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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2317215
A place where I fight to survive
"When you play the game of thrones you win, or you die." Cersei Lannister
House Lannister image for G.o.T.
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April 18, 2024 at 3:59am
April 18, 2024 at 3:59am
King's Landing Challenge From StephBee

Write an 8 line poem about an overworked webwitch

Webbie works too hard
She doesn't know when to quit.
She flies on her broom,
Always running here and there.

It's time that she rests,
In front of her fireplace.
And dream up a spell,
That will do the work for her.

8 lines
55 Words
April 17, 2024 at 1:48pm
April 17, 2024 at 1:48pm
#32 - Review all the members in Iron Back of Bravos

1. Gaby ~ Way behind!

Review of "Silence"

2. Fivesixer

Review of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS"

3. Jim Hall

Review of "The Devil's Toy Box"

4. 🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace

Review of "Dear Me: Focused and Free in 2023"

5. Jakrebs

Review of "The Ordinary Man in the Leaky Boat"

6. iKïyå§ama

Review of "Night of the Fireflies"

7. Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Review of "Love Shouldn't Hurt Poetry Contest"

8. Jeff

Review of "Memento Mori"

9. Beacon's Light

Review of "Lighthouses at Sunset Contest "

10. Kit

Review of "Visiting Lord Wigglesworth-Plumpinton"

11. Lornda

Review of "Lost Moments"

12. Elizabeth

Review of "Game of Thrones 2024: House Mormont"

13. Purple Wishing WDC Happy 24th

Review of "From Beyond"

14. StaiNed-:D

Review of "GOT House Targaryen"

15. Schnujo's in Alabama

Review of "Of Lord and Abstract Painting-1000 Words"

16. Bikerider

Review of "Yellow Daisies"

17. GERVIC🐉Hiccup H Haddock III

Review of "The Shadow Weaver"

18. Angelica Weatherby-Fallishere

Review of "Slynokio"

19. Annette in Paris

Review of "The Most Beautiful Birthday Present"

20. JACE

Review of "Memories "

21. StephBee

Review of "The Watch Tower"

22. SandraLynn Team Florent!

Review of "Over My Dead Body"

23. Jayne

Review of "Hazmat"

24. Choconut

Review of "Great Darkgate Street"

25. Jeremy

Review of "The Bone Thief"

26. buddhangela's crazy not stupid

Review of "The Special Gift of Paper"

27. Emerick - The Preacher

Review of "Escape: The Travails of Sharon"

28. H❀pe

Review of "Mr Collins: a man with fine prospects "

29. KingsSideCastle

Review of "Chasm"

30. Lovina

Review of "Thylacoleo"

31. Lilli 🧿 ☕

Review of "The Masquerade Mask"

32. Maryann

Review of "Lemonade Girls Detective Agency"

33. Beholden

Review of "Paddy McGinty's Ghost"

34. 🌞GeminiGem 🌻

Review of "The PET NEWS CONTEST"

35. Princess Megan Rose 22 Years

Review of "Love's Battle Quest"

36. Amethyst Angel🍂🧡

Review of "The Portrait"

37. Krista is Taking a Break

Review of "The Time Crystal"

38. Chrys O'Shea

Review of "Nobody"

39. Detective

Review of "The Beast of Blackbriar Swamp"

April 16, 2024 at 11:32am
April 16, 2024 at 11:32am
In my world I penned fantasy realms full of creativity and imagination. With a mere stroke of my pen, I breathed life into my characters, conjured vivid landscapes, and spun intricate plots. My stories were known far and wide for their deep emotion and lively fantasy. My writings felt real. Much more so, than just a work of fiction. It was like you could step into the story, and disappear into their world.

One day when I sat down to write, it was as if a magical spell came upon me. My pen flew and the story came to fruition in front of my very eyes. The story was writing itself. It spun in a direction foreign to the ideas I had for it.

In a daring twist. the protagonist of my story, a brave knight named Sir Conan, who stood on the lush green grass, suddenly turned his gaze toward me. With a knowing smile, He twisted his sword into a circle, then Sir Conan stepped out of the painted pages. His armor gleamed in the soft light. His voice was filled with power, as he spoke, "You have written us well, Dame Tracey. But now it is time for you to take your leave". With that, he took his sword, and with a mighty swipe, I was relished deep into the world of novels, taken away from my world.

My fantasy novels were left to write themselves. My pen no longer guided them.

(261 Words)

April 16, 2024 at 11:21am
April 16, 2024 at 11:21am
"Mr. Johnson, I'm here to do an audit."

"Why are you auditing me? You're lucky I didn't claim more deductions than I did. I really should be getting a refund, not paying taxes!"

"Well, Mr. Johnson, you claimed a lot of deductions that you're not allowed to."

"Like what, may I ask?"

"Well, you can't claim your pet dog."

"Sure I can. He's for medical reasons. He's a stress-reducer."

"Do you have a letter from the doctor?"

"I don't need a letter from a doctor. I know that my dog helps reduce my stress. I don't need a doctor to tell me what I already know."

"Be that as it may, it's not allowed."


"Now, also what's this about a clown outfit? I don't see any income generated with it?"

"Of course not! I don't charge people for making them laugh. But it's still a service I provide. My family and friends always get a good laugh."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Johnson, that's not allowed either."


"And what about these deductions for your work on doing repairs to your home."

"That's right. If I would have paid someone it would have cost me the amount I deducted."

"But Mr. Johnson, this is your house. You can't pay yourself for doing repairs to your own home."

"Well, it shows what you know, Mr. Smarty Pants! I was able to pay myself just fine, it's all written down right there in black and white."

"No, Mr. Johnson. That's not allowed either."

"Now, what's this for your wife's jewelry on her birthday, anniversary and Christmas?"

"Now, that's a legitimate claim, as much as they all are! If I didn't buy my wife nice things for the holidays, and special occasions, she would make my life a living hell. If she disrupted my life, I wouldn't be able to be productive at work. It would cost a lot more in lost wages!"

"Mr. Johnson, the last three years have deductions just like these. When I'm done here, you're going to owe a great deal to the IRS. I suggest you make plans now to make a substantial down payment and make monthly payments."

"Are they tax deductible?"


(365 Words)
April 15, 2024 at 8:29am
April 15, 2024 at 8:29am
Well, this is pretty easy. I choose Gaby ~ Way behind! to reign as Princess! I mean hasn't she proved she can get the job done, using her subjects? *SwordL* That's what all good royalty does!

Seriously, she'll do a fantastic job. She's creative and can come up with Community Activities that will keep the townspeople busy, plus bring in plenty of funds. Which she'll share with those who truly bend over backward, and bust their butt, to prove their loyalty to her. Okay, okay. It is true, she is fair and readily available. She doesn't let the power go to her head.

She'll award her willing subjects accordingly. She promises no one will starve. Though they may be too tired to eat, that's neither here nor there.

So reign on, Gaby ~ Way behind!. Your mighty minions hail you!!

(139 Words)

Ode To The Princess

Reign high mighty one,
For your subjects revere you.
You know we love you.
For your fairness is supreme,
And your punishment is just.

5 lines
24 Words

Tanka - 5-7-5-7-7

Promise Of A Prince/Princess
April 15, 2024 at 6:13am
April 15, 2024 at 6:13am
Princess Anne fanned herself slowly, almost hypnotically. "I saw the most amazing thing while I was in North Vox! I saw what made the train move down the railings. It's the most marvelous thing!"

Her fan picked up speed as her excitement grew. See Mother, these brute men work in these dark, hot, cramped spaces, and they shovel coal into a burning blaze of fire. The steam builds up and travels through pipes to build up pressure. Then the men said this little slide thingy, pushes the steam into another thingy, and it turns the wheel in a circle to turn the locomotive. And that's what makes the train go! Twas, quite a wonderful invention!"

"Oh, Princess Anne! You and your wild imagination!"

"But Queen Mother, 'tis not my imagination. 'Tis true. I saw it and was told how it works myself."

"Well, what kind of man would want to work in such a cramped, boiling-hot place? Surely, no men of good standing!"

"Oh, Mother. You truly are kept in a glass castle! There's a multitude of men who do not have jobs, who would take any job to be able to feed their family. Not everyone lives in castles with servants, Mother. And any man who works any job to support his family is quite respectable!"

Princess Anne's fan now flew at an almost ridiculous speed.

"Oh, Anne. Do calm yourself! We needn't concern ourselves with such matters. Things will be handled in a manner respectable to all. Now, go clean yourself up. We must get ready for the ball!"

(333 Words)


I think the team that has the most chance of winning is Team Targaryen. They're on fire, and has a very active team right from the start.

I feel a kinship with different people on different teams. But I guess if I had to pick one, it would be Team Targaryen.

I know those on the team and admire their strive to accomplish as much as they can. But I do admire others on other teams as well. I'm also proud of our team. We may not win, but considering it was mainly Kit and me at the beginning, I think we're doing really well. We're busting our butts. I'm proud to have our other teammates now able to hop in and help accumulate points.

I think everyone should be proud of their accomplishments if they're giving it all they have! *Bigsmile*

(142 Words)

Inventions - Steam Engines

April 14, 2024 at 3:09pm
April 14, 2024 at 3:09pm
Luminarians were special, enchanted, and powerful fairies, who could camouflage into lightning bugs at will. They lived in a mystical forest in the center of a ring of majestic mountains. There they looked after and protected the woodland creatures, and the flora and fauna, with a great deal of love and care.

They had beautiful shimmering wings when in fairytale form, that glowed with an ethereal light that illuminated the dark corners of the forest. When in lightning bug guise, they would glow with a soft, otherworldly radiance that guided lost travelers, and comforted the weary souls who wandered into this enchanted realm.

They enjoyed interacting with the village's citizens, especially the children. Most only saw them as lightning bugs, which was the fairies' wish. But there were a couple of children who could see them in their real form, past their camouflaging efforts. At first, this worried the fairy queen. She thought that they would have to quit interacting with the children, in case the kids who could see them decided to capture them.

So, the queen of the fairies got together with her subjects, and together they came up with a plan.

On a warm summer evening, as the golden sun dipped below the horizon, the luminarians fluttered out from their forest home. Giggling and whispering to each other, they left tiny, glittering footprints around the village's playground, the edge of the meadow, and on the children's cozy cottage window sills.

In a few select locations, they placed tiny toys with a blinking light, that looked just like little fairies. This way they'll see if the kids try to capture them. If they do, they'll know they won't be able to enter the village anymore, until the kids are fast asleep.

The next morning the children awoke to find these sparkling trails, leading them to secret corners and hidden nooks they had never noticed before. When they found one of these nooks, hidden inside an ancient oak tree, they peered inside and saw a tiny fairy. The children gasped in delight. They put a finger inside the trunk of the tree, hoping the fairy would climb on it. When nothing happened, they said, "Come on little fairy, I won't hurt you. I promise. I just want to be friends. We'll protect you, and won't let anything bad happen to you."

When still nothing happened. The children with disappointed faces turned to walk away. Then the little girl turned and ran back to the tree. She took off her little shiny sunflower necklace and laid it inside of the trunk. "Here's a gift for you." With that, they both walked away.

The fairies were touched as they watched the scene. But they weren't going to act too soon. They decided to keep an eye on the tree and see if the kids came back with a jar to capture them.

The kids came back the next day, but again, when the fairy didn't respond, they turned to walk away. They did not try to capture the lone fairy. This time when they started to walk away, the fairy queen flew in front of them.

"Hello, children. My name is Luminmary. I am the queen of the fairy folk, the luminarians. You are the only one who can see us in our true form, so we had to make sure that you would not try to capture us. From now on, we can be friends, and look after one another."

With those words, that enchanted day was known forever as the day that brought them all together. A testament to the enduring magic woven between the worlds of humans and fae

(629 Words)

Door #14
April 13, 2024 at 11:44am
April 13, 2024 at 11:44am
Kiya's Lunch

"Sit down, Madam. I have prepared a feast for you today. For your luncheon pleasure, we have your choice of entrees of Chicken with Apple Pan Sauce, or Filet Mignon. Vegetables include two choices of a Medley of Roasted Vegetables with Green Peppers, Garlic-Parmesan Roasted Carrots, Mashed Potatoes, and Sweet Potato Souffle. Your choices for Salad are Mixed Greens with Shallot-Dijon Dressing or an Italian Salad. Bread Choices include our Large Yeast Rolls served with Apple Butter, Yellow Cornbread, or Cat-Head Biscuits. For Dessert, we have Molten Lava Chocolate Cake, Tiramisu, or Apple and Butterscotch Pie. And your choice of drink.

It will be an unforgettable meal that you're sure to enjoy!

(114 Words)

Poem For Nurses

Nurses are those secret angels,
Who helps you walk when you're not able.
They keep you safe when you are sick,
But don't expect them to be too quick.

Compassion and Care show on their face,
They have a special kind of grace.
Kind and generous with their time,
Being wonderful is not a crime.

So next time that you need a nurse,
She doesn't need to hear you curse.
She works hard for a living,
Try to be a bit more forgiving.

12 Lines
86 Words

Door #12

April 12, 2024 at 5:05am
April 12, 2024 at 5:05am
My ship called the "The Soul of the Sea," was sailing through tumultuous waters, when a vicious storm descended upon the sea. The wind howled, the rain pounded, and towering waves crashed against the vessel. Lightning shot like a bullet out of the sky, illuminating the black clouds, and the chaos surrounding me.

I and my crew of three fought hard to keep the ship upright. We worked fast doing all we knew to do to keep us safe. But the storm didn't let up. It kept banging us around like we were a toy in the bathtub. Water showered us, knocking us off of our feet. The boat tilted to the side, and then back to the other side. A massive wave slammed into the ship, causing it to groan and creak. The main mast snapped like a twig, sending splintered wood flying. The ship perilously lifted to one side, before lifting and plunging into the sea. One by one my crew was washed overboard. I soon followed. I found a piece of driftwood and with as much effort as I could muster, I clung to it for dear life. I called out to my missing friends. There was no answer. As the waves kept slamming me, I inhaled and drank so much sea water, that I couldn't catch my breath. Inhaling deeply, I couldn't exhale, I inhaled again, and again. Then I lost consciousness.

Coughing and gagging, I opened my eyes. I was lying stomach-down, with my face in the wet sand. The ocean had lost its fierceness, and the waves were gently lapping over my legs. I don't know how long I was lying there before I woke. I looked up and down the shore but did not see my friends. The ocean was as alone as I. The shoreline was dotted with palm trees, driftwood, and parts of the ship. Behind me, the island was lush and green, with towering cliffs. When I regained my strength, I would need to explore the island, make a shelter, and forage for food and fresh water.

Exploring the island, I pretty quickly found a freshwater source. It's only about a half-of-a-mile from shore. I've made a shelter from palm fronds among the tropical trees. I have a clear line of sight of the ocean and skyline, to watch for boats and helicopters. There are wild mushrooms, berries, and coconuts as a food source. I also dig for mussels and have caught a few fish here and there with fishing line, and hooks I found among the wreckage.

I think I've been here for a few months. I'm growing weaker. I now have a fever that comes and goes, but lately, it has been staying longer, than for the length of time it leaves. My mind is growing foggy, and I think I'm having hallucinations. I'm seeing shadows moving all around me. But when I try to concentrate on a single one, it disappears. I hear whispering, or murmuring but can not make out any words. I'm afraid if help doesn't come soon, I won't make it.

I was awakened from a deep sleep, by a noise in the direction of the shore. Turning over on my side, I look out to see rafts approaching the shoreline. One raft is unloading something but I can't quite tell what it is. Shaking my head, trying to get my eyes to focus, I roll onto my stomach and push myself to a standing position. I tip-toe quietly behind some bushes for cover. They're talking in loud voices, with one, I assume it's the boss, giving directions.

The voices seem foreign to me. It's been so long since I've heard and seen another human being. The leader is standing on shore with his hands on his hips. He lowers his sunglasses and looks up through the lush foilage toward the back of the island. He's staring with an intensity of searching for something — Something he knows is supposed to exist. My head spins and I feel like I'm about to faint. I sit before I fall down. I don't want to alert them of my presence yet. I don't know if I can trust them or not.

They're unloading crates on the sand. I can't tell what's in them. But I hope one of them holds medication. I need aspirin and antibiotics.

When the first lid is removed from a crate, they pull out what looks to be some kind of scientific equipment. Another crate holds a generator and the other basic supplies for survival. With military precision, they quickly have four different sections set up. A sleeping area, a work area, a mess hall, and a latrine.

I must have passed out again. As when I awaken I'm still behind the bushes. Shadowy figures are all around me. They're like a shadow of a human but without any distinct features. They don't get close enough to touch me, but they scare me. When they're near, I have an immense feeling of dread. I know it's probably just a vision from a fevered brain, but it feels so real.

I must have passed out again. This time when I wake up, I'm lying on a cot, with an I.V. in my arm. A person whom I assume is the doctor is there with me.

"Hello, Miss. We thought we lost you. You've been very ill. You're lucky we found you when we did. How long have you been on this island? Are you here alone?"

"Wh ... what? Who are you?"

"We're from Regency Exploration. We're a Scientific Team from Atlanta."

"Why are you here?"

"Never mind all of that. You just get some rest and you'll be up and about in no time flat!"

With those words, he exited the tent. I heard him speaking with the boss.

"No, she doesn't know why we're here. I told her who we were and that we're a Scientic Team, but I didn't tell her what we were looking for. She wouldn't believe it if I did. It's not every day, one goes searching for a portal into another world."

After a couple of days, I was able to get my bearings. I felt better than I had since arriving on this deserted island. It's amazing what fluids, medication, and soup will do for a malnourished, sickly body.

I found the bossman. It was time he and I talked.


"No, I'm just the boss. The captain's on the ship," he grinned. "The name's Max. And you are?"

"My name's Annie. I've shipwrecked on this island a few months ago. It's so good to have human contact again. Not to mention life-saving equipment and medicines. But if you insist on finding this portal, I might be able to help you."

Max raised his eyebrows, shocked that she knew about the portal.

"I heard you and the doctor talking. I might have an idea where this portal is. But I'd advise against it, I've seen what comes out of it. They're black as the darkest night, there's no detail to them at all. They whisper and murmur, but I can't make out anything they're saying. But worse than that is the feeling that envelopes me when they're near. They feel evil. I feel I want to run away from them as fast and far as I can. I don't think we need to toy around with trying to open the portal further. And I surely wouldn't advise us going into their world".

"Look, Annie, I understand what you're saying. But you were very sick when you encountered them. Maybe it's not quite as bad as you remember".

"If I show you where I always encountered them, will you ensure me that I get a trip home when ya'll take off from here?"

"I'll do better than that, Annie. I'll ensure you get home, but until then, you can stay on the ship. It has all the creature comfort of home away from home."

Annie took Max to the spot behind the bushes. A faint murmuring could be heard. But it sounded like it was miles away. Max inspected the area with a couple of hand-held electronic devices. The look of excitement showed on his face.

"Annie, I could kiss you! Come with me."

Walking back to the beach, he ordered one of his men to take Annie on the raft to the ship.

Not long after arriving on the ship, there was a loud clap and boom. Looking toward the shoreline, men were running, scrambling for the rafts. A darkness seemed to crawl across the ground, swallowing all of the light.

The screams subsided. All was quiet and the beach was empty.

The captain started the engine. He wasn't waiting around for the darkness to creep across the water

(1562 Words)

Door #9
April 10, 2024 at 9:50pm
April 10, 2024 at 9:50pm
Door #7


My two inventions are simple, yet people would buy them in a heartbeat.

I love pickles and pickle juice! One of my pet peeves is people putting their hands down in the juice to grab a pickle. YUK! I do not want my pickles soaking in your germs, nor do I want to drink them.

I'd make a pickle jar tong attachment. The design is simple. A ring that will fit all different sizes of pickle jars, with a pair of collapsible tongs attached. Tongs at the ready for dishing out your pickles. No more dirty, germy pickle juice!

I'd also make a bird cage cover (that can be made in all shapes and sizes for all creature cages). It would be one piece, but with separations on all four sides, that can be pulled or rolled up, one side at a time. That way if you want your bird or other pet, to soak up the sun, or look out of the window, but still want to keep them quiet or chilled out; only roll up the side facing the window, and keep the other sides down.

I have put in patents for these two designs, but haven't been able to make the sample article. (As of yet).

My Changes To Socioeconomics

I would enable all parents who have stayed home to raise their child for a certain amount of years, to be able to claim a reasonable income on their Social Security for retirement purposes. I think it's a shame that as parents; usually mothers, we should get penalized on our retirement fund, for the years we stayed home to do one of the most important jobs ever.

Time Changes

The only change to time I can think of is to do away with Daylight Savings Time. That should be a thing of the past.

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