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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
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"This is pretty much what journals are all about, at least to me.
I knew as I wrote them that even though they provided
an excellent place for brain (and heart, and psyche) dump,
they were mainly a map of me."
          --- Colleen Wainwright

"Writing gives you the illusion of control,
and then you realize it's just an illusion,
that people are going to bring their own stuff into it."
          --- David Sedaris

"Please write again soon.
Though my own life is filled with activity,
letters encourage momentary escape into others lives
and I come back to my own with greater contentment."
          --- Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey

"In giving of myself onto these pages every day
I allow myself to write regardless of the depth and meaning.
I share myself with others without fear of recrimination
for these are my thoughts, my feelings and my very being,
and there are non who's opinion of me matters more than my own."
          --- Rebecca Laffar-Smith

The Writer's Round-About

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October 7, 2006 at 9:56am
October 7, 2006 at 9:56am
*looks at the clock* Yep close enough about time to toss up a few hundred words in here and pretend it's interesting. No idea what to talk about exactly and I guess it doesn't much matter. For some reason some people still read it no matter what it says and most people are clever enough not to bother.

I feel like I got a lot done today. I managed to finally announce and award the winner for the Tools of Poetry workshop week five. I created and sent out the Congratulations C-Notes to everyone who completed the assignment successfully and I've created and set up week sixes C-Note as well ready for Tuesday. I still want to review each of the poems submitted but I haven't been able to find my reviewer frame of mind yet. Hopefully if I focus on doing that I can accomplish a lot of reviews tomorrow.

Today, I managed to sort my inbox as well. It was nearing one hundred reviews and I've managed to clear them all. I've done quite a bit of editing based on the comments in the reviews and send my pretty little, "Thanks for your review" dragon all around WDC. *Smile* It's good to look at my inbox and see only a few emails in there, none of which are comments.

There are a few Persevering Poets Present tasks I still want to get done. One of them is the article on Tennyson for the Poet of the Week discussion. I need to create a Poet of the Week Book to keep the articles in. I also need to create a logo for the Poetry Form Seminar and an accompanying book for the descriptions of those forms as well. I'm also still trying to work up some regular discussion on the Ponder Poetry board. It seems pretty quiet there most of the time. I also feel like I'm leading a bad example by not giving reviews to the items which people have asked to have reviewed. Perhaps I should also consider having a group request review forum as well. *ponders* Lots of group related things to do.

I wrote a new poem today. In a form I'd never seen or tried before called The Ghazal. It's an interesting and very difficult form but I think my poem, while not brilliant, was at least successful. I hope to practice the form some more and see what else I can come up with.

I've also been keeping up with my Daily Writing Challenge entries. I keep making a mistake on the subject line because I press O and grab one of the existing subjects lines from my drop menu then update the wordcount but sometimes I've forgotten to update the day number. Today for example it says O2 - 250 = 252 words. When it should say O7. I've done it on an earlier entry as well. Today I also forgot to put my word count at the end. It's frustrating because normally I wouldn't hesititate about editing these things however the DWC doesn't allow us to edit. I'd lose points for doing so. *frowns* I hate having to leave mistakes in things.

I'd also like to write more poetry. I feel creative and there are contests I think I could enter and I haven't been producing as much content as I would like. For that matter I want to work on more short stories too. I need to return to plotting my NaNo Novel or at least decide which of the ideas currently chasing about in my head to go with. THat needs to be done before the month is over because come November I'll be writing up a storm. I guess with all this on my plate I really could allow myself to put off The Dating Game until December or January.

Oh, and Josh fell off the trampoline today. *Frown* Bumped his head and had a good long cry and a cuddle. He is fine though. Thankfully at his age he still bounces and the trampoline isn't very high off the ground. Thankfully he landed the grass side because the other three sides could have really hurt him. It makes me think maybe I should move the trampoline. But since we've had it for so long and today was the first incident perhaps it's just a once off and he's learnt from it.

Anyway, I'm calling this a blog entry. It's almost 10PM and I'm fairly tired. I might head to bed and watch a movie. Got to do a little shopping tomorrow even if it is Sunday. Out of a few important things like milk. *makes mental note to get some milk in the morning*

October 6, 2006 at 10:28am
October 6, 2006 at 10:28am
I spent most of the day with my mother again today discussing Krching, the buyers group we're a part of. We had another perve at my stunning opals and got more and more familiar with how it all worked. The more and more I read and hear the better this business seems. It not makes more sense then it did when I signed on a week or so ago and I've already made some money.

Today I got another boost of excitement when my supervisor reached payday and got $3000. That's great for him but he drops off at that point and I get promoted to supervisor which means now I'm in charge of a board. I have two managers already and one of them I signed myself which qualified me for my payday. Now we have to sell four opal packages as a team and I get paid. Considering how fast it's all been moving so far it feels like that could be any day now. *grins*

But that's not all. When we bought the $1750 package we got our $2000 worth of opal and position on the 1000 board but we also got positions on a 500 and a 250 board as well. Today the 500 board paid it's supervisor and I've moved up on that board too getting closer to payday there. Then the 250 board has one sale left until the supervisor on that board gets paid. It's all moving so quickly and it's exciting to see the money bouncing out as people get paid and see the new people coming in. The supervisors who get paid buy another package with their profits and are in again so it keeps cycling selling so many opals. *Smile*

Today I was telling a friend about it and realised that the krching.com website isn't very user friendly for people who are interested but haven't joined. It's more a members site great for those of us already in the business to keep track of our boards, sales, purchases, and bank. So I started fiddling with the full permission images the company let us use and put together the beginnings of a small website I'll use to introduce people to Krching.

It's more user friendly then krching.com and geared toward introducing the buyers group to people who've never seen anything like this. Hopefully it will help me when I'm explaining it to people who are interested in finding out more. Feel free to check out my handy work. *grins* I'm very proud of my web design abilities and this is just a simple HTML website, nothing special or detailed or interactive like I've worked on in the past. I haven't done any web design before this in over a year so it was kind of fun to get back into it a little.

Check it out. *Smile* http://users.bigpond.net.au/laffarsmith/index.html

Of course after a busy day web designing, talking money and business and sales and sharing a lovely day with my mother and the kids I'm wiped out. lol I haven't done much in the way of writing this week. *Frown* I need to get some housework done too. *sighs* So much I'm behind on. Thankfully now I'm feeling back to full health things will start to get done. My sleeping pattern is a little off however so I should try and get that back on track while I'm at it. Another week left of School holidays and routines will get back into order when Kaylie goes back to school. Thank goodness. lol
October 5, 2006 at 10:20am
October 5, 2006 at 10:20am
WOOT!!! We had a fantastic day. It started slow but in a way I'm glad. We paced ourselves. I chatted with my mother and dealt with my mail etc. in the morning. Got ourselves all prepared for a day out. Left home about 10AM and walked the hour to the train station. The kids were excited and so was I. *Smile* The trip to the showgrounds is a long one and after the hours walk they were already impatient but were entertained counting stations on the thirty minutes into the city and then changing trains for the short jaunt to the special events station that opens direct at the entrance to the showgrounds.

Entrance started the fund depletion. $20 adults, $10 for Kaylie and Josh was free but I'd expected that and had it ready. We arrived with the plan to do lunch before we started by Kaylie wanted to do some rides first so we went off and found the Kiddy Amusement Center. Now I don't know the names of all those rides but there were heaps.

Kaylie and Josh are great kids, well behaved, patient, and they work well together, supporting and playing with each other (in situations like this) They had a ball on the rides. Kaylie loved the bouncy castle best and Josh laughed and giggled spinning dizzily in the teacups. All up I worked out that they each enjoyed about 10 rides at $5 each. OUCH!!! $100 in rides.

After the rides it was already early afternoon so it was well past time to get some lunch. We wandered down to the arena with our meal ($25) and sat to watch the dog trials. Sheep rounding dogs are great to watch. They're disciplined, agile, and instinctive. Sometimes I wonder if the sheep know the drill though and are easier to manage because of that but mostly it seems like there is an energy over the field where you can see the lines of dominance the dog molds around the sheep. Wow, who'd have thought rounding could be interesting like that but I just make it sound cool. *Wink* It is. After that a great game of polo, I love watching horses but the game doesn't really interest me. We finished up our meal and headed off.

By then I had to stop off for some extra cash. *chuckles* It runs out fast. And for some reason the ATM's are all hidden over in the showbags malls. We browsed around and Kaylie spotted some of those blow up rubber 'things'. You know, hammers, giant hands, battons, rods, etc. So we hunted about for a show bag that contained one but wasn't full of other useless crap we didn't want. *Wink* One of the bags we did want was sold out. But we bought tons of goodies. Cadburys, Red Skins, Candy. Kaylie got a My Little Pony bag which had a backpack and Josh got a Cars back which has some fantastic stuff. I wanted a basketball but they were sold out of them. Instead I got a Glow bag which has some great lights and glowy stuff, including a great pen. *Smile* About $100 later and we were moving on. lol

Into side show alley. Games, clowns, ducks, grab bags, fishing. So much fun, each a guarenteed prize and we did pretty well. While Kaylie went on a roller coaster too big for Josh I snuck him over to play two more games and he won big. lol A giant plush dog and an even bigger plush emu. He hugged the doggy so tight. Of all the toys they won it was his favorite. *Smile* Kaylie came off the roller coaster and we did a bouncy castle at that end. They had their time and Josh was having so much fun he got upset when someone had to come in and carry him out to me. lol Tantrum but it didn't last too long.

Then between games we had a chance for the part of the show I could do for just me while having the kids. The coin slots.!!! WOOT!!! Once a year I give myself permission to play a rediculous gambling game dropping 20c coins into tumble machines. I love those games. I changed up for $5 and dropped coins. Probably doubled my money but I play until it's gone. For me it's not the opportunity to make money in those games it's the playing, the chinging noice as the coins drop down the shoots. After I'd dwindled my coins into the machines we wandered onward.

By then it was getting late. The sun was starting to head down and it worked out well that we'd rounded and were heading home. It was well timed overall and we reached home just after dark in time for a quick dinner and then trying to settle the kids to sleep. After the busy day they wanted to stay and play with all their new toys so it took some convincing but it didn't take them long to konk out. They'll sleep well tonight.

Overall it was a great day for us as a family. In fact I think I enjoyed myself more this year then any other year I've taken the children. Without Paul I was in control of the day and I've gained the confidence I lacked in years before. Part of the time I remembered why I don't like crowds. I had to keep reminding myself that I wasn't in a hurry as the pace dropped to crawls sometimes.

One advantage of my lovely home, Perth, is that we're actually a pretty damn fine community. While I kept tight to my bags and purses there didn't seem to be any need to do so. There were others who were less cautious and no one seemed to care about an easy access handbag or something like that. I've not heard any issues of crime. I didn't see any lost children. There were very few tantrums. Kids were mostly well behaved. In such a large gathering of people I was surprised how well everyone managed to work together.

I have to admit there was a downside to my day. I used to be terrified of the rides when I was a child and never went on them. But these days I would love to. Being on my own with the kids however meant that I couldn't go on any of the rides myself. I'm thinking that next year I'll plan for the show twice. I'll plan a day to take the kids and do what we did today. Then another where I've arranged for a baby sitter and I go either by myself, with adult-only friends, or with a date. *Smile* Then I'd get to enjoy the event for myself, instead of living through the enjoyment of my kids. I mean doing THAT was great too, seeing how much fun they were having made it fun for me. But it would be a whole different show to do the adult instead of the family route.

Still, it was a fantastic and very expensive day. Thankfully it only comes once a year and I budget for it. To me this day out is part of living for my family. We go without food for a day out like this. *Smile* Oh, one downside, sunburn. I got a little too much of it today and I can feel the burn just tinting my skin. I'll have a cool shower and some after sun lotion later tonight so it'll golden instead of peel, it's not bad. *Smile* Josh looked a little pink cheeked too but that could be tiredness more than sun. I'll see how he looks in the morning.

So, it's over for the year. Now I'm seriously tight financially and have to work up some funds. lol Still, it was worth it. Now money saves for Christmas which is the next major expense I need to worry about. *shudders at how close that is*
October 4, 2006 at 9:43am
October 4, 2006 at 9:43am
Ok, forgive me for another creativity low. I'm totally uninspired to do anything interesting. In fact I'm only blogging because I'm supposed to blog. I've vowed to make every day blue and that means that despite not actually WANTING to write I'm doing it. That'll lead to a half assed blog.

Some news, today my opals from Krching arrived, valued at $2,500 AUD. They're beautiful. I've given them to my mother who wanted to show them off to some of her friends. I've also made my first sale and pocketed some cash. Not bad for doing very little and investing stuff all. *chuckles* I'm loving this new business. One more sale and I'll have covered all my costs. It really is as easy as my friends who introduced me said.

Beyond that it's been an uninteresting day. I've labored trying to write the reviews of the Tools of Poetry workshop submissions but didn't manage to bring myself to complete them.

Tomorrow I'm taking my kids to the Royal Show and at some point over the next few days I have to write up a short piece for Scarlett for the Blogville News. Apparently she'd like me to regal you all with the wonders of my homeland. *grins* It's certainly something I hope I can give justice. I'm looking forward to settling into it for a few hours to write and rewrite.

I've got to get those reviews and judging done too and lately I've been in the mood to get some more poetry written. I feel like I'm inbetween works again. I've got a tonne in my inbox too that I want to reply to. Maybe I should focus on clearing that out as soon as possible because all of those people are waiting to be responded to.

Anyway, this is a legit blog. Boring and rambling as it is. So I'm calling it quits and going off to watch a movie. *Smile*
October 3, 2006 at 11:42am
October 3, 2006 at 11:42am
Ok, today seems like someone put the clocks on fast forward. It's almost 11 already and I'm scrambling to do things that need to get done.


OMG turn away for a moment to do a few other things and it's getting closer to midnight now. Better scurry. Um...

Yeah so I don't know what to write about except that time has FLOWN by today. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments about last nights entry. I don't know why the topic came up but since the urge was there I went with it. *Smile* Sometimes doing that produces remarkable things.

Today going with the flow is likely to just end up with a scrambled gibberish cause I'm rushing and in a bit of a tizzy fluster. I can't concentrate. my throat hurts. I'm tired.

Had a busy day today. Decided to take my kids to the movies. It's school holidays here and they've been so good over the weekend while I was sick. Even though we got rained on and I managed to blow threw WAY too much money for a single day outing we had a good time. Lots of junk food. Lots of walking and a good movie as well. Garfield 2 and I have to say I think for a change the sequel is better than the first movie. But then with Garfield maybe it's not really a sequel, Garfield's been around so long that the original is someplace not Garfield the first movie.

In the end I've decided I should marry a royal and be done with it. It looks like a lovely life to live in a castle with huge beds and servents to do your bidding. No housework, immaculate home and grounds. Seems ideal. Where does one get money to live like that? *nods sadly* Old money that eventually runs out if not invested wisely or married money. I have no objections to marrying money. *Wink* I like the idea. Although having said that I don't think I'd marry a guy JUST because he is rich but after being married to a guy who had no interest in money I certainly value it's power over the material things in life.

Time is money and I've spent a lot of both today. Time seemed to flutter by without my watching and it's still doing it although I'm keeping an eye to the corner of my screen so that I can post this before the clock dimes the hour. No point rushing an entry if I post it a day late.

But you know. I'm going to call this is. Can't go from a brilliant entry one day and expect more brilliance after a hectic day and a late night. Maybe I'll try harder tomorrow.

Ohhh BTW. I think I wrote a story. And even more amazingly I accomplished it in 156 words for the DWC challenge. *Smile*
October 2, 2006 at 8:37am
October 2, 2006 at 8:37am
It was strange how quiet the house had become in recent weeks. My sister and I sat on the living room chair, close to each other, talking of times long past. Everyone spoke in whispers as if afraid to disturb sleep and yet the bright sunshine outside the window and the beautiful clear sky belied the hour.

Our mother was with the nurse in his room. Watching him, sharing a prayer with each other and asking the lords favor. I'd already spent an hour alone with him earlier, crying a little, rocking in the comfortable recliner or being still, pausing my own breath long enough to be sure he still did. His breath was so shallow and he didn't move. Morphine-induced coma to ease his final days.

I wept watching him, talking a little and wondering if he could hear me remember the happy times we'd had together. I looked around his room. We'd spent so much time in this one and the ones before it. I regretted in that moment not having spend more of his last year with him but I'd grown and begun a family of my own. A part of me felt selfish for having the joy of a life that knew romantic love and children of my own when his never would. Then I remembered the smiles my children brought to his face and the joy he had in my joy.

He room was exactly as it had always been. As if only that morning he'd be sitting in his favorite chair playing games on the Playstation with the fan blowing. All his things were away neatly as he'd always put them; orderly, organized.

I talked to him about the times I remembered and cherished the most. Riding our bikes in the deep mud puddles while it rained. Going on long trips as if we could venture the world with only our day clothes on our backs, a good pair of shoes and the peddles beneath our feet. To those who hadn't seen him live his life would have appeared a cage and yet I'd seen his freedom and his love of simple things.

The sun had never been his friend but he'd ventured under it knowing that in a way he might have made his life shorter in doing so. He knew a longer life was not better than a full life. I watched people turn away, whisper behind his back, jaws-droped in horror at his disfigured face. As a child I couldn't understand why they didn't see the boy I saw. I hero worshipped him and he was always beautiful to me. They didn't see the agony he endured either, or the temper that came from frustration with all he couldn't do.

I shared memories of games we'd played together. I'd read to him when his eyesight or impaired learning had prevented him from reading on his own. We shared tastes in music and movies, not because I had already loved those things but because in sharing his love of them I grew to understand and appreciate them myself.

We'd enjoyed memories in the sunshine and as many, perhaps more after dark. In the darkness nothing could stop him. The danger of the sunlight had passed and the night was his time. Raised to rejoice in the darkness after sunset I didn't feel we had a dimmer world. He was the sun. Bringing light into games out of doors and in. Torches in the backyard, dancing in the street when it was quiet and the only illumination were the irregular streetlights.

Walking in the chilly winter mornings as if it were the middle of a summer day. The brisk air invigorated us and we'd wander for blocks, knowing the streets were safe, they were our streets, we knew every way and back alley. We knew that in the spring the creek would fill with tadpoles (much to the disapproval of our parents when we'd brought home a hundred or so and they made themselves comfortable in the fishpond outside their window).

He knew everything, at least I believed he did in my years younger idolization of him. He knew bikes and skateboards, darts and pool. He was a master of computers when computers were new and my mother thought her typewriter was all the rage. He won awards for ten-pin bowling until his hands had grown thin with skin grafts and he could no longer comfortably hold the ball. He rode his motorbike fearlessly and on the few occasions he fell off, miles from home, he'd get back up, gaping wounds and all and push the bike all the way home.

That morning I sat remember things with my sister in the quiet house that felt like life had already drained. I listened to the gentle murmur of voices in the next room and the silence when all voices fell silent. We cried together for what seemed hours after and we laughed and she smiled at a life lived to he very core of living. Understanding the blessing in having known him, having had the opportunity to share so many gifted years with him when every day of the last twenty were meant to be his last.

We grieved together, each feeling lost in our own ways and none understanding exactly what this loss meant to the others. I'd lost a brother, my best friend and that was what he was to only me. He still lay silent in his bed, where he'd slept so many nights, and when we saw him after it I couldn't help but pause, waiting to see him breathe. He didn't breathe again.


I don't know why this came up again today. I've been thinking about it all afternoon and knew I wanted to put it in my blog tonight. I remember having written about my brothers final moments once before but right now I can't find it. *frowns* It would be interesting to compare the two. Anyway, the above is about my brother who was born with a condition called Xeroderma Pigmentosum Syndrome. Basically it means that his skin couldn't deal with sunlight the way it's supposed to so he burnt every time he came in contact with ultraviolet light. This lead to skin cancer, which eventually killed him. He was diagnosed at age two and given a life expectancy of five years, he lived to see his twenty-seventh birthday. *smiles* My brother, one of love's miracles.
October 1, 2006 at 9:24pm
October 1, 2006 at 9:24pm
Ok, signs of sickness starting to alleviate today and I just realised I have a couple of hours to post a blog entry to start the month off blue. I was doing pretty well last month. Except for that one black mark and then the last day. Darn getting sick though, it completely wipes me out.

Odds are I have strep throat. *sighs* It hurts to talk and it hurts to swallow. Thankfully the fever is gone for the moment but the headache lingers. I've eaten two meals in the past three days. One of which was chicken soup the other pumpkin soup. The pumpkin left a very strange orange sticky residue in my mouth, probably because I couldn't swallow properly.

Anyway, TMI (too much information) basically I think I'm on the mend because I'm functioning a little better today. Actually sitting at the computer and drinking a cup of tea however stiltingly. Also hungry this morning but had to wait for my mother to drop in with some milk since my little ones had helped themselves to mine over the weekend.

My brain is flopping about today not really with it yet. I did a little reading and a lot of sleeping this weekend. In a way it's been good to completely kick back. The sore throat isn't so good, nor was the fever and headaches but it gave me a reason to just stay in bed and be miserable. Not very often you have a good excuse to do that. *Wink*

Ok, so that's me, looking at the silver lining in ever rain cloud. *Pthb* I'm good at doing that. Watched a movie at some point, probably Friday night. It was called Pollyanna. About a little girl who's joy in the world was infection, she taught people around the town she moved too after the death of her parents a game her father had taught her. The Glad Game. Where no matter what is going wrong in your life you find something to be glad about. I've always believed in doing that too because I believe that everything that goes wrong happens for a reason in life. Everything that's happened has brought you to this moment and life is exactly as it is meant to be.

Fatalistic. Not that you shouldn't bother to improve your situation, just that there is no point regreting choices in your past or opportunities missed because if you'd taken those routes you'd not be who you are today.

Anyway, still sick, running out of time, and way TOO big a sort of topic to think about covering while my brain is still floating around elsewhere. I'm about to have some breakfast and will probably return to bed with another book or a movie very soon. *Smile*

Thank you everyone who's send me well wishes. It's lovely to know I'm thought of even when I'm not here. *Smile* I'll hopefully be all better very soon. *waves*
September 29, 2006 at 8:28am
September 29, 2006 at 8:28am
If the fever is gone tomorrow I'll fill this out. Have a great day everyone.
September 28, 2006 at 10:54am
September 28, 2006 at 10:54am
So Mum actually dislikes the name but I think it's pretty cute. Today we went jointly into another venture. We invest from time to time in things jointly both going halves on the outgoing and reaping the benefits in halves too. It works out very well for us in most cases and I expect it will in this too. *Smile*

Krching is the name of a great business opportunity. It's local to Perth, Western Australia but trades all over the world (except Russia and China apparently) From what I understand it's a great chance to get in on the ground level of a business unlike anything I've ever seen before.

I don't really understand it all too well just yet but I'm learning more and more. From what I do understand we bought opals developed in Australian mines. These are unique Oora Opals that are quite valuable. Not only do you get your opal but you also receive membership placement on a board. You're encouraged to sell opals to two other people and then you get a comission. They are in turn encouraged to sell opals as well and the more you sell the more you make.

It's not just opals either. Krching deal with herbal remedies and travel. As a member we get discounts and points that accumulate and can be used on these products as well as business cards and letterheads etc. Oh and wine. There might be some other products I don't know about yet. Again, the more you sell the more you make.

I sound very exciting and today we saw the beautiful opals a friend had already purchased and received. She was thinking of turning them into jewellery. They were particularly stunning, especially when we went outside and watched the way they captured the sun. Ohhh I had my camera in my bag I should have got a picture. *sighs* Oh well, when I pick up my opals I'll take a photo.

Meanwhile, I'll be looking into everything this business offers and how it all works. The deal sounds very enticing and it took a lot of effort to convince me it wasn't too good to be true. *chuckles* I'm naturally sceptical because my family has gone into lots of 'get rich quick' schemes and been disappointed. This one sounds something altogether different. In a way I guess it's sales but so many people make good money on eBay or trading on the web that it sounds like something I could do.

The opals are enticing too. Australia is lucky to be rich in opal deposits. We ship the precious gems all over the world. In fact opals aren't worth a mint in this country because their rather common but the rest of the world loves our opals. *chuckles* Go figure. I mean I used to have an opal as a child, a natural blue, I can't remember how I got it but reflecting I realise it was probably worth a fair bit of money if I'd had it valued.

Anyway, it's late, wow! really late. Oh, one rant before I go. DAMN AIRCONDITIONER INSTALLER MEN!!! As it grew dark tonight I went to turn on some lights in the house. But the light wouldn't go on. I figured ahh a blown globe so went to get a new one and the kitchen wouldn't go on and the laundry, and the bathroom, and EVERY ROOM's light wasn't working. Nor was the alarm system. Or the bathroom heater/fan. Basically power to everything that goes through the roof is gone.

Strangely all the power points, the wall points still work. So I have TV and computers and alarm clocks, microwave, fridge, etc. all the appliances, just no lights. Apparently they stuffed something up when wiring in the aircon today. *pouts* It was already too late to call them when I realised but I called my step father and after we determined it wasn't just a fuse he took their details and said he'd call them for me in the morning.

They better be over ASAP tomorrow to fix it and if they think they can charge me for that they've got another thing coming. Overall while I LOVE the new aircon I was very displeased with the service. Sure the younger one was cute and it felt nice to be chatted up a little. But that was before my family arrived. He shut up good and proper when the troops got here. And wow, he got stroppy when we insisted on having the unit wall mounted instead of blocking the path between the shed and the house. I mean seriously, it HAD to be mounted because otherwise it blocks the access from front yard to back.

They charge extra for wall mounting which is fair enough but gee you'd think they'd be nice about having to do it, especially since we willing paid the extra. And then he had to charge even more to main wire it to the grounds. So a job that was supposed to cost $440 ended up costing $580. Which was MORE than the actual airconditioner cost. It cost more to install then it did to buy. That's just rediculous.

*sighs* Anyway, this rant turned out more rantish then I'd planned. Basically I'm peeved and won't be recommending these people to my friends. I do however recommend Krching (email me if you want to know more) *Wink* Which reminds me, I got invited to a Tupperware party. WOOT!! *chuckles* Ok, time for bed. G'night all and have a great day.

PS. The aircon makes me sneeze. What's up with that?
September 27, 2006 at 7:30am
September 27, 2006 at 7:30am
*yawns* I'm wiped out, too tired to do anything, even blog so I'm going to bed. Got the article written and it's probably the struggle to do that over the past two days. Now it's done my body is revolting and telling me to leave it alone. I'm going to listen. *Smile* Will edit this into a real blog entry tomorrow.


Well I said I'd write a proper entry but I've had a busy morning. So I'm writing now, and will add todays entry later tonight too. So I have a topic to save for tonight. *grins*

Guess what? I have an AIRCONDITIONER!!!! WOOT!!! And it's soooo nice and chilly cold. It'll be the first summer when we'll be able to keep at least one room in the house cool. It's great to have it too now spring is here in full swing.

Still, it cost an arm and a leg. The unit cost less to buy then it did to install.

But I have to say one of the two men installing it was pretty cute. *Wink* He chatted me up a little too. I think he was disappointed to hear that I planned to avoid the TV all weekend.

It's Footy season grand final and the West Coast Eagles are playing half of Perth is very excited (and the other half feel like their team got shanted).

Football is not my sport. I know how the game works. Bugged my exhusband offen enough trying to share the game with him but eventually I just gave up and left him to watch it while I entertained myself doing things I liked. Now I'm single I'm thankful not to have to be subjected to the game if I don't want to be. lol Still, my daughter enjoys the game but I think it's mostly because her Daddy always liked it.

The bathroom got finished today too. Officially finished inside the bathroom with a silicon seal around the tub since the plaster grouting had cracked from movement in the bath. The builders also patched the wall outside. The one they'd put a hole in to fix a plumbing issue. But that'll need to be sanded and repainted.

Ohhh and my driveway got used for the first time today and didn't break. *grins* Yep, the workmen who came to install the aircon pulled onto the driveway. My mother had been concerned that because the front bricks weren't cemented all the way to the road they might crack with the weight of a car on them. I didn't think so but we've got enough bricks to replace some if any break.

Of course their ute left MARKS on my driveway. Two very clear tire tracks blemishing my beautiful paving. So inconsiderate. *Wink* It was nice to see the driveway in use and I look forward to when I've saved enough money to get the front half done as well. We didn't do it yet because of the council issues but I'll save up and have it done soon enough.

I'm suffering from some strange illness I think. Because again it's early and I'm so very tired. It hasn't been a very busy day either. I'm just feeling drained and wiped out all the time. I don't think it's related to BPD although I guess it could be. If it is then it should ease as of today.

Now, how's that for a reasonable entry? A whole lot of nothing. lol It's enough. I'll post again in a little bit to give today it's real entry. *chuckles* Couldn't go letting yesterday down.

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