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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2184267
My Heart is Breaking!
What is on your mind? I love all type of topics and will talk about almost anything! So, what is happening with you lately?

The Huntington Japanese Gardens, photo by Seabreeze
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May 30, 2019 at 1:27pm
May 30, 2019 at 1:27pm
May 30, 2019

Well, I have been away from my blog for awhile with family birthday, weeding and other things. Loving the sunshine and nice weather so I have been out weeding.

This year I have made a compromise with the weeds. I am keeping a few along the driveway. I especially like the ones that have little purple flowers. They have a seed that, when I was a kid, we made scissors and swords out of them. But, last year I sprayed weed killer and lost too many praying mantis and maybe birds. That broke my heart so I am taking a different approach with them. Also, keeping a few Milk Thistle as I love their flowers. The worst is the wild grasses (fox tail type) that grows so long that I just doesn't look nice, so I pulled many of those today.

I have a nice ground cover that helps and I planted some wild flower seeds so i am hoping the birds will take pity on me and leave my new sprouts alone, ha, ha! I also put out a rose bush and I am hoping it will take and bring some pretty flowers years to come.

So what are you doing with your planting? Come share, if you dare!

May 24, 2019 at 3:56pm
May 24, 2019 at 3:56pm
May 24, 2019 Because I am feeling anxious today.

Do you see it? Do you feel it?
Confusion, confusion.
What was wrong, now seems right.
But don't be alarmed,
The tide will shift.
Our Father in Heaven is coming,
A Father of Love,
Not of confusion.
But of truth.

Praise Him!

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May 21, 2019 at 11:08am
May 21, 2019 at 11:08am
May 21, 2019

There is a program called A Truth About Cancer; A Global Quest! It consists of 9 segments and you can find many of these videos on You Tube. This program truly is the truth about cancer. Everyone can benefit from the research that went into this program; for better health in nutrition and preventing cancer in your life and your loved ones.

Through years of research, A Global Quest has examined the pros and cons of cancer treatment and through cancer survivors and health and medical professionals who have been dedicated to the study of cancer, the public can now be informed with tremendous facts on treating, preventing and living with cancer.

Over 90 health care professionals and organizations have contributed to this research and many have successfully treated cancer patients and provided many patients with years of cancer free lives. This program not only addresses all elements of cancer but can help you and your loved ones on a path of better nutrition for better long term health through the information that is given regarding food preparation, growing your own, juicing and essential oils. There is the option to purchase the videos and also available complete written transcription of the dialogue of all 9 videos so that you can reference various topics for your own extended research. You may wish to go to https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/ site for additional information. A Truth About Cancer is a TTAC Publication.

My prayer is that this information will benefit folks who are looking for the truth about cancer.

May 15, 2019 at 12:24pm
May 15, 2019 at 12:24pm
May 15, 2019

Wow, I am behind in my blog, but life goes on! Today, I want to ask all of you about something that bugs me! It is the phrase, "It got move back to the end of next week."

Now, here is my problem. If you move something back, where does it go? It goes back, right? Well then, how can you move it forward, to next week? This phrase has always been confusing to me. Can anyone explain to me how or why it is called moving back when it is actually going forward. When I use to work in an office, I always got a date, never assuming that I understood where the thing that was being moved, was going!

Example: from a friend's story:

"They pushed my hearing back to the end of next week." Rebecca hadn't even known that it had been scheduled.


So there, HELP, someone explain the rationality of this!


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May 11, 2019 at 4:15pm
May 11, 2019 at 4:15pm
For May 12, Mother's Day

Blessings to all the moms across the world! Thanks to my mom who brought me into this world to enjoy all the great things I have seen and have shared with others. I miss you mom; I miss your laughter! I miss when we would go to the library together and after stop for a sandwich and malt at the drug store. I remember you in my heart, my eyes see you and will until we meet again. Love Sandy


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May 5, 2019 at 12:49pm
May 5, 2019 at 12:49pm
May 5, 2019

Today I want to share a new signature that I was blessed with and the person who did the blessing:

Whatasleepy kitty has designed this one for me and I want to share her site.


I love birds, butterflies and this signature is perfect!

So tribute to Whatasleepy kitty for her creation!



May 2, 2019 at 11:53am
May 2, 2019 at 11:53am
May 2, 2019


Brilliant Rainbows with vast hues cover the whole sky.

Deer jump across the highway showing off their grace.

Smiles you received, for the first time, from your new baby.

You saw the biggest, most beautiful harvest *Moon* .

Joy of hearing a voice you haven't heard in years.

You find your wedding ring you thought you lost years ago.

The doctor was happy to report that it isn't cancer.

Buzzed you have been by a hummingbird.

Cup of coffee is brought to you just when you received bad news.

Your guy, who you absolutely love asked you to marry him.

A grandchild says your funny!

You have been blessed!

Seabreeze 2011
April 30, 2019 at 1:54pm
April 30, 2019 at 1:54pm
April 30, 2019

Hello folks,

I have to share something that was brought to my attention a few days ago. This is in regards to a video that is pushing vaccines for measles. It is not the topic as much as the misuse of information or maybe flat out lying. What has happened is important to point out because with so much information going around, we as citizens need to be sure of what we are watching and if it is truthful.

The video below is promoting the vaccine for measles. But watch the video and you will see that what it really going on, more so, is that Merck, big Pharma, is advertising.

Now, that may be okay, but the picture of the medical professional in the blue shirt holding the baby with measles is really a "doctored up" picture, a stock photo and one that the baby in the photo has been made to look like it has measles. How do we know (and I checked this out myself), by searching for the picture on the Internet. You will find the same position, picture of a baby, held by the same person; baby in good health.

Now this baby was to have, I believe, died of measles. THIS IS FLAT OUT LYING. Why do we need to be lied to about such a case if it is real?

Below you will find the stock photo posted by dream.com (the one I found). Next below, you will find the one I search for (shown in video) of baby with measles. If you study the pictures you will see the blotches are not really consistent of real measles (over done). I don't know about you, but I am tired of being lied to. So, I hope you will examine video and see for yourself what is going on in pushing vaccines.


April 25, 2019 at 12:01pm
April 25, 2019 at 12:01pm
April 25, 2019

Let's talk Chiropractic for good health. I want to share a jewel (as far as I am concerned) discovery. This doctor/chiro is located in Huntington Beach, Calif, but has an excellent source of videos on You Tube.


If you go to the link you will see so many great videos; there is something for everyone who has health issues. His own site states this about him:

Dr Bergman focuses on NATURAL health alternatives. This channel is FILLED with easy to understand information on:

and much, much more!

So, what ever the topic, he can help. He teaches other doctors and he is one of the best around that I have seen. Check him out.

April 23, 2019 at 10:35pm
April 23, 2019 at 10:35pm
April 23, 2019

What do you think of the various names given to generations? I mean, now we are in the "Z" generation. I, myself, am at the
tail end of the baby boomers. I guess if we have to break it down to some smaller area (instead of using dates), using a one
letter to describe the generation is okay. I do feel that there is always a danger in doing this. I feel the danger is division; dividing
groups of people and getting into stating whether one group is better or has done more than another group.

I watched a video which the narrator of the video was saying that the "Z" generation has done more for creativity than any other
group. Well, I am not sure about that! The narrator was trying to make the case that the "Z" generation has really developed
music; taken it to an extra level because of what they can now do on the Internet (You Tube, etc.). Now a person can write, product their own music.....not like the days of records, because of the availability of digital technology.

And, that is one of my points to disagree that the current generation is the most creative. First, if it were not for the technology
available to them (thanks to previous generations), they would not have the tools available to them to do such great creations!

So, I say every generation has had its "hay day" and has contributed as was needed as the time of their passing this way.

I am grateful for digital music and digital photos; glad I do not have to ride in a stagecoach, and ; do not need to use an

I love all pass and present generations and welcome future ones.


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