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Review Requests: ON
3,159 Public Reviews Given
3,207 Total Reviews Given
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Casual for the most part. I will point out errors I see and offer suggested corrections. I like to focus on the content and formatting of the item. I love providing helpful comments and feedback that may improve the item if acted on.
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I like to provide suggestions to the author on things I see that may need a second look. I'm not afraid to do a little research to verify a poem's format, or the contents of a story (if requested).
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Mystery, Horror, Sci-Fi, Comedy, and Suspense
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Honestly, I will read anything if asked. I just prefer those listed above.
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Short stories, novellas, books (though a review of that may take days/weeks due to my schedule), Poetry of any format.
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I find non-structured poetry difficult to review, unless there is a short disclaimer about this non-structure that would help in understanding the reason it's in that particular format.
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Review of An Image  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Gypsy Gal,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 2nd WDC Anniversary!

         This is a very deep poem you've written. Just mentioning the word image helped me know a little about what to expect in this poem. But this poem exceeded my expectations some. I know it applies to every one of us on this Earth, all we have to do is examine your words, and know (in some cases admit) they are true. I do have a little feedback for you on this.

Title: Very good for this poem

Description: This could be better, you want to use these 90 characters that WDC allows us to draw in a reader, make them WANT to read your poem.

General Comments:

1. You start the poem out saying you looked down, but later in the poem, you look. Looked is past tense, look is present tense. Either would be fine, but they need to be consistent. Another tense inconsistency is you say you see, then later you saw, again, past and present tense.

2. You start five lines with the word 'And'. That's one fifth of your lines, too many for a poem this short.

3. This poem would look great centered on the page. *Smile*

Overall impressions: A poem that can stun the reader if they read it closely. Well done!


** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
         I dropped in to give you this review because you are a very special person to me, and I could think of no one I wanted to share my ONE THOUSANDTH review with more. *Bigsmile*

         When I first started reading this, I was wondering about the two sets of brown eyes looking at the father. I guess it was almost half way before I realized there were two with the father, then three quarters way before I realized the other one had to be a dog. I loved how you tied this in subtly, never really telling us that the sad eyes belonged to a dog until the end. I will say that I had the impression that the son was young, maybe 10 yrs old in this story, so I was a little surprised to find it was a suit the dog had ruined. I do have a little feedback for you on it.

Title: Very good for this story.

Description: A little short, but pretty good, I know your southern way of telling a story, so when I saw the word 'parable', I knew I had to read this.

General Comments:

1. Some of your paragraphs are not indented like the rest. I use the {indent} command to take care of that for me, it really makes writing a story a lot easier. (Just don't try using it in Microsoft Word, it doesn't do it there! *Smile*)

2. One set of sad brown eyes looked up at Sam while the other set of brown eyes glowering. Glowering should be glowered.

3. Dad finally, started his parable for the benefit of his son. You should delete the comma after finally, it's not needed.

4. Everything, I’ve done over the last, how many years? The comma after everything isn't needed either.

Overall impressions: A very cute story of a father trying to help his son understand that no matter how angry he is about something, love still wins.



*Rainbowl*WDC POWER RAIDER*Rainbowr*

** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 2nd WDC Anniversary!

         I read this story with some amount of amusement. It has always amazed me how some people are so afraid of a computer. I know I began somewhere, but I do not recall ever being afraid of one. Amazed at what it can do? Yes, I still am on almost a daily basis, but never afraid.

         This is very cute, and I can see why you wanted to initially try it alone at night. Children today grow up with these things, to them it's as natural as playing hop scotch was to you and I. I loved how your first mistake was turning it off, made my smile even bigger. And like you, I have a son, well, two of them, who were a little better than me at some things. They are both grown now, but it never ends. *Bigsmile*

         Thank you for the entertaining read


*Rainbowl*WDC POWER RAIDER*Rainbowr*

** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review of Terminal Leave  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 10th WDC Anniversary!

         You have quite the story here. A bit of a mystery involving the Marine Corps and a death of a Staff Sergeant at a base in North Carolina. The dialog was very good, and while I was never a Marine, it seemed pretty real. I do have a little feedback for you on it.

Title: Good for this story, I wondered how you were getting the terminal leave part in, then found out in the middle of the story.

Description: I didn't see the tie-in between the story and the description. I would think a description informs a reader of the story a little bit, but I just didn't see how it did. Could be me having a gray hair moment though. *Smile*

Grammar: I noticed no obvious errors.

General Comments:

1. It was all quiet, save a few TVs or radios, in the barracks off to his left. This seemed to be a little off when I read it. I think a slight wording change would help. All was quiet, except for a few TVs or radios in the barracks off to his left.

2. Corporal Ezra Dannings, one of the best in Weapons Company, had the hearing of a wild dog and had taken a break from the book in his lap when Kyrkendall had drove up on the opposite side of the building. You should either delete 'had' from this sentence, or change 'drove' to 'driven'.

3. "Kinda cool this mornin huh Staff Sergeant?" A comma is needed after mornin.

4. He also had a wife that lived to volunteer with the battalion where ever and when ever she could. Where ever and when ever should be wherever, and whenever.

5. Some of your paragraphs are not double spaced as the others are.

6. "Whose there?" Whose should be Who's

7. After the killing of the Staff Sergeant, you move to a totally different scene with Sergeant Ruiz and the morning PT. You need to set this off somehow so it is obvious to the reader, maybe a ~~~~~ between the two paragraphs or something. This happened again later on when the investigators arrived on the scene.

8. He hit the talk button on his cell phone for what seemed like the thousandth time that afternoon. Story timing issue. Here you say it's afternoon, yet a couple of sentences later, it's mid-morning, and a little later on, it's 1130.

9. The window behind Kyrkendall's empty desk. This sentence is incomplete.

10. The level of confustion was just below chaotic and the Sergeant knew there was no point in trying to be heard now. Confustion should be confusion.

11. Before the coroner took the body from under the small grove of trees in front of the duty hut of barracks number 535 Sergeant Miguel Ruiz of the US Marine Corps reached out and gingerly closed the lifeless eyes of his best friend. This sentence is a little more detailed than it needs to be. You don't have to address the men in the Marines each time with their rank, nor do you have to mention which barracks they are in front of, since you've never mentioned one before.

12. Special Agent Kyla Winters had done her fair share of time in the Corps, like some of the other agents at NCIS and like most female Marines she had a certain apprhensions about Infantry Marines. Apprhensions should be apprehensions. You should delete the 'a' before apprehensions, or delete the 's' from the end of apprehensions.

13. He knew that fresh out of the Corps and new to the Navel Criminl Investigative Service Winters would have to overcome several years of the stereotypes the other side of the Marine Corps had about the Infantry, where he had come from himself. Criminl should be criminal. This sentence is very wordy, and could be shortened/divided into two. If left as is, you need to add a comma after service.

14. Some agent I am! She thought bitterly, Some agent I am! should be in quotes, since it's words she's thinking to herself. If not quotes, then italics at least.

15. Definately work on your observation skills! she scolded herself as she climbed the stairs to the second deck. Definately should be definitely. The first part of this sentence also needs quotation marks, since it's dialog she's thinking to herself.

16. You ended this story very abruptly, there really was no conclusion. Earlier in the story, it sounded like Ruiz was really sorry at the loss of his best friend. But in the last three paragraphs, a Corporal seems to implicate Ruiz in the Staff Sergeants murder. The Corporal then left the room after making that statement, and there is no way he would be allowed to just 'get up and leave' like that. He wouldn't have been allowed to leave until dismissed, and she never dismissed him. This story needs a conclusion. Why was the Staff Sergeant murdered, and who did it? To me, you really leave the reader hanging here with no answer.

Overall impressions: A story I enjoyed reading, but it needs a definite conclusion, not the emptiness I felt after it ended.


*Rainbowl*WDC POWER RAIDER*Rainbowr*

** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review of Whew!  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

Thea Marie,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 8th WDC Anniversary!

         You know, for such a short poem, this really says a lot. It says something every one of us has felt at one time or another in our lives. But to be honest, I'd love to know a little more, call it my inquiring mind. *Smile* Mainly because the first and third verses are so alike, only the second one tells us anything. Sometimes less is better, but I really think there's so much more you could tell here. I think centering it on the page would really help too, but that's just an opinion there.

Review of Test: I am myself  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
         I found this on the Power Reviewers Request board, and thought I'd give it a look. As I read the first paragraph, I realized that English is not your first language. (I also checked your port, and saw that you are from Malaysia). Because of that, I do not feel I am qualified to review this. In American English, it has numerous minor grammar issues. But since English isn't your first language, how can I review it? I just finished teaching a class to technicians of the Royal Malaysian Police here in the Chicago area, so I'm a little familiar with how people from that area of the world speak. The fact that you can both speak, and read/write English decently well, while still speaking in the Malay tongue daily amazes me. I am grading this based on the issues I mentioned above, but it would take me a very long time to mention each one in this review, and I'd hate for you to think I was saying this story is bad. It's not, it's very good. It does ramble some, and that may be part of your grand plan for it; but overall it's a pretty good story. I think what you need is someone like yourself to read and reivew this, not me, a person who abuses English frequently. *Smile* This is nicely written, flows well, but a difficult read for someone who does not come for your area of the world. I'm sorry I can't provide you better feedback and hope that you get positive reviews and comments from others.

Review of Sam The Plumber  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

Hey Sam,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a review. Happy 5th WDC Anniversary!

         This is a very cute plumber about a poem. Err, I mean ,,, well, you know. I saw your price/hour at the bottom of the poem, now I'm like Elvis, all shook up!

         Seriously, this is a very cute poem. I loved the line about the 'buttcrack and all'. Your descriptions of what you'd do as you repaired their problem were nice, I don't think I stopped smiling the entire time I read this. I do have a little feedback for you.

Title: This is part of what drew me to read this. Very good!

Description: Since this is an older piece, leaving it as it is might be good, but you may want to consider revising a little bit. Lure a reader in!

Rhyme/Rhythm: Your rhythm and rhyme was consistent throughout with a nice aabb rhyme.

General Comments:

1. Would a plumber really sit around all day talking with someone after they were done? It seems you'd move on to a new job, and make another $200. *Smile* The verse fits well, but it doesn't seem realistic. But then, maybe this isn't meant to be real.

2. Your faucet is dripping, leak at the spout? This is redundant. You could change it slightly however. The packing is leaking, drips at the spout? I'm not sure about that suggestion, how many know what packing is? It's your decision of course, I just found this a little off is all.

Overall impressions: A very cute poem about a day Sam The Plumber's life.


*Rainbowl*WDC POWER RAIDER*Rainbowr*

** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review of Abduction  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

Dear Kris,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 6th WDC Anniversary!

         I found this story of alien abduction to be very interesting. I was mesmerized throughout, wondering what was going to happen to you next. The idea of being taken by aliens, only to be cared for and cleansed is a little unique. However, I think the biggest issue I'd have with this story, is that it ended very abruptly. I would love to know more about what happened next. In a way, it seems you died in this story, and met your mother in the After Life, but I'm not sure. I do have a little feedback for you on it.

Title: Excellent for this story

Description: Very good, but I'm wondering about the twist. Was it how they cared for you?

Rough spots?:

1. And just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I was poked and prodded in places that I didn’t even knew existed! Knew should be know.

2. That was when I realized the aliens were at least not trying to harm me (aside from taking me from everything I had ever know, that is) and was actually caring for me. Was should be were. Know should be known.

3. The alien gently put some clothing on me a small shirt that barely covered me; I did protest at this, as I was perfectly happy nude. You should have a comma after me.

4. What if this was a ritual before the sacrifice? I whispered to myself. Since you are whispering to yourself, this statement should be in quotation marks.

Overall Impressions: A very interesting story of alien abduction. Or is it an abduction?


** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
         This is an interesting story you've written here, a plot that moves, with a natural dialog to compliment it. You wrote this so convincingly that I Googled Snagar. I wasn't too surprised to find your story on the first page, posted on WDC here. *Smile* You tell this from the first person point of view, but at the end, you are forced to switch to third person. That's a bit of a stretch, since everything else is first person, so when your main character is attacked in the tree, the story should end there. (Just my opinion). Or, change this to be from the third person point of view entirely. Easily said, quite a bit of work to do though. I do have a little feedback for you about it.

Title: Very good for this story

Description: Good for now, but you may consider revising it after the contest. You want to describe the Snagar a little, entice people to read this.

Grammar: Some of your wording is a little 'off' as I like to say, but good overall.

General Comments:

1. So if you ever see a girl or a guy that looks like an elf it is probably because they have elf blood and be glad you don’t because the Snagar are always sniffing about and will sometimes wait years, until the time is right to leap from ambush. This is a pretty long sentence, you might want to consider making it two or more, instead of one.

2. For her the term was less offensive because its one thing for a girl to look like an elf and another for a guy. Its should be it's.

3. somewhere, up my family tree there was a marriage or less sanctioned form of commingling that took place. Commingling should be co-mingling.

4. In the fourth paragraph, the narrator tells how he's seen a Snagar with his own eyes. This implies he's still alive, yet we both know how this all ends.

5. My sister Martha is a year older and when she started dating, her boyfriend took her to a secluded spot so they could get to know each other. better His name was Mark and we didn’t get along. The period is in the wrong place. It needs to be after better.

6. At this point Martha recounts that Mark thought some of their friends were playing a little joke and threw the door suddenly open to catch a glimpse of what the commotion was all about. Again, you tell this part of if it's in the present, but this all happened in the past, so Martha would have recounted, not recounts.

7. Needless to say this murder what the crime sensation of the century in our little community. What should be was.

8. Pack you bag and throw it in the car…. You should be your.

Overall impressions: A good story that may give a reader chills.


*Rainbowl*WDC POWER RAIDER*Rainbowr*

** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review of Give me this...  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 5th WDC Anniversary!

         The poem is worded beautifully, expressing your love for a special someone. It is always wonderful to wake next to your love, I've always been amazed, watching them sleep so peacefully. If I may though, I have a little feedback for you on it.

Title: Very nice for this poem. But you should at least capitalize the first word in it.

Description: I know this was written for a contest, but that was three years ago. You should update this. A description should be used to pull a reader in, a lure if you will. Think of our descriptions here on WDC as that 'inside the cover page' of a book. You read it to get an idea of the book's contents. The same idea applies to our descriptions.

Rhyme/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme was good thoughout, however it varied from abab to aabb, then back to abab, then finally back to aabb once again. While this isn't necessarily wrong, it does tend to confuse, or throw off the rhythm of the read. Your rhythm varied from thirteen syllables to as low as eight or nine, again throwing off the reader a little. I'm not one who believes that every line has to be exactly the same, unless you are writing to a certain format, like a Kyrielle, but I do think having a more consistent rhythm is better.

General Comments:

1. You tell us it's a poem in your description, yet it's presented in a story format. Poetry, no matter what type it is, is usually written line by line, each line by itself. This would look a lot better if formatted properly. An example:

As the sun breaks out over the horizon distant
I awake next to an angel my true love
the rise and fall of our breathing remains consistent
watching you sleeping im reminded of a dove

This also allows you to see how it looks on the page.

2. The use of tilda's (~) to separate your lines was a little annoying to be honest.

3. watching you sleeping im reminded of a dove im should be I'm

4. Two separate lines start the same, or very close to the same, you may want to consider revising a little. "Watching you sleeping", and "Watching you sleep".

Overall impressions: A nice love poem written to the love of your life. A little minor TLC editing will make it a much stronger poem.


*Rainbowl*WDC POWER RAIDER*Rainbowr*

** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 6th WDC Anniversary!

         I found this to be very well written, but very sad, and all too true. Your descriptions of the cottage early on rang warning bells in my mind, and I knew your vacation would be nothing like you envisioned all winter. But we all need dreams don't we? And this one carried you through the way through winter. I only hope you found a better dream the following year. *Smile* I've been around quite a bit, I know there are very few places you can go on a beach to be absolutely alone, and find peace and quiet. If you do, it's either very rocky and COLD, or in a part of the world that few want to be in for a vacation.

         Overall, very well done, thanks for the enjoyable read.


** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 2nd WDC Anniversary!

         This is a cute take on the Red Riding Hood story, I loved the idea of the wolf going on vacation because he needed to get some rest. I was glad that you didn't go the obvious route, and have Red and the Wolf become best friends while remaining enemies. I'm not sure of the use of Australian English since I'm American, but I did notice a couple of things that I'll comment on. If they are not correct by Australian standards, then ignore them by all means.

Title: Very cute, it fit the whole idea of the story perfectly.

Description: Very good, it told me a little, but not a lot, and enticed me in to read the story.

Characters: I found both the Wolf, and Red to be endearing. Their attitudes towards each other was consistent. In a way, it was a love/hate relationship.

Rough spots?:

1. She immediately ran into her room to pick up her flower bag, and, not forgetting to kiss her mother first, rushed out of the house. I think you could delete the comma after and, it doesn't seem to be needed.

2. She danced with them all night, spending time by counting stars and listening to the turtle playing his guitar. That day Little Red Riding Hood went home very late. This seems to be contradictory. She danced with her friends all night, yet went home late that day. Was she out all night?

3. On one occasion, when she was walking deep into the forest, she thought she heard a group of bushes shook a little. It seems to me that shook should be shake.

4. Isn’t it better for you if he never had never appeared? You should delete the first never.

5. The spring breeze immediately rushed in with all its beautiful scent, but even that couldn’t take the smile off her face. Was she frowning, or smiling? It seems a spring breeze would make her smile, not remove it.

Overall Impressions: A really cute story about Red Riding Hood and her nemesis the Wolf. A love/hate relationship. Nicely done!


** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

Dear Emily,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 2nd WDC Anniversary!

         It's not often one gets stuck in an elevator with someone you loathe. Even less often is the sudden blooming romance that occurs once she lets her anger towards Jack go a little. I do have a little feedback for you about it.

Title: Very good for this story.

Description: I liked this, it's what caused me to drop in and read it.

Grammar: There are a few homonym errors in the story, I've highlighted the sentences below.

Spelling: I noticed no errors.

Characters: We got to know Jack pretty well, but you gave us few clues about the narrator.

Rough spots?:

1. The elevator came to yet another stop on its journey down to the ground floor of the office building I worked at, letting the two passengers besides me off and one more on. Besides should not be plural.

2. (“thanks for helping me up, Jack!”) Thanks should be capitalized.

3. I fought the urge to knock the shards of that stupid little gadget out of hand. I think you let 'his' out of this sentence.

4. A couple of your paragraphs are not indented the same amount as the rest. The { indent } command works well for that (minus the spaces between the brackets and the word).

5. Thank you, captain obvious. Captain and Obvious should be capitalized, since you've given him that name in this sentence.

6. I whipped my head around to face him, trying to best not to let my bitterness towards his getting my promotion affect my temper. This is worded a little off. I think this would work well for you. I whipped my head around to face him, trying my best to not let my bitterness towards his getting my promotion affect my temper.

7. I worked hard for three years to get to wear I am: Secretary to the CEO himself. Wear should be where.

8. If it hadn’t been for the faulty emergency breaks you wouldn’t be alive right now. Breaks should be brakes. I think this is worded wrong, if the brakes had been faulty, they would have died, not been alive.

Overall Impressions: A nice story about being cooped up with someone you despise, then learned you shouldn't really despise them after all.


** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review of Mourning  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a fantastic poem. The picture makes the words so much more powerful.

Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

Silent Tears,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 10th WDC Anniversary!

         Your poem overflows with sadness, every word screams at the reader your sorrows. I hope you have found happiness since then, no one should be this unhappy all the time. If I may, I have a couple of comments for you about it.

1. When you use the letter I alone to denote you, it is always capitalized.

2. whats running thru my mind. Whats should be What's, and thru should be through.

3. I think that in a poem like this, the first word of each line should be capitalized. That is an opinion only though, I just feel it lends a better look to it is all.

3. my love is slowly dieing. Dieing should be dying.

4. You use the word 'once' three times in five lines. In a poem this short, it really stands out. You may want to see if you can find a suitable substitute for at least one of them.

Overall, a beautiful, though very sad, poem.

Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: E | (4.5)
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 1st WDC Anniversary!

         I love the different forms that poetry can take, and this one is excellent! It's a variation of an acrostic poem, but what I like most, is how you told the story using the letters of the acrostic instead of having them down one side of the poem. I do have a little feedback for you.

Title: Excellent for this poem

Description: Very good, I came to read this because you said you created this style. *Smile*

Rhythm/Rhyme: It was very good throughout, but the last verse is a lot longer syllable wise than the rest. But I'm not sure how you would change this, or if you should change it.

General Comments:

1. In many places you used a upper case letters encased in quotations marks, yet in others you used lower case, or upper case, both with no quotation marks. I think this would be much stronger if you used upper case in quotation marks consistently, and made them bold so they stood out.

Overall impressions: An excellent poem with a small story wrapped within. Well done!


** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review of A Christmas Story  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Imagine,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 4th WDC Anniversary!

         A little bit of the night before Christmas, and a little bit of How The Grinch Stole Christmas, mixed in to one story here. At least that's how I read it. *Smile* Why the Grinch? Well, it was the good Grinch who returned gifts after realizing what Christmas is all about in this story. The part about the "pointy eared, green scaled, devilish creature' that made me think of him. I do have a little feedback for you.

Title: Very good for this story.

Description: Very good, it's what drew me in!

General Comments:

1. A miniature dark figure layed a computer under a tree. I'm not sure, so I'll ask, layed, or laid. Either one, but I think 'placed' would be a better fit.

2. After using the word layed once, you proceeded to use the word laid four times in quick succession.

A box opened and contents laid about. Writing utensils laid about, pads of paper stacked in several piles. Brand new editions of Roget's Thesauruses laid atop, dictionaries of general, and science information appeared.

The list of writing apparatus continued to appear, several stacks neatly laid.

This just made the reading a little laborious. You may want to find suitable words to substitute for at least two of these.

Overall Impressions: An interesting, very short story, of Christmas Eve. Nicely done!


** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review of HEROES  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
Rated: E | (5.0)
(indent}I hope you continue to face down the demons that will haunt you the rest of your life, and win, as you have thus far. I spent my time in the service, but I never saw battle. When I was young, I was disappointed that I didn't, but now that I'm middle aged, I'm so very thankful. Those who have never fought in a true war can not conceive of the horrors you faced on a daily basis. Your story here conveys it well, but for us who have never been there, it's only words on a webpage, so we are still somewhat insulated from it. I thank you for your service, I'm glad you are still here with us, and wish you the best in everything you do.

Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Dear 4Provinces,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 10th WDC Anniversary!

         I love a good satire, this one is no exception! Being a song I too love makes it extra special. As I read/sang along, I could see how you fit your parody with the original song verses. And to top it all off, the picture at the top of the poem just set the mood when I opened the page. Very well done here!


** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review of The Intervention  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Dear Summer Wind,
         I am reviewing this story at your request. I am always happy to help someone with a review, even happier to be chosen by that person as a reviewer of something they wrote. I apologize for not keeping my word, and getting to it the day I said I would.

         This is a really good story about an angel intervening at a McDonald's during a hostage situation. It is original in it's idea; I loved the idea of an angel being there when all this occurred, and of course, I'm sure this was part of a larger plan. I think one of the biggest questions I had as I read this, was why would someone with a fully automatic machine gun do this in a McDonalds? Maybe it was a small enough crowd that he felt he could control, or maybe he was just a really small time hood and couldn't imagine anything larger, or maybe he wasn't all that bad as a person (hence his second chance at the end of the story), and something had happened that caused him to snap. Either way, McDonalds seemed a strange place for this to occur. My specific comments are detailed below.

Title: Excellent for this story.

Description: First, a description should entice a reader to read your story. You have labeled your story as 'Other', which then requires you to tell us that it's a story. You state, "This story is about" in your description. That's twenty precious characters you could use to describe this. I think you should edit this a little. At the top, the third field down in the 'list' when you create an item is 'Static Item'; it is there you can select what this is. Choose short story. Now when a reader visits your port, they'll see this next to the story, and already know that it's a short story. This saves those precious twenty characters for you to use in describing it. I think this might work for you. "In a hostage crisis, an intervention occurs and Will's soul is saved from damnation." (Eighty Five characters)

Grammar: Your grammar usage was very good, I noticed no errors.

Rough spots?:

1. " Why aren't you moving?” In several places you have a space between quotation marks and the line being quoted. I've used this one as an example.

2. He cocked his head to one side and answered softly” are you addressing me?” Again that space between the quotation marks and the word, but you need a comma after softly, and 'are' should be capitalized.

3. He smoothed his white suit carefully and walked leisurely over to the place where the thug was standing and looked directly into his eyes and whispered.
“Be careful Will, you do not know who you are dealing with, and what I am capable of.”
Multiple uses of 'and' in a sentence detracts from the read. This is easily fixed, an example is, "He smoothed his white suit carefully and walked leisurely over to the the thug. Looking directly in his eyes he whispered,
“Be careful Will, you do not know who you are dealing with, or what I am capable of.”
Notice that this line also seems to have a hard return in it, making the man in white's response appears on a separate line from the rest. You may want to look at that also.

4. "My name is Median" the man answered quietly In this line here, he's not so much as answering, (he did that in the line before when he told Will he knew all about him. I would change answered to continued.

5. He had grown impatient with this ruffian. I think this could be worded a little better. The reason I say this, is how do you know he had grown impatient with him? You might want to change this to read, He seemed to have grown impatient with this ruffian.
6. “let Will down, and tell the people to get up off the floor and leave this place immediately! Let should be capitalized.

7. The people got up off the floor, as if in a trance and peacefully left the restaurant one by one as if nothing had ever happened. All through this story, you've told it from the first person point of view, but now you switch to the third person point of view. It's easy to change this, and say, "We all got up from the floor, I had no control over myself, as if I was in a trance, it seemed as if everyone else was too, for we immediately left McDonald's." But the issue is, if you peacefully left McDonald's as if nothing had ever happened, how do you know what happened afterwards when Will soul is saved? I hate to say it, but this is probably told better from a third person point of view throughout. Instead of saying "I" at the start, give yourself a name, and tell it as if you're watching it all occur. This way, you can describe what happens after everyone leaves.

8. In reading stories on line, it's better if you have a double space between your sentences. You already have a blank line between your paragraphs, another good thing to do, this extra space between sentences really helps separate them, lending itself to a more enjoyable read.

Overall Impressions: A very good story about an intervention during a hostage crisis that ends with a chance for a new start in life. Well done!


** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review of Teacher's Pet  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: E | (4.5)
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 9th WDC Anniversary!

         Wow, it's been a while since I read a story so utterly entertaining. Throughout the story, I kept shaking my head, amazed at how a child could think the things this one did. I know when I was a child, I was so bright, my daddy called me son. *Bigsmile* Okay, it's too late at night to tell jokes that bad. But this story is really cute. In a way, the boy (I'm assuming the character is a boy) from the old classic book, "The Ransom Of Red Chief." The only thing I'll comment on about this, and it's a personal preference, not a deficiency in your writing, is that the first line of each paragraph should be indented. Just me, being old fashioned. Thanks for the entertaining read!

Samuel Ulysses MacIntosh (The First)

(Sum1) *Smile*
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

Dear Dr. Taher,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd drop in for a visit. Happy 9th WDC Anniversary!

         This is a pretty cute story about WDC in the future. I kind of liked this idea of Thinkmistress visiting everyone who was submitting an item to the site, then again, that's a scary thought in a way. *Smile* I think that projecting things into the future is very challenging, but I like the way you think it may happen. I do have a little feedback for you on it.

Title: Very original, fits this well.

Description: Very nice, it's what caused me to decide to read this.

Rough spots?:

1. You say in your introduction that it's the next millennium, yet at the end of the story, T@T_S_O_L is celebrating it's 1006th Anniversary. So your intro is 100 years, but this appears to be 1000 years in the future.

2. The 996-bit colour screen shimmered and a three-dimensional website opened out into James's room. Only 996 bit screen? We have monitors with a much higher resolution than that right now.

3. A hooded website owner calling herself the Thinkmistress*3005 glided down a red carpet and stood before James. If the name for 'Thinkmistress*3005' implies the year, then it is 1000 years in the future, but I loved the name!

4. She unravelled the cord that was wound around it and taking the end of the cord, she inserted its pin into a steel-bordered hole that was just in front of James's right ear. This line seems incongruous to me, mainly because it's 100 (or 1000) years in the future, and we're still using items that have a cord? If we have three dimensional displays, and receptor mounted near our ear, surely there would be no need for her to visit him personally? He could plug his receptor into his three dimensional display and just transmit his thoughts to the site where they are assembled into his poem, and posted for all to see. I know you're not from the U.S., so this may not apply, but unravelled should be unraveled.

4. I loved your reference to long dead authors J.K. Rowling, and the three from here on WDC. It gave the story a nice touch.

Overall Impressions: A cute story of how one man envisions life here on WDC, (ooops, T@T_S_O_L) will be sometime in the future.


** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
         I saw your story on the WDC Power Reviewers Autumn/Native American Raid page, and thought I'd drop in for a look.

         You tell quite a story here about a decision a man makes in the middle of a fight with Indians in the Old West. I liked how the Old West part was essentially a flashback. The West was quite wild in its day, things like this were common place. I often wonder how different our country would be if the white man had learned to live peacefully with the Native Americans, instead of treating them as they did. But as you said in your story, times were different then, everyone was different. I do have a little feedback for you on this, just my comments and ideas, what you choose to do is up to you of course.

Title: Very good for this story

Description: I think I would move your description to just above the title in the body of the story. I'm a firm believer in using the description to lure a reader in with a snippet about the story.

General Comments:

1. Several of your paragraphs are not indented like the others are.

2. Daddy started to interrupt, but Mother was well into her stride. He sighed and looked over at me as she roughshod over him. I think you left the word 'ran' out of this sentence.

Overall impressions: A truly sad story of life in the Old West, fighting Indians, making decisions that would haunt a man the rest of his life.


*Rainbowl*WDC POWER RAIDER*Rainbowr*

** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
Rated: E | (4.5)
         Tihs is grate! Keep up teh goood werk!@!!"

         Seriously, I can't agree with you more. I cannot count how many reviews I've never gotten a reply back on, and sadly, I have to admit that early on in my time here on WDC, I didn't respond to all reviewers. It was not out of shame for a bad review (thankfully I've only gotten a few), but out of ignorance. I was 'afraid' to respond to someone who had been on WDC so long, and thus had more knowledge about writing than I do. But I quickly realized that I should respond to reviews, and have tried to respond to every one I've received. But I'm sure there are at least a couple out there that I haven't gotten to.

         I'm glad you wrote this, everyone on WDC needs to realize that responding to a review is just plain courteous. Thanks for the entertaining read.

Review of Overnight Shift  
Review by Sum1 Is Home!
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
Snow Lake,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page, and thought I'd stop in for a visit. Happy 7th WDC Anniversary!

         What a tale you tell here. It is sad, full of a horror most people prefer not to think about. I know the job you describe in this story is not one I would want to consider doing.

         I realize English is probably not your native tongue since you have earned degrees in both Russia and the United States. This is written nicely, but it does have a few grammatical errors, which I will detail below. But it is still a good story, one I'd recommend my friends read.

Title: Very apt for this story.

Description: Your description is pretty good, but you have room for a little more, you may want to consider saying more about the story to entice readers in. *Smile*

Grammar: Very good for someone who's native tongue is not English.

Characters: The only character we got to know in the story is you, since you tell it from a first person point of view. But we didn't learn much about you, and I think it would be nice to know a little more about a person who is willing to work a job like this.

Rough spots?:

1. You might want to consider using the indent command in writingML to indent the first line of each paragraph. All you do is type { indent } at the start of the line. But don't use a space between the brackets and the word, I had to put them there or you would have seen an indent in the line.)

2. My body becomes intimately familiar with the little love seat, its uncomfortable surfaces and unaccommodating curves. Its should be it's.

3. Usually a huge tub of this disgusting stuff is placed near the door, to enable counselors distribute the cleaning substance to the clients, while the toxic pungent smells permeate the office. You need the word 'to' between counselors and distribute.

4. Not that anybody prevents me from making it earlier – but five is morning, and the other day, and now it is still night. I think 'another' would read better than 'other' in this line, if you choose to do that, you'll want to delete the word 'the' before another. I would also use a semi-colon after 'day' then too.

5. I slowly shuffle their, stepping over toys and picture book. Their should be there, and book should be plural.

6. I peep through the blinds, and find myself looking into a men’s eyes. Men's should be man's. Men is plural for man, but man's is possessive, as it should be in this line, since you are looking into a man's eyes.

7. She needs mental help – but she has not insurance. Not should be no.

8. Betty never works nights, as she knows it, but she only calls at this hour. I would delete the word 'it' after knows, it is not needed.

9. Then I realize it id blood. I know you meant is, not id.

10. For some reason, the site of the kids brings me back to life. Site should be sight.

11. The paramedics are frequent guests in this house, and there number is programmed in every phone. This time, there should be their. There is used when you mean something like a direction. Like, "It's over there." Their is possessive, like, "Their daughter was very pretty."

12. While the coffee is percolating, I make and inspection of a large box of old Starbucks goodies donated every week, and finally choose a cranberry scone. 'And' should be 'an'

Overall Impressions: A good story that makes the reader sit back and thank the heavens that they are not in this kind of position. It pulls at the heart.


** Image ID #1795794 Unavailable **
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