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Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Please, don't let the rate make you think that this work isn't good - it is very good. You have a way of using to words that makes the reader 'see' what you want to be seen. My heart goes out to the people who suffer from 'fat disease.' I'm one of them, one that went from just-right to too-much me. I really like your descriptions of action, of emotion.

*Idea* You have some spelling, grammar, and punctuation problems. Here are a few examples (if you would like a complete edit, please let me know):

1. My shiny brown hair flowed freely. No ponytail today. "No ponytail today" is a fragment. You might want to replace the period after 'freely' with a comma and make the n in 'no' lower case.

2. Their means belonging to them. But I see there stares... I believe you mean their in this sentence.

3. You wrote in first and third person except in one sentence, Who are you to criticize the way that I look? . Your writing would be stronger if you reworded that sentence. "Who are they to criticize the way that I look?"

Let me know if you revise (and if you would like a complete edit). I would like to re-review and adjust the rate accordingly.

So that others can recognize me
Review by Vivian
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! another excellent insight into real life. I don't know how you do it work after work.

*Bullet* The only question I have is the following line: then into heavy drug use, a college and job dropout. The word 'then' doesn't seem to fit to me. Maybe use 'first'?

** Image ID #581986 Unavailable **
Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Wow! You have managed to describe the birth of a child exactly, poetically. I'm very impressed.

*Star* Very good work.

** Image ID #581986 Unavailable **
Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
The content and the message of this poem cries out to the reader. How sad that sometimes the kindess thing is to kill. As usual, you manage to use words to touch hearts and minds.

Unusual for your storoems, I found a couple of rather major problems.

*Bullet* If you have a comma after 'out,' the run-on sentence in the following will be fixed:
From foxes and rabbits, frogs and snakes,
doves and hawks, deer and wolves, all
animals seek her out and she in turn makes
each feel loved, safe and protected in the
tiny glade where they meet hidden by tall
trees all around.

*Bullet* In the third stanza you talk about 'their eyes,' yet the only plural thing anywhere near are 'abrasions' or 'cuts.' I don't think that's what you meant.

I still find your writings through provoking, even at times heart provoking.

** Image ID #581986 Unavailable **
Review of Borrowed Time  
Review by Vivian
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Another unusual tale, Bill. And, as usual, I enjoyed the story. You use dialogue quite effectively. I found some problems, but if you revise, let me know so that I can re-review.

*Idea* Try to avoid using second person except in dialogue. I (the you that you address) am not in the story, and I don't want to be. I can't see into the forest at all, etc.

*Idea* Some of your lines are spaced oddly. You might want to look at the public view.

*Idea* You have several run-on sentences, and some sentences where you have an unneeded comma between the subject and verb.

*Idea* I forgot to make a note of where, but one place you have 'your' for 'you're.'

I think I caught everything, or most things. Please let me know when, or if, you revise.

** Image ID #581986 Unavailable **
Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This storoem caused my heart to clinch. It's probably one of the more shocking ones I've read of yours. However, it didn't quite meet the smoothness of most of the storoems you write.

The build up of the man's driving through the neighborhood was good, the accident, too, but the attack left me wondering, "Where did that come from." It was too sudden without any motivation. Maybe if you had suggested that the man had taken this shortcut at high speed before... Just a suggestion.

** Image ID #581986 Unavailable **
Review of Night Memoir  
Review by Vivian
Rated: E | (5.0)
I've just had a three course meal of poetry, and this is dessert. Poetry is by first writing love, and your verses help me remember why. You take words and turn them into pictures for the soul, and for the heart.

*Star* My words can't begin to let others know the depth of yours.

** Image ID #561679 Unavailable **
Review of Afterthought  
Review by Vivian
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am enthralled. The words of this poem create a message that speaks to my mind and heart - unbelievably wonderful. The underlying message is strong and powerful and so human.

*Star* If there are any punctuation or minor problems they were hidden by the creative use of your words.

Review of Merit Badge Info  
Review by Vivian
Rated: E | (5.0)
Not only is the idea for Merit Badges unique and timely, the Merit Badges themselves are works of art. Thank you, Story Mistress, for giving us another way to honor the special people on Writing.Com.

*Star* times five is the only rating possible to note another wonderfully thoughtful thing you've done for members.

Review of Simpler Times  
Review by Vivian
Rated: E | (4.5)
As usual, Harry, you have a deep message found in your writing. How many times have parents destroyed a child's pleasure with "not now"?

*Idea* The only problem, very minor, I see is in the first two lines. Using simpler twice somehow distrubs the flow right at the beginning. Maybe you could use "purer" in one place?

Another really good storoem, and if you do decide to revise, please let me know.

** Image ID #581986 Unavailable **
Review of Common Quarters  
Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A unique blend of emotions and poetic imagery, this poem brought bright pictures of empty rooms to my mind. The depth goes beyond the words found on the surface to almost a portrait of a life that's gone, leaving memories behind.

*Star* You have created a wonderful palate of emotion and sensory detail.

** Image ID #581986 Unavailable **
Review of The Naughty Gift  
Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Oh, W.D., I love this story! You are such a talented writer, but I never know what you'll write next. This story was priceless.

*Idea* You need some punctuation help. For example in the following, The box is small and I have to tuck my legs underneath me just to get comfortable , a comma is needed after 'small' to avoid a run-on sentence.

*Idea* Did you mean 'it's' in the following, rather that it'? “It’ a puppy!

Wonderful story.

Review of A Winter's Day  
Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Wow! This story is powerful. The underlying message or meaning isn't spelled out, but, perhaps by not being, the impact is greater. I had to go back and read it again.

*Bullet* One suggestion I have would to be possibly revise part of the second paragraph slightly. Perhaps rewrite it with the following punctuation: It hadn't been much of a hill, really, nothing more than a mound: but they had been rolling down Everest; they had been rolling down K-2; they had been explorers caught in a sudden avalanche, racing at breakneck speed down the rocky face of Pike's Peak.

*Bullet* Do I understand correctly that after the explosion both boys were laughing, or did Roy just imagin they both were?

You have a great talent for creating mental pictures with words.

Review by Vivian
Rated: E | (5.0)
This tribute to your father has to touch each and every reader. I envy you your loving memories, but I'm so glad you have them. You have such ability to craft your words into mental portraits of emotion.

Review of Inherited Medals  
Review by Vivian
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem brought a tear to my heart. The beauty of the words cover layers of meaning and depth of thought in precise, concise language.

*Star* Only five stars can reveal the impact of this verse on me.

Review of Lost  
Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This poem cries with poetic language. The roller-coaster ride of love takes the reader on its climb to heights to depths of dispair.

*Idea* You have some punctuation problems and/or sentence structure problems.

*Idea* Who is 'they'? Why would 'they' have such influence over you and your love?

You show much potential and talent.

Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This newsletter is not only interesting, but it gives me a multitude of choices for reading and reviewing. The different catagories make it easy to find just what a reader wants.

*Star* I have one question: You write at the top of the newsletter that the choices are made by the members of Writing.Com, but how do members make the choices?

Review of Teaching Thievery  
Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Bravo, Harry, bravo! This piece must indeed be among your best. The lines flow smoothly, and the rhyme catchs my eye, and my ear, unobtrusively like a soft background melody. As in all your work, the moral lies in wait on more than one leve.

*Star* I like this storeom very much.

** Image ID #581986 Unavailable **
Review by Vivian
Rated: E | (4.5)
Again, Harry, you manage to use words to create a portrait for the mind. You give the reader thoughts to consider and ponder while telling a tale worth reading.

*Idea* The only reason I didn't give you a 5, 'was' the distracting overuse of the state-of-being verb 'was.' One way of revising to avoid its use in the following, But for years something deep inside him
was growing, gnawing, starting to burn –
could be
But for years something deep inside him
grew, gnawed, started to burn -
In other places, revising would do the same.

Let me know if you do revise. I'd like to visit this piece again.

** Image ID #581986 Unavailable **
Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Harry, I thought you said you can't write short stories! You have a natural knack of telling stories, and this one shows your 'hidden' talent. As far as that photo on the wall - you'd better be glad you never had me for a drill sergeant! *Bigsmile* My former students could tell you tales that would curl your hair.

*Idea* You did switch verb tenses. You wrote almost entirely in past tense, except: I'm thinking, “Stay clear of this bozo!” That's in present tense and should be: I was thinking, "Stay clear of this bozo!" Another present tense example: Then the next boy relates, should be boy related.

*Idea* When you have a quote within a quote, the one inside goes between single quotation marks ' '.

Very good job, Harry. Now, I expect to see some more short stories from you! Uh, maybe?

** Image ID #581986 Unavailable **
Review of Whatsoever You Do  
Review by Vivian
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh, my, Amy, you have created such a deep, meaningful poem in so few poetic words. You manage to write what poetry is supposed to be: concise, precise, and beautifully worded.

*Star* The only rating appropriate for this work is five stars.

Review by Vivian
Rated: E | (4.0)
I read so many reviews about this article on the public review page that I had to read it for myself. I agree that some times anonymous reviews hid the identity of a malicious person; but many times the person wants to do something nice without anyone knowing. I've had both types of anonymous visitors. You make some valid points, though.

*Idea* Your article starts in third person and first, then you change to second person (you, your, etc.), then back to third and first. You would have a tighter, stronger piece if you stayed with third and first person.

*Idea* "Beholden" is colloquial and found only in certain parts of the country. Perhaps "obligated" would be a better word to use.

I enjoyed your writing. You packed much in few words.

Viv (Oh, should I have sent this anonymously?)
Review by Vivian
Rated: E | (5.0)
An excellent poem with no flaws that I can find, Harry. As usual, you manage to stuff so much in your lines of poetry. The meaning and power of your words are true and direct.

*Star* Your rhyme didn't seem forced or contrived, but smooth and natural.

Review by Vivian
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
As usual, W.D., your unique tale writing talent shines. This story held my interest from the beginning, and except for the rating (because of the language), could even make a good children's story.

Now a few nit-picking points:

*Idea* I believe a single quotation mark should also go after the comma in the following: Jack loved to say ‘done-and-done, Also, later, you forget to put the single quote outside a period. Periods and commas always go inside quotation marks, whether singular or double.

*Idea* Mr. Young talks more uneducated than any teacher I've ever been around, and I've been around some rather illiterate sounding ones.

*Idea* Be careful of run-on sentences. You have a few.

*Idea* Some odd spacing problems exist. You might want to look at the public view of this story.

The good story-writing job, as usual, brings the number of stars up despite problems I found.


Review by Vivian
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Considering the attacks Writing.Com and you personally have endured, this essay is restrained. It, however, expresses what all is indeed free on this site very thoroughly. You write in an organized manner, with a touch of needed humor in places to lighten the tone. I like what you wrote and how you wrote it. I don't know if I could have been as nice.

*Idea* I made use of the EPs to note any grammar problems I found, and for an occasional note of agreement.
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