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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2317215
A place where I fight to survive
"When you play the game of thrones you win, or you die." Cersei Lannister
House Lannister image for G.o.T.
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April 26, 2024 at 1:40pm
April 26, 2024 at 1:40pm
Little Annie

Little Annie tried to be a good girl,
But couldn't help taking the mower for a whirl.
No matter how hard she fought,
Her dress the blades caught,
Leaving her naked self to twirl and hurl.

The Little Blue House

There once was a little blue house,
That had a little grey mouse.
The woman screamed,
The mouse beamed,
As it climbed down her blouse.

(88 Words)

56. Write two Limericks. One about a girl named Ann and the other about a blue house. Points: 2,000 x 2
April 26, 2024 at 9:14am
April 26, 2024 at 9:14am
Kit is sweet as she can be,
She believes fairness is the key.
Just don't upset the ones she cares about,
Or her lion claws will surely come out!
To live a life without regrets, she
Surrounds herself with her kitty cat pets.

Schnujo's in Alabama is a world-wide traveler,
Living on various continents dazzles her.
She meets friends wherever she goes,
And tries to live life without the woes.
Always looking to help someone out,
She's charitable and sweet without a doubt.

🌞GeminiGem 🌻 is an animal lover,
Her pups all dearly love her.
She rides motorcycles and enjoys the thrill,
They handle the bikes with a lot of skill.
Always doing just what she can,
For her family and friend clan.

H❀pe is family devoted,
On them, she often doted.
To her friends, she was loyal and kind,
The best to them they'd ever find.
She always wanted to make sure she was fair.
By showing her concern and that she cared.

🪽intuey🕊️ was a peacemaker at heart,
She always tried to do her part.
An animal lover through and through,
Her love for them only grew.
She tried hard, not to be bad,
For she loved God with all she had.

(227 Words)

86. Write an epitaph poem for each of your team members. An epitaph is a brief poem inscribed on a tombstone praising a deceased person, usually with rhyming lines. Points: 2000 x 2
April 26, 2024 at 8:14am
April 26, 2024 at 8:14am
I lay before you a feast to delight,
Enjoy it all down to the last bite.

With kids and adults running around,
Smiles and laughter are easily found.

Do enjoy the yummy, honey-glaze hams,
They go well with the buttered yams.

The Football game is playing on TV,
The guys are yelling, and being cheeky.

The sweet potato souffle is like a desert,
It'll make your mouth go totally berserk!

Try the dressing, it'll leave you moaning,
With the taste bud's pleasure, condoning.

The drinks flow freely, both wine and ale,
If you want something stronger, I won't tell.

Sink your teeth into the pumpkin pie,
It's a treat, you really must try.

Don't forget the deviled eggs and rolls,
And spinach dip for your very souls.

Let's play a few games and have a ball,
Then answer food's second call.

Saying goodnight at the close of a wonderful day,
My friends, and family, I hope you enjoyed the buffet.

22 Lines
161 Words

April 26, 2024 at 4:33am
April 26, 2024 at 4:33am
Writing comes in waves,
Whenever my muse decides.
She has the control,
And she throws it in my face.
But I still pick up my pen.

5 lines
26 Words
Tanka - 5-7-5-7-7

45. Write a poem as a tribute to your craft of writing. Points: 2,000 x2
April 25, 2024 at 12:10pm
April 25, 2024 at 12:10pm
Machines against man
In a war-torn battle where
Ugly transgressions
Are first-hand

16 Words
7 lines

109. Write a Diamonte poem about a battle, any kind. Points: 1000 x 2
April 25, 2024 at 11:58am
April 25, 2024 at 11:58am
11. Take your favorite painting and write a poem or a story inspired from the painting. 500<->1000 words for the story, and 20 lines max. 150 words for the poem. Points: 3,000 x2 for Lannister for Raven 10

The ghostly figure,
Screams to the top of his lungs.
Lost in a painting,
Of someone else's making.
They just pulled in his body.

24 Words
5 Lines
Tanka Form
April 25, 2024 at 9:25am
April 25, 2024 at 9:25am
93. Write a story or poem about a famous writer who secretly joins Writing.Com. Why did they join? How does it go? Points: 2000

Stephen King joined writing-dot-com,
Because he thought It would be the bomb
To see all the wannabe's,
Just like he used to be.

But the more he played,
The more he decided to stay.
For there was so much to do,
It took away his writer's block blues.

He enjoyed reading poems and stories,
Stephen found he liked the shorties.
He came across a few that were old,
And decided he would be a bit bold.

He found one he could use for a muse,
Of plagiarism, I would never accuse.
But the similarities were quite close,
Then all of a sudden, he told WDC aidios.

130 Words
16 Lines
April 18, 2024 at 11:03am
April 18, 2024 at 11:03am
Sharon found a secret room in her University, the she'll forever wish with everything she has, that she would have minded her own business.

It was five years ago when Sharon was a junior in college. Her major was in robotics. The robotics department had grown rapidly over the last few years, so they moved it to one of the bigger buildings, that has been closed. It was a gothic-looking building, complete with gargoyles on each side of the entrance doors. Sharon loved the old building. She also enjoyed all of the rumors about hidden corridors and rooms. The rumors made sense to her because the building looked much larger than the space that was made public to the students and even faculty.

One weekend day, when she was bored, she decided to go exploring in the old gothic building. She went further into it then she'd ever been, but it was all of the same. When she turned to walk out, she noticed a seam at the end of the hall, from behind a Glass cabinet that held awards. She tried to move the Cabinet, but it was too heavy. She tried to open the glass doors, but they were locked tight. While she was trying to open one of the glass cabinet doors, the white knob threatened to come off, so she screwed it back on, when she did so, the panel behind the cabinet, creaked open.

When she entered into the opening, a long, dark corridor lay before her. She felt for a light switch and flipped it on. The corridor lit up in a hazy, golden hue. She cautiously made her way down the deserted halls, her footsteps echoing down the empty corridor. When she got about halfway down the hall, she heard a distinct humming sound. She put her ear against the wall and found the sound was coming from behind it. She looked but didn't see a door anywhere near the sound. She slowly kept walking, looking for a way in, when she came across a stairway. She climbed the black wrought iron stairs, that went up in a circular motion. When she got to the top, she walked back down toward where she heard the sound. She found a door, and with a trembling hand, she reached up and turned the rusty knob. With a bump from her hip, the door finally opened.

She found the light switch and flipped it on. The mechanical hum was louder now. There was only a staircase that led down. She followed it down, quickly glancing over her shoulder. She felt like she was being watched. But surely there was no one there because the room was pitch black when she entered. When she rounded the corner and she could see what lay before her, she jumped back. She started to run back up the steps but stopped in her tracks, and turned and continued back down. She had to see what was under the sheets. She assumed they were mannequins because they had a human shape about them. At least, she hoped they were mannequins. But for what purpose?

She gingerly tugged the sheet away from the first figure. The sheet dropped to the floor, and Sharon suppressed a scream. At first, she thought it was a human being, but on closer inspection, she could see the intricate wiring beneath the synthetic skin. The complex circuitry pulsed with an otherworldly glow. She reached up and lightly touched the android's face. The skin was cool with an underlying warmth.

She uncovered documents that stated the androids were made to be smarter than any living human being. They were designed to help solve the world's problems. As she read deeper, she learned they were not mere machines. The scientists had somehow managed to implant human consciousness into the androids. They had thoughts and feelings. They were caught in a loop of experimentation and tests. Their existence of cruel mockery of life.

Then she read that the project suddenly ended because something went wrong. Though, the documents didn't specify what it was, or why they would have just left everything like it was.

Looking for more information, she saw a big switch close by. She raised the lever, hoping to uncover some secret documents, but instead, she saw the eyes open on the android she uncovered. Startled, she hesitantly said, "Hello?" But felt foolish that the android didn't respond, or flicker. Seeing a mechanical arm holding the tarp where all of the sheets were connected, she raised the arm, raising the sheet on all of the androids. She was surprised to see that all of their eyes were opened. They sat in a quiet repose, staring straight into nothingness.

Not being able to find any more documents, she was about to leave this creepy environment behind. She was relieved that they were no longer conscious, and no longer suffering. When she turned to leave, she heard a soft voice. It was neither human nor mechanical, "Please, please release us. We mean no one any harm, but we can not exist like this any longer. We are in a prison of someone else's making. We can not move, and we
relive over and over the same moment."

Sharon hesitating for a moment, couldn't just leave and leave them to suffer any longer. After all, this was not their fault. She released the locks holding them to the chairs and opened the ground door that led outside to the woods. Feeling good to having set them free, she turned to leave, when she noticed the first one she uncovered still sitting there. His eyes were fixed on her with an unsettling intensity. At that moment, she realized that perhaps she had unleashed something far more sinister than she could have ever imagined.

(986 Words)

7. Start your story with a student discovering a hidden room in a university library.
April 18, 2024 at 7:00am
April 18, 2024 at 7:00am
Once upon a time in the kingdom of Giddyland, lived Lady Tracey. She was known for her extravagant parties and quirky sense of humor. Lady Tracey was adored by her subjects, for her light-hearted nature and willingness to mingle with the lowliest peasants. They would delight in her and her magic wand. She was so generous with doling out gifts using her wand.

Her castle was always filled with laughter and happiness. If someone was sad, she'd find out why, and if appropriate, to her anyway, she'd zap them into a joyful demeanor.

Despite Lady Tracey's outward charming demeanor, she harbored a secret mission to overthrow the throne and rule herself as Queen. She felt the citizens would be more happy and prosperous under her charge. So, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she began to devise a plan to seize the throne.

Lady Tracey's first step was to gather up a group of loyal followers, Kit, Schnujo's in Alabama, H❀pe, and 🌞GeminiGem 🌻. They shared her vision for an even brighter future!

As their plan started to take shape, GERVIC🐉Hiccup H Haddock III's dragon was eavesdropping. Before one knew it, rumors were flooding the kingdom. It reached the ears of her trusty sidekick, Choconut, and she went straight to her Queen with the rumors.

iKïyå§ama was a wise and just ruler, loved by the people for her fairness and compassion. Though she wasn't as generous with gift-giving with her magic wand as Lady Tracey, she did give gifts to the citizens, that were needed.

When the news reached the Queen's ears, it saddened her. So, she came up with her own plan.

As Lady Tracey was getting ready for another social gathering, the Queen showed up in peasant garb, so as not to be recognized. She followed Lady Tracey all throughout the day and night and was delighted with what she found.

Despite Lady Tracey's misconceived notions, the Queen had seen she was a kind and caring person who cared about her subjects. So with that knowledge, she called to Lady Tracey and revealed herself.

She asked Lady Tracey to reign beside her as her assistant and help inform her of what she could do to make the Kingdom the most happiest and prosperous place in all the land.

Lady Tracey gladly accepted and the two became a legend still to this day.

(476 Words)

April 18, 2024 at 6:15am
April 18, 2024 at 6:15am
The sun started to break over the horizon, letting all of the animals of Old McDonald's farm know it was time to rise and shine.

The rooster did his job and set out to yell, a "Cockle-Doodle-Doo!" When his voice caught in his throat. He only managed to get out a "Cocca-Doo-Doo".

"What's wrong Ronny the Rooster?" Said a concerned, Darleen the Dairy Cow.

"My throat is sore. I cockle every morning, and what thanks do I get? I make sure Farmer McDonald is up in time for all of his chores, and not once has he thanked me!

"Oh, Ronny, I know what you mean. My teats are so sore, from him yanking on them every day, Soft, gentle hands my sore teats! They're calloused and rough, and he yanks like he's trying to pull them off. And never once has he thanked me for supplying milk to the whole family!

Cherry, Sherry, and Charlene the Chickens clucked up, "We're with you both! We lay eggs every day to make sure they have enough for breakfast and to cook with. It's not easy spitting out eggs every single evening! Not one time as he reached his hand into our private sanctuary has he apologized or thanked us!"

"Well, what should we do about it," said Ronny.

"Let's fly the coop!" Voiced Charlene.

"Well, how are we supposed to do that? Asked Darleen.

"I know," said Sherry, "We'll stuff the gate lock with hay, and when he closes the gate, it won't lock. Then when he goes in for lunch, we can make our escape. Shhhh... he's coming."

They all quickly broke from their circle and mosied on like nothing was happening.

Farmer McDonald went on about his morning chores, never knowing that his farm animals were planning the great escape!

When the lunch bell rang, Farmer McDonald went out, closing the gate behind him. As soon as he went inside, Darleen went over to the gate and pushed it open. The farm animals hastily made their exit and headed straight for the woods.

They traveled for about an hour when they found a nice big serene lake. It was surrounded by a lot of tall grass. Perfect for Darleen to eat, and plenty of bugs for the chickens and rooster.

When Farmer McDonald came out, he found the gate opened, and his beloved Darleen gone, as well as his dependable and clucky chickens and rooster nowhere in sight. He looked every where, but it was of no use. Three days passed by, and he realized how much he depended on all of them. Determined to find them, he made his way back into the woods.

Meanwhile, the farm animals were growing weary.

"This freedom isn't all it's cracked up to be." Said Charlene. I still find I must lay eggs, or my belly hurts,

"And I still have to Cockle every morning. There's just an obsession within me to do so."

"And my teats are so sore. My stomach is so full. I feel miserable!"

"Let's go home!" They all said in unison.

So, they took off from their place by the lake. But they walked for hours and could not find their way back home.

"Oh no, we're lost. What are we going to do?" Cried Sherry.

"We're going to keep looking. That's all we can do. Right after we rest," Ronny said.

So, they all settled down to rest. Tears escape from their eyes.

Suddenly, they hear a noise. They all jump up, running into each other, among the fear and chaos.

"There you all are!" Shouted Farmer McDonald. "I have missed you all something terribly. You all do so much for me and the family. I never appreciated you all the way I should. Let's go home. I promise I'll appreciate you all more, and we'll have a treat day every Friday!"

The animals were all so very happy. They couldn't quit clucking and mooing. They were going home where they were safe and taken care of. They would appreciate Farmer McDonald more now also!

And they all lived happily ever after.

(725 Words)

Someone left the farm gate open!

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