Was Soft There - Jeremy Mercer's autobiography of his stay in Paris and his time at the bookshop. It is also a minor biography of the owner, George Whitman - the father of the current owner Sylvia Beach Whitman (after the original owner of the first Shakespeare and Company Bookshop). It was an excellent read. I would highly recommend it.

We get to take the red-eye back home on the 30th of the month - where reality again recommences.

Lyn, our (self professed) crazy travel agent, has us doing things in each city. We get to travel by train to each location. We get to stay in hostels, except for one splurge in Paris where we are staying at a hotel. I have never stayed in a hostel, but I am so eager for the experience. Not sure about the hotel in Paris.... I may see about getting a spot at the bookshop... as I mentioned above....

Our first assignment, as any good trip will entail is packing my backpack and familiarizing myself with staying at hostels. Since I have never done this before I will be doing some heavy research over the next few days. I think they will be communal places to stay.... full of eager travellers who want to see as much as possible without the added expense of a hotel. Less formal, more nomadic, and carefree. I have never traveled in Europe before... my aunt and uncle went after they got married... but that was 44 years ago - their honeymoon. My friend is going next week with her husband and her youngest (a 17 year old). They are planning on backpacking. They backpacked through Germany last year... so she will have some good first hand knowledge... I am looking forward to hearing about her travels when she gets back. As far as what I hope to explore - Paris is my gem... I want to visit that bookshop and walk the streets that Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Callaghan did back in the twenties. I want to sit in cafes and savour life there... write and soak it all in. I am open to anything in the other places. Bring it on, Lyn.

Packing my backpack... first I need a new one. One with lots of pockets to hold my stuff. Anything big I buy, I can always ship home. Comfortable clothes are a must.... not too many, as there are laundry facilities at the hostels. A least one easy, casual dress and the rest t-shirts, shorts and one long pair of pants. All clothes can be mix matched so I don't have excess things. My laptop will have to fit in and a blank notebook for sketching and writing particularly when electricity or WiFi is minimal or non-existent. A good guide book - with any must-see highlights listed or marked with post-its. My camera and chargers... chargers for my phone as well because I don't plan on leaving it behind. My friend took her ipad mini to do a lot of things, but I need more than that and my Surface gives me a lot of options. Comfortable walking shoes and socks... and a pair of sandals that are also good for walking and waterproof so that I don't have to worry about getting my feet wet.

A rain coat that doubles as my jacket... so I need a breathable one. My bathing suit and a towel. My toiletries... toothbrush and paste, washcloth, moisturizer, sun block (30 or 45), deodorant, mascara. I may toss in some advil and Pepto Bismol just in case.... anything else I can buy. Think 'm good to go!

One first one is in Madrid:

Border for my personal use.

Blog City

NP today as it is Sunday so there is no official prompt... only my Love Louder blog.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 25 –Mediation
"If you don't go within, you'll go without." - Neal Donald Walsh (From: Conversations With God)

Preston Smiles writes that mediation is "not reserved just for Buddhist monks or the 'spiritual types'. It's a practice any f us can do, no matter where we are or what we believe. It's not just about tapping into something deeper within ourselves; the practice of mediation has an insane number of health benefits" aside from feeling more grounded and calm, you will experience insights, and feel less stress and have a stronger immune system.

There is no right or wrong way to mediate. There is no set amount of time or any rules to follow. All that matters is that you begin. Preston says it is not what you do with your body, it's all about the mind. I am figuring you can sit quietly, but you can also stand on your head... or take a walk in nature. Julia Cameron is a strong supporter of daily walks intending to get in touch with your inner mind. I say, start with what works for you.

Your sit calmly with your mind and let whatever passes through... and let it pass. it may feel uncomfortable at first... but over time it will become normal and stillness will come.

Set aside 5 or 10 minutes, find a quiet place and go within.
Begin wherever you are and know that consist practice builds over time. It just takes commitment and persistence.

July 31, 2016 at 10:54am
July 31, 2016 at 10:54am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

Last Creation Saturday, you guys!
How relieved are you to not have to do the "30-Day Blogging Challenge" or get these prompts anymore? Don't be shy.

I actually like getting daily prompts. It helps to get my focused and thinking beyond where I am at the moment. I have enjoyed the month... though at times things got a little busy... holidays at the beach and all... I did come home to work with my client. The cottage we rented was only and hour and a quarter from home and since my client is autistic and his mother has MS, I was not inclined to take a break from working with him... besides he is gone to camp himself for the next week and then time with his father. I have a two week hiatus.

What I am really looking forward to is virtual camping next month with everyone from the 30 Day Blogging Challenge. I hope some of you are up for it because it is so going to be a blast.... Europe!

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 874

What's the difference between emotion versus feeling? How do you write the subtle differences on the page?

Hmmmmmm. As far as definitions go...according to the Oxford dictionary: an emotion is: a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others; instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge. A feeling has a few more aspects - an emotional state or reaction; the emotional side of someone’s character; emotional responses or tendencies to respond; Strong emotion; a belief, especially a vague or irrational one; an opinion, typically one shared by several people; the capacity to experience the sense of touch; the sensation of touching or being touched by a particular thing; a sensitivity to or intuitive understanding of.
So what does all that mean exactly..... I have a feeling I am feeling overly emotional right now and need to go lay down.....

July 29, 2016 at 10:08pm
July 29, 2016 at 10:08pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

Fun Fact Friday!
On this day in 1773, the first schoolhouse to be located west of the Allegheny Mountains was built in Schoenbrunn, Ohio. What's one of your fondest memories from the early days of your schooling?

Fondest days of school... hummmm. I loved school. I loved the structure and the predictability. I loved the learning.... individual study, not group work - I hated having to work in a group. I was not a great student, but I got by. I was shy and quiet, so oral participation was limited for me. I preferred math as a child - one correct answer.
I enjoyed writing as a child, but not necessarily in school - there was too much structure and expectation in the language program then... but in my own stories I wrote at home.... I revelled.
My childhood was not stellar and I was not an overly social pumpkin. I preferred time to myself. I also preferred adult company to children my own age - I thought them silly and rather stupid. They thought me odd and I was often teased. Being an only child, I did not take that too well. I was also a serious child. I have gotten more child-like as I have grown. The troubles of my childhood have faded to memories - I no longer need to be surrounded by my parents separation or childhood teasing or inappropriate touching from a male babysitter. I am an adult now and can put those memories in their place.... my past, where stories can germinate. My past made me who I am....
My better school memories are from high school when I began hanging out with my friend Debbie. She and her family were kind and I was able to come out of my own shell. After my father's death, from cancer the year I moved to southern Ontario (1979), I pulled into myself even further. Debbie and my decision to take an acting class in grade ten were my turning points. Debbie was in my class. She was new to my school and for the first time I was not surrounded by honour role students - Debbie was fun, but in a way that didn't stress out my conservative side. She helped me find my confidence. She never asked me to do anything I didn't want to do and she was open to doing what I wanted.... I stayed at her house one weekday night and when she asked what we should do. I said, "our homework" she thought that was an okay thing to do. Debbie rarely did her homework and found the experience new... I helped her with her English essay which she would usually have written in the morning after the school bell rang - she would skip class to go write it. That was the only paper she got an A on.
We had a lot of adventures. Debbie and I have been friends since my grade 10 year.... and that was.... almost 35 years ago (September 1983, I think)!
I am one of those people that may not have a lot of close friends, but the ones I have, I have had for a long time. One girl, I jokingly say I have known her since her birth - she was my next door neighbour. Another I have known since kindergarten. My best friends... well, one is Debbie and the other I met when I was nine and she was seven - 40 years ago! That sounds scary, but it is a blessing. Another I met in a boring university economics class... an elective we took. We were also both studying Sociology so we did a lot of projects and studying together.
Of my close friends, three of us are teachers. Great minds think alike. We all want to make the world a better place and teaching is our vocation.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City - Day 873

What's the best way to help someone when they are having a crisis? Your input matters. Is it more important to pitch right in, or better to offer solutions and let them resolve it their own way. Where do you draw the line at meddling.

Being there for the person is paramount. How you give them your support is dependent on your relationship and what they need. Sometimes just sitting with the person is enough to let them know they are not alone. Listening to them when they are ready to talk is also helpful. I don't think it is helpful to give advise unless they ask for it. I also think it is important to keep yourself out of the equation as far as telling them how you managed in a similar situation. This is about them, not you...
I recently read an article about this topic... I need to see if I can find it.

This might be it:

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 24 - Let It Flow: Harnessing The Power Of Breathing
"Our breath, when done properly, is incredibly restorative. It can rid us of worries and tensions and bring us back to our true nature, which is love. Conscious deep breathing is the key to amplifying physical, emotional and, spiritual well-being - softening, opening, and creating more space for love."

When we stress we forget to breath. We tense up and take shallow little gulps of air... barely enough to sustain us. According to Preston Smiles, "breathing fully is our birthright". Our hectic lives constrict our breathing and has us running on fumes, he writes.

We must consciously take the time to breathe. No matter how stressful the situation, we must remember to breathe deeply and consciously so that our system is not strained or "leaving us feeling exhausted and depleted."

"Breath is there to remind you to come back to your center, ground yourself, and take a moment to gain perspective on what's actually happening. It's like a reset button, ready to restore us back to our default setting."

Place one hand on your lower belly and take a slow, deep breath through your mouth, noticing your abdomen expanding as you inhale.
Then as you exhale, blow out through your mouth again and feel your stomach contract.
Do this 3 to 5 times a day to get into the habit of conscious breathing.

July 29, 2016 at 9:47am
July 29, 2016 at 9:47am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

Wildcard Thursday! Today's winner via Virtual Dice from all eligible entries wins 5000 GPs! Bullying. Is there a place for it, and if so, why?

There is no place for bullying. Bullying makes us small and brings out insecurities and lessens both the people involved. The bully is usually acting from a place of their own insecurities and littleness. They feel bigger going at the weaknesses, or what they percieve as weaknesses, in others. They have also been bullied themselves and are trying to find an outlet for their pain. For the one bullied, they are threatened and made to feel less and weak and inferior. They are made to feel like what and who they are does not matter... and some are pushed to the breaking point and commit suicide. Our world does not need this viperous hate. It can be subtle of overt, but in either case it pulls apart all involved.
July 28, 2016 at 9:24am
July 28, 2016 at 9:24am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

War Chest Wednesday! From a previous challenger...
If you were the wind, what type of wind would you be?

A gentle summer breeze. Refreshing and reassuring on a blisteringly hot day. A reminder that you will not melt and you can survive the day. My breeze soothes and calms the testy nerves the heat and humidity awakens. It reminds us to slow down and appreciate the little things as it mops your brow and alleviates the brashness of the weather. A am always welcome and appreciated.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 871

Prompt: "Youth is, after all just a moment but it is the moment, the spark that you always carry in your heart." Raisa Gorbachey Do you agree? Write about this.

I would have to agree. The memories of youth are often held dear; looked back on fondly. They tell our story; our beginning. They lay the foundation for where we venture forth. Not all of us have an easy childhood, but whatever happens during our formative years colours our life and points us in a direction of our path. Some wrestle with the ghosts and shadows of their past, they either follow what they have learned or they fight to change their circumstances. Others may come from blessed childhoods and seek to reinvent what they knew from their past. Still others come from favour and fall, lost along the way of life where their youth was hazy due to their own poor choices. It is a moment of our lives that all of us pass through and remember.... those moments are carried in the heart regardless of their pain or poignancy.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 23 – Just Say No

"Just because you're not busy doesn't mean you're available."
"If you're doing things that you don't want to do out of a feeling of obligation, then saying yes to someone actually means you're saying no to yourself.... Learning to say no is about setting healthy boundaries, committing to your needs and desires and owning your life."

This does not mean we are being selfish and rude. It's about making a commitment to your own priorities in a way that allows you to put more energy into what's most important in your life. It's about "deciding what matters the most and having the audacity, from a place of love, to unapologetically say no." It is about self care and sanity. It is about stopping overburdening ourselves to things that really don't matter and concentrating on doing those things that will energize and propel us forward in our lives.

Taking the time to explore "what you stand for, what burns deep in your gut, and who you choose to be on a daily basis will serve as you internal compass as you negotiate the world." Just remember, every time you say yes to someone else or to something that you don't truly want to do, you say no to yourself and your priorities."

Preston also writes that it is okay to say no even after you have already said yes. "You can always negotiate your agreements with integrity while finding solutions that work for everyone." He adds that you will only "end up with bitterness if you agree to everything out of obligation or fear.... it's much more powerful to make a decision that feels right in your heart than to follow through with a decision just because you think you should."

Three big questions to find your big YES.

1. What most excites you about life?

2. What is one project, person, or activity that you wish you had more time for?

3. When I'm _________. I feel alive and on purpose.

Answer these questions and immediately begin to say no to everything that doesn't align with your answers. The point of this is to stay loving and authentic You are to let go of the need to over explain or defend your decisions.
Possible things to say:
"This doesn't feel right for me at this moment." This is a valid reason.
"Thank you for thinking of me, but because I am committed to ________ I'll have to decline." This allows you to decline while reaffirming you own commitments.
The more you do this... the easier it will become.

I am going to need to think some more about these questions.

July 27, 2016 at 10:38am
July 27, 2016 at 10:38am
30 Day Blogging Challenge – July 25

Motivational Monday!
Sophia Petrillo once said, "I always wondered why blessings wore disguises. If I were a blessing, I'd run around naked." Do you think it's better to do nice things anonymously, or would you rather it be known? Sophia was played on television by actress Estelle Getty, who was born on this day in 1923.

I always got a chuckle out of her one liners. This one gets top marks. I like doing nice things for people... I often tell a few others what I have done, but I also feel a little guilty in doing that... I believe nice things should be done without announcing to others you have done them. I guess the idea stems from my religious upbringing.... something about going good for others for your Father in Heaven will see those good deeds and reward you.... if you brag about what you've done here on earth, it doesn't carry as much weight in Heaven. I know that goodness and rewards in Heaven are not a requirement to 'get in', but I find it makes me feel good to help others. We are God's hands and feet here on earth. I try to only share those good moments if their is a teaching in their somewhere. Like when I listened to my intuition and went back to see if a cell phone was needed to call 911. I felt really good being able to help someone. I also wanted others to know that listening to that small voice deep inside is a good thing to do. I also hope the gentleman from that day is doing okay.

This quote also gets me thinking about how we view blessings. They are in disguise because we don't see some things as being beneficial. Something bad happens, like missing a flight, and when you find out that plane crashes you then see the missed flight as a blessing. I think a lot of missed opportunities are like that... by missing out we often find there is something better in the works for us we did not know or realize was coining. It is these kind of blessings that make life interesting and let us know that there is someone or something out there watching over us.

30 Day Blogging Challenge – July 26

Talk Tuesday!
What's your take on celebrity gossip?

This is one of those secret vices many of us have.... we want to know what celebrities are doing. We want to get in the know on their lives.... but the reality of it is that they are just people... people trying to live their lives as best they can with the constant clamour of others in their face wanting to know their intimate details. That has got to be awful... especially when their lives are rocked by upheaval. The public seems to thrive on the disgrace of others. It feeds on their pain and misery.... and it makes me wonder about the humanity of it all. Why are we so cruel and uncaring? Why can't we just love each other and give each other a break. Life happens. It does not have to be plastered on the front page of a tabloid.... and most of that stuff is not true anyway. That in itself is stressful to a life that is already on display.

Sure they may have chosen a life in the spotlight, but that does not entitle the public into every aspect of their personal lives.
I admit I do flip to etalk and shows like that.... but I stay away from the tabloids. I have been sucked into episodes of the Kadashians at times..... but I try to stop myself. With the Kardashians, I find their show is their own carved out reality of things.... in the hopes that they can control the gossip, but I think it often backfires on them.

July 24, 2016 at 11:56pm
July 24, 2016 at 11:56pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

The Sunday News!
Comedian and sitcom star Jim Gaffigan recently did a stand-up comedy show in Buffalo, NY, and apparently was so funny it drove a pregnant woman into labor three weeks early. There really isn't any way of knowing for sure if one led to the other, of course, but you can tell us this...'One time I laughed so hard...' (and then what happened?).

I had to check and see who Jim Gaffigan was... and it was the guy I had pictured in my mind.... the guy that is doing that one commercial that can't remember the name of his kids. Not sure what the ad is for though.... I took a peek at one of the YouTube video and had a good giggle as he went on about McDonald's and how we don't admit we secretly like it.


One time I laughed so hard.... well, I have probably fallen off a chair, had to squat to stop myself from peeing, had to use a bag to hyperventilate into... I enjoy a good laugh. The kind that make tears well up in your eyes are the best. Full body involvement... that leaves you feeling like you've had a workout for your abs is excellent. Letting yourself find the funny in the world... now that is the way to let things catch you and take you on a ride to humourville. I can go alone or take others with me. Sometimes a phrase just catches me funny and I can to let it out. My friend's daughter said of a tree standing all by itself - look he has no friends. Well, that got me and I started to howl. I added that the tree had a flat top and that's why all the other trees had left him alone.

Border for my personal use.

Love Louder - Amplifying My Life

I have decided as part of my blog to comment on each of Preston Smiles's ways to Love Louder. He has written an intriguing little book or 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life. The full title is Love Louder: 33 Ways To Amplify Your Life.

Day 22 - Give Up To Go Up: The Power Of Sacrifice
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

"Evaluation requires separation, and at the heart of loving louder is sacrifice. It requires letting go of unhealthy habits, shedding certain relationships, and sacrificing small thinking and excuses." Preston goes on to add, "if you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done." Giving up the bad, unhealthy habits that keep you stuck is one way to free yourself for the possibilities of following your dreams. You cannot talk about living your best life if you keep doing things that are out of alignment with it.

We need to find the courage to give up things that hold us back from our dreams. We must sacrifice those habits that are no longer serving us... habits that we do without conscious awareness of them or their ineffectiveness in our lives.

We all have something or someone we know that isn't serving our highest growth or good. I have given up one friend in the past whose negativity was too toxic to stay around.... I just let her fade out of my life... I felt bad doing so, but I also felt a freedom from her toxicity.

If it isn't serving you, let it go. Preston says "re-evaluating what's important, eliminating those things that are in the way and replacing them with new, healthy habits" is what loving louder is all about.
"Sacrifice may not be easy, but it is necessary for us to get to the next level."

Make a list of everything you know isn't serving you. It could be a family member, a job, or a favourite pastime, write it down.
Circle three that you least want to give up.
Choose one of those three and create a strategy for removing that / them from your life, for now.

I write to avoid doing what should be done.
I read to avoid doing what should be done.
I hide in things to avoid doing the adulting of my life.
I avoid conversations about what is bothering me or not working for me.... particularly in my marriage.
My husband, now my ex - I would change for him - be quiet, not share my humour around my family as he would take offence, feel guilty doing what I loved when he thought I should be cleaning and doing things around the house.
Social media can take hours of my time.
Not exercising - getting out of shape, gaining weight.
Not moving enough.
Eating junky food that leaves me feeling bloated.
Feeling guilty that I did not do enough to save my marriage.
Staying in a marriage when I was afraid to strike out on my own.
Turning down supply teaching jobs because of fear.
Not looking for work to increase my income.
Not getting a lawyer yet to support my wishes in the separation
Going along with what my ex wants so I don't rock the boat.

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