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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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June 6, 2017 at 7:10pm
June 6, 2017 at 7:10pm
Blog City - 1180

โ€œThe wound of not knowing," Ga said to her. "That's the one that never heals".โ€
Adam Johnson, The Orphan Master's Son
Is there something that bothers you because you know that you donโ€™t have the whole story or have you ever created a character who was wounded by not knowing?

This has me thinking about adoption and how not knowing the 'why' and the circumstances of your being given up come into play. Two of my cousins are adopted. They are from Guatemala, form two different tribes in that region. They are both beautiful people - inside and out. Sammy is more laid back with a friendly, kind disposition. Alex is not afraid to share her opinion to her family and has her own strength whether she knows it or not. The thing is, Sammy knows more of his history. His family wanted to know he was safe and happy. Alex's family did not care to know.... and that is their loss, as far as I am concerned. I know this 'not knowing' bothers her and presses on her. I believe it truly is a wound that will hurt her sensitive side for a long time into the future. It may never fully go away. I just hope she knows we love her. She is a treasure and I am proud to call her my cousin.... and Sammy too. They are both young, but I think this aspect is like a scar, healed, but never gone.

June 5, 2017 at 9:00pm
June 5, 2017 at 9:00pm
Blog City - Day 1179

Prompt: After learning whatโ€™s right and wrong, what is the most important psychological asset to cultivate within oneself? Why? Tell us what you think.
Empathy... the ability to relate to others. compassion is a close second. It does not matter how smart we are, if we can't relate and empathize with others we are a dead race.
We are all one, regardless of colour, creed, gender, ethnicity and race. We all bleed, we all laugh, we all love, we all hurt.... we don't need to all hate. Love your neighbour, try to understand where they are coming from... and you might be surprised to see they are more similar than they are different.

April 27, 2017 at 9:26pm
April 27, 2017 at 9:26pm
Blog City - Day 1140

Prompt: "Oh! Darkly, deeply, beautifully blue. As someone somewhere sings about the sky." Lord Bryon Write anything you want about the color blue.

From Indigo blue and the inky darkness of night
Broken only by the pin pricks of celestial light.
To the brightness of a perfect blue sky free of any clouding gloom;
Blue paints our world in all its myriad of shades in full bloom.
From pastels to vibrancy, blue colours our life
Bringing a calmness with it and chasing away the strife.
There is a cheerfulness to its coloured hue.
And I would say It is glorious, wouldn't you?

April 15, 2017 at 6:18pm
April 15, 2017 at 6:18pm
Blog City - Day 1128

Lost Pathways--- if you found yourself on a road in the middle of nowhere with a storm approaching, how would you make your escape? What does the storm represent to you? What meaning does the road itself hold?

Why escape it? Why not experience it? I picture a long, quietly deserted highway. One where I can see for miles in any direction. There are mountains in the far distance and no sign of human habitation for miles. I can watch the storm brewing in the horizon, knowing that the flat landscape will not offer me any real protection from the elements, but it is a swelteringly hot day so the rain will be blessedly cool and refreshing even in its intensity. My only concern is keeping my books and laptop dry.... but my backpack is waterproof and my most precious of items are wrapped in plastic bags for the added protection. I am ready. Bring it on. I move off the highway so that my running shoes are on solid ground and I move forward, keeping my eye on the coming storm. The immensity is amazing. God's wonder at work. I am witness to this.

I watch lightening skirt and skitter across the darkened sky. The clouds roll and rain can be seen too fall off in the distance. There is a chance the storm will blow itself out before it reaches me, but still I worry that I will become some kind of lighting rod, alone and exposed. I look around for some spot that will offer some kind of protection, something that can take the brunt of a strike, but there is really nothing. So I pray. I thank God for the beauty and wonder of the storm, but I also pray that He will keep me safe in this Hands while I weather this storm.


The storm is one of the many challenges life throws at me and the road is my way in this world. There is no guarantee I will make it through this storm, but by putting my faith and trust in God to keep me safe, I will go forth and believe all will be as it should be.

April 11, 2017 at 10:23pm
April 11, 2017 at 10:23pm
Blog City - Day 1124

Prompt: What may be some of the ways a person might limit or unnerve oneself while dealing with his or her loved ones?

Remaining loyal, even after the dissolution of our marriage,
I deny myself what could rightfully be mine
so as not to leave him broken,
even though
he is the one that called an end
to our time together.
I could fight,
but the disharmony fills me with dis - ease.
I feel broken and lost
yet grateful for friends and family
that have stepped up to give me their own loyal support
letting me know
they never liked him.
He seemed so distant and standoffish
Cold and held apart
Like he was somehow better than them.
I hold in words I long to say
To scream
To rant
Words I have always held back
For fear of upsetting the balance
I thought we had.
Maybe it's better to have said what I needed to say
So that I didn't lose who I really was
In the long run.
April 10, 2017 at 9:29pm
April 10, 2017 at 9:29pm
Blog City - Day 1123

Prompt Tolstoy tells us writers to โ€œshine with a gentle gleam.โ€ What do you think that gentle gleam is and how can it be applied to writing? Just guess if you are not familiar with Tolstoy.

I am thinking that he is saying shine a light on life, but do it in a way that illuminates in a gentle way and not a glaring way. Anna Karenina was about a woman being unfaithful and how that affected the lives of all of those around her. It is not meant to be judgemental or preachy. It is meant to cast a light and reflect on the ways of life and what can happen in that kind of situation.

When we write, we are to do the same... illuminate life without judgement or criticism. Paint the canvas large and luminous so that it reflects all that can be seen and understood in the world as we see it.

The definition of gleam is:
As a verb - to shine brightly, especially with reflected light.
As a noun - a faint or brief light, especially one reflected from something.

We are essentially illuminating on it as we reflect of the situation we are writing about.
April 8, 2017 at 11:44pm
April 8, 2017 at 11:44pm
Blog City - Day 1120

Have fun with these 8 words: academy, grizzly, accommodation, evacuation, crawler, hollow, pimp, pickle.

We were in a pickle. The accommodations at the academy were grizzly. There had been a mass evacuation after the headmistress's pimp had arrived. We followed the Crawler down through the hollow and out into the meadow. From there he told us we were on our own, but anywhere had to be better that Rothway's Academy for Wayward Girls.

April 3, 2017 at 10:10pm
April 3, 2017 at 10:10pm
Blog City - Day 1116

Prompt: Leonard Cohen said, โ€œA state of grace is that kind of balance with which you ride the chaos that you find around you. Itโ€™s not a matter of resolving the chaos, because there is something arrogant and warlike about putting the world in order.โ€
What is state of grace for you? Do you agree with both sentences in the quote, and do you think trying to put the world in order is arrogant and warlike?

Good quote given that Canada's JUNOs were last night and Leonard Cohen was remembered as a valuable member of our dynamic music scene.

Grace to me is a gift from God and being in a state of grace is like Cohen says a "kind of balance". The world is indeed a chaotic place. To find that balance, is to find sanity in the whirling dervish. Grace allows us to find our sense of peace within the overwhelming. It let's us take care with ourselves and with others as we navigate the world around us. We are all human. God's grace and mercy provide a way for us. And it is in us to share that same grace and mercy... and love with everyone else we encounter on our travels. God's light in this world.

Can the chaos be resolved? I don't believe it can be. We are too human. We may be able to make small changes to our own tiny piece of the hugeness of it all, but we cannot dominate.... and what we do, we do in love, not oppression.

Do I think it arrogant and 'warlike' to try to set the world in order? I am small in this world. I make my way because of God's Love, Mercy and Grace. To think I alone could be above that and have any control on anything bigger than my little corner of the world I live in, would be arrogant, for sure.

Would it be 'warlike'.... has me thinking that whoever thinks they could put order to it would be some kind of lunatic who wants to rule the world... and that just won't happen. Consider Hitler... and.... well.... that's all I want to say about that....
March 30, 2017 at 9:10pm
March 30, 2017 at 9:10pm
Blog City โ€“ Day 1596

Prompt: "Novelists should never allow themselves to weary of the study of real life." What are your thoughts on this?

We draw from life around us. Staying in the game means staying aware of the world around us and all the nuances of that life. Being a student of real life means putting yourself out there... not as part of the drama necessarily, but observing the myriad of people and their endless stories that swirl around us. Tuning ourselves into the vibrational aspects of a story pull us in. If you ever become weary of that... then it is time to do something else or quit entirely. As a writer, I don't believe we can ever turn this curiosity about people and their stories off. We are driven to unearth and reveal the truth that lies within the stories we tell. It is who we are.
March 14, 2017 at 3:40pm
March 14, 2017 at 3:40pm
Blog City โ€“ Day 1097

Prompt: How do you know you love someone or something? What are the signs, feelings, thoughts, according to you?

I used to think I knew this.... but, sadly, I don't.

If you love something,
Set it free,
If it comes back,
It's yours.
If it doesn't
It never was.

It is not certain who first said this, but my Dad loved this poem. He set my Mother free... and she came back... He died knowing she did love him despite the problems that their marriage held. I held onto that...

You can't hold onto something without squeezing the life out of it. You need to be able to love and let it go, knowing that if it is true they will return. In a relationship, each person needs the freedom to be themselves, to grow into who they are and still know they are loved. There needs to be some breathing space to be complete as a person and still want to be part of the couple. If either person holds on to tightly the relationship suffers... it gets snuffed out and dies.

One of my favourite songs: Straight Lines

Each person in the relationship needs to encourage and support the dreams of the other. You can't force someone to conform to the other and expect love to grow. It would be analogous to putting a plant in a pot and expecting it to flourish when the pot is clearly too small. You need to reassess and re-pot every so often so that it can get the nutrients it needs to reach it's potential. Besides the best plants are wild... growing in nature, surrounded by other plants.... maybe even in a garden that is the couple's making - together they create something beautiful; that others can see and admire.
Coupledom is wonderful, but you both need to be willing to re-pot or weed out as necessary. Tend the garden that is your relationship.

Empty Garden by Elton John (Tribute to John Lennon)

We each need to cultivate a life that makes us attract good things to us. Our garden is our life. Fill it with lovely things and tend it... maybe you will have someone in your life that can join you and together you make it all the more wonderful. Choose carefully. You want someone who cares as much as you do; someone who will work with you as you cultivate that preciousness that is life. You don't want someone that will rip out and tear down the beauty you have already started. You also don't want to ban others from seeing and enjoying all you have to offer.

Love should never hurt....

And so the quest to find and keep love continues....

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