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3,159 Public Reviews Given
3,207 Total Reviews Given
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Casual for the most part. I will point out errors I see and offer suggested corrections. I like to focus on the content and formatting of the item. I love providing helpful comments and feedback that may improve the item if acted on.
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I like to provide suggestions to the author on things I see that may need a second look. I'm not afraid to do a little research to verify a poem's format, or the contents of a story (if requested).
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Mystery, Horror, Sci-Fi, Comedy, and Suspense
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Honestly, I will read anything if asked. I just prefer those listed above.
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Short stories, novellas, books (though a review of that may take days/weeks due to my schedule), Poetry of any format.
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Review of War, With a Twist  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Dear CMSchwarzy,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 9th WDC Anniversary!

         This is very interesting, and very cute at the same time. While I've never been involved in paintball, I can understand what you're saying here. What I really liked most here, was how you described your senses and how each was affected by what was going on around you. You hid the ending well in this, that also helped make it stand out more. I do have a couple of comments for you on it.

Title:  Excellent for this.

Description:  Very good, I was drawn in by your description.

General Comments:  

1. Who know paintball could be so much fun? I think know should be knew.

2. Your head:
Holding two thoughts:

You end both lines with a colon, but really you need only one, after thoughts. Maybe a comma at most after head, but it's not really needed either.

3. You did use the word 'Your' many times in this, and it's very short. You may want to think about substituting another word for a couple.

Overall impressions:  A very good short story about a different type of war. Nicely written.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of Of Water  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Dear Elizjohn,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 1st WDC Anniversary!

         I found this poem to be pretty interesting. What set it off for me was the last verse. I wasn't sure where you were going with it until I read that, then it really became interesting. I myself find water to be very interesting. People take fresh water for granted, but if they realized how precious it really is, they'd think differently.

         I thought your first two verses were good, especially how they described different aspects of water. Then your third verse described what you think of water, and really made this poem stand out. I do have one comment for you on it.

1. In the second to last line, I don't see why you have it indented, unless you want it to stand out. I think it would be just fine if it was on the same line as the previous one.

         Overall, a very interesting read. Well done!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of The Storm  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Dear Percy (Or is it Parcy, which is what shows for April's Fools day),
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 3rd WDC Anniversary!

         This is a nice poem about young love. I had to look up the definition of Rispetto, and I'm glad I went to 5-6 sites to see their definitions, because at first I saw the traditional Rispetto, with 11 syllables/line. You paint a wonderful picture with your words, to me the maiden in your poem was a Mermaid for some reason (except she wouldn't have ankles, toes, or feet, huh). Both verse blend well together to tell your shorty story here. I do think that the abab scheme in the first verse is a little off, since waves and sands are not perfect rhymes. Overall though, very nice. I would love to see it a little longer, but that's just my person preference.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear Mary,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 7th WDC Anniversary!

         Wow, this one hits the reader pretty hard. I think it's fantastic that you and your first husband were able to remain friends throughout life. One of the saddest things I see is when two people who loved each other go their separate ways, and all there seems to be left is a hatred for that person. That isn't evident here one bit, I'm thrilled that you two could do this. At the same time, I'm saddened for you both, knowing what he was going through. I do have a couple of comments for you on it.

Title:  Excellent for this story

Description:  Very good, it's what drew me in to read this.

Grammar:  I noticed no errors.

My Favorite Part:  I think you worded this fine with a couple of lines you wrote, There are many things I would like to say, but considering the journey that you are about to take they seem trivial. We both made mistakes back in the beginning of our life together which changed the course of our lives; however, we both have been blessed to have many other people love us too. For me, that says far more than any other words you could write. In those short sentences you're reaffirming the love you've shared, letting him know how much you love him still.

General Comments:  

1. This is very easy for me to say, I'm not the one suffering through the loss; however, I would like to have seen a little more to this. Maybe a little more insight as to how you two managed to remain close throughout your lives.

Overall impressions:  A pretty moving letter from a woman to her ex-husband who is terminally ill.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey Carl,
         I thought I'd drop by your port and provide you a review in turn for your kind visit today. Welcome to Writing.com, or WDC as we affectionately call it. I see you've been a member for almost a month now, and I'm wondering what your impression of WDC is now. I like what you say here, especially your one sentence second paragraph. I think you and I have come to the same conclusions about our lives. Your last line rings so true for me. But, I do have a couple of comments for you on this.

Title:  Very good for this essay/monologue.

Description:  You say this is an excerpt, so now I would love for you to add more to it, reveal a little more of yourself to us.

Grammar:  Very good.

My Favorite Part:  The last line says it all for me.

General Comments:  

1. I find it funny, because it is true in an odd way, but I also find it insulting, what kind of a man would I be if I sacrificed the needs of my family for my personal ambition. It seems a semi-colon after insulting would help this line read a little better.

2. The older I get, the more I realize there is a balance in life that you achieve as your passions become grounded and the joints of the scale do not react as quickly to shifting weights. It seems that a comma after grounded would help also.

Overall impressions:  A nice short look inside what makes this author unique. I just wish it was a little longer. Well done!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of That Darn Cat  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear Penelope,
         I saw you suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 5th WDC Anniversary!

         I found your story to be pretty amusing, I've always found cats funny, and fun to be around. Unfortunately, I haven't been around one much for eleven years; now I'm allergic to them. *Frown* Everything you say about cats is true, and while I've never been around Siamese much, what I've seen of them verifies what you say. I could almost imagine myself with your family at the pet story, picking out the kitten. I do have a couple of comments for you on it.

Title:  Very good for this story.

Description:  Also very good for this story

My Favorite Part:  Your description of Vanilla, and how he loves to play with straws.

General Comments:  

1. My daughter was to use the big, sweet eyes on us, and I was to give in to her first. This sentence doesn't read right, and I'm not sure what you were intending to really say. But I think you meant something like this. My daughter would use her big, sweet eyes on us, and I was the first to give in to her.

2. They want love and affection on their terms, and otherwise they are very low maintenance. I think you can delete the second use of the word 'they' from this sentence

Overall impressions:  A cute story about cats, how you love them, and your recent purchase of one.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of You Make Me Cry  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Dear Stephanie,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 5th WDC Anniversary!

         I found this poem to be very sad. You (in the poem) are torn it seems, your man makes you cry for a variety of reasons. You explain each of them in the verses,repeating the title in every other verse first line. I liked this small touch, bringing the reader back to the whole point of the poem. Your rhyme scheme was good throughout, with an abcb except for the last verse. I thought it flowed very well, even with some lines being a bit longer than others. I would like to see the last two lines used a little more, and make at least one last complete verse. Thank you for the enjoyable, albeit a little sad, read.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear D.L. Robinson,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 5th WDC Anniversary!

         This is such a cute poem! I loved your rhyming and the flow of dialog between the two of them. I could see this going on in my mind as I read it, and knew why she could no longer sit comfortably in the bathroom, but you did a very good job of bringing it all to life in the poem. I do have a couple of comments for you about it.

1. I know it's easy to tell who's talking in this, but you might consider putting each person's dialog in a different color. It would really help this out and make it a bit more entertaining (does it need to be more entertaining???) *Smile*

2. Since this is all dialog, shouldn't you be using quotation marks? If you choose to do this, you will need to enclose each person's dialog separately.

All in all, a pretty entertaining read! Thank you.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Dear Susie,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 7th WDC Anniversary!

         I love satires; this one is pretty cute. I think you can give us a few more examples of how vampires have been portrayed in books and movies. If I may, I have a few comments for you on this. *Smile*

Title:  Excellent for this note.

Description:  Excellent, this is what caused me to read this.

Grammar:  A couple of minor errors were noted, detailed below.

My Favorite Part:  The beginning when Jefferson Squire addressed the forum owners.

General Comments:  

1. I think you can do better with this. This is your chance to show your stuff against the S & G forum, so do it! Being a satire, give us a few more examples of why vampires are not how they are portrayed. In doing so, you could also show them to be exactly as they are portrayed (if you so chose, sort of like Jefferson showing an example of what they are not, but then having to backtrack, just an idea). A couple of examples you could use would be:

         a. "Hey, we're not able to change into bats at a moment's notice like the movies portray. We can only change into bats if we get threatened. Oh wait, we're threatened all the time. Uhhh, Never mind ....

         b. With all the advances in technology your kind has done, we no longer need fangs to suck blood. It's really hard to do that if you have a cavity, and it's hard to find a dentist willing to work on fangs. Besides, the dentist usually ends up being another victim. Did I really just say that?? Strike that from this note.

         That's what I mean, you can make this really comical if you so choose, but that's entirely up to you.

2. For centuries I have put up with your kinds narrow-minded, uninformed ideas about my noble race. The way you use kinds makes it plural. I think the correct usage would be kind's, but I would look that up to be sure. *Smile*

3. We resent the implication: we are not parasites, though we do suck blood. I have never witnessed more blatant acts of discrimination in my (very long, half) life. The colon should be a semi-colon. I don't understand your use of (very long, half) life in this sentence.

Overall impressions:  A pretty cute note from a vampire to the Stake & Garlic contest.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of Tardy Zombies  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear TheNoMonster,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 10th WDC Anniversary!

         This is pretty cute story about Zombies. I loved the idea of riding bikes in early November, that time of year is always special. But I think your daughter confronting the zombies on her bike made this story. That's something a straightforward eleven year old would do. As a result, this story doesn't follow the usual zombie routine, but then, it's written for young people, and perfect in that regard. Very nicely done!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of Enter The N.U.B.  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)

Dear Submariner,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 9th WDC Anniversary!

         You tell one heck of a story here. And it is definitely not a 1 star rated story! The flow of this is very good, but may be beyond the comprehension of some readers. You went into a lot of detail about the ship's layout as you gave Andrew his initial tour, and that may not have been necessary. (Since it was so detailed, it may chase away readers who are not familiar with a submarine.) I do have a little feedback for you on this.

Title:  Excellent for this story

Description:  Very good, but I'm betting you can write a better one. *Smile*

Grammar:  There were minor issues with homonym usage, or words missing here and there. A little TLC editing would help this some.

My Favorite Part:  Remembering the layout of a Trident Submarine Engineroom. I had trouble remembering where the Evaporator sits.

General Comments:  

1. The first time I met him, I thought Andrew was a snob, a cocky little brat, educated, but with no common sense. A semi colon after brat would make this sentence read a little better.

2. In your story, you took Andrew on a tour of the Kentucky, which included going aft to the Engineroom. But you never mentioned going to see an ELT to get him a TLD. Taking him aft without one would not have been allowed if I'm not mistaken.

3. “From what I have seen of it, sir, it is quite impressive.” Andrew stated, but I cut in before he could continue and stated that He and I had only just begun the voyage around the boat. He should not be capitalized.

4. He was qualified all possible watch stations in the Engine Room, and he qualified all the forward watches too. This doesn't have a true ring to it. There is no way Webber would be allowed to qualify on the Missile System (It's not his rating), nor the Navigation Center/Radio/Sonar. To qualify radio, he would have to have a TS clearance, a Nuke was not granted that clearance. Besides, the need for him in the Engineering Spaces would be very high, so they would not be able to let him do things like that. Imagine the problems when you had a DASO run, or the annual weapons test. Nope, he may have qualified Chief Of The Watch, but not every watchstation forward. Also, though the skipper would listen to advice from others, it is highly improbably that he ever took any from a First Class Petty Office. Webber was a nuke, but he was not all knowing. (Although to a young person still new to the submarine, he might have seemed that way. From how you describe him, he reminds me of a man I knew named Harold Lewis)

5. After only a short pause, our chief collected himself together and told Andrew that he didn’t want to see him again, until He was completed with his check-in. Again, he should not be capitalized.

6. Finally we had made it underway. You should delete the word 'had', it makes the sentence read awkwardly.

7. We could tell that Webber was proud, also, but he would never admit it. Having two commas around 'also' gives a double pause to the sentence. You should delete the first one.

8. He told the so, in not so few words. I think the is meant to be them. I know this is fiction, but you still might want to make it realistic. I've never seen anyone yell a the Chief Of The Boat in front of others. If they did, it didn't last long, and the 'conversation' was taken behind closed doors. I know it could still be heard, but I've never seen a COB tolerate anyone E-6 and below yell at them.

9. Others tried to open the Engine Room door, to no avail. It was dogged from the inside. I was about to ask someone what had happened when I noticed Andrew. He looked pretty grim. This is on a separate line, as if it is a paragraph on it's own. But it's not indented like the rest of your paragraphs. This happens in a couple other places in the story also.

10. I tried to explain to him that it wasn’t his fault, and that no one else was to blame hear either, but before I could get any words in, the “general emergency” alarm sounded. Hear should be here. I also think that general alarm should be capitalized.

11. The ‘gong…gong…gong’ seemed to last a long time as anticipation of what set in as to what was going to happen next. This sentence is worded poorly. I've highlighted the words in red that really set this off. Maybe it you changed it to read, "The ‘gong…gong…gong’ seemed to last a long time as we waited in anticipation of what would happen next."

12. From what I gathered from the throng of people milling about, was that petty Officer Webber had gone to relieve the watch a little early. You have a couple of extra words in this too. I think you can delete 'was that', and capitalize Petty Office, it's a title for Webber.

13. With those snacks and all the water he could drink, Webber could’ve lasted a long time hold up in there. Hold should be holed.

14. “Webber, we know that have control of the Engine Room…” I think you left the word 'you' out of this sentence.

15. Your story has a nice climax to it, but you leave me wondering. The Kentucky had been on patrol for 40 days, yet was close enough to land for the Coast Guard to get there quickly? Also, you say they found the Engineroom hatch open, but if you were in a patrol area, then it would be too deep, and the boat would have imploded/exploded. The hatch may have been in one piece after that, maybe not, it might have been blown open, maybe not, but it seems unlikely they would have found the boat in one piece.

Overall impressions:  A very good story about life on submarines. While it is a story of fiction, the author describes everyday life on board decently well. In fact, he glossed over quite a bit that most people wouldn't understand. Overall though, a nice read, if you're interested in Navy stories.

Sum1 EMC(SS) (RET.)

*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

Dear Countrymom,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and knew I had to visit your port once again. Happy 11th WDC Anniversary!

         I love your collection of special poems and stories in this post. Like you, anything to do with Veteran's is special to me, so it's always a pleasure to drop in and visit you. You may want to review this page, the first three items are now 'invalid', you may want to consider replacing them. Other than that, I think everything you do here that involves the veterans in one way or another, is great. Thank you for this page, the contests you run, and everything else you do.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Dear Meg,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 6th WDC Anniversary!

         I can't help but love anything written about veterans, especially when it's well written. This is beautiful. While the rhythm is not always consistent (does it have to be when it's written from the heart like this is?), it flows very well. This was just one line where I stopped for the briefest of moments, but I'm glad I did just the same. It gave me time to reflect on what you were saying, and didn't detract from the poem one bit. Thanks for the beautiful read.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of Big Brother  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hey Davy,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 10th WDC Anniversary!

         Before I get to my review, I have to say this about your name Kraken. I read a book years ago called 'The Kraken Awakes' by John Wyndham. He was a special author, his stories always left me thinking, asking myself questions. Now, on to the review.

         I hate to say it, but I read 1984 before you were born. *Rolleyes* Needless to say, its memory is in the far recesses of my mind. But from what I recall, your poem parallels the book well. When you think of today's world, I think it closely resembles the world George Orwell wrote about. Web Cam's are on many street corners, more so in London than most other places if I'm not mistaken. Funny how that is, since London was the locale of the original book. Our lives are closely monitored by many organizations, mainly due to the use of the Internet, which I don't think George Orwell wrote about in his book. I do have a little feedback for you on it.

Title:  Perfect for this poem.

Description:  Very good, it's what drew me in to read this.

Grammar:  I saw no errors

Rhyme/Rhythm:  Your rhyme scheme was excellent. There were a couple of places where the rhythm was off a little, but I'm not one who believes that every line needs the exact same rhythm.

General Comments:  

1. I appreciate you font use. The black color, it's boldness and just the way it presents itself on the page makes this poem stand out. However, it can in some cases chase others away. You may want to change this, I don't know. Just wanted to let you know my thoughts on it.

Overall impressions:  A nice chilling poem that parallels an equally chilling book.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of my sun  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear Black07Angel,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 5th WDC Anniversary!

         You really pour your heart out in this poem, expressing your love for him. While I find it hard to read free flowing verse sometimes, this flows nicely. One line is a bit longer than the others, but I still loved this poem. I think changing the font colors emphasized the thoughts of him, as well as the repetitive "I miss you". My one comment on this, is that you should think about capitalizing the first word of lines that contain a period.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of Loneliness  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Lady Brendragon,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 3rd WDC Anniversary!

         Since joining WDC, I've learned so much about the different forms of poetry. While I haven't written a Cinquain yet, I can appreciate the form and it's requirements. You chose the syllabic format of 2/4/6/8/2, and have met it well. You even managed to tell a nice small story in the process also. My only comment is about the third line. You don't need to capitalize each word unless you place a period between them.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear CJ,
         My best friend Amay is a big fan of yours, so when I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, I just had to drop in to wish you Happy 3rd WDC Anniversary!

         Okay, all that being said, I won't review this, but just comment on things. She's told me a bit about you, and I think you're an amazing woman. To go through the things you are right now, plus keep your writing going and such is phenomenal.

         This is well written, I don't see any reason it should have been rated low by someone. Does it need a little bit of editing TLC? Well, I think everything does, even books that are published and in bookstores waiting to be purchased. I loved the idea of you playing an April Fools joke on your friends husband, I've done a few, but nothing like this. I too would love to have been a fly on the wall. *Smile* Nicely done!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of Inspecting eyes  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Dear CapnBizarre,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 4th WDC Anniversary!

         This story starts quickly, and doesn't slow until it ends. It seems to me that it would be part of a longer, more in-depth story though. The reason I say this is that we don't get to know your main character much at all, and your comment at the end of the story about the yellow tie with three black spots on it. I wasn't sure if your main character was a vampire (it seemed he could be), or if he was running from something like that. What I do know, is that your story is very good, despite it's sudden ending. It just seems to me that it needs to be a little longer, that there's a lot more to it than you've told us here. I do have a little feedback for you on it.

Title:  A little puzzling to me since I wasn't sure what this story was all about.

Description:  Very good for this story, but the word unfomfortable should be uncomfortable I think.

Grammar:  Very good

My Favorite Part:  Your main character getting paranoid because an older man was staring at him.

General Comments:  

1. At the end of the story, the older man gets up and speaks to his dog. I would think he'd call the dog by name, not just 'Fido'. I've never heard anyone call their dog Fido.

2. This needs to be longer, with more detail provided as to why your main character is on the run, what the 'almost fatal mistake' was that he made, and the significance of the yellow tie was.

Overall impressions:  A very good story that has me intrigued, but it needs more buildup, more depth.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of The Librarian  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Dear Whispered Grace,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 1st WDC Anniversary!

         I found this story to be a bit chilling. You tell it rather nonchalantly, almost in an off-hand way, but it does flow well. I think this could be a bit longer, it would make a really good story if you developed the plot a little more, and let us get to know both Jackson and the Librarian. I do have a few comments for you on this.

Title:  Perfect for this story

Description:  This is good, it does draw a reader in, but you should delete the word who from it, it's not needed.

My Favorite Part:  The ending got me, makes me want to read more about the answers she finds.

General Comments:  

1. In the story, the librarian thinks she created three killers, all former students of hers. But there's nothing in the story to confirm that. From what we read, she's a normal librarian, doing the everyday mundane tasks we all do in our jobs, so how did she turn them into killers? If you expanded on this some, you could provide background on what went on, and how her influence caused them to become killers.

2. "I will not eat them..." he recited proudly.

Initially I knew it was a mistake. I could tell by the low quality ink that rubbed off the newspaper and the bold font decorating it's front page. No reputable news source would be so gauche.

I read the story anyway, recounting the gruesome murders of two dozen Tennessee residents. I could hear the drawling 'a' in Jackson's name as the arresting officer recounted the movie quality bust. The writer managed to pump mounds of vile hatred into the grey-black paragraphs, making their ordered sections bulge with public outrage. Fair and balanced reporting my ass.

In this area of the story here, I wasn't sure if some of this was in the past when you were schooling Jackson in the library, or taking place in the recent past when you were reading about Jackson's arrest.

Overall impressions:  A chilling story of young boys who are influenced by the librarian.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Fyn,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 7th WDC Anniversary!

         Your story made me think of 'mature women' I've seen in movies, Jessica Tandy and Betty White come to mind. Shooing her help away like so many flies nearby made me smile, I was worried she'd fall again. I think your ending is better though, my thoughts on it were too predictable, that's why it's your story, not mine. *Smile* I did see a couple of things you might want to look at in this.

1. After he’d passed, she’d taken to keeping her cigarettes in there until the family insisted and nagged until she’d had to quit simply because no one would get them for her, and she had no way to get them for herself. This sentence seems to have one too many 'until' in it.

2. At the end of the story, you have a link to a non-existent contest. I would not want to see you delete the link, but you might want to change it to a text of what the contest was.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Dear Eskay,
         I saw your suitcase on the Power Reviewers Anniversary page, and thought I'd drop by to honor this occasion, your 1st WDC Anniversary!

         I loved the flow of this simple poem. It seems that I could never write something like this, I'm not sure what style this is, but I'd call this prose, 'old style' prose. The rhyming is good, even if you changed the rhyme scheme for the last verse. The lines are short for the most part and flow well. I think my favorite part is the second verse. I saw someone crouching on a rocky shore trying to find shelter from a looming storm as I read this. And the last two words sealed the deal for me, well done!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Much better! Look carefully at your words. In a couple of places, you have a misspelling, or the wrong usage. One is to, instead of too, and in your description, you have dairy instead of diary. It's the small things like this that will greatly improve the reviews you receive. This is much better; I've changed my rating as a result. Well done!

Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Dear Dannie,
         Before I welcome you to Writing.com (WDC as we affectionately call it), I want to ensure that this story is not based on fact, that these events are not happening in your life right now. If anything close to this is going on, please notify your teacher at school immediately, and ask to be placed in Foster Care. If this is complete fiction, you tell one heck of a story that seems realistic to me.

         Now, welcome to Writing.com, I see you joined today! *Smile* This story is a scary one for me. I've never had to endure something like you describe in this story, but I'm all too aware that it goes on in many places around the world. And too many times it goes ignored. I couldn't ignore it, hence my note to open this review.

         I would love to give this a high rating, but I'm afraid I can't. It needs a bit of polishing, but nothing that requires a lot of effort. My specific comments are:

1. When starting a sentence, use capital letters. I know you already know this, but you are writing now, not texting friends or sending quick e-mails. Keep in mind that your writing will be judged based on how it looks and is presented. So, the 'old school' rules will apply. If you want you writing to be taken seriously, you'll have to remember the basic skills you learned in school. It is not impossible for you to become an author, you are young and tell a good story here. But if you want to be an author, you'll have to work for that to happen. It starts with this story, and everything you'll post on WDC or anywhere else.

2. Along with the capital letters' don't forget to use other punctuation where needed. This includes comma's, semi-colons, periods (those seemed to be fine for the most part), and the occasional apostrophe. If you use dialog in later stories, don't forget the quotation marks.

3. Check your spelling, this story has numerous spelling errors in it. Just a couple of examples, faveoruite = favorite, strick = strict.

4. I would format this a little differently, but then that's just my thoughts on it. Here's a suggestion, if I may.

Day 1 (About Me)
         Hi, My name is Leela I'm your average 15 year old girl. Nothing special really just ... average.

I used the {indent} command to indent the first line. I thought a bold font would make the entry stand out a little more and draw attention to the subject of this entry.

All in all, a very good story that needs a little editing TLC so it can achieve better grades from future reviewers. I've read your bio and a little of your other stories; you seem to like the 'dark' subjects, so I'm a little more relieved now, but my first bit of advice still stands, and always will. I hope you continue to post here on WDC and become an active member. You'll be amazed at what you can learn about writing in a short time here.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of Her Eyes...  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Dear Dreamcatcher,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop by for a visit. Happy 1st WDC Anniversary!

         What a poem/story! Not sure if you intended this to be a free verse poem or short story; you have it listed as other, making it hard to say. I could feel this poor man dying as he was fighting. All he wanted to focus on was her and his love for her as he fought this one last time. I could almost feel his life ebbing away with every line, yet he remained focused on her, his last though of her beautiful eyes. Very well done!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

** Image ID #1840790 Unavailable **
Review of The Sound  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Hey Tom,
         When we swapped E-mails about your story, I saw that tomorrow is your 1st WDC anniversary, and knew I had to drop by to wish you a Happy Anniversary from me, and the wonderful Power Reviewers Group!

         Well, once again I got mesmerized by your story. I've done a lot of proof-reading in the last few years though, and anything obvious would have hit me quickly. This is as well written as 'Trick or Tweet', but I liked that story better. I will say that I found Fred to be incredibly odd. The idea of cutting a hole in a wall of a new apartment, pulling a dishwasher out from the wall and flooding the place, trying to light matches to see inside the hole he'd created .... All these are things a sane person wouldn't do. And for me, that's what made this story seem very odd. It appeared that Fred was the only person who heard the sound. It must have come on quickly, and from the story it started once he had moved into the apartment. Then it seemed he only heard it when he was in the apartment, not anywhere else. Once he moved out it stopped, only to return when he was trying to sleep in his friends dorm room. The sound also seemed to change each time he heard it, at first being just a soft buzz that slowly got louder. As I read through the story, the sound changed to a Buzz Squeeek, and other small sounds later on. For me, the man appeared to suffer from a hearing problem, and it was amazing that he never mentioned anything to anyone about it, other than the first time he heard it with Jim and the girls in the place. I guess there are people who would tear a place apart like he did (I've seen worse in my time), but I know if it was me, I'd have been calling Ms. Taylor immediately. I kept waiting for something to manifest itself in the story, waiting for a cause of the sound, but that never came. And that's the main reason that though I was mesmerized in the story (You can write one heck of tale, that's for sure, you do have a way of keeping the reader's interest), I didn't find this one as amazing as the first one I read. But then, it's hard to beat that story, I think anyone would agree with me on that one. And once again, thank you for a pleasurable read!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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