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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Absolutely, a useful analysis of Plastic vs Reusable Bags.

To replace the harmful plastic with more plastic in a different name is going to be as harmful if not more.

It is true that the previous plastic shopping bags were used for purposes listed in here. But the PP is of no use in any way. It is better to trash them anyway.

The authorities should wake up to the insidious harm caused by the new plastic and answer a pertinent question like,
"What's the point of switching if you're simply replacing one type of plastic for another?"

In India, where I come from, in place of plastic we are encouraged bring our own cloth bags or jute bags, while shopping.

Language and style have appeal.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary!*Cake2*

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Review of Heart Love  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jael,

This is quite a fascinating story!

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations! *Cake2*
Have a lovely day!

I can see Stephen’s luck turning in his favour. The florist with her magical touch turned the yellow into red roses of love.
It seems as if Stephen’s love was put to test and that it proved true. Hence, the magical change I gather.

It’s a beautiful narrative with apt dialog and description.
I have enjoyed the content and style .

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I can connect with the kind of rain you describe in this free style poem.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations! *Cake2*
Have a great day.

It’s not the gentle kind of rain we had seen last night. There’s a feel of unrest about it as it tumbled down from the night sky.
There is what you have so aptly described “the flooding dissipation.”

A reluctant rain, when it falls, we cannot wait for it to cease letting the sun take over the earth.

Adjective phrases are used effectively, so the image of drenching rain is clear to me.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Terry1!
This is an enjoyable tete-a-tete kind of story. You certainly told us a fine story combining it with what goes right with fiction.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations! *Cake2*
Have a delicious day!

The writer's eye scans the scenario from the bar stool. A drink in one hand and an eye searching for details is appealing enough. Human beings are interesting just for the reason that each of them has story tucked in their lives.
Only an author could unearth it with his unique voice.

You are so right about characterization. Delving into a character's psyche takes time and effort.
"Where your story is set is important, do a bit of research into the place and time and put lots of description into each scene."

This is precious advice for aspirants like yours truly.

Thank you for a wonderful piece of writing.
Your style appeals to me.

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Review of Trump Terminator  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This political cum social satire appeals to me.
My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations! *Cake2*
Have a great day.

Writing satire on the present day political leaders is an art. It hurts no one providing fun simultaneously.

Trump and Mitch make the right pair of characters in a burlesque.
Mitch’s scratchy laugh fits like a glove.

Elements of drama such as background music and credit roll with the last scene unfurling are aptly inserted making it an effective clip.

Enjoyed it.

Style draws me in.

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Review of Final Goodbye  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello WW!

It is a lovely story! I was completely absorbed while reading it.

My review of it is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on turning one more page of creativity at the WDC. *CakeB*
Have a lovely day dear friend!

This sensitive story proves that love fills the sad hearts with its light. Where love is, there is joy. Helena and Sam just proved it.

There is a lyrical quality about the narrative style and flow. It as if you are taking us on a beautiful journey starting at the point of their love just blossoming.

The idea of not revealing the infertility issue is wonderful and novel. It is such a healthy practice not to let it out.

The story sounds credible because of the way in which your characters live close to reality.

A memorable story!

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Review of Tired  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Stella,
this prose poem convinces me of life being beautiful and that there is nothing tiring about it.
My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on ushering in yet another year at the WDC.*Cake2*
Have a wonderful day.

Hope is in the view we have of the world. It changes mood, state and vibe.
Future is something we can pin our hopes on.

I agree. There’s no rhyme or reason to feel “tired” of life.

“5 7”
(5’ 7’’)
“but i know”
(but I know)

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Review of Synshine  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Lines on a future full of love effectively wing us to that world.

“A future where we can be free.”

Freedom is what makes love a fantastic experience to me.
Imagination and emotion combine to make what looks like a dream, a pleasant one.

“Time to look at the greener grass.”
The practical side of love has to be considered as it cannot be avoided.

Images of love both dreamy and realistic are agreeably brought together.
Love is a dream, a dream grounded on reality.

Hope my review makes sense to you.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary! *Cake2*

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I have enjoyed reading this appealing vignette.
My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations !*Cake2*
Have a lovely day!

The short effective conversation between mother and child establishes the affinity and understanding between the two.
Dialog and description have an admirable balance that shows the end result with clarity.

The mother was puzzled at the thought-provoking question of the child. It is understandable because no one knows for sure if there is heaven. It exists in our imagination basing on belief.

The logic behind Kaleb’s answer is impressive.

Thank you for sharing.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Smee,
It’s a pleasure reading this rhyming verse written on the occasion of your sister’s wedding.

A brother’s view of his sister rings true and honest.
“Dancing and acting like a fool”
This is typical of a brother who picks on something to tease.

His analyses of her husband-to-be, their future life spanning next fifty years come through clear and humorous.

“Will he look that good in fifty years
When his dentures aren’t in place?”

Good question. It’s all that matters. Is that love for keeps?

Only time can tell.

Rhyming verse reads well and flows well.
Imagery appeals.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary!*Cake2*

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Review of Life Is A Game  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Josh,

I like the tone, the content and the compact composition of this poem on life.

Congratulations on turning another year older at the WDC.*CakeP*
Have a wonderful day!
You made it quite clear that life is a fair game. Success or loss reflect the character of the player.

I can see the aspects that are of importance in playing the game of life.
A person’s background, values he /she is nurtured on and the strength and substance of his own self, determine the way he decides to play the game.

“Play the rules and you can win
Cheat and you are sure to lose.”

Personally, I prefer to play with rules intact.

“It’s up to you to choose.”

The above refrain certainly serves like a warning that one should think before throwing in the dice.

In this particular game, there are no exceptions. I appreciate that inherent truth.

It flows well.

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Review of Homecoming  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hilarious to the end! *Laugh*

Here’s wishing you a happy WDC Account Anniversary!*Cake2*
Have a lovely day.

The misery of missing home and entering someone else’s is graphically and engagingly.
I gladly suspend my disbelief because anything happen returning after a hard day’s work.

The use of emoticons is special and apt to this poem.
Kudos to you for a sustaining sense of humour.

The welcome transition at the end from hell to heaven is smooth, natural and in keeping with the mood and tone of the rest of the poem.

It flows well with visual imagery and perfect rhyming.

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Review of Pain & Hardship  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello benji,
a very realistic account of the pain and misery of a writer feeling helpless before his keyboard.

No, definitely not hilarious to find one’s self delivered impotent by a fly, sweat and a lack of right rage to get the story to speak.

Even with a successful book on the shelf, writing seems a challenge.

If I face the question as to why this happens, a few things come to my mind.
A writer becomes unduly complacent after the first success.
Perhaps the interval is too long. Hence the laziness.

What I like-
The different excuses he finds to avoid facing the computer screen.

Attractive turn of speech and a style that draws me in.

Happy WDC Account Anniversary! *Cake2*

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Review of Magdalen in Lent  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Magdalene was one interesting and impressive character in the Holy Bible.
Her story tells us that nothing is changed as far as public women are concerned. Yet, her life and time has a lot to tell the present generation. Stamped as sinner, she wasn't responsible for the role she was given. It was her honesty that saved her from misery when Jesus showed her mercy and compassion. Hence her transformation.
Her place was pivotal to the Gardner.
Her belief in Him was immovable and so waited by the tomb. Then she saw Him after Lent having risen new and bright like the Sun that just rose.

You showed the whole episode in a new dimension and from the point of view of Mary Magdalene.

It flows well.
Kindly correct me if I haven't understood the poem properly.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary!*Cake*

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for entry "In God I trust
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG !

Your strong belief and trust in God comes through clear and assuring.
The very title reflects it.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on ushering in a new year at the WDC. *CakeB*
Have a lovely day!

The way you described your journey with God is both enlightening and inspiring.
Few have such strong conviction regarding faith in God.

Reading Sacred texts can be beloved beacon lights to help us know how to cope with everyday problems and improve the quality of word, thought and action.

“I have found that my life changes and gets better.”

Now I know why and how.

Loved this short prose.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Isola,
Glad you coped with an early baby and that she is her own person now.
My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on turning a year older at the WDC.*Cake2*
Have a great day.

A mother’s love is endless and matchless. This is a widely known fact. Yet each mother is unique. The way you cared for a child born so early is impressive and honest.

You cared for her like she is your second skin.
This well composed poem brings that out.
Now, your daughter has a right way to show her love.

I have enjoyed reading through your rhyming verse.
It flows well with visual imagery.

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Review of Practice!  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is something after my own heart.
My review here is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Have a lovely day!

As you are, I too am a believer in practice because practice makes us perfect.

The acrostic is valuable because each line says something practical and makes us think about it.

“Inspecting, analyzing each attempt.”

Each edit makes me re start trying to polish it further.

Enjoyed reading a poem with practical observations.

Thank you, Amay.

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Review of The Gospel  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The truth of Jesus's crucifixion and rebirth come to us with a force of their own. Your poem made me visualize the whole episode.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on turning a year older at the WDC.*CakeB*
Have a wonderful day!

No torture on earth equals the torture inflicted on Jesus Christ. Your lines in this regard are as moving as the original we find in the Bible.
"Prepared for burial, the Savior is nailed
To the cruel cross, blood drips down, He exhaled."

This rhyming poem states the eternal truth of the Bible in a style at once arresting. It certainly moves the reader emotionally and spiritually.

It flows well with vivid imagery.

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Review of Family  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Dorianne,

this is a thoughtful and a realistic poem regarding the concerns of in-laws.
My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on bringing in yet another dynamic year at the WDC.*CakeB*
Have a lovely day!

It seems the kind of mental preparedness before meeting the daughter-in-law and her kith and kin are same whether it is in the west or east.

“Did I meet her with a smile?”

It is also an occasion to welcome new relationships, thus widening the family circle.
“But this lady means a lot to me.”

The simple way in which you expressed the son’s concerns is remarkable.

“That his mother and the new wife will be friends.”

A compact rhyming and a suitable rhythm enable the poem to flow well.

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Review of Where Has It Gone  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Aryana,

this poem shows extreme suffering that sounds physical.
"I'm shredded

Each line throbs with feeling reflected in short and powerful words, images,description and figures.
The person's confusion is clearly projected through frank admission of the state of mind.
"can't remember what it is
I want
or what..."

Many of us suffer, but we never know how to bring it out in language. This poem does it so well.

It flows well,with necessary pauses and descriptive images.

It is a very visual poem.

Have a great WDC Account Anniversary!

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Review of Pretty Convincing  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
What an anticlimax!
But there is an unexpected twist in the tale at the end.

I like the way Carly took the disappointing news from Scott. The story reflects a chunk of human psychology, especially with regard to taking advantage of situations.

Her enthusiasm could freeze a lying man like Scott.

But the end is truly interesting. It proves her mind is not ready to give up the trip planned with effort. Great! To Australia it is whether he belonged there or not.

""I'll be back from Australia in three weeks. Feed the cat while I'm gone.""

Good job!

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary!

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Review of My Home  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Tasey,

Love knows no limits as I understand, the way you feel about it and live with it.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on turning a year older at the WDC!*Cake*
Have a great day.

Despite the two thousand miles of physical distance, you keep the flame of love alive, so intensely too.

"Giddy, restless, impatient. Never once imagining
that life could be so sweet as this."

Obviously, it is destination cloud nine for you both.

Every line shows something special that you feel for your partner.
No wonder the physical separateness hardly matters.

Great imagery and flow.

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Review of Remembrance  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem quite an attempt on letting love go.
It is for many, an impossible task to let the loved one find freedom and fly to different heights.

Hello celiasgirl I am Jaya, reviewing your wonderful poem for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Have a lovely day.

Imagery shows the freedom allowed to the loved soul and the joy with which the sweetheart bids good bye to the departing spirit.

"As the night breeze reverently flows
over the tops of mighty trees,.."

The elements seem to agree with the freedom given to love and carry him away from bonds of any kind.

Free verse flows well.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Victoria,

this exercise shows how very vital comma is in a sentence. A misplaced comma has the power to change the meaning and context of a text.

I get carried away with commas instead of placing them where and when necessary, not realizing that what makes sense to me hardly does for others. *Smile*

I couldn't help smiling at such success as shown below.

"Amazingly,(14) everyone survived the Comma Sense Class."

Something that happens but rarely with me.

Thank you for sharing a useful item on comma sense.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary!*CakeB*

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

this is the kind of story that tells me how simple things can bring out profound values of life.
I couldn't resist a review for this sweet short story.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.*Cake2*

Have a lovely day!

The entire story came via a clothespin, which involved love, friendship and family bonds.

The change in clothes show the change from childhood to a mature age.

A mother's love-
clothes may change from small to big size, but the mother's affection remains the same. A house is a home only because of her presence and service with love.

"The clothes fill the line. The sunlight streams across the wide swath of yard behind our home. It infuses the clothes with warmth as my work infuses them with love."

The style and transitions used in the story are worth winning accolades.

Thank you for a wonderful story.

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