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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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September 5, 2020 at 11:23am
September 5, 2020 at 11:23am
Imagine you have a superpower of your choice. However, no one knows about it! What does your superpower enable you to do? Do you confide in anyone? What happens?

Merit Badge in Risk Taker
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Thank you for reading and commenting in my blog! *Squirrel*


Tumbly stretched out under the big beech tree. He had been foraging the small nuts and now his goal was to take a nap. He jumped up, He spread all 4 feet out, grasping the tree by extending his toes. Proceeding up the tree like a lineman from hop to hop, Tumbly arrived at a large broad limb. Out a few feet from the trunk was a sunny place where he could sit and watch and nap.

He dreamed he was a flying squirrel. As a flying squirrel he would have long flaps of skin growing from the sides of his body, that extended down his arms and legs on both sides of his body. When he jumped from a high tree and spread out his legs these pieces of skin acted like wings so he could actually glide on wind currents to reach the ground. True he would be a lot smaller if he was a flying squirrel.

Tumbly woke with a start. Wasn't there someplace he should be? He galloped out to the very tip of the limb he was on. Using the windy sway of the limb he leaped into the space between two trees. This was a 5 foot leap for sure. He grasped the tip of the limb on the adjoining tree and scampered down the new limb to the trunk. Head first, grasping the tree with all four feet he scurried to the ground. Thinking of his dream he decided being a flying squirrel wasn't really necessary.


Enhanced senses {spidey senses) might be nice. If you are thinking in a purely worldly scenario.

If you had a super power, confiding in someone wouldn't be an option. If you confided in the wrong person you would suffer in numerous ways for it.

I learned about super powers from Marvel Comic Books. All good super heroes suffer, because their powers require truth. The bad super heroes suffer because they can't overcome the good ones.

However, Christians think in a different way. New testament lists many gifts that can be given to people, who sincerely seek and follow the one true God. All people on the earth experience trials and tribulations. Wisdom, Knowledge, and understanding help people exist through all kinds of trouble in real time. All gifts require truth as well.


September 4, 2020 at 11:13am
September 4, 2020 at 11:13am
Write about a weird, cool, unbelievable, or interesting fact you know, but don’t think many other people do.

owl for signature use *Thought*

Normally I do not read other blogs before I write my blog answer to the 30-day prompt. This morning due to the way I entered WDC by a back door route. I read the blog By Robert Waltz about blue moons before I opened my mail.

Today's fact is cool, but not necessarily weird or unbelievable, just interesting. We are entering a new phase of space travel, which will concern the moon, since some enterprising people are considering building a hotel on the moon. I assume only the rich and famous will have enough cash on hand to stay within its boundaries.

Finding the proper site for any architectural wonder on the moon will be interesting, because the moon has moon quakes. The Apollo program placed 4 seismometers on the moon in 1977 which recorded quakes for 7 years before they were inactivated. The quakes could be caused by cooling of the moons interior or by Earth's gravity.

Quakes were recorded as high as a level 5.0. This high of a level could incur damage to any structures in range of the quake. The moon does not have tectonic plates like the earth. Faults have appeared on moon surfaces and more recent pictures show boulders have changed positions. Comparison of moon surface pictures indicate quake damage.

Moon bases or hotels built will have to take this into account as a place is chosen for the structures.

New Badge: Merit Badge in Risk Taker
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Thank you for reading and commenting in my blog!
September 3, 2020 at 7:51am
September 3, 2020 at 7:51am
Describe a time when your work was criticized. How did you react?

signature dancing owl *Cookie*

In college my writing was criticized or critiqued regularly. I finished college.

I spent time writing during an internship. Writing articles for a specific subject, publishing different articles on a specific subject 4 times a year, is grueling. Keeping the information on point, but fresh with each article in each publication can be tricky.

All my articles were criticized then changed, criticized then changed, criticized then changed....on a constant basis. The interesting part is the things, the editor kept, were usually part of some honest observation, I had about the subject, which I was writing about. Or other peoples observations about the subject. The things I had to change were writing forms, that met the editors subject guidelines for the publican.

During my internship I spent hours reading about the subject, Reading the comments on their website about the subject, interviewing people involved with the subject. I also had to hunt for places where I could write articles, about the subject and publish about the subject off site.

Think of it this way. If you were writing about one particular breed of dog? You are going to publish 6 articles about that breed of dog, in a magazine, 4 times a year. That is 24 articles about the same breed of dog each year. How do you keep your readers entertained and the material relevant year after year. You need to maintain a reader base in order to finance your magazine.

I found some interesting things about criticism on line. In some situations you need to evaluate the criticism. Is it criticism , harassment, or exploitation? Is the criticism accurately describing a way to advance the persons work? Is it done by a group directed at one person for the sake of exploitation or on a one to one teaching example where questions and answers can be addressed? Effective criticism should be able to quote a comparison example.

Yes. I have been unfairly criticized. Yes. I fight back. Someone told me it is alright to defend yourself, when you are attacked.

Merit Badge in Cheerleading
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Congratulations on finishing your  [Link To Item #monthlyreading]  goals for June 2018 *^*Bookopen*^*!


September 2, 2020 at 10:08am
September 2, 2020 at 10:08am
Be inspired by this quote: "Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning." - Mahatma Gandhi

New Badge: Merit Badge in Keep It Up
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Hope you have a wonderful party week! *^*Bigsmile*^* *Trainv*

Here we go!! Ever here this saying, "Never say Never?" Did you ever read, "The Little Train that Could?"

In 1952, a Wesleyan trained minister, Norman Vincent Peale, made a big splash in the USA with his book, The Power of Positive Thinking. I pulled this book out of a relatives library of books when I was a teenager and read it.

It caused a lot of controversy when it was publixhed. Here is a question, Can you always actually believe what you are saying? Where does the belief come from?

I recognized Peale philosophy in President Trump immediately after he took over the office of President of the United States. This is inclined to be a philosophy sometimes followed by certain brotherhoods, sisterhoods, or republicans. Just say it and it will happen. Wikipedia has a page for Norman Vincent Peale that mentions, President Trump.

Another question: What happens when two opposing sayings are uttered? I say it will happen, you say it will not happen? Try reading, "The Little Book of War".

Unethical people sometimes use this as a way to convict an innocent person of something. My psychology class,101, covered a short teaching about how if you say someone is doing something often enough sometimes, they will do it or say it. This is a dangerous way to think about anyone. That is why our laws say innocent until proven guilty and the justice system is always trying to update their ways of getting real evidence of crime. Although the CSI TV shows have a lot of fake evidence collection on them, nevertheless forensics is growing by leaps and bounds.


Hebrew 10:16 and the following link:


It is quite true that as an individual we should know right from wrong. Unfortunately, our environment growing up can influence that inner word that would try to keep us straight.

Another good saying equals, "Look Before You Leap." Mindfulness training can help us with this.

In one sense covid 19 will go away. The pandemic will wear itself out, there will be a vaccine available, immunity will take over. Not because someone said it would but, because we will work toward it with safety measures, and science.

I always liked what Thumper told Bambi, "My mother always says if you can't say somethin' good don't say nothin' at all."

Gandhi was trying to encourage people that's the good part. He speaks about belief. It's necessary to the formula.

Merit Badge in BCOF
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Thank you for joining us on this blogging adventure. I would travel anywhere with you as my cohorts in crime. *^*Heart*^* Lyn

September 1, 2020 at 10:01am
September 1, 2020 at 10:01am
I know this is cheesy, but I have to do it... In your entry today, write about what you love about Writing.Com. How have you grown as a writer? How are you (as a writer) different from how you were when you first joined this site? Thank the members who helped you get where you are today.

Red Dragon

I'm reading Christopher Paolini's 4th book in the Inheritance series. After reading the first 3 books I looked for the 4th avidly, then realized it was not going to be released anytime soon. That was several years ago. It was released in 2018, which I wasn't aware of, now I found it in the children's section of our local library.

This morning, I found the newest issue of the Blogging Bliss Newsletter was ready to read. This is a good example of what is great about *WDC* . There is always information out there you really did not think much about. Someone on *WDC* will write about it. This morning the Blogging Bliss Newsletter made me realize how blogging is such a social media. It isn't just the information in a blog. It is also the comments and discussion the information may stir up.

Other things I like about *WDC* are the ability to review other works, which help any writer remember language rules and writing rules. I know I don't review enough, so I'll keep it in mind to do better.

I took three courses from the New Horizon's Academy in writing short stories, proper reviewing, and beginners poetry. All of these courses extended my abilities as a writer. The fact is the teaching in these classes was in depth. I gained by leaps when I took these classes.

I believe the time I get to spend on *WDC* has helped me with sentence formation. It has also given me confidence as a writer, as well. It's one thing to cram writing knowledge into your brain. It's another thing to use it day after day until it begins to mature and come out making you feel like you know how to do the job.

I started in *WDC* soon after I graduated college. Inside of all the media classes offered in college, I only took one class in fiction writing. I published several news articles and at least one story article while I was in school.

I'm fairly isolated where I live. Without a job or car I cannot maintain local socialization. Someone always notices if you are not logging in on *WDC* . They realize people need encouragement and they reach out.

Don't forget the emoticons. *Snowboarder* There are some really nice designs on this site. Good for expressing anything. *Cool*

I always appreciate the staff who reach out, those teachers I met at New Horizons Academy, the 30-day challenge, The Reading Challenge, the news letters, BCoF, all of the things this website means cannot be listed. All of the people who strive to keep it running and relevant won't always be known. It's way to big to ignore. I appreciate you as individuals and as the group effort you put out daily. Happy Anniversary.

Merit Badge in BCOF
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Thank you for joining us on this blogging adventure. I would travel anywhere with you as my cohorts in crime. *^*Heart*^* Lyn My new badge. I enjoy giving these out and getting them.
August 30, 2020 at 11:21am
August 30, 2020 at 11:21am
BCoF:So this is your opportunity to really make 30 day bloggers envious. Talk about the experiences by reading the reviews and then make it personal.

signature dancing owl

Montreal Barbie:

Barbie isn't my favorite toy, person, or entity. This was very much like I expected. Walking into the Barbie expo was a sparkling experience. Something Barbie would expect on a regular basis. Chandlers, floors polished to a sheen. I was wearing tennis shoes in a no slip effort.

The outfits were complete with purses, and jewelry. Any model would be excited to wear these outfits, only they were the garments of dolls.

The runway display complete with Barbie and Ken type dolls as an audience is *Cool*. Many of the outfits were fit for a fairy princess.

All the different styles were there. Shopping dress, sportswear, evening attire, elegant gowns for elegant parties, masquerade balls, and costumes from other countries. The designer had fun with this gig. Even the photographer was a mover with 1,621 photographs.

I have to say as a parent I made some different dresses for Barbie type dolls, but mostly, Barbie lost arms or legs at times or her head. One barbie downfall is she didn't fit in the doll house. Never mind there were small figures of raccoons, bears, and other mammals selling at that time that did fit. One time the dog chewed her up. Her life on the farm was rather harrowing. She is definitely better off in Montreal.

I bet the expo was a success and the store sold a lot of Barbies as well as ken and other members of the doll family.


August 30, 2020 at 10:23am
August 30, 2020 at 10:23am
Well, we're ending our month long adventure in Montreal.
Another early morning just over 2 hour flight to Montreal.

I got everyone a room at the Four Seasons. Today is our last day of continent hopping. So let's go out in style.

I've offered 3 museum choices, feel free to pick whatever interests you.




We're meeting up after lunch at 2:00 pm to do a private walking tour.


Dinner is at the Famous Tandem.


The BCoF bloggers went on a different adventure so over dinner you need to tell them what they've missed and go back to one of their blog entries and tell them what you liked.

signature dancing owl *Ant*


The two hour flight to Canada was not to bad. A restful flight looking down at clouds. The Four Seasons Hotel is grand. It has all the luxury a tourist could want. I think I would like to stick close to Sandra Lyn during our walking tour. She may know lots of things a native would be able to tell us.

I viewed the Insectitorium Museum. It was a special place. I liked the exhibits and viewing the many different displays of insects was enlightening.

I also checked in on the Olympic Park Scavenger Hunt. I always did like scavenger hunts. This one uses the hunt as a way to show tourists some of Montreal. Some of the places on the hunt include Botanical Gardens, a monument to the 375th anniversary on Montreal, Chateau Dufresne, and the planetarium.

After lunch we took that tour of old Montreal. Like many large cities Montreal has its' old and new parts. I guess the Olympic Park is one of the new parts.

The Tandem was a surprise. I ordered the salmon. There serving many smaller portions is fun because you get to sample different flavors. I wondered if being able to bring your own wine is unique or I'm just ignorant about fine dining?

Our tour is over. Time to go back home. Once again I come away with more knowledge about other countries than I had before.

Merit Badge in Travel
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Thanks for being such a marvelous travelling companion.


August 29, 2020 at 4:05am
August 29, 2020 at 4:05am
Prompt: Which one of these 15 Things to do in Charlotta https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g49022-Activities-Charlotte_North_Caroli... is the most fun?

owl for signature use

Fun for me denotes different types of experience. The Segway tour had its own appeal because it did a quick review of important parts of Charlotte.

I enjoyed the museums because I like stuffing my brain with lots of different types of knowledge about past and present. Art is one of the ways people express life experiences. Art and literature and the people who create it are some of the first people who get eliminated when evil starts taking charge. A good example is the recent attacks in the USA on historical statues around the country and particularly in the South.

There is a section in one of the museums about ancient Indian art from before Charlotte became the city it is today. If you view the architectural wonders in stadiums and buildings you might forget that this was a place that was once inhabited by Indians, before the white people came and the slave trade invaded. There is a rich history in this city that is interesting to view and hear about. It includes the ghost stories, the architecture, and social climate.

Graveyards are a great place to learn about the people who used to inhabit an area. So, I guess the extensive museums were the most fun for me in this particular city.

Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne
August 29, 2020 at 2:41am
August 29, 2020 at 2:41am
30 Day I hope you grabbed a nap because our feet hit the ground we're off and running. We're doing a segway tour with Charlotte NC Tours.
This Charlotte Segway excursion lets you see more in less time than if you were to take a walking tour. Zoom through the area to see Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, the Mint Museum, and Gantt Center. Plus, we extended our tour to see even more sights for just a few extra bucks we're also seeing the stadium home of the Carolina Panthers and two cemeteries..
Don't forget to talk about your day, the things you saw and who surprised you.

owl for signature use


The Segway tour was a quick way to view the city. I learned that the city has well educated residents. There is a university in the city. The museums are extensive. They contain any kind of art you can think of including historical pieces, famous artists works, and crafts from early history to today's art. The museum system is housed in different parts of the city. The buildings used are classic designs like the mint museum to more modern designed buildings like Bechtel Museum of modern art.

Funny bus was about touring the city with a guide that was quick witted and had sarcastically funny comments to keep you entertained while pouring the history of the city into your brain. Humor is always a good way to remember facts later. Beer and wine are allowed on the bus but not hard liquor.

The ghost walk was very educational. It was an evening walk with a guide who carried a lantern. Charlotte has a colorful history that was entertaining to hear about.

There is a lot of older homes that are very beautiful. Different types of architecture some from civil war to modern are on view in the city. Lots of beautiful stained glass and church de co in this city.

The NASCAR Hall of Fame is located here.

Charlotte is the most populous city in N. Carolina. I visited the 7th street market where you can stock up on all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. In the interest of tourism Charlotte offers convenience of parking in the down town area. Not as spectacular as Belize but a lot of local history to contemplate and discuss over good food.

Merit Badge in Travel
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Thanks for being such a marvelous travelling companion.

August 28, 2020 at 12:32pm
August 28, 2020 at 12:32pm
BCoF:There are many other things that Belize is noted for, talk about those by pretending to be real estate agent trying to convince us this is a great place to relocate. Sell us!

owl for signature use *Books2*

Moving to Belize

Hi. So you're looking for a new place to live? Belize is a small country. Because the English language is the official language it means you will be able to integrate into the social aspects of the country easily, Other languages are spoken here as well

Do you like solitude? You may find it in this country because with a population of about 350,000 the population is presently low. It is a very rural country. It is also expensive to live here because it is a small country with few people. This ,if you can afford the expense of living in Belize is in your favor because not many people visit or live here.

There are lots of things to do if you retire here. the country has beautiful reefs for diving enthusiast, with 600 species of birds, bird watching is a quiet pass time. Swimming, snorkeling, hiking, small beaches for sunning, and punta rock music are just a few of the amenities.

Buying property here may be a high cost in US dollars. A nice home can cost 75,000 to 200.000 US Dollars. Property taxes are very low and still almost nonexistent. Homes for sale are likely to be very nice for those prices.

You can live very nicely on about 12,000 a month. People in Belize are welcoming. They like the small influx of people who move to the country and are willing to help the newcomer become oriented. Plus, people from other countries have equal rights with Belize citizens.

There is state run health care keeping health care low or free depending on the type of need.

Some concerns have been raised in recent years about the safety of living in Belize. Like any place in the world there is some crime and violence. However, it evens out to be safe, since crime is usually a localized situation dealt with by proper authorities in proper ways. Belize has strict gun laws. Owning guns is a permit based situation.

There is a national income tax rate. which provides for a minimum amount of money before the income tax rate kicks in.You will find the same 110 v electricity as in any other country. The government owns the telecommunications. This makes cell phones and WiFi possible. Some parts of country may have better service than other parts.

Moving to Belize may be the best idea you have had.

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