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by Noyoki
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1989815
This is a personal Challenge to write 500 words a day. Join me on my Journey.
The Challenge: Write 500 words every day for a year.

Can I do it? Join me and find out!
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September 11, 2014 at 10:38pm
September 11, 2014 at 10:38pm
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Does intuition exist or is it sheer coincidence? I am told there are two senses of intuition. One is the immediate awareness and the other is a mode of knowledge based on apprehension. Is it possible that someone can instinctively know without the use of rational processes. What do you think? Or is it just a plain dumb lucky guess.

I believe that a degree of intuition exists. To me, it is sort of like sense of direction, or an aptitude for mathematics. It's something you're born with to a greater or lesser degree. For some people, they might have no intuition at all, and for others, they appear almost psychic because of the highly developed sense of intuition.

Perhaps one of the reasons people doubt intuition is because of how they look at it. If you look at intuition as an all or nothing thing, then of course it doesn't seem like a real thing. It would be like sense of smell, either you have it or not. But, if you look at it as something you can have a little or a lot of, it makes more sense.

I think intuition is a holdover from when life wasn't so civilized. This is an idea Stephen King explores in his book The Stand. He explained it like this: What is the point of instantly knowing your husband died when you'll get a phone call letting you know in half an hour or so? It's like our sense of smell in a way, something that has become less used as we become more technologically savvy, and so it atrophied.

Even though it no longer plays such a big part in our lives, I believe that we still have a touch of true intuition.

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What were you doing and where were you on 9-11 when the twin towers were attacked?

When I read this prompt, I had to think about how old I was when it happened. For some reason, I thought I was younger than I was when it happened. I thought I was under age 12 because I thought I was still living in Reno when it happened. Nope, I was 16. >.< I was only off by like four years.

While my time sense is clearly out of whack, I do recall where I was when the planes hit. I was in school, in a government or social studies type class. I don't recall which exactly, just something to do with all the government stuff. It probably had some odd name that no one ever remembers after they've left school.

Anyway, I think our teacher was kind of an idiot. S/He turned on the TV and we watched the whole thing for the rest of the class. That wasn't the most sensitive thing to do, but such is life. There was a lot of worry and speculation that we might get hit because there's a 'secret' hidden bunker type place near here where the president went afterward to be safe.

Nebraska is pretty far away, so for us it was more surreal in the beginning. We didn't really have any immediate fears for close loved ones like the people who lived closer did. I don't remember what happened after the class though. I think the day just went on like normal, though I believe we ended up watching the news in more than one class that day. We didn't shut school down, or cancel classes or anything like that.

Word Count: 505
September 10, 2014 at 3:15pm
September 10, 2014 at 3:15pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Pretend you were on the Mayflower on that first voyage to settle in America. Describe how your felt leaving England and seeing your new home.

My heart grew heavy in my chest as I watched all I'd ever known fade into an indistinguishable blob on the horizon. I'd never thought love would come to this. No, to be honest, I'd never thought he would cast me aside so easily. It wasn't enough for them that I no longer held his heart in my hand, or that I just leave the city.

No, both families felt it best to send me on this wretched 'adventure.' I suppose I should count myself lucky that being sent away was all the punishment I'd received. The Church's stance on our love was clear enough. We were impure, and if he hadn't been so well born, we'd both likely have been stoned for our transgressions.

Instead, he was to be quietly married off. And I? I've been cast out to the heart of the bitter sea on the quest of a mad man. I gritted my teeth and turned my back on all I'd ever known. It was time to move forward, even if forward meant sailing off the very edge of the world.

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Complete the following sentence and discuss it: In order to get to _____, first you have to _____.

In order to get to the promised land, first you have to suffer.

This is the theme of many a great story, really. Have you ever noticed that? A hero never just gets the girl. First he has to slay the dragon. One thing we never think about is how many knights got eaten before the lucky one made it through. After all, if dragons could be easily beaten, they would make poor princess guards.

One of my favorite authors, Mercedes Lackey, wrote a series of books that play on the old fairy tales. The Fairy Godmother, One Good Knight, Fortune's Fool, The Snow Queen, The Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Werewolf, Firebird, and The Black Swan. These explore fairy tales from a different perspective, but you can still see the framework of the old tale woven into the new.

The reason I brought these up, is because in one of them she brought up a rather interesting point. In the story, there is a great force at work in the world that makes fairy tales come true. So, say there's a little orphan girl who has a nasty step-mother. The magic in the world will begin pushing to see her end up with the prince. Fairy godmothers can feel this flux in the world, and sometimes they're able to manipulate or change it. One of these women feel the start of a a Ladder Locks (Rapunzel) story about to unfold and tries to stop it.

Ladder Locks are bad for a kingdom because so many young princes are pushed to go and save her from the tower, but end up dying instead.

If you like new twists on old stories, I highly recommend these ones. They're well written, and the old farie tale, while still there, is subtle. It's fun to feel out where the old lines are as they twine with the new.

She's also a fantastic writer when it comes to epic fantasy. Her Vlademar series is amazing. There are 34 books and the amount of time they span is mind boggling. In one book, you'll hear a vague reference to a long dead hero. Then you can go back and read his story and what's considered ancient history to the people in the book you read before. It's a story that weaves over both time and space and she does an amazing job of tying everything together.

Word Count: 585
September 9, 2014 at 10:19pm
September 9, 2014 at 10:19pm
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Prompt: 'A balanced breakfast is a healthy way to start each day.' Scientific truth, or marketing propaganda?

When it comes to food and eating habits, I think we've come to find that we have no idea what's good for us and what isn't. One of the things most people forget is that everyone is a little bit different. That's why all the different diets work wonderful for some and utterly fail for others.

That being said, a balanced breakfast is awesome and needed for some people, and an epic fail for others. In general, I think that people do well with a breakfast, and I've even heard a good theory about reversing the day for losing weight. Instead of having the biggest meal in the evening, you eat dinner for breakfast, normal lunch, and something light before bed. That makes sense because you'd be getting the largest bulk of fuel before the day begins so that you can use it throughout the day instead of getting all of that and sleeping on it.

By eating the biggest meal in the morning you're going to have a greater chance of having the calories burned throughout the day. When you eat large meals before bed, your body remains inactive during sleep, so you're more likely to store those calories as fat.

Then again, some people do a lot better with not eating in the morning. They may drink coffee, or eat something light. One thing I don't think it is, is marketing propaganda. It just sounds odd as a marketing scheme. Unless it involves a fad diet of course. Then it will have a certain degree of marketing.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things. Take this and apply it to your blog in any way you see fit.

I'll take your icky saying and raise you another: You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friends nose.

Now that I've got that out of the way, lets explore this curious saying. I don't remember where I heard it, or who said it, but I think it was during a class in high school. A professor brought a big jar to school one day. First, he filled it with large stones, then he added smaller pebbles and gave it a shake, letting the smaller stones fill in the gaps between the larger stones. Finally, he took a cup of sand and poured that over the whole lot.

After he was finished, he dumped it all out and filled the jar with sand. Then, he tried to add some of the bigger and smaller stones. As you can imagine, it didn't work out well.

That's a visual example of the first part of this saying. If you fill your life full of sand, there won't be any room for the things that are big and medium sized. Instead, you'll be too focused on the sand. The sand is all those little petty things in life that we get hung up on. We get lost in the sand and forget to focus on the stones.

As for the second part...well....I suppose it depends on the situation and who the sweaty thing belongs to. *wink wink*

Word Count: 501
September 8, 2014 at 9:40pm
September 8, 2014 at 9:40pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Tell us about a time when you completely lost track of time. Does it happen often or hardly at all?

When I was younger, I always lost track of time when I was reading a good book. I remember how irritated I used to get because I'd have to use the restroom, and then two minutes later I'd have to go again. Then I'd look at the clock and realize it hadn't been two minutes after all. It had been five hours.

I would love to be able to have reading stretches like that again, but I've learned the hard way that it's almost impossible to read for any length of time when you have a little kid running around. He's kind of like a cat in a way. If I'm watching TV, they'll ignore me, but the moment I pull out a book or get out my laptop they believe they have to lay right on my chest, blocking my view of whatever I'm trying to get done.

Shane's at that age where he wants you to watch whatever he's doing. So when I'm trying to read I hear this every other paragraph. "Look at me! Look at me! Watch this!" He's super cute, but there's only so many times you can watch blocks being built before you want to cry. It wouldn't be so bad if he wanted me to watch him do different things, but he wants me to watch him do the same thing over and over again. Oh well, I'm sure that once he's older I'll again have time to read. Then I'll be sad that he's all grown up and not a cute little boy anymore.

In the end, it's a no win situation.

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Prompt: I used to say to my children that each of us has a disability, that no one is perfect. Some of the most compelling and enduring stories are often about those who rise above their limitations. Share with us how you work within the confines of your own disability or someone in your family each day and manage to thrive.

One of the things that's always been a hindrance to me is the fact that I have zero sense of direction. I've never understood how most people just know where north is. This lack of directional sense has made adult life a hassle because I have to drive places. For me, the world is a set of beaten paths, and nothing exists outside those paths.

Lincoln is a rather large town, but I haven't been to most of it, and places like Omaha might as well be on the moon. I'm scared of the highway and avoid it completely. Mostly, I hate driving. Thankfully I have a great husband who does most of the driving for me. Though, there are still times when I have to venture out on my own. I don't mind going to places I know, but I get stressed out when I have to go outside of my comfort zone. It's very easy for me to get turned around, and lost.

My mom is the same way. I remember when we first moved to Lincoln and she had to drive me to school one day. She got lost, of course, and ended up crying because she couldn't' find it. She was forced to go into a gas station to ask for directions. Even though she got worked up about it, my mom was still able to get there eventually. I learned how to go with the flow from her. We might not always get to where we need to go on time or by the straightest of paths, but we do make it there and have an interesting journey along the way.

Word Count: 546
September 7, 2014 at 9:39pm
September 7, 2014 at 9:39pm
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The Sunday Resonance: Review your peers. Tell us your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, importantly, why. Share also with us which of your own blog posts you think stands out.

One of the entries that really stood out for me this week was "Rainbow, Photo and List by Lyn's a Witchy Woman . Even though I've never had a chance to meet Lyn in real life, I have gotten to know her throughout my time as part of two blogging communities. During the time that I've been a part of these communities, I've had the privilege of getting to know her.

Lyn's strength is something I greatly admire. In this post, we were given a glimpse into Lyn's childhood and saw some of what she was forced to endure. She never had the chance to be a child, and when she was taken from the only home she felt she belonged in, she ended up being responsible for the new born daughter of her mother.

Even though she'd lived through a very difficult childhood, Lyn didn't allow poor parenting to destroy who she was as a person. In the comments section, I learned even more. Getting over the trauma wasn't effortless. There was even a point where she almost didn't survive. Instead of giving up, Lyn refused to let her past conquer her. She went through therapy and was able to make it past everything that happened. That alone is impressive because simply making the effort not only to acknowledge that there's a problem, but to take the steps needed to heal.

There are so many people out there who can't do that. Instead of trying to move past what happened, they turn on themselves and finish what was started in their childhoods. They become alcoholics, or turn to drugs. They get into fights or break the law. In the end, they believe everything they were told as children, and are never able to step off the path of self destruction.

I don't know Lyn personally, but from what I've seen so far, she is an amazing person. She's one of the friendliest people I know, and she's always willing to listen. I'm happy that Lyn didn't let a bad childhood define who she is and that she was able to climb out of the darkness to make a good life for herself in spite of how that life began.

Thank you for being who you are, and showing everyone that it's possible to heal. It's possible to do more than just survive...it's possible to have a life.


That would have been a fantastic line to end on...however I still owe my blog another 100 words. So lets see, what did I do this weekend? Not much, really. On Friday I had to pay for my procrastinating ways. I spent several hours getting all of my assignments done for my writing class. Tomorrow, I'm going to try and get a head start on the week's assignments so I don't end up waiting for the last second again.

We learned about audience last week, and I'm not sure I like the idea. For me, it's hard to lump people into groups because my reading tastes very so wildly. I like really dark stuff, and I like books written for middle year kids. It all depends on my mood. It would be impossible for someone to put me into any one box, and I'm sure I wouldn't fit into the 25-30 female box anyway. Oh well.

Word Count: 547
September 6, 2014 at 11:33pm
September 6, 2014 at 11:33pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: The three woman who live next door to you remind you of the three witches in Macbeth. Why?

Considering I've never read Macbeth and didn't know there were witches in it, I had to consult the prophet known as Wikipedia. My answer to this prompt is based on Wiki wisdom of the subject.

I've come to believe the three women living next door are the embodiment of the three witches in Macbeth. You see, it all started about three years ago when the trio moved in unexpectedly. One day, everything was normal, and the next the neighbors who'd lived there for as long as I could remember were gone. It was the strangest thing. We didn't see any moving vans, nothing. They never even said goodbye. Stranger still, the old women didn't seem to bring anything with them. At least, we never saw them moving anything into the house. Yet, when we went over there to say hello, the house was completely different.

While we were there drinking tea, and petting the numerous cats that had magically come to the house, things got a little...odd. The women predicted that my husband would become the head of the company he worked at. We both laughed it off. After all, he wasn't anywhere close to the top. There was no way he'd become the head of the company.

Then, not two weeks later, he was named big boss. Needless to say, we were shocked. What was worse was the fact that then the crazy old ladies spent the next three years muttering dire predictions about my husband's downfall.

Frankly, we've decided not to deal with them anymore. Hopefully they'll forget about us.

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You know how I love music Create a list of five or more melodies that immediately evoke a specific memory of a person and a place. Share with us who and where along with your list. I am not looking for the utube links just the song titles. I want to see your creativity.

Ugh, this is a really hard prompt. Songs don't evoke memories of people or places for me so bear with me.

1. Believe by Cher - This song reminds me of a rather bad breakup I had when I was sixteen. Sixteen is always a hard time anyway, and it's a time when everything seems like life and death. So, that whole year was miserable. It was my first real heartbreak. Not a fun time at all. I'm glad to say that live after love did exist for me, and though my life is different from what it would have been, it's still pretty good.

2. Happy Boys & Girls by Aqua - This song reminds me of my brother's little daughter Jamie. When she was little, she was wild for Aqua. She knew all the words to every song, and made my dad burn a CD of them all for her. They went on a road trip together, and my dad was driven half insane by listening to the CD over and over and over again.

3. Let it Die by Three Days Grace - A few years back, I had a friend at work who was stuck in a bad marriage. For a long time, she tried to keep with it, but after he started getting physical I managed to talk her into breaking it off. Because I wanted her to be alright, we had her, her two kids, two cats, and huge dog move into our basement until she could get back on her feet again. It was a lot of fun, and I'm still glad that I was able to help her out. She's with a pretty great guy now and I don't have to worry about her getting hurt any more.

4. Pain by Three Days Grace - Here's a song that reminds me of a time/place. In 2010 I tried NaNoWriMo and this song was the inspiration for the story I wrote. It was a Batman fanfiction that explored the idea of cutting. Whenever I hear it, I remember the different write-ins we had and the thrill of success when I got over 100k words written in a single month. It was a great deal of fun, and I'm going to do it again this year. This time, I'll be using my own story and I'm hoping to get the whole thing written in a month. Crazy, I know.

5. Monster by Skillet - I've talked about this song before, but it's still true. This song will forever remind me of my son Shane. He's four and he knows all the words. It's so funny to hear a little kid singing at the top of his lungs "I...I...I feel like a MONSTER!" He's terribly cute.

Word Count: 723
September 5, 2014 at 8:44pm
September 5, 2014 at 8:44pm
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Prompt: You take a big bite of a juicy burger (veggie or meat) and as you're chewing, you feel a long strand of hair entwined in the patty. What happens next?

The day was hot and muggy for early October. It felt like summer forgot to pack up and head south for the winter. Jake grumbled under his breath as another bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. It slithered along his hot skin before drawing a languid path down his cheek in a parody of a tear. "I should be crying, why the hell won't summer end?"

An old woman gave him an odd look and he cringed. The heat of the day hadn't touched her starched grey hair, but she'd put on enough makeup that it had started melting a little around the edges. Or maybe it's her actual face, he thought and shuddered. She had the look of a serial plastic surgery addict who'd finally reached the age where no amount of surgeon's magic could undue the hands of time. Ick, if I was a woman I'd rather look like a normal seventy year old woman than a twenty-three year old lizard.

His stomach gave a pitiful whimper, taking his mind off the old hag. Like a gift from God, his eye was captured by the beautiful red pigtails signifying a Wendy's. Grinning, he shoved the door open and basked in the deliriousness of air conditioning. Before long he was situated at a booth with a large three layered burger, fries and a large, dripping with dew, cherry coke.

Three bites into the delicious meal, a tiny noose closed around his tongue when he tried to swallow. Choking on the renegade bite, he lurched to his feet and coughed violently. The chuck of half chewed food flew from his lips, and to his horror, a small wad of burger hung from the end of a long auburn strand of hair still wrapped around his tongue.

He'd gathered quite a crowed at that point, and by the time he'd gotten free of the mini-death trap he spotted a wildly blushing young woman wearing a Wendy's shirt. Her beautiful auburn hair hung in a tail down to her waist, and he couldn't look away from her stunning green eyes.

"Uh...I...think this belongs to you," he said, before instantly blushing at the idiotic comment as he held out the hair.

"She almost died from embarrassment, let me tell you. That, kids, is how I met your mother."

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Recall an old childhood photo. Narrate the events that led up to that moment that photo was taken.

You know how we always have to take yearly pictures at school? I always hated that. I don't remember what year it was, but one of those endless years of yearly torture turned out a bit more interesting than most. Even if my mom wasn't totally thrilled by the results.

I'm the kind of girl who doesn't like showing her teeth when she smiles. For me, it just looks odd, so when I smile for pictures, I do it with my lips closed. The woman who was taking the pictures didn't seem to understand that concept. After I sat down to get the picture taken, she said "Okay, now smile." I was already smiling, so I just kept doing that, and I could see her own smile begin to falter a bit. Next she said "Smile, dear," a few times. Each time her tone got a little more irritated, and my smile faded a little more.

In the end, she growled "Oh whatever," and there wasn't even a hint of a smile in that years photos. I guess I won that one. *Bigsmile*

Word Count: 569

Thank you,

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"I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."
-Stephen King

September 4, 2014 at 11:02pm
September 4, 2014 at 11:02pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Who was your favorite cartoon character?

As a kid, I was a cartoon junky. It wasn't until later that I fell in love with reading. Unlike most girls, I wasn't interested in My Little Pony, or shows like that. Nope, for me it was Spiderman and Batman. Even now, I love action movies and horror, instead of romance. You wouldn't believe how thrilled I was when they started making all the Marvel movies. Heath Ledger's Joker was the best!

I also loved the different anime's. My first taste of anime was Dragon Ball Z, and I kept with that for a long time until they turned Gohan into a total wimp. That was unforgivable! He had the potential to be the strongest fighter ever, but nooo. It was so disappointing. Then there was Naruto, which mixes humor and darkness in equal measure. It's the sort of cartoon that could make you laugh and cry. After that came Bleach, which I've decided to re-watch. It's still one of my favorites, even though I'm far from childhood now.

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"Simply telling people that hard work is more important than genetics causes positive changes in the brain and may make them willing to try harder, a study shows. "Giving people messages that encourage learning and motivation may promote more efficient performance," said the lead investigator. "In contrast, telling people that intelligence is genetically fixed may inadvertently hamper learning."

My question to you is: Do you believe it is that simple to improve the way a person approaches learning? I am interested in what you think about the study done by Michigan State University. Did anyone encourage you in the method they are suggesting?


This is an interesting study. I think that it isn't 100% one or the other, but I do agree that the scale leans more heavily on working hard. I believe that genetically, some people have an easier time learning and retaining information than others. However, I also think that if someone is born who has a harder time learning, but who puts a lot more effort into their work can surpass someone who was born able to learn easily but doesn't put much effort into their work.

I also think that there's a lot more going on in our minds than we realize. We get a lot of information thrown at us every day, not just people speaking but everything from tone of voice to body language. There's no way to know how much of that information is absorbed unconsciously, yet it still impacts our behavior.

I don't remember where I saw it, but I recall a study that explored brain chemistry and doing acts of kindness. Helping someone out gives us a bump in the chemicals that make us feel good. The interesting part was that this positive chemical was felt not only by the person who was helped, but by the one doing the helping. But that isn't even the best part. This positive chemical is also felt by a third party observer. The example used was a person accidentally dropped a bunch of books, another person stopped to help pick them up and another person further down the street witnessed the act of kindness. The study showed that the person who wasn't even a part of the action was in a better mood afterward and went on to help someone else out later in the day.

Because of studies like this, I agree that how we approach things makes a huge difference to how our brain responds to the information.

If anyone wants to see: [Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

I recommend Ted Talks to anyone who wants to learn more information about almost anything. Some are silly, some are deep, but all will leave you knowing more than you did. Netflicks has a bunch of them, or you can check them out on Youtube.

Word Count: 528
September 3, 2014 at 5:29pm
September 3, 2014 at 5:29pm
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What are your thoughts on climate change? How concerned about it are you, and do you think its effects will be felt dramatically in your lifetime?

When it comes to climate change, I think it's best to look to the past.

On April 28, 1975, Newsweek wrote an article stating:

Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climatic change, or even to allay its effects. They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as melting the Arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers, might create problems far greater than those they solve. But the scientists see few signs that government leaders anywhere are even prepared to take the simple measures of stockpiling food or of introducing the variables of climatic uncertainty into economic projections of future food supplies. The longer the planners delay, the more difficult will they find it to cope with climatic change once the results become grim reality.

In the 1970s all the climatologists believed we were headed straight for another ice age. In 39 years they've gone from ice age to global warming.

My greatest concern involves humanity's reactions, and potential overreactions to climate change. As seen above, there was a point when covering the ice caps with with black soot was considered. I'm sure if this plan was enacted, the damage would have been catastrophic.

If you think crazy ideas like this are only relics of the past, think again. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/jul/17/us-geoengineers-spray-sun-bal...

This is the sort of idea that sounds sort of alright on paper, but will undoubtedly have all sorts of unexpected ramifications. Like trying to melt the polar ice caps with coal dust, am I the only one who thinks spraying stuff into the atmosphere to redirect sunlight away from us is a terrible idea?

One more thing I'd like everyone to think about, giant bugs. If we managed to somehow drop the level of Co2 in the atmosphere one result will be giant bugs.

There was a time in history called the Carboniferous period. During this time, the earth had the highest concentration of oxygen ever as well as the lowest concentration of carbon. Much of today's coal was created during this time and it locked the carbon away. The result? Huge bugs like the one shown above.

Tell you the truth, I'm not so worried about a few degrees of heating or the ocean rising a few extra inches over several hundred years. What I'm worried about are spiders the size of small horses. I'd take hotter to that any day. Anyway, they can't even pin down what the weather will be for next Tuesday, why do we have so much faith that they've figured out what's going to happen in the next hundred years? After all, they were wrong 39 years ago and I'm sure in another 39 years we'll see that they were wrong again. Hopefully we won't have done anything stupid in that time to create a self fulfilling prophesy.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Even though we all love our houses, is there a house on TV or the movies you would like to live in?

[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

I wouldn't want the ghosts, but that house is so freaking awesome. This is a pretty old scary movie, but I've never forgotten the house it's set in. All the walls are made of glass, and the glass is etched with that curious language. There are all sorts of old collections, and overall it's a beautiful home.

Aside from the fact that it's full of ghosts that would delight in killing you. Oh...and the fact that it isn't really a house at all but a giant contraption of death.

Yeah, those are serious points against it.

Another haunted house I'd love to have is the house from The Haunting.

[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

This house would be too big for me, but there's some amazing carving wood work all throughout the place. Also...again with the bunches of ghosts. I wouldn't want to live in a haunted house, but I do love the houses movies pick to haunt.

Word Count: 507
September 2, 2014 at 10:30pm
September 2, 2014 at 10:30pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Think back on the month of August 2014. Find a moment, one moment, that stands out in your memory - be it good, bad, or a little bit of both. Share it with us.

Looking back at the month of August, there was one day that stands out in my mind. I really wanted to be a part of the So You Want to Write a Novel class in the New Horizons Academy. One thing I didn't realize was the fact that the class signups don't start until 9. I thought they would open up at midnight, so I checked at 4 in the morning when I got my husband up to go to work. They weren't up, so I checked again at 6 when I got up for work, and continued checking every twenty minutes or so.

At around 9:20 I saw that the signups were open, and to my disappointment, I found that the class I'd wanted to take was already full. That was beyond disappointing, and I couldn't believe that I'd messed up and not been able get into the class. I'm not sure why, but I kept checking the form over the next couple of hours, silently hoping that one of the people would suddenly back out and say they couldn't take the class or something. I knew it wasn't likely to happen, but I couldn't stop myself from checking.

About the time I resigned myself to not getting in, the form updated and showed the class open again. At first, I simply couldn't believe it. Then I pounced, keying my info so fast that I wouldn't be surprised if I'd gotten some of it wrong. Still, I got the most important part right, and I made it into the class. It was only a short while later that I got the e-mail stating that the form hadn't uploaded right originally, and that now it was fixed and some of the classes were still open for applicants.

I've already done a lot during the first week of class (last week). I told you guys about the adventure down town. That was another memorable moment of last month, and one I probably won't be repeating any time soon. It still pleases me to be able to say I did it though, so yay for me.

*StarR*  *StarR*  *StarR*  *StarR*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *StarR*  *StarR*  *StarR*  *StarR*

Prompt: "This place is _____; it needs a little _____."

"This place is way too small, we need a little room!"

"Ouch, that's my face. Back up."

"I can't, I told you there isn't any room."


"What was that?"

"How the hell should I know? I can't see anything in here. Why isn't there a light?"

"Idiot, do you smell that?"

"It smells...lemony."

"Oh ewww, it's getting in my shoes."

"You said this would be a good hiding spot, hey that's my foot. Get off me!"

"Check the door again."

"Argh! It's still locked. This is all your fault, if we hadn't skipped class, we wouldn't be in here."

"Liar, it's your fault. You're the one who didn't do your report and wanted an extra day to get it done."

"Yeah, well you're the one who almost got us caught."

"Did not!"


"My hair!"

The door crashed open, spilling the two girls at Mr. Norm's feet. "Ah, there you are. Let's have a talk in my office, shall we?"

Meh, well I tried to have a monologue only flash fiction, but it didn't quite work. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 536

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