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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1649240
Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block
Staring at a blank page is like staring into a snowfield. The snow, untouched by civilization and unmarked by living creatures, blinds you for a few minutes, it glistens reflecting subtle shades of pure white and rainbows at odd angles. If you stare at the snow too long, you get lost in the interplay of light and shadow.

As the day wears on, you become awestruck at the beauty of the snow's perfection. You marvel at the way an oak tree cast its ebony shadow across the pure white snow. You watch the tree's shadow change, grow and shrink, as Earth turns and the sun moves from morning to evening. If you stand out in the snow too long without moving, you risk snow bite or freezing.

If you are fortunate, a red fox will walk across your line of sight. The fox will leave his footprints written in the snowfield. As you watch the fox move, the spell holding you in one spot staring at the snow is broken. You are free to go inside out of the cold and out of danger.

I must say,
writing 500 words a day
isn't difficult,
unless I'm attempting to write
on a single subject.

On Monday, October 28, 2013, I began posting my weekly goals at "Weekly Goals. On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 I began keeping track of may accomplished goals in this journal.

"O SON OF BEING! Bring thyself to account each day ere thou art summoned to a reckoning;
for death, unheralded, shall come upon thee and thou shalt be called to give account for thy deeds."
Bah'u'll'h The Hidden Words of Bah'u'll'h, Part I.'From the Arabic, #31, page 11

'Heinlein's Rules for Writers

         Rule One: You Must Write
         Rule Two: Finish What Your Start
         Rule Three: You Must Refrain From Rewriting, Except to Editorial Order
         Rule Four: You Must Put Your Story on the Market
         Rule Five: You Must Keep it on the Market until it has Sold'

Robert A. Heinlein

It is enjoined upon every one of you to engage in some form of occupation, such as crafts, trades and the like. We have graciously exalted your engagement in such work to the rank of worship unto God, the True One. Ponder ye in your hearts the grace and the blessings of God and render thanks unto Him at eventide and at dawn. Waste not your time in idleness and sloth. Occupy yourselves with that which profiteth yourselves and others. Thus hath it been decreed in this Tablet from whose horizon the day-star of wisdom and utterance shineth resplendent.
Baha'u'llah, Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed After the Kitab-i-Aqdas, Pages 21-29: gr 32

I changed the way I did entries in this book several times. Beginning on March 21, 2018 the entries will cover the topics of spiritual, inspirational, and religions. However, the genres it will be under are Women's, Inspirational, and Spiritual with a tag of Religious.
Previous ... 31 32 33 34 -35- 36 37 38 39 40 ... Next
August 7, 2018 at 10:56am
August 7, 2018 at 10:56am
Fiḍál (Grace), 7 Kamál (Perfection) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, August 7, 2018


My soul is a butterfly
in the cocoon of matter
being transformed
by the grace and test
of the Almighty.

Gratitude List for 7 Kamál

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletB* ...that I have 2,754,001 GPs in my Gift Points account.
         *BulletV* ...for hot coffee.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletV* ...for bottles of water to drink on these hot summer days.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to review four items this morning.
         *BulletV* ...for the strawberry banana GoGurt I have for my afternoon snack.
         *BulletB* ...that I have 665 points in my Survey Spot account.

1  Posted on Poet 999 a Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

August 6, 2018 at 12:07pm
August 6, 2018 at 12:07pm
Kamál (Perfection), 6 Kamál (Perfection) 175 B.E. - Monday, August 6, 2018

Gratitude List for 6 Kamál

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletV* ...that, so far, I have one item for the Editor's Picks in my next edition of the fantasy newsletter.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to review four items today.
         *BulletV* ...for the strawberry banana GoGurt, I had for my afternoon snack today.
         *BulletV* ...that I completed all 8 assignments for "Invalid Item Week 1.
         *BulletB* ...that I have $21.18 in my Inbox Dollars account.
         *BulletG* ...that I have 1,451 points in My Survey account.
         *BulletP* ...that I have 2,749,601 GPs in my Gift Points account.
         *BulletO* ...that I have $11.96 in my Send Earnings account.

August 5, 2018 at 11:49am
August 5, 2018 at 11:49am
Jamál (Beauty), 5 Kamál (Perfection) 175 B.E. - Sunday, August 5, 2018

"O Dwellers of My Paradise!
With the hands of loving-kindness I have planted in the holy garden of paradise the young tree of your love and friendship, and have watered it with the goodly showers of My tender grace; now that the hour of its fruiting is come, strive that it may be protected, and be not consumed with the flame of desire and passion."

Happy Friendship Day3

Happy Friendship Day
to all my neighbors across
across the Earth and the Universe.

Gratitude List for 5 Kamál

Today I am thankful for...
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletV* ...for hot coffee and a doughnut for breakfast.
         *BulletV* ...that I have small bite size cookies as my morning snack.
         *BulletV* ...that I completed my edition of this month's fantasy newsletter before 7:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 2,726,901 GPs in my Gift Points account.
         *BulletG* ...that I was able to review four items today.
         *BulletP* ...that I won Second Place - Bite Size Poetry Contest - Prompt 5 with "Each Sunday is a New Beginning.
         *BulletO* ...that I am feeling better today than I did this time last week.

2  The Hidden Words,Part Two: From the Persian: Number 34
3  Posted on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon.

August 3, 2018 at 3:04pm
August 3, 2018 at 3:04pm
Istiqlál ( Independence), 3 Kamál (Perfection) 175 - Friday, August 3, 2018

Gratitude List for 3 Kamál

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletB* ...that the rent is paid for this month.

Jalál (Glory), 4 Kamál (Perfection) 175 B.E. - Saturday, August 4, 2018


August a month of joyful memories
Urging me to pay again in cool pools,
Gust of hot summer winds
Urge my aging body to stay indoors and
Sip iced tea from tall cold glasses
Thoughts of my child hood return: Making me smile.

Gratitude List for 4 Kamál

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletB* ...for coffee and doughnuts for breakfast.
         *BulletB* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn.
         *BulletB* ...that we have two working air conditioners in this apartment.
         *BulletB* ...for the pink back brush because now I can wash my back when I take a shower.
         *BulletB* ...for bottles of water to quench my thirst on these hot days.
         *BulletB* ...that I finished a poem today.
         *BulletB* ...that I have 27,600 points in my YouGov account.
         *BulletB* ...that I have 2,725,151 GPs in my Gift Points account.
         *BulletB* ...that I am receiving my meds through my health insurance mail order pharmacy.

4  Posted on my offsite blog Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

August 2, 2018 at 1:06pm
August 2, 2018 at 1:06pm
Istijlál (Majesty), 2 Kamál (Perfection) 175 B.E. - Thursday, July 2, 2018

Gratitude List for 2 Kamál

Today I am Thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to review 6 items today.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to write "48-Hour Media Challenge: Carry On.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to write "Overcoming Negative Self-Talk, which I entered in "Invalid Item.
         *BulletV* ...that I discovered a new poetry form today - Parallelogram de Crystalline - consists of four verses of three lines each - a mixture of nature and love.
         *BulletV* ...that the maintenance person brought the bar code to pay the rent today.

Facebook status update

Beautiful morning,
a dough-nut and coffee
I'm feeling better

July 28, 2018 at 10:46am
July 28, 2018 at 10:46am
Jalál (Glory), 16 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Saturday, July 28, 2018

City Living5

It is the city's
incessant pulsating chant,
the unremitting
rise and fall of decibels,
and the continuous throbbing of tones
that lacerates
the curtains of sleep,
the minds deep canyons,
and aggravates
the soul's anxiety.

Even in the bright midnight,
when pools of darkness congeal
at intersections and parking lots
an endless hum stabs
at vibrating eardrums.

Gratitude List for 16 Kalimát

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletO* ...that I received two prescription through the mail.
         *BulletO* ...that I have 1251 points in My Survey account.
         *BulletO* ...that I my bank of America Checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletO* ...for 16 oz bottles of water, because this hot weather is making me thirsty.
         *BulletO* ...for the Baha'i groups on Facebook because they are inspiring.

Facebook Status Update

This afternoon I made a health decision. I deleted CNN and the Huffington Post from my web favorites. I did this because every time I read a story, it raised my blood pressure.

I still have The Guardian and several local news channels on my web favorites. I will, probably, keep the Guardian. However, I will delete at least one of the local channels. I will do this when I decide which of the local news channels is my favorite.

5  Posted in Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon.

July 27, 2018 at 10:49am
July 27, 2018 at 10:49am
Istiqlál (Independence), 15 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Friday, July 27, 2018

"There are two kinds of music, divine and earthly music. Divine music exhilarates the spirit, while earthly music has an effect upon the body. Divine music belongs to the Kingdom of God, earthly music is of the mundane world. I hope you will be confirmed to study both kinds of music so that you may be able to sing the anthems of heaven and the songs of this world."

I had an interesting experience with Indian flute music today. I listened to a hour of meditation music and wrote a poem for "Melting Snow. I will have to try this again with I'm having problems with writing a poem. Another interesting experience today concerns "Beauty is the Ocean, the line "Beauty is the ocean" popped into my mind. I know the idea came from my soul or perhaps Baha'u'llah. Anyway I used that line as the title for the poem about the the Republic of Seychelles.

Gratitude List for 15 Kalimát

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn.
         *BulletV* ...that the Energy Assistance Program will pay $756.95 to NV Energy for my yearly utility bill. I have to watch each bill closely to see what the specific charge will be so I can make this benefit last all year.
         *BulletV* ...for the hour of Indian flute music I listed to as I composed "Poem Inspired by Flute Music in "Melting Snow.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 1201 points in My Survey account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 27,100 points in MyGov account.

6  Star of the West, Volume 8, p. 177.

July 25, 2018 at 10:46am
July 25, 2018 at 10:46am
‘Idál (Justice), 13 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Nightingales Calls7

The nightingale calls,
Out of the darkness that hides the dawn,
His melody echoes across the valley of shadows,
Waking from sleep the lovers of light.

The nightingale calls,
Out of the light that veils the dawn,
His song echoes across the chaos of morning,
Rousing from slumber lovers of God.

Gratitude List for 13 Kalimát

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that "To Chester Bennington was one of the Editors Picks in "Spiritual Newsletter (July 25, 2018).
         *BulletV* ...that "Solstice Flowers was featured in the Editors Picks in " Newsletter (Spare).
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 901 points in My Survey account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 463 points in my Opinion Square account.

Istijlál (Majesty), 14 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Thursday, July 26, 2018

Thursday Poem8

I don't want to watch world news today,
I just want to write and pray.

I might write a poem,
or essay
about something positive
I have to say.

I will take a walk in the house,
because the excessive heat warning
prevents me from going out.

Gratitude List for 14 Kalimát

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletG* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletG* ...that I had chocolate covered doughnuts with my coffee this morning.
         *BulletG* ...that I have 1051 points in My Survey account.
         *BulletG* ...that we have bottles of 16 oz bottles of water in the refrigerator, because it is easier to handle that size water when I'm working at the computer.
         *BulletG* ...that we have working air conditioning in the living room, because today it got up to, at least, 111 in Las Vegas.

Facebook Status Updates

Happy Thankful Thursday!

I am focused
on the moment,
doing one project
or one review
at a time.

I am focused today
on the present
without worry
about the future
or the past.

may be different,
but for today
I am focused;
which is all that
is necessary.

7  Posted on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.
8  I posted this on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

July 24, 2018 at 1:17pm
July 24, 2018 at 1:17pm
Fiḍál (Grace), 12 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, July 24, 2018

It's been a long day. Early this morning, I went for a blood draw. After I returned home, I ate breakfast, and, later, we went to the bank to cash a check. I finally came home, eat lunch. I got online, checked my Bank of America account, wrote blog entries, read an article on BahaiTeachings.or, responded to a review request, and cleaned out my WDC inbox. I still have work to do in some of the inbox folders, which I been putting off cleaning out for a while. Before I do any more reviews or write something, I'm going to eat dinner.

Gratitude List for 12 Kalimát

Today I am Thankful for...
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to get a ride to the bank today to cash the check my sister sent the other day.
         *BulletV* ...that I we are able to make coffee by boiling the coffee grounds in a sauce pan.
         *BulletV* ...that "Snow Scribbles is a finalist in the 2017 quill awards.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 555 points in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.

Facebook Status Update

This morning I went to my kidney doctor's office for a blood draw. I took a Lyft and came home on one.

This afternoon I decided to use some of the money, I'm no longer spending for car insurance to purchase new prescription lens and glasses. I also may take some of it and purchase a new coffee maker, because I've been making coffee by boiling the coffee grounds in a sauce pan on the stove.
July 23, 2018 at 11:43am
July 23, 2018 at 11:43am
Kamál (Perfection), 11 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Monday, July 23, 2018

Gratitude list for 11 Kalimát

Today I am thankful ...
         *BulletV* ...that the $10.00 from PayPal hit my checking account today.
         *BulletV* ...that my sister's check arrived in the mail today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 263 points in my Opinion Square account.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to turn the light on beside the recliner.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 226 points in My Survey account.
July 20, 2018 at 3:07pm
July 20, 2018 at 3:07pm
Istiqlál ( Independence), 8 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Friday, July 20, 2018

Gratitude List for 8 Kalimát

Today I am thankful ...
         *BulletV* ...that I received a merit badge for my poem "To Chester Bennington.

Merit Badge in Honoring Chester B
[Click For More Info]

If they say who cares if one more light goes out in the sky of a million stars? It flickers, flickers. Who cares when someone's time runs out if a moment is all we are? We're quicker, quicker. Who cares if one more light goes out? Well, I do. ~One More Light, Linkin Park~ For paying a tribute to Chester Bennington, July 2018. *^*Star*^*


         *BulletV* ...that we have the paper work made out to send in for help with the power bill.
         *BulletV* ...that I have enough in my saving account to cover the overdraft in my checking account.

Jalál (Glory), 9 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Saturday, July 21, 2018

Gratitude List for 9 Kalimát

Today I am thankful ...
         *BulletV* ...that I received a merit badge for "48-Hour Challenge: The One Moment.

Merit Badge in Music
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for your participation in the  48-HOUR CHALLENGE: "The One Moment by OK Go" Media Prompt  hosted by  [Link To User support]  July 2018! We appreciate that you tackled this challenge... *^*Smile*^* *^*Thumbsupl*^*

         *BulletV* ...for the cheese pastry I had with my coffee for breakfast this morning.
         *BulletV* ...that I received my free lifeline benefits of 750 minutes and 500 MB of data today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have $10.00 in my PayPal account that I can transfer to my checking account.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to watch "A Widening Embrace" on YouTube.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 206 points in My Survey account.

Jamál (Beauty), 10 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Sunday, July 22, 2018

Facebook Status Update

Good morning,
may your days be full of beauty,
and your week full of joy.

I just returned from the Devotional meeting at the Baha'i Centre in Las Vegas. I could feel the Holy Spirit flowing through the center. While I was there I purchased Prayers from the Bab.

Gratitude List for 10 Kalimát

Today I am thankful ...
         *BulletV* ...for hot coffee and a cheese pastry for my breakfast today.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to transfer $10.00 from my PayPal account to my Bank of America checking account.
         *BulletV* ...that we have two working air conditioners in this apartment. One is in the living room and the other is in one of the bedrooms.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to attend Devotional Services at the Baha'i Centre in Las Vegas today. The next Devotional Service will be Sunday, August 19.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to purchase Prayer from the Bab. This prayer book contains prayer revealed by the Bab, and some of them I haven't read.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 26,600 points in my YouGov account.

July 19, 2018 at 11:42am
July 19, 2018 at 11:42am
Istijlál (Majesty), 7 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Thursday, July 19, 2018

"Having created the world and all that liveth and moveth therein, He, through the direct operation of His unconstrained and sovereign Will, chose to confer upon man the unique distinction and capacity to know Him and to love Him—a capacity that must needs be regarded as the generating impulse and the primary purpose underlying the whole of creation …. Upon the inmost reality of each and every created thing He hath shed the light of one of His names, and made it a recipient of the glory of one of His attributes. Upon the reality of man, however, He hath focused the radiance of all of His names and attributes, and made it a mirror of His own Self. Alone of all created things man hath been singled out for so great a favor, so enduring a bounty."

Gifts of the Spirit10

Created to reflect
all the divine attributes
we must strive to polish the mirrors of our souls.

Gratitude List for 7 Kalimát

Today I am thankful ...
         *BulletV* ...that I have 535 points in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletR* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletO* ...that my Alendronate prescription arrived in the mail today.
         *BulletP* ...that I have 23.35 in my Product Report Card account.
         *BulletB* ...that I have 2,689,040 GPs in my Gift Points account.

9  Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, p. 65.
10  Posted on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

July 18, 2018 at 12:12pm
July 18, 2018 at 12:12pm
‘Idál (Justice), 6 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Wednesday, July 18, 2018

"O Thou the Merciful One! O my Lord! Make Thy protection my armor, Thy preservation my shield, humbleness before the door of Thy oneness my guard, and Thy custody and defense my fortress and my abode. Preserve me from the suggestions of self and desire, and guard me from every sickness, trial, difficulty and ordeal."


Each day I don the armor of God
through prayer,
contemplative meditation,
and study of the sacred scriptures.

Gratitude List for 6 Kalimát

Today I am thankful ...
         *StarB* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *StarBl* ...for the coffee and breakfast muffin I had for my first breakfast.
         *StarBr* ...that I received three comments for the Feedback section of the September 12 Spiritual Newsletter.
         *StarG* ...that I have 56 points in My Survey account.
         *StarGr* ...that I have 525 points in my Survey Spot account.

11  Baha’i Prayers, pp. 136.
12  Posted on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

July 17, 2018 at 4:15pm
July 17, 2018 at 4:15pm
Fiḍál (Grace), 5 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, July 17, 2018

I don't know what's going on with me, but I can't seem to get as much accomplished in the day. It could be that I've been dealing with depression. It seems to strike about the time I have my coffee and first breakfast. I usually eat a pastry of some type, however, the past few days I've been eating breakfast muffins. I suppose it could be the sugar or something in the muffins. It could also be that my morning routine has changed slightly over the past week or so.

Gratitude List for 5 Kalimát

Today I am thankful ...
         *BulbB* ...that I received a merit badge for my participation in the July WDC Superpower Reviews Raid.

Merit Badge in Work In Progress
[Click For More Info]

 For your participation in the July 2018 Review Raid with the WdC SuperPower Reviewers. *^*Fire*^*

         *BulbG* ...that I have 263 points in my Opinion Square account.
         *BulbP* ...that I have 495 points in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulbR* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulbV* ...that I have 2,648,690 GPs in my Gift Points account.
July 15, 2018 at 12:33pm
July 15, 2018 at 12:33pm
Jamál (Beauty), 3 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Sunday, July 15, 2018

"The reality of man is his thought, not his material body. The thought force and the animal force are partners. Although man is part of the animal creation, he possesses a power of thought superior to all other created beings."

Lately, my thoughts have fallen back into an old and negative thought pattern. As a result, my imagination has followed suit, which has sent me into a depression that gets darker and causes me to feel helpless. The feeling of helplessness causes me to procrastinate because I feel I can't make a difference. At this point, I suspect the thought pattern is a habit, which I thought I had broken. When I first attempted to break this habit, I used prayer, memorizing the sacred scriptures, and writing. What I haven't been doing lately, is focusing on memorizing the sacred scriptures. Therefore, I will go back to attempting to memorize The Hidden Words.

Gratitude List for 3 Kalimát

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletBr* ...that I won first place in yesterday's "Daily Flash Fiction Challenge with "Kitten Sitter.
         *BulletV* ...for the coffee and sugar cookie I had for my first breakfast.
         *BulletGr* ...that I have 475 points in my survey spot account.

Kamál (Perfection), 4 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Monday, July 15, 2018

Gratitude List for 3 Kalimát

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletR* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn.
         *Bullet* ...for the coffee and muffin I had for breakfast today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 17.68 in my Vindale Survey account.
         *BulletBr* ...that I have 26,100 points in MyGov account.
         *BulletO* ...that I have 485 points in My Survey Spot account.
         *BulletGr* ...that I found the paper I was looking for that show my income.
         *BulletP* ...that I have 2,646,740 GPs in my Gift Points account.

13  Paris Talks p.

July 14, 2018 at 11:35am
July 14, 2018 at 11:35am
Jalál (Glory), 2 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Saturday, July 14, 2018

Summer: A Poem14

Las Vegas summer
Triple digit temperatures
Sometimes clouds and rain.

Gratitude List for 2 Kalimát

Today I am thankful...
         *Bullet* ...for the cherry filled pastry and coffee I had for my first breakfast.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletR* ...for the fish, green beans, fried potatoes, and cucumber salad I had for supper.
         *BulletG* ...that I have 2,634,540 GPs in my Gift Points account today.
         *BulletB* ...for having De in my life.

14  I posted this on my offsite blog Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

July 13, 2018 at 2:10pm
July 13, 2018 at 2:10pm
Istiqlál (Independence), 1 Kalimát (Words) 175 B.E. - Friday, July 13, 2018
Feast of Kalimát

Gratitude List for 1 Kalimát

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletG* ...that I could request $10.00 sent to my PayPal account from My Survey account.
         *BulletV* ...for the coffee and cherry filled pastry I had for breakfast.
         *BulletB* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletR* ...for the merit badge I received today.
Merit Badge in RAOK
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for taking the Newsfeed Challenge, bringing attention to  [Link To Item #raok] ! *^*Bigsmile*^*

         *BulletP* ...that I finished "Trade Winds Sing today, and posted it on "Invalid Item

I've completed all but two things on this week's Goals To Do List. I completed the first six items before posting on "Weekly Goals, and I completed the seventh after I finished my supper. That leaves only two to carry over to the week of July 14-20.
         *BoxCheckB* Read at least one article a day on BahaiTeachings.org  .
         *BoxCheckR* Read at least three pages paragraphs in The Sufferings of Baha'u'llah before going to sleep.
         *BoxCheck* This week's assignment for "~ The Poet's Place Cafe~
         *BoxCheckR* Review at four or five items per day either under Browse by Genre or Read & Review
         *BoxCheckB* At least, 1 survey day.
         *BoxCheckR* Do something listed under Other things I have to do or Poems To Write. The goal is to finish at least one thing under one of those items, and keep track of what I do each day.
         *BoxCheck* Essay/Story/Poem for "Invalid Item Week 48 - Saint Kitts and Nevis. - Still working
         *Box* Entry for "I Write in 2018 Week 28. - Still working
         *Box* Spiritual Newsletter. Working
July 12, 2018 at 11:40am
July 12, 2018 at 11:40am
Istijlál (Majesty), 19 Raḥmat (Mercy) 175 B.E. - Thursday, July 12, 2018

I finished "Breaking Down My Day about thirty minutes ago, because this is going to be a busier day than normal. I changed my prescriptions to the Humana mail order pharmacy, which means I have to call my regular doctor when I need a refill so she can fax or e-mail the prescription to them. I called the number for the prescriptions to register my debit card with them, but the hold time was excessive for me. I'll call them back after 4:00 P.M. Eastern Time or go to their website.

Since I have no car, I have to call the RCT ADA bus or my health insurance ride to take me to the doctor and for blood work. I call Dr. Lim's office (kidney specialist) to get them to mail me the papers for the blood work this week so I can get it done after July 18. Next I called Dr. Falona's office to have them fax/e-mail the prescription for Alendronate to the pharmacy. I still have to call the health insurance ride service for two doctors and a blood work appointment. That will use up six of the eight rides I have left for this year.

Gratitude List for 18 Rahmat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletBr* ...that I have 2,616,216 GPs in my Gift Points account.
         *BulletGr* ...that my Bank of America Checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletO* ...that I have 25,600 points in my YouGov account.
         *BulletP* ...that I have 455 points in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletB* ...that we have two working air conditioners in this apartment. One in the living room and one in the bedroom.

A couple of nights ago I finished reading The Summons of the Lord of Host. Wednesday night, I begin reading The Sufferings of Baha'u'llah, which is a compilation of the scriptures, from Baha'u'llah's own pen, about the horrendous difficulties and imprisonment he experienced during the forty years of His revelation. The book contains only about 50 pages. However, the scriptures in it are deep and require some meditation. I have to admit that sometimes during the meditation I fall asleep.

The Suffering of Baha'u'llah is divided into five chapters: (1) The Wronged One of the World, (2) The Source of His Sorrows, (3) Submission of the Manifestation of God to Trials, (4) Thanking God for Tribulations, and (5) The Purpose of His Sufferings.

July 11, 2018 at 11:37am
July 11, 2018 at 11:37am
‘Idál (Justice), 18 Raḥmat (Mercy) 175 B.E. - Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Gratitude List for 18 Rahmat.

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...for the French lavender body wash I used in the shower this morning. The aroma was heavenly and reminded me of Grandma Mary's lavender bush.
         *BulletG* ...that, so far, I have one response from "Fantasy Newsletter (July 11, 2018) for my edition of the August fantasy newsletter.
         *BulletR* ...that I have 1106 points in My Survey account.
         *BulletO* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletP* ...that I have 24,850 points in my YouGov account.

I sent this comment to "Short Stories Newsletter (July 11, 2018): "Writing about childhood memories, especially the traumatic memories, is called writing therapy or poetic therapy. I have practiced this type of therapy for a number of years, and I know it helps me deal with bad memories. I can't say how well it would work with someone else. I can only testify how something works with me."

It's been a good day. I read three of the newsletters, wrote a poem for the 48-hour challenge, reviewed some stories, and read a article on BahaiTeachings.org, I did some surveys, and I wrote a couple of paragraphs for the spiritual newsletter I'm editing for next week. I also wasted some time playing solitaire, and this means I'll have to fight the urge to play solitaire for the rest of the week.

I sent this to "Comedy Newsletter (July 11, 2018): I read a book, until my eyelids are heavy and can't stay open. I turn out the light, thinking I'll get to sleep. As soon as I turn the light out, I'm wide awake. I check the time on my smartphone, open an app to read something, and can't keep my eyes open to read. I go to sleep, wake up--thinking I've slept for three or four hours--and find I've only been asleep for an hour.
July 10, 2018 at 11:40am
July 10, 2018 at 11:40am
Fiḍál (Grace), 17 Raḥmat (Mercy) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, July 10, 2018

"Now is the time for the lovers of God to raise high the banners of unity, to intone, in the assemblages of the world, the verses of friendship and love and to demonstrate to all that the grace of God is one."

Banners of Unity15

The banners of unity unfurl
proclaiming the oneness of God,
the common foundation of religion,
and the oneness of humanity.

Gratitude List for 17 Rahmat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletG* ...that the update to Windows 10 was completed before 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time, because it allowed me to post the "Blogging Circle of Friends prompt last night.
         *BulletR* ...for Facebook because I can always find an inspiring scripture, which was posted on one of the Baha'i groups I participate in.
         *BulletV* ...that I have a working internet connection, because it lets me access the blog "Baha'i Stories"16. This blog contains information about the history of the Baha'i Faith that I can read for education and inspiration.
         *Bullet* ...that I have 881 Talk Minutes and 498 MBs left on my data plan for this month.
         *BulletBr* ...that I was able to add some poems to "Poem Experiments and "Devotional Poetry.

15  Posted on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.
16  https://bahaistories.blogspot.com/

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