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by Noyoki
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1989815
This is a personal Challenge to write 500 words a day. Join me on my Journey.
The Challenge: Write 500 words every day for a year.

Can I do it? Join me and find out!
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July 13, 2014 at 4:15pm
July 13, 2014 at 4:15pm
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The Sunday News

Provide your thoughts/opinions on a newspaper/magazine article or a radio/television news story from the past week. And if you feel inclined, let loose and blog about your week. Also, feel free to comment on your favorite blog entries from your fellow challengers from the preceding week.


There've been a lot of statistics in the news lately about rapes occurring on college campuses. After reading this news story, I now have a greater understanding about why this has become such an epidemic problem in our country. The extreme mishandling of rape allegations makes it obvious why so many rapes go unreported. Who wants to be turned into the bad guy, have their lives destroyed, and in the end see their rapists walk free without so much as a slap on the wrists?

In this case, a young freshmen girl was raped by three football players. There were eye witnesses, and even photos taken with Iphones. This was a gang rape at a party that resulted in a wealth of biological proof that should have been used to prove who her attackers were. A rape kit was done, yet it appears that this information wasn't used by police.

In fact, the police originally didn't handle the case. Did you know that many rape cases are handled by the College? That blew my mind. I had no idea that people who are not part of the criminal justice system, who have never been trained to handle such cases, and are not part of any court system were tasked with handling such delicate cases. We can see how this doesn't work in the favor of the victim. These people are part of the college, and they have a vested interest in keeping scandals such as this out of the papers. This system is insane. The way it works is there are a panel of people who don't even share all the case information with each other. In this case, two of the three members didn't read the hospital reports after the rape. The accused and accusers are not permitted to have their parents or lawyers there during the questioning. During the questioning, the panel didn't present any sort of logical format for the proceedings. They jumped around, interrupted, and failed to follow up on vital information such as how the three boys story changed multiple times.

In the end, the football players were cleared of all charges. Anna then took it to the police, who were a slipshod about the case as the College had been. To this day, no trial's been done, and Anna's forced to live with what happened to her with the knowledge that the people who should have helped and protected her didn't care and refused to do their jobs.

This is wrong on so many levels.

The fact that Anna was drunk to the point that she was blacking out is no excuse for what was done to her. It is also a major indication of what's wrong with college today. How can we condone buildings like this? Frat houses on campus where people can get so drunk that they're incapable of defending themselves? Why do we allow such parties in the first place? I'm sorry, but College is a place to learn, not a place to go to end up destroying your life.

Everyone, from the college, to the police, to the football players, to Anna are on some level to blame for what happened. But it isn't just the people, but the culture. We've made it an expectation that huge parties where people do and have drank themselves to death are the norm of college life. Is it any wonder that rape has become so common place on college campuses?

I doubt it will change any time soon. Not until the atmosphere that breeds this behavior is removed.

Now, onto my favorite posts of the week.

I really enjoyed Fivesixer 's "This one's about us and them, life, and road signs.. He was able to look at a totally different battle ground for the song lyrics. Instead of looking outward at the wars fought, he journeyed inward to the battles we wage in our own souls. I thought that was a brilliant take on the song and one I hadn't seen until he explored it.

I also liked Charlie ~ 's "Invalid Entry because of the cat signs and the great advise about not doing stuff in bed. It was good advise, and I plan to use it. Thanks for sharing!

Word count: 695
July 12, 2014 at 1:13pm
July 12, 2014 at 1:13pm
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CREATIVE SATURDAY: A creative writing prompt from the War Chest. Participants are encouraged to write a story or a poem. This is what the 30DBC page says. It got me wondering about the prompt. So, I thought, why not go a different route today. Today's prompt is a song and lyrics:

Pink Floyd Us and Them

Us and them
And after all we're only ordinary men
Me and you
God only knows
It's not what we would choose to do
Forward he cried from the rear
And the front rank died
And the general sat
And the lines on the map
Moved from side to side
Black and blue
And who knows which is which and who is who
Up and down
And in the end it's only round 'n round
Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
The poster bearer cried
Listen son, said the man with the gun
There's room for you inside
"I mean, they're not gonna kill ya, so if you give 'em a quick short, sharp, shock, they won't do it again. Dig it? I mean he get off lightly, 'cause I would've given him a thrashing - I only hit him once! It was only a difference of opinion, but really...I mean good manners don't cost nothing do they, eh?"
Down and out
It can't be helped that there's a lot of it about
With, without
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?
Out of the way
It's a busy day
I've got things on my mind
For the want of the price
Of tea and a slice
The old man died

This song shows the absurd nature of warfare. In the end, we're all human beings, but we allow an endless number of things to get in the way of that. Instead of all being humans, we create labels for ourselves, for each other, for everyone. Those labels are used to separate and define us into groups that can't ever seem to see eye to eye. Religions, politics, boarders, skin color, language, the list is endless for how we draw the lines between us and them.

On top of that, our leaders promote this us and them mentality. They lead from behind, and it isn't them who die in the slaughter of war fare. Instead, it is the young, the ones who've become so seeped in the idea of us and them that they'll give their lives and take the lives of others to keep the mentality going. I don't know if this is human nature, or if it is something that developed over time. Were we always like this? Always incapable of simply living together without wanting to kill each other over the least little thing? It's amazing how willing we are to accept the us vs them mentality. We do it so often, that we don't even recognize that we're doing that. Everything from they're from a different country, to she went to a different school.

Will we ever be able to look past the labels we've allowed to be hung around our necks and realize there is no us or them? There's only people. Just that, and nothing else.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: If you had traffic signs in your house, your office any space you spend frequent time what would they say? Would there be more than one?

I think one of the main signs in our house would be: Caution - Child at Play. With a four year old running around, we always have to watch out for him. We have to make sure that the house is safe, and that he can't get into anything that might hurt him. Perhaps it should say Caution: Flying Monkeys. Shane loves jumping off of furniture, and I have to be ever vigil to make sure he doesn't take a flying leap off of something too high.

I'd have a Do Not Enter sign on the basement. That one would be for Shane too. We had to put a thumb lock on the door because he used to sneak down there a make a huge mess. Another would be Caution Speed Bump Ahead. Toys end up all over the house, and at night it can be very dangerous to walk around with out the lights on. If you're going too fast, there's a real danger of getting a twisted ankle.

In my back yard, there would be a sign that says Slow: Steep Grade Ahead. The path next to our house going down into the back yard is pretty steep and that's where I sprained my ankle pretty bad not too long ago. I'm rather annoyed that it still hurts. I was hoping that it would heal up and be just like it used to be, but no such luck. I'm beginning to think it will always hurt a little.

Word Count: 511
July 11, 2014 at 2:03pm
July 11, 2014 at 2:03pm
Yesterday was full of really bad situations turning into not so bad situations. A couple of days ago, I noticed that the carpet in front of the stairs of my basement was wet. There's nothing near there that could be getting it wet, so I had no idea what was going on. I spent the next two days trying to dry it out before I went to look at my water heater. Now, I didn't look here originally because we just got it replaced in April. Lo and behold, there was water going all the way back into the space under the stairs, and it had leaked out to the front of the stairs.

We had a lot of stuff stored under there, and now the bottom row of boxes are soaked. I'm going to have pull all the junk out and go through it. I thought that we bought a bad water heater, or it was installed wrong or something like that. So I called John Henry's and they sent a guy out to look at it. It turns out that the original guy didn't put the hose for the air conditioner back in the drain. All the condensation for my air conditioner has been going under the stairs for the last three months. Bad news, water damage. Great news, I didn't get charged for the visit or the fix and I didn't have to spend another $500 on a new install for a water heater.

Then, I was headed to my parent's house when I got into a car accident. The traffic stopped pretty quickly, and I was able to stop in time, but the guy behind me wasn't. He hit pretty hard, and I almost face planted into my steering wheel. When I got out, I saw that there wasn't much damage, just scuffed paint. A second later, a cop appeared magically out of nowhere. He checked out the damage and asked if we wanted to file a report because there wasn't much damage. We agreed that we didn't want to, and the cop said that because we didn't fill out a report, he didn't have to give out any tickets. Another bad situation turning out alright. My whole body aches today, but nothing hurts so bad that it indicates a serious problem, so I'm happy.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?

We're all familiar with the phenomenon of the impulse buy, right? The most spontaneous and expensive thing I've ever done is go to college. I know it doesn't sound like college can be a spontaneous decision, but for me it was. It all started at work one day. We had a job fair with colleges mixed in. I went to get out of working, and stopped in front of the University of Phoenix stand. They talked for a while, and it sounded interesting. Before I left, they gave me a card to get more information by phone.

When I called, the person on the other end was so skilled at manipulation that instead of giving me information, they managed get me through the loan process and signed up then and there before I'd even decided if I wanted to do it. I went with it, and now have a four year degree for Criminal Justice and am 40k in debt. >.<

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FUNNY FRIDAY -- Reality TV. Go ahead, make fun of it. You know you want to. Also, list at least 3 humorous ideas for reality TV shows. For the overachievers, do more.

Have you heard of the newest Reality TV show? It's called Dating Naked. No joke. I say within the next five years they're going to finally move to One Night Stand! I can't imagine how awkward Dating Naked would be. Not only is the man you just met seeing all of you, but so are the cameramen, the director, and everyone else involved in creating the show. Then everyone! Imagine your Grandma channel surfing and then seeing you there in the buff flirting with some strange man. *Shudders* The amount of awkward would kill me.

Then there's Naked and Alone. I think someone's going to die on that show. One of the contestants got three different parasites from drinking out of a waterfall. He's still suffering from the after affects. It seems like Naked is the new fad in reality TV.

Lets play with that for my ideas:

Naked Dancing With the Stars. If we have to watch naked people, lets get some stars!

Naked Art - There are some amazing body painting that make people look dressed while they still have clothes on. I think it would be fun to have a reality show where people get painted and then go out in public to see if anyone realizes they aren't wearing any clothes.

Naked Body Challenge - There are loads of weight loss shows out there, so though it might be kind of gross, it might be interesting to see the Naked before and after. ... Not really. That one might not go over well, but I can't think of any more Naked reality.

Word Count: 816
July 10, 2014 at 12:22pm
July 10, 2014 at 12:22pm
Cute Baby Moment: Last night, Shane proved once and for all that he's my son. We put him to bed, and about an hour later we heard him crying his eyes out. Paul went to check on him, and he'd climbed up onto the rail of his bed because there was a spider on the floor. He was scared to death of it, and when Paul went in, he made him find and kill the spider before he would get off the furniture. I'm sad that he was upset, but I couldn't help laughing too.

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OPINION THURSDAY -- In the modern era, do you think libraries have lost their relevance? Do you have any special library moments that you remember?

I found out not too long ago that Libraries are keeping up with the modern age, they just aren't doing a good job telling us about this. My dad told me, but most libraries now have internet libraries where you can rent both e-books and audio books online for free. I was amazed. I had no idea they were doing that, and they have a pretty large selection.

After renewing my library card, which I hadn't used since high school, I got the instructions to getting into the internet library. Fun fact: for reasons we don't understand, the library owed me two dollars, so they paid for my new card. The nice thing about the internet library is there are no late fees ever. Once your e-book expires, it vanishes from your queue. You don't have to remember when its due.

One special moment was in my Senior year we had to do ten or twenty hours of community service for one of our classes. Paul and I volunteered our time at the library. Our relationship was still new, so it was a lot of fun getting to spend so much time with him.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: If you could have any author, living or dead, write your biography who would you choose?

I would have Stephen King write my biography. His book On Writing is a beautiful mix of autobiography and writing advise. He tells us about his childhood, his time as a struggling young writer, and the trials of success. I love how he was able to seamlessly blend technical information with his story telling. There's nothing dry or boring about this book.

One of the things I like best is how honest he is. In one part, he tells us about how he got into drugs and they took over his whole life for a time. He said that he doesn't even remember writing Cujo because he was out of his mind on drugs at the time. Looking back, he felt bad about that because he thought it turned out to be a pretty good story and he missed the process of writing and getting to know the characters.

He also shares how he deals with problems like writers block, and provides all the little tidbits that titillate would be writers. Mostly, I like how he made it both informative and entertaining. Both of those things can be difficult with writing guides and autobiographies. So, if I ever had to have a biography written, I'd want King to do it.

Word Count: 500
July 9, 2014 at 7:39pm
July 9, 2014 at 7:39pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Do you believe in reincarnation?

I wouldn't call what I have a belief so much as an idea I entertain now and then. For the most part, I think that when we die, that's the end. Like a candle being blown out, poof, we're gone. That, or a computer when it gets fried. Our minds work through electricity so it is reasonable to assume that when the plug is pulled, that's the end.

On the days I'm feeling more fanciful I lean towards step up or down reincarnation. That's were we start off as the lowest living plant type organize and slowly work our way up from there, first through the plants, then animals, then the levels of humanity. If you're bad as a person, you might get kicked back down a level. Once you reach the top level of this world, I think we bounce up to another even better world. Ditto for being bad. If you mess up bad enough, you get bumped down to a worse world.

And on bad days, I wonder if earth isn't some other planet's hell.

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WAR CHEST WEDNESDAY - The most disgusting moment/incident/day in your life.

Warning: This is actual gross birth type stuff, if that bothers you, don't continue!

One of the greatest moments of my life was also the most disgusting. Giving birth to Shane was perhaps one of the best things I've ever done, but OMG! It isn't just the pain, which was extraordinary, the whole process is gross on a whole other level. First, I went into labor around 4 in the morning on July seventh. I didn't give birth until noon on the 8th. For those who are counting, that's 32 hours.

For the first 22 hours I was stuck at three centimeters, and that was a nightmare that I thought would never end. Then they popped my water, which is truly the grossest thing ever. They pretty much stick a knitting needle up there and break the water, which feels like a huge water balloon gushing. Gross, I know, but you asked. From there things went from bad to WAY worse. I originally wanted to give birth naturally, and I can tell you that was a bad idea. I went from three centimeters to five in two minutes. The pain was...bad. I broke and got an epidural at that point, which was fantastic. Before that, the pain was so bad they gave me a bit of morphine and I didn't even feel it.

Once the pain was gone, I slept for a few hours. When I woke up, I was in hard labor and the pushing began. Even with the epidural I could still feel a ghost of the pain, so I knew when to push. I did a lot of pushing. At one point they even gave me a rope to hold onto and pull while I pushed. That one didn't work, but it was kind of a cool idea. Finally, they had to make a few cuts and get the vacuum. The problem was that he was stuck behind my pelvic bone, and he wasn't turning right. There was a point where I almost gave up and had to have a c-section but I told myself "One more push!" and I finally got him out.

They put him on my chest, and his back was still slick with goo and so hot! Rubbing his skin, it felt odd, almost like a puppy's skin. It felt too big for him. He didn't scream or cry. Instead he just looked around. After giving birth, another icky thing happens. I had to deliver the afterbirth, which they decided I needed to see. Again, EWWWW. You would think that after that, things would stop being gross, but no. I wasn't so lucky.

My doctor had a trainee in hand, and proceeded to talk the trainee through stitching me back together again. Step by bloody step. All in all, grossness piled atop grossness, but all for a good cause.

Word Count: 654
July 8, 2014 at 6:45pm
July 8, 2014 at 6:45pm
*CandleB*  *CandleR*  *CandleG*   Happy Birthday to my Shay-Baby!  *CandleB*  *CandleR*  *CandleG*

Today, my son is four years old. How fast the time passes!

Okay, before I get to the prompts I have to do a tiny bit of bragging. I won second place in The Character Gauntlet! "Invalid Post"  . *Bigsmile*

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War Chest Tuesday Prompt: Today, talk about someone who gave you a hard time in school or college. It can be a teacher, a fellow student, anyone at all.

I have to say that this prompt tickles me. When I read it, I laughed out loud, and now I'll share my amusement with you all. When I was in High School, I was a very introverted girl. I didn't have many friends, and I preferred it that way. During lunches, I would sit in the hall after I ate and read books.

One day, a boy sat down next to me and started bothering me. While I tried to read, he would poke me in the ribs. I can't begin to tell you how annoying this became. In a word, I hated him. It didn't matter how I glared at him, told him off, or ignored him, every day he would sit beside me and bother me to death. This went on for most of my Junior year. Then, near the end of the year the strangest thing happened. He became...less bothersome. More like he grew on me. Quite like a fungus really.

Six years later, I married that boy. If you went back in time and told me I would marry the boy who aggravated me to the point of wanting to beat him to death with a book, I would have laughed in your face. Funny how things turned out. We've been together for over a decade now while friends who were better matched have gotten divorces. I can't see myself being with anyone else, and I'm glad that I wasn't able to drive him away.

Later, I learned that he talked to his Grandma about me. She told him if he really wanted to have me, he needed to be persistent. Paul took those words to heart, and refused to give up when I gave him the cold shoulder week after week. He's hard headed, but I love him to death. And he still pokes me when I'm reading!

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: What is a lesson in life that took you way too long to figure out?

One of the life lessons that I've had the hardest time with is talking about my feelings. I can honestly say that I still haven't put this lesson into practice. Yes, I know I should talk about how I'm feeling, but I just hate doing it. I prefer the idea that if I don't talk about it, then it will go away on it's own. That's a horrible approach to life, I know, but it's just the way I am.

I'm lucky that Paul's my husband. We've been together since High School, and he's learned the fine art of reading my silences. He's able to go through the tedious task of pulling whatever is bothering me out word by word. Not a pleasant process, but one that has to be done from time to time. I'm certain that if I was with someone else, the relationship would have imploded long before now. I won't be sappy enough to say he is my soul mate, but we fit well together.

Word Count: 520
July 7, 2014 at 9:27pm
July 7, 2014 at 9:27pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: It was a stupid thing to say...

Mike stood in front of the blazing house with his arm around Danny's small shoulders. Neither of them turned to look at the woman glaring holes into their backs from the back seat of the cop car. The last bitter rays of sunlight glinted off the face masks of the firefighters.

"Mr. Compton, can you tell me what happened here?"

"Well, lookin back, I suppose it was a stupid thing to say."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Daddy said mama was acting just like Gramma." The boy said, then he leaned forward conspiratorially and whispered, "Mama don't like Gramma much."

"I...see." The officer replied, clearly not seeing how a comment like that ended in the inferno now consuming the small suburban house.

Mike rubbed his face, the gash over his left eye stopped bleeding a while ago, but it was still crusted over with blood. "I knew better than to go comparing her with her mother, but she can be a right bi- er...witch sometimes and I just lost my temper. I forgot that her temper made mine look like a piddling pup."

"So, one thing led to another and things got out of hand. It might of been alright, but she was cooking supper, and with her throwing stuff around like that, the kitchen caught on fire." Mike shrugged, as if this were not entirely unexpected.

"It really was a stupid thing to say Dad." Mike ruffled the boy's hair as they watched the house burn.

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Wildcard Monday is: Drowned By Betrayal and a Ladder To Heaven

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Not quite a ladder, but Ladder to Heaven instantly put Stairway to Heaven into my mind. Which sort of fits with the first part of the prompt which is Drowned By Betrayal. That would be a valid reason for someone to want to buy a ladder to heaven.

Betrayal is one of those things unique to the people we hold closest to us. Our enemies can destroy us in so many ways, but only our friends or loved ones can betray us, and that betrayal is a dagger sharper than any weapon someone else might use against us. The damage done by betrayal is deep because it isn't just that act that hurts us, it is also our ability to trust that is damaged. Some betrayals are so deep that we are no longer capable of trusting anyone after living through them. And some betrayals are so great we cannot go on living after them.

I think that, like love, there are different types of betrayal. Some betray others for their own gain, but others do it because they believe it is the right thing to do. This is the "For Your Own Good" Betrayal. Even though the person might have the best in mind for the one they're betraying, they are still breaking that trust and will have to live with the consequences of it. I think this is the hardest one for the betrayer because at heart they want to help their friend or loved one, but they don't know how to do it. Sometimes these cases work out for the best, and other times it makes things so much worse.

Word Count: 520
July 6, 2014 at 12:49pm
July 6, 2014 at 12:49pm
*Cake3* *Cake3* *Cake3* HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME *Cake3* *Cake3* *Cake3*

Everyone have a piece of cake!

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Prompt: Review your peers and your posts. Share your best blog post from your own posts and two from your peers.

I don’t have a favorite post for mine. For me, it is more or less just rambling, and a stream of conscious thoughts centered on the different prompts. The God vs. Love question got me a bit riled, and it was one of those prompts that made me think about it all day long. I didn’t realize we were supposed to write a story or poem about that prompt until I started reading other peoples replies.

One entry that I liked a lot was {entry: 821295}. The little flash fiction I wrote about my oh so heroic death was fun, even if I did rip it off from a movie. I don’t remember now what it’s called, but it’s the one where a guy can suddenly hear a woman narrating his life. She does a lot of foreshadowing about his death, which he then tries to find her and stop. In the end he survives, but his would be death was saving a strange boy from getting run over by a bus. We all have to die sometime, dying so that someone else might live wouldn’t be a bad way to go, I think.

One of my favorite posts by Prosperous Snow celebrating was the one she did yesterday "Creative Saturday: How do you proove that Love exist?. Her poetry is always amazing, but I thought this poem perfectly captured the true heart and nature of love. There are endless poems out there about love. All you have to do is go to the store on Valentines day or Mother’s day to read your fill of love based cards. Most of those are full of sweetness to the point it makes your teeth heart. I think this poem was able to catch the wild nature of love. She captured its mystery and held it in her hand to show us.

Love is
A double-edged sword,
Severing and cauterizing.

Perfect. That was the last stanza of the poem and it managed to capture both the destructive nature of love and its ability to heal. That healing might come with the cost of agony, but even the most ravaged hearts can be healed by the flames of love.

Another post that touched me was written by ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy . Her entry "Invalid Entry about forgetting was powerful because she didn’t try to sugar coat it. This is a problem that we all might face someday, and we more often than not don’t want to think about it. I think it takes a lot of courage to tell the truth about what is happening in your life, and to be willing to share your fears with everyone.

Along with her post about forgetting, she was able to give us a great poem as well. It captured the fear of slowly losing all the memories we once had, but not letting ourselves be broken down by that fear. I really like how she is able to share her sorrow, but doesn’t ask for pity or wallow in the things she’s suffered. Instead she is still able to see all the good that is in her life and doesn’t let that good be lost in the bitterness of aging.

Word Count: 521
July 5, 2014 at 11:17pm
July 5, 2014 at 11:17pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: What was the most important thing that happened yesterday?

The most important thing that happened yesterday was that my family and I got to spend the day with Paul's family and friends. The Fourth is always a time for his side of the family to get together, have a huge BBQ lunch and blow stuff up. His step-dad spends thousands of dollars a year on fireworks, and Paul helps light them off every year.

This is a time of year for us all to get together, share each other's company, and catch up on what's been happening. We had a wonderful time, and Shane got to play with kids he hadn't seen since last 4th of July.

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Today's prompt is this: Atheists deny God because they have no proof of his existence. There is no proof as to WHY we fall in love, should they deny the existence of Love likewise?

First, I'd like to point out that comparing the belief in God to the belief in Love is akin to comparing apples and goats. They aren't even part of the same Kingdom. It would be like me asking: Because religious people believe in God and there's no proof that he/she/it exists, shouldn't they also believe in unicorns? God is an all powerful being that created the universe and everything within. Love is an emotion.

Aside from that, there's another very important reason almost everyone believes in love, and there isn't universal belief in God. Almost everyone can experience, first hand, love. The same is not true for God. It doesn't matter if I don't know the exact why of love, what I do know is that I feel it. I love my family. I love my husband. I love my parents, siblings and friends. I don't believe in God. There is nothing in me that automatically inspires belief in a grand creator like there is with love.

Now, when we come down to the science of it, there's a lot more proof in the case of love than there is for God. I'm not going to look up all the facts and figures, but there's been a lot of research showing the biological proof of love. Our brains release specific chemicals that inspire love and devotion when we first see our children after they are born. You ask why we love? One of the original reasons is basic, it was to ensure that we wouldn't eat or abandon our offspring. This can be extended to love of partners because it is easier to rear a child with multiple parents instead of just one.

I have a lot of problems with religion that go beyond the simple I can't see him, thus he doesn't exist. There's little in the way of applicable logic when it comes to religion, and that bothers me. Even simple things don't make since.

The very first question that comes to mind is what God is the real one? The fact that this is even a question doesn't bode well to the God argument. If God were real, and Adam and Eve were the first two people on earth, why wasn't that story the only one told? Clearly they knew it, and they would have passed it on to their children. The 'one God' religions are relatively young when we look at how long humanity has existed. Before that, there were multiple Gods, or Goddesses, or any number of other beliefs. If I were to believe in God, then how would I know which God is the real one? No one knows. The real God could have been JoJo the Giant Ape worshiped by a tribe in the Congo that no longer exists.

That's just the first of a long, long list of logical issues I have with religion. For me, it isn't even purely the science angle, it's the fact that the story doesn't make sense. I'm not going to keep ranting over this because I could fill an endless number of pages with that, but in the end I believe in love because I feel it. I don't believe in God for the same reason.

Word Count: 648

Errr...I suppose I need to go back and read the rules for the official 30 Day Challenge >.< I wondered why everyone was writing poetry. Meh, here you go:


Just kidding, but so true.

Okay, it's a little late but here's a taste of my crappy poetry skills.

God is a myth,
and love is lost.

Our broken hearts,
Give truth to love.

And unanswered prayers,
Proof God's false face.

Not the best poetry ever written, but it'll do.
July 4, 2014 at 3:48pm
July 4, 2014 at 3:48pm
*BurstR* *BurstO* *BurstV*
*BurstV* *BurstO* *BurstR*

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July 4 Prompt - What funny things I remember on this date?

When I was a kid, my parents would always take us to the lake for the week of the 4th of July. Because my birthday is the 6th, I always thought of it as an extended birthday party for me. We would buy a whole bunch of fireworks, and have a blast for the whole week. One year, my parents brought a blow up bed lounge thing that could be used to relax and float on the water.

I was still pretty young, and didn't know how to swim. My brothers were off doing something, and I was bored, so I put the lounge into the water and ended up falling asleep. When I woke up, I could hear people yelling, but it was far away. Then I noticed that I was in the middle of the lake. I know I should have been afraid, but I wasn't. Instead, I watched all the people jumping up and down like angry ants on the beach, and waited to see what would happen.

Eventually, my brothers swam out and towed me back in, but the funny part was that I just put the tips of my hands in the water and made little splashes pretending like I was helping.

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Prompt: What was your favorite family outing? Did you go somewhere? What made it special to you?

In Reno Nevada, they have the hot air balloon races. We would get up super early in the morning, and go watch. First, they'd fill up all the balloons, and in the dark that looked amazing. You could see the fire bellowing up, lighting the balloons from the inside out. Every year we would spot the most unusual balloons and get a ton of pictures.

There were plenty of the regular balloons, and character balloons like Snoopy and such, then there were the very random food balloons. We would see cheese burgers, and bottles of wine, and all sorts of things. Later in the day, the balloon operators would have to do races and tricks. One of them was a pole that had a ring on it, the hot air balloons would have to get to the pool and grab the ring. They even had balloon rides. That was always my favorite part.

On the ground, there were a whole bunch of different vendors selling all sorts of things. One year, my brother got one of those string puppets that have the wooden crosses that attach to the puppet. It was a white and blue fuzzy creature and we had a lot of fun learning how to play with it.

The hot air balloon races, and the Air Show were both amazing. The Air Show was all the different government jets and stuff. We lived near an air base, and the sonic booms always shook our house, but they made up for it by putting on the air shows.

Reno always had a lot of different events like these. One was known as Hot August Nights. It is a massive car show/fair that was great fun to go to. Some of the best cars in the world want to get in on Hot August Nights.

Word Count: 512

Hot August Nights

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Nevada Air Show

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Hot Air Balloon Races

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