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by Noyoki
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1989815
This is a personal Challenge to write 500 words a day. Join me on my Journey.
The Challenge: Write 500 words every day for a year.

Can I do it? Join me and find out!
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March 6, 2015 at 10:51pm
March 6, 2015 at 10:51pm
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Do you feel that a book that was signed by the author has more value and meaning or do you love the book for the story itself?

I’m of two minds about this. Obviously a book with the author’s signature has more monetary value than one which doesn’t. The same can be said of first addition books. But, for me, a signature doesn’t change the meaning of the story. I don’t have any signed books, but that doesn’t mean they are less meaningful to me because of that.

Story is all important to me. It’s the same with movies. I don’t know many actors by name because they, as people, don’t matter to me. The characters are what stick in my mind, not the man behind the mask so to speak.

Let's Talk about fatal attraction: Have you ever been attracted to someone ... I mean seriously attracted to someone that you don't even like or admire but secretly it is their less than ideal side that excites you.

Sometimes a fatal attraction doesn’t have to be towards another person. There’s a whole show titled: Fatal Attractions dealing with people who bring wild animals in as pets and often pay the ultimate price for it. That’s the first thing that came to my mind when I read this prompt.

One of the more amazing stories was of a man who’d managed to keep a fully grown tiger in a New York apartment. They’d apparently lived together in the apartment for a few years and probably would have lived fine for longer if he hadn’t brought in a stray cat one day. The tiger didn’t like the other feline invading his territory and the guy got bit when he tried to keep the tiger from eating the cat. One of the things I like about this series is that it isn’t just the normal animals like tigers and bears but animals you’d never thing about like buffalo that can turn dangerous.

Aside from animals and people, we can also be driven to engage in fatal activities that we simply can’t deny. A perfect example is John F. Kennedy Jr. He loved to fly and wanted to take flying lessons, but his mother was worried about him flying alone and forbid him from doing so. He agreed, but after she died, he decided to take up flying and on July 16, 1999 his plane crashed into the Atlantic killing him and his wife.

Personally, I’ve never been in a ‘fatal attraction’ situation when it came to relationships or potential relationships. That’s one of the good things about marrying your High School sweetheart. There weren’t a whole lot of dangerous men at my high school, and I don’t know any as an adult.

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The "How To" article is a staple of popular magazines. We don't always need informative-yet-boring "How To" articles...what we sometimes need is "How NOT To" advice. Try to make us laugh and tell us a good way of not doing something.

How NOT to give a cat a Bath. If you want to avoid the nightmare known as wet, soaped, furious felines, follow these simple rules:

1. If you’re painting a room, keep the cat away. Curiosity is a famous feline trait, and I guarantee that the cat will wait until you’re looking at it to rub up against the wet wall.

2. If you have small children, keep all markers/paints/etc. out of reach. Yes, blue cats are amazing, but getting ink out of white fur is devilishly tricky.

3. Pay attention to where the cat is when you’re carrying food from one place to another. All it takes is one careless attempt at an ankle rub for a whole bowl of tomato soup to go flying, drenching you, the cat, and the surrounding area.

If you follow these simple directives, you’ll spare yourself a great deal of pain, humiliation, and mess. Chasing a sopping wet cat who’s escaped the tub around the house is not fun for you or the cat.

Word Count: 566

March 5, 2015 at 7:39pm
March 5, 2015 at 7:39pm
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Prompt: What is your go-to party song? What song would you play to hype people up? Include a link, embed a youtube video, or just give the song title and who it's by.

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Dancing is not my thing. Well, not my thing is an understatement. I don’t dance. But…if I did dance, there’s one awesome band made for dancing. Dancing and singing along. That’s Aqua. They have a style all their own, and one that almost makes me want to try to dance. Thankfully for everyone involved, I don’t give in to the urge.

I’m not much for partying either. Meh, I’m anti-social really and I don’t mind not going out to socialize with others and get drunk. *Shudders* I’ve heard far too many stories about pranks being pulled on people after they’ve drunk themselves into oblivion to trust getting trashed around a big group of people I might not know personally.

So my suggestion is sort of a wistful offering of what I might theoretically play if I were to ever venture out of my bubble and throw a party.

Prompt: You are having a nightmare. You chose a door and open it. What adventure do you have?

I’m running, but each step I take feels like quick sand under my feet. Every attempt I make to find traction ends in failure and something is coming. I don’t know how I know this, but I can almost feel the putrid breath of the beast on my back. Why am I going so slow? It’s going to get me. This is just like those cheesy nightmare sequences where no matter how fast or hard I run, I can’t get away….oh

I stop trying to run. While I might not be brave enough to turn and face the creature – if you die in a dream you die in real life – I don’t panic. Instead, I close my eyes and focus. To my relief, an ancient oak door appears from thin air and without hesitation I grab the thick iron ring and pull it open. Something roars in fury behind me and I throw myself through the bright opening only to crash land at the base of the Iron Throne. Joffey stares down at me and his eyes are like ice, so terribly unamused by my sudden appearance. “Guards!”

Maybe I was better off with the monster I’d left behind.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Do you believe in miracles? Why, or why not?

I don’t believe in miracles mostly because the things people say are miracles are often statistically possible. A child who has a fatal disease suddenly gets better, but that’s just one child, and each case has been a disease that wasn’t 100% fatal. An accident that should have killed but didn’t is another example. It is statistically possible for a very small percentage of people in normally deadly accidents to survive unharmed.

To me these things aren’t miracles, just the normal statistics of a planet that holds billions of people. I think a miracle has to be something impossible, like the old bible miracles. Someone who is well and truly dead coming back to life, or someone who scientifically cannot see being given back their sight.

A miracle in my mind isn’t one terminally ill child getting well, it’s all of them in one hospital suddenly becoming healthy overnight. For me, that would be a true miracle.

Word Count: 504
March 4, 2015 at 10:36pm
March 4, 2015 at 10:36pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: You have entered the house of your favorite author. You find a copy of their latest book. It is about you! Do you open it and read it? Are you brave enough to read how your story ends? What do you do?

Well…I’m not sure how well that would turn out for me considering the fact that Stephen King is my favorite author. There are any number of ways I might end up dead by the end of one of his stories, and I don’t fancy being eaten by a giant spider!

Then again, he is a fiction writer, and I’d be terribly curious about what macabre creation he would make of my humble life. One of the things I love most about his writing is his ability to take some seemingly normal place, with normal people, and turn everything upside down. When you start reading one of his stories, it always feels like it could happen in your town.

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Name a time when you broke a rule or law. Did you get caught, or did you get away with it?

I was never a huge rule breaker as a child, and I’m not much of a law breaker as an adult. Though I do have a lead foot, I’ve managed to never get pulled over for it. *Crosses fingers* Now that I’ve said that, I’m going to get pulled over the next time I drive and I’m too awkward to try and pull off flirty female to try and get out of a ticket.

All of my rule breaking involves other people getting me into mischief. The one that first came to mind when I read this prompt was back when I was still living in Nevada. In middle school, one of my best friends came up with a brilliant idea to pass a few lunch breaks. We went into the little girls’ room and got wads of paper towels wet. Then, we threw them at the ceiling to see if they would stick. The experiment was less than satisfying because the towels were too heavy to stay up there.

Then we had a new thought, what about toilet paper? Amazing! Not only did it stick, it literally exploded like giant spit balls! Thinking back on it now, I can only shake my head and laugh. Throwing wads of wet TP at ceilings is hardly the normal pastime of pre-teen girls. We should have been giggling over boys and putting on make-up or something.

We would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for our own big mouths. After this adventure, we bragged to all our other friends, and it got back to the teachers. She was the one who’d been caught, but since we’d had the fun together, I figured we might as well share the punishment too, so I felon my toilet paper roll sword, and confessed. We got a month of detentions and had to clean the cafeteria after lunch every day.

That wasn’t my only adventure with toilet paper, and this leads to one of the laws I’ve actually broken. Five years later, I was part of a synchronized swim team in high school. Apparently, they had a ritual of going around town stealing toilet paper from store bathrooms and then getting together to TP the house of a former coach of the team. We made it through the massive theft of TP all around town without getting caught, and even managed to get a lot of the lawn, trees, and front of the house covered before they noticed and came out. We didn’t get in trouble, thankfully, but did end up getting a lot of pictures. Heck, we didn’t even have to clean up the mess, and believe me…there was a serious mess.

The lady said something like “Wow, I’ve never seen someone TP the grass before.”

Word Count: 582
March 3, 2015 at 7:00pm
March 3, 2015 at 7:00pm
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Seeing as how it's only the 3rd, I don't think it's fair to do an actual "Two-Fer Tuesday" prompt. Instead, pump your own tires...share with us an item of yours that you're especially proud of.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1926061 by Not Available.

I’m going to offer up this little gem for your consideration. There used to be a contest called 100 Words of Horror. This was an excellent exercise which taught me the value of each word I type. They would provide an image, and you had to write a 100 word story about it.

This one was a photo of a small yellow ocean fish. It was in beautiful blue water, and the image was so serene that I had to think about how to twist it into something frightening. One of the things I liked most about this contest was how much you had to pare down your writing. Every word mattered, and you had to give each one consideration. How much description should I use? How much action? What sort of characters should I have?

Anyway, I enjoyed how this piece turned out. I played a lot with description in this work trying to make the reader see the scene as it unfolded. Being in the ocean, I could have had a shark, or some other monster from the deep appear, but I wanted the fish to be the monster. There’s something delightfully terrible about taking something innocent and turning it into a nightmare.

Flash fiction is a charming, and at times maddening, challenge and one that I suggest everyone try at some point. 100 words is the lowest count I’ve ever tried, but there are some that take it even lower.
On a bet, Ernest Hemingway wrote a 6 word story that could make people cry:

For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.

Even though we have no idea who the characters are, there are no descriptions or dialogue, we can see the story behind these six words unfold in our mind. That is the art of a good piece of flash fiction.

Review of "Poetic Explorations" for PandaPaws Licensed VetTech
Review of "Sam I Am - Food Blogger" for Prosperous Snow celebrating
Review of "The sorrow" for Cheri Annemos

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Prompt: What is your opinion on the idea of competition? Is competition a good thing or a bad thing, and does it promote progress at all?

I believe competition is part of human nature. Even if we wanted to, we wouldn’t be able to remove that part from our psyche. Yes, competition can get out of hand. This can be best observed in a certain type of parent who takes their children’s sports too seriously. For them, it’s all about the win. They don’t care if they’re making fools of themselves, or of they make their children hate the game. All they care about is whether or not their child’s team wins.

Competition isn’t all bad though. Without competition, we might not be motivated enough to improve ourselves or our jobs. If you see others out doing you, then you feel impelled to improve so that you keep up with them.

We can use people higher up to inspire us. Sometimes it might be out of spite. “I’ll show them!” But whatever the reason, you are still pushing yourself to go forward and to progress.

There are some dangers to competition as well. Companies might become too focused on the drive to be the best that they start taking short cuts. While this might work in the short run, in the long run as products start to fail and there are investigations, it can destroy the company.

Competition has its place in our lives. It’s not something we should discard completely, but as long as we allow it to be used reasonably, we can benefit from the competitive edge without cutting ourselves.

Word Count: 550
March 2, 2015 at 5:36pm
March 2, 2015 at 5:36pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Madeleine L'Engle said, "Slowly, slowly I am learning to listen to the book, in the same way I try to listen in prayer. If the book tells me to do something completely unexpected, I heed it; the book is usually right." What do you think she meant?

To me, this seems like the difference between two different camps of thought for writing novels. One group would understand what Madeleine was talking about from the start, but the other would have a harder time not grasping the concept so much as giving up control.

It all comes down to the people who outline, and the people who don’t. Some authors, like Stephen King, get an idea, and run with it. They unearth the book the way archeologists unearth a dinosaur skeleton. They listen to the book, and follow where it leads. I’ve also heard it referred to frolicking in the tulips.

Those who outline look at the non-outliners like they’re insane. How can they sit down and start writing without having a hundred pages of character charts, detailed outlines, and note-cards covered in plot? I think this quote is more for the outliners. People who want to stick to their ridged format, and find it very difficult to sit back and listen to the book.

By stepping outside the outline, we can sometimes finds paths through the woods we never would have seen before. It can be difficult and frightening to break away from the outline and follow our characters when they start to come alive and begin making their own choices, but some of the best writing can be found by doing just that. Then again, some epic plot bunnies have taken over novels, leaving authors in a tangled mess too. So listen to the book, but don’t let it get completely out of hand.

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WILDCARD MONDAY!! March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb (or vice/versa). What are you most looking forward to this spring?

I’m looking forward to the end of winter. Living in Nebraska, it feels like we have two seasons. It’s either 1,000 years of winter, or 1,000 years of summer. There’s hardly ever a spring or fall. No matter which season it is, it feels like it’s been that season forever. The second truth is that you dearly wish for it to be the opposite of whatever season you’re in.

So I’m excited for the long winter to end, though I’m sure that after a few weeks of summer, I’ll be longing for the cold to return.

Another thing I’m looking forward to is breaking out my bike. I need to get the tires replaced, but then I’ll be able to ride again. This year, we’re going to get Shane a real bike. It’ll be fun to teach him how to ride. That’ll be our learning adventure this summer.

This year, I’m also thinking about having Shane’s birthday party at a kids’ water park. For the last two years we’ve been going to an indoor park that the kids love. It’s a pretty awesome place full of jumping castles, giant train sets, swing sets, and a room full of gigantic building blocks. Still, I want to do something different this year, so the water park it is.

I’m also looking forward to the nice weather so we can go to the park. One of the worse things about winter is having to keep a four year old cooped up inside. He’s an endless bundle of energy, and I can’t wait until all that energy can be let loose out in the open instead of running wild in the house.

Word Count: 536
March 1, 2015 at 9:30pm
March 1, 2015 at 9:30pm
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The Sunday News: Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation.


This is a story about a couple who’ve been married longer than most people live. They’re celebrating their 82nd anniversary. One of the reasons I chose this story is because it is a feel good story. With all of the death and destruction in the news today, it’s nice to find something uplifting. Here is a couple who made it past all the odds, and are still together after everything. They’ve both lived over 100 years and it’s amazing that they’re still alive, and together.

What’s even more amazing is that they’re both in relatively good health. While hearing and sight are starting to go, they still have their memories. In fact, at the end of the article it says that Veillard starts his day at 5 A.M with 5 to 7 push-ups. As embarrassing as this sounds, I can’t do 5 to 7 push-ups. *Blushes* I’m not as healthy as a 108 year old man. Jeeze, I need to work on that.

Anyway, I love the idea that this couple not only got to see their five children grow, and meet their 12 grandchildren, but they’re still around to know their 14 great-grandchildren. For me, this is a bit bitter-sweet. My husband’s grandmother died last year, and I know my son won’t remember her even though they were so close. He didn’t live long enough to make solid memories. I would have loved for her to have been able to see him learn and grow.

I would love to sit down and talk to them. Imagine everything they’ve seen in their lives. I’d also like to ask about their relationship. With so many marriages breaking up, and families split so many times that there can be three or four kids each with a different father, not to mention the number of step-children, I would love to know their thoughts on marriage.

That and I’d love to know about raising five kids. I have a heck of a time with just one, I can’t imagine how difficult five must be. I’d also like to talk to the great-grandchildren. What do they think about their great-grandparents? Have they learned a lot from them? I bet the holidays are crazy fun.

In our family, there are a bunch of grandkids on my husband’s side. Shane is the youngest, and he’s only been able to join the group alone for the last year or so. Before that, he was too little, and it was too easy for the bigger kids to either hurt or forget about him. I was so excited for him to join the puppy pack and get to play with them. Now they’re all starting to grow up, and that’s sort of sad on its own. Unless I have another kid, Shane will always be the youngest of the group. He doesn’t seem to notice, and I’m so glad that he has Gracie to play with, but I do wish there were a few more boys in the family closer to his age.
September 15, 2014 at 9:55pm
September 15, 2014 at 9:55pm
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Prompt: Do celebrity endorsements of particular products influence your decision to purchase and/or use them? Would you be more likely to lean toward a different brand than your usual if the company were to use a spokesperson more to your liking?

I'm not interested in celebrity endorsements. In truth, I don't know most celebs. For me, it's all about the character. Very few celebrities make it past the character in my mind. There are a couple, but when I think of celebs I don't think about their real lives, or whatever's going on with them. I think about who they played, and what characters I liked best. I know some people get angry at celebs for their beliefs or actions, but I don't pay attention to that. All I care about is how well they bring whatever character they're playing to life. If they're good at that, then I'm happy.

Not happy enough to buy something just because it has their face on it, but happy anyway.

I am ensnared in the name brand trick though. Yes, I know that name brands don't really matter when compared to off brands, but I prefer Dr. Pepper to whatever that oddball one is. Sure, it's a waste of money, but I do have name brand loyalty.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: If you could invent anything new, what would it be?

If I could invent something new, it would be techno dust. This would be the height of technological advances. You would by a little container of dust, and sniff it. Then, little nano bots would invade your brain and latch onto the proper places. The result would be mind to computer interface.

It would be your cell phone, your laptop, any gaming system you could imagine. All you'd have to do is close your eyes, or engage the cyber view to access all of it. Imagine being able to look stuff up with a thought, to see an overlay on your vision of data. You could check e-mail, read news papers, and have live interactive computer games where you are walking around in the real world, but the program overlays a fantasy world over that. You'd be able to see and interact with other people who are also in the game.

You could close your eyes and watch a movie play out in your mind. Or, for those people who are really egotistical, you could create theme music to go with your day to day life. That would be an entertaining feature. Think about your life, and having theme appropriate music for whatever is going on. For people like me, it could put a glowing arrow for me to follow whenever I have to go somewhere new.

The risk of technology like this would be hackers. I'm sure having someone hijack your brain would be bad. The question would be if they are just able to access data, or if they can take you over. Then there would be the danger of internet viruses and how something like that might affect the brain. It would certainly create a whole new group of diseases that would have to be dealt with.

Even though the risks are high, I still think it would be a great invention. Perhaps in my lifetime we'll see something similar. Mind to technology integration seems to be the next step to me.

Word Count: 508
September 14, 2014 at 7:22pm
September 14, 2014 at 7:22pm

Ugh, for the last month and a half I haven't been keeping up with everyone else's blogs. Truthfully, if it weren't for the fact that I've challenged myself to write every day, I wouldn't have been keeping up with my blog either. I've been in kind of a slump, and I need to shake it off, I know.

So, starting tomorrow I'll go back to my reading three of each from both groups each day. I've been such a procrastinator this week. I just finished doing all of my assignments for my writing class, which I hadn't even looked at until 2 this afternoon. Of course, they were all due today. I need to stop doing that. I know I do.

Well I think that joining the October Prep will help me kill off my procrastinating nature. That's going to be almost as much work as NaNo itself. There are things that need to be done every day. That's good, I won't be able to put things off until the last minute. That's what happened with my blog fro the last month and a half. Instead of doing it when I get off work, and reading everyone else's, I started putting it off and not doing it until half an hour before bed. Of course, then I didn't have a chance to read anyone else's work. Naughty, naughty.

Writing every day is harder than I thought. Even after 134 days, there are still days when I don't feel like writing. Today is even worse because I've been writing for the past four hours to get all my writing stuff done before it was due. Knocking out another 500 words on top of that almost makes me want to cry.

Another problem I've noticed is that I got used to writing in present tense in my blog, and it's screwing up my past tense writing when I try to write a story. Darn it all. I just can't win for losing. That and the stupid ' " are still broken, so I have to write straight into the site instead of writing on a word doc then copy and pasting over. I think this is only a problem for people who have windows 8. It doesn't seem to have the same problem when viewed on windows 7. I hope they get that issue fixed sometime. I'd hate to try and write my whole Nano novel on the site instead of in a word doc or writing program.

And I still need another hundred words. *bawls* You know what's going to be really hard? November. November is going to be evil when it comes to writing a novel, and keeping up with my blog. I'm not going to stop giving my 500 words for here, so I'm going to be writing so much. I tried to get one of my friends to write with me, but he just laughed. He's in his second semester of College, so I guess he has a good excuse, but still. No fair. He should suffer too!

Word Count: 510
September 13, 2014 at 11:33pm
September 13, 2014 at 11:33pm
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Prompt: Describe to me the scene of the crime where the murder took place from the murderer's point of view. If you view energetic, try it from the victim's point of view. Remember it's creation Saturday and the key word is creation.

My eyes slid shut and I did my best to hide a smile. It was easy enough to slip into the growing crowd of gawkers and observe first hand the dance my art created. The scene strobed with red and white from the police cars, and we are all held back behind a thin strip of crime tape guarded by a rookie who scowled oh so impressively in an attempt to make up for the fact that he was here and not with the body.

The body. I remember the flavor of fear in her large doe brown eyes. My hand dipped into my pocket to brush over the small silver locket I'd taken as a token to remember her by. After all, she was lucky number seven. Perhaps not as lovely as number three, or as frightened as number six, but still perfect and beautiful in her own way.

Dying leaves drifted down from the trees. Fall was always my favorite time of year, and the burnt oranges and vivid reds go well with her earth brown dress. The blood added just the right accent to her pale face and I must admit the park was perhaps the perfect backdrop for her beautiful death.

Seven living...or should I say dead...pieces of art, and like any artist, I craved recognition for my work. Watching the officers work, I'm again forced to suppress a smile. Perhaps they would get closer to the truth this time, but I doubted it. No, my game of fox and hounds would continue for many years to come. Of that I had little doubt.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: It's Saturday and the flea market is open. What treasures did you discover? Do you actively look for certain items? Or do you buy closed boxes because you like mysteries? What kind of shopper are you?

I tend to shop in situations like this like a curios bird. My eye is drawn to shiny things, and I often go towards whatever catches my eye. One of the booths that struck my fancy was of a bunch of different rocks. I think of it as the pretty rock booth. It has a huge assortment of stones that have been polished, nothing super fancy like diamonds or anything, but still pretty in their own right. There's also an assortment of little fossil captured in stone, so I have to buy a few of those.

One of the things I actively hunt for are tiny boxes. I love little wooden boxes, metal, stone, glass...all sorts. They're one of the few things I collect. That, and small dragon or wolf statues. We have a nice collection of both.

I don't think I'd ever buy an unopened box. I'm particular about what I buy, so I wouldn't want to risk getting a box full of old lady perfume or frog statues.

So, small boxes, shiny rocks, maybe bath stuff if there's a stand with homemade soap, and perhaps some sweets if there's a sweet stand.

As you can see, I would sort of flit around checking things out and hunting for the stuff that strikes my fancy. With flea markets, you never really know what you might find, so you have to go and look at all the different booths. For me, it feels a bit like a treasure hunt, and you never know what might be around the next corner.

Word Count: 528
September 12, 2014 at 10:55pm
September 12, 2014 at 10:55pm
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Prompt: Tell me about your favorite hobbies? Why do you do them? Could you teach someone else how to do them?

My two favorite hobbies are reading and writing. I know, not quite as cool as making Russian Nesting Dolls, but such is life. When I was younger, I liked to draw. I was one of those people in the awkward position of being better than average, but not good enough for it to matter.

I come from a family of artists. My grandmothers on both sides are amazing painters, and I have a cousin who paints for a living. I was given just a touch of the gift, and my idiot brother got the whole thing. It drives me absolutely crazy because he never did anything with it. He was good enough that he could have done illustrations for kids books or even cartoons, but he didn't go down that road. I would have loved to have his natural talent and be able to draw for a living.

In one of those ironies of life, the sort of thing that makes you think maybe there is a God and he likes laughing at us, my brother now gets to use his talent as a career of sorts. He's in prison, and he's started up a card business. He does all sorts of cards, Christmas, Birthdays, Mother's days, etc. He even decorates the envelopes. His other money (envelope) making business is making rings out of Popsicle sticks. It's insane, but they're amazing. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd go down stairs and get mine, take a picture, and show you guys. Maybe tomorrow.

Well, I kind of got off topic and ranted a little there. Hmm, my hobbies wouldn't be too impossible to teach. Though, I think reading is something people enjoy or don't. Writing does require a degree of natural talent, but I think that everyone can learn the basics.

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Prompt: We all know it's WDC's 14th Birthday. And they are having lots of parties this month. Well, you are invited to a theme party. However the theme is rather unusual everyone must come as a human emotion. What's your costume? Remember it is funny Friday!

I know this is supposed to be funny Friday, but if I ever went to a costume party as an emotion it would have to be this:

This is Ulquiorra Cifer the Cuatro Espada in Aizen's army from the anime Bleach. The reason I chose him to do a cosplay of is due to his other title. He's known as the Espada of Despair and Emptiness.

Ulquiorra Quotes:

"Kurosaki Ichigo... Those are the words of a man who does not know true despair. Very well... I shall teach it to you. Now you will know true despair..."

"I envy because of the heart
I glutton because of the heart
I covet because of the heart
I am prideful because of the heart
I sloth because of the heart
I rage because of the heart
Because of the heart
I lust for everything about you"

"You humans are always talking about hearts. It’s as if you have them in your hand. But my eye sees everything. Nothing can escape it. What it doesn’t see doesn’t exist. That’s how I’ve always fought. That's how I've always lived. What is a heart? If I rip open your chest, will I find it there? If I crack open your skull, will I find it there?"

I have to say, Ulquiorra is by far one of my favorite bad guys. Even though he's only a part of the show for a while, he's still fantastic. Perhaps the one twist I can give this towards humor is that he's male, and I'm female. Soooo, I'd have to do a gender blender to come as him to the party. *Laughs*

I've never done any sort of cosplay before, so if I did go to this party, it would be stepping out of my comfort zone. Someday I hope to go to some of the different Cons. Like Comicon or DragonCon. There's a lot of cosplay there, but I'm more interested in meeting the people behind the creations and perhaps building connections. A lot of different authors in the genera's I write go to these conventions.

Word Count: 503

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