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Honest but encouraging *Smile* I use an outline (form)to make sure I've covered all the bases but within that, it's pure dialogue. Let's talk about your write.
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Short Stories and better at Poetry
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Breezy

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
Part prayer, part hymn, all praise *Smile*

I really enjoyed the form and flow... Uniquely you.

Nice imagery "pale blossoms on barren arms"... you have a wonderful touch with your words. The repetition, however, made me stop and look to see if this was a palindrome or other form poetry. Also the word/phrase "despair-ate" stopped me since I didn't know what you meant. A few minor tweaks would really help this flow and keep the reader more focused on the message rather than the messenger *Smile*

Technical Notes:
Other than what I mentioned, I saw nothing amiss. Well done.

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile* An enjoyable read in praise of God!

Keep writing! Wishing you all the best,


** Image ID #1507792 Unavailable **
Review of Weather Cat  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi typingrhyme

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
LOL - what a clever and cute write *Smile*

I love your imagery and can see Mariah scampering around the house... nicely done!

Clever images and well chosen words make this delightful to read.

Technical Notes:
A bit of a reach (calm/bomb) but nothing I'd worry about *Laugh* Excellent poem.

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile* and a *Bigsmile* A truely fun read!

Keep writing! Wishing you all the best,


** Image ID #1507792 Unavailable **
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Robin:TheRhymeMaven

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
A beautiful rhythm for a sad write.

Uniquely you... No one else knows your pain or strength.

This was captivating. I have some first hand experience (not me, my wife) with pain that doesn't stop and you've described it with powerful imagery of it's affects mentally and physically. I think is a fantastic write and should be required reading for those who've never been around it... it's not pretty, it's not kind, and it's not easily dealt with.

Technical Notes:
Not so much as a missing period *Smile*. Strong rhyme, wonderful meter!

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile* A great write... I'm sorry you had the experience to write it. You are a brave and strong woman.

Keep writing! Wishing you all the best,


** Image ID #1507792 Unavailable **
Review of To my sweetheart  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
A sweet declaration of your feelings.

I doubt that there's anything that hasn't been written about love *Laugh* That said, this is your personal interpretation of your feelings... that makes it uniquely yours.

More than a declaration of love, you managed to convey that the feeling went beyond in wishing her well no matter what. I found that very touching but also a bit pragmatic... as if you weren't sure that it would last. Love leaves no room for doubt.

Technical Notes:
3d Stanza "when you're gone..."
Personal preferences... I notice that you capitalize the first word of each line... Capitalization ususally occurs at the start of a sentence or thought and provides a point of pause. I think it breaks up the flow a bit... but that's just one persons thoughts.

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile* I think she'll be touched and pleased...

Keep writing! Wishing you all the best,


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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi alyoxenfree

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
Dark and written by someone who knows the painful side of love.

The form is unique and the darkness makes it stand out. The spacing used makes this read like a poem within a poem. A very creative approach.

Very dark, written in an ink of pain and unhappiness. I don't know who hurt you but rest assured, they will suffer *Smile* Unfortunately, we all do if we live long enough.

Technical Notes:
I'm guessing it's this site but the spacing of the hanging lines is all over the place. I do know there's a box you can check when you're posting that says "preserve spacing"... you might want to go into edit and make sure that it's checked.

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile* While I don't personally subscribe to all your feelings, I respect that they are yours and they are real. For what its worth, it gets better with time *Smile* and until it does, keep writing... it's a great way to deal with feelings.

Keep writing! Wishing you all the best,


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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Oldwarrior

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
Wow... what a wonderful write... what a wonderful relationship!

You've take this to a new level... warm, witty, you had me smiling and even misting a bit.

You have so many great parts to this... althought, I must admit "wintry toes on my rear" had me laughing out loud... been there, done that.

Technical Notes:
A few stretches for rhyme... but who cares... it's the message not the messenger that counts here.

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile* Your wife will be thrilled to get this (Hmmm maybe mine will too *Laugh*) Really well done!

Keep writing! Wishing you all the best,


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#1385410 by Not Available.

Review of Sunrise  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Richard de Young

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
Short, sweet, and filled with passion

This is your feelings... that makes it unique.

I like that you've "shared the wealth" *Smile*... very haiku like in that you've integrated both nature and the wonders of your feelings.

Technical Notes:
None... a beautifully expressed write.

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile*and a *Bigsmile* I'm sure she'll love it!
(I've returned your GP's - my payment is in the reading *Smile*)

Keep writing! Wishing you all the best,


** Image ID #1507792 Unavailable **
Review of Bubbles (Ethere)  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Koyel~writing again

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
A lovely image of a child at play.

You paint a wonderful picture combining the activities and emotions in a smooth flow. Very difficult with such a structured form and you pulled it off! Excellent.

Again, the structure limits you but you've captured the whole scene, both physically and emotionally, without compromise. My only critique would be that this is about children and not for children. I think that in "children's writing" as this forum defines it, the goal is to engage young people's imagination in a relatable story or poem. I think both the form you've chosen and the viewpoint of your write work against that.

Technical Notes:
The form is perfect... no gramatical mistakes noted (other than the British form of "colour" *Laugh*)

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile* I'm a lover of form poetry and this was well worth the read. Very enjoyable. I look forward to reading more of your work.

Keep writing! Wishing you all the best,


** Image ID #1507792 Unavailable **
Rated: E | (5.0)

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
A beautiful prayer for a well loved friend.

All prayers come from the heart and are special.

A wonderful succinct memorial of your friend's uniqueness and a heartfelt supplication for his recovery.

Technical Notes:
Nothing, nada, nyet *Smile* Perfect.

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile* How could it be less? My prayers join yours.

Keep writing! Wishing you all the best,


** Image ID #1507792 Unavailable **
Review of Dinosaur Lover  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Daizy May

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
Awww poor Barney *Laugh*

A very clever write with a "surprise" ending.

You've managed to combine the wonders of childhood with a nice twist that brings out a laugh.

Technical Notes:
Perfect... great grammar, smooth rhyme, and spelled correctly *Laugh*

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile* and *Bigsmile* A worthwhile read! Thank you for sharing your sense of humor.

Keep writing! Wishing you all the best,


** Image ID #1507792 Unavailable **
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
The light went on LOL. I've often wondered how they were different since so many of the poems I've read have misused the terms. Thank you for your enlightenment.... Well done!
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Paleon

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
A really well done piece on darkness/depression invading your thoughts at night.

Good flow, nice form, and good word choice make this interesting to read.

A lot of darkness but not over done. Nice imagery helps the reader identify and understand. Clear language makes this accessable to every one. Well done.

Technical Notes:
I like the alternating quatrain and couplet form and the repetition of the "enigmatic darkness" theme in descending lines. Really made this interesting to me.

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile* A worthy write and an enjoyable read. Strong rhyme and a balanced feel - really a nice write! Congratulations.

Keep writing! Wishing you all the happiness of the new year,


** Image ID #1505041 Unavailable **
Review of alone  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Brit-Girl

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
A sad write with deep emotional content.

The subject is not new... but the form you used added great strength and freshness. Nicely done.

Sparse wording and form help bring the loneliness out in this write.

Technical Notes:
Nothing of note.

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile*and a *Bigsmile* I wish there was something I could add but this is perfect just the way it's written. Excellent write!

Keep writing! Wishing you all the happiness of the new year,


** Image ID #1505041 Unavailable **
Review of The Walk  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi aralls

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
A very uplifting write! You've reminded us that there's so much to be thankful for beyond the "ankle biters" of everyday stress.

I really like this form. I found it difficult to get it flow smoothly but you've made it seamless. The use of image words brings a fresh view to the subject.

You have taken your poem, story like, and built it from the negative to the positive. Your use of language is wonderful.

Technical Notes:
As far as I can tell (hey, I'm no expert *Smile* this is perfect in form. The grammar, punctuation, rhyme and meter are all superior. Well done.

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile*and a *Bigsmile*. A beautiful write that was a joy to read.

Keep writing! Wishing you all the happiness of the new year,


** Image ID #1505041 Unavailable **
Review of Poet's  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Firestorm

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
A nice tribute to those who find the beauty in form and rhyme.

Honestly - yours is the first poem I've read written to poets *Laugh* so high points on that score.

I really like that you addressed exploring the many faces of poetry.

Technical Notes:
OK - here's where I put on the black hat *Laugh* You mixed rhyme and free verse... you really should do one or the other. It tends to confuse the reader. Poetry is a rhythmical read. A few of your phrases are also a little uncomfortable... "you give us sightings..." perspectives, viewpoints, OK... sightings is an ambiguous word and really doesn't describe what I think you're going for.

Overall Rating:
*Smile**Smile**Smile* and a *Bigsmile* I think you have a natural talent and I'd love to see you hone it a bit. I'll stop by and read more late... I'd love to see how you grow.

Keep writing! Wishing you all the happiness of the new year,


** Image ID #1505041 Unavailable **
Review of Faith  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi CountryGal

Please note: This is the typical caveat about how these are my impressions. Writing is about communication and this is what I saw in your work and is provided solely for your use. It doesn’t matter what I say - of course you’ll take this personally *Laugh* but it’s offered in a spirit of wanting to give you honest feedback… nothing more.

First impression:
I found this darkly compelling... especially after reading some of your other poems. I was very pleasantly surprised by the ending *Smile*

I thought you did a great job of pulling me into the morose feel of this before bringing me to a different vision. Really well done.

I felt it was a bit long, that you took the description of "hibernation" a few lines too many. I hit a "flat spot" in my reading because I wasn't getting anything new, just reiteration of what had already been said. Still, the emotional content was strong and clear.

Technical Notes:
Very nicely done... a few "stretches" for rhyme (believe/see) but the language was clear, the emotions seemingly honest., and everthing spelled correctly *Bigsmile*

Overall Rating:

Keep writing! Wishing you all the happiness of the new year,


** Image ID #1505041 Unavailable **
Rated: E | (4.5)
A wonderful ode to the best... no, the only drink worthy of such high praise. I'd never seen this form before and totally enjoyed it... a real eye-opener *Laugh* no pun intended... "Alike to food of gods..." and "midnigh seen of the bean" are my two favorite lines. Both draw such wonderful images of coffee... This is a truely great write and I see why you chose it for this contest... Excellent.
Review of THE CATCHERS  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
What a terrfically entertaining story... Not only action and adventure but a wondreful taste of another country in your words... You developed the characters well in such a short space and, like a great chef, you knew when enough was enough... the ending was perfect. I see why this was a literary award winner... Thank you for a wonderful read!
Review of I Save Lives  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
A very cute story... Perhaps you should have gone straight to CPR demonstrations... I'm sure that would have gotten his attention (LOL). Now to the story... A great beginning... I was captivated from the opening line and that pulled me into the story... Some of this did seem a bit cliched - his interest more in your body than mind (I guess that's why they're cliches *Smile* ) You've focused on the interaction, condensing much of the surroundings into "a party... a toga party" Not all your readers will be familiar with that so I'd recommend setting the scene better... let the reader build the room, the noise, the music... and populate their imagination with your words. I really enjoyed reading this... a look forward to reading more of you.\
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