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Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #2206688
Blog and other works of literary sense
Here is a collection of ruminations and whatnot.
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November 13, 2020 at 8:05pm
November 13, 2020 at 8:05pm
We've had a good meal tonight. I made a salad with macaroni and chicken. It's one of my stepfather's favorites. It's easy enough to make. We had roast chicken from the store that we had the other day. Today we took some of the chicken, diced it, and mixed it into a cold macaroni dish and added mayo to it. We had a lot of it for the evening meal. My stepfather said it was good. That was good enough for me. In the past we used to add a fruit, pineapple, to the dish. But I've found it to be little to harsh to eat and the pineapple had a very tart taste that put me off. Now we don't add the pineapple. It's good all by itself, the macaroni and chicken. When we have a chance we will make chicken broth from the bones. It will be good as a soup starter. Then we can also use the soup for a base to use for other types of meals.

November 10, 2020 at 5:53pm
November 10, 2020 at 5:53pm
I'm asked to figure out what my life might have been like had I stayed in England. I was born in Ireland to an illegitmate union and my parents were Philip of Edinburg and Dame Maggie Smith. I was born and then taken to a family in Lancashire, England where I grew up to about twelve and then I was taken away, kidnapped, by Mrs Windsor's minions. If I had been allowed to grow up in England, in that Lancashire family, my status would have been second class. I would have been in a working class family, and never went to a good school where in England schooling was the mark of a first class citizen and would have pointed a child to a big job somewhere in the future. I wouldn't have been in that category. In that life I would not have met the people who mattered. The Queen would have kept me under her foot and made it clear to everyone that I was persona non grata. I would have suffered a humiliation everywhere I would have gone. My stepparents would have been also cut and made to feel that they weren't anyone. They would have taken it out on me and would have probably given me in marriage to anybody who happened to think I was anything good to have a snog with. I would have had no morals whatsoever and become a bad girl.

Cut to here, where I am a woman who grew up with a new name, went to a good Catholic private school, received a BA and PhD in college, and went to a good place to work at Yale, I was still ahead of who I should have been in England. I was not happy at Yale and that was when the Queen decided it was time to make me feel sad forever. All of my life since Yale i was seeing a therapist for depression, and given meds to take for the rest of my life. I tried several times to work in Science but I failed or did not progress. I went into retail and sold dresses and jewelry (but enjoyed it well enough) and china. I went to work for a laboratory at a manufacturing plant. I worked for a pharmacy as a technician (and feared screwing up but survived and did not do anyone in by screwing up at anything). I was hired as a regulatory specialist where I used my skills at research and science to help the company successfully clear devices for market in the USA through the FDA. I went after that for a MFA in Creative writing and graduated with Distinction.

The USA is not into 'class' and the whole lot of stuff that English culture is all about. Americans left England a long time ago and have been successful with different types of businessmen and women who came from the grass roots to establish good companies. Many of course have had a leg up with their ancestors being rich. But everyone is respected no matter what or who their parents were.

I would prefer to have lived in the USA having gone through this life than a very sad and almost Dickensian life in England knowing that my parentage would have put me in a bad position always. Here, the USA, if people knew who my parents were, they never mentioned it and many were in the employ of the Queen bent on making me sad all the time. they forgot that i am made of sterner stuff and do not accept the judgements of people like her who isn't any good. the Queen has made it difficult for England to succeed in their work with other countries and her sins are legendary. It is better that I live in the USA because I'm far away enough from that woman and her minions. I accept my life here and my legal name. I do not know who I was when i was born and when I was fobbed off to a family in Lancashire, England.

Should my real parents have a change of heart, and wish me to join them in England, it might be nice to meet them and see where we can resume a relationship if there is a chance for us at all. I wish no harm to come to England nor to its people. But i do not see how I could have been anything worthwhile in England if i never left.
November 8, 2020 at 11:01am
November 8, 2020 at 11:01am
One Sunday I drove myself to a Starbucks store but on the way there on a highway called Veterans Memorial Highway, I fell asleep briefly at the wheel. I awoke realizing what happened and fortunately there were no other cars nearby, and yet I gripped the steering wheel and maneuvered or overcorrected and got the right wheel bang up against the curb and it got the car over the curb and I corrected again to get the car back on the road.

I sat in the car stunned. I felt a bit disappointed that this happened. I really wanted to go to Starbucks where I could write, while enjoying a coffee. I had no cell phone and the laptop had no means to get any wireless communication. Fortunately there was a store nearby and I walked over to ask for the use of a telephone. I called 911, and they said to wait for a police officer.

The Police Office arrived and he looked a bit shy about looking around the car. There were still no traffic in the area. He told me he was going to call a tow truck to come and give me a hand.

The tow truck arrived. He towed the car to a nearby parking lot near a bank. I thought of how best to pay him as I knew I had no money to pay for this tow or the replacement of the tire with the spare. He did not seem to press me on it when I confessed I had no money. He said he will call his manager. They both agreed to let me have a free pass. I was very grateful. I decided after he replaced the spare to continue on to Starbucks where I spent a few hours there.

I sent an email to my stepfather, however, telling him about this accident.

The tire was replaced presently.

The bastards got together to make the sun's power exert itself on my consciousness rendering me 'dead' and that was why I had that phenomenon of 'falling asleep at the wheel'.
November 6, 2020 at 3:57pm
November 6, 2020 at 3:57pm
A pleasant enough day. Had a few gremlins that attacked me earlier and I would have none of it. Fortunately they were driven off and I could work on something today. I'm working on my LLR and other businesses. I hope to get something out of these in a while. I'm a patient worker. Sometimes people have to be comfortable with me as a seller of these items and know that I am a decent person and not just out to get money out of people. I have to convince them that the things I sell are worthy and worth their money and that they need them in their lives. Selling clothes might be a matter to talk about and so I've put up a few FB live videos for them to get to know me as a person behind the clothes. I think this will work out fine.
November 5, 2020 at 7:13pm
November 5, 2020 at 7:13pm
The gremlins were out in force this morning and I had to flee to my bed to escape their hateful thoughts. I couldn't do much today but in the afternoon i awoke and went to write a chapter for KICK. I think it's coming along ok. I have over two hundred pages written. I think that's good. I'm hoping this story will end soon. I'm stuck on a story line that might be somewhat of a twist and it might take more pages to get to a good conclusion. I might still go with it. I think that the story of Lauren Moore is going to take a little more exposition. I want it to be good story and her character should have a good conclusion. I'm raring to get this book off my desk.
November 5, 2020 at 12:26pm
November 5, 2020 at 12:26pm
I had a bad dream this morning while I was trying to escape the gremlins. I dreamed of being in a household where there people there who I didn’t recognize. There was a skinny boy with dark hair there. I think he wanted me to be his new Mum. Then in the bedroom I kept seeing pig a small pig that was growing bigger slowly every time I had a glance at him. So I decided to get rid of this pig in my room. He was on the table in the corner and even the cat hated it I looked for a thick pair of gloves to get rid of the pig but I could only find one of a pair. Then I wanted to get a thick pair of rubber gloves. Then I thought of getting a big sack and stuffing the pig inside it. I couldn’t dream much more because my puppy got on my chest and starting licking my face and I had to wake up reluctantly. I wanted to go back to the dream and get rid of that awful pig. It was orange and had very awful presence. I think this pig symoblized the bad man who has been plaguing me for a while. His name is Churchill.
October 30, 2020 at 2:19pm
October 30, 2020 at 2:19pm
While my dogs are vying for my attention (as they do frequently during the day) I’m thinking of how the day has gone so far. I got up and went through some negativity but I was able to keep it at bay. Then I decided it was a good day to get the royalty money out of the bank for a short grocery trip. I only got paid 27.81 for royalties but that amount, well, 20 of it, got used up for groceries to tide us over till Stepdad gets his pension check next month. I’m sure that those who bought my books for whatever period of time the check covered should be happy and given Blessings of Goodness for helping us fortuitously this month. I wasn’t sure whether we might be able to get through the month without giving up a meal or two, or getting low on dog and cat food.

The cat food seems to be ok but the dogs are eager to eat almost all the time these days. So the dog food is going at a rate that I’m rather worried about. However, I’ll be keeping a close watch over the dog kibble and since I give them some table food, they should be ok with things.

I did a bit of crocheting too - I felt bored with social media. I think it’s fine to be on social media but I think that I haven’t a lot to follow and there’s just not a lot to appreciate on FB. Twitter is more interesting but the election is taking a lot of space and it’s getting too much for me. I can’t go on those two for too long because it causes me stress. All that stuff, leaping out of the screen at me, bringing unwelcome statistics, data and photos - making me overwhelmed. I’m not as excited to know who is leading where maybe but if I learned about it on Twitter then all the thoughts I have leap to different things that cause my mind a stress. I’d rather appreciate good things - nature, flight of airplanes (my newest followed Tweetum) and clothes - fashion, that sort of thing. Stuff that a girl likes to follow - and I might have to prune my list of people followed so I don’t always get bad news from the moment I get on Twitter.

October 30, 2020 at 12:35pm
October 30, 2020 at 12:35pm
I'm going out on a limb here and post my business websites - I don't know what Writing dot com is thinking about it but if they wish me to remove this blog post I will.

I'm in need to extra income and so I've joined three businesses to be their independent consultant. Here are my websites with them and I invite you to shop there and help me earn a decent living. My book royalties are not as great as I had hoped, and I now it's because of being new to the game of writing books.

https://shop.lulareobless.com/050678 - clothing store

marykay.com/MFaderan - cosmetics and skin care

maryfaderan.norwex.biz - intending to help reduce the world of chemicals to create a cleaner Earth. The products we sell are good for the house, cleaning and keeping the body healthy.

Thank you for your support.

October 27, 2020 at 7:55pm
October 27, 2020 at 7:55pm
After a few days of work, there are a few more chapters to KICK than before.
October 26, 2020 at 11:02am
October 26, 2020 at 11:02am
Last night I wrote another scene for KICK, the title of the Loveable Resident Sequel.
I wrote a scene with Mike Oates at the end of his tether. His wife Lauren left to go see her father, Jonathan Moore, leaving Mike alone. Mike went through a crisis and almost did himself in.
I decided to put a pause in his suicidal intent and make him live for another day.
My Muse and I had a problem with it and my Muse wanted to end Mike's life right there. I replied that I wanted to prolong his existence because the story would end too soon.
Lauren's story might develop if Mike's existence ended and I wasn't sure that the story would have any sense because Mike was the protagonist and Lauren's character was something that was secondary to Mike's.
I am torn about this scene and don't know whether I want to go on with the Sequel.
I do not like MIke Oates' character nor do I feel anything for Lauren's.
I'm a writer who wishes to like my characters and I want them to do well enough to have a satisfying story in the end where the readers will say, That's ok.
So I'm pausing writing this story until my Muse and I come to an agreement about what Mike's life will end up as.
It's hard to write a story about a psychopath. I am not sure that I'm in the right mood to write this story, and I think I've had several difficulties with writing anyway.
Writing is a tender business, something that comes from one's imagination.
I might be better disposed to write some other story that I'm developing even now as i write this blog post.
The thoughts that might be happy with my other book aren't sympathetic with my writing the Sequel. It's seemingly more attractive to those in my audience of thoughts to write about something more positive than writing about a man who's got no redeeming qualities.
I'm not someone like Truman Capote who wrote that book that was about some assassin.
I might have to beef up myself to write more on KICK. I don't know what I will do about it.
More time is needed, for sure, to go on with KICK.
I don't know what else to do about it at the present time.
I'll keep you posted.

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