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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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August 28, 2020 at 8:41am
August 28, 2020 at 8:41am
30 day We're going to end our trip with some interesting experiences, hope you're ready. We've combined some of Belize's most adventurous activities in one tour.
See the rain forest from several different perspectives
Go underground during cave tubing and above the trees during ziplining
Stress-free hotel pickup and drop-off and a Belizean BBQ lunch included
in the afternoon, we're going to the most famous dive sight in Belize, it was discovered by Jacques Cousteau.
Don't think about napping yet. Cos we're doing a beach crawl.
Ahoy! Me hearties, we be the #SanPedroBelize drinking session that moves from one licensed grog slinging premises to the next & so on.
Talk up the things that you enjoyed on today's excursions.

owl for signature use *PirateShip*


Zip-lining from Mayflower Bocavina National Park is so amazing. I definitely want to go to Belize in real life. There are 14 different platforms. You can see the mountainous jungles once traveled by Mayans. There are 500 species of birds in the Jungle canopy, plus butterflies, monkeys, jaguar, mammals, ancient plant life, waterfalls; absolutely takes your breath away. I think we landed back in Narnia. Surely, we will spot Aslan before we leave.

The beginning of this video is a short part about the cruise ship and of course advertisement. Then comes some really good footage of the cave tubing.

Nohoch Chen Archaeologist Park is called the cave branch of the National Parks. Half of Belize is covered by dense jungle. Eighty percent of the rain forest in protected by the national government. They take conservation of jungles and wildlife seriously, with educational programs in place for the public. All animals in the Belize zoo are native to the country.

Everyone gathered around while they handed out equipment. Blue Moon did you remember your water shoes. We get a headlight to wear and an innnertube. WakeUpAndLive jumped in the river with some of the others. The water was really cold.

We are walking along Jaguar Paw Trail down to the river. It's a bit of a walk to get to the river. The guide is telling us lots of tidbits about the health benefits of the jungle plants that are on both sides of the trail. I really liked his story about "Do You Love Your Guide?" The guide has lot of other stories about the Mayan use of the cave. The rafts are fastened together before we leave. It is such an awesome journey down the river. There really are bats in crevasse in the ceiling. At one point the guide points out a natural formation in the cave that local people believe looks like Mary and the child Jesus.

As for the blue hole--it scares me just to fly over it in a helicopter. My natural curiosity wants to know more about it. I think I've read to many armmagedon type fiction books. This is definitely one of those unusual places on our blue planet.

So pub hopping can only be a good way to experience lots of types of Belize food. I'm not sure how welcome a person will be if they don't drink alcoholic beverages, but I always think pub food is the best in any town. Someone said 5 beers is only twenty dollars. We are experiencing social knowledge from the home town people. Try the tacos. They are full of different types of veggies. Different and very good.

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August 27, 2020 at 8:09am
August 27, 2020 at 8:09am
BCoF I've made arrangements for you to take all those Brazillian food choices to the next level. You're putting a menu together to help this restaurant get better ratings.




Our group is going to enjoy your recommendations this evening. Don't be out to late we're off to Belize next. Perfect timing Hurricane Laura has already gone past our location

owl for signature use *Cake2*

A Brazilian chicken dish:

Lets try this Because it is quick to make and a recipe that can be changed to exclude some of the peppers or include the spices at variable degrees for a restaurant making quick dishes served hot.

Using deboned skinless chicken breast place in a bowl with ground cumin, ground cayenne pepper. turmeric and coriander; 1 teaspoon each. stir the spices then rub chicken well with the spice mixture. Salt and pepper can be added to this.

Cook in frying pan using olive oil until well cooked. {well cooked tender pieces of chicken are good in a restaurant setting.}

Place crushed onion 1 tbls. ginger, 2 peppers, 2 garlic gloves, in another pan with 1 can coconut milk begin to cook slowly. After a few minutes add slices of whole tomatoes with seeds removed. pour over chicken heat well and serve.

This would go well with a side dish of fried rice cakes.

2 cups cooked white rice, mixed with 2 eggs, one quarter cup flour, a half cup Parmesan cheese and freshly crushed parsley. Roll into small balls and cook in olive oil.

I think serving with a Brazilian bread would also be good on the side.

Recipes found in Brazilian section of https://www.allrecipes.com/recipes
August 27, 2020 at 5:48am
August 27, 2020 at 5:48am
30 day
Today's adventure is all about unusual architecture
Amazing designs, don't you agree? Which one appealed to you most, why? What's your favorite architecture near where you live?
Our BCoF people are planning our dinner this evening.

Manx Cat from Japan *Home*

The city of Brasilia was inaugurated as the capital of Brazil in 1960. There are a great many architectural wonders built in the city. On a tour of the city we saw modern buildings and sculptures.

The JK presidential memorial is a tall tower, with a sculpture on the top, representing the twenty first president of Brazil and the founder of Brazilia. The capital was moved to Brasilia in 1960 because it is more central to the entire country of Brazil.

The seat of the government, called the three powers is modern contemporary architecture. It was designed by Oscar Niemyer. Niemyer was 104 years old when he died in 2012. His designs depict certain types of essential ideology.

Within the acreage of the three powers are three buildings for Legislature, Executive, and Presidential parts of government. A sphere cut in half has one half with the dome up and one half with the dome down. The dome round part up is where bills are formed. The dome down is where bills are approved and move out to the public. The entire square is paved in white marble cobble stones. A sculpture design like a clothespin and one designed like two black homo sapien figures stand in the square. Oscar Neimyer designed the clothes pin type figure. The two black figures were designed by Bruno Giorgi.

Other Buildings:

The first church built in the city was Igrejino NS. De Fatima a small chapel designed like a nuns hat.

There is also a dove meant as a sign of peace building. The building houses a map of the city which is laid out in the form of an airplane and an eternal flame representing liberty.

Apartments built on columns like stilts.

A beautiful stadium has been constructed.

A high wide sea shell entry to a building used as the Brazilian Military and security site. (similar use of the building is like the pentagon in the USA}

The Dom Boxial Chapel is shaped like a crown with the seating area underground. It has Blue stained glass windows to depict the sky and White panes of glass to depict the stars. There are angel hanging from the ceiling along with large chandeliers.

One museum is designed to depict a space ship in a futuristic mode. Many of the buildings were designed by Oscar Niemyer. He is known for integrating into his designs large flowing ramps and walkways.

Because of its recent building spree to bring it into line, with the needs of a capital city Brasilia is a haven of beautiful architecture.

I don't really have a favorite architecture near where I live. Most buildings are square or rectangle in shape. Many are older with bricked sidings. I like living in an a-frame especially when some devastating storm goes whipping through because it feels solid in wind or winter blizzards.

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Thanks for being such a marvelous travelling companion.

August 26, 2020 at 9:39am
August 26, 2020 at 9:39am
BCoF Discuss some famous people from Brazil.

signature dancing owl *Thinker*

There are so many important people from Brazil. Brazil gives us actors and actresses, statesman, musicians, film directors and athletes.

One I particularly admired was Princess Isabel who served as a regent while her father was traveling and signed a law abolishing slavery. She lived from 1846 to 1921.

Next I found Paulo Reglus Neves Freire, Who was born in 1941 and lived for 75 years. He had a theory of education and philosophy. He had a special urge to help the poor. He believed teachers should further a students education in a way that would give the ability of freedom of thought and the ability to act independently to achieve educational growth and constructive actions. He developed educational theories and was able to teach illiterate poor workers to read in 45 days. his experiences during the depression of the 30's motivated him to help other poor people after he had gained his own release from poverty.

Quotes by Freire:

Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.

Leaders who do not act dialogically, but insist on imposing their decisions, do not organize the people--they manipulate them. They do not liberate, nor are they liberated: they oppress.

If the structure does not permit dialogue the structure must be changed

Looking at the past must only be a means of understanding more clearly what and who they are so that they can more wisely build the future.

Without a sense of identity, there can be no real struggle…

The oppressors do not favor promoting the community as a whole, but rather selected leaders.

More history of his life story and more of his quotes can be found on the link:


Tim Maia-Brazilian musician:

Introduced soul to Brazil.

Caetano Belosa: introduced Tropicalia movement a mixture of Brazilian and African harmonies.

Rall Seixas: He is called The Father of Brazilian Rock

Jorge Ben: Sang and wrote Samba, Basso Nova, and funk

Brazilian Musicians often combine different types of sound to make special blends that reach the melting pot populations of Brazil.

I found many different types of famous Brazilians in many types of social movements. It follows the unique type of social environment found in Brazil.
August 26, 2020 at 7:16am
August 26, 2020 at 7:16am
phew, that flight was long. 20 hours on a plane. What a way to celebrate my 64th birthday.
We're going directly to our hotel and catching some much needed rest before we go out for dinner. This is a great time to recap your experiences thus far or do BCoF's prompts which I'm also sharing.
BCoF Discuss some famous people from Brazil
or discuss favorite Brazilian food
write a recap of our trip thus far.

signature dancing owl *SandDollar*

One of the interesting things about the trip is the world wide fight against covid 19. Everywhere we go people have put in place the known safety measures against the virus.

Even out two ventures into Balloon flight were invaded by the 6 foot between people and mask rules.

We visited so many port cities. I was enjoying the ocean views, sea birds, and walks on sandy beaches. Museums are another of the places I enjoy. This trip there were so many I could not visit each one.

Of course the shopping was sublime. There were bolts and bolts of colorful fabrics especially the silks from Viet Nam. And I can't forget the teas or special tea pots I saw. I came away with some websites where such buys can be found on line.

So many colorful gardens, it was easy to see many people from the countries we visited are trying to save plant species and animal species during this time, when the earth is experiencing major animal extinctions.

Today's News:

According to a recent associated Press article the USA ambassador to Brazil Tod Chapman is pushing a lift of tariffs on ethanol in order to influence voters in Iowa to favor President Trump in the upcoming election. He has become close to the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro who seems to be a fan of President Trump.

Bolsonaro has been fighting a case of covid 19.

Link to full article:


The Hotel Royal Tulip Avorado has all the luxury anyone could want. After viewing the setting and the Building I was interested in the Architect. He must be famous for his work on this particular project. The architect for the design of the Royal Tulip is a German man named Joao Frederica Ludovice. Another famous building he designed is the Palace-of Mafra in Portugal. Ludovice has his own Wikipedia page.

As we were trying foods I gained a new recipe for Aji Green Sauce. However, I thought some Avocado added to a smaller amount of jalapeno chili would tone down the flavor to within an eatable spice range so I might try it my way.

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August 25, 2020 at 8:14am
August 25, 2020 at 8:14am
Day 2839: August 25 Marrakech,Morocco
Prompt: Marrakech is a beautiful place. Look at Things to do in Marrakech https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g293734-Activities-Marrakech_Marrakech_T... and find something you think is beautiful. Why do you think it is beautiful

Fairy playing a flute

Reference from Wikipedial:"Franz André Heller (born 22 March 1947 as Francis Charles Georges Jean André Heller-Hueart[1]) is an Austrian artist, author, poet, singer, songwriter and actor. "

This garden was created in a desert place. The best date I have for the gardens beginnings is in 1986. It covers 2 hectares of ground. There are botanical plants combined with an artistic arrangement of walkways, seating, and art displays.

The garden is intended to bring to mind a Garden of Edin type introspection. The arrangement of walkways and garden exhibits invite people to sit and meditate or just enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. New age music expands the inviting atmosphere of the garden.

Art displays enhance the viewing experience.

Why do I think it is beautiful? All around us in this city we see two worlds. One is hot, filled with sand which draws and holds heat, filled with dryness and ageing. The other is green and colorful, born of water, which is a life giving, ongoing with the expectation of living. This garden expresses life, peace, color and the joy of learning. It appeals to all the senses. It gives people a place to go a view the thoughts and reality of living.

Merit Badge in Travel
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Thanks for being such a marvelous travelling companion.
August 25, 2020 at 5:59am
August 25, 2020 at 5:59am

All I can say, is we've been very lucky when it comes to hotels thus far but no sleeping in for us because we have a hot air balloon ride
at sunrise. We have an extended check out so we'll be hanging here until our flight.


After our hot air balloon we're going shopping.


30 day write a poem or write a story about your adventures in Marrakech.

Fairy playing a flute *BalloonB*

The Royal Mansour Marrakech is touring in the way a wealthy sheik would tour. It's what my mind thinks is very Arab. It's also very understandable. This is a desert place. Sand everywhere. We surround ourselves with water, rugs, and walls that will keep us cool and provide the moisture we need to survive the elements. Luxury that makes us human in an alien landscape of sand and sun. A human element necessary for our species to survive.

Our first meal of the day is offered in a large beautifully laid out tent. The floor is a covering of colorful rugs laid out in lovely patterns. Individual food tables are laid out by comfortable cushions.

Early morning ballooning gives us a view of the countryside. Marrakech Dream Ballooning is putting up many balloons this morning. They rise into the air with the sun that is just peaking over the horizon. We learned on another balloon trip this month that early morning ballooning is done at times when the air currents are the most stable which is early in the day.

During the trip we rise above the clouds for awhile. The clouds below us are a complete covering, fluffy and white. Now we can have dreams of walking on clouds. When we are low enough to the ground we see large expanses of sandy ground.

There is green here in places. Man made oasis type gardens and irrigated cultivation. Morocco people grow vegetables, sugar beets, sugar cane, cereal crops, citrus, olives, almonds, grapes, dates, animal forage and other crops. They also raise sheep and other farming animals. In reality, the year 2020 brought a serious drought. Some fields that would have other wise been harvested have been given over to animal forage.

The sky around us is actually filled with different multicolored balloons. Other atmosphere sailors enjoying the early morning flight, like a flock of birds on the wing.
The colors of the sky that surround us are oranges,yellows,lavenders,and blue as the sun slowly ascends.

We ascend and return in time to tour the markets. The spices and herbs are here in sacks. Rugs, baskets, and bolts of material all in brightly dyed colors, with designs woven into the merchandise. I buy goat milk cheese, dates, and grapes to take back to our private residence, our own Moroccan riad.

Blue Moon, Lyn, WakeUpAndLive, and I hopped in a horse drawn carriage for a nighttime tour. This is a peaceful way to see the city. We passed through Medina and saw newer districts too. Jemaa el-Friaa Square was a blast of colored lights and people shopping at night. At some parts of the city the carriage was followed by child artists, running along side, showing us their artwork hoping we will buy something.

There are camel rides here too.

Later some of us took a large taxi to a restaurant called M Rooftop. The service was friendly and social. We had choices of many vegetable dishes. It was a fine place to eat.

Morocco is considered a peaceful safe place to visit. In today's news is an article about how they intend to increase their foray into wind energy. Also, is an article about Morocco's warrior women, a group of equestrian riders lead by Afrae Ben Bih who are expected to take honors in the countries traditional fantasia equestrian event.

We are having a visit to remember here.

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Thanks for being such a marvelous travelling companion.

August 24, 2020 at 7:53am
August 24, 2020 at 7:53am
Day 2838: August 24 Nouakchott, Mauritania.
Prompt: Take a look at Nouakchott 2020 https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g293815-Nouakchott-Vacations.html and answer these questions: What is the best of Nouakchott? Why?

owl for signature use *Lion*

I can only say that due to what I have read as I traveled through this city the best things are the ability of many diverse people to come together and keep social peace.

Unfortunately, all is not well in Mauritania presently, there is a refugee problem, people pouring in from other African places because of violence. An ongoing fight against terrorists is being raged by the 5 Sahel nations of which Mauritania is one.

Politically one group of politicians has been overthrown and replaced by another group. I don't know enough about the event to make a judgment about the way it was handled or if it is a favorable condition for the country or what the ramifications of how it will affect Nouakchott which is the capital city of the nation. Also, a vote coming up in this country by its inhabitants is being threatened.

Africa has been in upheaval for awhile. Terrorists are trying to stop ongoing efforts in Africa to make major changes for the good in the society. Sometimes this has a religious back ground. People like Mandela know, yes know because the spirit of Mandela exists in Africa, there is not a reason for blacks in Africa to live in squalor and starvation. Social unrest is effecting the whole nation. Mauritania is only one of the nations affected.

I have read that some civilizations on the earth fell when they reached a certain kind of technological plateau. Now, the whole earth is growing toward communication marvels, bountiful ways to grow and produce food, an ecological battle to help animal populations survive and other advancements to living on the planet. Isaiah said there would always be nations. Pray for the nations as they fight against evil and continue to grow toward, "on earth as it is in heaven."

If earth and the milky way are going to join heavenly nations we need to be advanced enough to meet the need. Move forward not backward one step at a time, move the line.

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Thanks for being such a marvelous travelling companion.
August 24, 2020 at 6:08am
August 24, 2020 at 6:08am
Nouakchott, Mauritania:Discuss what you enjoyed on the tour or the library, or the shipyard graveyard or even the restaurant. Maybe all of them. Have fun! Nouakchott Hotel and tours.

signature dancing owl

Nouakchott, Mauritania

The hotel is clean and adequate for spending so few hours in it that we are able. I like its' height and the ability to see out over the city.

You can hear the call to worship from one of the Mosques from here. It seems like an ancient sound. The mosques are high walled building that remind me of forts. The high walls keep in the coolness of the concrete.

When I visited the libraries of Chinguetti I yearned for a life of scientific exploration of just these 5 libraries. As a big fan of saving all written works in digital form, I can see several lifes' work here. There is an effort going forward to save all the works in the libraries. As they are owned by private owners, it is an ongoing negotiation by world authorities. It also surprises me that tourists are allowed to visit the libraries and read, if you are able, the scrolls and books found here.

It's interesting that the city of Chinguetti is considered a Holy place. It is on the way to Mecca. It is also known for its scholarly, knowledge endeavors. Students study here. Lawyers learn here. People pray here.

At Port de Peche the fishing boats are a wonder. They are painted with fancy murals and symbols. When they put out to sea in the morning the colorful vessels bounce on the waters, covering the sea clear out to the horizon, where ocean meets sky. A local fish monger pushes a cart on his way to city streets, which makes me smile.

A fish monger pushed a cart every morning in Panama City at sun rise, down a street where I lived shouting, "Fresh Fish, Fresh Fish."

Nouakchott was made the capital of Mauritania to help the unity of Blacks and Arab Moors. It is a zone where a biogeographic ecoclimate between north Sahara and the south savanna intermingle. The long coast line has sand pushing into the sea. In some places high dunes push into frothy sea waves like reddish colored walls.

The city hosts muslim, catholic, protestant, and evangelical churches. A mix and blend of people that caused a growth of population since the city was born. In this African culture the blend works to human advantage.

Merit Badge in Travel
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Thanks for being such a marvelous travelling companion.

August 23, 2020 at 11:44am
August 23, 2020 at 11:44am
BCoF: Nelson Mandela, was a complex man. Discuss what you learn with one of the links.

signature dancing owl

Nelson Mandela's life represents his views after he experienced education and apartheid which was a colliding kind of social disruption.

I liked the history of Mandel presented in Wikipedia. I watched some PBS stories about his imprisonment and subsequent release and rise to the presidency. Facts about his youth and education as a lawyer were not something I remember seeing in the documentary. Going into a higher educational situation in your formative years helps you solidify your beliefs. For Mandela it was necessary to live, in the moment, each time he had to stand up for what he believed was right. If it's right you don't back down. He had different historical figures to tell him about standing up for what you believe. He had the back up of other people who also believed what he was fighting for. As a leader, it was his trail they were following. If you lead well you show what needs to be done, not just tell.

In a way this is a classic life story. Grow as an adult. Take a stand. Be punished for your stand. Be rewarded for your stand. With the world looking on it helped to keep him alive. World wide news coverage makes people more cautious about the kinds of punishment is handed to political opponents. In the end he was able with the help of others to turn the political outlook around to a right attitude.

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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne

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