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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1429181
Now my story begins in nineteen-dickety-two...
2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,
Threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to
-Breathe(2AM), Anna Nalick

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For Daddy, the real world gets fainter and fainter every day.
-Homer Simpson Homer, Please Don't Hammer 'Em

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If we shadows have offended,/Think but this, and all is mended,/That you have but slumber'd here/While these visions did appear./And this weak and idle theme,/No more yielding but a dream...
-William Shakespeare, A Midsummer's Night Dream
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April 27, 2010 at 6:10pm
April 27, 2010 at 6:10pm
I fell off the eating right/losing weight wagon a few weeks ago. I didn't totally backslide. I've pretty much stayed away from fast food and I haven't had a soda in forever. But I started to gain some weight back and I hadn't lost all that much to begin with. But today I'm attempting to get back on the wagon as it were.
The weird thing is, when I'm working it's a bit easier for me to eat right. Probably because I pack my lunch and snacks with the right things. And then on my breaks I have a snack. So I have a nice little schedule for my eating. But on the weekend, there is no schedule. I actually eat less in terms of how many times I eat in a day. But I think when I do eat on a weekend, I eat too much or too unhealthy in one sitting. When I was on vacation a couple of weeks ago it was worse. They say eating at home is better for you, but that's not necessarily true. There are some things I made during vacation that I normally don't get to make, so I probably pigged out a bit more than I should have.

Then there were times we simply didn't make it to the grocery for the week and that kinda hinders things as well. Especially when you're talking about fruits and vegetables. They just don't last very long. Although, we have eaten some veggies that were slightly beyond their prime.

Easter didn't help. My husband bought a bunch of Cadbery eggs. I had bought myself some, but I wasn't looking for a bunch because I was trying to eat right and because Cadbery eggs don't hold up very well. I tried to keep some before, but at some point the goo inside just gets too gummy or crystallized and it's not as tasty. So, I was trying to eat those before they went bad. But there are still some left. One Cadbery egg a day isn't enough to doom me I think, but I was eating other things too that didn't help.

I was never able to start exercising again either. I had even planned to just get up once an hour at work and just walk the area. Because I figured it would be better than nothing, but I keep forgetting to do that. And the last few weeks it hasn't been much of an issue as the semester is coming to an end and I'm hopping up to help patrons pretty constantly. I have thoughts about trying to exercise when I get home from work, but I'm concerned that it will keep me up longer than I want to be. Although, I should probably try it to see if that's even true. But like most people, I don't feel like exercising when I get home from work. Given I work til 11PM, I think that's understandable.

My blood pressure is staying down for the most part though. So, I must be keeping the sodium down. It was never the salty foods that were my bane. It's the ice cream and other sweets.

It was a few weeks ago that study came out that said fat was addictive like drugs. I've had that theory for years. The difference is you don't need to take drugs, but you need food. So somehow, you have to learn to live with food. And I think you just have to accept that it's always going to be a struggle. They say drug addicts are always addicts. If fat is the same way, I don't see what the difference is. It's like they say about diets, they don't work. You have to learn how to eat healthy for the rest of your life. It makes it a little easier realizing that. I'm not nearly depressed about this as I would normally be. I'm not saying I couldn't get that way. I went clothes shopping on Saturday and that almost always depresses me. Except at Goodwill. I ended my shopping venture there, found better clothes and felt better. Weird.

And the farmer's market reopens next month. I'm looking forward to that.

I'm moving my big fat ass back onto the wagon. Just need to jiggle it too so I start burning calories. And with that image, I shall leave you. *Pthb*
April 26, 2010 at 10:48pm
April 26, 2010 at 10:48pm
The week before finals' week suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssssss! And I'm not even a student anymore. But if you are a student, please remember that if anything can go wrong with your project it will happen this week. So please plan accordingly. And be nice to the library people. We're doing the best we can to help you. An emergency on your part does not constitute one ours. But we are trying to be helpful.

Why didn't I take my vacation days this week? *sigh*

Three more days. *Cry*

Hmm... that emoticon should be open mouthed wailing, not just one sad little tear...
April 17, 2010 at 1:01pm
April 17, 2010 at 1:01pm
I thought I knew how to deal with reviews that don't quite fit with others. But here I am, rather disturbed by one I got recently. I want to stress it wasn't a bad review. It was just the reviewer made some comments that no one else has ever made about this chapter. It makes me question everything. Simply because I have to wonder if this reviewer is the only one who was willing to tell me what was wrong. I suppose logically, the majority should overrule the one in a case like this. But still, it's going to bug me for a while anyway. If I do take this reviewer criticism to mean that others haven't been honest with me, that could be seen as me as not trusting other reviewers that I have come to trust over the past two years. When I think about it that way, I'm inclined to ignore the review I got today.

At the same time, I don't want to dismiss a review because it was something I didn't want to hear.

But I also have to wonder if maybe there's something about the story or my style that the reader just doesn't click with. *shrug* I have had reviews like that and I wonder why the person continues to review my story. It may not be the story or style, it could just be an opinion about the particular issue the reviewer brought up.

For example, I did finish Changes on Wednesday and I've discussed it with my husband. He thought the author spent too much time and/or detail with Harry's feelings at certain points in the novel. I didn't it. I thought it was apt and appropriate to get the reader to feel what Harry was. It's quite possible that the review I got is something like that. My husband said that while he was reading it he didn't notice it so much, but looking back on it more objectively he found areas where there could have been improvments.

That just leads to another issue. If you're enjoying something do you really need to go through and find something to critique? I've debated this while giving reviews. I go ahead and tell reviewers issues others may have, but I don't have. So if I don't have a problem with it, why should I mention it? I just want to be helpful and I'm not an expert, not an agent, not a publisher. I guess I like giving the opinions and let the author decide for him/herself how he/she wishes to handle it.

That's what it boils down to. I've come to think that if a reviewer's words strikes a chord of truth with me, than I should probably listen to it. If not, then it's probably safe to ignore. But still, I have a horrible habit of questioning myself.

I should really go shower now.

April 15, 2010 at 8:35pm
April 15, 2010 at 8:35pm
This is the issue I have with poplar book series that I also read such as Harry Potter. When the new book comes out, I feel pressure to get it read as fast as I can so no one can spoil for it me. Now, I'm often eager to get it read so it's not a chore. But I would like to take my time and savor it a bit as the next book probably won't be out for at least a year.

Today, I'm reading the new Harry Dresden book, Changes. I'm on vacation so I've done little else all day but read it. I'll probably have it finished tonight. I already know, thanks to my friends, that there is something about the ending. I'm suspecting a cliffhanger. That makes it more infuriating because I know it will be awhile before the next one comes out. The author Jim Butcher had also started another series so I think that may have slowed down the Dresden Files for awhile. But the other series is done, I think. I hope that means the next book will come out sooner than next April.

Yes, I will read Changes over again, but it doesn't have the same impact as when you read something for the first time. Let me just say, the title is totally accurate.

I just hope I don't hate the author before the end of it.
April 8, 2010 at 5:44pm
April 8, 2010 at 5:44pm
So after I made that post yesterday, I got a small package in the mail. I hadn't ordered anything and didn't recognize the return address. I opened it up and discovered it was CD with some brochures in it from an old co-worker. Apparently, her and her husband are now selling energy drinks and healthy chocolate.

So I had an old co-worker get in touch with me just to sell me something.

After posting something about co-workers yesterday, I found it rather... I don't know if there is a right word for it.
April 7, 2010 at 9:47am
April 7, 2010 at 9:47am

I read this in the hopes of finding some help in the best friend finding department. But, alas, I'm still far too shy to try some of that advice. And the part about letting others know you're in the market for a best friend is a bit odd. Number one, if I had enough people around to tell, I probably wouldn't need a best friend and number two, I'd be afraid of the insulting some of the people I know. For instance, I could tell my co-workers, but what if they're offended that I'm not trying to be their friend? I'm totally open to starting a friendship with them, but I just assume that co-workers want to keep you as co-workers. But the moment I say something like that, who knows who I'll piss off?

Well, it's something to think about anyway. Maybe I should try the Facebook thing and just post a status message that says Wanted: Best Friend. Then I may anger someone on there too... *sigh*

Maybe I just think too much.
April 6, 2010 at 8:33pm
April 6, 2010 at 8:33pm
I've been deleting and editing things in my port tonight. I hope to add more if not tonight than this week. I'm on vacation next week. I have ten days that I need to use before June 12. It's always fun having time you have to use. Next week, I was thinking of cleaning the house a bit. I wasn't expecting to spring clean my port though. That was a bit impulsive.

Benn has gone back to work. I guess Workman's Comp must have been bugging his work place about finding him something to do. The last two days, he's been working case management. This weekend, he'll be working overnight shifts for a guy whose on vacation. He'll be in what they call control. It's basically a small room filled with monitors and it's his job to unlock doors for the other employees. Normally the control person would have to respond to codes, but he's not expected to. Since he's working overnight and the kids will be sleeping for most of it, I doubt there will be much chance of a kid acting up. It did make me wonder at what times prison riots are more likely to occur. *shrug* Yes, I'm very strange.

The only thing that really concerns me about him going back to work is him getting enough hours. So far, it seems like he'll get a decent amount. When he hurt himself the population was down and they were sending people home everyday because they just weren't needed. But I guess now the population is back up.

I finally did my walking exercise thing this morning. I have been getting up earlier the past few mornings. I just feel so much better now that spring is here.
April 1, 2010 at 8:22pm
April 1, 2010 at 8:22pm
Okay, so we went to the Indy doctor today and he said that the doctor who operated on Benn's knee did the right thing. The knee shouldn't have been reconstructed until we see how physical therapy goes. Although, the doctor was wrong about Benn not needing to keep ice on the knee. *shrug* Anyway, Benn has been in physical therapy for two weeks already. He's making good progress. The Indy doctor said that it was just a wait and see type of thing as to whither or not he needs surgery, although the odds are that he will need it. So he's supposed to see Indy doctor every two weeks until his knee heals enough to make a decision about surgery. But he also gave Benn hosiery that will help with the swelling and a knee brace that will allow him to be more stable. He doesn't like it because he cast off the last brace sometime ago and he no longer needs his crutches to get around. He still limps and can't make sideways motions and such. It was the physical therapist who wanted Benn to aim for not using crutches. If he didn't work at juvenile detention center, he would have been able to go back to work awhile ago. Being home all the time is driving him crazy. And once the doctor confirmed that he would have to wait for a few months yet before returning to work, he wasn't very happy. I understand that. If it were me, I'd see if I couldn't work on my writing.

So, it's just more waiting for awhile.

It was a beautiful day to be out today anyway. Although, I had to get up at 7 so we could be at the doctor's on time. We did have time to have breakfast before going though. I don't think I've seen a sunrise since that day in Florida when I purposely got up to see the sunrise over the ocean. I don't know why there's no sympathy for the second shifters. I'm not really tired right now, but I have a headache that comes and goes. I don't get headaches that often. Other than that, I've been in pretty good mood. I've been working on Chasing this week. I feel really good about the changes I'm making.
March 31, 2010 at 8:05pm
March 31, 2010 at 8:05pm
Instead of our counter, I wish to erect a dais in its place. On the dais will be my throne. Before a patron dares to approach the dais, a student assistant will ask him/her to kneel before submitting his/her request. When I deem the request worthy enough, I will bestow my expertise to them. Or if one of my students or other co-workers can assist, I will clap my hands to summon them and they will help the patron.

The campus will learn to appreciate me and the library. No more will be bothered with stupidity and disrespect.

I shall command it, and it shall be so.

Sigh... back to reality...

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