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Review of Dissension  
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with House of Sensual Prose  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

Assignment Objective Met~
Definitely hit the jealousy nail on the head! *Thumbsup*

Character Development~
Our first insight into Teo was his jealousy over Carl. I liked that he went to see his friend about the way he was feeling, instead of letting his emotions fester.

Flow of Scene~
Was this scene supposed to repeat like a time jump? I wasn't positive about that. Other than that it moved along well as Teo grappled with his jealousy.

Max seems like a good friend, watching out for Teo and putting his best interests at heart instead of creating a bigger rift between Annette and Teo. Annette uses the word honey a lot in reference to Teo. Try breaking that up a little and addressing him by name.

Thank you for taking HSP's "Building Sensuality Class Forum"   by Purple Princess class.
I hope that my review was helpful.

Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with House of Sensual Prose  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Assignment Objective Met~

Character Development~
Pair-bonding! Wow this really will set up massive dynamics in this budding relationship. It makes it easy to see why Annette is on shaky ground here. Does Teo love/like her for herself, or it is a given? How does free will play into all of this? Can't wait to find out.

Flow of Scene~
The only thing that really stood out was the kiss that moved at lightspeed. Back that up. It is that pivotal for these characters. Focus on it. Are his lips warm and inviting? Filled with the promise of things to come? Why is Annette relieved? What did this one kiss make her feel? Elaborating here will really give your reader a sense of what she is feeling physically and emotionally. Make that connection.

Teo genuinely seems to care about Annette. Just the fact that he took her to that restaurant shows that. Love can be a tricky thing when putting your heart on the line. Both of them seem to know that and hold back. Nice job.

Thank you for taking HSP's "Building Sensuality Class Forum"   by Purple Princess class.
I hope that my review was helpful.

Review of The Meet Up  
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with House of Sensual Prose  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)

Assignment Objective Met~
Annette seems really conflicted where Teo is concerned. As a powerful woman, she seems wary of others and how they perceive her. Good job with the emotional aspects of her job and not seeing Teo for a few weeks.

Character Development~
Annette will have to work through her feelings regarding Teo, and her position. It seems she's been taken advantage of before, which leaves her a bit guarded.

Flow of Scene~
The scene moved smoothly with enough background information to catch a glimpse of the world you've created.

"Oh, sorry," Annette recognized the voice before her eyes found focus on the man it belonged to. - period after sorry. It would work better if you moved Annette recognized to the beginning of the following sentence.

Annette recognized the voice before her eyes found focus on the man it belonged to. "Teo?" ...

Try putting inner dialog in italics, or adding she thought to the end of the questions she's thinking about.

I don't read a lot of sci-fi, so if I ask a lot of questions in the future, bear with me. The mind-reading aspects will be interesting as this couple grows closer.

Thank you for taking HSP's "Building Sensuality Class Forum"   by Purple Princess class.
I hope that my review was helpful.

Review of Two Twisted Tales  
Review by Purple Princess
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was great. I've had a horrible rotten day, was finally able to sit down and this is what I was treated with. I'm still trying to figure out how you managed to weave all of those children's stories into great rhymes, adding one character and then another, connecting each effortlessly. My favorite part is the last two lines of the last stanza. Thanks for sharing. Much appreciated!
for entry "~ He Made Me Whole ~
Review by Purple Princess
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Purpose and Audience
This is a personal story about an event that happened in the past. It is interesting to both those who are religious and those who are not, since it shows a clear message.

The insight at the beginning of the recollection starts strong and you gain insight into the writer's mindset. It left me wondering what happened immediately after the healing, as I imagine this to be a significant moment in life.

The subject matter piques curiosity in the reader as they learn about this spiritual moment. It is easy to read and understand as the events of that day are described.

Personal Response
I read this twice, and it is what I would refer to as an out of body experience. They seem like they are happening in real-time and leave you with overwhelming emotions and insight. It's an interesting perspective on seeing yourself with the sores. I don't think I personally wouldn't have made the connection of sinless versus sinful, though I totally understand where you were coming from. Thank you for sharing this thought-provoking experience you had. I'm still wondering what happened immediately after this. I can't help wanting to know the incredible emotions that take hold after something like this happens.

Review by Purple Princess
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice rhythm and flow in this poem about heartbreak.

You truly captured heartbreak in this poem. The very first stanza is haunting. A vengeance of good memories providing a reminder of what once was. You made it easy to feel the longing, yearning for what you've had before, but that shifts to regret, wishing you could forget.

I love the line - how sad that no one else seemed to see. This reminds me of seeing someone for the first time with new eyes, seeing the beauty in another, yet knowing others haven't taken the time to take a good look.

Good imagery. Nice job conveying a broken heart.

This would be my name. }

Review of Gilmore Girls  
Review by Purple Princess
Rated: E | (4.5)
My Thoughts:

Great word search. I wasn't a Gilmore Girl's watcher when it was on television, I admit. I started binge-watching on Netflix and became a huge fan. You did a good job covering most of the characters in this show. Some of the names brought a smile as I thought back on this series. I had to laugh when I saw the word coffee, but it really was a staple of this show. Loralie pretty much walked around the entire series with a cup in her hand. Thanks for the word search, and reminding of a good show that had down to earth characters and great dialog.
Review of Watch This Space  
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great rhythm, rhyme and this flowed so naturally as I read along with a smile.

A rhyming poem about how Ad's invade every aspect of our lives.

I totally agree with the way you depicted Ad's invading our daily lives, and how insane its all become. They are everywhere and it seems there is no escape from them, not even in death. The last stanza was quite the scary thought because it seems to be the direction we are headed. You hit the political ads, our biggest game, the Superbowl, and how ads infiltrate the beauty of the land with their enormous billboards. You had a really great take on the picture prompt. Good luck in the contest.

This would be my name. }

Review by Purple Princess
Rated: E | (4.0)
I had no idea there were one hundred different forms of arthritis. I think we have the tendency to lump these physical pains into one category and we don't bother to explore the explanation fully to get some kind of understanding until we are diagnosed with something specific. You did a good job breaking the information down, giving both facts and information when it comes to treating arthritis. This is one of those diseases that does not discriminate, though I was surprised that children can also suffer from arthritis. I learned things I didn't know from your article. Thank you for sharing it.

There were some instances of missing words in your work. For instance: We can choose to sit back and live with debilitating [missing word] or we can fight it.

I hope that your shoulder continues to improve while on your medication. Keep on writing!

Lost in a haze of purple she stands alone

Review of Room at the End  
Review by Purple Princess
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Sestina Format

A poem about dimentia and how it effects the mind.

Wow, you put so much into this poem. Losing memories take such a huge toll on the person with this disease, but also on family members watching and helpless on the sidelines. You did a really good job showing how memories would be brought to the forefront and then disappear. Little things that could trigger a memory even for the briefest memory. You even showed the struggle to hang onto the memory. You had great word choices that invoked images in my mind - the snow, cold, ticking clock, blue eyes, and laughter, etc. All of these wonderful things that bring meaning to our lives. You even added the element of love, sweeping in at the darkest hour. Bravo! Thank you for sharing this piece about your mom.

This would be my name. }

Review of Insomnia  
Review by Purple Princess
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Great flow, rhythm and the rhyme scheme felt natural.

A poem about insomnia and how those long nights effect someone.

You really drove home the sleepless nights of tossing and turning by comparing your pillowcase to razor blades. I've had bouts of insomnia, and know exactly what you mean by comparison. You had great word choices that showed the difficult task of fighting for sleep, and what lack of sleep does to a person's mental state. I liked that you compared it to a curse, for it definitely can feel that way when you are both mentally and physically exhausted and there is no end in sight for those rough nights. Fantastic job.

This would be my name. }

Review by Purple Princess
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Tina and Nora are siblings who don't necessarily get along well. Nora, being older, loves to constantly remind Tina of that fact, and rub all things in, especially about her body.

Really good descriptions of the differences between the two girls. I had to laugh when Tina pointed out certain things to Nora that sent her to the bathroom to vomit. Payback can be rewarding sometimes.

The two sisters. Chad/Diego. That was a nice little twist.

getting dressed and going our-out for a bite and a movie.

I get that Tina couldn't help rubbing in that Nora was in fact pregnant. I did feel bad for Nora when Diego turned out to be Chad and rubbed it in that he only used her to get to Tina. Thanks for sharing this sibling rivalry story.

Lost in a haze of purple she stands alone

Review by Purple Princess
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
~~Thank you for entering "Write From the Heart - Story Contest"   by Purple Princess . This review is my opinion, take from it what you like, discard what you don't. Good Luck!~~

Sam comes home and notices the odd behavior of his wife. It's the little things that she does, and does not do that really pique is curiosity. All he really needs is a kiss from her to make things right.

Sam is a truck driver and has just returned. He needs his ritual of kissing his wife like he needs air to breathe. She claims the doctor told her she's contagious and cannot give him what he wants. As they sit down to watch television, he notices a strange creature in the corner of the room. The alien admits that the town Sam lives in is an experiment.

Use of Prompt: *Checkv*
Included Word Count: *Checkg*

No issues.

Overall Impression:
The story was a little jumpy. In the beginning, Sam is in the truck, the road disappears, desert turns to grass and he's suddenly walking in the door. If you are going to include all of this information, you may want to work on showing how he moves from one place to the other so it's a smooth transition. You describe other moments throughout the story in detail, so your main characters movements should be easy for you. I wasn't expecting this to be a an alien story. Is the alien the reason for Mel's strange behavior? I wasn't quite sure about that. I really wanted to see how Mel's turning away from Sam's kiss made him feel. Was he disappointed? Upset? Angry? Some emotion that showed me exactly what he was thinking and feeling as he tried several times to get that kiss.

This would be my name.
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with House of Sensual Prose  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Thank you for entering "Tales of Seduction ~ CLOSED"   by Purple Princess

A man searches for love, fears it, sees it as a ghost, taunting him. This was fantastic as you described all three of his relationships, what he found, what he liked most about them, how the loss affected him, and most importantly how much he'd grown in the process.

Good moments of sensuality scattered throughout. This was mostly an emotional journey and it worked very well.

I enjoyed your take on the love, using the song title as your prompt. Each relationship stood out, and by the time Lisa is introduced there is hope for your main character.

Grammar/Spelling/Other issues:
No issues.

Followed Prompt: Yes
Word Count Range: Yes

~~Please remember these are my opinions and are not meant to hurt, only help. Take what you can from my comments that work for you, and discard the rest!! Happy writing!!~~
Daughter of Desire
Review of Starting Over  
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Review brought to you by:
"Game of Thrones"   by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

This was really great. I appreciated your candor as you laid out what your journey has been like trying to get published. It is a tough gig to get, but what a great sense of accomplishment when we write something we are proud of.

It's clear you followed your passion, and even though you didn't get the results you wanted, you didn't let it stop you from working hard.

The writing takes you from college, writing about your friend's escapades and through graduation as you make the big leap from writing your book to moving to New York. That's a pretty brave move to make. I couldn't imagine what it would be like sitting in that office and watching your writing being slashed from top to bottom.

You described everything you went through well and how this journey changed you, and your writing. Sometimes we forget that it is not always about having the technical side of writing down. Adding emotions and being descriptive is a huge part of the process. I'm glad that you managed to realize that and didn't give up. That meeting definitely gave you a lot to think about, and I'm sure you are better for the experience. As the saying goes, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and you proved that point!

House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

This would be my name.
Review of Starting Over  
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Review brought to you by:
"Game of Thrones"   by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

I liked the way that story started out and the dynamic between Kelli and her mother.

Kelli Walker is back home, out of a job and unmarried, which is an embarrassment for her mother. Everyone in her old neighborhood knows everything that's going on with eveybody else. On this day, there is a murder and since Kelli is a reporter, she rushes to get answers so she can blog about it.

Kelli is hot on the story even though she is not happy to be back home. She banters with her mother and then rushes to the crime scene before she starts interviewing the neighbors to get the scoop.

I loved the interaction between mother and daughter. That really showed both characters well. When Kelli was in Max's apartment the dialog doesn't feel as real, and the story starts to fall apart.

He loved - lived 3 blocks

One minute Kelli is standing there with a gun on her, trying to get the killer to talk. You never show her putting the gun away, or dropping it or something. Suddenly she's in handcuffs and as a reader, I didn't understand how you got from point A to point B so quickly.
House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

Image #1539895 over display limit. -?-
Review of Devoured  
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Review brought to you by:
"Game of Thrones"   by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

You do dark stories really well, Charlie. This is was a bit much for me I admit, but it was a quick read with lots of details that churns the stomach. Even though the title gave a hint as to what was coming, I still read on.

Descriptions of what Kate went through, being devoured that. Pretty nasty.

Alex is driving Kate and she freaks out, swearing that a man was hurt on the side of the road. She swears she's taking her medications, is not hallucinating and jumps out of the car. Alex follows and they argue. He cannot convince her to get back in the car and agrees to look around. When they find nothing, he is ready to leave. Kate instead takes off toward the guard rail and that's when she sees the distorted face of an armless man who begins to eat her.

Poor Kate. I honestly felt bad for her. To see the things she does, which no one believes. Alex has a lot of patience because he does care for his sister, though he seems annoyed by her illness.

When the man started eating Kate, I was grossed out, making faces, and my kid came in and asked me what was wrong, lol. How's that for having an effect on your readers?

I could see the argument on the side of the road playing out. Kate was so sure, determined to get Alex to see what she did and even though he didn't believe her, he still tried to help. Only it was all in her mind. How very sad.

House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

Image #1539895 over display limit. -?-
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Review brought to you by:
"Game of Thrones"   by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

I like fantasy stories with Princess' and dragons, too bad the Prince turned out to be anything but Princely.

Kara screams from the tower, watching as Prince Holland and his caravan takes off, leaving her behind. She's a prisoner in the castle and wants to escape. She receives a scroll with a medallion telling her that the medallion will protect her from the Lord of the Castle. She takes the medallion with her and heads out of her chamber into the castle, in search of a way out. In the process, she encounters a dragon in one of the chambers.

Kara who is hearing her mother's words about never trusting a Prince ringing in her ears and coming true. The Dragon who is happy to meet Kara, as the Prince has left here there as a gift. And the bad Prince who has no trouble leaving Kara behind.

Good descriptions as Kara left the room with only a torch and slowly made her way down the stairs. I did wonder who her loyal servant was that sent the scroll to her.

Mostly Kara talking to herself, and then the conversation at the end with the Dragon. That last paragraph was a bit confusing for me and I wasn't sure exactly what the medallion had to do with him leaving the castle.

beware of his anger.

Your loyal servant

stopping every few minutes
House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

Image #1539895 over display limit. -?-
Review of Dear Jane Austen  
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Review brought to you by:
"Game of Thrones"   by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

An open letter to Jane Austin from one of her many fans, a Janeite. Love the term to describe yourself. I admit I had never heard it before. There is a lot of passion in your letter to Jane and you point out which stories of hers that you like best, and which characters are your favorites. I liked the way you approached this subject and how you explained things to her as if she were alive today and wondering what was going on.

You made the letter current and went into details describing movies and comparing them to plays, which she would understand. There is a nice easy flow with your writing as your emotions play out in this letter, which also gives good insight to you as well. You help make her characters come alive too, as you list the ones you believe you would be good friends with in real life. I don't think she ever knew what her stories would mean to so many, and how she would empower women with the written word. We could all use a Mr. Darcy in our lives. He really is an extraordinary character. They don't make them like they used to.

House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

Image #1539895 over display limit. -?-
Review of GRIN & BEAR IT  
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Review brought to you by:
"Game of Thrones"   by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

This is a great story. I wondered what happened to the Rabbi, and you didn't disappoint in delivering his story.

That is story was like an expansion of a joke that begins a Rabbi, a Priest, and a Minister.

At a symposium, a priest, rabbi and minister chat during a meal about how to convert people to their flock. It isn't long before an interesting proposal comes about and all three set out to find a bear to convert. The minister is quick to tell his tale of how he wrestled with the bear and baptized him right on the spot. The priest one upped him with his account of using his silver cross and how it mesmerized the bear enough to throw holy water on him and then read the rosary. As the rabbi is missing, they soon learn he is in the hospital and they rush to check on him.

It was so easy to picture this happening. You did a really good job pulling this story altogether and showing the different techniques each used for the purpose of their little bet.

The Rabbi was hilarious in how he decided to go about his task, which turned out to be an epic fail.

Perfect here as well, giving the rabbi an accent that totally set him apart from the priest and minister. Great job!

House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

Image #1539895 over display limit. -?-
Review of First Memory  
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Review brought to you by:
"Game of Thrones"   by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

I know the television show you reference but I've never watched it. Mostly it was a solid story, but a few hiccups that stopped the flow. See technical below.

A woman wakes in New York and cannot remember who she is. She finds a driver's license in her pocket but doesn't recognize the name. She has a vague recollection of where she's from and heads there. When she gets to the house, the man that answers the door is stunned that she's back because he thought she was dead and had her buried. Explosions start happening, and as they try to escape, Matt is killed before he can give her the information she needs to regain help jolt her memory. Veronica is then stabbed with a needle and falls unconscious. When she wakes hours later, she overhears a conversation between two CIA operatives who discuss who she is, why they are holding her, jolting her memory. The men leave her in Central Park.

Veronica is a reporter working on a story and has her memory wiped. She is on a mission to find her true identity. Her husband Matt is killed in the process of her learning about her identity. Two CIA men give discuss the situation and give her more than enough to go on.

It felt like you were in a rush to get all of the information out and that left a few mishaps in your story.

If she wakes up alone in New York where did the money come from to make it back to Philidelphia? That stood out for me. Also, when she's talking to Matt and the explosions start happening, you say the house blows up, but yet they get into the house and make it out the side door.

I think you could slow things down a little and add more detail to everything that is happening which would add to the suspense and paint a clear picture of everything that is going. I wondered how she felt when she woke, what she saw, smelled. Was she physically hurting or struggling with her restraints? Just a little more added detail would really pull this story altogether and make it absorbing.

House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

Image #1539895 over display limit. -?-
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Review brought to you by:
"Game of Thrones"   by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

What a cute story about a mother, her prankster son and a spider. All parents have been there a time or two when they are just too tired to care about creepy crawly bugs on them.

I love that she bailed on him in the end and rushed off to shower away any possible trace of the spider. That made me laugh!

A mom and her son are cleaning out the garage when he tells her there's a spider crawling on her. Knowing how her son likes to tease her about one on her phobias she doesn't fall for it and keeps working on getting the task accomplished until she feels something crawling on her neck.

The mom who doesn't want to fall for the trick and then realizes her son may not be joking after all. The son who is adamant that he's not messing around with her this time and tries to plead his case.

I could picture this scene playing out as they cleaned, stopping to discuss the situation and her being too tired to care if he were telling the truth. I could feel the son's frustration when he realized, either way, he was going to lose.

The dialog was real and believable between these two. You made it easy to see everything that was happening, and at the end, brought humor to the story as well.

House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

Image #1539895 over display limit. -?-
Review of Roadkill  
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Review brought to you by:
"Game of Thrones"   by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

A story that starts out fun with music playing, but soon turns creepy as a chain of events happen.

The big change in tone from the beginning of the story to the end. I hadn't realize that's where it was going.

David and Emily are driving down the road, music playing, each taking turns to dose off for a few. Emily falls asleep as David is getting into his Euro music and then hits something in the road. He pulls the car over to investigate and sees a lot of blood, too much for the one animal lying dead on the road. When he realizes that something else is out there, he and Emily rush back to the car to make their escape.

Emily appears to have a kind heart, wanting to bury the dead animal. David is a fan of good music and likes it playing on road trips. When he gets out of the car to see what he's hit, he is shocked by all of the blood and knows something is amiss. He went from shock to fear in an instant upon realizing something else is out there. His fear showed well as he grabbed for Emily and rushed back to the car.

Dialog worked to push the story forward and show what both of your main characters were doing and their reactions. Nice job with your prompt.

House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

Image #1539895 over display limit. -?-
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Purpose and Audience
For any musical lover, dreamer, or just someone looking for something new. This was a great article about how music helps to shape our lives, whether we see it or not.

I really enjoyed how Hey Jude transported you back to a specific place and time and how it felt as if it could've happened just yesterday. You went from mentioning the song, to letting your reader catch a glimpse of your past. That was vivid for me.

I am an avid music lover as well. I think a lot of people forget just how powerful music can be, how some songs remain with us decades later and can still cause a reaction when you haven't heard it in a long time. You touched upon all of that and really made this piece a good read.

Personal Response
I admit I didn't know the James song, but that didn't matter. You managed to remind me of many songs shaped my life so far, and I'm positive plenty more will come around that will leave their mark as well. I'm glad you have such great memories to hang onto. And I agree with you, these are the moments we should hang onto and look back upon. I cannot remember the last time I felt carefree, but I imagine as you pointed out, one song could propel me back to another place and time and remind me of what that feels like all over again. Nice job!

Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Review brought to you by:
"Game of Thrones"   by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

Very sad story of a father and daughter who have both suffered great losses at the hands of others and try to learn how to move forward in life, yet their demons still haunt them.

That her father finally gave in and decided to help his daughter do something that wasn't common, but knew that she was right.

Derrick Andrieus wants to see his daughter married again, having children, taking care of a home, not bothering with swordplay. Felicity calls her father out on the choices he's been making since her mother's death, reminding him that all of his whores won't take away the pain and torture they went through when they were attacked.

The horrors of war can be truly evil and leave you without hope once you've suffered so greatly.
Felicity is quick to point out all of the reasons why this is the best course of action for her now. She's suffered physically and mentally, and could never let a man touch her again. She vows to fight and is ready to learn all that she needs to in order to defend herself. Derrick doesn't want his daughter to do this, but when she threatens to find someone else to help her in her quest, he has a change of heart. Felicity was definitely hard on her father, reminding him of what happened to all of them on that horrible day.

Gripping conversation between father and daughter. I loved how Felicity fought to get her point across, even at her father's expense.

House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

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