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May 2, 2007 at 4:34am
May 2, 2007 at 4:34am
Those Damn weather men, they just keep talking and predicting but in my state they are not required to be right. I wish I had that luxury at my job. I am required to be right continuously. I can be right 99 times out of a hundred and they get mad about the one time. Oh .... to be a weather man. On top of that, I think I can (and have) predict the weather better than them. They use a computor, then they look out the window and change their forcast. Crazy isn't it? Well I ran track last night and you guessed it, I am alittle sore and lame today. That is OK though, it means I need to get in a little better shape before I run the important races. Weell my friends, I need to do some work......Talk later. Ski
May 1, 2007 at 4:06pm
May 1, 2007 at 4:06pm
Hi, I went on a virtual date today with Shellysunshine. (sorry Bugz, but you have been busy with Easy and I did pay pretty big money for this at the auction) Anyway, it was fantastic. She was a great companion and she let me pick the place, Well I picked it and asked her if it was OK, how could she refuse at that point? We went jogging in the woods.... how peaceful.... I hope she enjoyed it. I am not sure that she has ever been on a date like that before.... she did get to sweat so that was good. I will let her pick the next place, I hope it is something I have never done! She said she would teach me something new.... I am excited..I always am about something new...well not really excited, more like nervous, well really nervous... Oh now I am wicked nervous...what if she doesn't want to go...I guess that would be OK but that would mean I spent a lot of GPs for a jog in the woods. I did enjoy it though.... it is good I got that jog in because I have track practice tonite after work...for those of you who do not know much about track, you run around this rubberized tar surface until you are so tired that you have to stop, then you do it again and again until you are so tired and sweaty that you have to crawl back to the car, drag yourself up to the seat and zigzag your way home so you can stager into the shower and collapse in bed for the night. If you are lucky, when you get up in the morniong, you will not be so lame that you have to swing your legs forward like a pendulum to walk. Sounds great huh?
May 1, 2007 at 4:41am
May 1, 2007 at 4:41am
My body says no but the clock says yes. Sometimes I wish I could let the body win!! Ok can't spend much time here this morning, very busy day today.... got to get cranking now... I will propbably check in later when this wind down about.... give me about 10 or 11 hours...Ski
April 30, 2007 at 4:41pm
April 30, 2007 at 4:41pm
I know, you are wondering why I would blog twice a day---what am I addicted or something? No I refuse to go to write on & on & on anonymous!!! I have stuff to say and honestly everyone else is just plain sick of listening. I am a really weird person inside that looks normal outside. Know what I mean? Oh Bugz, I underatnd about the Nascar stuff, I will try to refrain from it in the future. I never watched it in the past by my son got me in this fantasy league and ...... well it's a great way to interact with my kids as they are no longer home. Like Pyper says, spend qality time with your kids and I have always done that ....things like this allow me to continue. Did I mention I was running a half marathon with my daughter in January? She lives in Arazona and we never get to see her. So we will fly out and i will run with her at her pace (she has never raced) and we will enjoy the memory we are creating!! I also play golf with another son, and enjoy football with anouther. The other son works on mechanical projects with me. We put a new motor in my oldest son's jeep a couple months ago. It was a great time working together. It was his first motor job so he was quite excited when it actually started up and run.I have writing in common with my oldest daughter and we compare our styles and swap stories. I have run a bunch of races with my youngest, of course he creams me. He is so fast. He was State champion in high school. Well enough bragging I guess Got to go home to the wife, ----I know what your thinking but there is plenty of time left over for her! Ski
April 30, 2007 at 4:40am
April 30, 2007 at 4:40am
Well, It's Monday morning and I feel refreshed. Not because I had a restful weekend or anything like that. I had planned on getting the yard cleaned up from the winter and our last Nor-Easter which left many broken branches and a hude mess. Well it rained all weekend! So I didn't get yard word done, so again I will be chased by the mowing before I am ready. For those of you that care, I ran the Safe passage race Saturday and did in fact make it to the finish line. I am OK with my time because I sarted out conservative and didn't really push till the last mile. The rain haelped as I run better if I am not hot. I ran 3.1 miles in 23 minutes and 30 seconds so that is ok. Finished 109 out of 576 runners. 15th in my age group. If I could find a way to become unhealthy skinny I could be in the top of my age group. I am about 10-12 pounds above my ideal racing weight. But besides running I really enjoy eating a little too so the weight thing is a byproduct of that. Can't give up everything you know. Life needs balance and moderation (at least that is my excuse when I order icecream!) I know I did well though because Sunday morning I was not lame and I ran 6 miles relatively easy. You probably remember last Moday I thought I was coming down with a rare case of a cold or flu. well I am gled to report I didn't. Just a little dizy that morning and a little for the next then back to normal. I don't want to jinx it, but I can't remember the last time I was sick. ---- Shouldn't have written that, you know the sick Gods are going to tromp on me now!!!! Tommorrow I will be writting from my bed at home, coughing and hacking, tissues all over the flour and trying to keep the snot off the computor keys.----uuggg Did I just write that? Trust me, I would wash my hands before I taked to you folks----honest! I am on A fantasy racing league for Nascar and I am happy to report that I did a killing in points on Sunday! The last crash messed me up a little but I still faired well. I believe I have moved up into the top 10. Of course none of you know what the hell I am talking about----do you? Doesn't matter, once I have written It, I am happy enough. Time to get some work done------ski OUT!!!
April 27, 2007 at 5:06am
April 27, 2007 at 5:06am
Wow! I would usually not admit that i was yellow but in this case it is a good thing. I was shocked when I saw the color this morning. I thank all who took the time to make this happen. I honestly did not expect something like this. I have sincerely tried to use the site properly, make friends and help people if I could. If this is what it takes for this type of thing, I must say it was easy!!! I didn't think I would look good in yellow, I usually wear much darker colors. I did however once own a Dodge Dart Swinger, It was Canary Yellow and I loved it, so I do have so experience with that color. I havn't thought about that car for a long time. One of the things I used to like about it was how well it would stop. I was kinda crazy back then and my friends hated it when I would slam on the brakes while driving at 40 miles an hour or so. The car would come to a sceamming stop an so quickly!!! They would know it was coming because right before I would do it, I would yell "some cars can stop on a dime, but my car stops on nine cents!!" They would all hold on! The cops however did not appreciate my Michelin tires and amazing braking system..... Go figure!! SKi
April 26, 2007 at 4:38am
April 26, 2007 at 4:38am
It is one more day in my life. Seems boring when I read it. You know what though? My life is not and I think it is because I have learned to enjoy the small things, the fun things, the hard things, even the bad things, as they are what makes up my life. I find myself noticing small things and taking a moment to enjoy them. Sunday as I was cleaning the pool, I noticed a bright red cardinal and it was being chases by a second red cardinal. They were darting and swooping almost like the red baron chasing his twin brother. That is when my wife blurted out one of those little funning things that cause you to stop and laugh. She said, "oh, that one must be gay." Now of course she knew that was impossible, but my point is that we just enjoyed that little moment for what it was. The worlds problems didn't matter at that moment. It was just two people enjoying life together. I call it "stolen moments in time" that is when time stops for a second and allows you to take a breath. A soothing break even if only for a second. SKi
April 25, 2007 at 5:03am
April 25, 2007 at 5:03am
I didn't tell you, It is a 3.1 mile race.
April 25, 2007 at 5:02am
April 25, 2007 at 5:02am
HI, It seems like morning keeps coming no matter what we do. I wish there was some way to flick a switch and stop the morning from showing up for a couple extra hours. Someone should invent that. I feel somewhat disapointed that I skipped track practice last night. I know it was the right choice, but right choices don't always make you feel better, Know what I mean? I will go for a run tonite to make up for it. I have a race Saturday, so I need to stay warmed up. My goal is to finish, I guess I havn't set my goals too high huh?Actually I am shooting for 23- 24 minutes but would not be too happy if I was at the 24 minute mark. Should be able to do at least 23:30. I know most of you may not comprehend what that means but it is running fast enough to be uncomfortable, usually right at the end of being able to breath. It sucks during the race but feels great after. I will let you know how I do. SKi
April 24, 2007 at 9:10am
April 24, 2007 at 9:10am
We had problems with the internet this morning. I guess some surver was down somewhere. So I couldn't get on. Strange thing, I got out of bed this morning and completely lost my balance. Lucky the night stand caught me. That has never happened befroe.... really strange. I wonder if I am comimg down with something? I have not had a cold or sore throat for over a year and everyone around has been sick so I guess I could be getting it. I hope not, hate being sick. It has been 7 hours since I got up and though I am a little dizzy if I move quick, I have not gotton worse. Maybe my body is working it off, it usually does. I was supposed to start track practice today, I will probably skip it, plus I have to work on the filter tonight. Got to get that pool ready for swimming!!! Ski

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