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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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September 25, 2020 at 6:58pm
September 25, 2020 at 6:58pm
What specific character traits do you want to be remembered for?

signature dancing owl *DragonflyO*

I hope anyone who remembers me remembers me accurately. I just finished reading The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. It is a historical novel that depicts an elongated history of Dinah the daughter of Jacob and Leah. It stirs up some controversial things about biblical accounts. According to Wikipedia, Most of the actions are considered fictional although the historical settings are very vivid. It interests me about how this book is influencing me to think about people's character traits. The authors descriptions of characters we read about in the bible are strong. It's the kind of insight I think about when I read scriptural stories.

I don't see how you can keep making inaccurate memories about someone unless you discuss personally with them about motives for life actions. That just does not happen very often unless you are a closely knit friend even if you are related. There are people who are terrified about saying anything about someone who has died? Actions have some kind of reason behind them. Sometimes bad actions can be remembered but you don't know why a person would have performed the actions. What forces drove them to one action or another? Good character traits can be over ridden by forces in life. Bad traits can make someone see the error in bad actions.

I'm in favor of a round table discussion of dead relatives to make sense of what life is throwing at the living. I'll probably regret this idea.*Laugh*

I'm not sure even which ones I really have. I'll probably be described as a character. *Laugh*. Just so, I''ll list some, honesty, loyalty, positivity, productive. , Are these traits? The down side would be angry, loud, misinterpretation. I can be these sometimes.

Sincerely, I think?

Merit Badge in Appreciation
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Thank you for reading and commenting in my blog for my 16th WDC anniversary!

September 24, 2020 at 11:12am
September 24, 2020 at 11:12am
If I gave you $5000 and told you that you had to spend it today, what would you buy? (Have fun with this one *Wink* )

signature dancing owl *Rocket*

Money Yay!

I have to say I have a small bill I would pay off. But, if this is strictly a buy thing?

Flooring for one room and wall board for two rooms.Paint for two rooms after the wallboard was installed. More gutters for the house and the back porch needs a new roof.Get my sewing machine and exercise machine fixed. I would pay for garbage collection for one year. Maybe adopt another dog. Stock up with nonperishable groceries. Christmas gifts for the whole family. Two new comfortable recliners for the living room. San-disks for our kindles. Maybe a couple new electric heaters. Batteries and a converter for the solar panels. Now, I'm way over budget most likely.

I would have to check with K. Combined with medicare it might get him some implants so it's easier for him to wear teeth?
K might have some ideas but, if it were strictly my money the first and second paragraphs would suffice.

Except for the implants $5000.00 would cover a lot of this. It would be better if he gets $5000 of his own.

In the meantime it's another fine day weather wise. Have a great day. If I gave you $5000 and told you that you had to spend it today, what would you buy? (Have fun with this one *Wink* )
September 23, 2020 at 9:53am
September 23, 2020 at 9:53am
What is the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?

owl for signature use

If spontaneous is doing something with out thinking about it clearly; two things come to mind. Jumping a horse over a hay wagon and getting married the second time. Now that I know more about life, I realize both of these events were influenced by other people.

Blogging early this morning. Good weather again. FedEx is here. Bye for now.

September 22, 2020 at 5:46pm
September 22, 2020 at 5:46pm
If you could live the next 24 hours and then erase it and start over just once, what would you do?

signature dancing owl *PoseyR*


I have no idea how to answer this. I'm not big on wanting to do something different than what I'm presently doing.

The more I think about this the more I think it maybe hinting at crime.

I think everyone wants to know how to deal with life in a more positive way. What's positive? I think that is why fiction heroes are so Popular. Stories like Reacher By Lee Childs are always in demand at the library. Reacher never loses a battle. He has a new person to help in each story. The people he helps always get a kind of justice against people who have wronged them. There is usually a happy ending. These are stories where the end justifies the means. Reacher does things his way.

Looking out my window. Big whitetail buck stealthily meandering my way. Watching the house. Probably thinking of eating a few of the apples on from the ground under the tree. Now he is up by the apple tree about 30 feet away. Six points on his rack. I hate to think of someone shooting him in hunting season. They are beautiful. All tans with darker brown highlights and white points. Graceful when they walk and when they turn to run and leap away. Last night there was a small herd of 5 out there about this time. 6:30, dusk is creeping in.

Ha. Stray cat and buck come face to face. Cat crouches, tucks all feet under him and settles deeper into the grass. Buck walks to within twenty feet of cat. Both staring straight at each other. Buck fades right and stately exits across the field.

To get back to the subject, This is really a fiction prompt. It has made a great story at some point. In real life you can't just drop a day out. You have to work through the consequences. Mentally I can't get through this fact. So, my answer to the prompt is wanting.

Merit Badge in Keep It Up
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Hope you have a wonderful party week! *^*Bigsmile*^* *Telescope* Stargazing

September 21, 2020 at 3:12pm
September 21, 2020 at 3:12pm
One thing outside of my control that I need to stop worrying about is...

owl for signature use *Owl2*

What Keith is doing in Facebook for hours at a time As long as it isn't something that will cause me a problem I shouldn't be concerned?

My blogs are getting shorter every day. There is a new gatepost installed on the dog run. I trimmed out most of the trees that were trying to grow up through the fence yesterday and today. Also, the hinges for the new gate are ready. Keith helped with digging and installing the gate post and he found hinges to use. I'm really glad the weather is holding so I can keep working on outside getting ready for winter.

I ordered parts for my solar panels hope to get them set up soon. Only a year late on that project.

I put feed out for the birds yesterday. The chickadees and bluejays are happily snacking. Three small doves are dining too. Small for doves, so probably this years hatchlings.

The kitten I took in last year is a hunting monster now. She snatched the life out of a chipmunk this morning that was stealing cat food from the dishes on the balcony. Another sunny day with clear blue skies. I could use another week with weather like today.

See Ya!
September 20, 2020 at 9:32am
September 20, 2020 at 9:32am
The next time I ___________, I will __________. complete the sentence.

signature dancing owl *Squirrel*

The next time I walk the dog, I will have to take a longer walk. Yesterday, I was cleaning house. I only went outside once to put some seed in the bird feeder. I took my dog with me. We walked once around the house. That really almost can't be called a walk.

Summer birds have already flown south. Winter birds are starting to check the feeder once in awhile even though it is still summer weather during the day. Another frost last night. Not many leaves turning on the deciduous trees yet. Uncommonly cold for this time of year. I started the furnace yesterday for half a day, then again this morning. I don't really want to have to heat the house.yet. Don't want to be cold either. Chipmunks are trying to steal cat food off the balcony. Probably storing it for winter.

I heard an owl out back one day this week. The sound was quite far off probably in the woods or gully somewhere.

Stay warm and keep safe.

September 19, 2020 at 11:36am
September 19, 2020 at 11:36am
Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” -Ruth Bader Ginsburg

signature dancing owl

This is one of those quotes that can lead into different responses to the meaning.

Have I told this before?

One time when I was working at the doughnut shop; a very nice lady use to come in several times a day to get her coffee. A lot of places around had initiated the no smoking rule. It had just gone into effect in the shop, where I was working. Every time she came in she would complain about not being able to smoke anymore inside the shop. Eventually, after listening to her complaints for several days I suggested she gather a bunch of smokers together and bring the problem to the attention of the congress that started the war against smokers. She was so startled when I pointed out that is the way a lot of things are done in the USA. Lobbying for rights or endowments is part of the present voting system. It was one of the things President Trump vowed to get rid of if he was elected.

What if the things that you care about are not good for the public? Personally, I'm glad about the countries concern about how cigarette smoke affects the public. My first husband stopped smoking because I couldn't take inhaling the smoke.

What ways can you use to get people to join your cause?

The USA is a very complicated country. It's obvious that people who are rioting and looting or using violence don't really have the best interests of the public in mind. Yet they joined together against something. They aren't solving any real problems just burning off frustrations. A little like the old saying, trying to fight your way out of a paper bag. Once the bag is torn open it can't be mended and doesn't hold anything.

Some years ago, company strikes stopped being effective. Often the companies shut down or moved to avoid the union demands.

Nepotism is another unfair practice. When brotherhoods and sisterhoods gain so much power they take over all the jobs in a part of the country or churches and preach their own doctrines. It further splits and divides communities and causes a certain part of the community to become more dependent on social services, than be able to control their own environments. These are some of the frustrations of people joining together to gain some social idea.

If two opposing forces grow strong enough to attack each other you have a war. That seems to be what is happening in the governing body for many years now. The republic or the democracy which is it?

We all struggle with idealism in some form. I hope it is just mental growing pains. One day at a time works for me.

Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne

September 18, 2020 at 7:39am
September 18, 2020 at 7:39am
When you have an unexpected hour of free time, how do you fill it?

Fairy playing a flute

When I eat lunch I take at least an hour if I'm busy. Or I sit down for awhile to rest. I play Township, or read a book for awhile.
If it is an audio book I listen to the book and put a puzzle together. During the summer heat I took a lot of free time. Even now I have enough time to read about 1 book a week. I tried to get back into writing more. I need more organization. So, I just have to sit down and write. But, I'm not resting when I write.

The weather here turned cold early. Winter birds are already gone. Apple trees around are dieing. At least one of them hit by lightning the other one needs a spray which I don't have. Probably, has blight. We have had at least two hard frost and September isn't over so we are trying to get machinery put away for the winter. I'm working on some badly needed fixes to the dog pen presently, beside keeping up the normal household chores. It may be a difficult winter season.

Right now the weather is stable. No big storms. Outside needs worked on while we can still do outside work. I don't work as fast as I used to. What I once got done in a day probably takes 3 to 5 days now. Plus, I sleep more now. A flock of 23 wild turkeys just walked by my window they are here, in the field and yard, every day now. They and the deer like to eat the apples off the ground under the trees.

Bye for Now.
September 17, 2020 at 11:19am
September 17, 2020 at 11:19am
What life lessons have you had to learn the hard way?

signature dancing owl *TreeFall2*

The hard way means to learn through experience or making mistakes.

Well I rode hunters and jumpers which on a whole are usually tall horses. If your short 5 foot 3 inches and your riding a 17 hand horse, don't fall off. It's a long way down. *Laugh*

On a cross county course during a one day event I was riding a broad tall chestnut. He was unusually afraid of water jumps. On the approach to a wide muddy creek crossing I kept his head turned until we launched. When I turned his attention to the landing side of the creek we were in mid air. The gelding looked down, freaked, and did some kind of double take. He jolted upward while starring down at the flowing water below him. I was unseated.

Rules said if the rider touches ground they are disqualified. So, we ended up on the creek edge and went up the bank with me hanging under the horses neck. I was dangling with my arms and legs wrapped securely on his neck. Don't worry I only weighted about 89 pounds. He stopped at the top. My weight caused him to reconsider moving forward. I very carefully grabbed handful's of mane, let my legs dangle in air, swung and climbed my way back into the saddle. This was all within sight of the jump judges. One of who stated while I was reorganizing myself, "I've never seen anything like that in my life." We galloped on. I'm pretty sure I heard laughter as I left the creek behind. *Laugh*

At home a water hole was built and the horse was schooled regularly on it. He learned to jump over adequately but never wanted to walk through it. School your horses on water before the event.

Merit Badge in Risk Taker
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Thank you for reading and commenting in my blog!

September 16, 2020 at 11:19am
September 16, 2020 at 11:19am

What is your happiest memory? Describe it in vivid detail!

signature dancing owl

Happy moments;

Happiest means the most. More than all the others. To describe the one over all the rest is not possible for me. I ran over a lot of different firsts and could not pull one out that was better. Maybe it's because giddy emotionalism isn't part of my nature. I have had a lot of first time things that made me smile inside. Maybe say look what I did?

When each of my children were born that was always a good time. I was fortunate. They were all healthy weights. More than one person thought I held my babies too much. I still wonder how much is too much? I liked each one of them. Each one has special thoughts lodged in my brain.

This is not the day for in-depth descriptions. Had my flu shot this morning. The freezer is almost defrosted. Two loads of clothes are washed and dried. And, it's a major bill paying day plus I need to make a grocery list. So, listing today's chores and saying that I will be majorly happy when at the end of this day I get some time to read and sit still will have to do. *Angelic*

Merit Badge in Job Well Done
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Congrats for the most creative entry about the Iditarod! Norb and Lyn

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