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Review of My Mother  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Admiration and devotion to mother are reflected in this rhyming verse.
A mother's bond with her children is one of the most precious of relationships. Mother is supreme. There is no denying this fact.

"For the rest of my life I will always love her.
This beautiful being, I call my Mother"

Rhyming only increases the impact of the poem. So does imagery.

This poem assesses the mother's worth and value in suitable words and imagery.

We can see that she is her children's guide, friend and philosopher.
"These are the things I always knew, being there for me everyday that I grew."

Only a mother knows the mind and heart of her children.

It flows well.

Write on!
The colorful glory of sunrise.

Review of By Any Other Name  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This nicely written romantic story shows that name doesn't matter in the long run. Yes, people may tease the owner of an odd name, but only temporarily as we see in the case of the two central characters in the story. The feelings of Rubella are shown quite transparently and the readers do understand the agony she had been through bearing a name she hated.
The author should be praised for taking us through the inner worlds of the characters.
Actually, "Huge the Blubberman" is more funny than Rubella spots.

The transition is not only in the names but their position in life too. That's well penned and quite convincing too.

Dialog and setting cannot be more appropriate.

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Glorious and Joyful

Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Winchester,

I am reviewing for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on the completion of one more year with the WDC. Have a wonderful day!

I appreciate the daughter's question. Her dog is part of her world. She cannot imagine to live without her pet. Even in his death she doesn't feel like parting with him.
"After all, what would God want with a dead dog?"

For once, the father was disarmed and did not know how to answer what looked like a pertinent question.

It reads well.
Anniversary Reviews email siggie
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Made with prompt words, this free style poem is strangely telling. We don't know what her wrong doings are except for the clue given in,
"When she saw pretty necklaces,
Covered in diamond chips,..."

Past sins do revisit they say.
This is said in an appealing way.

"But every night,
Shadows came creeping back,
Haunting memories."

Fiction or fact, the free style poem appeals to me.

It flows well.

Write on!
Glorious and Joyful
Review of Tied to Mortality  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A telling poem on our imperfect world, which has matters on going, unlike in fiction with happy endings.

"We have a beautiful world
Imperfect as it is"

Memorable lines with which many agree.

Mysterious for me is the line, "Because we’re unraveling already"

Unraveling what? Ugliness?

Imagery in the second stanza is appealing. The dead leave their legacies.
"Stray frays still reaching out."

Free style poem flows well.

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Glorious and Joyful
Review of A Real Life fable  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Lobelia,

I am here to review for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on having completed one more year of creative writing at the WDC. Have a wonderful Anniversary!

The troubles and travails of the housewife are beautifully crafted in this non-fiction.
It is amazing to see you flitting like a busy butterfly from one job to another. The painful part was the cold weather and the children being too young to get out their warm beds early in the morning.
The husband was truly a sensible man. He protected the family from the blizzards and kept them safe. The lesson learnt is valuable though a few may not agree with it in these days of gender equality.

" God sends spouses to protect us from our own stupidity. We should listen to them."

I enjoyed the engaging write-up.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie
Review of I'm Not Done Yet  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
My immediate reaction to the poem is "that's the spirit!"

You are right when you say,"This aging nonsense is just so surreal."

However, there is no denying the fact of passing years and aging. Body and mind both show signs of slowing. Sharpness and thought processes do not fade that easily I think. I watched my father whose brain was sharp and alert through the years.

You have raised health issues. These are again our own doing to some extent.
"I quit pouring poison down my throat each night,"

Your confidence and courage are praiseworthy. Keep them up!

My favorite lines are.

"So, my dear family, there’s no need to fret,
This woman’s not going anywhere,
I’m not done yet."

Imagery is visual, aural and appeals to mind as well.

Poem flows well.

Write on!
A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Faint Memory  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A pressed red rose becomes a symbol of love. With the passage of time it slowly crumbles.
"the frail bud crumbles
a little at a time."

For now, the memory remains as the red rose rests between the pages on the shelf.

For the poet, the rose is ever fresh as her love is.
"Immortal as it seems
that rose, flush.."
Yet, for the outside world it crumbles gradually. Its immortality and its frailty are stated in the same stanza. Clarity is not lost however.

Excellent rhythm and sensitivity in lines like,

"Close the book. Mark
the page. On the shelf
our love will remain."

Imagery is that of a lively and a fading rose. Fresh and fading are poet's memories of love. Touching!

It flows well.

Write on!
A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

Review of Winter  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Winter and its deathly silence turn to peaceful quiet by the end of the poem.
Rhythmic poem shows the winter scene "Crystals falling down" from the outside and the view of the mind as well.
"You can now hear your own thoughts"

I like the way you have shown the blessings of winter. It makes you relax ("finally rest") and nights are longer though of course there is no stopping the wheel of time.

Winter, as I gather from your poem makes us contemplate more and think of life in a more leisurely manner.

It flows well with appealing imagery.

Write on!

Glorious and Joyful

Review of Nineteen  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wonderful poem!

I love the second stanza where you talked about your "world nestled in the crook of an arm." What a lovely image as you look at the babe just born. Mother and child! After nineteen years the bundle of joy grows up giving way to "emptiness of my arms." A bit wistful yet inevitable. Nothing remains the same.
However, you took pride and joy in his growing up to become an adult.

I appreciate the imagery and thoughts about "strange sense of loss and gain," experienced by all mothers alike.

It flows well touching a chord in my heart.

Keep on writing.
The colorful glory of sunrise.
Review of The Arrangement  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Whitemorn,

I found this story listed in Newsletter (Romance).

This story has a pretty dramatic end. But not incredible. Such sudden events are known to have taken place.

Both the characters are well defined. The balance is more on Sylvia, for we know more about her than Bastion. In fact, we begin to suspect his motives half way through her search for him. It is common that women get cheated in such cases.

The writer has taken us through many events in a convincing manner.The most impressive one is when the plane crashed and we start to imagine the tragic end of Sylvia's love life. Tables turn and dame luck smiles and suddenly all's well with the world.

An engaging read with appropriate dialog and setting.

Write on!
reviewing signature
Review of The Farm  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Espero

This is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations and have a wonderful day.

I picked on this lovely poem about a farm of long ago.

This poem contains a picturesque description of the old farm where the poet grew up among cousins and uncle and aunt. The simple life on a farm is well dealt with in this story-poem.

Nostalgia is the dominant mood and memories come crowding through the length of this poem.

Rhyming verse illuminates the dwelling, the animals and barn and the visit of a fawn that stayed for a while and moved on.

From morn to evening the children were busy pursuing sport and playing in the open air much to their heart's content.
As I read through I am reminded of my own childhood days. During holidays we visited our grand parents who lived in a small village. We were similarly engaged.

Imagery brings various sights and smells of the farm and the farm house to the reader's mind.

An engaging poem.

It flows well.

Write on!
Anniversary Reviews email siggie
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Children's psychology is well high lighted.
Tommy's age is such that children of his age can hardly be quiet. They are restless and always on to something new.
Tommy's character is naturally drawn. His father had hard time controlling his son's urge to get to his mother.
Descriptions are well done."Car horns and tires screeching suddenly, and deafeningly, silenced the birds." "No!"
The last minute accident can make the reader anxious as to what would happen to Tommy.
Tragedy was diverted and a lesson learnt.

It reads well.

write on!
Glorious and Joyful
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Fear is the reason for our fall.
Fear thwarted my personality all through my life. Fear to express myself, fear that the others might have a very low impression about me stopped me from being myself. So I wore a mask and hid behind it for a long time. It took me a long time to behave as I am and not artificially.

This article has enunciated truth about being afraid and the way to overcome fear. The best way you have suggested is to create something. It could be carpentry to learning music to writing a poem or a story. Creativity opens a window to imagination and that gives me freedom from the concerns that crib, cabin and trap my mind.

I enjoyed the other alternatives to win over fear and avoid depression.
Prose is good and style is easy for me to grapple with.
"Know one else"
(no one else)

Write on!
Glorious and Joyful
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
All the four stanzas unfold the beauty of the Expressions of Spring Blossoms. Their scent, the sunlight,their brilliant colors and the supreme Artist Who created them are being praised.

Rhyming poem with its ab ab scheme paints the picture of spring blossoms as they reveal how they shine with beauty.

Expressions like, "smell them radiantly", "blissfully attractive", "irradiant" "plenty thankful", and "random prayer" are unique descriptions.

Imagery shows the spring blossoms in all their glory.

It flows well.

Write on!
A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I agree with the points you have given us to ponder.
I like the second one that says,"And when you talk; always talk for yourself." I always find people finding examples for negative reasons. I need to discourage that tendency and check it in the beginning itself.

older and wiser doesn't apply to all. only those humane and with an attitude to embrace all count.

The last point has great appeal to me.
Love is never for negative reasons. It spreads light and it spreads sweetness. There is no life without love. It is the be all and end all of things.

This is a thought provoking article. It makes me turn the torch inwards.

Language and style are easy and go at a comfortable pace.

Write on!
A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I absolutely agree with your point of view. We do need to change the perspective every now and then. However, there are things that we cannot change like rising at a particular hour(on working days), Getting that elusive bus on time and signing in the register at the office and so on. These are necessary to maintain a certain order and discipline(at least where it matters). Sunrise and sunset are done on time.(including several other things in nature.)

I agree that the Instagram pictures and such social media elements, are for some, life's main motto. Change in such matters is vital. We need to find alternatives to make our lives more joyful There are things that make life enjoyable and provide inspiration as well. Your examples have an appeal.
"- stand in the rain, surround yourself by the unfamiliar, try something new, buy a different sandwich - you’d soon realise life has so much more to offer. "

Style flows well.

Write on!
Glorious and Joyful
Review of September Dance  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Very captivating and fascinating.
The title is ever so musical. No wonder you danced in September to the music of falling leaves and "throwing roses into the rain". What a lovely spectacle!

Nostalgia dominates the poem. Back then things were easy and life was full of love. Every single chore was hardly weighing. youth and love make light of monotonous tasks such as
"Laundromat, car wash, grocery store strife"

I am moved by the finishing line of this lilting verse full of music, roses and dancing.
"September love lingers loud and clear"

Imagery shows two people very much in love dancing away to everlasting music.

It flows well.

Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very inspiring and practically true. Sick people need this kind of encouragement. They need to be encouraged that they were making tremendous progress in recovery with their sheer will power and by following the medical advice and exercise.

I find this article helpful in the sense that what I have been following is the right path.

I see that the key sentence to this article sums up the way we are supposed to view ourselves,
"It's only after we realize and discover our strengths, our abilities, and the gifts that God has given us, that we can begin to use them - in our spiritual lives, our personal lives, and in our careers."

Each sentence and the paragraph are torch bearers.

Thank you for the article written in excellent language and style.

Write on!
The colorful glory of sunrise.
Review of The Tempest  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Whitemorn

your free style poem shows the sea in rage. Tempest can be quite dangerous with rising waves. Ships toss like small craft over the surface of the sea. It heaves like a giant just woken up and shakes us like a bunch of bones.

You have shown the ship being caught in the thick of the tempest.
"The wind, no ... THE WIND! Creaking and deadly, that force we sailors know all to well!" (too well)

The gentle wind changes into a furious force.
"stinging my flesh, devouring my sanity!"

Descriptions are to the point and practically true. I was there too caught in a similar situation.

Seamen are generally victims of a frothing ocean.
"someone's story ending."

This is one of the fierce faces of old mother sea.

The poet did justice by bringing the relentless force of the sea to our mind's eye.

There is life's drama enacted aboard the ship, which is at the mercy of the elements.

It flows well.

Write on!
Glorious and Joyful

Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This personal poem has a furious flow to it. Feelings come out like a torrent tumbling down the mountain side. Setting, imagery and action have an urgency about them.

"I hang on to the edge,"

So the poem begins. One sits up to read on. That is the impact. As it progresses, the reader is not disappointed. Feelings are powerful, and the way the poet puts them in words is also powerful. Language and feelings make a potent mix in this poem.
Hatred and love go hand in hand. How strange! But that is the way love behaves I guess.

"Those ice shards in the name of eyes you possess
Impale me bone deep, piercing my soul,
Yet I cannot stop my pathetic self
From trying to hold on to you as I fall."

This free verse tells the story of the poet's love for someone who acts rather heartlessly. Yet his pull on the poet is strong and forceful. So she pleads for his love.

I can see desperate love makes one beg, plead and implore or even more.

It flows well.

*CakeB**BalloonB**PartyHatB* A WDC 19th B'Day Celebration Review... HAPPY BIRTHDAY WDC *CakeB**BalloonB**PartyHatB*

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Glorious and Joyful

Review of The Silent Song  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Indeed as the great poet said,

"Heard melodies are sweet
but those unheard are sweeter."

The poet's silent melody reminds me of Keats' immortal lines. The crux of the matter is imagination and the mood of the moment. Mind can play and dance at an instant's notice. "the sweetest voice" that the poet speaks of plays in the mind and those with the music recognition can listen to it no doubt.

" Sweeter then the nectar of flowers'
(Sweeter than the nectar of flowers)

Usages like "the room inside the room," "soul danced" " floors of the heart." are unique. They lent charm and charisma to the poem.

Imagery show the thrill and joy experienced by the poet.

Free style poem flows well.

*CakeB**BalloonB**PartyHatB* A WDC 19th B'Day Celebration Review... HAPPY BIRTHDAY WDC *CakeB**BalloonB**PartyHatB*

Write on!
Glorious and Joyful

Review of Stars  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Kenzie,

this short verse reflects the way you imagine stars and moon as your company to fill the lonely nights. The cold nights perhaps lose their coldness as you are absorbed in the stars and the moon.
Imagery shows your mind that shares feelings with the celestial bodies. You called the moon insane probably because of its phases of waning and waxing. The stars are constant. So you believe they remember your name. Good imagination.

Coming to the poem, you have capitalized the first letter of each line. Yet you used punctuation (comma) at the end of two lines.I wonder why.

Ambiance is well created.

*CakeB**BalloonB**PartyHatB* A WDC 19th B'Day Celebration Review... HAPPY BIRTHDAY WDC *CakeB**BalloonB**PartyHatB*

Write on!
Glorious and Joyful

Review of Summer 's Palette  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello Ken,

when I first read the poem, I was reminded of the "Kaleidoscope shades" I saw during my stay in the US. The scenario in spring as I recollect, was exactly the way you have described in this poem written in the form of Gwawdodyn.

Images of nature are the very backbone of this poem. Their appeal is to all senses, for the reader can see, hear,smell,touch and feel the tingle of spring you have portrayed here.

Your description of the season of spring and its alluring features has me in thrall. What colors, what beauty! I don't think any human artist can imitate or reproduce the Supreme Artist's natural painting.

Your attempt to show the changing "brown beaches" into "indigo" translucence under a golden sun is a winner. You do watch with a keen eye.

A feast of summer beauty and attractions follow with watermelons, berries, trees and bees and flowers bringing a colorful spectrum to my mind's eye.

The use of "No more subtlety" points out the joyous abandon and care free enjoyment the season of colors blesses us with.

Form and structure-
Form is followed in the most meticulous manner. The structure with the three stanzas of a prescribed syllabic count is attractive and arresting.

I wish the song of spring continued.

Write on!
The colorful glory of sunrise.
Review of The Moon  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
An alluring poem from moon's point of view. Pretty attractive because you have brought out all the attributes of the moon and its phases.
Personification of the moon is the poem's main attraction.

"Attacked, which brought me my black spot."
This line has cultural (Hindu) significance for me. Every time there is a lunar eclipse, it believed that one of the asuras or giants of the ancient ages named Rahu(Uranus) is supposed to swallow the moon and so the eclipse happens.

The use of adjectives like,mesmerize(verb), magnificent, mysterious, glorious truly describe the moon.

Imagery mirrors the phases and descriptive qualities of the Moon.

Rhythm and flow are in fine balance.

Write on!
Glorious and Joyful

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