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April 6, 2007 at 4:32pm
April 6, 2007 at 4:32pm
It has been a hectic day. I got all my work done (almost) and still had a chance to write some of my friends. Here is something exciting..... I am leaving early today (4:30) and NOT working tomorrow.....heha. Though that scream is short lived by the fact that I am going up to my mothers house to clean before she returns from the hospital. ANd I mean clean ---her place is dreadful. At least I will get a run in before I go up there. Hoping for 6 miles or so. SO----to all of my fans (three of you that I know of) Have a great weekend. SKi---bye!!
April 6, 2007 at 4:45am
April 6, 2007 at 4:45am
I woke up at 3:00 this morning and couldn't drag myself out of bed to run. Set my alarm for 25 minutes later and rolled over. I didn't get up untill 3:25 and now I am dissapointed in myself. Oh, well ---- the bright side, is that today is Friday. These last two weeks at work have been crazy plus fitting in the trips to the hospital to see my Mom. Boy,----my Mom ---- there is a subject I have never written about. She read some of the stuff I wrote and mentioned to my wife that she felt bad because I wrote some things about my dad but nothing about her. I thought for a while, you know if I did chose to write about her, her feelings would really be hurt if she read them. I don't think that would be right. I like to write about things that interest me or create some type of emotion I need to deal with. I think I shut out the problems my mother has had long ago, do I really want to open that door? I think no, not right now. So I am ready to shut up.

I miss the runners high today but am still in a good mood, looking forward to this weekend, my youngest is comming home from Boston for the weekend. I hope to relax a little bit but we will see. There is always so much to do. Well I feeling a whinning episode comming on so I will get to work.
April 5, 2007 at 5:02am
April 5, 2007 at 5:02am
Well it took me an hour to get to work this morning! 14 inches of snow and still snowing. This is crazy for April. The roads were not plowed yet so it was slow going. My drive is usually a half hour. This is the first time this winter that I had to drive my 4x4 to work, I don't think the old 2 wheel drive truck would have made it! Oh well, I do live in Maine we have a saying, "If you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes and it will change" Pretty happy this morning, got up at 3:00Am and ran a few miles on the treadmill. Yup I put the new motor in last night, calibrated the speed and it is working great. Not that I like the treadmill, but in this weather it is too dangerous to run on the road. Hopefully this weekend they will be cleared up enough. OK, time to actually work, that is what they pay me for.
April 4, 2007 at 4:49pm
April 4, 2007 at 4:49pm
I am taking a little break for a breather. Leaving in about a half hour and it sucks that it is snowing. Don't get me wrong, I love snow, just not in April.I am looking forward to swimming, I miss that in the winter. At least it won't mess up my run, because the new motor for the treadmill came today and I will install it tonite. So my week off from running at 3am is just about over. I only wish I could lose this disturbing 10 pound bulge that has been hanging around for the last 10 years. It is so stuborn. I almost lose it by end of the summer then it shows back up in the winter. So discouraging! well the shop crew has gone home for the day and I am in wind down mode, another day behind me. see you in the morning
April 4, 2007 at 4:44am
April 4, 2007 at 4:44am
Morning, It is 4:20am and I am getting the computor ready to burn it's circuits for another hard day. How did we survive without them 10 years ago? The first one I bought was a Comador 64. You had to program each function yourself to get it to work and of course there was no internet.... how far we have come....By the way,this will prove how crazy I am, I still have that computor tucked away in my cellar. I don't know why I still have it! It has no value and is very hard to use. One of my problems I guess. Hate to throw something away that I might need someday. Now what would I ever use that for? I also have a Stanley garage door opener that I received as a "re-gift" from my dad 28 years ago. I'm sure you know what a re-gift is, you know, one someone recieved and then gave to someone else. I never installed it and didn't want to re-re-gift so it still sits in my attic. Here is a good one, When my kids were little, they had too many toys (like many kids in our country) and we kept trying to get them to clean their rooms, to no avail. Well one day I said "If you don't pick up your room, I will throw everything away that is left on the floor"

My threats were not taken seriously, so I got a couple big green garbage bags and loaded all the toys into them. I couldn't really throw them away of course, so I put them in the attic. Figured I would keep them there until the kids felt the wrath of dad and begged for them back. Guess what? Yup you probably guessed it, they are still in the attic!!! My youngest is now 21 years old.I would get them out but I don't think the kids would want them now. Besides my next to youngest (23 years) still does not clean his room. Maybe I should go over to his apartment with some big green bags? I would but there is no room left in the attic or cellar. A draw back to living in the same place for 29 years...... never get a chance to clean out the junk. I thought of having a yard sale, but all that hauling of junk out on the lawn and then when no one buys it I have to haul it all back in....doesn't sound like much fun. Well got to get some work done. My head will be spinning soon!!
April 3, 2007 at 3:59pm
April 3, 2007 at 3:59pm
No it is not tomorrow, though it sure feels like it! It has been a crazy busy day. Between the thousands of phone calls,the 6 guys that can't seem to work without asking me questions, questions from the secretary and questions from my two bosses, I am running around in circles. Hard to believe this is a normal day for me. Am I crazy for having this job? There is light at the end of the tunnel though, I only have an hour left and then I am on my way home. You know 4:30-5:00 each day sure drags a person down sometimes.

Enough whinning Ski! Get back to work!!!!! Phone is for me again, got to go!!!
April 3, 2007 at 5:07am
April 3, 2007 at 5:07am
OK, Day two of my blog. You know, it is amazing the people one meets on this site. I have made friends with writers that I never would have crossed paths with in a million years. I have read genres that I never realized interested me (close to 400 reads on this site), I have written things that seem to come from no where and actually surprised me as I re-read them. I almost think I am becoming a writer. Yea, I think I am! So now I guess I have to throw in some turmoil or people will not read this, I received a call right before I left work last night. It was 4:55 and my cell rings, my wife is all upset. She gets home from visiting my mother in the hospital and the kitchen floor is covered in water. She hears water running in the fridge, opens the freezer door and water comes flowing out.

That is when I get her call. I tell her to go down cellar and try to guide her to the main water shut off. She finds the wrong one first and opens a water spicket (gets herself a little wet from that) I only laughed a little,and then finds the right one but can't get it to shut off. She gives up and troddles(not a word but it fits the feeling) through the water in cellar and goes back up stairs to dam up the flow until I get home 25 minutes later. Well long story cut short, I shut off the water, disconnect the line to the fridge and help clean up the mess. Oh well, no running tonite and tomorrow I will be visiting my mother (a real long story) so no run then too. You sleeping yet? SKi
April 2, 2007 at 11:35am
April 2, 2007 at 11:35am
Hi, I have never written a journal (or blog) before, so bear with me. First of all, I don't know how much I will write because I am a private person. We will see! I must say that I have found some very nice and helpful people here since I joined 3 months ago. To all you, Thanks! For the rest of you, I have only been writing for about a year now and am quite inexperienced. I am happy just to hear that people enjoy what I write.

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