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Review of On Writing  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Lucid Pen,

This is a very nice etheree poem, and I see you have done a good job with the syllable count. As I have only recently been introduced to this poetic form, I cannot judge to harshly. But I do think the poem's meaning is lost in the last four lines, at least for me.

Perhaps you were trying too hard to write an etheree :). Anyway, I am going to try my hand at this form, as it is probably harder than it looks.

Best Wishes, noelanicat
Review of A Zephyr's Kiss  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Calli,

This is a very nice poemand you have done an excellent job. I can see you have done some research before writing this. Your poem really stops and makes the reader think.

You are way beyond being a "beginner". Welcome to our community. I hope you will be here for a long time.

Best wishes, cynaemon
Review of In Silence I walk  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi, Lady Arawaine.

Thanks so much for a beautiful poem about silence, and congratulations on being included in the Spiritual Newsletter.

This poem has a nice rhythm and flow, and the reader is really touched as she walks along the silent path with you.

Best wishes, and keep writing. noelanicat
Review of On Angel's Wings  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Jammermomma,

What a beautiful and loving tribute to your Mom.

I love the way this poem gives one a glimpse into the author's heart and mind.

It rhymes well and has a really nice flow. Keep up the good work.

Best Wishes and keep writing., noelanicat
Review of My Grandmother  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Big,

Thank you for such a beautiful and profound poem. You must have loved her very much.

I love the way this poem makes you stop and think.

My own grandmother lived to be 100, and I lived with her. I wrote a poem for her also: "She Gave Me the Song".

Best Wishes and Keep writing. noelanicat
Review of Groundhog Day  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi, firedog

An interesting little poem. I like the way it leaves one wondering exactly what is being talked about. It has a nice flow. I also liked the way you included the little one-liners between the verses of the poem.

I don't know if adding more to the poem to explain the story would really make a big difference or not.

Best wishes with your writing. Cynaemon
Review of Hope in Yourself  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a nice and well-written poem. I think there should be a comma after the sentence "You have the power to change it all." rather than a period.

In stanzas 4 and 5 you suddenly change from rhyming couplets to lines which rhyme alternately. It kind of takes away from the flow of the poem. I think those last two stanzas could be reworked to read more like the first ones.

Otherwise a good job. Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Because your the only girl
Hi, Jake, an interesting poem. I would like to hear the music to it. I think it would be hard to sing as it doesn't seem to have any kind of set rhythm, but I guess it could work. It definitely needs some work in the grammar department.

When I'm ill your always there to heal the pain - you're, not your
Cause your the only one - 'Cause, not cause
And thats all that matters - that's, not thats
But I don't and that makes me feel like a fuckin bum - fuckin', not fuckin
are love puzzle- our, not are
your devils claw - devil's, not devils
An now are love has been weared away - our, not are
I should of realised this day was coming - should have, not should of
But now thats all changed - that's, not thats
Most men would of fucked you over adventurely - would have, not would of, also I don't think adventurely is a word, and I am unsure of what you are trying to say here.

This poem/song has potential. I would be happy to re-read and re-rate it once you have cleaned up the grammar.

Best of luck, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Mcarolloc, I enjoyed reading your satirical poem about fashion. You seem to know your fashion fairly well for one who writes against it. A clever poem that flows nicely and makes a good point. No obvious grammatical errors or typos. A nice comfortable poem, but it didn't WOW me. Keep up the good work. Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Denise, Very very nice. Not only have you done a great job of writing an acrostic in couplets, but you have painted a lovely picture of the object about which you are writing. I sometimes think that the shorter the poem the better. It forces us as writer's to really think about what we are saying and to choose our words with a certain exactness. You have gone beyond being a mere technician and become an artist. I felt that I was the kite.

Keep up the GREAT work. Best wishes, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi, Kathie, I liked your poem and what you are trying to say, but I felt like maybe you were trying to say too much, or maybe not enough. You start out with a person being born and becoming blind, then move on to talking about that person's life as it is now, then all of a sudden you are talking about that person's (seeing-eye) dog and that relationship. There didn't seem to be a good transition there. I thought you should have either added more about the dog and that relationship, or left it out completely.

However, this was a very good effort. Thanks for sharing about something many of us never think about.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Tim, I loved your poem. Who could dream anyone would write a poem about a cherry tomato?!? But really it is so much more. You paint a lovely picture of an easy friendship, and invite the reader to share the moment. I like the free flow of this poem, and the way the ending leads the reader to join in this ongoing friendship. I saw no typos or obvious grammatical errors. Keep up the good work. Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of The Prince  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hi, Red Butterfly, I like the twist on this old story, telling it from the Prince's point of view. That is nice.

But there are a number of other problems with this. You have started the story in the present tense, and then suddenly change tenses in the second paragraph. In fact, you seem to change tenses quite a bit.

Also, "never mind" is poor grammar. It should be "let alone". You have used this phrase several times.

Milk-maiden is a hyphenated word.

looked jealously at us as they left - I believe you meant to say as "we" left.

I would like to see you rewrite this piece and improve on the grammatical errors. I would be happy to read and rate it again.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Lenna, I especially liked this haiku. It really captures the essence of a praying mantis, and it is purely a haiku about nature, and not a senryu.

I think Long-limbed should be a hyphenated word. Other than that, I see no errors. Good job. Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, Lenna Rivoli,

You have written some very nice haiku. I really enjoyed reading them. In a really pure haiku you would probably not use words like you and your. The sentiments should be entirely about nature. But that is a minor point, and I am not picky. I have a tendency to do the same thing.

In "Labyrinth" there are only six syllables in line two. A minor point. Other than that, grea job.

Keep up the good work. Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review of Rest In Peace.  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi, Jam, Welcome to writing.com. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

This is a really nice little poem. You have done a great job with a subject that could be boring. I didn't see any typos or obvious grammatical errors. Keep up the good work.

Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi, C.J., I love this. What a great mystery. I can't wait to read the rest. It has just the right amount of vampire gore and erotic sexiness. And what a perfect setting for a vampire inn. You really do paint vivid pictures with your words. And the dialog really carries the reader along. Great job! Cynaemon
Review of Homeland  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi, Chryseis47, Wow! This is an awesome poem, and a poem which I think will and should touch all readers. I think it hits upon many universal truths for many of us. The sadness and horrors that many of us knew growing up, the elephants in the living room of which we did not speak. And the truth that forgiveness speaks only truth, and that will eventually set us free. It is sad to think that even as adults we still remember, we still feel, and we still continue to heal.

Your poem is beautiful and very well-written. Thank you, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, McKinley Rose, I really enjoyed your little article on how to find time to write. Although I do not have any children to disrupt me, I always find that I have a million other things to do. Clean the house, run errands, vet appointments for the cats.... I guess we all really have busy lives. I am not sure there is an answer to this age old question. Discipline? Concentration? A "just do it now" attitude? Or is it more that we should just give ourselves the gift of time to persue the things we love.

Well, do keep on writing, and best wishes. Cynaemon
Review of A Cowboy's Heart  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Tim Chiu, I reaaly enjoyed reading your cowboy poem. It is a very well-written description, and the poem flows nicely. There were no typos or obvious grammatical errors. I just wish the poem had been a bit longer. It seems to just stop, and leave the reader hanging.

Keep up the good work. Cynaemon
Review of My Goodbye  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi, Little Momma, This is such a beautiful and heartfelt poem. I really enjoyed it, perhaps because it reminds me of many of my own experiences. Just because we say goodbye does not necessarily mean that we ever stop loving.

The poem is well-written and flows very nicely. Keep up the good work. Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi, J. A. ,

This is a cute and interesting story, and I enjoyed reading it. You answered the prompt in a nice and humorous way. I did not see any typos or grammatical errors. I find myself wondering what happened to the dog and the shoes. Keep writing. Best Wishes, Cynaemon
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a nice story, I really enjoyed this. I love stories about animals, but I also liked the fact that there is a much deeper meaning to your story. it is well-written and easy to read, but keeps the reader interested. I just had to find out if Alfred made it back home. I am glad he did.

One little typo: should be canvas, not canvass.
He wove his own melodies as he glided through the infinite canvass of space

Keep up your excellent writing. Cynaemon
Review of Feathered Fiend  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I liked this. It was interesting and different. I couldn't decide whether to laugh or to cry, poor rooster. But at least it did make me stop and think for a minute.

As for the style of poem, it was one I did not recognize. I suppose you did a good job with it. I wish you had explained the style.

I like the way you paint a picture which is easily seen by the reader. Keep up the good work.
Review of My Escape  
Review by Cynaemon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, and congrats on being featured in the spritual newsletter. I really liked your poem a lot, especially the lines:

It draws from me all thoughts of fright,
And takes it down to a place unknown,
Where all the garbage is happily thrown.

You have great potential as a writer. I hope you will be at writing.com for a long time. Cynaemon
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