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April 23, 2007 at 4:33am
April 23, 2007 at 4:33am
Monday showed up so fast. I really needed another day to relax. Yesterday was productive though. Got up at 7:30, went for a long run 6 miles, uncovered pool, clenned and cleanned and cleanned. Lots of work but it is worth it. Cleanned out the pool shed, cleanned and dryed the cover and put away the winter stuff. Pool was much dirtier than normal this year. we had a tough winter. Moved the old 77 jeep and plow out of the storage building to get son's Ninja 1000 out to get ready for spring. Worked on other son's four wheeler, went to pool store to pickup spring chemical. Suddenly it was 7:00 how did that happen? Well didn't get much time to relax today but that is what happens when you have to cram 2 days worth of activities into one day! for some reason I don't feel that rested today. SKi
April 21, 2007 at 3:45pm
April 21, 2007 at 3:45pm
Well I took today off and decided to sleep in. Got up at 8:00 and went for a run in the trails, It was great!!! Got back around 9:00 and my work called they needed me ------wel I am at work now and discouraed as the weather is so good outside. 70 and soooo sunny. I am leaving soon so I will so benifit from it. Had pizza and beer with my wife last night then ----Other stuff----- So last night was great!!! Whicked good! Well got to go and grab some sunshine. Ski
April 20, 2007 at 3:50pm
April 20, 2007 at 3:50pm
Wow, I am going crazy here. It is fantastic today, sunny with a mild warm breeze the wind wraps around me and tries coaxing me into playing hooky. I almost agree as I search for any little reason to leave early. Each quick blast of wind that licks the side of my face says "come on, come on, come out and play" I want to go out!!!!! I want to go right now!! I'll be back, I need to go ond check...... well something..... SKi
April 20, 2007 at 5:22am
April 20, 2007 at 5:22am
Well it is morning again. They just keep comming! I am a little late again to day, sorry, well not late for work of course, just late getting to my Blog. I was visiting some friends and surfing around a bit. Then I write some stuff and get really wordy so suddenly the time has dissapeared. Who do you think came up with the word Blog? What does it actually mean? I tried to thing of abreviations but really struggled with that. I am sure someone out there knows. As I was running this morning, I was thinking about dreams again. I know a lot of people think they have meanning and I believe that too but I wonder, what is the difference between my imagination and my dreams? I mean when I write, my brain sees the vision as if I am dreaming. I know that I can prompt and create that vision. Doesn't give it any special meanning does it? So when I am dreaming it is the same, A promt, (something that happened during the day or something someone said, or something on tv) causes your brain to process and then there is a dream. I think my brain processes when I sleep to anylize my problems and create solutions. So that I guess would give them meaning, but does that co-inside with symbolism? I guess I will have to think about this more. Am I thinking too much? Well it is early but I love it! I love getting up before most people. It feels good to get things done. Christ by 1:30 pm I have 8 hours in at work. Would be great if I could quit at * hours and have the rest of the day to myself. But that won't happen at this job!! Speaking of work, I should bet going......see you all later!......Ski
April 19, 2007 at 2:59pm
April 19, 2007 at 2:59pm
Hey people!! My work is sooooo crazy tody. I am swamped with people calling, the accountants needs info, the salesman needs info, The shop needs tech advice, the owner has questions and I have emergency work comming in and my wife called and said she can't get the house door unlocked........whewww....... But THE SUN IS SHINNING!!!! so I'm ok. I will take this shoet little breather and zap right back to my duties.... 100 miles an hour here!!!!! bye Ski
April 19, 2007 at 4:44am
April 19, 2007 at 4:44am
Morning, What a great day!! Well except for the rain, the fact that I have to work, its dark and 4:30 in the morning so I had to get up before my body said it was ok, I havn't seen the sun for a week, the fact that people kill for no appearant reason, I always have to spend more money than I am allowed to have and Oh did I mention the rain? Well anyway besides all that, today is wonderful. Now don't get me wrong, I mean it! I hate some of the problems in life but let's face it, that is life, the ups and downs..... So anyway I love it! I look forward to talking to my friends, solving the problems at work, and being able to stand up in the slippery crap of life, smile and say OH Well!!! Mybe if my life was absolutely perfect, I would be sooooo bored that I would hate life? I am sitting here smiling, sitting up tall and eager to meet the world head on......Let's go!!!! Ski
April 18, 2007 at 5:46am
April 18, 2007 at 5:46am
Morning, Sorry I am a little late. I got all wrapped up in a few pieces a friend sent me and .....well what can I say, you are all readers here. I couldn't stop reading. Anyway, I found out something really great today, Rain is liquid sunshine! Yea! That's right!..... I didn't know that either. So anyway I'm pretty excited, because I find out that it has been liquid sunny for the last week and I didn't take the time to appreciate it. Damn! can't believe I let all those sunny days get by me. SO I am thinking about stripping (might want to look the other way) and getting some liquid tan on this ole white body. Well,,,,, not real white because when I went on vacation three weeks ago.......(that's right! I took A vacation, who knew? Yup it was me!) anyway I was in a very warm sunny place and I did put on a pretty good starter tan. Sure felt good and I am itching to get the cover off the pool and jump in!!! It is amazing the things one can learn on this site.. Well I ran this morning ... Did speed workout. Got pretty sweaty and call me strange but as I stood there with beads of sweat bursting out of my body, completely soaking my running shorts, ....well it just made me think of some pretty fun stuff! (insert imagination here) Anyway I like the speed workouts, even though I am really tired after, I feel like I accomplished something...kind of fulfilling. SKi
April 17, 2007 at 5:05am
April 17, 2007 at 5:05am
Well, the rain will not give up! That is ok I do not discourage easily. I was told to write a story for a contest by my mentor. So I crank up my brain and within an hour the thoughts have flowed out of my brain and dribbled off the end of my fingers. I hit send and shut down to go home from work. I have to learn not to be so impatient. I should have edited before I submitted. But allas The truth comes out.... yes I am lazy... I let the swirling thoughts out of my head but hate to take the time to create something good.. Well the truth is, I am not too good at editing ... didn't get much out of high school and have virtually no experience writing....Just an active imagination that thinks in an odd manner. I do want to learn though and luckily I have friends on this site that are helping me..... To all you.......Thanks so much........Did I mention it was rainning again? .... well it is....I miss the sun! SKi
April 16, 2007 at 4:50am
April 16, 2007 at 4:50am
Wow, what a storm, It started as rain yesterday, turned to heavy slippery snow, then late last night back to rain. I mean heavy rain. I could hear the water running off the roof all night. Sounded like I lived nxt to a water fall. Actually was quite soothing, though my brain knew it was a mess outside. Here is an odd one, I had a bunch of dreams about my mother's Autobiography. I would wake up periodically, realize what I was dreamming about and then when I went back to sleep dream about it again. Each time was a different event. Now here is the funny part, my mother has never written any, so my brain was making it up (probably using some childhood memories) so there was probably some shred of true, at least from my prospective. Now that is weird isn't it? SKi
April 15, 2007 at 11:06am
April 15, 2007 at 11:06am
Well, I slept late today, didn't get up until 7:30, Had this mean headache. went for a 6.5 mile run. Headache was gone! Amazing how that happens. I think it is beacause the rest of the muscles are so tired, the brain doesn't remember it had a headache. It was right on the edge of rainning so I think it won't be long for the nor-easter to hit. I just talked to my son it Boston, It is pouring down there! well guess I will play inside today!! Ski

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