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by Noyoki
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1989815
This is a personal Challenge to write 500 words a day. Join me on my Journey.
The Challenge: Write 500 words every day for a year.

Can I do it? Join me and find out!
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September 1, 2014 at 11:21pm
September 1, 2014 at 11:21pm
*StarR*  *StarR*  *StarR*  *StarR*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *StarR*  *StarR*  *StarR*  *StarR*

Prompt: Tell us about your summer or fall plans:

First it's time to say good bye to summer camp. I've made it home safe and am now tending to old sunburns, counting bug bites, and lamenting about stepping in a patch of poison ivy before we left. My whole leg itches! Aside from all that, I have to say I had an amazing time! We learned, and laughed, and screamed. I can't wait for next year. This was our first camping experience, and I'm certain that the future years will only get better.

I have no special plans for fall, but Thursday will be a fun day. We'll be having Shane's open house for Preschool. This is his second year, and his first time without Gracie. I'm curious to see how well he does. Those two are the terrible duo, and I'm sure the teachers will be glad to have a class without both of them in it. She's doing the pre kindergarten class this year. His class is in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The major reason I chose to do preschool for Shane is because he doesn't do daycare. During the work week, he goes to my mother in law's house on Mondays and Tuesdays, and the rest of the week he's at my parents house. I thought it was best for him to get a little outside socialization before he reaches school age. That way, he will be better prepared and know not only how to behave with other children, but to follow the instructions of a teacher.

Last year was fun for him, but he was one of the youngest of the group. They suggested he repeat the year, and I think that's a good idea. He'll have one more year in the younger class, then move into the preK class next year. After that...it's off to Kindergarten *sobs*

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Monday's prompt: "A life - Its the stuff that happens while you wait for moments that never come. Comment, expound, elaborate, reiterate or contemplate.

I've heard this saying before, though a little different. Life is what happens while we're waiting to do something else. I think this one is a little more true, because we spend a lot of time waiting for things that do happen, but take a while to come. As children, we can't wait to become adults. As adults, we can't wait to get a better job, to get married, to have children, or any number of other goals.

Our moments of success often last only a short time, whereas the time it takes to reach them can be measured in years.

Life is what happens in those years we wait for our hard work to bear fruit. Sometimes our dreams die on the vine, and other times we're forced to abandon the tree all together in search of a new one. We experience each day of our lives, and have to see the small successes and failures too, instead of always focusing on those things that will take years.

It's easy to forget to live our lives when we spend so much of our time dreaming of the future. So, here's another saying that will be a fitting end to this post: Don't forget to stop and smell the roses.

Word Count: 515
August 31, 2014 at 9:35pm
August 31, 2014 at 9:35pm
*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

This is it campers...time to pack it up and break camp. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves! Tell us what you liked about camp, what you got out of it, and what you'd like to see changed by next summer.

This was loads of fun! I've only done two of the unofficial months, and I thought this was a neat way to keep things interesting. I also liked the consecutive prompts. Instead of a bunch of unconnected ones that we picked, we were able to build on a fantasy world together.

I liked all the exciting things that happened. Everything from strange lights to Shark horses, there was always something terribly exciting going on. One of the things I thought was great was the different pictures that were included with the prompt. Using a picture of the raccoon prints was great.

Was this the first camp you've done? If so, I think it was a roaring success! For me, it was a lovely trip down memory lane. I hadn't thought much about camping in many years. I also loved reading about how everyone else responded to the different prompts.

When I was young, my cousin and I went to a summer camp. I don't remember too much about it, but one of the things I recall was a fantastic ride in a chinook helicopter. We all took a flight to a different camp area high up into the mountains. It was pretty funny because there was a huge tent for the girls and the boys had to sleep outside. There wasn't enough room for all the girls in the tent, so I opted to sleep outside with the boys.

In the camp, we were separated into groups. I was in Falcon and our color was light blue. It was a little bit of a military camp, I remember. One of the cool things we all got were dog tags. I also remember that we did a few marching drills and went on a long hike. That was a lot of fun because we found a shallow river that we all got to play in. In the river, we found, chased down, and caught a newt. I'd never seen one before, and it was pretty big.

Hmm, next year I think we should have a couple of field trips.

It would be interesting to go on a hike and maybe sleep out side under the stars. We could also do horse back riding or find a river and raft down it?

I don't know, but next year we should have a few adventures outside of the normal camp area.

Aside from that, I had a great time! I loved the whole idea, and it got us to interact together a lot more. With other prompts, we're all writing about our thoughts and ideas, but we don't take into consideration what our fellow bloggers are doing or how they might react. It was also a fun way to get to know each other better. We were able to see how we'd react in strange situations.

I also want to give a huge thank you to ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy ! Thank you so much for all your help and support Ann, without you, I would have been lost!

Word Count: 502
August 30, 2014 at 10:45pm
August 30, 2014 at 10:45pm
*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

Our last big campfire together for this year

This is your chance to spin a really wild tale before we part ways, can you top what has happened here this past 3 weeks together?
We are looking forward to what you got for us. By the way Nell, Merle, Joe from the pub and our neighbors are joining us for our farewell roast.

Who's up to the limbo again?
Norb and Lyn

We all sat around the fire, laughing and telling stories. There was an air of sadness mingled with the pleasure of good company as well as an ache to return home. It had been a wild three weeks, and even the most stalwart of us felt the strain of being away from loved ones and favorite places. The time had come to say good bye to the wilderness adventure and return to our mundane lives.

Stories passed back and forth when the ground began rumbling. Gasping, I grabbed ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy arm. Our eyes darted wildly around while the quaking continued. Far off, we heard trees begin to fall in huge domino like crashes. Then, to our growing horror, the ground lifted into the air.

Before any of us could begin panicking or running, a brilliant green light washed over us. My head spun, dizziness faded into black.

The sound of birds chirping woke me. Sunlight poured like honey over us, and I noticed the rest of the group still dozing where they'd fallen. Something had happened, but I couldn't quite remember. With a low moan, I rubbed my eyes before looking up again. Something was very wrong. Unable to comprehend what was going on, I reached out and nudged ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy . She slowly came to life under my soft prodding. "What happened?" She asked.

"I don't know. Look up, somethings wrong with the sky."

She followed my pointed finger, brows furrowed as she tried to figure out the problem. "The clouds aren't moving, and the sun is in the wrong spot. It's not...I don't know. It doesn't look right. Not bright enough."

The other campers began to stir, confusion quickly gave way to unease. Together we began walking, still unnerved by the little flashes of wrongness. We could hear birds, but didn't see any flying. The lake was there, but the water looked a shade too dark. Then there was the utter lack of breeze. Over the last three weeks we'd had huge storms, and soft puffs of air, but I couldn't recall a single day where the air hung stilll.

Fivesixer fell back with a curse, his hand covering his bloody nose. We all stopped, stunned. Reaching out, Charlie ~ 's hand stopped midair. He tried to push through, but found it more solid than any wall. I reached out and knocked on it, hearing the dull thud of my knuckles.

We couldn't see it. The forest on the other side looked like the forest on this side, but it felt a tiny bit flat. "Fake." I whispered, looking up at the sky again. "It's all fake!"

Outside the enclosure a group of creatures stood staring at the newest attraction. A small sign read: Humans in their Natural Environment.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: There's a knock on your door. Hi. I ask, can I come in. You say yes, but then see my four suitcases. You tell me what happens ....
No worries, you've read my blog I am a tough old woman.

One Saturday morning, I heard a knock at the door. That wasn't normal. We don't get visitors often. Opening the door with a sigh, I expected to see a man with a clipboard trying to sell me home siding or a new home security system. Instead, Lyn's a Witchy Woman was there.

"Hi, can I come in?"

"Sure," I replied, stunned. When she bent over to pickup two of the suitcases, I snap out of my shock and rush out to help bring them in. My mind still spinning, trying to figure out what's going on.

"I know, I should have called first, but my phone was hacked last week and all my contacts erased." She replied with a sheepish smile when she saw my face.

Getting my act together, I offered her a seat in the living room. A dark blur jumped down from his perch on the kitchen counter before sauntering up to the new comer for inspection. "Don't worry, Fritz is a nice one." The large tom sniffed her pant leg delicately before giving it a full body rub. Once she was sufficiently marked with dark cat fur, he wandered away again.

"Well, you said I could stop by if I was ever in Lincoln and we'd go to Misty's. You see, I decided to write a book that marries travel and food together. I've been traveling to each of the blogging community's homes and going out with them to their favorite restaurants. Don't worry, it'll be my treat!" Lyn smiled, her eyes twinkling as she whispered, "my publisher is footing the bill after all."

Word Count: 785
August 29, 2014 at 11:51pm
August 29, 2014 at 11:51pm

I don't want to play today. My muse stuck her nose up and flew away, and so I'm sitting here prodding my brain full of mush to make words. Not even the prompts speak to me today.

If it weren't for my self imposed goal to write 500 words a day, I'd take the day off. No idea why I'm feeling out of it today, but it's a pain in the rump. I want to cry looking at these few pitiful sentences and I know I have so much more to write and only 20 minutes to write it in.

Let see...I started watching Bleach again from the start. It's pretty good for a cartoon. I like the structure of the world created. It centers around the idea of life and rebirth and all that. In that world, when you die, you go to Soul Society. Think of an hour glass, where souls pass from one world to the other. If you die in Soul Society, you're reborn in the real world. When you die in the real world, you go to soul society.

The Soul Reapers are trained souls who have power and are used to help lost souls pass into Soul Society. They also cleanse Hollows and the cleansed souls go to Soul Society.

Here's how it works. When you die, you have a severed life chain in your chest. You're a whole at that point. If, for some reason, you don't move on to Soul Society, then you're at risk of becoming a Hollow. That's when the soul chain devours itself and eats out your heart. You become a monster that preys on souls to survive.

So, the story is about a boy named Ichigo. His family almost gets eaten by a Hollow, but a Soul Reaper comes to save them. Rukia almost dies, and Ichigo has to take up her sword and her powers to become a Substitute Soul Reaper to protect everyone. It gets rather complicated from there, but it goes through a number of different adventures.

The first major arc is when the Soul Reapers come for Rukia. They intend to have her put to death for the crime of giving her powers to a mortal. One thing you have to know about Ichigo is that he's the type that is driven to save people. He's got one hell of a hero complex and so he trains and along with some of his friends they decide to break into to Soul Society to save her. Needless to say, the Soul Reapers weren't thrilled with that.

It's a pretty good show. Lots of battles, and such. One thing I like about it is they think about things like changing clothes and hair styles during flash backs and what not. Most cartoons just make the people into little versions of themselves, but this one keeps it a little more realistic and shows how they grow and change. Another thing I like about this one is that the women aren't all tall, and big chested beauties. There's a lot of different body types for the characters, male and female.

Finally made my word count. Done rambling now, it's time to go back to my procrastination.

Word Count: 538
August 28, 2014 at 10:54pm
August 28, 2014 at 10:54pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Things you have done that you thought you could never do.

Earlier this week, I did something I never thought I could or would do. I've joined the New Horizons class So You Want to Write a Novel. No, that's not the thing I'd never done before. I've actually taken the comma class too. What I did was part of our first assignment. We were asked to visit two used book stores. There aren't a lot of used book stores in my town, and the ones that are here are mostly down town.

I hate driving. What I hate more than driving, is driving places I've never been before. And what I hate most of all, is down town. Lincoln Nebraska's down town wasn't designed much for cars. It is a maze of one way streets, parallel parking, or no parking at all, and a ridiculous number of lanes that get shunted off in to turn only lanes. In short, for a person who's not the best driver, Lincoln down town is a tiny slice of hell.

On top of all that, I have no sense of direction. Armed with my cell phone, which has a navigation feature that rocks, I started out on my journey. The navigation feature is brilliant because it was made for idiots like me that can't manage to follow simple directions. Any time I ended up getting shunted off on a turn only lane, my navigation would politely recalculate, and guide me back to the proper path.

The first book store I went to was a flop. It was closing and no one was there. That's what prompted me to take the plunge and go to the one down town. I managed to get to where I needed to be, but then parking became a real issue. I won't lie, I almost gave up. Turning to head home, I saw a tiny gravel lot in front of a restaurant and stole a spot there. I was so paranoid that I would forget where I parked and never find my way back that I took pictures of the restaurant and the street signs.

The book store was awesome. They had a friendly store cat, a great selection of books, and a whole maze of book shelves in the basement.

In the end, I survived my wild adventure in the treacherous down town region and proved to myself that I can go down there if I absolutely have to.

*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

Does anyone remember this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107212/?ref_=nv_sr_1

Our prompt is similar to this movie, Nell has come to see us in the morning after the shindig we had. That was wicked awesome, thank you bunches! The owner invites all the kids back as adults to reminisce and spend time together like we have.

Nell said," I have bad news when you leave the camp will be closing for good. My husband and I are just too old to run a camp like this. You all saw what happens here in Maine around Moosehead Lake. Merle and I have talked it over and we would like to offer to each of you. I'll give you time to think it over."

We all sit quietly, and then the conversation gets going.....What? How? You tell me.

I've never seen the movie before, but I assume the group took over running of the camp or something of that nature. That works well for movies, but in real life it's a lot harder to drop everything and chase dreams. We all think we'd jump after our dreams, but truthfully, we get comfortable in our lives.

The all mighty rut I suppose. I'm not sure what the rest of the campers will do, or can do, but I know I wouldn't be able to leave the live I'm in to run it.

That said, I think we could figure something out. As writers, perhaps we could find a way to create a fundraiser to keep the camp open? We'd still need to find someone to run the place. Looks around at the other campers. Maybe someone else was born with the heart of adventure and will leap at the chance.

Alas, I married a mama's boy. The only way we're leaving Nebraska is if Paul's mom moves first.

Word Count: 570
August 27, 2014 at 5:29pm
August 27, 2014 at 5:29pm
*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

Yes, Tuesday was fellow camp counselor Lyn's a Witchy Woman birthday! As I'm sure you're aware, she's been away the last couple of days. Let's welcome her back with a great outdoor celebration! Here's your chance to plan the ultimate summer bash...food, drinks, and entertainment! Don't be afraid to rely on your bunkmates to help carry out this event.

Super happy birthday from all of us out here in Camp Crazy! I think we should play some games and hope nothing creeps out of the forest to eat us. Let's all be kids again and break out all the fan favorites. Hide and Go Seek, Red Light Green Light, Freeze Tag, Simon Says and anything else we think of.

Come on, it'll be fun. We'll run around and after about eight minutes we'll collapse into heaps of panting adult goo. I'm amazed at how little energy I have as an adult compared to when I was a kid. If you want to be shocked, go find one of those huge trampolines and try jumping on it for five minutes. I promise you'll feel a lot like dying after wards. I did that a few years ago and felt like I was going to have a heart attack. As a girl, I could jump for hours and hours on end and never get winded.

We took Shane to an indoor playground that had a whole bunch of those big jumper houses. He and his little friends were bouncing around like mad things, but one of the cousins is about fifteen and I told him he graduated to adulthood because he wasn't able to keep up with the toddlers at all. He had to come out, was covered in sweat, and flopped onto a bench while the little ones were still going. If we could only capture toddler energy, we would be able to power whole cities.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Blue, rain, bridge, driving, insect, tree,sign,warning,chase silver Use these words in today's prompt any way you would like.

Silver moonlight gleamed through my open window. The sweet scent of rain lingered on the wind and the recent storm had silenced the incessant chirping of the insects. I glanced over at the clock, wishing to be asleep. 12:31, if I fell asleep right now, I'd still get four and a half hours of sleep.

Outside, a streetlight played games with the branches of a tree, casting long shadows over the ceiling of the room. Thoughts of the presentation tomorrow chased through my mind, refusing to let me rest. The endless parade of how everything was going to go wrong from missing my flight, to forgetting my lines, to tripping and falling on my face, to... were driving me to distraction.

1:13, I hoped my sleepless night wasn't a sign of things to come. With a low grunt, I flipped over to lay on my stomach still trying to find the bridge between waking and sleeping. Now I couldn't see the twisting shadows but the blinking blue light of my cell captured my eye. It was the warning low-battery light. Grumbling, I got up to plug the thing in. Why the light was blue, I had no idea. But it always had been where everyone else had a red one.

Red was better for warnings, I thought. My stomach ached and my eyes felt like they'd been rubbed with sand. By the time morning crawled into my window I'd had enough. The stress was too much, and I called to cancel the presentation. It was unprofessional to be sure, but I just couldn't do it. Not after the night I'd had, nor the twisted ache in my stomach that promised to grow if I left the house. Public speaking was evil, pure and simple.

Later that day, I stared in horror at the news cast. The plane I should have been on crashed during take off. There were no survivors.

Word Count: 520
August 26, 2014 at 10:45pm
August 26, 2014 at 10:45pm
*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

Good morning campers! Today I'd like to challenge you to find a camping-related quote and tell us what it means to you, either in life or in regards to this strange and wonderful journey we've been on so far this month.

"I've been camping and stuff, but if you left me in the woods I'd probably just curl up and cry until someone found me." -- Norman Reedus

This quote fits me well because I do alright with company but alone I have zero survival value. I have no sense of direction to speak of, and I haven't the slightest idea of edible things in the wild. On top of that, I don't know how to make fire without a lighter, and even if I managed to somehow capture a living creature, I don't know if I'd be able to kill it.

I'll tell you the truth. I'm not the most graceful person around. The odds of me catching a rabbit or anything of the sort is rather non-existent. Odds are better that a horde of carnivorous rabbits would snare me and have me roasting over a spit long before I've managed to snare one of their soft hearted cousins.

For the sake of the utter improbable, let's say a rabbit appeared and fell over dead at my feet. I wouldn't know what to do with it then. I'm actually a little bit phobic of dead animals. Whenever I'm forced to deal with one, I touch it as little as possible before going right back into the house and washing my hands. I can't imagine skinning, gutting or cooking a rabbit over an open fire. Ick. No thank you.

So I'd end up following the rule that says if you're lost stay where you are and wait for rescue. Hopefully the other wonderful citizens of Blog City will launch a proper search and find me before I starve to death right next to a patch of wild blueberries.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Have you ever heard a news item or fun factoid that you thought couldn't possibly be true. For example: "No black actress has been nominated for a Leading Actress in a Drama Series Primetime Emmy in 18 years. That's nearly two decades" I thought to myself, this cannot be true. Blog about any or all of this.

Bonus Question: What do you think about creating either a group or a forum in which prompt bloggers and non-prompt bloggers posted together to increase readership and post variety?

I've always loved strange but true facts. When I was younger, I even bought some books that were nothing but Strange Facts during a school book fair. I was perusing the net for this prompt and here are a few random facts that you won't believe.

1. The Nobel Peace Prize medal depicts three naked men with their hands on each other's shoulders.

2. It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times.

3. Most lipstick contains fish scales.

4. The average life span of a major league baseball is 5-7 pitches.

5. Until 1796, there was a state in the United States called Franklin. Today it's known as Tennessee.

6. The state of Florida is bigger than England.

7. There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with: orange, purple, and month.

8. The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head.

9. Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin.

10. Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, "Gadsby", which contains over 50,000 words -- none of them with the letter E.

I was shocked by the first one, and had to ask the great Google if it was true. Yep, three naked men standing in a circle holding each other's shoulders. Strange.

Number three makes me glad I don't wear lipstick, then again, I've heard about all sorts of icky things they put in perfume.

I like number six because it shows how massive the USA is. People don't stop to think about the fact that many of our states are as large as other people's countries. Sure, we have our problems, but we've managed to hold it all together for centuries. Too cool.

Seven was chosen with Prosperous Snow celebrating in mind. If anyone can find a word to rhyme with them, she can!

I've always wondered where all the dust comes from. No matter how often I clean it up, it magically reappears. Now I know.

I had no idea that Gadsby had no e's in it. That must have been an enormous challenge. Let's see:

I look north, and find my land torn away. Nothing lasts.

Meh, that's as good as I can come up with right now. Writing without e's is damnably tricky. That might make a good prompt some time. Write a blog post without (insert) letter.

Bonus: I wouldn't mind being part of a mixed group. Prompts are important to me, so I'd keep using them, but I think that people who like to free write their blogs should have a place to belong too. I know that I was very happy when I joined the community and that my blog got a lot more exposure.

It's time to bring the solitary bloggers out of the shadows!

Work Count: 586
August 25, 2014 at 8:58pm
August 25, 2014 at 8:58pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

PROMPT: What do you like to find in a blog prompt? Do you prefer open-ended or very specific prompts? Is there a particular type or element of a prompt that you dislike? Do you have a prompt that you think would be great? Include it and I'll see what I can do to make that happen.

I like unusual prompts. The type that make me tilt my head and hum under my breath as I try to puzzle out what I'm going to write. I also enjoy picture prompts and creative prompts that I can turn into flash fictions. One of the reasons I joined these two blogging communities is because I was having a difficult time blogging only about my life.

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This is what I love to see in a prompt. It has a thought provoking image, facts that I didn't know before, and an element of fiction. What I enjoy most about this prompt is that it makes you really sit back and think. I had no idea so many people went missing every year and were not found.

There's another element to this that I relish in a prompt. Its hidden depth. As humans, we believe we are above the animal kingdom. We hate to think about the fact that we're also a part of the system. Usually, the only thing we think about when it comes to everything else that lives on the planet is in the form of how much we're consuming and destroying. But we rarely think about the fact that as clever as we are, we're still just animals. No amount of cell phones, fancy shoes, makeup or shaving off of excess hair will change that.

We might be at the top of the food chain, but that doesn't mean we're off the chain all together. Like this prompt demonstrates, something is happening to these people. It's curious that the number of losses runs parallel to those that herd animals experience in the wild. Perhaps we aren't as high on the chain as we believe.

There are plenty of directions people can go with a prompt like this. They can go with writing a fiction about it, or they can explore more fact based options. It would also be interesting to see how people look at the statistical information and what conclusions they draw.


This is one of my favorite prompt sites. The creator is excellent at mixing photos and prompts to tease the mind into a creative adventure. I don't like the fact that you can't skip forward or back. All the pages are in order, which is a bit of a pain after you've gone so far.

*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

Good morning campers! There's a lot of work to be done after the busy weekend Sharkhorse chasing. Come up with a really good excuse as to why you shouldn't have to lift a finger today, and nominate another of your fellow campers for the chores you don't want to do.

After having a pow-wow with the ladies, we came to the conclusion that today is officially Appreciate Awesome Women Day. The chief feature of this newly created holiday is excessive pampering in the form of not having to do chores, and to be told that we're amazingly beautiful by at least one male. (Even though we've been in the woods for ages, nearly died multiple times, and can no longer get a brush through the matted tangles that pass for hair, we're still beautiful!)

We should have towels set out on the lake beach, umbrellas to keep the sun off, guys to rub suntan lotion into our backs so we don't burn, and yummy drinks with those little umbrellas in them. And no chores!

This was an exercise of democracy, and the vote went for the girls.

On with the pampering!

Word Count: 534
August 24, 2014 at 11:14pm
August 24, 2014 at 11:14pm
*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

It's been an exciting day campers...I think we've got the Sharkhorse under control, thwarting a potential Sharkhorsenado. Good job!

Today, take some time and send a postcard home. Keep in mind, it's a postcard, so you don't have a lot of room. What'll be the image on the front of the postcard you pick, and of all our adventures so far, which one will be the one you talk the most about?

Without question, I have to have a herd of Sharkhorses on mine! My message would be short, simple, and to the point.

Dear loved ones,

Beware of Sharhorsnados.

With love,

Before my brother went to prison, I never gave much thought to post cards. When he got locked up I decided to get some during my Cruise adventure to send to him. That's when I found out how amazingly awkward it is to figure out what to write on a post card. First of, it's tiny.

I think people who use twitter a lot were huge Postcard senders in a past life before technology. Twitter is Technology's post card. I kind of suck at Twitter, so it's no surprise that I'm not great when it comes to post cards. The second big problem when it comes to post cards is the fact that it is a message anyone can read on its way to the destination. So you have to be conscious of that fact.

These twin problems kept the post cards on my shelf for a long time. I couldn't think of what to write. Finally, I forced myself to sit down and write something, and ended up with three post cards that had totally random sentences on them that felt as awkward as I did. Things like: I miss you a lot and wish you were still around to mow the lawn. They came off as strange and hard to know if they'd come from a family member, a girl friend, or perhaps someone who used to employ him.

After that stressful and unpleasant experience, I swore off of post cards. They're just not my cup of coco.

*Sigh* Well I still have a bunch of words I need to write and no more thoughts on post cards. Soooo, lets move on to stamps! One of my favorite comedians, Kathleen Madigan, has a great skit on stamps that I wanted to share. Most people get angry when the price of stamps goes up. I don't understand that. I'm amazed by stamps. You mean to tell me that for 49 cents I can walk into a building, hand a guy a piece of paper, and tell him to deliver that piece of paper to Alaska, he'll seriously say yes? In fact, he'll say, "Yes Ma'am, is there anything else I can do for you?" "Yeah! Give me more stamps, this is crazy!"

I'm paraphrasing of course, but she has a pretty damn good point. No other thing in the world has more bang for its buck than a stamp. That would have been an awesome line to end on, but alas I'm still scrounging the bottom of the barrel for words. It's been a while since I had to ramble like this just to make the word count, but I'm tired today and can't think of anything better to say.

Hmmm, if you want to watch a funny reality show on Netflicks, check out: The Most Smartest Model. It's quite amusing.

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Word Count: 503
August 23, 2014 at 10:54pm
August 23, 2014 at 10:54pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Some people are embarrassed by____________ but I'm not because_______________________.

Some women are embarrassed to go out without wearing makeup, but I'm not because I never wear makeup. The only sort of thing I wear is chap-stick, and that's only when my lips are chapped.

As a girl, I never really grew out of the tom boy stage. There are probably a ton of boys out there who could walk better in high heels than I can. They're evil, and I have no idea how men ever talked women into wearing them. I think it was all some mastermind's trick to make women slow enough to catch.

Anyway, I don't wear makeup. The few times I've attempted it were little more than a disaster. I ended up looking like a drunk raccoon the morning after the huge block party. Not a pretty sight. The other reason I never wear makeup is because I touch my face too much. Thus the raccoon look. Even if I go light on eye makeup, I end up smearing it all over without thinking. I simply don't have the time or patience to deal with all the small tortures involved with being 'beautiful'.

Thankfully, my husband hates makeup as well. Win, win for me!

*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

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"There has been a Sharkhorse sighting! They're angry with all of the humans on the campgrounds. We've got to use our campfire time to come up with a plan to either catch them all or befriend them before they destroy us...but how will we do that? Perhaps there's a method to all the madness we've experienced so far..."


This camp ground has been officially renamed Nopeopolice.

Once I uncurl from my pitiful whimpering ball, I begin assessing the situation. Clearly an evil scientist has spent way too much time in his secret underwater lab of DOOM!!! He's come up with a monster of epic proportions, giving sharks a way to run on the wind and gobble up all the innocent bystanders.

He used a great white! *Whines* Not cool. So very not cool. There's a reason I avoid the sea with passion. Yes, sharks don't make a habit of eating people. Usually they just take a nibble. However, their version of a nibble results in a lost leg. Now we have to find a way to either kill, befriend, or flee this herd of mad monsters.

Right. Well, they're angry with all the people around. I vote we flee to a safer and less horseshark infested camp spot. I think they smell fear, and I'm sitting in a huge cloud of it.

If the vote goes against me, I guess we can move on to human's second reaction to threats. Let's fight! Did anyone bring harpoons? I've heard that horse meat tastes really good. That, and sharks are supposed to be a delicacy. Maybe we can catch and eat one. That will prove us the dominate predator in this land, thereby making the rest of the herd flee in terror of our tiny mandibles.

Or...well if these creatures are sort of mythical and sentient, maybe they're like old Gods and require a sacrifice? I've heard they like the taste of virgins. (Hugs Shane close, that makes me safe!) Well, I don't know if we could get anyone to volunteer or admit to their unflowered status.

Okay, how about this. Rabbits! They're soft and fuzzy, and in nature sharks don't eat if they aren't hungry. There are tons of rabbits. If we feed them, maybe they'll be like horses and like us better?

I have no idea. *Hides in the tent and hopes the danger passes without devouring me.*

Word Count: 540

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