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by Budroe
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1183984
My journey through (and beyond) the valley with Cancer as my companion.
Dear Friend:

This is not a Blog about writing! (I already have one of those.)

This is a blog about a journey I am taking with illness. I have recently been diagnosed with Cancer. My goal is honest therapy as I progress through, and beyond this new reality in my life. I hope that, somewhere along the way you will find some words that will help you too.

While this is, in fact, an interactive Blog, I hope that you will scroll slowly down this page. For you see, the front of this Blog IS my journey. The entries are conversations that are held along the journey.Yes, there is a lot on it--before actually getting to the Blog entries. But, I hope that by the objects and words which appear before the Blog itself, you might come to understand just a little bit about me, and my journey, and some truly amazing friends who have agreed to journey with me. I hope that you, too, will choose to accompany me on my walk--through the Valley.

I invite you to join me, and discover the wondrous truths, meet some truly amazing people, and share those "memorable" moments this journey will undoubtedly present. Come along, won't you?

In His Care,

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Would you like to help me help others? I found this amazing organization, and I am proud to be a sponsor. I hope you will check it out. It's called The Network For Good.  

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("Every thing is funny - Growth through humiliation - Wisdom through loss")


The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.
~Helen Keller~

"If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people."
~Virginia Woolf~
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"There is strength in truth."
~The Barton Family Crest~

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“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

— Helen Keller, American social activist, public speaker and author (1880-1968)

I have moved the list of my thanks for those who have helped to make this little Blog so very special. I hope that you will take a moment to read the list, growing every day, and let these fellow travellers along this journey know that you appreciate the contributions they make to our walk together.

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"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
James 1:2-4

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May 16, 2007 at 6:32pm
May 16, 2007 at 6:32pm
It is not easy to define, or explain. This past weekend, and this week have been total wash-outs for me. I have sailed headlong into the midst of the Doldrums, it would seem. I was aiming for St. Bart's, but I think my rudder got caught in that last gale, and here I am.

Life is getting quite critical, in some rather critical areas. A two-hour phone conversation with the Disability people led nowhere. It really is NOT their fault, but they are kind of tied right now. That is a very bad thing, because they also happen to hold the keys to my ability to survive financially. Right now, that is way past critical. But, I won't bore you with those ugly details.

Publisher conversations have been, umm, interesting this week. I am not certain why,but one of the publishers who passed has now come back to the table. They are not opening with an offer, but have indicated their strong interest in "Notre Dame", the series, and a couple other titles. To make the splash we need, I do really want a mainline publisher to start this thing off. I am, however, prepared to direct my own publication (as we will for other authors). Time. I feel like I'm just wasting it unmercifully. Every moment counts when you are called upon this journey. Whether by design, or by default, months are suddenly showing up on the "completely wasted" side of the board.

And, time is not being friendly to me financially, physically, or emotionally. I have a very clear sense of my present situation in all regards. No part of it looks good, and most of it looks terminal. I hope you will remember me to Dad when next you chat with Him. Tell him my "character" vat is full to overflowing,okay? I really need Him to show up, and show off--badly!

But, for such events as these past days have afforded, we really need some kind of authentication. How about a hard drive crash? You know, the one with the 35 lesson evaluations completed on it? The one that I cannot access? That's okay, neither can the tech that has it. New hard drive, and new Evals all around. Further behind in the teaching obligation, just for good measure.

Ole Clubfoot seems to be using my head as a picnic area! I know how it ends, but sometimes even a little bit of frustration in the Valley can become unmanageable, unwieldy, and just plain unpleasant.

But, man did we have a beautiful day today!! Virtually NO humidity, and about 70 degrees with a soft southerly wind at about 5 mph most of the day. Ahhh, how do He do that?

Sorry, but I kinda got overloaded there. It's really bad. But He's really awesome! I know He will. I just wish He would, and sooner rather than later.

But, it's His plan, and His time. That's all I truly want. Think good thoughts, and go on out there, and have a legendary day!

In His Care, and Yours!

May 13, 2007 at 8:11pm
May 13, 2007 at 8:11pm
My very best wishes for all of you today. For you who are Mothers, may you feel only joy, happiness, and the full knowledge of your own immortality through your children, and your grandchildren, and your great-grandchildren.

Everyone has a Mother. I do. Although she moved to Heaven on January 9th, 1971, she has always been close to me. She remains close to me even today, on this special day. I have a step-mom, whom I love very much. I was blessed to have a Mother who gave me all those wonderfully good things of life. She was not a great person, but she was definitely a very good person. She contributed to the world in ways that confound the mind, and heart. I miss her very much.

I am considering writing her a letter today. Do they get mail in Heaven? I believe so. If not, there sure is going to be a stack of mail for me to take with me when I go. I'm not sure if I have what it will take to write this letter, of them all. But, perhaps I will. I would like to at least attempt it.

There is so much I would love to share with my Mother. Nothing would make me quite so happy as to see her face over a cup of coffee. I know that I have not always been a good boy, and there have been countless times when my one true hope was that she was looking elsewhere at some moments of my life. Yet, I think I have taken those most important lessons she taught me in the short fifteen years we had together. I hope so.

My Mother loves me ferociously. As in life, even now I feel her manifest love around me almost all the time. I would like to believe that there have been moments in the time since I last saw her that my Mother would be proud of me. Even though it is true that those times may be very few and far between, I would love to believe that my Mother has had occasion to brag on me to Dad. I would love to think that there are times when Dad comes runnin' down the hallways of Heaven, seeking my Mother out, to brag on her baby boy. I don't wish this because I'm worthy. I wish it because my Mother is worthy.

We don't get to make the call about who our parents are in this life. When it comes to having a Mother, I got an Ace of Hearts!

Happy Mother's Day!

In His Care, and Yours!

May 10, 2007 at 6:13pm
May 10, 2007 at 6:13pm
I received this in my eMail yesterday. I thought I would save it for today. What do ya think?

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I'm not just a Course Instructor; I'm a student too, y'all! And, now, I'm a Gradjeeate! YAY!!

In other news:

My WP winter has been afforded the honorary title of "Godmother" to my newest GRANDchild, Allie. The baby even opened her eyes, lookin' for her PAPAW! Actually, I think you can see a very prominent resemblance. "Invalid Entry Four days old, and already this baby's stealin' hearts from miles away!

It's true that yesterday put me in the dirt for a bit. Today, my body is letting me know that I got sucker-punched. Thank you for the kind words, and the eMails. It is a Blessing. And, a special thanks to my beloved cuz, who meant every word. I love you, too Annie B.

I'm coasting today. Sometimes, that's just best. And, just for today, that's enough.

In His Care, and Yours!


May 9, 2007 at 10:14pm
May 9, 2007 at 10:14pm
Friends, it is Wednesday evening, about 2145 (9:45 PM). The last time this writer slept was way early on Monday morning.

I'm not complaining mind you. I'm just bushed. Nerves, pain, and bad dreams have filled my living these past few days. That is, for me, not a very healthy combination.

I visited with the Food Stamp/MedicAid people this afternoon. Let us merely note, in passing that it did NOT go well. It seems that my cumulative total on my Federal and State Income Tax Refund put me over the earnings cap for 2007! So, I am thinking the Food Stamps are not going to happen. At least it sure looks that way at this moment. That will definitely put a major crimp in my lifestyle. I never know that $1,500.00 was the earnings cap (resource limit for a, umm, YEAR) for this program.

Methinks there is something strangely, and strongly amiss here. Two things become relevant to their "compassion", and one becomes relevant to my existence.

First those things that become relevant to them:

1. It is my absolute belief that, after 7+ months of having had my file in suspense, this agency is perfectly willing to keep it there--right up until the day I am determined to be totally disabled. No, that has not happened yet, either. The good folks of the great State of Indiana, what with their Republican Governor and Legislative Assemblies, seem to have run completely out of money. Well they actually did so last September. The State is technically, and therefore for all purposes, bankrupt. This AFTER the private sale of the State's Interstate toll road system to two foreign concerns (German and Australian). Fiscal responsibility seems to be continuing its long decried holiday around these parts.

2. I learned today that the Department of Social and Family Services for the great State of Indiana has followed the way of our perfectly wonderful Interstate Toll Road System. Yes, friends and neighbors, it has been SOLD to IBM! On June 1, 2007, "Big Blue" is going into the Social Services business right here in the Hoosier State! If nothing else (and there is a boatload of else in this), I would probably imagine that all those persons who will be losing their jobs (yes, all new faces of compassion down at DFS) are probably NOT real thrilled about turning out the lights come the end of the month. Why work? I mean, what's going to happen--they're gonna get fired, er sumthin'?

The two items together paint a fairly dysmal portrait for an ever-growing population in our state. Unwillingly, I have been cast into their midst, and am one of their own. Which leads me to that part of this entire charade which I find particularly relevant.

I got a "Resource Sheet" today, which listed Food Banks, and Shelters around the area. Yeah, go ahead. Let it warm yer hearts! *Smile* I'll wait.

Closest one? 8 miles. That's a lot of walking, just for lunch. Now, don't get me wrong here. I've been legit hungry before. I know the value of a sammich! (I actually had one today, as a matter of fact!)

This is a part of the journey that is shocking, and painful. It also happens to be humiliating. So, if the Social Security Administration follows suit with the State, where precisely does that leave yours truly? Terminally ill, and totally disabled (unable to work), regardless of what the beaurocrats might otherwise opine. And, about the space big enough to build a WalMartTRB SuperStore between today, and the day the Disability people send me the "You'll probably want to consult with an Attorney on this, but...".

Friends, did you know that there are over 8 MILLION American families today living in...ummm, cars? I see their condition, and I do understand their pain, and their fear. They have faith, and good intentions, as well.

I always knew it was an expensive proposition to be healthy. The cheapest form of medical insurance is nutrition, exercise, and rest. I don't know when it got so damnably expensive--impossibly so in my present case--to be ill. Man! Whoda thunk it would cost so much to die?

I pondered that last sentence up there for over fifteen minutes before I typed it. There is a voting majority, just in the number of people in this country who know this reality all too well. I think it's time to talk about it. But, more importantly, I think it's time we decided to do something about it. Ourselves. NOW! This is, as they (who, or whomever as the case may be, "they" are) used to say, is getting entirely out of hand.

I am probably the most Conservative Democrat any one of you ever met. My Republican friends think I am nothing less than a Liberal Republican about half the time. See I can get an entire legislative body mad at me!! *Smile*

It's not the Democrats' fault.

It's not the Republicans' fault.

It is the fault of every American, who does not demand a solution today! Period. (Well, in my not-so-humble opinion, anyway!) I don't want to hear the histories, and the diatribes. I want to hear that I can eat. I want to be able to look my Saint of a Landlord in the face with something besides shame, with my hat in hand--one more time.

There is an amazing word in the Bible. "But!"

I am telling you that my Dad is drivin' the boat! My job is to enjoy (or at least take note of) the scenery! His Grace IS sufficient. I am not worried. I sure do wonder, though. I truly do wonder.

In His Care, and Yours!

May 7, 2007 at 11:49pm
May 7, 2007 at 11:49pm
Today, the A-1 Academy began a new series of courses. Two of them have somehow listed me me as the Instructor. All of a sudden, I have three courses goin', with more students than Carter's got Liver Pills. And, they are all asking ME questions!

ROFL! Imagine. Let it bless yer hearts. There is, within me, a specific joy. I am, albeit via distance (which seems to be growing by leaps and bounds, even after only one day!), teaching again. There is, within me, a distinct terror. Me? Teaching again?? Oi. How soon we forget! *Smile*

It has been a joy, even in these few hours and days, to learn of members of this site who are active learners in a more intimate environment. Looking at the Academy site tonight, I am grateful and pleased to see that the students are (at least for the moment!) taking me at my word, and giving my ideas a shot. We will see how long that lasts! News of the hangin' will be broadcast, WDC-wide, for your viewing pleasure!

Who am I to believe that I have anything at all to tell these people, about anything? (First Day Jitters!) How will I possibly keep up with the merest factor of this proposition? (eMail blitz like you would NOT believe!) How will I have the time, the energy, and the ambition to keep up with these folks? (That's just me!)

In case I hadn't heard, there's this rumor floatin' around somewhere that I am a sick person. I don't believe that if I were me (Oh, wait....) I would be setting myself up for the task before me. I don't believe I did this, and I am looking to me to answer for this impending train wreck!

By the way, if you see me, please tell me I'm looking for me. It seems I want to have a moment of deeply intense, personal fellowship with me regarding my more recent judgements!!

So far as I know, the last time I saw me, I was runnin' like a madman down the hallway, brain in hand, yellin' "CHAARRRRR!" I must have a word. Yus.

And, here at the end of the first full day, the fact of the matter is: I survived it. So far (and as far as I know), my students have survived it, as well. Actually, if truth be known, my students are actually TALKING to one another on the Discussion Boards. What they are IM'ing to each other while doing so remains unknown! The lessons are being at least perused by said students, and I have not heard of an international run on either Tums, Aspirin, or Sniper scopes. (All good signs!)

So, why did I do it?

Friend, when you are called upon this journey, there are many things to experience. There are an almost impossible number of things to learn. There are even a few things to share. Most of the steps along this journey are merely echoes of what once was. We see our victories, sometimes, in mere survival. But, sometimes, when we not only hang onto some of the things that have defined our lives, but live in them again, we feel--alive. It is a very rare treat, and it is to be brandished about wrecklessly, joyously, and boldly!

Yes, I am sick. I know that, and so do you. (No, Tor! I DON'T just mean mentally out to lunch!) *Smile*

I want to believe that I still have something relevant to add to the discourse of life. I want to believe that I still have something to contribute that will, in perhaps some small way, make a positive difference in the life of another--and in my own life as well.

And, as any Cancer patient would tell you if you could find the right words to ask them:

I want to believe that, just for today, I am alive!

Today, I am alive! And, because I know that, just for today, I may have Cancer, but Cancer does NOT have me! For today, JUST for today, I am a survivor! I sincerely hope that you are, too. In whatever battle you are facing, or waging, I hope that today, you are a Survivor. That is a victory that, for those of us on this particular journey, they just cannot take away. Just for today. Tomorrow will have enough for itself. Live, learn, love--today!

In His Care, and Yours!

May 6, 2007 at 11:02pm
May 6, 2007 at 11:02pm
This city has a hangover. My little town has a sympathetic hangover, today as well. The bunting is down, the trash has been cleaned up, and the track is running a full program of races today, as well.

winter's Primary Care Giver, Tonya, has been the recipient of God's newest angel. Missus Holly Allison "Allie" Kay Mitchell made her appearance on May 4th, 2007. She presented in perfect shape, at 6 pounds, 4 ounces and 19 inches. Mother, Godmother (Raven), and Daughter are all completely wonderful as of this writing. I am completely thrilled for all of them.

Tonight begins twelve weeks of new Instruction at the A-1 Academy. I will be coordinating two courses for this series. I hope you will seek them out, and enjoy them. I highly recommend the A-1 Academy to anyone.

Medically, things continue to deteriorate. I am not yet concerned, but my care team seems to be. I shall try to figure all that out this week.

In His Care, and Yours,

May 5, 2007 at 9:54am
May 5, 2007 at 9:54am
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This is, for Kentuckians, THE day of the year. We are happy, and quick to wish all who celebrate a happy "Cinco de Mayo"!

This will undoubtedly be a cumulative entry, today. First of all, because a few of the legends, stories, and myths of the Derby will find their way to this page today. Secondly, because the first entry has already, thanks to Internet Explorer, been lost. This is the second attempt to begin this entry. For the post positions, current betting line, and other information on the lineup for the 133rd Kentucky Derby, you can go here: http://www.bloodhorse.com/index.asp

In 1922, a rather well-known Louisville location, and an extremely well-known Derby tradition began near 4th and Central in Louisville. Wagner's Pharmacy was begun by Leo Wagner with funds saved from his job as a groomsman, "breezer" (warm up jockey), and assistant trainer for "the ugliest horse to make posttime at "Mr. Churchhill's Downs" who, in 1919, not only turned around in time, but won the 45th running of the Kentucky Derby. "Sir Barton" would go on to win the very first Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Horse Racing. Wagner would go on to work with a horse who did not turn around in time at his first ever race, coming in second to his stablemate "Upset". Man-O-War would never lose another race, and would retire with a record of 19-20, having established a record which has never been broken. Leo Wagner swore that his horses won because, on the morning of the important races, he, the trainer, and the jockey would always eat breakfast with the horse in the stable as a regular tradition. Man-O-War did not run in the 1920 Kentucky Derby, won by "Paul Jones", because his owner did not "care for racing in Kentucky". Go figger. Man-O-War surely made Kentucky his home. I guess things, and opinions, change.

Today, Wagner's began serving breakfast at 0430 this morning, and will be serving breakfast in the restaurant until 1100, when the Pharmacy Restaurant will close for the remainder of the day. The ovens will be blazing, however as the cooks will be preparing special luncheon meals for a select group of guests and customers. They will be catering lunch at Churchhill downs for the jockies, groomsmen, "breezers" and trainers of the 21 horses who will run in today's Derby: the 133rd "Run for the Roses".

And that is how every dedicated Derby fan begins this day: with a special menu for Breakfast that follows a strict formula. Unfortunately, the formula, the recipes, and the menu are all closely guarded secrets. *Smile*

Stay tuned for the story of a horse that even God is rooting for in today's race.

Addendum #1:

For those of you who happen to like the track favorite, "Curlin", (3-0) who won the Arkansas Derby by greater than 10 lengths: a word.

The last colt to win the Kentucky Derby who did not race as a 2 year-old, was "Apollo", in 1882. I do believe Apollo's record is safe for today.

Update #1:

In 1820, nine Catholic Sisters, working together to open a mission in the Springfield, Kentucky area, organized The Sisters of San Dominica mission. Today, there are more than 80 missions, world-wide. Only one of them, however, raises Throughbred Horses. The Sisters in Springfield have broken into an entirely new business opportunity today. Their colt "Dominican", leaves out of the #19 hole in today's Kentucky Derby. The colt has had a 3-1-1-2 record so far, in 7 outings. In his warmups, he has posted a track record in the 5 furlongs at 59.2.

This is a special horse with a very special fanbase. Do you really feel good betting against God?? *Smile*

I might also add (because I read it in a book, or heard it from somebody once a looong time ago, er sumthin') that Churchill Downs has a very unique customer service attitude, having the unqiue distinction of having it's own jail. The Louisville Metropolitan Police Department operates a complete Sub-Station, replete with holding cells at the Downs. Ticket scalpers, rule violators, and other "evil-doers" can find their Derby experience pinged with sadness until one hour after the Derby finishes: then sofflaws at the Churchill Downs Sub-Station are transported via more traditional transportation to the metro jail.

Track conditions are, as of 1120, listed as "Good". More rain is expected later today.

My first attempt at an entry today had a really exceptional entry. It would have, no doubt, been the hands-down favorite for the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism. No, Really!! *Smile*

One of my favorite memories, and one of the most spectacular traditions of the Kentucky Derby involves the mix of people to populate Churchill Downs today. One of the most spectacular realities of the Derby involves what will, by posttime, constitute the third largest city in the Commonwealth (behind Lousiville and Lexington) in population. Clubhouse and/or Box seats are great, and impress most Junior High School friends (and their parents). The Queen, The President, and the celebrities in town, as well as those who can pay the tariff to rent some else's box willfill those seats.These are generally referred to as "The Republican" seats at The Downs.

But, the Republican seats do not have their own Mayor, and Sheriff. They do not have their own restaurants, and other cooking vendors who will bring your order to you. And, they most surely do not have their own "Green Sentinels" (Port-O-Potties). Oh, no! This is not for the "Have's". You see, this is one reason the Derby is just so very special. Having had choices to make. the originators of the Derby chose to keep the race close to the common man. This most special area is known as "The Infield". By posttime, the infield will have more souls populating its area than all other seating areas of the track combined. It is true that the infield will create the third largest city in the Commonwealth.

Yes, indeed, the infield does have it's own Mayor, and its own Sheriff. How much does it cost to gain admission to the Churchill Downs infield seating? Nothing. Never has, and never will. The current Mayor of the infield hails from Illinois. He arrived in Louisville yesterday, replete with official Moose Lodge Hat, and Mayor's Jacket (Yes, they are official!). The Sheriff IS the people's law in the Infield. He has always provided the security, and the power of arrest to any and all patrons of the infield. In the past three years, however, LMPD has introduced plain-clothes detectives, and uniformed officers on scissor-stands. The common people are not impressed, and this year promises to be filled with protests. LMPD has attempted no less than 8 times in years past to make their presence known amongst the Mayor's constituency. 8 times, the police have been summarily removed. I have no doubt that Hizzoner will be successful this year, as well! Ya just do NOT argue with the Mayor on Derby Day! If you are wanting to see Jessica Simpson, or Sandra Bullock, you would be much better advised to get to the Paddock! They will not be among the common folks of the Infield. If you are interested, though, Ashley Judd has been in her traditional position at the head of the third turn since 0800 this morning! What does that tell ya?

In the Brown-Foreman Suite at the Downs, you can purchase the Official Drink of the Commonwealth: the Mint Julip, for the paltry sum of $22,000.00 per drink.

The "Perfect" Mint Julep (Have you EVER had a Mint Julep??) will offer a double shot of single barrel "Woodford Reserve" Bourbon, a Sprig of (Real) Irish Mint, Ice from the Austrian Alps (Don't ask, Ok? Just don't ask!), and special Sugar from Honduras, all placed in a 24-karat gold serving cup, featuring a 1/2 carat diamond on the impression of the Horse who won the 132nd running of the Derby, and the Horse who will be forever known as "The People's Horse", "Barbaro". Over 1/2 the proceeds from the sale of drinks today will go to Equine Veterinary Research to study Laminitis, the disease which eventually took the life of the wonderful horse who won last year's Derby by 6.5 lengths, going away. Incidentally, this is also the disease which eventually took the life of another Derby, and Triple Crown Winner, Secretariat.

Before you stroke out over the cost of an ounce or two of special Kentucky Bourbon over ice, with a lot of sugar in it, let me add just a bit of perspective. The consumers of this special beverage will, on average, wager in excess of $500,000.00 today on one race. The average consumer of this particular beverage will wager more than $1 Million at The Downs today.

And, the answer is "No!" Pretty glass, with a Diamond in it. But, it still tastes like a Mint Julep. Sorry.

Update #2:

(In the Seventh Race of today's "All Stakes" Program, "Silver In Your Pocket" won, pulling away. "Swapness" came in second. It is approximately 3.00 hours till posttime for the Kentucky Derby, scheduled to leave the gate at 1815. HRH and entourage are safely ensconced in the Royal Box at Churchill Downs. The Royal Box has not been used for it's intended purpose in 84 years. The Presidential Box is awaiting it's occupant et al. Queen Elizabeth has never graced The Downs, although it is common knowledge she has desired to attend for many years. This is a special gift to her by her subjects, as a memento for her 85th Birth Day. The infield population now exceeds 100,000, the Eastern Kentucky University (an alma mater) Marching Band (The "Official" Marching Band of the Kentucky Derby) is playing. The Sun is shining, track conditions are listed as "Good". The only line longer than the clubhouse line for the Gentleladie's Restroom is the line for the ATM at this time. This is considered a good "weather" omen, according to Derby afficianado's.

Ten souls currently populate the Derby Jail at this time. The population is prominently displayed on the main track toteboard. It's a unique feature of this day. (So, incidently, is the telephone number to the jail for those looking for the lost one. Sadly, the incarcerated will not be able to see the Kentucky Derby by any means. They will, however (given the natural kindness of Southron gentility) be able to hear it--unless they are preemptively removed to the Louisville Metro Jail. I am watching the Downs Executive Chef serving HRH especially prepared tea and Crumpets. This is the only man on the planet who chooses his horses by the food served in the Luxury Clubhouse. His Choices? #1 "Sedgefield (57:1 now),and #19 "Dominican" (25:1 now), the horses from Springfield, Kentucky. That's where Chef found special Shitaki Mushrooms that are being used today. They did, in fact, come from the Sisters of Dominica. This is a totally unrelated circumstance! Don't go there!

The question has been asked: How are the horses in the Kentucky Derby chosen?

Recently (as in, this race), a good clue has been given. This year, Merv Griffin's horse, "Cobalt Blue", was scratched this week. So, how is the replacement decided?

The Yum Foods Brand "Kentucky Derby" is a Grade I Stakes Race. With a purse of $2 Million (and a $1 Million added purse), it is the highest Grade I purse in Horse Racing. A field of 20 horses are selected by their positions in total earnings. It is not their speed. It is not their bloodlines. It is not their fan base, or their trainer, owner, or jockey. It IS the horse.

When the #19 and #20 ranked winners were scratched earlier this week, the #21 and #22 ranked money winners were immediately sent an invitation (a requirement going back to the very first Kentucky Derby). They were not listed in the program until the owner read back the special invitation code on the invitation which, due to circumstances, was sent via Overnight Delivery. So was the Invitation response. The owners did, however, call The Downs with their invitation acceptance. That is a party you just do not make the host wait on--for anything!

Pussycat Doll is the favored horse in the "Called to the Post" 8th race, "The Humana Distaff". I will talk to you again in a while.

Update #3:

"Pussycat Doll came in second to "Hysterical Lady" ($17.80 on a $2.00 bet to win). The winning jockey in this race, Rafael Bajerano, winning his fourth race of the day, will be aboard the #19 horse, "Dominican" later on in the Grade I Kentucky Derby. Evidently, the jockey has impressed Dad today....*Smile*

Update #4:

The horses are in the paddock for the Woodford Reserve Turf Classic (Special). This is the last race to be run before the Kentucky Derby, and is considered to be the premiere Turf race of the season. "Einstein" and "Brilliant" are the favorites. HRM has chosen Churchhill as her favorite, and "Brilliant"--the horse owned by her host. This race is considered to be the Turf's Kentucky Derby, and is an amazing race, and every bit as exciting (and significant) as the race which follows it. All the horses are in the Post Parade, and are all acting extremely politely today.. The sun is shining, and the track is currently listed as "Fast". The tractors are racing on the backstretch on the dirt track. Tractor #6 is currently in the lead, and is my choice to win. More soon.

At the half, the distance between the leader and the #2 horse in the race was 18 lengths. It was a photo finish, with Sky Conqueror winning by less than a nose over Brilliant. Both horses came from the back of the pack. It was an exciting, if extremely unfortunate finish for the patrons. Sky Conqueror went to the post at 88-1.

As the final pre-race update, I would like to make the following observations on the 133rd running of The Kentucky Derby. Here is my list of five for today:

1. The favorite horse, as of posttime, wins the race less than 20% of the time, historically.

2. Five minutes after the first horse in The Derby crosses the Finish line, every "system", "Plan", and "unfailing situation" comes crashing down into a plethora of excuses.

3. Tomorrow, the only people who care about the winner in the Kentucky Derby are the approximate 26,000 employees hired by Churchhill Downs to clean, repair, refurbish, restock, and make ready the property for Sunday's Racing Program.

4. Doug O'Neil trains two horses in today's race: #1 "Liquidity", and #20 "Great Hunter". O'Neil has, in the past two years, lost his Dad, two brothers, and a son to Cancer. This is his first Derby. In the past hour, the #20 horse has gone from 55:1 to 4:1. I wouldn't bet on him to win, but I hope he does.

4. The betting favorites for the 133rd running of the Kentucky Derby are:

#7 Street Sense
#2 Curlin'
#8 Hard Spun
#14 Scat Daddy
#12 Nobiz Like Shobiz

5. My pick, for all the reasons listed above:

#19 Dominican (25:1)

We'll see in about 30 minutes. Happy racing, sports fans!

Final Update:

The blind, grey horse did not win. The favorite did not win. None of Fletcher's five horses won. My horse did not win.

The jockey all the jockies wanted to win won. A twenty year Derby jockey won his first Derby. Calvin Borel came from the 19th position at the half, on the inside rail. He is universally know as "Calvin Bo Rail!" He never came off the rail until he was 1/2 way down the final stretch. The horse, "Street Sense" ran like a maniac possessed to a magical win. Congratulations to a (Lousiana Cajun) Kentucky Jock, riding a Kentucky Horse, on (no doubt about it!) Kentucky's Day!

In His Care, and Yours!


May 4, 2007 at 5:16pm
May 4, 2007 at 5:16pm
For all the hype, hoopla, and histrionics, the Commonweath is one showin' off Lady today! The weather did what I expected it to do. No balloon race. No Steamboat race (yet!). But this is not about hoopla. This is about the thoroughbred horse, at its very, very best.

The Pre-Show for the Kentucky Oaks began at 0430 this morning. This is the first year that Churchill Downs will be using (Yes, that IS what I said!) synthetic dirt. The people who are "facing" for the cameras are the legendary names and faces of the Thoroughbred Universe. Bob Baffert Wayne Lucas, Nick Zito (I went fishing with Nick last year!) are all legendary trainers who, for the first time since 1980, have no horse between them in either the Oaks, or the Derby.

I predict that "Rags To Riches" (the people's horse) will win the Kentucky Oaks today. She is an absolutely gorgeous horse, with impressive numbers.

They're in the Paddock. Strangely, this is a weekend of beginnings in my life. I'll tell you more about that in a while. Right now, I'm gonna watch a horse race. In case you somehow didn't know, or haven't figured it out: I'm a Kentuckian. *Smile*

Let me get back to you on that. Thirty minutes til The Oaks--and it just started raining. I mean, like as in "out of a boot!" Downpour! Why is that just so incredibly funny to me?

In His Care, and Yours!

May 3, 2007 at 11:52pm
May 3, 2007 at 11:52pm

Some four miles away from my humble little home, the virus has become a pandemic. There is a blanket of sadness descending, and there is not one thing I can do about it. What is the nature of this plague, you ask?


Yes, that's what it is. There is a 40% chance of RAIN on late Saturday afternoon. You see, there's a little matter of a horse race to be dealt with. Actually, however, that is not entirely true. The weather for tomorrow (Friday) gives the probability of precip to be in the near 70% range. Yeah, so?

Before we must suck it up for "The Run For the Roses", friends, we must first endure "The Run For the Lillies". You didn't know? Oh, for shame!

The Derby (Kentucky, that is) will be run for the 133rd time on Saturday afternoon. Tomorrow, however, will be the Senior of the two legendary races, The Kentucky Oaks. By one day (exactly!), the 133rd "Run for the Lillies" will leave the gate tomorrow afternoon. You know, before the Barnstable-Brown Party (sold out since December. Sorry!) at $3,500 a plate. Fashion is defined, the Double Mint twins always attend their own swaree, and the hats will be on full display under the tents. HRM will, I hear, wear a bbq bib. I, unfortunately have had to RSVP. I have to wax my drapes, and cannot attend. The wounded hearts will heal. Earlier in the day, we will endure the balloon race (wanna bet? My friend Rick probably will not be piloting his special shape balloon tomorrow, thanks to the evil weatherman!). If the rain brings wind, the River will not be safe for the Great American Steamboat Race between "The Delta Queen", and the winner,"The Belle of Louisville".

The good news is that Mother Nature DID offer a reprieve today, allowing the step-off of the Annual Pegasus Parade, which was well-attended by many hundreds of thousands of faithful Derby fans, a few thousand Derby hats (at $1,000-$99,000 a copy), 11 parade balloon animals, 32 Marching Bands, 21 Jockeys, and some guy looking for a Starbucks. (In Louisville? HA!)

Thanks to the stupid weatherman, the dramatic impact of his lousy weather could seriously reduce the tourist income revenues to the city from $4.35 Billion to a measely $4.34 Billion. Who is most upset by this nefarious turn of events? The haberdashers, I promise. However, being resilient tradesmen, I understand the sale of boutique umbrellas may well cover the margin.

For a couple of 2 minute horse races. It brought Anna Marie and Larry together. The Barnstable twins will quit whining for a week, and all will be well in the Bluegrass.

And so it goes.

In His Care, and Yours!

May 2, 2007 at 10:12am
May 2, 2007 at 10:12am
Thank you, everyone who has, and who will contribute to my Cousin's Relay for Life event. I hope you will continue to help Annie B. reach her donation goal. Above and beyond her dedication to this, and other causes, her spirit could surely use a bit of a lift. Not only is she on this journey, but she also is single-handedly guiding my beloved Aunt Jena on her own journey. She puts feet to her faith, and lives the word.

I have a goal this month. I was, originally, going to read every highlighted piece of writing in the Newsletters. Umm, yeah. Okay.

Then I decided I would read at least one highlighted piece from each Newletter each week. That's a lot of reading, sports fans. I do subscribe to all the WDC Newsletters, and several others besides. I am not sure what a realistic goal is on that score, but I have already been compelled to read three stories, and visit one new member, and sign one Guest Book so far this morning! I do wonder, however, how many pieces of writing those editors must go through to find the ones they highlight. I know they sure seem to find some good ones! I congratulate them all. They have certainly earned my respect. Even when I disagree with some of their choices (even my own work, occasionally!), I do thank each of them for the work they do.

Then, there is the Blog Ring to visit. My Blogging friends must be read. Students must be evaluated. I'd kinda like to scribe a sentence or two myself. New Chat friends must be touched daily, and there is the matter of the other<groan> sites I must visit, and in some cases maintain. I will tell you honestly, my internet browser really and truly hates me lately.

I have a special request of my Blog friends today. One of our own, winter is in the hospital today with a rather serious infection. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I love you, WP, no matter what! She has been going through some very tough personal times lately. Her number one goal is to graduate from college on May 15th, with a Bachelor's Degree in Health Information Technology. Let's pray her to that, and let Dad have a special time with her there. No one deserves it more.

I hear that Jem has decided to stay around the site for a while. That pleases me very much. There was some unnecessary ugliness in that situation, but I hope it is under the bridge. She is not only a friend along this journey, but other journeys as well. She is also a gifted artist, who gives so very much to this community in the midst of strife. I feel she deserves my support, and the support of this community.

Medical issues jump to the forefront of my life today. I must visit the Clinic, to try to get some help for this sudden outburst of rather serious pain. I must also try to deal with getting prescriptions refilled. I must also visit the Food Stamp/Welfare people: great people who serve thankless (in many cases) clients, and try to create something from, and with, nothing. I now must have their help. The Disability is still on hold, waiting on supporting documentation from a Hospital who seems to have lost it. Yet their own Business office informs me that my diagnosis is on file there. Only one way that can be true: if they have the document. Yep, it's fast approaching a completely previously unknown level of angst around Chateau de Budroe. I'm praying that Dad would show up, and show off now. I think He's certainly got a captive audience!

Life does go on, sick or otherwise. I will get some of these tasks accomplished today. The rest I will get accomplished tomorrow. The very last thing I can afford to do is to stress out over anything. At one time in my life, I was just very, very good at stressing out. I do hope I have learned my lessons.

Keep good thoughts for Annie B. and her family. She really is doing the work of a Saint, regardless of what her humility and embarassment at public notice might otherwise indicate. But, you already know that.

I'll try to get around the Blogs in the next couple of days. If I'm quiet, know that I am tending to business that matters. I'll be back shortly. Otherwise, I'll bore you again, soon! *Smile*

In His Care, and Yours!


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