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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1649240
Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block
Staring at a blank page is like staring into a snowfield. The snow, untouched by civilization and unmarked by living creatures, blinds you for a few minutes, it glistens reflecting subtle shades of pure white and rainbows at odd angles. If you stare at the snow too long, you get lost in the interplay of light and shadow.

As the day wears on, you become awestruck at the beauty of the snow's perfection. You marvel at the way an oak tree cast its ebony shadow across the pure white snow. You watch the tree's shadow change, grow and shrink, as Earth turns and the sun moves from morning to evening. If you stand out in the snow too long without moving, you risk snow bite or freezing.

If you are fortunate, a red fox will walk across your line of sight. The fox will leave his footprints written in the snowfield. As you watch the fox move, the spell holding you in one spot staring at the snow is broken. You are free to go inside out of the cold and out of danger.

I must say,
writing 500 words a day
isn't difficult,
unless I'm attempting to write
on a single subject.

On Monday, October 28, 2013, I began posting my weekly goals at "Weekly Goals. On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 I began keeping track of may accomplished goals in this journal.

"O SON OF BEING! Bring thyself to account each day ere thou art summoned to a reckoning;
for death, unheralded, shall come upon thee and thou shalt be called to give account for thy deeds."
Bah'u'll'h The Hidden Words of Bah'u'll'h, Part I.'From the Arabic, #31, page 11

'Heinlein's Rules for Writers

         Rule One: You Must Write
         Rule Two: Finish What Your Start
         Rule Three: You Must Refrain From Rewriting, Except to Editorial Order
         Rule Four: You Must Put Your Story on the Market
         Rule Five: You Must Keep it on the Market until it has Sold'

Robert A. Heinlein

It is enjoined upon every one of you to engage in some form of occupation, such as crafts, trades and the like. We have graciously exalted your engagement in such work to the rank of worship unto God, the True One. Ponder ye in your hearts the grace and the blessings of God and render thanks unto Him at eventide and at dawn. Waste not your time in idleness and sloth. Occupy yourselves with that which profiteth yourselves and others. Thus hath it been decreed in this Tablet from whose horizon the day-star of wisdom and utterance shineth resplendent.
Baha'u'llah, Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed After the Kitab-i-Aqdas, Pages 21-29: gr 32

I changed the way I did entries in this book several times. Beginning on March 21, 2018 the entries will cover the topics of spiritual, inspirational, and religions. However, the genres it will be under are Women's, Inspirational, and Spiritual with a tag of Religious.
Previous ... 29 30 31 32 -33- 34 35 36 37 38 ... Next
September 27, 2018 at 11:29am
September 27, 2018 at 11:29am
Istijlál (Majesty), 1 Mashíyyat (Will) 175 B.E. - Thursday, September 27, 2018
Feast of Mashíyyat

Prayer for Light1

O Bread giver to Humanity!
O Creator of the Universe!
O Bestower of Immortality!
Reveal to us Thy Light,
let us see in Thine enlightened shadows
one reality.

Gratitude List for 1 Mashíyyat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...for the new coffeemaker De purchased yesterday at Family Dollar.
         *BulletV* ...for the chocolate doughnut I had to go with my coffee this morning.
         *BulletV* ...for the popcorn I had for an afternoon snack.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 32,200 points in my YouGov account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 65 points in my Survey Spot account.

1  I posted this in Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

September 25, 2018 at 2:18pm
September 25, 2018 at 2:18pm
Fiḍál (Grace), 18 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Gratitude List for 18 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,402,646 GPs in my Gift Points account.

‘Idál (Justice), 19 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Gratitude List for 19 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I had a chocolate covered chocolate doughnut to go with my coffee this morning.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 1,771 points in my My Survey account, and was able to have $10.00 sent to my PayPal account. I have 571 points left in this account.
         *BulletV* ...that I posted the poem "A New Day Coming", which can be found in "Melting Snow "Last Entry in This Blog: The Last Day of Might 175 B.E. to Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon   for today's entry.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 35 point in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 1,080 talk minutes and 499 MBs of data remaining on my phone.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,433,,496 GPs in my Gift Points accout.
         *BulletV* ...for the chocolate chip ice cream I had for my evening snack.

September 24, 2018 at 10:31am
September 24, 2018 at 10:31am
Kamál (Perfection), 17 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Monday, September 24, 2018

"Meditation is the key for opening the doors of mysteries. In that state man abstracts himself: in that state man withdraws himself from all outside objects; in that subjective mood he is immersed in the ocean of spiritual life and can unfold the secrets of things-in-themselves. To illustrate this, think of man as endowed with two kinds of sight; when the power of insight is being used the outward power of vision does not see."


Meditation is the key
to writing mystic poetry;
it unlocks the door
to spirituality
and universal mysteries.

Gratitude List for 17 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I read Greetings from My Indigenous Culture   by Bitahnii Wayne Wilson, because it gave me insight into the spirituality of the Navajo culture.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to give four reviews this morning.
         *BulletV* ...that I received my sister check today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 25 points in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have $23.92 in my Vindale Research account.

I have only three entries remaining in "Melting Snow before I have to start another blog. I'm going to create a new blog, but I haven't decided on the name. I don't want to use anything with snow in it; I can't seem to think of a title that is thought provoking or eye catching. The one thing I am sure of is that I want to begin the new blog on September 27, which is the first day of Mashíyyat (Will). As soon as I decide on a name I'll create the blog. After I created it I'll have to notify Fivesixer in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS that I have a new blog.

2  Paris Talks, Part Three, Address by ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá at the Friends’ Meeting House, St. Martin’s Lane, London, W.C. Sunday, January 12th, 1913.
3  Posted on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

September 23, 2018 at 9:29am
September 23, 2018 at 9:29am
Jamál (Beauty), 16 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Sunday, September 23, 2018

"Erelong shall the exponents of wealth and power banish Us from the land of Adrianople to the city of ‘Akká. According to what they say, it is the most desolate of the cities of the world, the most unsightly of them in appearance, the most detestable in climate, and the foulest in water. It is as though it were the metropolis of the owl, within whose precincts naught can be heard save the echo of its cry. Therein have they resolved to imprison this Youth, to shut against our faces the doors of ease and comfort, and to deprive us of every worldly benefit throughout the remainder of our days."

Most Great Prison

to the metropolis of owls,
the Splendor of the Almighty,
waded ashore and.
entered the prison city of Akka
through the sea gate.

I begin a new poem about Baha'u'llah, inspired by The Sufferings of Baha'u'llah. This is the second poem inspired by this compilation of Baha'u'llahs writings. The first was "The Wronged One of the World, which is posted in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose. I want to add a couple of more stanzas before I post this in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose. There are about two lines I want to use to refer to Baha'u'llah. Those are (1) the Lamp of Divine Beauty and (2) the Pen of Glory.

Gratitude List for 16 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I had chocolate chip cookies to go with my coffee this morning.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,384,226 GPs in my Gift Points account.
         *BulletV* ...for the beauty of a quiet Sunday afternoon.
         *BulletV* ...that we have working air conditions in this apartment.


I had a interesting dream last night, if dream you could call it. The only thing I saw was a verse from the Christian Bible. I didn't see the entire verse just the scriptural location, which I wrote down in my journal. I've bee thinking about this off and on all day, and wondering what the dream meant. I Googled the verse and discovered the quote. "The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life-only to take it up again." John 10:176.

I know this dream occurred after midnight, because I always wake up between 12:00-12:30 A.M. Before I go back to sleep I say the the Midnight prayer revealed by 'Abdu'l-Baha. Sometimes I say more prayer; however, last night I only said the Midnight prayer. I can easily access that prayer through an app on my smartphone, so I don't have to turn the light on. Now all I have to do is figure out what the dream meant, maybe I'm supposed to let the quote inspire a poem or story.

Facebook Status Update

I have a journal,
and I have a pen to write
thoughts that come to me
when I wake up
in the middle of the night.

4  The Summons of the Lord of Host, Suri-y-Hakal, paragraph 267, page 133.
5  Quoted in The Sufferings of Baha'u'llah, "The Wronged One of the World', page 22.
6  New International Version

September 22, 2018 at 10:14am
September 22, 2018 at 10:14am
Jalál (Glory), 15 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Saturday, September 22, 2018

"There is nothing greater or more blessed than the Love of God! It gives healing to the sick, balm to the wounded, joy and consolation to the whole world, and through it alone can man attain Life Everlasting. The essence of all religions is the Love of God, and it is the foundation of all the sacred teachings."

Bah'u'llah has brought a new vision to me. It is the ability to see humanity as a single species, and each religion as chapters in the book of God. Baha'u'llah, and the other Divine Messengers, were sent to humanity because God loves us. It is through God's love for us, and our love for God, that peace and unity will spread across the Earth.

The Present9

The world is changing,
moving toward the peace
promised in the sacred scriptures.

Gratitude List for 15 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...for chocolate chip cookies to go with my coffee this morning.
         *BulletV* ...that I received my new Medicare card through the mail today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 15 points in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to transfer $10.00 from my PayPal account to my Bank of America checking account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,376,175 GPs in my Gift Points account.

7  Paris Talks
8  Quoted in "How Visualizing Helps Me Serve Others" by Luke Evans http://bahaiblog.net/site/2018/09/how-visualizing-helps-me-serve-others/#more-32....
9  This is posed in Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

September 21, 2018 at 11:25am
September 21, 2018 at 11:25am
Istiqlál (Independence), 14 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Friday, September 21, 2018
International Day of Peace

"The gift of God to this enlightened age is the knowledge of the oneness of mankind and the fundamental oneness of religion. War shall cease between the nations and by the will of God the most great peace shall come; the world will be seen as a new world and all men will live as brothers."

God's Gift11

The gift of the Almighty
is unity and oneness:
God's names are many,
while His essence is one,
humanity is a single species,
and all religions share a common foundation.

Gratitude List for 14 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I have 1,005 points in my Survey Spot account, and was able to transfer $10.00 to my PayPal account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 1,071 points in My Survey account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have $20.05 in my Vandal Research account.
         *BulletV* ...for the chocolate chip cookies I had for my afternoon snack.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,373,573 GPs in my Gift Points account.

10  ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in London, p. 19.
11  I posted this in Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

September 20, 2018 at 10:48am
September 20, 2018 at 10:48am
Istijlál (Majesty), 13 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Thursday, September 20, 2018

“All down the ages the prophets of God have been sent into the world to serve the cause of truth -- Moses brought the law of truth, and all the prophets of Israel after him sought to spread it. When Jesus came He lighted the flaming torch of truth, and carried it aloft so that the whole world might be illumined thereby. After Him came His chosen apostles, and they went far and wide, carrying the light of their Master's teaching into a dark world -- and, in their turn, passed on. Then came Muhammad, who in His time and way spread the knowledge of truth among a savage people; for this has always been the mission of God's elect. So, at last, when Bahá'u'lláh arose in Persia, this was His most ardent desire, to rekindle the waning light of truth in all lands.”

Inhale the fragrance
of truth from God's Chosen Ones
who came to spread light's knowledge
across the planet.

Search for Answers1314

Search for the answers
that satisfy both mind and soul
the human intellect is God's gift;
humanity must find answers that satisfy
both our scientific and spiritual curiosity.

Gratitude List For 13 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I received the Baha'i Unit Convention Materials from the National Spiritual Assembly today. The Unit Convention will be held on Sunday, October 7, so I have time to read the materials and pray concerning who I will vote for.
         *BulletV* ...that I finished the series How Do We Know God Exists?   by David Langness.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 31,700 points in my YouGov account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 965 points in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,355,558 GPs in my Gift Points account,.

Facebook Status Update

Majestic Thursday
Inhale the fragrance of joy
Intone gratitude

12  Paris Talks, p. 119
13  Posted on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon
14  Inspired by "The Baha’i View of the Universe: The Cosmos" by David Langness http://bahaiteachings.org/the-bahai-view-of-the-universe-the-cosmos

September 19, 2018 at 9:36am
September 19, 2018 at 9:36am
‘Idál (Justice), 12 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Wednesday, September 19, 2018

"Regard thou the one true God as One Who is apart from, and immeasurably exalted above, all created things. The whole universe reflecteth His glory, while He is Himself independent of, and transcendeth His creatures. This is the true meaning of Divine unity. He Who is the Eternal Truth is the one Power Who exerciseth undisputed sovereignty over the world of being, Whose image is reflected in the mirror of the entire creation. All existence is dependent upon Him, and from Him is derived the source of the sustenance of all things. This is what is meant by Divine unity; this is its fundamental principle."

 Divine Unity  (E)
God revealed all the divine religions
#2168772 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

The poem I wrote doesn't come close to expressing or explaining the concept of Divine Unity. This is understandable, I am just a human being with limited understanding of spiritual reality. Since Baha'u'llah is a Manifestation of the Divine Essence, His explanation came direct from God through the Holy Spirit. I'll continue meditating on Divine Unity, and praying for greater understanding. I'll continue attempting to express my understand of it and other spiritual concepts in my poems.

Gratitude List For 12 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that "Oceans of Knowledge and Wisdom was one of the Editors Picks for "Spiritual Newsletter (September 19, 2018).
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 971 points in My Survey account.
         *BulletV* ...that I had a can of Arizona sweet tea this afternoon.
         *BulletV* ...that I have a KitKat Crispy Wafer for my evening snack.

15  Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah
16  Daily Verses of God http://dailyversesgod.blogspot.com/, September 19,l 2018.

September 18, 2018 at 11:00am
September 18, 2018 at 11:00am
Fiḍál (Grace), 11 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, September 18, 2018

"A drop of the billowing ocean of His endless mercy hath adorned all creation with the ornament of existence, and a breath wafted from His peerless Paradise hath invested all beings with the robe of His sanctity and glory. A sprinkling from the unfathomed deep of His sovereign and all-pervasive Will hath, out of utter nothingness, called into being a creation which is infinite in its range and deathless in its duration. The wonders of His bounty can never cease, and the stream of His merciful grace can never be arrested. The process of His creation hath had no beginning, and can have no end."

 God Smiles  (E)
Metaphor on the Creation of the Universe
#2158902 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

I discovered the quote that inspired the above poem. I remember reading the quote, as one of the Feast Readings, and looking it up when I got home. It took me a while to write the poem, because sometime I have to let the scripture percolate in my subconscious before I can put the inspiration into words. I run across this quote again today while reading "God, Infinity and Black Holes", which is Part 10 in the series How Do We Know God Exists?   by David Langness. This series, which has 17 articles, was published on BahaiTeachings.org19 in 2014. The articles in this series cover four themes (1) Spirituality, (2) History, (3) Religion, and (4) Science.

I discovered this series when I was perusing the science article Living the Change: What You and Your Faith Can Do for the Earth   by Christine Muller. The title "God, Infinity and Black Holes" was at the bottom under the "You May Also Like" heading. I clicked on the article by David Langness because the title aroused my curiosity. Since I want to finish this series this, I'll have to put some of the other articles I wan to read on the back burner until October. It's either that or do my normal reading of random article from different series. I think I'll try reading a full series this month before going to another.

Gratitude List For 11 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I two articles in the series How Do We Know God Exists?  . I read Part 1 "How Do We Know God Exists?" and Part 10 "God, Infinity an Black Holes".
         *BulletV* ...that I finished all 18 poems for the WDC 18th Birthday Poetry Challenge.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 955 points in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America Checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,349,158 GPs in my Gift Points account.

Facebook Status Update

Beautiful Tuesday
coffee and cool morning
pause for a prayer.

17  Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, p. 61.
18  Quoted in "God, Infinity and Black Holes" by David Langness http://bahaiteachings.org/god-infinity-and-black-holes.
19  http://bahaiteachings.org/

September 17, 2018 at 10:48am
September 17, 2018 at 10:48am
Kamál (Perfection), 10 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Monday, September 17, 2018

A “worldwide regeneration”

"Through the movement of Our Pen of Glory We have, at the bidding of the Omnipotent Ordainer, breathed a new life into every human frame, and instilled into every word a fresh potency. All created things proclaim the evidences of this worldwide regeneration... O people! I swear by the one true God! This is the Ocean out of which all Seas have proceeded, and with which every one of them will ultimately be united. From Him all the Suns have been generated, and unto Him they will all return."

I don't know why it's called Motivational Monday, because people need some kind of motivation every day of the week and not just on Monday. Perhaps it's because Monday, in the western world, is the traditional beginning of the workweek; at least, in modern times. However, Monday isn't the beginning of the workweek in many cultures. Anymore than Saturday or Sunday are traditional days of rest across the planet.

The world is changing. Humanity is being regenerated, and becoming away that it's a single species. As a result of Baha'u'llah declaration in 1863, every component of society and culture is being regenerated. Humanity is becoming away that there is only one God with many names, that the messengers of all religions were sent by God, and that science and religion are partners, in the understanding of universal laws, rather than enemies.

I have noticed, that my motivation--at least when it comes to writing--has changed. I want to proclaim Baha'u'llah's glorious name. This has resulted in tests in other areas of my life, tests that show me I still have a long way to go when it comes to being a Baha'i. This is understandable because, after all, I'm only human and sometimes I fail to live up to the wonderful and regenerating teachings of Baha'u'llah.

Gratitude List For 10 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...for the bacon, eggs, and half a grapefruit I had for breakfast.
         *BulletV* ...that I have five editors picks for my edition of the October Fantasy Newsletter.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to review seven items today.
         *BulletV* ...for the homemade banana bread I had for my afternoon snack.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,332,808 GPs in my Gift Points account.

Facebook Status Update

My name is Neva.

I am a Baha'i, and I love Baha'u'llah in addition to the other Messengers sent by God. I do my best to obey Baha'u'llah teachings; however, since I am only human I sometimes fail. I believe that Baha'u'llah fulfills the prophecies of the the Messengers that came before. I believe in the three Onenesses: The Oneness of God, the common foundation of all religions, and the oneness of humanity.

I wrote this in response to a challenge. If you want to copy and past it go ahead. If you want to write your own beliefs that is alright as well.

20  Quoted by Shoghi Effendi in The Advent of Divine Justice
21  Visions and Insights Daily Gems http://visionandinsightdailygems.blogspot.com/ for September 17, 2018

September 16, 2018 at 10:25am
September 16, 2018 at 10:25am
Jamál (Beauty), 9 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Sunday, September 16, 2018

"This is the meaning of the words of Christ, "I gave My blood for the life of the world"-- that is to say, I have chosen all these troubles, these sufferings, calamities, and even the greatest martyrdom, to attain this object, the remission of sins… in order that souls may arise who will be the very essence of the guidance of mankind, and the manifestations of the perfections of the Supreme Kingdom."
Bahá’í Writings

I think this is a quote from 'Abdu'l-Baha, from either Paris Talks or Some Answered Questions. I'll have to check online for Paris Talks because I can't find my copy, and it isn't included in the Baha'i Prayers app I have on my smartphone. Some Answered Questions is included in the Prayer app, as well as some of the Tablets revealed by Baha'u'llah.

I wrote the above paragraph before I went to the monthly Devotional Services at the Baha'i Centre. When I returned I checked the Baha'i Reference Library. I was wrong about the books, the quote is by 'Abdu'l-Baha; however, it is located in The Promulgation of Universal Peace. This is from a talk given by 'Abdu'l-Baha at Mrs Kinney's Bible Class in New York in 1912.

Gratitude List for 9 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...for doughnuts to go with my coffee this morning.
         *BulletV* ...that I received a merit badge today.
Merit Badge in Music
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for your participation in the  48-HOUR CHALLENGE: "Birthday" Media Prompt  hosted by  [Link To User support]  September 2018! We appreciate that you tackled this challenge... *^*Smile*^* *^*Thumbsupl*^*

         *BulletV* ...that I was able to finish "Autumn Serenade in "Snow Scribbles and "Sunday Thoughts in "Melting Snow this morning.
         *BulletV* ...that I received an Awardicon for "Skeezix.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.

Part of the Devotional Service today was a video by Shadi Toloui-Wallace and Shidan Toloui-Wallace called "When Sorrow Comes". I listed to it on YouTube, and next I listed to "Moth To A Flame" by Shadi Toloui-Wallace. Both songs are relaxing and inspiring. I don't listen to enough Baha'i videos, I'll change this and listen to more spiritual videos.

September 15, 2018 at 10:06am
September 15, 2018 at 10:06am
Jalál (Glory), 8 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Saturday, September 15, 2018

"Look how Abraham strove to bring faith and love among the people; how Moses tried to unite the people by sound laws; how the Lord Christ suffered unto death to bring the light of love and truth into a darkened world; how Muhammad sought to bring unity and peace between the various uncivilized tribes among whom he dwelt. And last of all, Bahá'u'lláh has suffered forty years for the same cause -- the single noble purpose of spreading love among the children of men -- and for the peace and unity of the world. . ."
Bahá’í Writings

All the Divine Prophets have suffered for the purpose of bringing love, light, and justice to humanity. These Prophets are called Manifestations of God because they reflected the attributes of the Unknowable Creator to the human race. The only way we, as individuals, can know God is through one of His Holy Messengers. Each of them came when darkness concealed the Light of Divinity from human beings. Each of them were conduits for the Holy Spirit. Each of them revealed a religion, and promised that another would follow them. They all promised an age of peace and unity. Baha'u'llah is the Manifestation of God for this day; He fulfills the prophecies of all religions.

Gratitude List for 8 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I have 31,200 points in my YouGov account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 935 points in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have $20.05 in my Vindale Research account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,303,760 GPs in my Gift Points account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have $23.85 in my Product Report Card account.

Dance of the Seven Sisters22

In the New Year
the Seven Sisters dance again
twirling around the black bear,
as she sings.

Poet's Note:

22  I posted this on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon.

September 14, 2018 at 10:17am
September 14, 2018 at 10:17am
Istiqlál (Independence), 7 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Friday, September 14, 2018

The Meaning of Suffering

"As to your question concerning the meaning of physical suffering and its relation to mental and spiritual healing . . . As long as there will be life on earth, there will be also suffering, in various forms and degrees. But suffering, although an inescapable reality, can nevertheless be utilized as a means for the attainment of happiness. This is the interpretation given to it by all the prophets and saints who, in the midst of severe tests and trials, felt happy and joyous and experienced what is best and holiest in life. Suffering is both a reminder and a guide. It stimulates us better to adapt ourselves to our environmental conditions, and thus leads the way to self- improvement. In every suffering one can find a meaning and a wisdom. But it is not always easy to find the secret of that wisdom. It is sometimes only when all our suffering has passed that we become aware of its usefulness."
Bahá’í Writings

On Sunday, September 16, I will attended the monthly devotional services at the Baha'i Centre in Las Vegas, Nevada. Each service has a different theme or subject, the them of this coming service is "The Meaning of Sufferings". The readings will include scriptures from all the Holy Books and not just the Baha'i sacred scriptures. The reason for this is that Baha'is accept the validity of all Holy Scriptures. Each Divine Prophet or Manifestation was sent by All-Knowing and Unknowable Creator, and came to reveal God's will and love to humanity. The Divine Manifestation for this age is Baha'u'llah, who fulfills the prophecies of all the former religions.

Gratitude List for 7 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful for ...
         *BulletV* ...that I have three more responses for my next addition of the spiritual newsletter.
         *BulletV* ...that I will be editing the November 21, 2018 Comedy newsletter.
         *BulletV* ...that I completed "The Wronged One of the World for the WDC 18th Birthday Poetry Challenge.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,281,460 GPs in my Gift Points account.
         *BulletV* ...Rocky didn't get hit by a car on her evening walk.

September 13, 2018 at 10:33am
September 13, 2018 at 10:33am
Istijlál (Majesty), 6 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Thursday, September 13, 2018

“O my God! O my God! Unite the hearts of Thy servants, and reveal to them Thy great purpose. May they follow Thy commandments and abide in Thy law. Help them, O God, in their endeavor, and grant them strength to serve Thee. O God! Leave them not to themselves, but guide their steps by the light of Thy knowledge, and cheer their hearts by Thy love. Verily, Thou art their Helper and their Lord.”

I just finished reading an article in the Baha'i Blog   titled "'Unity Prayer' by Eric Dozier" about the musician who put, the above prayer, to music. I also listened to Mr. Dozier singing the song on YouTube. Listening to the song, and reading the prayer is refreshing. I'm ready to get on with the rest of my day.

Gratitude List for 6 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I have the poem "October Omen for "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest finished.
         *BulletV* ...that I posted a poem on Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon   today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 905 points in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletV* ...that I finished "Oceans of Knowledge and Wisdom for today's entry in WDC 18th Birthday Poetry Challenge.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,264,660 GPs in my Gift Points account this afternoon.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 871 points in My Survey account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have $23.13 in my Inbox Dollars account.

Reading God's Word24

I read God's Word,
prayers revealed through Baha'u'llah,
and feel the Holy Spirit
flowing through the scriptures.

‘Idál (Justice), 5 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Gratitude List for 5 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I received feedback from "Spiritual Newsletter (September 12, 2018) today.
         *BulletV* ...that I finished "Plastic Pollution for the WDC 18th Birthday Poetry Challenge. I had to write the second stanza twice because when I save it the first time the link timed out. This will teach me to save every couple of verses when I'm writing a multi-stanza poem.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,247,330 GPs in my Gift Points account.

Fiḍál (Grace), 4 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Gratitude List for 4 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that another article in the series An Intro to The Baha'i Faith   was published today. The article is Putting Everything at Risk: the Early Babis  , and it discusses how the Babi's were killed. It, also, mentions Tahirih, and quotes her final words "You may kill me if you like, but you will never stop the emancipation of women."
         *BulletV* ...that I received another review for "Home on the Moon today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 821 points in My Survey account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 30,600 point in my YouGov account.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.

23  Baha'i Prayers, page 204, 1991 edition.
24  I posted this poem on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

September 10, 2018 at 11:43am
September 10, 2018 at 11:43am
Kamál (Perfection), 3 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Monday, September 10, 2018

Nightingale's Call25

Can you hear the call of God's Nightingale
Echoing through the gate of paradise,
Summoning humanity to unity.

It's been a productive day. I finished two poem, and I posted "Home on the Moon on the Please Review page. I still need to do two reviews for today. Tomorrow I will begin editing "Home on the Moon and read the first installment of Understanding Human Nature   by Tim Wood. I'm not sure what else I will do tomorrow, because it took me most of the day to finish the "Writing Poetry In Bed and "Divine Unity. Of course, when I was writing "Divine Unity I had to stop, when I got stuck or a line, to say a prayer.

Gratitude List for 3 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I can access two new items through the Baha'i Prayer app on my smartphone: (1) Baha'i Reference Library and (2) Baha'i News Service.
         *BulletV* ...that I received the September/October 2018 edition of The American Baha'i today.
         *BulletV* ...that I finished the Sheshire poem, "Writing Poetry In Bed, today.
         *BulletV* ...that I finished "Divine Unity for {itemP:2163158}.
         *BulletV* ...that I received one review for "Home on the Moon today.

25  I posted this in Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

September 9, 2018 at 11:10am
September 9, 2018 at 11:10am
Jamál (Beauty), 2 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Sunday, September 9, 2018

"Thus they chose the prison city of Akka, which was reserved for rebels, murderers, thieves and highway robbers, and in this wise they made [Baha’u’llah] associate with such people. But the power of God was made manifest, for this prison became the means of the promotion of His Faith and the glorification of His Word. The greatness of Baha’u’llah became apparent in that He succeeded, from within a prison and under such humiliating circumstances, in … overcoming His enemies, and in proving to all the resistless power of His Cause. His sacred teachings spread to all regions and His Cause was firmly established."

In 1853, Baha'u'llah was exiled from Persia. This began a series of banishment journeys, initiated by the "Persian and Ottoman governments"28 that would eventually take Baha'u'llah and his family to Akka in "Ottoman Palestine"29. The final leg of the exile begin on August 12, 1868, and ended on August 31, of the same year, when Baha'u'llah waded ashore and went through the sea gate into the prison city of Akka30.

Gratitude List for 2 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to get online without any difficulties today.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is no overdrawn today.
         *BulletV* ...for the articles on BahaiTeachings.org...Baha'i Inspired Perspectives   that help me understand some of the history and teachings of the Baha'i Faith.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to finish Parts 1 and 2 of The 150th Anniversary of Baha’u’llah’s Arrival in the Holy Land  .
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,176,555 GPs in my Gift Points account.

26  Some Answered Questions, newly revised edition, pp. 36-37.
27  Quoted in "Out of Exile, a Light to the World" http://bahaiteachings.org/exile-light-world.
28  http://bahaiteachings.org/exile-light-world
29  ibid.
30  Also known as Acre.

September 8, 2018 at 9:54am
September 8, 2018 at 9:54am
Jalál (Glory), 1 ‘Izzat (Might) 175 B.E. - Saturday, September 8, 2018
Feast of Might

"Because He suffered imprisonment, we are free to proclaim the oneness of the world of humanity for which He stood so long and faithfully. He was chained in dungeons, He was without food, His companions were thieves and criminals, He was subjected to every kind of abuse and infliction, but throughout it all He never ceased to proclaim the reality of the Word of God and the oneness of humanity."


He was bound by chains so that we could be free
Of the fetters of hate and disunity.

Feast of Might33

This is the Feast Day of Might,
open the scriptures and consume
the reflection of God's glorious light.

Gratitude List for 1 ‘Izzat

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to post to Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon   today.
         *BulletV* ...that I finished the articles (so far published) in the series An Intro to The Baha'i Faith   today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have my next edition of the Spiritual edited and sumitted.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,148,004 GPs in my Gift Points account.
         *BulletV* ...that I had no problems getting on line today.

31  The Promulgation of Universal Peace, pp. 6-7.
32  Quoted in "How the Baha’i Faith Began", http://bahaiteachings.org/bahai-faith-began.
33  I posted this on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

September 6, 2018 at 11:19am
September 6, 2018 at 11:19am
Istijlál (Majesty), 18 Asmá’ (Names) 175 B.E. - Thursday, September 6, 2018

"The Water for these trees is the living water of the sacred Words uttered by the Beloved of the world. In one instant are such trees planted and in the next their branches shall, through the outpourings of the showers of divine mercy, have reached the skies."

Water of Life36

His words
is the water of life
nurturing the orchard of humanity.

the Glory of God,
the promised one has come.

It's been a good morning. So far today, I have read two articles on BahaiTeaching.org  , which are part of the series An Intro to The Baha'i Faith  . The articles I read were part five and six, so I'll have to check the other four articles to see which ones I've read. I know I read another article in this series; however, I read it at night using my smartphone. I think I read it the night my battery went out in the middle of the article. I'll check the other articles and read them.

Gratitude List for 18 Asmá’.

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I received a merit badge today.
Merit Badge in Thank You
[Click For More Info]

For reading and reviewing items featured in WDC newsletters.

         *BulletV* ...that I have 721 points in My Survey account.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,090,679 GPs in my Gift Points account.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to get online without any difficulties.

34  Tablets of Baha’u’llah, p. 257.
35  Quoted in " Three Ways to Bear Spiritual Fruit" http://bahaiteachings.org/three-ways-to-bear-spiritual-fruit
36  Posted on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

September 5, 2018 at 10:52am
September 5, 2018 at 10:52am
‘Idál (Justice), 17 Asmá’ (Names) 175 B.E. - Wednesday, September 5, 2018

“I beseech Thee, by Thy name that hath unlocked the gates of Heaven and filled with ecstasy the Concourse on high, to enable me to serve Thee, in this Day, and to strengthen me to observe that which Thou didst prescribe in Thy Book. Thou knowest, O my Lord, what is in me; but I know not what is in Thee. Thou art the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.”
Baha'u'llah 37

Meditation on the Word of God38

I meditate
upon the revealed Word of God,
and realize that the All Glorious Beloved
know both my strengths and my weaknesses,
and sends tests to strengthen me.

Gratitude list fir 16 Asmá’

         *BulletV* ...that I was able to get online without any problems today.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 895 points in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletV* ...that I found a penny laying face up on the ground when I went out for the mail today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,081,054 GPs in my Gift Points account.

Submitted to "Spiritual Newsletter (September 5, 2018): I believe, that the goal of the human soul--while our physical bodies and souls are joined on this physical plane--is to develop spiritual attributes. At the death of the physical body, the soul ascends into the spiritual plane. The only thing the soul takes with it into the next world are the spiritual attributes it developed while joined with the physical body. I also believe, that at death our souls will review the its actions and decision, while living with the body on the physical plane.

Submitted to "Short Stories Newsletter (September 5, 2018): When my mother died, in 2012, I went to the grief counseling sessions offered by the hospice the provided Mom with end of life care. I also prayed and wrote poetry about my experience caring for Mom. I think the most comfort I got was writing about the experience of taking care of someone with Alzheimer's disease, and saying the prayer revealed by Baha'u'llah for her soul.

37  Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah
38  I posted this on Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon.

September 4, 2018 at 10:36am
September 4, 2018 at 10:36am
Fiḍál (Grace), 16 Asmá’ (Names) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Gratitude list for 16 Asmá’.

Today I am thankful...
         *BulletV* ...that I have 885 point in my Survey Spot account.
         *BulletV* ...that my Bank of America account is not overdrawn today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have 3,040,854 GPs in my Gift Points account.
         *BulletV* ...that I was able to add a new trinket to my collection today.
         *BulletV* ...that I have the templates set up for the October newsletters I'm editing.

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