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by Noyoki
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1989815
This is a personal Challenge to write 500 words a day. Join me on my Journey.
The Challenge: Write 500 words every day for a year.

Can I do it? Join me and find out!
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August 12, 2014 at 10:10pm
August 12, 2014 at 10:10pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Today the actor/comedian Robin Williams passed away. What are your feelings about his work? How deeply are you affected by a celebrity death? Is there a particular celebrity whose passing would/has cause(d) significant grief?

If this prompt too depressing for you, tell me about your favorite celebrity, dead or alive.

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Monday wasn't the day that music died, but in a way it was the death of comedy. We lost one of the greatest icons of humor I've ever known.

Many people specialize in comedy, but so few spanned such a wide scope of the world. Only Robin could get two year olds and eighty two year olds laughing.

Aladdin: You're a prisoner?
Genie: It's all part and parcel, the whole genie gig.
[grows to a gigantic size]
Genie: Phenomenal cosmic powers!
[shrinks down inside the lamp]
Genie: Itty bitty living space!

Robin Williams - Live on Broadway

Marijuana enhances many things, colors, flavors, sensations, but you are certainly not fucking empowered. When you're stoned, you're lucky if you can find your own goddamn feet. The only way it's a performance enhancing drug is if there's a big fucking Hershey bar at the end of the run. Then you'll be like a Swiss ski jumper going "I'm there!"

As an actor, Robin had an amazing range. He could do anything from bawdy standup, to children's movies, to movies so serious you'll weep over the characters who live and die on the screen. His death is more than the death of a man. It's the death of all the lives that would have danced across the silver screen, the lives he breathed into characters who became more than that. Through his talent, we didn't see Robin Williams the actor, we fell in love with Mrs. Doubtfire. We longed to stand up on desks and say "O Captain! My Captain!"

Robin was a man of a million faces. We invited him home with us, and he always brought a smile, or a tear, or any number of emotions that he teased from our hearts.

There aren't many actors that capture my attention. Most only make it as their characters. I don't recall their real names, just the characters they play. But, there have always been a few who've held a place in my heart. Robin Williams was one, and I'll miss him far more than I would have missed many others.

As the years pass, I've come to a sad realization. All my idols are growing old. Actors seemed to have an immortality about them. Perhaps it's because we can go back and watch all their movies. They might be old in real life, but all it takes is a click for them to be young again. Even Hollywood seems to realize that the great ones are growing old. Movies have been coming out like The Expendables and R.E.D where they're bringing back all those actors I loved as a kid, and showing that they're not the young action adventurers they once were.

It is always sad to lose a great actor, be it one who's been with us for as long as Robin, or young talent like Heath Legder whose career was just taking off. I think the pressure put on the stars we love most is so intense they can't help but burn out.

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it. - Robin Williams

Robin's spark was snuffed out before its time, but he blazed for all of us while he lived. Like any great star should, he lit the sky for us, burning with a brilliance that will be missed. I know that I will always love his movies. I will share them with my son, and hopefully, he will share them with his children. Robin might be gone from life, but he will live on dancing across the silver screen and breathing life into characters we can't help but love.

"Please, don't worry so much. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this Earth. Life is fleeting." - Jack, Robin Williams

Goodbye Robin, may your Journey be great and I'm sure God could use a good laugh.

Word Count: 508

August 11, 2014 at 8:47pm
August 11, 2014 at 8:47pm
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July 21, 1951 - August 11, 2014

I want to take a moment to say goodbye to someone whose been a part of my life from early childhood. From Aladdin's Genie, to Robin in Hook, Mrs. Doubtfire, Flubber, and Jumanji. These were movies I loved as a young girl. But, Robin was unique. He had so many movies, for all ages.

I never grew out of Robin. As I got older, I fell in love again with movies like: Good Morning Vietnam, Good Will Hunting, and The Dead Poets Society.

Robin Williams was a man who could make me laugh, make me cry, and made any movie he was in brilliant. I've always loved his standup comedy: Robin Williams - Weapons of Self Destruction, and Robin Williams - Live on Broadway are both excellent examples of his standup comedy routines.

His life was one of bringing laughter to the world, and today I hope everyone will take a moment to remember a man whose light burned brightly for many people from childhood to adulthood.

Goodbye Robin. We'll miss you.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Tell me about RAGE: Yours, someone else's, the concept of, or any interpretation of this that rocks your socks.

When I think of Rage, I think of my mother. Don't get me wrong, she's a great mom, but I'll be the first to admit that her favorite Sin has always been Wrath.

As kids, we all knew that if someone was bothering us or something was wrong, we went to mom, not dad. She'd straighten them out, and people learned quick not to mess with us.

My parents got into epic fights from time to time. They never hurt each other, but both had powerful lungs, and mom had a habit of throwing things. Once, my dad was mad about something, I no longer remember what. But he ended up throwing his plate of dinner at the wall. Well, mom wasn't about to take that sitting down. Her response was to go to the cabinets and throw all the dishes. Our living room had huge sliding glass windows, and they took more than a few hits without breaking. Things were a bit crazy some times, but that's life.

Thankfully, as they got older, they mellowed out. No more plate fights.

*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

Hey Campers! Howling Lyn and I are giving you some extra time today to complete this challenge. Go on a port raid and review five of your fellow campers' items. It doesn't have to be all from the same person...just use the {review:####### tag in your blog entry, and if you're inclined, tell us why you read each piece. There just might be something in it for the winner (counselor's discretion)

For Lyn's a Witchy Woman I reviewed "My Deserted Island Has, Review of "My Deserted Island Has"

I chose this item because the description was intriguing. Sometimes an escape from reality is the thing we need most.

For Charlie ~ I reviewed "Invalid Item, Review of "Scenes From A Summer Storm"

This item caught my attention because its subject was one of the things I enjoy. I've always loved laying in bed and listening to summer storms.

For Prosperous Snow celebrating I reviewed "Invalid Item, Invalid Review

One of the things I like to write best is flash fiction. It's a challenging story format, especially when those stories are under 500 words. So I like reading how other people tackle the challenge of the flash.

For Finn O'Flaherty I reviewed "So Little Time, Review of "So Little Time"

I chose this story because the title and description promised a fascinating read. I wasn't disappointed.

For Fivesixer I reviewed "All Questions Answered, Review of "All Questions Answered"

While wandering through Norb's port, I found the folder Born Fat, Baby! And couldn't help but go there. It was a funny title, and then I found the poem All Questions Answered. It was a great one, and I'm glad I read it.

Word Count: 525
August 10, 2014 at 8:53pm
August 10, 2014 at 8:53pm
*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

Prompt: Are you homesick yet, campers? Write a letter to those you've left behind on this adventure.

Dear Paul,

How are you boys doing? I hope Shane is being good for you. I miss you both so much. Hopefully, next year, you'll be able to take off work and come with us. I would have taken Shay, but he's still a bit too young.

The land here is beautiful, and not as creepy as King always made it out to be in his books. Promise, we haven't seen any killer clowns. Though Lyn's a Witchy Woman told us about how a moose wandered into her camp once. She also warned us to be careful with how we handle food because bears might come.

I'm not as worried as I was when we started this adventure because my bunk mate is ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy . She might be a grandmother, but I've given her the nickname of one tough Granny. She's amazing. If anyone can keep the lot of us safe from the big bad wilderness, it's her. Even the boys that came with us look like kittens lost in the woods compared to her.

Last night, we all told stories by the fire. amy-Has a great future ahead told a great spine tinglier of a story. The twist at the end was brilliant. I'll have to tell it to you when we get home. Fivesixer also shared a pretty scary story, though is was real life about a camping trip he'd had when he was younger. It was camping in winter, crazy I know, and he got his feet to close to the fire. His boots caught on fire, and the soles melted. Later, he was playing football, and ended up freezing his feet pretty bad. Blood pooled under his toenails, and he had to go to the hospital to get them looked at. In the end, he lost some toenails, but they grew back.

I'm so glad we're out here in the summer, at least we won't have to worry about frostbite.

Three weeks didn't sound like such a long time when I signed up for this, but now it feels a bit like forever. I hadn't realized I was addicted to my phone until now. I keep reaching for it, only to remember I left it at home. Life without technology is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I can't remember the last time I've been so completely unplugged.

Well, I hope the world is still going on without me, ha ha. I miss you guys so much. I love you both. Tell Shane I love him, and to be good.

We had S'mores last night, and they were awesome. I know you never liked them, but I love them. We don't know what else we'll be doing, but I'll be sure to write and tell you all about it. I'm keeping a journal of our adventure, so you'll be able to read all about it when I get home. Be good, have fun with Shane, and tell Mom that I love her and that I'm doing alright.

Love you both,

Word Count: 500
August 9, 2014 at 8:12pm
August 9, 2014 at 8:12pm
*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

So while we're sittin' around the fire, tell us a story you'd tell around a fire. The first comment you make (on your fellow campers' blogs) equals a toasted marshmallow...and who doesn't love that? Did someone say "S'mores"?

Story time! And the promise of S'mores. What could be better?

The fire crackles, pushing the darkness back, but the shadows lick at our circle of light. We can feel their hunger, waiting with inhuman patience for the light to fail. But, for now, the light holds. From the time man was gifted with fire, the age old talisman protects us from the things that hunt the dark places of the world.

I begin. "There are so many fairy tales that begin with children being left in the woods, or lost there. They all find their way, defeat the evil that wants to kill them, and makes it back to where they belong. In the end, they find their happily ever after.

Tonight, I'm going to tell you about the children who didn't find their happily ever after. The ones who went down the wolves gullet, who were baked into the witches pies, and who were slain by the huntsman on behest of the Queen.

The forest, one not so different from this one, was the setting of untold horrors. While walking through the woods, we see eyes flicker in the underbrush and can't help but notice that they're too high to be wolf eyes, yet too low for deer. They're ethereal eyes, watching us. The look in them isn't one of curiosity, it is a dark look. They are creatures of hunger. Innocents lost to the darkness of those who should have cared for them, but now they have become the hungry souls, the things that stalk the night."

Something cracks deep in the forest. In the dark, hidden outside the circle of light.

"The Lost Children. They're the ones who have no forgiveness left in them. When they died, they were too young to understand forgiveness. Instead, they became beings of vengeance." I look around the circle.

"And, they see all adults as fair game. So don't wander away from the light, if you do, you'll hear a little sob. A tiny call for help. They'll lead you away by the heart strings, and you'll become one more coin paid to their vengeance."

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Was it a very good year when you turned 17? Tell us about things that happened in that year.

Seventeen was the year I met the boy who would become my husband. We started dating the summer before senior year, and spent the last year of school dating.

That was a pretty good year. I wasn't as busy as I had been in the years past. The first three years of high school were crazy for me because I wanted to graduate a year early. So, to make that happen, I was taking eight classes a day. All of my elective classes were mandatory classes I had to take to graduate. I was able to keep up with the workload, but it did get a bit hectic at times.

Finally, in my senior/junior year I was able to cut back to six classes and that was great. It was nice to sleep in in the mornings instead of having to get up so early.

After graduation, I moved out of my parents' house and into my boyfriend's parents' house. That was a bit awkward, but it was only for a couple of weeks while we found an apartment.

Seventeen was growing up for me. I left childhood behind, graduated, and began my new life with the man I would marry one day.

Word Count: 558
August 8, 2014 at 7:18pm
August 8, 2014 at 7:18pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: If you were trapped in an elevator for 12 hours, which three bloggers would you most want with you in that situation? Keep in mind 12 hours is a long time....

The elevator comes to a grinding stop. Looking around, I see that I've been trapped with three other people. Charlie ~ ,
Fivesixer , Prosperous Snow celebrating . Perfect!

I'd pick these three bloggers to be trapped with for a number of reasons. First, I'd pick Charlie because we've gotten to know each other through our blogs, and we have enough similar views that we'd be able to have a lot of great conversations.

Next, I'd choose Norb. For some reason I'm sure he'd have a deck of cards on his person, and he'd be able to teach us all loads of different card games to help pass the time. That, and after twelve hours, I'd finally gain enough courage to ask what happened to his ankle. I also love Norb's sometimes dark sense of humor and I think he'd help keep us all from going insane.

Finally, I'd chose Prosperous Snow celebrating because I always get a deep sense of peace when I read her work. I think she'd be able to help us stay centered, and keep the boys in line if they get too rowdy. I also think she'd have a lot of great stories to share with us as we waited.

Time flew as we learned more about each other, shared stories, played cards, and forgot about the tiny space we were trapped in. Before we knew it, the arrow light dinged, and with another lurch, the elevator came back to life.

*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

Girls to the right... Guys to the left. It is up to you what cot you want top or bottom. Once you have your stuff stashed join us in the circle so we can get busy with camp set up. There are 4 Katdyn Base Camp Water Filter bags that need filling, and firewood to be collected. Typical duties.

I am sure we will have lots of fun settling in.

Now, that you have had a glance of what is around you take a few minutes to journal what you see and what you don't see. How observant are you?

First things first. I claim top or bottom bunk with ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy , whichever one she doesn't one. She's one tough Granny, and she's going to keep me safe during this adventure!

I unpack my mummy bag, and set it up on the bunk, pleased to have a bunk. Here I thought we were going to be sleeping in tents on the ground. So I'm glad for a bit of creature comfort. Once my little living space is all sorted out, I help out with getting fresh water. While I head down to the small river, I can't keep the smile from my face. It's been years and years since the last time I went camping, and I feel a little girl excitement bubble in my heart now that I'm on the adventure again.

Warm sunlight filters through the dancing oak leaves, bathing the dirt path with dappled light. Above me, a pair of ill-tempered squirrels scold me for crossing their path without their express permission. Birds chirp, singing back and forth and though I have no idea what any of them are, I'm happy to listen to the song.

A little zing of fear spikes though me when a bee drones past, but it takes no interest in me. Instead, it continues on its lazy path to a fat purple flower whose petals add a splash of color tucked among the wild grass. The river mumbles in sleepy summer tones as it flows down its broad path towards where ever it might be going. Cool water licks playfully over my fingertips as I fill one of the containers.

Small silver fish dart in and out of the sunlight. Their scales flash like a handful of glitter thrown onto the water. Downstream, I hear the low croak of a toad.

My legs burn a bit as I walk back to camp, unused to the exercise. Still, the fresh air and boundless (technology-less) landscape soothes the mild ache. It feels good to move, and to reconnect with the land.

Our Camping Adventure

We've all made it safely to camp. The girls are bunking together in one cabin, while the boys take another. I think they'll try to prank us at some point. Perhaps we should launch a preemptive strike? I'll have to talk to the girls about it tonight and see what they think.

I'm glad we aren't sleeping totally outside. Who knows what might try and climb in to share the warmth?

I wonder what we'll be doing. It's been so long since I last went camping, I'm afraid I've forgotten most of it. I hope we roast marshmallows. My dad used to sit and wait for it to turn golden brown, and it used to drive me crazy. Personally, I'm a pyro marshmallow type of a girl. I want that sucker to burn! Then I blow it out, pull off the blackened crust, eat it, and start the process over again with the smaller mallow.

Well, my hand is really starting to hurt, so I'm signing off now. I'll write again later. Bye!

Word Count: 750
August 7, 2014 at 6:36pm
August 7, 2014 at 6:36pm
*Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *Moon*  *Sun*  *Moon*  *Sun*

This is your sleeping quarters for the next three weeks. The guys will be in one tent and the girls in another. We have provided cots so hopefully you brought your bedding.

There are some important things one should know about camping in the wilderness and lots of information available on the web in case you don't know.

Do you know how to purify water? Do you know how to build a fire? Finally what does it mean when it says Sustainable Camping? Inquiring minds want to know how prepared you are for this adventure.

First off, I have an orange bandanna for Charlie ~ . I also brought assorted colored bandannas for anyone else who wants them.

Sustainable camping means to camp in a way that reduces the impact you have on the environment. In the kit I brought, my soap and TP were both biodegradable. The bugspray I'll use is citronella based repellent instead of DEET based. This has the added benefit of being both great for keeping the bugs off, and smelling good too. It also doesn't poison the environment when you take a swim.

When starting a fire, I'll make sure to use an established fire pit at our campsite. Areas like this are best because they reduce the risk of the fire spreading. I'll keep it small, and when the night is done, I'll be sure to put it out and stir the ashes with water to make sure it's all the way out.

To ensure the water I drink is safe, I'll use the Katadyn Hiker PRO Water Microfilter I brought. If it stops working for some reason, I'll use a small pot to boil water before drinking it to kill any parasites that might be in it. In the reality TV show, Naked and Alone, you're only aloud to bring one item. One woman brought a pot for just this reason, and another competitor didn't know this little trick. He drank straight from a waterfall and ended up getting three different parasites because of it. I'm surprised no one's died on that show yet.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: Which door will you open?
Narnia, Hogwarts, Wonderland, Camelot, Neverland, Middle Earth or Westeros {Lord Of The Rings Geography area}

If I could open a door into one of these worlds and step through, I'd choose Hogwarts. Not so much because these are my favorite books, but because some of by most creative moments and collaborations have been spent on a pair of HP writing/role-playing sites.

The first was: http://www.rmimagic.com/

This was the first writing/role-playing sites I ever played on. In it, we use the world of Harry Potter, but not the characters. The creators of the site made a school based in America known as Rocky Mountain International. You create your own character, and they interact with other students and professors. They are sorted based on the student application and go into one of four houses, like Hogwarts. From there, they go through seven years of school. Not real years, each year is condensed down into months.

Students can participate in a number of activities, such as Quidditch and Theater. There is a rec center, a library, and secret passages for the students to explore and interact in. If you want to challenge yourself, try interactive writing. Your character is forced to react to what the other characters do, and you'll find yourself going in directions you never thought you would.

The other is: http://sonora.terragenaonline.net/

This one is similar to RMI, only it is based in AZ. It is Sonora Academy of Witch Craft and Wizardry. Both sites exist in the same world and they're like Hogwarts and Drumstrang. When playing on the two separate sites, it's interesting to see how the writers differ. Quidditch is far more intense at Sonora, but there's more character interaction outside of classes at RMI. Both are fascinating, and both improved my writing immensely while I played them.

Word Count: 539
August 6, 2014 at 10:28pm
August 6, 2014 at 10:28pm
*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Prompt: List the 5 most beautiful words you have ever heard.


The first three would be when my son said "Love you mama." That always makes me happy. Now, whenever I give him a great big hug, he'll say "Love you too mama." It's too cute for words.

The other two would be when my husband said "I do." and we became husband and wife. For all the hassles of that day, hearing those words made it perfect.

Opening Prompt: Tell us what you are going to pack to take with you for your 3 weeks of Survival Camp. Since you signed up to do this unusual adventure, what are your expectations of completing this ultimate challenge. Convince us you are up to the challenge.

Lets see, what should I take with me on a 3 week survival camp? I'm not sure what or where this camp is, so I thought I'd go for the roughest situation and take my information from a backpacking guide. That way, I'll have everything I need to survive, be able to carry it all with me, and go wherever we might be going.

1. A backpack. This will be one with an internal frame, and molded back panel. It'll have a waist and chest belt for easy carry, and will have a water bladder contained in a special compartment.

2. A sleeping bag. For this, I'll take a mummy bag trail rated for 0 degrees F.

3. A tent. This'll be a light weight tent designed for backpacking.

4. A tent pad. This is a pad made of waterproof material to keep both wet ground and sharp objects from ruining the bottom of the tent.

5. A Katadyn Hiker PRO Water Microfilter. This will allow me to drink water from rivers and streams without getting sick.

6. Water Storage. I'll use a CamelBac bladder that fits into the storage compartment of my backpack.

7. A Knife.

8. Fire. I'll bring a couple lighters, waterproof matches, and a flint.

9. Waterproof boots.

10. A compass.

11. A first aid kit containing band aids, pain reliever, antiseptic, rubber bands, sewing kit, a snakebite kit, and blister pads.

12. A head lamp. This will give me light in the dark if needed and keep my hands free.

13. Biodegradable TP.

14. A lightweight stove and fuel for cooking.

15. A watch to keep track of time and determine when to set up camp.

16. Environmentally friendly soap.

17. Bug spray.

18. Sun block.

19. Toiletries.

20. Some Bandannas.

21. A journal and pens to write down my adventures.

Source: http://20somethingfinance.com/the-beginners-guide-to-backpacking-buying-backpack...

*StarB*  *StarB*  *StarB*  *StarB*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *StarB*  *StarB*  *StarB*  *StarB*

Prompt - Think of a familiar trope that could use some shaking up. How about the Mild, Mild West? The Cesspool of Eden? Prince Obnoxious? Make a list and run with it.

Here's one that could use some brushing up: You can't teach and old dog new tricks. Let's try: You can't teach a young dog patience.

It's raining cats and dogs. Well, with all the fear of global warming, I think we need to beef this saying up a bit. It's raining polar bears.

Walk a mile in my shoes. How can we change this one up? How about: Walk a mile under my hat.

Don't let the bed bugs bite. Don't let the bed moths carry you off to Mars.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you lemons, find someone whose life gave them vodka and offer to share.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple a day may result in half a worm.

Word Count: 505
August 5, 2014 at 8:16pm
August 5, 2014 at 8:16pm
*StarB*  *StarB*  *StarB*  *StarB*    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **    *StarB*  *StarB*  *StarB*  *StarB*

Today's Prompt from 💙 Carly - Choose an interesting article and give your views on it.

Here's the article I found: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/on-leadership/wp/2014/08/05/what-the-most-pr...

This article caught my attention because I work on a computer all day. Even though I work at home, it's still an office environment. I may have escaped the sea of cubicles, but I'm still trapped in the rat race of the corporate world.

Two things that are most important in my job are quality and productivity. I've been with the company for nine years and I've seen all manner of programs to try and get associates to work faster and do more work. These two things always seem to fluctuate. For a while, they'll focus on productivity, then they'll shift back to quality.

Lately, they've been focusing on a different aspect of productivity that this article makes me think isn't the way to go. It's called utilization. We have a new tool that measures how much you do, but it also shows how much of your day you spend working on productive work. Looking at the results of this article, it shows that people who take longer and fewer breaks have a higher productivity. That's something that isn't expected. It seems counter productive to take longer breaks away from the computer.

Instead, in our company, they are pushing to get associates to work every moment they are able to work. I've learned that it can reduce productivity if I focus too long on one task. My mind wanders, and I make more mistakes. I read another article about writers who set a timer for 30 minutes, and they get up and do a few minutes of exercise when it goes off. This gets their blood moving again, but more importantly it allows the mind to refocus. There was a study done showing that the mind can only focus on one task for roughly 30 minutes before it becomes distracted. I've found that getting up every half hour works well and keeps me on task.

*House*   *House*   *House*   *House*   ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **  *House*   *House*   *House*   *House*

Power corrupts, so does money, beauty, sex, freedom and health.

Prompt: Have you had any experiences with a person who has become morally or politically corrupt? Do people need to be persuaded like Shakespeare's Macbeth or does it happen on its own?

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton

I think this is often true. Look at the politicians who go to Washington with such high ideals and an honest wish to change things. After a term or two, they're no different from the people they once wanted to change. It seems like power shapes people; not for the better.

Power is it's own drug. When people become addicted to it, they begin to forget what life was like without it. People who've had power for long enough, forget there's anything outside that power. They begin to believe that power equals Invincible and that's when they become dangerous. A person who believes they're above the rules is a person who can and will do anything.

Another danger is when that power is threatened. Someone who's always gotten their own way rarely reacts well to challenges to their power. Someone like that won't see it the way a normal person would, and their retribution will be far more terrible than the average person.

There are people who can handle the reins of power, but I think it's a difficult task. One that more often than not burns the hands that try and hold it.

Word Count: 519
August 4, 2014 at 10:58pm
August 4, 2014 at 10:58pm
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Prompt for Monday: Tell us about something you follow. (Interpret this anyway that grooves your noodle)

I'd have to say that the thing I follow most is Shane. He's a rambunctious four year old, and keeping up with him is challenging. If people training for the Olympics wanted a real work out, they should find a gaggle of four year old's, release them in a park, then spend the next three hours trying to keep up.

It's amazing. The cure to the energy crisis will be found in the boundless energy of little children. If you want to feel really old, go find one of those huge trampolines. Now, jump on it for five minutes. I promise, if you're over the age of 25 or there abouts, you'll feel like you're going to die. I remember jumping for hours on end as a kid, and never feeling tired. That's after we went on a two hour bike ride, ran wild through the mountains, and swam in the pool.

Thinking back, it seems like I had so much energy as a kid. Even riding a bike as an adult seems difficult. As a kid, I could spend all day riding and never even think about being exhausted. Now I go up and down the stairs twice and feel like I need to stop and take a breather. *sigh* Such is life I suppose.

So, Shane is the one I follow most. He's not quite to the age where he can run around by himself, so I trail tiredly after him on all his adventures. At least during the holidays he's old enough to join the puppy pack. There are a whole bunch of kids on both sides of the family, and last year Shane was finally able to join the mad hoard of screaming children. Before that, he was too little and likely to be trampled in the madness. He's finally big enough to hold his own and get into as much mischief as the rest.

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Today's Prompt by Janine -- August 4 is US Coast Guard Day - to make things more international, write about your feelings about the navy or coast guard. Is the navy still important in this day and age? Why or why not?

Living in Nebraska, I don't have much experience with either group. Still, I think they're both important. The coast guard is sort of like the police for the ocean, and I think that's a great thing to have. I'm sure they have to go though a lot of training to deal with the different situations that develop. That training and experience wouldn't be the same if it was just the police responding to a crime.

I also think the Navy still plays an important role. We would like to think we live in a world that won't end up in a full out war, but it's always possible. I've seen pictures of those huge ships that act like landing strips in the oceans. This gives our fighters a place to take off and land that's safe and doesn't rely on allies lands. That and it seems like pirates are becoming a problem again. I haven't seen any recent news about it, but there were a bunch of stories not too long about the pirates attacking people. The Navy could be a good group to use to get that problem under control.

Word Count: 510
August 3, 2014 at 10:43pm
August 3, 2014 at 10:43pm
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Today's Prompt by Charlie ~ -- Sunday News Story

Looking through the different news feeds I have on Twitter, I found this article:


It was nice to see an article about the police that wasn't negative or highlighting things like police brutality or racism or any of the other things that often accompany stories about cops in the news. Instead, it was a feel good story that showed a side of the police that is often ignored or unacknowledged.

There is a simple truth about customer service that we all engage in, though we should strive to break this habit. We are 10 times more likely to share a negative experience than we are a positive. If we have to wait for an hour on the runway, we'll call everyone we know to complain bitterly about how we were forced to sit there and how hot it was. But, if we get on the plane get to leave early, and have flight attendants that make it fun for everyone, we might tell a friend. We might, but probably not.

The same is true of our experiences with the police. How many times have we been pulled over or helped out by an officer and given a warning? Do you tell your friends and family about the officer who smiled and sent you off with a "Please be careful, and don't do that again?" Or do we only focus on the surly cop who wouldn't listen and gave us a huge ticket even when we were certain we were in the right?

What about the service we get in restaurants, stores, and hospitals? How often do we call to complain to a manager instead of calling to tell a manager about the wonderful experience we had? In general, we focus on the negative experiences we have in our day to day experiences. We spread those negative experiences around to all our friends, feeding that need to gossip and share woe. Next time you get really good service, take a moment and thank the person who helped you. Then take a couple moments throughout the day to share that experience with the people you talk to.

I thought this story was a perfect example of living that ideal. The officer pulled over a grandmother who was speeding. Her two young grandchildren were in the car. Instead of being hostile the officer went out of his way to make sure the kids were comfortable and knew what was going on. He gave them stickers, and kept things professional while adding a level of education that made its own impression on the children. They were asked later if they were upset that their grandmother got a ticket, but they said they understood why it happened. They knew that their grandma had broken the rules and had to be punished. Even so, the experience was a good one.

The Grandma used it to teach her grandchildren, and then she went further and sent a note with the payment of her ticket thanking the officer for the good experience.

Imagine how great that made the officer feel. One little note probably made his whole day better.

Word Count: 522

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