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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2184267
My Heart is Breaking!
What is on your mind? I love all type of topics and will talk about almost anything! So, what is happening with you lately?

The Huntington Japanese Gardens, photo by Seabreeze
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September 18, 2019 at 12:37pm
September 18, 2019 at 12:37pm
September 18, 2019


I am having fun painting, especially trying oils. I usually paint in watercolors (still hard for me), and have done some acrylics. Just for fun, I am going to post a few of the things I have done. I am not an artist (still striving toward the goal), but it is by far one of the best therapeutic ways to treat yourself!

I do not draw well and this is another thing I have been working on. I want to paint my granddaughters so i have been practicing in that area. I find people a hard study! However, it is my own fault. When I was a kid, I did pretty good when it came to horses, but never kept it up. So, it is there; I just need to pull it out, ha, ha!

I guess to make a point - even if you do not think you have any talent, you do. Just go find it!

September 17, 2019 at 12:20pm
September 17, 2019 at 12:20pm
September 17, 2019

Big Boy is coming to a town near you? No, not the hamburger chain. Guess again.

If you are a train enthusiast, you will know who Big Boy is. Big Boy is one of Union Pacific's twenty-five steam engines built around the 1940s. These bad boys were build to handle the steep terrain the engines faced when pulling loads between Cheyenne, Wyoming and Ogden, Utah. Today, Union Pacific is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad's completion and Big Boy #4014 is making runs in October thru parts of Utah, Nevada, Los Angeles, Arizona and Texas.

I have always been fascinated with the immensity of these giant machines since I was a kid; guess I am still a kid. I plan on being in Provo, Utah to see the "boy" in October. So, if you are into trains, you can go on line and check the schedule to see if Big Boy is coming to your town. Below, I have posted a couple links for those who would like to check the schedule or just reminisce on some history of Big Boys and more!






September 12, 2019 at 1:22pm
September 12, 2019 at 1:22pm
Wow, I have an anniversary coming up, September 29. Holy cow, 8 years here at Writing.com. It has been exciting and fun. Once I did step away for several months due to personal problems, but I hope I will not do that again. Lost a little ground while I was gone.

I do have concerns today about making it, financially. And, every time I hear the politicians wanting more tax money, I want to run for the hills. I live with my divorced son, who supports an X-wife and two children. My son is trying to pay for a mortgage (I help) and keep his contractors business going. He doesn't mind the child support but the alimony is over the top. The divorce was not his idea and so supporting two households was not his idea either. That is why I suggested we combined our resources and share one household instead of two. So far it has worked out but expenses are hard to meet.

So, whenever a politician wants to talk "Green New Deal" - I know that is going to cost the country why over the top! The government has enough trouble spending money wisely let alone wanting more to spend unwisely. I do feel President Trump has done a better job compared to the last two Presidents we had in office. The economy is up and I do appreciate that Trump has finely done something about US trade. Also, he is trying to educate people about "political correctness" and how dangerous it is for our freedom of speech!

What say you??

September 8, 2019 at 2:03pm
September 8, 2019 at 2:03pm
I just got 2 Zucchini's given to me and do you know there are over 25 ways to use them! Wow, I only knew of 3: soup, bread and in a skillet! My son said "no way"! But he will change his mind when I bring out the Zucchini bread.

The source of goodies in a Zucchini is amazing: potassium, vitamins C and A not to mention it is low in calories. What is there not to like?
I am going to try one I never thought of before: making peels like ribbon for salad. Also, making chunks and cooking in a red sauce.

How many ways do you know how to prepare Zucchini? Would you share?
August 31, 2019 at 11:52pm
August 31, 2019 at 11:52pm
Having fun with oils....
August 30, 2019 at 12:16pm
August 30, 2019 at 12:16pm

I came upon a rose
So bright, brilliant, with fragrance
Color red, deep, deep red
Dripping with scent, intoxicating
Oh how stunning, how gorgeous
Its name, none other than Beauty.

A creation of loveliness, such beauty.
Could it be anything other than a rose?
Oh how elegant, how gorgeous
Such color with penetrating fragrance
At a distance it is invigorating, intoxicating
Color of brilliance, deep cherry red.

Kissed by many creatures who love her red
Oh how wonderful this rose of beauty
How long can it continue to be intoxicating?
Nothing can compare to the rose.
Tossing in the breeze throwing off its fragrance
Long stems, shiny green leaves – gorgeous.

Radiant in the sun, dazzling – so gorgeous
Matched with the Queen of Hearts – vibrant red
To the bee, to the butterfly a stimulating fragrance
Who can deny its beauty?
So popular, the Rose Parade was honored to include in its name, rose
Through its presence, the rose continues to be intoxicating.

Come all, smell its loveliness – intoxicating
Truly a remarkable flower, blossoms so gorgeous
A song writer dedicated a song – The Rose.
Nature adorns her with hues of red
Who can claim such splendor, such beauty
That God has mysteriously blessed with its fragrance.

Stop to smell the rose, perfume of fragrance
Let yourself fall to its bouquet, intoxicating
Where will you find such magnificence, such beauty?
Will nature ever again produce such elegant flower, so gorgeous
Deliciousness, sweetness, flowers of countless colors of red
That man has come to known as the rose.

Intoxicating fragrance so gorgeous
Birthed with so many hues of red
Royal beauty simply called the rose.

8/19/2016 Rev 3/9/19 By Seabreeze – Sestina poem
August 13, 2019 at 5:21pm
August 13, 2019 at 5:21pm
August 13, 2019

I have been away from my blog and missed it so! What is my reason this time? Springtails. These little critters are the size of a flea and they have the ability to jump. They are attracted to moisture but I just found out that they are sold on the Internet to those who keep vivariums;, most likely with frogs! I don't have any of those, just these little pests in my kitchen sink.

I called a pest control and he could not guarantee that one spraying/treatment would do the trick. In fact, he as much indicated that it would most likely bring them back with a vengeance. He could not find the source of where these little guys were coming in and mostly indicated I should use bleach to get rid of them. If I had known, I would have ordered in some FROGS instead! But, I started using bug spray and I am sure that would have done any frog in.

I like frogs and once had one in an aquarium. We would feed it meal worms that we got from the pet store. But, Springtails, as tiny as they are, creep me out! And when they die or drown in my sink, it is difficult to clean up their tiny little carcasses!

Anyone out in Writing.com land have any experience with getting rid of these little guys?

July 24, 2019 at 2:18pm
July 24, 2019 at 2:18pm
July 24, 2019

Here I go again, trying to stay up on my blogging, but I find it difficult to get to the computer to write each day. I paint and enjoy watercolors, acrylics and lately oils. Below is my sweet peas in acrylics. What is your favorite thing to do outside of your writing?

Stop by and let me know.

July 12, 2019 at 9:46am
July 12, 2019 at 9:46am
July 12, 2019

OMG, where have I been? I must say that I am embarrassed that I have not blogged since June 12...making it a MONTH! How do others do it? Summer, grandchildren, got in my way. Weeding and house chores got in my way. Life got in my way. Stress got in my way. I got in my way!

Okay, I don't have a writing schedule. Maybe it is because if I put it to a schedule, it will be too much like work. That may be an excuse, but that is how I originally looked at it. But, now I am upset with myself and I need to focus and do so into my writing. So, calling all Writing.com friends, help!

What do you guys do? Fifteen minutes a day? Only in the morning? Only at night? Do you have a check off list? Do you jot down ideas during the day? I don't always know what to write about and sometimes get distracted because of that (tell myself, later).
So, to get me back into the swing of things, I will take any suggestions you folks are willing to give.



** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

June 12, 2019 at 10:30pm
June 12, 2019 at 10:30pm
June 12, 2019 - Did You Know?

Do you remember Squidoo? Maybe you have never heard of it? Well, it was created by Seth Godin and was a very popular article producing site founded in 2005. Articles written were called "lenses". And, yours truly created over 100 of Squidoo lenses.
Each lense had a feature that allowed you to tap into sales, such as through eBay and Amazon. A wide variety of topics could be created containing related articles, including pictures, videos and more. By October 2010, Squidoo site features over 1.5 million lenses. In August 2014, Godin announced that HubPages had acquired the existing orange squid lenses. Here is a sample of a lense:


Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have enjoyed learning about one of my old "haunts".


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