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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2184267
My Heart is Breaking!
What is on your mind? I love all type of topics and will talk about almost anything! So, what is happening with you lately?

The Huntington Japanese Gardens, photo by Seabreeze
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March 18, 2019 at 9:36pm
March 18, 2019 at 9:36pm
March 18, 2019

Hi again, Today I want to share one of my favorite poem writing styles: The Sestina. A sestina is a fixed verse form consisting of six stanzas of six lines each, normally followed by a three-line envoi. The words that end each line of the first stanza are used as line endings in each of the following stanzas, rotated in a set pattern. Here is my first attempt of a sestina:

Savior Our Lord

Is that you Lord?
Yes, I believe.
No, I don’t need a sign.
You are my Lord, my Savior.
I pray and you I hear.
That is when I know you are near.

I am sure it is my heart you are near.
You are my Savior, my Lord.
Let’s all pray, listen and hear.
He will bless you and you will believe.
Praise Him, Lord, God our Savior.
Pray, pray that he will send all a sign.

What is it Lord? Why do your people need a sign?
Don’t they know the time is near?
You have come; you are the all mighty Savior.
You are Abba, Father, and Lord.
Listen, pray, listen and believe.
Why can’t they just listen and hear.

What’s that, Lord? Am I listening, do I hear?
"My Word is sufficient as their sign?"
"Can’t they read the Word and believe?"
"Don’t they know the time is near?"
Praise Him, Praise Him, and Praise the Lord.
He is coming again; you must trust in the Savior.

"I have come to earth to be your Savior.
Be quiet, listen and hear.
Trust and know I am Lord.
Read my Word it is your sign.
Be still and know I am near.
Many have not seen but believe."

"I am Abba, the Father, and Lord – believe."
Praise Him, Lord God our Savior.
You must know he is always near.
Be still and let your ears hear.
No, we should not need a sign.
He is Alpha, Omega, King of Kings – Lord.

The time is near, praise Him and believe.
He is coming our Lord and Savior.
See and hear His Word; it is your sign.
March 17, 2019 at 2:01pm
March 17, 2019 at 2:01pm
March 17, 2019

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my fellow writings.

May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!

complements from:
March 16, 2019 at 12:57pm
March 16, 2019 at 12:57pm
March 16, 2019

Well, we are approaching that magical day called St. Patrick's Day. It made me think of the blarney stone. Why do they kiss it? So, I had to see (since I am Irish/Scotch) what this was all about.

The blarney stone was set in a castle in 1446. The blarney is a block of Carboniferous limestone built into the battlements of Blarney Castle, Blarney, about 8 kilometres from Cork, Ireland. The tradition of kissing this hunk of rock has been around for centuries. It is said that if one kisses the stone he/she will receive the gift of eloquence and persuasiveness. Now that sounds like something we all could use! Receiving the gift of gab may be good for some and not so good for those who already possess too much of it.

Frankly, I think this might be something that was created in a pub. You know how those Irish love their brew. So, I see this tradition developing from a conversation out of the pub. Pub, now their is an interesting word. Best that I can tell is the word pub refers to public houses. Ah, I digress though.

Well, in any case if you want to adventure out and need more of the eloquence and persuasiveness (good for writing, right?), you must travel to Ireland to kiss the mighty Blarney Stone!

March 15, 2019 at 12:52pm
March 15, 2019 at 12:52pm
March 15, 2019

When I run across something fun and interesting....just got to share. Ello is a community network and they are advertising a contest for those artists who can come up with a haircare brand. The link to the contest is given below. Only 18 days left. However, there is plenty to see at this site...give it a look as there maybe something there for you.


Another site that is interesting to share (have not actually requested anything as yet) is a free food site. It allows you to search
free samples by product and at least you can see new item on the market. Search takes you right to the company site that is
offering samples. Anyone out there who has tried it, appreciate feedback!


One more! Instructable Contests. Ever once in a while I like to join a contest. I have won a few things in my lifetime; nothing to shout about, except a radio contest that got my husband and me a complete set of sports items: golf clubs, bag, bat, glove, tennis racket, balls, and I don't remember what else. We were excited when we won! Anyways, here is the site to one of the contests advertised, called: Paper Contest:


The company gives this explanation and prize: "For the adventurous, try your hand at a paper machine for a chance to win the judges' prize, a Canon EOS M6 kit. Only 17 days left to enter the Paper Contest!"

GOOD LUCK in your site adventures!

March 14, 2019 at 4:39pm
March 14, 2019 at 4:39pm
March 14, 2019

Sometimes you come across something that you just must share and for me, that is a movie I saw on You Tube called God's Power is Coming (The Two Witnesses) movie. For those of you who know that I am referring to Revelations 11 of the Bible will appreciate the detail of study that went into this movie (with scripture to back up their claim) and I hope will give it a look. It is well done, good clarity and you can split it up in two viewings as it is over an hour long.

For those who may not be familiar with the Bible or who is but would like more information on the Two Witnesses, I highly recommend checking this movie out and the organization that has provided it (AoC Network). I listened once and then once again taking notes to check back into my Bible for additional research.

I hope you will consider the movie as it really brings home clarity to the subject matter and the roll of Believers in near future to come.


Blessings to you all,


March 13, 2019 at 12:33pm
March 13, 2019 at 12:33pm
Heavy snow today. My son trying to get out to go to job site. He pulls a trailer. All prayers welcome.

Snow is a mystery. Can be so beautiful but still can be deadly.
March 12, 2019 at 2:41pm
March 12, 2019 at 2:41pm
March 12, 2019

I want to share what one man, an artist, in California is doing to help the homeless. Elvis Summers came up with an idea of tiny houses to shelter the homeless. However, city authorities banned them, collected them and put the people back out on the street without giving their personal items back to them. Even though this is a few years ago, I thought it was well worth sharing. Elvis can also be found on Facebook.


Sorry to say I could not find an update on Elvis's efforts.

March 11, 2019 at 1:56pm
March 11, 2019 at 1:56pm
March 11, 2019

How long have you been writing? Are you published? Wish you were? So do I and I am about to branch out and see what I can do. I just recently ran across a site that I want to share with my fellow writers. Some of you may already have crossed its path.


Quickly I will list them, but you go search them out as there is something for everyone who writes. So, the ten are:

Early American Life (history buffs)
Catholic Digest (spiritual)
Earth Island Journal (environmental concerns)
VQR (looking for the best of poetry and prose)
Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC Outdoors Magazine - nature, conservation and so much more)
The Sun Magazine (articles, essays, poetry)
Boys Life (Boy Scouts of America - don't shy away from this one - think of the possibilities)
The American Gardener (you green thumbers - they pay $300 to $600 for articles)
One Story (looking for fiction)
Glimmer Train Stories (any experience you may have had with trains - big or small?)

Okay, did I wet your appetite? Just remember, most are looking for NEW non-published items and I do believe if you
have posted it here, it is considered published in some form or another. I am not experience in that area (not yet), but
check it out - can't hurt!

Thanks for stopping by.

March 10, 2019 at 6:23pm
March 10, 2019 at 6:23pm
March 10, 2019

To Blog or not to Blog?

To blog or not to blog, that is the question? Why? Because I am curious how many bloggers, especially the first time up bloggers, keep on blogging? So I did a little research (mostly Google). This is what it told me. In 2018 there were 505 million blogs. I want to know who counted them? As far as bloggers, in 2015, estimated 28.3 bloggers updated a blog at least once a month. I am sure I am in that count as I have a couple of blogs I haven't looked at in ages.

This brings up my main point that I wanted to get to and that is how many of you here, have started blogs but fail to get to them? I am not picking on anyone as I am guilty. I have started my second blog, here, and so far I am good posting each day since I started. I must mention that is only March 2, so that is not saying much.

Why is it that we can write other great things but when it comes to the daily blog, it is a challenge for many of us. We can't be lacking words, can we? Research says 2 million blogs are created each day, WOW. What do these folks have to talk about?

I started a blog years ago with the idea I was going to make money. You as well, maybe? So, I asked research, how many bloggers make money? Research says

2%" spend less than 2 hours a day blogging but make more than $150K (Tim Ferriss types). Another survey, this one of 1,500
ProBlogger readers who said they're trying to make money by blogging, found that 9% make between $1,000 and $10,000 a month
and 4% make over $10,000 a month."

So, any volunteers on how much you make as a blogger? Just the facts folks, just the facts.

March 9, 2019 at 2:48pm
March 9, 2019 at 2:48pm
March 9, 2019

Let's get back to foot and meter. Another type listed is the Anapest. The anapest is a metrical foot consisting of two short or unstressed syllables followed by one long or stressed syllable. Example:

I must finish my journey alone.

You know what I find interesting about all these labels is that many of us, I believe, have already written this way but just
didn't know what it was called. What fascinates me more than this type of meter is the origin of the word anapest. When I looked it up this is what I found:

Consist of a Greek word ana that means back
and the word paiein meaning strike
which gives it the Latin of anapest

Personally, I think I would rather think in terms of syllables! How about you?


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