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Review of Spring Diamante  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Leger, I love the image you have created with your little diamante poem. I could really feel someone loving and tending the little seedling until it became a beautiful flower.

You have done a great job with this poetry form. Certainly there were no grammatical or spelling errors.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of Day to Night  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi, Jenn, I enjoyed reading your diamante poem. This is one of my favorite styles of poetry. You have done a good job conveying your feelings of day passing into night. I especially liked the way you described the night as "still, dark night," which can be interpreted in several different ways.

Good job. Cynaemon
Review of Cops Vs. Crooks  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Lorilady, This is an excellent diamante poem. You have chosen the perfect words to convey your idea. I especially liked the middle line: respect, adrenaline, adrenaline, contempt. It was great using the same word describe both sides of the coin.

I love writing these kinds of poems myself.

I didn't see any kind of grammatical or spelling errors here.

Good job!

Review of More than song  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, Rusty,

I really enjoyed reading your poem 'More Than Song.' How unusual to tell of Christ's birth from a crickets point of view. I thought it very effective. This poem has a lovely and heartfelt sentiment.

Your poem has a good rhythm and flow. Only one small grammatical error.

that night the star shined bright. - I think it should be "shone".

Other than that, no problems.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon

Review of "Memory Loss"  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi, Kimberly,

I enjoyed reading your short poem about the loss of a memory. This is a good theme, and a sentiment that many of us can relate to

While it is a good attempt, much of your poem seems to be made up of cliches. It has a nice rhythm and flow.

Keep up the good work.

Review of A Field in Winter  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi, TWRussell,

I enjoyed your little poem about winter. You have painted some very nice and compelling images.

Your poem has a nice rhythm and flow to it. It has a nice theme and sentiment which is easy for the reader to relate to. I found not grammatical errors.

Good job.

Review of Life  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Chihiro,

I enjoyed your little gogyohka poem on what life means to you. It has an interesting sentiment.

You have done a good job with this form. I think I would have placed a comma after both the first and second lines. That would have made the poem flow better for me.

Good theme for this form.

Best wishes, Cynaemon
Review of Distillation  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Fyn,

I enjoyed reading your most excellent peom about poetry, and what poetry is. You have answered the question well. Congratulations on winning the "Little Bit of Poetry" for this round.

Well, definitely no complaints. No errors of any kind. Nice free form poem with good rhythm and flow.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of Distance  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi, A.T.B.,

I really loved your poem "Distance." It has a melancholy tone, and a sad sentiment.

I especially liked this verse:

I wish you were a stranger, child,
A dream across a thousand miles,
That we were younger, dumb and wild.
I wish you'd never looked at me and smiled.

Lovely rhythm and flow to your poem.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of individual worth  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hi, Katrina,

I enjoyed reading your poem. It has a nice theme and sentiment.

Your couplets have nice rhymes, and the poem has a good rhythm and flow.

Just a few minor things:

The hope of years surrounding me - comma or semi-colon after this line
Children with their mischief smiles - comma after this line
Crayola portraits stacked in piles - comma after this line
Ages different, spirits wild - comma after this line
Unique is every single child - semi-colon after this line

With love or hate; They matter much. - They should not be capitalized

We can't know now whom they will save - comma after this line

I look around and smile through tears - comma after this line

No grammatical or spelling errors.

Good job.


Enwraps me in their innocence

Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi, Adam Ant,

I enjoyed reading your poem. It has an interesting theme and a nice sentiment.

I thought this line was kind of funny: but on these darting fairies they could never feed!

When reading it, I imagined cannibals eating the children. LOL. Just my mind I guess.

You have done a good job with the sonnet form. Good rhythm and flow. NIce rhymes.

One small typo: divine in their ourest simplicity. - purest

Other than that, no errors.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon

Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Kenzie,

I enjoyed reading your very interesting essay. I thought it was interesting the way you seemed to skip from one idea to another, but still had the seem theme throughout.

I am glad you broke the piece up like you did, otherwise it might have been hard to follow.

I see no grammatical or spelling errors.

Good job.

Best Wishes, cynaemon
Review of Gone  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi, Phyllis,

I loved your poem "Gone." How like death to lure our loved ones away. We are powerless against his siren song. a sad theme and sentiment.

A lovely free-form poem. Good rhythm and flow. No grammatical or spelling errors.

Great job.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, M C

Thank you so much for your excellent article of the haiku poem. It seems the more I study this form, the more there is to learn.

I like the precise way you break down your points making them easy to understand.

Although I didn't see anything I didn't already know, I hopefully now understand the rules better, and will continue to practice writing haiku.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of Bonsai  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Rixfarmgirl,

I really enjoyed your haiku/acrostic poem "Bonsai." I am impressed with the way you combined these two so different forms into such a nice little poem.

You have obviously followed the forms of both well. Your haiku are really nice. Your little poem has a good rhythm and flow, and a pleasant theme.

No grammatical or spelling errors.

Great job.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of Troubadour  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi, Dave,

I enjoyed reading your poem "Troubador." It has a good theme and sentiment, and one which I can relate to as a musician myself. People are always telling me I should play here or there, or this or that. I play what I love, and make no apologies for it. I know I am good at what I do. But if I were to change a lifetime of that, where would it lead?

I am rambling, so on to the mechanics.

You have well-constructed verses and good rhymes. Your poem has a good rhythm and flow. No grammatical or spelling errors. Good job.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of Golden  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi, Jack,

I really enjoyed your micro fiction story about love. It has an interesting theme and a good sentiment. I think you have said a lot in this short piece, and you have said it beautifully and with respect.

On to the mechanics. Although not a poem, the piece does have a nice flow. An interesting plot, as I have said, and good development of characters in such a short story.

No grammatical or spelling errors.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, graceladymn,

I enjoyed reading your poem "I Surrender then". Really an interesting piece. KInd of like having two poems in one.

Because of the format, I will consider this a free form poem. I liked your rhyming couplets. Good rhythm and flow.

Trusting in what divine love shall sayeth - don't need "shall" in this line.

Other than that no errors. No other suggestions.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of birds fly  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi, ElaineElaine,

I really enjoyed reading your poem "birds fly". Good theme.

You have done a great job with the English Tanka form. Don't know that you can really say it has much of a rhythm in such a short poem, but it does flow nicely.

No grammatical errors.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of No Sense Rhyming  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, Puditat,

I enjoyed reading your little non-sensical poem, which didn't really make any sense at all. LOL. But then it wasn't supposed to. It is a cute poem.

Nice quatrain, nice rhymes, good rhythm and flow as much as possible in something so short.

No grammtical errors. Good job.

Best wishes, cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, gringo,

I really enjoyed reading your poem "If I weren't afraid". It has a good theme and a sentiment with which I am sure your readers can connect. I especially liked the last line: I would be able to let others shine their light upon me. How often we limit ourselves and miss out on the beauty and blessings of the life around us.

This is a good free form poem. It has a nice rhythm and flow. No grammatical or spelling errors.

Good job.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of Hindsight  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, gaeiya,

I enjoyed reading your poem "Hindsight." It has a good theme and a sentiment which many can relate to.

This is a good free form poem with good rhythm and flow.

No grammatical or spelling errors. Good job.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of Hindsight  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Claire,

I really enjoyed your poem "Hindsight". I especially liked the lines:

Tweaking all imperfections and wrong doings I’ve done,
Wouldn’t be my life, instead an idealistic one.

You did a good job with your well-written rhyming couplets. Good rhythm and flow to your poem.

No grammatical or spelling errors.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Hunter's Moon,

Enjoyed reading your poem 'Resolutions'. This is an interesting form which I have not encountered before. You have done a good job with it. I especially like the middle free from verse. It has such a lovely image - promises written in spider silk.

Your poem has a good rhythm and flow. No grammatical errors. Good job.

Best wishes, Cynaemon
Review of Between Worlds  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi, vanillafire,

I really loved your poem "Between Worlds." I can certainly agree with the sentiment in it. How often people try to live our lives for us. And you have given me a new idea, of jumping off and living in another reality.

Good free form poem, with excellent rhythm and flow.

No grammtical or selling errors.

Good job.

Best Wishes, cynaemon
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