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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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December 7, 2016 at 10:54pm
December 7, 2016 at 10:54pm
Blog City - Day 1002

Prompt:" We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." - Thorton Wilder
Do you agree? What are your thoughts on this?

I have never really thought of it this way... but it makes sense. That feeling of aliveness comes from being filled with a sense of wonder... some people just exist, those that truly live, live with the expectation of life and all it has to offer. They live in the moment and in doing so they are conscious of what is around them... they can be truly grateful of all life has to offer. Some people are even able to be thankful for the hard times because they are strengthened by the experience. We really don't know how strong we are until we are tested. Just like that saying about the tea bag - only getting stronger if put in hot water.
December 5, 2016 at 11:35pm
December 5, 2016 at 11:35pm
Blog City - Day 1000

Prompt: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao-tzu
What is your take on this saying? How much importance do you attach to the beginnings and completions of anything?

I like this saying. It reminds me that any action, no matter how small, made in the direction of our dreams and our life must begin by doing something... a single step in the right direction. Indecision can paralyse us, doing something propels us out of that place and begins the process of movement and momentum. Once in motion, you are more able to stay in motion - yes, that is one of Newton's laws, but it applies to life as well. Too often I find myself bogged down, not wanting to go out... forcing that first step, gets me past the threshold... and I am always glad I made myself move.

Our lives are a journey. A discovery of what is out beyond ourselves and our internal responses to that experience. We cannot stay stagnant or we will shrivel and die a little death, pushing past our comfort zone expands our lives and opens up the world in ways we never expected. We are social beings, too often I pull into myself and that can make me blue. Getting out into the world helps to loosen me up... it awakes me to the possibilities and makes me more fully me.

As for beginnings and completions... well, once in motion, the momentum grows. It may take me a bit to get started, but it is worth it... but I also find, sometimes, I need to focus myself for completing things as well. Some days I am able to bound out of bed; some days each step begins when I get out of bed, some days I must 'force' myself to continue each hour of the day... it all depends on the day and the enjoyment the activity brings. Stress and lethargy are my cruel acquaintances, they must be put in their place before I am able to run free. Forcing myself to leave them behind can be very liberating. For that feeling alone, I am able to step out on that journey each time - well, most days anyway.

December 4, 2016 at 11:06pm
December 4, 2016 at 11:06pm
Blog City - Day 999

Write about geography. Pick a random place on a map and write about it. If you haven't been there, imagine what it would be like.
Some of you are participating in 30 Day's Down Under Unofficial December so please take advantage and tell us about Australia.

After NaNoWriMo I am burnt... I haven't written seriously in three days... and now I am playing Christmas catchup... so I opted out of the 30 Day's Down Under Unofficial December blogging challenge... *Cry*. Australia would be a great place to go... virtual or real. My mother took a trip down there several years ago at Christmas time. She loved it.
The 30 Dayers's are starting their challenge in Western Australia... not the typical Australian holiday starter point.

But unlike here in Canada, it would be late spring there... now that would be nice to experience.... though, I'm sorry, my Christmas needs snow. Santa comes in a sleigh, not in one pulled by gators.
One website talked of Christmas similar to ours... with a few variations:
"Other families head for the backyard barbie to grill their Christmas dinner in the sunshine. Many families even go to the beach or to the countryside and enjoy a picnic of cold turkey or ham and a salad. Father Christmas has been known to show up in shorts to greet children at the beach on Christmas!"
That is just too funny!

Lyn's a Witchy Woman posted this:

I was enthralled.

Only a short drive from Perth, Shoalwater Islands Marine Park is a place where penguins, sea lions, dolphins, rocky reefs, seagrass and shipwrecks converge.
Image going to a place that has penguins and sea lions in the same place!

October 14, 2016 at 10:34pm
October 14, 2016 at 10:34pm
Blog City - Day 949

If you went on a date with Edgar Allen Poe, how would it go? What would you do? Did the raven join you and Edgar? Would it end in joy or despair?

It's a funny thing about people, just because they write in a certain style does not mean they are like that in real life. Jann Arden sings heartfelt, sad songs... and to see her on stage - she is really quite funny. She has also hosted on some radio and television shows and she is an absolute hoot.
I don't know a lot about Edgar Allen Poe. His stories are dark... I read some in high school and university, as well. The Tell Tale Heart has stayed with me.

I would picture a distinguish man with a raven on his shoulder. Our date would be at an outdoor event, like a fall fair or carnival of sorts. Edgar and I would be delighted by the goings on... each of us enjoying each others company, but also gathering images, sights and smells for our own tales.... mine would be fanciful, his would be ghoulishly grand. We may even take a moment to enjoy some popcorn and tell back stories of the people around us.... Edgarr's would be darkly divine... and almost chillingly believable. He would laugh at my whimsical attempts and point out things I had not seen myself... he, being a far keener observer of human kind.

I do believe the day would end on a happy note... who would not want to spend time and learn from a master of the chilling tales. His laughter a reminder that we are not all we present to the world... but a myriad of complexities that makes for good story telling.

And for something slightly different.... some Canadian humour....

October 13, 2016 at 9:59pm
October 13, 2016 at 9:59pm
Blog City – Day 948

Prompt: Did you get to do everything you wanted to do this summer? What things didn't get done that you wanted to do?

The summer is never long enough... I find I want to be more active and get out and about more... to the smaller communities around where I live, but I find the humidity and the heat often make me rethink and before I know it the day is half over and it is too late to strike out anywhere.

I love doing the virtual camping trip with the 30 Day Blogging Challenge, but I find I spend a lot of time on the computer researching where and what we are doing that I find I get sucked into that and forget to just go outside and enjoy the weather and the season here. My computer is in the basement so I often don't even see much of the lovely days.

I did get to the beach this summer and I did rent a cottage with my mother down in Port Dover. Those were excellent things to do. Going to the beach also meant seeing my friends a bit more - that was a bonus.
October 11, 2016 at 8:19pm
October 11, 2016 at 8:19pm
Blog City - Day 946

Prompt: For a brilliant writing idea, what wins for you most of the time? An Ahha moment, being 100 percent sure of knowing something, the search for an idea, or your expertise?

This is one of those questions that is hard to answer. Ideas are everywhere. How do we find them? Who knows. Sometimes a dream or seeing or hearing something may tweak your creative spark. It is really hard to say...

sometimes I just want to delve into a topic of interest.... wanting to work out an idea and see how a character would handle the situation if they were to face such a happening. Often the situation stems from something I am dealing with.... but I extend it and broaden it for my character as fiction must move beyond where real life is.... Is it a brilliant idea? I am not sure, but for me, for now it is... the story needs to be told and worked through.

I often ask "what would happen if..." and that takes me on a journey with my character.

I also have found ideas from what movies or television that gets me intrigued by a topic.
October 10, 2016 at 1:40pm
October 10, 2016 at 1:40pm
Blog City - Day 945

Prompt: “It has taken me quite a few years to realize the fact that most of the thoughts in my head are not necessary.” ― Bert McCoy
My question is, how can anyone chase away those unnecessary thoughts? Do you have any ideas?

I read and reposted this on Facebook this morning:
“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.” (R.C. Henry, “The Mental Universe” ; Nature 436:29,2005) (1)
A number of physics experiments have been shaking our perception of reality and how we can change it with our consciousness/beliefs.

Talk about heavy for a Monday morning. So is this one of the thoughts in your head that you want to be unnecessary? I am thinking we are our thoughts, as much as we are our physical bodies. The problem is when the thoughts we think are harmful to our peace of mind... those are the thoughts I want out of my head. The ones that make me lose sleep and send me running for ways to keep them at bay... problem is they can be like a virus or a slinking con artist, preying upon my poor mind.

Some of those thoughts seem to rationalize the resistance we feel when it comes to tackling things important to us. We need to stay strong - not just in body, but in mind as well. We need to eat healthy, get enough sleep and get our bodies moving so that our mind can be in top shape as well. So that we can look at those rationalizations that are holding us captive and kick their butt when we make the choice to face our fears and do what we need to do to succeed.

Henry Ford's quote comes to mind -
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford

Mindset is what drives us. We can either limit ourselves with a Fixed Mindset or we can take on the challenges life puts in our path and have a Growth mindset.... it is all up to the way we want to think about it.

The best way for me to help get my mind straight is go take a walk along a nature trail. That tends to put things in perspective and reconnect me to the world around me. The Great Creator has me in the palm of His hand and He wants good things for me. Walking in nature helps me remember my spiritual connection to God and the natural world. I come back more refreshed and able to take on what I need to to make a success of my day.... ' cause some days are moment by moment.
October 9, 2016 at 2:11pm
October 9, 2016 at 2:11pm

Gotta love Rob Thomas.... Someday.

Blog City - Day 944 – should be 945

PROMPT: Monday is Columbus Day in the United States- a holiday that some areas are no longer acknowledging , choosing instead to celebrate the heritage of the people Christopher Columbus first encountered. Should we still continue to honor Columbus in the US? And if you're not in the US, does your country celebrate similar holidays, either for the natives of your land, or for the person(s) responsible for discovering it?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! In Canada Monday is Thanksgiving. Living in Kitchener, Ontario we celebrate with the Oktoberfest/Thanksgiving Day parade to kick off the season. There are no pilgrims... only thanks being given and time with family. Since I happen to like my family, that’s a good thing.
I taught on Friday and the craft we did was turkeys with patterned tail feathers – hey, it was grade one and they were studying patterning in math.

October 8, 2016 at 11:55pm
October 8, 2016 at 11:55pm
Blog City – Day 943 – should be Day 944
(because October 6 and 7 had the same number)
"There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment."~ Norman Vincent Peale
Do you agree or disagree? What makes you feel enthusiastic?

Magic is sparkle
Sparkle is creative spark
Creative spark comes from enthusiasm
Enthusiam comes from passion
Passion comes from our dreams
Our dreams are a gift from God
When we crackle with enthusiasm
Others can see the hand of God
At play in our lives.

Using our God given gifts brings light to the world.... the world becomes a brighter place. Enthusiasm is the shimmering of that creative spark, that passionate dream we are working toward. Enthusiasm propels us into following our hearts desire, we are able to reach greater heights of accomplishment.... and move way beyond mediocrity.
October 7, 2016 at 10:42pm
October 7, 2016 at 10:42pm
Blog City – Day 943

Who said romance has to be boring? Discuss your favorite romance story.

It wasn't me who said romance was boring. I happen to enjoy reading romances.... and prefer to enjoy stories that have some element of romance in them. My favourite contemporary romance writers are Jill Shalvis, Lori Foster and Carly Phillips.... all of whom write authentic characters and good stories. And the sensual scenes are hot. Jill Shalvis never fails to leave me in stitches... her female characters have many 'I-Love-Lucy' moments.... many of them I can relate too. Shalvis also writes novels that are in series - stories that take place in a certain area, stories that have characters who know other characters from the next book.... it's like revisiting old friends as you read the newest book of the series.
I also follow Jill Shalvis's blog and have found her to be much like her characters - earthy and real.... with her own 'I-Love-Lucy' moments. She lives in an area where bears have been known to cross her path. It is also interesting to see how something written in her blog can make its way into her novels... never a dull moment.

My prayers are with all those experiencing the effects of Hurricane Matthew - stay safe! *Heart*

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