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Review of A Glimpse of You  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)


Hello intuey , I came across this poem while searching for something to read on the read and review pages of writing.com. I thought this was such a sad poem, I can't imagine what it would be like to have your husband taken from you.
I am so sorry for your loss. The note you have at the end of your poem is very good, I am glad you told us a little about your story and your relationship with your hubby. I think the title is very appropriate for this poem, I also think the item description is very helpful. I thank you for sharing this poetry with me as well as your story. God Bless You, Good Luck and Good Writing.

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Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)


Hello Elisa: Middle Aged Stik , I came across this item while I was searching for something of interest to read today on the read and review pages of writing.com. This poem was more of a statement than anything, however it was so wise and true that I think it works so well as a poem. The title is very appropriate, and the item description is also very helpful, as it tells what the poem is about.
I think this is a very good message and people would be smart to take note of it.
Thank you very much for sharing this poem with me, God Bless You, Good Luck, and Good writing.

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Review of It doesn't hurt!  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)


Hello Behera , I would like to cordially welcome you to writing.com.
I see you have been here only a very short spell. I found this item on the read and review pages of writing.com. You have a well written bit of monologue here.
I think the title is very appropriate and the Item description is helpful.
This monologue follows a relationship that has gone bad and the couple break up.
It did not hurt according to you. I would have thought it would, but if the relationship went stale a while back I guess I can understand it then . I thought the last paragraph was very poetic sounding about capturing the sun rays in your hands I really liked that. Thank you very much for sharing this with me.
God Bless You, Good luck and Good writing.

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Review of Exercise Bike  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (4.0)


Hello Chris Breva , I came across this item as I was reading materials on the read and review pages of writing.com. I enjoyed this short, straight to the point poem. Your writing is nice. The title is appropriate because the poem is about an exercise bicycle This, according to the item description, is called a Sweetbriar Poem form. I think you should add a little about the poem as well.
I think you did a good job with this brief poem. You followed the form's instructions well. Thank you for sharing this wonderful little poem with me.
God Bless You, Good Luck, and Good Writing.

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Review of Yan Can Cook?  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)


Hello willwilcox, I came across this poetry while searching on the read and review pages for something good to read. I thought this was a very witty and smutty little ditty. I don't know if it is appropriate for the general audience or not but for adults and older youths it is very funny. I thank you for sharing this very unusual poem with me God Bless You and good luck and good writing.

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Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (4.5)


Hello Joto-Kai , I came across this item as I was searching for something to read on the read and review pages of writing.com. This poem was very well written, I liked it and thought it was, after reading the item description, very easy to understand. I felt the title was very appropriate for this poetry.
I also felt as if the item description was very helpful. I thank you for sharing this item with me, God Bless You, Good Luck and Good writing.

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Review of "Waiting"  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (4.0)


Hello Netty , I just came across this poetry while searching for something of some interest to read in the read and review pages. This poem popped up and I thought I'd give it a look see. The title was very appropriate for this poem, As the poem is about waiting for his return. The item description was very helpful as it told us exactly what the poem was about.
I liked the poem but I thought some of the words were repeated. I also caught a mistake.

Waiting for his return he has capture my soul, heart, mind
to be mindful of his waiting return.

in the first sentence above I think it would sound better if you said:

....he has captured my soul, heart and mind.... adding the ed after capture
and the word and before the word mind and after the word heart.

I think it may just be a matter of taste so you do what you feel is best for your poem, but I'm just giving you my opinion . Thanks for sharing this item with me, God Bless you, Good luck and good writing.

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Review of "THANKFUL"  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)


Hello Netty , I came across this poetry while searching for something to read on the read and review pages of writing.com. I just loved this poetry prayer. I think it was a gift to all who read it. It is just wonderfully written and heartfelt, which is so very important for this particular kind of a poem. Netty, you have written a very nice prayer poem and I commend you on your faith and your talent in writing. I thank you for sharing this sweet and lovely piece of literature with us at writing.com. God Bless you and good luck and good writing.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)


Hello Prosperous Snow celebrating , I came across this poetry while searching for something to read on the read and review pages of writing.com. This poem was just beautiful. I really enjoyed reading it. You have a very good talent for creating and writing poetry. I've read also others you have written and I can always count on perfection. The title is appropriate for the poem and the item description does just that gives us a little bit of a description as you have taken words from the poem and used as a description it appears. That works just fine. I thank you for sharing this wonderful poem with me. God Bless You, Good luck and good writing.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)
 Invalid Item 
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#2102427 by Not Available.


Hello Dave , I am here as a judge of the story poem contest and I wanted to let you know I've read your poem and I thought it was great. first of all I have never seen this form of poetry before and it seems to be one that is not terribly difficult. I enjoyed reading your poem because I am a nature lover and hate the so called improvements being made when nature is being destroyed.
Your poem is easy to decipher and is a lovely idea. The story value was somewhat a good story. I think it comes from true, real life. very good.
Thanks for sharing this item and thanks as usual for entering my contest.

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Review of journal man  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (3.5)


Hello Best Auther 100 , I came across this item while I was searching for something to read on the read and review pages of writing.com. I really think you chose a good title as this was a boy writing in his journal. The item description is somewhat helpful for this item. I did see several mistakes in the story so I'm rewriting the story for you to show what it would look like edited. your words are in red and mine are in blue.

Hi, I'm Tom and I watching TV going to the movies and playing with my best friend Ron.
One evening I was watching my favorite show when my parents turn up looking very happy. They had a baby!!!!!! It was a girl called Sky and yes spelled like that. My mum told me to go and get my older brother Otto. They said that they wanted to experience this a family. This was strange because I didn't see Otto for three months after I was born.
They told us all about they were relying on us to help around the house because they would have less time for chores. We just nodded knowing that later we would have forgotten what they had said. Otto went down to his room to do God knows what leaving me to all of OUR chores! I had to look after the baby while everyone else went to bed.

Hi, I'm Tom and I like watching TV, going to the movies and playing with my best friend Ron.
One evening I was watching my favorite show, when my parents show up, looking very happy.
They had a baby! It was a girl called Sky, and yes it was spelled like that. My mum told me to get my older brother Otto. They said they wanted to experience this as a family. This was strange, because I didn't see Him for three months after I was born. They told us all about how they were relying on us to help around the house, because they would have less time for chores. We just nodded, knowing later we would have forgotten what they said. Otto went to his room, to do God know what, leaving me to do all of our chores! I had to look after the baby, while everyone else went to bed.

If you read the two of these paragraphs you will see some minor changes between them. Mostly comma placement and such. I think if you do a rewrite you will receive better ratings. Thank you for sharing this item with me and God Bless You.

Good Luck and Good Writing.

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Review of King David  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)


Hello IAmAVessel , I came across this item while searching for something to read on the read and review pages of writing.com. I loved this item, it tells the story of David and Bathsheba, and how she caused him to sin, This Bible story was told in poetic form here. I think you did a fine job creating this story poem of a true life character of the Bible. King David is a perfect title for this story poem, as it is about David. The item description is very helpful especially to those who are not familiar with the King James Version of the Holy Bible. and sadly there are many who are not knowledgeable of the story.
You have perfect rhymes and a good rhythm in this story poem. I invite you to enter
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2102427 by Not Available.
sometime. Thank you for sharing this poetry with me, God Bless You.

Good Luck and Good Writing.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)


Hello Harry , I came across this poetry while searching for something to read on the read and review pages of writing.com. I am at awe of your pure talent. This story was perfect and is an excellent example of how miracles still exist. This story poem is great and I'd like to invite you to enter
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2102427 by Not Available.
some time. I run it and your writing is exactly what I look for. The story is heartwarming
and great. about a little girl who unselfishly gives of herself when she herself is in dire need. I love it. Your story is Proof Positive of God. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story poem with us. God Bless You.

Good Luck and Good Writing.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)


Hello Dawn Embers , I came across this poetry while searching the read and review pages of writing.com for something to read. I liked this one, It is a very well written piece of poetry. The work is about a woman who is to sad to move on past a relationship. It meets its prompt nicely. The title is perfect and very much appropriate. I think the item description is also very helpful. I thank you for sharing this poetry with me, God Bless You.

Good Luck and Good Writing!

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Review of Bayou  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)


Hello T.L.Finch , I came across the poetry on the read and review pages of writing.com.
What a wonderfully written piece of literature this is. I was raised in Mississippi and I can close my eyes and recall the beauty of the picturesque place in Biloxi. You really bring back such vivid pictures to my mind with your perfectly written poem. very lovely details I remember in my back yard we had a large oak tree with Spanish moss hanging from it, we tied a big yellow ribbon around it for the Vietnam Veterans.
It was lovely memories, just as this was a lovely poem. every word is correctly depicting the southern locations such as , La, Fl, Ms, etc. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem with me. God Bless You.

Good Luck and Good Writing.

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Review of Time.  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (4.5)


Hello Lostindifferentiation , I came across this item on the read and review pages of writing.com
This poem is about life and death, it, however is not sad, but in some ways a happy poem, we see a baby being born and we go throughout its life until it becomes old and dies. we start at the consummation of the baby and see it into another life. one soul is born another dies. That is your view of life and it is just that Life. I liked this poem and I thought the title is appropriate for this poem. the item description is helpful and the body of the poem is well written. just beautiful.
Thank you for sharing this poetry with me. God Bless You.

Good Luck and Good writing.

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Review of Fairies  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)


Hello willwicox, This poem was found on the read and review pages of writing.com, I thought this poem, which was written for the Writer's Cramp Contest, was an unusual poem. It was about fairies, I don't mean the winged creatures that fly around pulling pranks on unsuspecting people. I mean the homosexual men. I'm not sure but this may be a stereotypical view of these men and they may not like the title you've chosen to dub them. but it's your poem and you have a right to express yourself any way you wish, I just hope no one takes offense to this title or gets their feelings hurt because of it. The poem, which is a rictameter poem starts and ends with the same word. it was a well written poem and I hope you did well in the contest. God bless You.

good luck and good writing.

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Review of Dear Lord  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)


Hello V. B. , I found this item on the read and review page, I thought I'd give it a review because I liked the title. This is like a letter to God. I thought it showed you were full of Faith. I love it! I too have great Faith in our Lord Father God. This was an amazing poem, I thought you did a fantastic job creating this lovely poem. Yes there is much pain in the world, but it is not caused by God, but by man. If you think about it, The starvation of men comes from greed, there is enough food in the world to feed all of mankind many times over. The physical pain comes often times from our own lifestyles, or from the wickedness of man hurting man. poverty is a manifestation of man's greed, and so on. That is my thoughts any way. I thank you for sharing this beautiful letter/poem with us, God Bless You.

Good Luck and Good writing.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)


Hello Harry , I found this poetry on the read and review pages of writing.com. I thought this was an amazing story poem of you drinking in the beauty of your neighborhood on a beautiful May Day. You used many senses to describe this beautiful scene. You used the scent of smell, color, or eye catching beauty, or shall I say sight, and sound or hearing. There was nothing missing from the fee verse poem all about the beauty of nature. I thought the title was very appropriate for this amazingly beautiful poem. I thought the item description was helpful. You did an excellent job creating this poem. I thank you for sharing, good luck and good writing, God Bless You.

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Review of My Father's Hands  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)


Hello 🌕 HuntersMoon , I found this item on the read and review pages.
I think this poem is unbelievably good. I am so charmed and feel so much awe.
This poem was like beauty in the day or night...
I simply loved it, it has perfect end rhymes on every quatrain. It is about a father, It makes me think of my dearly departed father and brought a tear to my eye. There were no mistakes with this sweet and beautiful poem. The title is perfect and so very appropriate for this poem. The item description is helpful.
The poem itself I can not say enough good things about it. It is awesome. I only wish I could give it more than 5 stars. Good luck and good writing, God bless you and thanks for sharing.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (4.5)


Hello Netty , You've not been with writing.com very long so I want to welcome you, I've never reviewed for you before. This was a very nice poem I think, for the most part, you did a good job. Gathering the stones as you have phrased it is a beautiful thing to do. I liked your poem I thought it was very
clever. I did see, what I thought was a mistake though.

Gather he brightest stone that shines bright
for the whole world.

I believe you mean Gather the ... or at least that is what it appears to me.
But if you meant Gather He the brightest stone... you still need the word the and He should be capital. either way it is a beautiful poem and I thank you for sharing it with me, God Bless You and Good luck and Good writing.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)


Hello Storm Machine , I came across this short story on the read and review pages. I thought the title was clearly non existent You need a better title.
what you have is just telling us how long the story is. "A missed Chance"
would be one example of a good title. Also you need to write a teaser in the item description location. something like (He missed his chance with the woman he wants to be with}. Something that would make the readers interested enough to want to read your short story. The body of the story is very good, very well written, It is difficult to write this type of story and you did an excellent job. Thank you for sharing and God Bless You, Good luck and good writing.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)


Hello Lou-Here By His Grace , I found this item on the read and review page.
I loved the beautiful title, I thought it was so gallant and appropriate for this poem. The item title is helpful as you tell that it is written due to a poem you read and what that poem meant to you. The poem's body is very well written, I recognize that it is a certain form but for the life of me I can not recall the name of the form. I loved the repetition and my favorite part is the echo at the end. The poem is as equally beautiful as the title. You did a magnificent job creating this lovely poem. Thank you for sharing this item with me and God Bless You and good luck and good writing.

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Review of A Tree Of Love  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)


Hello Harry , I came across this item on the read and review pages.
I this this title is sweet and ideal it is appropriate very much for this poem.
The item description is helpful but story-poem would sound better than storoem.
The body of the poem is just as their love, exquisite. I think you did an excellent job creating this story of a couple in love and going throughout their lives. The ending is sad but the way it is written you look forward to the two meeting in Heaven. Their love will never die. That is exactly how I feel about my husband. This well written story poem is so beautiful I can't say enough kind things about it. Thank you for sharing this great poem with me, God Bless you and Good luck and good writing.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (3.0)


Hello bellabee , This item came up while I was reading items on the read and review pages. I thought I'd give this item a looksee. First of all
the title should be in capital letters and the word I'm needs an apostrophe.
The title is appropriate for the item and the item description is helpful.
The letter talks about a lover whom you miss because their gone now. I saw several mistakes throughout the letter I'll give you an example:

if you where here you would know right about that I am not happy that I am dying but no one here knows me like you did. I don't think anyone will ever know me like you did. why is it that right when we were getting to be friends again stuff happened and now we don't talk?

In the above sentences I'll take one sentence at a time. first it should have a comma after the word here, also a comma after know and again after right to set off the word right. I would omit the word about, You also need a comma after the word happy. and either a comma or a semicolon after but. In the next line there are no mistakes but then But then the next line Why should be capital.
You need a comma after again. This is just a sample of your mistakes all through the item there are letters at the beginning of sentences that need to be capitalized and missed commas.

This item could really benefit with a good line by line edit. The letter is good and it is emotional, which many readers like. But you need a good edit.
Thanks for sharing this item with me, God Bless You and good luck and good writing.

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