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  1. If Only I'd Known.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1333298-Shrunken-Hell/cid/611501-If-Only-Id-Known
Rated: XGC · Interactive · Other · #1333298
A criminal dies and is shrunk by the devil.
Chapter #1

If Only I'd Known.

    by: Mad Dog
It's been a while since you last had to sprint anywhere. But considering you have, God knows how many cops chasing you, and a desire to stay out of jail, you don't really have a whole lot of choice. It's been two days since you did the bank job with Glynn and the others, Wayne, Tom, Geoff and Tony. Two days since Glynn and Wayne went crazy and started shooting at the people in the bank, leaving a security guard dead and three other people, a cashier and two customers, seriously injured. You hadn't been happy about that, but there was nothing you could do. You're escape from the bank had been thanks largely to Tony's driving skills.

You're still not sure how the cops found out where you'd all been hiding, one of the others must have opened his mouth. Most of them were never that bright. The cops had come calling early. It's lucky you had a tendency to get up early, or you would've been taken completely by surprise. As it was, it was only after an hour long firefight that the opportunity to escape had presented itself. You'd taken off in all directions. You know Wayne had been hit, you don't know how bad, and you don't care. It's partly his fault that the cops came in so heavy handed.

You really wish now that you'd never come to this city. That you'd stayed back in your home town. Life was dull there, but at least it was safe. You take a quick look behind you and find six cops not only chasing you, but catching up pretty quickly. You're getting tired. You'll have to stop soon, and there's nothing you can do about that. You have to lose the cops before you do stop, and that means having to take chances. In a desperate bid to lose your persuers, you run out into the road, dodging the oncoming traffic in a desperate bid to escape. It works to a point, it's certainly slowing the cops down. You almost make it to the other side when your luck runs out. You dodge a car and look back to see that the cops are still pretty much on the other side of the road. Unfortunately, you look back in the direction you're going, just in time to see a bus come flying at you from the left. It's over so quickly, you don't even feel the impact.

It's with some surprise you find yourself waking up in what appears to be an office. At the speed that the bus was travelling when it hit you, there's no way you could have survived. Especially since you're completely uninjured. Which means that...you're dead. That's something that makes your head spin. After trying to contemplate how it is you can be dead, yet somehow still alive, you give up and look around the office. It's quite a bare office, there's a large, black desk with a black computer on it, and with a black leather executive chair behind it. There's a large, black cabinet with several ornaments in it and that's about it. The only other thing is the chair you're sitting in. Feeling somewhat confused, you slowly spin the chair around, taking a look at the otherwise empty office.

"Well!" comes a female voice from behind you, almost making you jump out of the chair. "Haven't we been a naughty boy?".
You spin the chair around and are somewhat surprised to find a very beautiful redhead sat in the executive chair, behind the desk. She has some kind of kind of file on the desk, open.
"But then again", she says with a lopsided grin. "You have to be naughty to get in here".
"Errm..w..where is..here?" You ask nervously.
"The underworld", she replies matter of factly.
"You mean...I'm in...hell? I really am....dead".
"Nnnoo", the woman says, somewhat irritatedly. "I mean..the...under..world. And yes..you're quite dead. You didn't expect to be hit by a bus and survive did you?"
"So, how come I'm sitting here?" you ask.
"That's what's left of you" the woman says. "Your soul. Your body is currently being scraped off the pavement. And the bus. I believe you made quite a mess when you were hit. Won't be a whole lot to bury. Or cremate. Or whatever it is they do these days."
"Who..who are you?" you ask as your head starts to spin again.
"I have many names", the woman says. "Take your pick. Some call me Satan. Others call me Beelzebub, never liked that one. There's Old Nick...and of course..."
"YOU'RE THE DEVIL?" you ask in disbelief.
"Mm Hmm", comes the reply.
"But I thought you were male" you say.
The woman, the devil, rolls her eyes.
"Jesus, why do they always say that?" she asks irritatedly. "That book.." she clicks her fingers twice. "The err..bibble? BIBLE..the bible. It was written by a man. Pretty fuckin' dumb one at that. It's a distorted version of what actually happened. Mostly. There is some truth in it. But no..the devil is not male. I assure you...I'm all woman. But I wouldn't worry about me if I were you. I'd worry about you...because you're in deep shit my friend. Bank robbery? One man dead, three other people hurt, you..."
"I didn't shoot any of those people", you protest. "I..."
"IT..DOESN'T...matter", the devil cuts in. "You were an accomplice. That's enough".
"I'm gonna burn in hell for something someone else did? That's not fair", you say.
"Tough" comes the reply. "But no...you're not going to burn in hell. Contrary to popular belief, hell is not a place full of fire and demons and other nasty things. No no. Hell is an individual thing. Hell...is what I think will leave in torment for all eternity. I have a doozy for you", an evil smile appears on her face.

You're too afraid to ask what it is. But it doesn't matter.
"You're going to be sent back in time. To the year 2007. You will be 15 again. Your family have been given the powers of gods and once you arrive, one of them will shrink you, and you will become a slave to your own family. But I don't mean the fetch, carry, tidy up kind of slave. You're going to be a little sex slave. Ever wondered what it felt like to be a dildo? Well, you're gonna find out. And that's really one of the more pleasant uses they'll find for you".
"No", you say in abject horror. "You can't. You can't do that me".
The devil smiles. "Ohhh..I think you'll find I can", she replies. "I can do pretty much what I want with you. Y'see, you've been foresaken. The big guy upstairs has turned his back on you. And when that happens, your ass is mine. I was going to keep you for myself actually. But what could be worse than having your own family using you for their pleasure? The best thing is, they're also immortal. And you're dead. So you get to serve them...forever"
You're so stunned, you can't speak. Even though there's a lot you want to say.
"Look on the bright kid", the devil says in an almost sympathetic tone. "At least you didn't pull the trigger. Then you'd really be fucked. No pun intended".
She opens a drawer on her side of the desk. She pulls out a box which she holds over the desk and turns it over.

The shock you're already feeling deepens when you see an inch tall Glynn tumble onto the desk, followed closely by an inch tall Wayne. The shock grows even deeper when the devil picks Glynn up, throws him into the air, then catches him in her mouth and swallows. On seeing this, the shrunken Wayne springs to his feet and starts running toward you. The devil watches him with amusement for a few seconds then, with a surprising turn of speed, she leans forward and snatches him off the desk. She looks at him for a few seconds as she holds him by his legs. You can see the tiny form desperately trying to break the grip of the giant fingers.
"Moron", the devil says when she finally becomes bored. She then roughly stuffs Wayne into her mouth, before tipping her head back and swallowing.
"Think you're gonna have it bad?" she asks as she licks her lips. "How d'you think it will feel to be digested...over and over and over again...forever? You're little buddies are never gonna see daylight again. They're staying right here", she pats her stomach. "In eternal agony. It kinda makes your fate seem tame. To me anyway. NOW!".
She bangs both hands on the table and pushes herself to her feet.
"What say we take you home? I just love a family reunion. Don't you?".
"Please", you say desperately as you start to cry. Don't do this to me. I'm sorry".
The devil laughs. "D'you know how many times I've heard 'sorry'?" she asks. "D'you think I give a shit about you? You're nothing to me. You're just another lost soul that did something bad and doesn't want to take it's punishment. You get no appeals with me boy. You're taking your medicine".

You suddenly find yourself standing in the dining room of your parents house. It looks exactly as it did 15 years ago.
"Well, here he is", you hear the devil say from behind you. You spin around and find her standing next to your mother, who's stood with arms folded, glaring at you.
"One miscreant son".
"You're sure he grows to do...what you told us?" she asks.
"You don't believe me?" the devil asks.
"Well, you are the devil", your mom says.
"That doesn't make me a liar", the devil replies, sounded hurt.
Your mom's eyes look you up and down.
"We can do whatever we want with him? We don't end up in hell?" she asks.
"You can do whatever you want, no matter how sick or cruel. And I assure you, there's only person in this house who'll be in hell. And he's standing right there. He's also very dead. So you can't hurt him".
"Well", your mom says. "I guess we'd better get on with putting him there".
"Mom, whatever she's told you..", start to say. You're quite shocked to hear your voice sounding the way it did when you were 15.
"Shut up", she spits. "Don't call me mom. We will not allow you to bring shame on this family".
"We made a deal," the devil says with a grin. "I give your family immortality and the powers of gods. And in return, they all use you as a sex toy. You'd be surprised how many families accept that deal. Though I'll admit, I did have to use my powers, just to push them in the right direction. I think you'll find they're quite keen to punish their little miscreant son. And they'll enjoy it.
"From now on", your mom says. "You will address me as 'mistress'. You are nothing more than a slave. Deal with it".

You try to speak, but you're suddenly overwhelmed by an unpleasant tingling feeling. Then your vision blurs and you feel as though you're being dragged down. Within seconds, the tingling fades away and your vision clears. It's with the deepest sense of terror you've ever known that you find yourself standing before two pairs of enormous feet. You slowly look up and find your mom and the devil staring back down at you. Both have evil grins on their faces.
"Wow", your mom says. "That was amazing. I just thought about shrinking him, and he did".
"That's a good size", the devil replies. "You'll be surprised at the places you'll be able to comfortably fit him".
"Huh?" your mom says as she briefly looks at the devil and then back to you. Then a look of understanding appears on her face. "Oh," she says softly. "Now there's a thought", she laughs briefly and then, sternly says. "So, slave. What do you think your mistress is going to do with you first?
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