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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2317215
A place where I fight to survive
"When you play the game of thrones you win, or you die." Cersei Lannister
House Lannister image for G.o.T.
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April 8, 2024 at 2:50pm
April 8, 2024 at 2:50pm
Wiping off the sweat,
Stretching an aching backside.
It is all worth it,
When the harvest is brought in.
The rewards are well worth it.

5 lines
40 x5
Tanka 5-7-5-7-7

6. Write a story about a farmer bringing in their harvest.
April 8, 2024 at 2:41pm
April 8, 2024 at 2:41pm
Kicking the mud off,
Jumping back from the horses.
He looked down the road,
At the herd of cows crossing.
He just wanted a Starbucks.

5 Lines
39 Words x5
Tanka - 5-7-5-7-7

1. First visit in the country for a city boy.
April 8, 2024 at 7:45am
April 8, 2024 at 7:45am
Jackie and Cliff were both excited as their SUV, climbed the mountain. Jackie always got a nervous feeling going up these mountain roads to their camping spot. Looking out of the window, she could not see any of the dirt road at all. It was a straight drop down the mountainside, with a few small trees, along the way. It always sent a thrill through her like a roller-coaster ride, but at the same time, it scared her half-to-death. After all, this was real life, and the danger was all too real!

Pulling up to their spot, the sun shone down in beams through the trees. The beauty of this place was amazing! There was plenty of privacy, and with a short three-minute walk a little down the mountain, you'd be at a gorgeous waterfall, and a fresh source of crystal-clear, cold water.

Jackie and Cliff got everything set up and settled into their spot. The sun sank below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest. The crackling of the campfire, the gentle rush of the river, and the muffled roar of the waterfall provided a nice hypnotic sound for their anniversary getaway. However, as night fell, the atmosphere of the woods seemed to shift.

Strange noises drifted through the trees. Rustling leaves and snapping twigs echoed around them.

"It's probably just animals," Cliff tried to reassure her. Though, even he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

After a while, with a few beers in their belly, and good conversation. They climbed into their tent for the night.

The birds singing woke them up, as the morning rays started to warm their camping spot. Jackie climbed out first and stirred the fire, to heat some water for coffee. After breakfast, they decided to go exploring.

They stumbled on an old, dilapidated cabin hidden among the trees. Carefully, stepping over the rotten plyboards, they made their way inside. The interior was dim and musty, dance motes danced in the sunlight that filtered through dirty, cracked windows. Jackie picked up a weathered journal lying on a rickety table. Its pages were filled with faded ink. As she leafed through the entries, her eyes widened with horror.

"Cliff, do you think this was what was out there last night? She asked while handing Cliff the journal.

Cliff scanned through the page, and read an entry that described a creature known as the "Forest Stalker," better known as Big Foot. This Big Foot had red eyes, threw boulders, and screamed with chilling loud howls, hoots, and hollers. He was about eight to nine feet tall, with brown, long hair all over his body. His face was surprisingly human. He left footprints in the mud that were at least 3x longer and wider than a man's size 9 to 10 shoe.

"We have to leave," Jackie said, her voice quivering.

"Honey, we don't know what these people really saw. There's no telling what frame of mind they were in. They could have seen any kind of wildlife and thought it was something it wasn't. Come on. Let's get out of here and make our way back. We'll get some dinner, make a nice fire, and things will look better."

"I guess you're right."

Back at the site, they relaxed around the fire after having a good meal. It was starting to get dusk, and the night air smelled sweet and fresh. They were sharing a bottle of wine, and a lot of laughter, when all of a sudden, a horrible sour smell filled the air.

"Ew, do you smell that, Cliff?"

"Yea. It must be a sick animal."

Bam, Bam, Bam. Three distinct knocks came from somewhere beside them. It sounded like someone banging on a tree with an axe handle.

Cliff jerked his head around, "What the hell?"

Jackie jumped out of her chair. Her eyes were wide with anticipation and fear, "What was that?"

"I don't ..."

With a thunderous thug, a huge boulder landed just a few feet in front of them. Before they could speak, two more came right after.

"Jackie, run!"

They took off running toward their vehicle when a monstrous roar enveloped their being. It was so loud, their bodies vibrated from the sound. More pounding noises followed them, with small trees being pushed down right from where they stood.

Reaching the SUV, another holler raised every hair on their head. Looking up, they saw two Big Feet standing several feet away. Their stare was unmistakable. We had to get out of their territory and do it now!

"Cliff, hurry!"

Cliff fumbled with the keys, finally pressing the button and unlocking the door. He put the key in the ignition and sped off. The last thing they heard was a tree falling close to where they just were, and another horrible, fear-filling scream.

They would never camp in the woods again.

824 Words x5
11. Set your story in the woods or on a campground.
April 8, 2024 at 7:35am
April 8, 2024 at 7:35am
The submersible's lights pierced the dark,
Landing on a structure, the sight quite stark.
In the icy waters, the Titanic lay,
A shadow of itself, now in decay.

Guiding the sub to the grand staircase,
He sat it down at its base.
Music was heard, violins at play,
Just like it must have been on that day.

Ethereal beings came into view,
There were many, quite a few.
They smiled, laughed and danced,
As though they were entranced.

When the sub hit a railing,
And sat it adrift, sailing.
They all stopped their dancing,
And then started advancing.

Their hollow stares were frightful,
And looked to be quite spiteful,
With Allen's heart stampeding,
He raised the sub, quickly speeding.

20 Lines
124 Words

8. You're an underwater explorer.
April 8, 2024 at 5:58am
April 8, 2024 at 5:58am
In the dark, unfathomable depths of the North Atlantic, there lay the Titanic, a behemoth of a bygone era. Its grandeur swallowed by the icy water.

Allan Jasper, a seasoned underwater explorer, had always been fascinated by the mysteries of the deep, but none so much as the Titanic.

He pulled on his boots, grabbed his jacket, and took off out the door. His smile couldn't be any wider. He had waited for this day for years.

The sun rising on the horizon set a lovely golden glow over the ocean. The mighty vessel known as the "The Mighty Whale" sliced through the water with grace and power.

The Captain stood proudly at the helm, his weathered face set in determination as he stirred the ship through the rolling waves. Seagulls circled overhead, with their calls following the ship's wake, as it charted a course through the vast expanse of water.

Allen stood toward the bow, eagerly awaiting their destination. Then breaking out of his trance, he busied himself getting everything ready for his dive down to the great lady in the depths.

Reaching the destination, Allen climbed into "Jellyfish," his beloved submersible. Checking his controls, he begins to lower Jellyfish. As the sleek submersible descended, a sense of otherworldly quiet enveloped the small vessel. Allen had a twinkle in his eye as he watched the last reflections of sunlight, fade to darkness.

The submersible's lights pierced the opaque waters. Schools of fish shimmered in iridescent hues and a giant,, graceful manta ray glided past with an effortless grace.

Allen continued to monitor the gauges, as he noticed some murky shadows ahead, As he sunk deeper, he was looking at decay that had happened over the century, and the encroaching wildlife that had made the Titanic their home. Fish darted through the openings, and coral clung to the metal.

He guided the submersible to the starboard side, toward the grand staircase, where she had rested since that fateful April night in 1912.

A feeling of unease started to gnaw at Allen, but he pushed it aside and drew the Stingray closer to the grand staircase. He thought he heard the faint sound of music. Shaking his head, as if he could shake the thought out, he pushed it aside as his imagination. When he looked back up, the sound of violins was unmistakable. In the ruins of the wreck, shadowy people came into view. There were hundreds of them. They were smiling, laughing, dancing. Living their lives as though time had never passed.

Allen's heart beat faster and faster. He was filled with a sense of fear and curiosity. Watching the people, he bumped into a loose piece of the metal railing, sending a loud, echoing ping ringing through the ocean, All of a sudden, the smiles, laughter, and dancing stopped. The ethereal ghostly gathering was bathed in an unnatural light, which cast eerie shadows on the ocean floor. Their faces twisted in cold, empty disdain. Their eyes hollow and accusing, fixed on Allen, as he dared to stumble upon their spectral gathering,

Their gaze bore into Allen's soul, sending shivers down his spine. For a tense, frightening moment, Allen and the underwater ghosts stayed locked in a chilling standoff. Allen was enveloped in a feeling of foreboding and trepidation. Then as suddenly as it had begun, the ghosts turned and faded into the murky abyss, leaving Allen alone once more in the haunted, underwater quiet.

Able to breathe once more, Allen stirred Stingray away from the staircase, and headed for the surface, As the light started to penetrate the opaque darkness, Allen's heart finally slowed and steadied. He made his way back on board, not uttering a word about his spectral encounter. He still wasn't sure if it was all just his imagination going crazy with the display before him. At least that's what he tried to tell himself. But he knew better.

The memories haunted him. A constant echo in his dreams.

(654 Words) x5

8. You're an underwater explorer.
April 7, 2024 at 11:27am
April 7, 2024 at 11:27am
Bolting awake, drenched in cold sweat,
My heart's pounding, pounding, pounding!
Twisted, monstrous creatures surround me,
My body's paralyzed, I can not flee.

Destruction and annihilation flood my mind,
My eyes locked with a soul-less evil!
Jesus, Save Me! I frantically yell.
In my next breath, I awaken in my bed.

A blinding light split the sky,
Illuminating the small town below.
Giants with over-lapping skin and huge eyes,
Moved their arms and legs in a jerky motion.

Beneath each step, the ground withered.
The townspeople were paralyzed with fear.
The aliens stalked the night,
Their captured prey's gone from sight.

First light broke over the horizon,
In an instant, the monsters were gone.
The people were left to ponder the truth,
There were far darker forces than imagined.

(20 Lines)
129 Words

Newspaper Clippings: 15. At some point, the aliens will show themselves to us - what do you know about it?
April 7, 2024 at 11:12am
April 7, 2024 at 11:12am
Adrift in a tunnel of darkness and light,
Jenna ponders the destination of her plight,
Flowers surround Jenna acre after acre,
The sweet aroma didn't escape her.

Insects flew around with shimmering wings,
But they were not insects, but fairies who sing.
They talk of her spectacular gift,
The ability to monopolize the quantum rift.

They were connections to different realms,
Though they were real, don't let it overwhelm.
Darkness enveloped her in this land,
A world of rock, gray, and bland.

In walked the King, a malevolent creature,
He said he'd steal her powers with this procedure.
Electrodes were placed all over her head,
Flicking the switch filled her with dread.

With a pop a zap, a magical army filled the room,
Led by the fairy to save her from doom.
They imprisoned the King, and set the realm free,
Joy and happiness returned; The people filled with glee.

(20 lines)
(150 Words)

10. Write about a character whose dreams are portals to other worlds.
April 7, 2024 at 9:02am
April 7, 2024 at 9:02am
Adrift in a tunnel of darkness and light,
Jenna ponders the destination of her plight,
Entering the brightness at the end,
She wonders if she'll meet a foe or friend.

Flowers surround Jenna acre after acre,
The sweet aroma didn't escape her.
Insects flew around her with shimmering wings,
But they were not insects, but fairies who sing.

They tell her of her spectacular gift,
The ability to monopolize the quantum rift.
Fairies told her of her spectacular dreams,
That they were not just dreams, as it seemed.

For they were connections to different realms,
Though they were real, don't let it overwhelm.
But enjoy the travels that her powers bestow,
With each trip, her abilities will grow.

But not all trips were happiness and sunshine,
She ended in a place, that sent chills down her spine.
Darkness enveloped her fully in this land,
A world of rock, the scenery gray and bland.

A fear surrounded her leaving her weak,
Jenna tried hard, but could not speak.
Paralyzed and frozen right on the spot,
When giants with weapons fired a shot,

The laser beam aimed right beside her feet,
Then they grabbed her, without missing a beat.
They dragged her down into the cave cell,
Where beside her other prisoners dwelled.

Taken from her cell, she was thrown in a chair,
Then strapped in tightly with a great deal of care.
In walked the King, a malevolent creature,
He said he'd steal her powers with this procedure.

Electrodes were strategically placed all over her head,
When he flicked the switch, it filled her with dread.
Her head started to tingle, then turned numb,
She knew it wouldn't be long before she succumbed.

With a pop and a zap, a magical army filled the room,
Led by her fairy friend to save her from doom.
They imprisoned the evil King, and set the realm free,
Joy and happiness returned; The people were filled with glee.

(20 Lines)
(324 Words)

10. Write about a character whose dreams are portals to other worlds.
April 7, 2024 at 4:56am
April 7, 2024 at 4:56am
Jenna stretched and yawned. The sheets were wrapped awkwardly around her legs, again! From her sitting position, she bent over and unraveled the tangled mess.

Why in the world, do I have so many mornings waking up like this?

Standing up, she tried to stretch. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she swallowed hard. The color drained from her face. She felt like someone had beaten the crap out of her. Her knees grew weak, and her legs wobbly. Feeling like she might fall, she sat back down on the bed.

What the hell happened to me?

Hurting and hardly able to keep her eyes open, she climbed back under her covers and fell quickly into a fitful sleep.

Jenna found herself in a swirling tunnel lined with darkness and light. She floated straight down the middle, heading toward a bright glow at the end. As she got closer, the glow turned into a light and grew brighter and brighter. As she entered the brightness, the tunnel disappeared behind her. Jenna found herself standing on the lushest, greenest grass she had ever seen.

She inhaled the sweet smell of wildflowers. Turning around, her mouth dropped open, as she stared at the acres and acres of all the different kinds of flowers in front of her. Reds, blues, yellows, purples, the green of the foliage, it was a magical kaleidoscope of wonder and beauty.

Walking toward the flowers, she was surrounded by little flying insects with the most dazzling wings, that shimmered in the sunlight. When one landed on her hand, she was shocked to see it wasn't an insect at all! She was staring into the illuminating face of a fairy!

The fairies finally explained to Jenna what was going on with her. They told her she had entered into another realm. Another world, different from her own. As Jenna listened to the fairies, and explored this enchanted land, she learned that she entered into different realms through her dreams. But they were not dreams, but a reality. She found out that her astral body was traveling. Her dreams were interconnected with these realms, forming a complex world of alternate dimensions. Each dream world had its own rules and inhabitants. Some were friendly and others dangerous.

This time when she woke, she had a wide grin and beaming eyes. She ignored the pain. The excitement of her life took on a whole new meaning. She was actually living two lives, the waking one, and the sleeping one. Now, she couldn't wait for bedtime to come. She wondered if she would travel tonight and if so, where?

As nighttime fell, she jumped into her bed. Eyes wide, she kept glancing at the clock. Only five minutes later than the last time she looked. Jenna released an exasperated sigh, tossing and turning until sleep finally found her.

She felt the magnetic tug in her abdomen, as she was pulled into a new realm.

Jenna entered into a world of twilight, where floating islands drifted through the sky, and ancient ruins whispered of forgotten civilizations. There were doors carved into the mountains, where she assumed the inhabitants lived, but no one was around. Walking toward the caves, she noticed that there was no sound at all. Not even the sound of birds or crickets.

The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Her stomach jittered and grew heavy. A fear enveloped her. She quickly turned around in a circle, looking for any danger nearby. There was nothing there. But the feeling of dread stayed with her. The sky grew dark and foreboding. She knew instantly this was a place of great evil. Then from behind the rocks came two huge giants. They looked human but were much bigger, both in height and stature. They carried some form of strange weapons with them and ordered her to walk. They took her into the middle doorway cave entrance. The jagged gray rock walls had shadows dancing in a flicking motion from the fire-lit stakes hung on the wall. The giants ordered her down a steep staircase, carved out of the rock. As she traveled deeper down, the moisture on the walls was so thick, it almost dripped. When they reached the bottom, they threw her behind the biggest, thickest bars she had ever seen. She was so small in comparison, that she could easily walk through the bars. So, a guard stood in front of her cell, leaving her no room to escape. She tried to will herself to wake up, but it was of no use.

She was taken before a malevolent King where she learned he sought to harness the power of her dreams for his own sinister purpose. He strapped her into a rusty metal chair, placing electrodes on both temples, her third eye, and several on her head. Then he flipped a switch. The hum was deafening and intimidating. She felt her head start to tingle, then turn numb. A strange energy seemed to engulf her whole being. Just as she was about to lose consciousness, a silver-illuminating light filled the room. The cave was filled with magical creatures, with her fairy friend, leading the army. A loud pop echoed off of the walls, and Jenna found herself free of the contraption and the chair. She jumped up and joined the army of magical creatures.

They sentenced the King to life chained beneath the waters of Prison Island. With a flick of the wand, the darkness cleared, and a lit-up twilight returned to the realm, and sounds and smells returned. The inhabitants who were prisoners in their own country, were now freed. Joy rang through their enchanted land, and cheers with their never-ending thanks went out to the magical army.

Jenna woke in her bed. The sheets tangled around her legs.

(983 Words x5)

10. Write about a character whose dreams are portals to other worlds.
April 6, 2024 at 12:45pm
April 6, 2024 at 12:45pm
1. "Note: Are you tired of seeing the banners fly high? ..."
2. "Note: And when the day broke, buried in violence So..."
3. "Note: C hronic P rocrastinator R ehabilitation T..."
4. "Note: I noticed not every team in [Link To Item #g..."
5. "Note: Door #10! This is the part where I'm sup..."
6. "Note: Anybody fancy a mini newsfeed challenge? Yes? Wh..."
7. "Note: Whew-eee! It's been a busy, old week. [Lin..."
8. "Note: Citadel Task14. Make the acronym CPR stand for s..."
9. "Note: The acronym CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resus..."
10. "Note: C uddly P up R escue *Dog2* *^*Do..."

24. Go to the community Newsfeed and leave 10 responses to different posts, but behave. Points: 3,000

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