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by Noyoki
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1989815
This is a personal Challenge to write 500 words a day. Join me on my Journey.
The Challenge: Write 500 words every day for a year.

Can I do it? Join me and find out!
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August 2, 2014 at 7:52pm
August 2, 2014 at 7:52pm
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Prompt by Prosperous Snow celebrating - Thoughts on the five Saturdays of August.

I hadn't realized there were five glorious weekends of August. It seems I take life one week at a time, instead of looking at the whole month. August has taken on a more favored light for me with all the the weekends. I'll have to take advantage of them to play with Shane. The temperatures have been hot here, in the upper 80s and low 90s for the past few weeks. That's made it hard to play outside because all the parks are too hot. As adults, we forget how wickedly hot the park equipment gets on days like these.

Hopefully, one of the weekends will be cooler so we can get out of the house. I think we might need to go back to Star City Shores. It's a little water park we went to last weekend. Shane loved it. His grandma takes him and Gracie there all the time, so Shay was showing me all the water splash areas he loves to play in. Next time I'll make sure to use more sunscreen. I always forget to do the top of my head where my hair line is, and get a burn strip right down it. That makes brushing my hair awful for the whole week afterward.

Anyway, it's great to know I'll have plenty of weekends to look forward to this month. Now if we can get out of overtime at work that would be great.

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Creative Saturday - How about a little poetry or maybe a short story ..
What kind of character seems foreign to you... a homeless man, a zen monk, a suburban housewife, maybe a murderer
Whoever you choose.. that's the persona I would like you to adopt. Try writing in his or her voice.

One of the things I love to write is flash fiction. In these micro stories, I've used a bunch of different types of characters and haven't thought of characters as easy or hard to write. I prefer writing males, so females are a bit more difficult to me.

When I was role play writing, the hardest characters for me to pull of were the prim, rich, young ladies. I think this is because they're the furthest thing from myself. I'm female, but I don't go in for all the girlie stuff. Hours in front of the mirrors, endless pairs of shoes, a face full of makeup, fine dresses . . . thanks but no thanks. In this, I feel as lost as men. There are plenty of guys who'd have more success putting on make up than I would.

Character: Lady Starr. Note; For me characters often choose their own names. Sometimes I don't care for them, but if I try to change them it doesn't work. So Starr it is.

Lady Starr studied her reflection with a critical eye. The mirror reflected a portrait of classic beauty, but the small twitch of a frown didn't fade. Reaching up, she adjusted a single golden curl and focused on relaxing her lips into a line of perfect neutrality. She stood and brushed the faint lines out of her satin gown. The next hour would either secure her future, or see her in rags. With her head held high, as though the weight of a crown already graced her brow, Lady Starr embraced her destiny.

Word Count: 502
August 1, 2014 at 6:01pm
August 1, 2014 at 6:01pm
I made it through another month! *Cheers* Anyway, I have the premium account now, and I thought I'd try out the easier picture tool and share a pretty awesome picture Jenny took of my son during his birthday party. *Bigsmile* There was a bit of a learning curve for that. I ended up trying to add it about eight times because I thought it would appear in this box, but they showed up below it. Hopefully it will look alright when I try to save.

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Prompt: In Writer's Digest, I read about Ernest Hemingway having a lot to say about writing. He has been well quoted since his birth 115 years ago. Pick one of Papa's quotes and create your blog entry with that as your focal point. This can go in many directions depending on your choice of quote. If you have a favorite Hemingway book, please share that too!

"The good parts of a book may be only something a writer is lucky enough to overhear or it may be the wreck of his whole damn life and one is as good as the other." - Ernest Hemingway

I chose this quote because it brought up something I'd never thought of while reading. We've all come across those amazing passages we dearly wish we were talented enough to write. We've all wondered where ideas come from, but I've never really thought about the state of mind or the state of the writers life as they wrote.

The greatest of ideas can come out of the blue while driving or taking a shower, but how many ideas were born of an author's strife? Stories that were bred in the collapse of their reality, where writing became the only escape.

This quote plucked at the thread of insatiable curiosity in me because we don't know. We can't know what a writer was thinking or feeling when they wrote what we now read. What inspired the words we so admire? Was it an overheard bit of conversation, or the death of a loved one? There's no way to know, but now I'm curious. I've always enjoyed books where writers talk about their inspiration, but it's rare to hear about the mindset during a writing session. That would make a fascinating book.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/e/ernest_hemingway_2.html#jRGxWB4zDoaI...

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Today is the first day of another unofficial 30 Day Blogging month. I was looking through my copy of The Pocket Muse 2 by Monica Wood when I came across this: Second Follow-up Notice From the Department of Procrastination Prevention - Three words: bowl of chips. One sentence, one chip.

This is a trick I've heard of before, and it got me wondering what writing tricks you've tried.

Have you tried the bribe technique? In the case above, it was a bowl of chips. I've also heard that candy makes great author bribe bait. Get a bag of M&Ms and eat one for each paragraph you write.

One of the tricks I've used is internet surfing. I'll put myself to a word count. Write 1000 words, then I can spend half an hour surfing the web. That's worked out pretty well, but you have to be strict with yourself. I've had a few occasions where I get into the 'just five more minutes' kid mentality. I've learned that my inner brat is a powerful little beast and learning to control her is high on my list of things to do.

I've named her "I Want" and she's about five. Whenever there's something I should be doing or not doing, and another thing pops into my head, "I Want" stomps her little foot and begins badgering my better nature. I want ice cream when I'm on a diet. I want to play on the internet or watch TV when I should be writing. I want to sleep in when I need to get up and run errands.

If you also have a little "I Want" monster running around in your head destroying your resolve, try the bribe system. "I want to go outside and play!" "You can...right after we finish this page."

It doesn't always work, but it's better than just giving in.

Word Count: 587
July 31, 2014 at 7:49pm
July 31, 2014 at 7:49pm
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Prompt: Who says I am forgetting this? :) Write everything in 3 part series July 29-31.

We've made it to the final segment of my three part blog series on my writing journey.

On to the future! I'm going to give novel writing another shot. This year, I'm going to write a NaNoWriMo original novel. I have three full months to cluck and ruffle my feathers, build an outline, craft endless character/location sheets, and fret. Then, I'll grit my teeth and get writing. This will also give me another chance to connect with fellow writers in my town. It's been a few years since I last did NaNo, but it was a great experience. That time, I wrote a fanfiction.

Dana's future writing goal:

Over the next three months I will prepare to write my novel. In November, I will use all that I've learned and created to write my first draft. I will set it aside and begin working on a new project for a couple of months, then I will work the second draft. By my 30th birthday, I want to have a completed novel that I will try to get published.

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Prompt: Make a list of 5 things that you never break like: a heart, promise, your computer or what ever else comes to mind.

This would be an easier prompt if we were writing about five things we've broken.

1. I've never broken a bone. This is an achievement I'd like to see continue throughout the rest of my life. So far, my son's been lucky enough not to break any thing. I'm kind of surprised because he has a bad habit of climbing up on the highest thing he can find and jumping off. One of these days, he's going to break a leg or his ankle. My husband broke his ankle as a kid playing soccer. He lost interest in the game after that.

2. I've never broken a window. This is kind of impressive because I've been in a couple of car accidents, but none of the windows broke. As a kid, I never broke our windows or a neighbors by accident (or on purpose).

My brother was helping us move into our first apartment when he put his head through our window. We had a ground level, and used the big window to pass boxes through. They'd left to get another load of stuff, so I shut the window. He thought it was still open and tried to jump down into the apartment, shattering the glass with his head. I'm glad he didn't fall through, because it wasn't safety glass and there were big, jagged teeth of glass that would have sliced him from nose to navel. Instead, he had a cut on his head and I had a broken window. Not the greatest impression we could have made with our new neighbors.

3. I've never broken my glasses. I've had parts fall off of them, like the nose thingies, and the lenses, but I've never broken them. Have you ever had a lens fall out while driving? That's always a scary moment. For some reason, they always want to fall out when I'm driving.

4. I've never broken a major appliance. We moved into our house in 08 and still have all the stuff that came with the house or we bought when we first moved in.

5. I've never broken my husband's high score on any game ever. He's by far better than me at games, and any sort of computer game or handheld device, gaming system, etc, is his domain. There were a couple times I've found a game I liked and wanted to beat him at it. It never worked out the way I wanted. He is now, and always will be, the Gaming King.

Word Count: 583
July 30, 2014 at 12:22pm
July 30, 2014 at 12:22pm
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Prompt: Name 3 books that made your childhood a happier place.

1. Dr. Seuss's There's a Wocket in my Pocket

When I was a young girl, my dad signed up for a mail book program. Every two weeks, I'd get two new Dr. Seuss books in the mail, and my dad would read to me every night. I'd have to say that There's a Wocket in my Pocket was one of my all time favorites. Long after the books stopped coming, I had my dad read this one over and over to me. The tongue twisters were fun too: Fox in Socks and Hop on Pop. My dad was awesome though, and never got tripped up. I can't say the same for me, but at least Shane's still little enough not to notice.

2. Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox

This was a great book that my brother read with me when I was little. I'll always remember Babe, and the giant pancakes the people made for Paul.

3. Look for me by Moonlight by Mary Downing Hahn

Even though it isn't the greatest book ever written, it is the book that changed my life. This is the first vampire book I ever read, and it's what sparked my addiction to reading. Without it, I might never have given reading another chance after how much I struggled during school to learn to read. Because of that, this book will always hold a special place in my heart.

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Prompt: Who says I am forgetting this? :) Write everything in 3 part series July 29-31.

Alright, part two of this odd prompt. After reading other posts from yesterday, I realized that the forgetting probably was important, but I'm going to keep on keeping on the path I chose.

Part two is my young adult writing experiences. I have a big problem with planning. I'll decide I'm finally going to start writing, so I go out and buy books about writing, I study, I map out my plan....and then I loose interest, don't have time to read the books I've bought, and end up doing something else.

I've spent a ridiculous amount of money on books about writing, and many of them I haven't had a chance to read. >.< The problem is I get into that burst of 'I can do it!' mood, buy ten books, get half way through the second, and lose faith in myself.

For the last decade, I've had a number of false starts. Joining this site was another start, and I managed to get overwhelmed by jumping into too much and had to take a few months off to recharge.

One of the things that I've never been able to do was finish a book. I've started two original novels, and two fanfictions. Three of these have made it past the 100k word mark, but I've never been able to finish them.

This is the middle part if my writing journey. I've stumbled and fallen on my face over and over, but no matter how many times I throw my hands up and say "That's it. I'll never be a writer. I'm done with it." I still find myself drawn back to it. Sometimes it takes weeks, months, or even years. But...I always come back.

That's a good sign, I think.

Word Count: 528
July 29, 2014 at 5:39pm
July 29, 2014 at 5:39pm
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Prompt: Who says I am forgetting this? :) Write everything in 3 part series July 29-31.

This is a curious prompt. Everything is a tall order, and I'm not sure I can cover it all in a mere three parts. Who says I am forgetting this? I wonder if that's part of the prompt too? Or just a comment?

It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: I was alone with all that could happen.

As are all who write. Hmmm...Perhaps that will be where I'll take this. Write everything in three parts. So begins part one of my writers journey. Did you know that I had a heck of a time learning how to read? True. I hated it, and struggled over every word for the longest time.

I remember in grade school the task I dreaded most was reading out loud for the group. I still feel my heart shudder in my chest when I'm called on in a team meeting to read something out loud. Once, during one of these dreaded circle readings, I was having my usual hard time reading and a boy laughed at me. The teacher made him read and when he didn't make any mistakes, she got a harder book for him to read out of. Then, when he stumbled over the unfamiliar words, we all laughed at him. I doubt that helped him or me in the end, but it was a rough kind of justice.

So, my relationship with the written word didn't have the best of starts. It wasn't until middle school that it changed. I got addicted to vampire books of all things, and started reading them all the time. At that point, my dad didn't care what I was reading, just that I read. I'm still a slow reader, but I love reading now.

My love of reading sparked an interest in writing. During that time I was in a creative writing class, and that started my dream of becoming a writer. While in middle school, I tried my hand at my first book. I filled three spiral notebooks with a handwritten story. I'm sad to say that story was lost over the years, but it was my first attempt. My second is a file I still have, and is 115 pages, single space typed. Dreadful, I'm sad to say, but I still look back on it with fond memories. I've never finished a book, but I've given it two tries and I'm going to give it a third this November.

I also liked writing poetry back then. In school, I got a couple poems into the school writing book, and even managed to get a poem published in a book at Poetry.com.

Tomorrow we'll look at my writing history moving into adulthood.

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Prompt: What are you afraid of? All of us at one point in our life has feared something, how did you handle it? Please discuss a topic that you have not previously shared. Dig deep.

I'm not afraid of most of the things that scare others. My mom is deathly afraid of snakes, but I've always liked them. When I was a girl, I had a pet rat. Rodents and snakes don't bother me, however, there is one animal group that gets under my skin. Insects and arachnids. Spiders are bad, but not worse than flying stinging insects like wasps and bees. I can't tell you the number of times I've made a fool of myself because of them.

For reasons I'll never understand, these winged demons want to land on me. This fear has been with me for as long as I can remember. From earliest childhood, all the way until now, I've been scared of them. Once, a bee chased me around my car three times. That's bad enough. What's worse is that all this happened right after work, and my co-workers all got to watch my antics. I know that general knowledge says they won't hurt you if you don't bother them, but I can't believe it. Not when they always try to land on me, I can't help but react and try to get away from them.

It's one of the reasons I never drive with the windows open. I know I would get into an accident if a bee flew into my car.

Word Count: 673
July 28, 2014 at 7:09pm
July 28, 2014 at 7:09pm
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Prompt: Ten things that you think make people interesting.

Here are ten things I think make people interesting in no particular order.

1. Scars. I like scars because they're stories. Each one has a story just waiting to be told. While those stories might be horrible at times, sometimes they're funny or completely unexpected. Imagine Harry Potter without his scar. He'd still be famous, but not quite as interesting. I have a scar on my forehead that comes with a great story. We were having a get together of friends when I was maybe seven or eight, and we were in the living room. Back then, I had a tiny couch just the right size for a little girl, and for reasons I no longer remember, I was standing on it.

My brother was sitting in a chair next to me, and our neighbor was tickling him. His feet shot out, and knocked me off my perch. I fell face first into the corner of the coffee table. The funny part is I fell back on my butt and sat there. Everyone was silent, in that breathless way people wait to see if someone's really hurt or if they're alright. Well, I wasn't alright, and blood began pouring down my face. I didn't start crying until I saw all the blood, then I screamed my head off.

After that, we had a wild ride to the hospital where I ended up cursing out the doctor for lying to me and giving me four stitches instead of three.

*blinks* Uh oh, this is going to be a long, long post of I blather on about each of the ten like this. Okay, I'll try to keep the rest short.

2. I like people who collect things. Ever since I was a little girl, I've had a love affair with tiny boxes. It continues to this day. Yep, today I bought a new tiny box. >.< But it's just so cool! It is meant to hold note cards, and it locks. Can't get cooler than that. See?

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Do you guys collect things?

3. Pets. Gotta love a person with pets.

4. Accents. I love foreign accents. When I was a teen, I even dated a guy from Romania. So yummy.

5. Eyes. I'm sure anyone who's read my work knows that by now. I'm fascinated by eyes and all the emotions they can convey.

6. Children. I never liked kids or talking about them until I had Shane. Now I love it! I guess that's true for most mothers.

7. Work. People always have different experiences, and I like learning about what other people do.

8. Fears. While it's not talked about a lot, I'm fascinated by what people are afraid of and why.

9. How I met your... I like stories about how people met their significant others.

10. The boob tube. Most people have a favorite show, and I want to know what it is. TV is a big part of life these days, and I think what we watch says a lot about us.

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Wild Card Monday: Tell and share something about your kiss.

Hmmm, I think I'll share my first kiss with my husband. Actually, not the first, the first doesn't count. I'll share the kiss that marked the beginning of our relationship.

As I've said before, Paul used to spend a lot of time driving me insane. Somehow, he worked his way into my life as more than just a pest. My cousin moved into our house when I was 16 and Paul came over to help me pack and move my stuff down stairs. My cousin and I were going to share the space down stairs for our bedroom.

While I was sitting cross-legged on the floor unpacking boxes, Paul snuck up behind me, leaned over me, and kissed me on the forehead. It was the chastest kiss I'd ever received, yet it was a surprising turn on. To this day, he can still kiss me on the forehead and make me tingle.

We've been together for almost 10 years, and for all those starting a new relationship know this: Kiss your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend. Kiss them every day, every time you leave. Kiss them even if you're mad at them.

Just kiss them.

Word Count: 699
July 27, 2014 at 8:38pm
July 27, 2014 at 8:38pm
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Today's prompt is: Choose any blog entry from your fellow bloggers here in WDC or outside that you think resonates. Share to us one of your own blog posts that you think stands out this week.

I choose Charlie ~ 's entry "Invalid Entry for the last week in July. This post resonated with me because I liked how Charlie described everyone in a fun and playful way. I also thought it was super cute when he asked Joy to adopt him as one of the grandkids.

I also thought that his advice for getting more comments was well thought out and easy to follow. It shows how big a part of the blogging community Charlie is, and I'm glad that he's shared his wisdom with all of us.

This week, I'll choose "Invalid Entry as my favorite post. Mostly because I hadn't realized there was a double standard between these two groups and it gave me something new to think about. Using drugs and alcohol has sort of become expected for artists of all kinds, and people don't think twice when they hear that an author is in rehab. But, if an athlete is caught using drugs, they are immediately condemned and attacked in the media for it. Both groups tend to live in the public eye, and it's interesting to see how they're treated for similar crimes.

*Checkerboard* *Checkerboard* *Checkerboard* *Checkerboard* *Checkerboard* *Checkerboard* *Checkerboard* *Checkerboard*

The prompt is finished, but I have more words to burn, so the rest of this blog post is going to be me rambling.

In 2009 I started a Twitter account, then promptly lot interest after two posts and never looked a it again. Now, five years later, I've revived it and I'm surprised how much I like it now. It seems like back then it wasn't worth the effort, but I've already found a whole bunch of stuff that I never used last time.

I've created a list of different writing groups like Writers Digest and the like. The Tweets I've gotten from this list alone are worth the time spent setting it up. I'm also following a number of my favorite authors such as: Stephen King, Laurell K Hamilton, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and Kim Harrison.

I'm also following a couple comedians: Louis C.K., Daniel Tosh, and Kevin Hart. As well as two news groups: CNN Breaking News, and The New York Times.

Looking through the different tweets is a lot of fun. I've never been a big fan of social media, but I know if I ever want to become a published author, I need to learn how to build my platform. One of the ways to do that is through social media. Also, the more I learn now, the better I'll be able to apply it to my future career in Copywriting. Did you know corporations will pay you to manage their social media? It's true, and it's something I hope to take advantage of some day.

I feel bad for teens growing up today. They put all sorts of inappropriate things on their Facebook pages and things like Twitter without a thought for how it will impact their future. It's becoming common practice for employers to do searches on internet activity before they hire people, and that means all those indecent posts are there to stand in silent judgment. I heard that in a few years people will have to change their name before entering the job market just to get hired.

Oh, if anyone wants to follow me, here's my Twitter: https://twitter.com/00Kit00

Word Count: 544
July 26, 2014 at 8:48pm
July 26, 2014 at 8:48pm
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Creative Saturday: How do you spend your first $1M?

Today seems to be my day for poetry, so I'm going to try that for this fabulous creative Saturday.

Million for Me

Diamonds, rubies, opals, and pearls?
No sir, not for me!
Glittering stones aren't my taste.
On me they'd be a waste.

Gold plated cars, and silver lined mansions?
Nope, I think not!
Silver, and gold, copper, and tin.
They're just metal. Shining and thin.

How about makeup, designer clothes, and shoes?
I like my clothes simple, comfortable, and clean.
Makeup is a nightmare, not a dream!

Well? What do you want!

I want my bills paid off,
and my parents bills too.
I want my house remolded,
And a pool in the back, shimmering blue!

I'll give gifts,
Not jewels, or cars, or things like that.
But walk-in tubs, and fresh poured basements,
Things that matter!

My million would vanish quickly,
But it would go well.
When it's gone, I'll be happy,
With how it spread.

Meh, I tried to pull off rhyming, but reverted to free style. I've never been great at structured poetry, but it's fun to try.

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Prompt: I'm new to blogging. What pointers would you give me to become a good blogger? Do you think pictures are important in a blog? Music? Links to information?

I've been blogging for less than three months, so I'll share some of my insight as a new blogger. When starting a blog, set a goal. For me, it was to write 500 words every day. This goal serves me well, and gets me writing every day. In the beginning, there were days when I didn't want to write, but then I knew my day count in my titles would be ruined, and that pushed me to continue writing.

Pictures, music and links can add flavor to a blog. For me, I use them sparingly, preferring a leaner look. There are blogs that use them a lot more, and I think they look great too. One of the great things about blogging is that it's whatever you want it to be. There's no script that has to be followed. Each blog is like its writer, unique. If you want to write your blog like a daily Diary entry? Go for it! If you want a blog that's interactive and engages the reader to follow your logic through music and links, do so! There's no wrong answer, just personal style.

One suggestion I have is to join blogging communities. My blog was going alright before I took this step, but it really took off after I got into a couple of the blogging groups. The prompts take your writing in new direction and helps you grow. My second suggestion is read! Read other members blogs, give comments, and engage in discussions. This will allow your own blog to evolve as you learn all the different styles and options available. Look at my first blog post, and then look at those later on. You can see the evolution of my style, and the instant change when I went from blogging by myself, to joining a community.

Starting a new blog can be scary, especially for those who've had no experience with blogging before. I'm here to tell you that it's worth it. I've met wonderful people, I write every single day, and my life is richer for walking down this path.

Word Count: 513
July 25, 2014 at 10:12pm
July 25, 2014 at 10:12pm
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Prompt: We blog everyday with each other, read other's thoughts and form this visual images in our mind...like I really thought Charlie would be blonde.

Tell us what images you have formed. Yes, what image do you have in your mind. Please try to not to be hurtful but give us an inkling....

This blog group is much like its name: Blog City. When I think of us as a group, I imagine a little community. We might all be from different parts of the world, have different backgrounds and experiences, but I still feel like we're all neighbors. Instead of chatting at the mail box, we come to the forum to talk. We share ourselves with each other, and build strong bonds of community. There may be arguments and misunderstandings, but I think we're able to talk them through and mend fences together.

What do I think my fellow bloggers look like? Lets see...

I think Future Mrs. B is young and playful. In my mind's eye she has long blond hair, and laughing eyes.

Princess Megan Rose 22 Years feels like a mom to me. She's always warm, and gives me the feeling that I could go to her if I ever had a problem.

I picture Lavender as short but with a strong personality. Someone who stands up for her family and always has a smile to share.

I think of Prosperous Snow celebrating as an elegant lady. I picture her as tall, with long sweeping hair and brilliant eyes.

Fivesixer was kind enough to give us a picture, so I see him as he was in that snapshot.

I see The Run-on King PDG Member surrounded by children. His eyes are full of love for them. When I found out he had 11 children I was amazed and glad he had such a big wonderful family. I know that they're all almost grown now, but when I think of it, I see him with all the younglings around him.

Charlie ~ I see as having really dark red hair, slightly curly with bright blue eyes. He seems tall and slender in my mind, and has a shy smile.

I see ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy as a wonderful, lively grandmother who isn't afraid to be spontaneous and have fun. She reminds me of my husband's grandma who had a quirky but brilliant personality and once permanently dyed her hair purple because it was something she'd always wanted to do.

I imagine 💙 Carly with long light brown hair that she wears in a low pony tail to keep it out of the way. She wears glasses, but they can't hide the kindness and compassion in her soft brown eyes.

I see Janine as short and slender, with dark curly hair and intelligent blue eyes.

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Funny Friday: Wardrobe malfunctions: How can this topic not be funny? From nip slips to unexpected wind gusts, share your best/worst wardrobe malfunctions or those you have witnessed.

I've never had a malfunction bad enough that it stuck in my mind so I did a search to see what others may have suffered and found this.


There are lots of sites about celeb malfunctions, but this one struck me because I used to work in an office. It's bad enough when you have a problem while at the store, but to have it happen in front of the boss takes it to a whole other level.

The one I thought was most interesting was number nine. A guy cut his finger and ended up bleeding on his sweater without realizing it. He went to a job interview like that. I can only imagine what the interviewer was thinking: OMG this guy is scary.

A comedian once told a great story about a major malfunction he had. He has little daughters, and one of the ways he makes them laugh is to put their ribbons in his hair. So, one day he put a giant star clippy with rainbow streamers in his hair to get them to laugh, then forgot about it. Later, he went to the store and everyone was laughing and looking at him. He smiled brilliantly at all of them thinking that he was famous now because he'd recently put out a TV special and that's what they were reacting to. It wasn't until he got back to his car that he saw the hair doodad. The worst thing? He saw and talked to one of his friends in the store and the guy didn't tell him that he was wearing it.

If you're interested, you can check him out on netflixs: Greg behrendt - is that guy from that thing

Word Count: 636
July 24, 2014 at 12:26pm
July 24, 2014 at 12:26pm
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July 24-Opinion Thursday: Are Bloggers Better Than US Spies?

I feel like there's a hidden joke or pun that I'm missing in this prompt. Bloggers and US Spies...what do these things have in common?

How is a raven like a writing desk? I feel like Alice.

Well, I suppose both use computers? I wonder if there's a story or something about the ineptitude of US spies floating around that I missed out on. So, are blooggers better than US spies? Bloggers are good at putting information down in short bursts. We can be concise when we need to be, and get to the point. However, there are other bloggers who can spend twenty paragraphs to reach the end of a prompt. We write a lot. If we were spies, we'd be great at writing reports. Maybe we're better at connecting with the grass roots of a community?

*Sigh* I don't know where to go with this. Might as well ask me if chairs are better than umbrellas. I just did a search for US spies, and came up with an interesting twist. Are we talking about Americans who spy on other country, or Americans who spy on the US for other countries. There's a story about four people who've been convicted of spying against us. I vaguely recall rumors of us spying on China and Russia, but not exactly what they were about. Meh, I give up.

How is a raven like a writing desk?

*Puzzle1* *Puzzle2* *Puzzle3* *Puzzle4**FacePalm* *FacePalm* *FacePalm* *Puzzle4* *Puzzle3* *Puzzle2* *Puzzle1*

Thank you Charlie ~ for showing me the puzzle piece I missed. I didn't notice the article attached to the prompt. >.< If it was a snake, I'd be dead.

Soooo...Yes I'd say bloggers are better than US spies. Reading the article, I think I understand what the problem is. Bloggers are well versed on the use of the internet, and digging into all the open source programs available. US Spies are part of the old guard to me. They're all cloak and dagger, using the same old things that they've always used. Like all of the old guard, they look down their noses at things they don't believe are part of their world. The internet is a toy for 40 year olds living in their mother's basements, not something for spies to utilize.

The future of the spy game will depend heavily on those who are able to adapt to the changing world. Those who hold themselves aloft from tools like the internet will be left behind.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Write about the rainbows in your clouds.

Thunder purrs like a massive feline lounging on the horizon. The lazy golden disk of sun forms one stilted eye, half seen behind the black fur of clouds. I look out the window, feeling the growing pressure, tasting the electricity in the air, but that lazy cat remains pooled in the west.

Heat coils around me like a clinging serpent, refusing to relent even as the black ears of the storm begin to perk. Whiskers twitch, and a paw of cloud slings forward. More of the sky is hidden behind dark fur. The snake squeezes tighter, refusing to relinquish its hold. Beats of sweat cling to my brow and I long for the first cold puffs of the felines breath. My soul hungers for the storms embrace, wanting sheets of rain to drown the heat in live giving liquid.

Finally, the cat stops teasing. Its teasing purr becomes a roar, and its tail lashes over the still land, dispelling the oppressive heat. I smile as the first drops of rain paint my upturned face in little cat kisses.

The rainbows in my clouds are my family, my stories, and the ability to weave worlds with words. I enjoy my time on this site, the friends I've made, and the new experiences I've enjoyed. I even love this blog, though when I first started it, I didn't think I would. It began as a writing exercise, but now I look forward to the daily challenge of getting at least 500 words down.

Thank you all for being little glitters of rainbows in the clouds of my life.

Word Count: 673

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