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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I don' t know if this is real, but if it is, I'd quit going. "No thanks mom, you never like my gifts so I decided not to bother. I donated to a charity that would appreciate them." lol

I"d have a wonderful christmas with my kids and forget the mom. sounds like she had a mental illness. My step mom had a mother that had to deal with the Great Depression. Stingy was her outcome.

In other words, you did well in conveying the feelings. I got upset!! lol

please pardon my typos, it's 3 a.m. and I'm tired and not seing well. lol

thanks for sharing.

Love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
letters from little girlies --girlies? makes me think of a creepy guy, 'come here little girlie' lol

this was a very touching story. I was left wondering if the 'long trip' was to a treatment center, or death.

Other than that I thought this story nicely done. I'm a sucker for sentimental stories. You brought tears to my eyes an dmy heart ached for the little girl.

thank you for sharing this Christmas story.

love, LinnAnn

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Review of Santa Claus  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I liked how you threw in a little education about the poles.

Santa went out through the snow to his workshop. He pulled his coat tight against a blizzard,--I got confused because the going to the workshop was followed by his coat and ice. So my mental image was of him still out in the snow GOING to the shop, and he kisses the wife. Is she in the workshop or kitchen or out in the snow? Do you see what I mean?

'They're for later to have with hot chocolate'.
'Sorry, couldn't wait hohoho''.
---usually there is a blank line between diferent speakers

toys were finished and piled in heaps--wouldn't they get scruffed up and wrecked?

Wow, Santa’s been!”--been here?

What a cute story. I really like the way Mr. Claus got to help. Maybe he should have elves too, then he wouldn' t be lonely. lol

Very nicely done, held my interest to the end, an dyou even had a happy ending with reindeer well, sleigh fixed and all. this would make a great kids book.

thanks for sharing this.

love, LinnAnn

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Review of The Garden Statue  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I have never heard of a storoem before. I really liked this. It was very well done, working the sentences so that the end words rhymed.

Have you put this out to be published? I'd love it as a semi picture book. Nice reminded of the real meaning of the season, subtle, nicelyl done.

Thank you so much for sharing this. It is one taht I would buy.

Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.

love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I"m n ot a pro, but I"m a sucker for a good Christmas story. I enjoyed yours very much. Good imagery, drew me in with the 'feelings'

This confused me though---It lightened his heart to watch his children having ---I thought he was watching grand kids.--tTotally MY fault. lol for some reson I was mentally picturing a grandpa 'pop'. lol

I did like how you worked in, very subtly, the YOU getting dressed befpre going down, then at the end with the penkife, you inherited torturing your kids huh? lol

Thanks for sharing with us
Have a merry Chriatmas.
love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I am totally not a pro when i comes to poetry. I am not familiar wtih this style but I do recognize there is a pattern.

I love that the animals hand down the story to their young, that is so cute and sweet.

I thought the mother donkey would tell her offspring about their role in history.

Your singing cats and dogs made me smile, I'm sure the neighbors didn't recognize their songs as carols, cute thought

the thought of animals praying is also cute. Makes me think of talking donkeys in the scriptures.

Thanks so much for sharing this. Made me smile

love, LinnAnn

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Review of Thanksgiving  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I had this all finished but then my page disappeared. I get so annoyed with that, since I give in depth reviews.

Wow, this was very thought provoking and powerful.

The author has their own mind set about what they are writing, mental images they see that we the reader may not see. If I do not interpret your poem correctlly, please do not be offended.

Your first line made me think of the ghost of Christmas past. and hungry children

Your second line reminded me of Oliver twist, instead of circling the bowl, of him walking down the aisle, "please sir, may I have some more?"

I didn't get the next two lines-sorry

I wasn't sure how to take the next line, as in comma placement changes everything.--
Garbage, food for thought.--As in so hungry someone is thinking about eating garbage?

Garbage food, for thought.--as in eating all the fast food with no thought to health

The next made me think of Older people eating canned dog food because human food/stew costs too much.

the next two lines-plant a garden and hope it grows

The last line-Some will still give thanks for anything they can get to eat.

thanks for sharing, Definitely food for thought.

love, LinnAnn

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Review of Loy's Faux Pas  
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Okay, I don't usually use that word for anger and all, but I have to admit, you cracked me up. I like the way you made the ending words rhyme and all. I can't find my dictionary and I"m wondering what a 'portico' is.. I was wondering if the the last word should be 'pissedivity' or "pissivity' but since it's past tense, then I'm thinking the former word is beter. roflol, but it all cracks me up.

Love, LinnAnn

Reviewing image for SAJ and SP

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In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
You have quite a lot of tongue twisters in this piece. lol I can't remember what it's called when you have multiple words starting with the same letter, all together, but you have quite a rew of them. I think you tongue twisted my brain. lol

It sounded like this was based on a real family experience and it made me wonder what your food budget went up to an dhow many years did this last?

Thanks for sharing this with us, I got a smile out of it. I love ribs.

love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E
One too many kicks huh? lol This was cute to the max.

You had me going for the first few paragraphs. I thought you were writing of old ladies and a mental pic of Betty White, little wrinkly legs stcking out of a feathered dress and a fat feathery boa. lol

I was entertained enough I forgot to look for things needing fixing. lol I have to read again.

You mentioned the rookie, and a bit more, even a sentence would have been good. It just seemed too short. Was I wrong and the young chick was the one too many? lol

I like that you avoid the 'she said's

You work dialogue in very well.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Love, LinnAnn

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Review of Zen Garden  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I"m not sure if there is a special form here as I'm not a pro, but I like how it looks. I counted the syullables and didn't see a total fit, so I hve no clue if it's supposed to be the same or what.

I can picture Mr. Miagi from the original Karate kid raking in the sand.

I hadn't seen it with reeds, unless bamboo is considered a reed, I thought it was a tree.

I didn't know Karma had to do with it. I always thought Karma was about how you were as a person and treated people.

This gave lovely , peacful images. Thanks for sharing!

love, LinnAnn

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Review of Your Today  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I am not a pro, so please forgive me in my ignorance. I can't find the pattern to the rhyming scheme here. Your first two verses were roughly ABBB but then it changed. ABCB for the last two verses. Is there a name for that style? I am open to being educated. lol

With the twinkling of an eye--The eye twinkles and time changes, or changes IN the twinkling of an eye?

Your third verse was very profound.

Your last verse was okay, but the last two lines I've heard before . lol

Thanks for sharing this with us, I did enjoy it.

love, LinnAnn

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Review of Jesus  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Take what you want and toss the rest. I am not a pro. lol

You are so right, He does love us to the end.

No one feeling me inside --I was confused by this. do you mean no one was filling you, or that you could not feel inside?

He knew it’s just my foolish pride --tense chage?

Like a fool, I stumbled onto You --I take it this means you didn't consciously turn to him, it was accidental?

Turned my whole world upside down --He certainly can do that. Nicely said.

I can't remember the words to layla, so I don't know if it rhymes, but I'm used to music lyrics rhyming.

I can tell this was heartfelt and meant a lot to you. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello sweetheart. This introduction was put up for review, but if you are like me, you didn't make your intro all spiffed up for everyone to critique. lol

Your title was just fine. It's an into and 'of sorts' too.

You say you are 13 and you last years pieces were ' amateur stories'. You are only 13 so I wouldn't expect your work to be polished as a professionals. For that matter, many professionals need lots of help with their work before it gets published. I know mine does. I can't spell worth beans

You may think your life is boring, but to someone stuck in bed all the time, or in the house, your life may be fun and interesting.

Thanks for sharing your intro with us.

love, LinnAnn

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Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
One * means add a space. Two ** means you have too many spaces between words.
My comments will be in bold black.

It had been many years since Arial had been to this area of Mississippi. She had lived in this rural community as a small child with her grandparents before her mother had remarried. She had rambled around in the wooded area surrounding ** her grandparents home.*She could explore to her heart's content.*She was careful as she waded (in the edge of –maybe ‘in the water at the edge of)the winding creek. She could spend hours in the limbs of the giant oak at the water's edge. She fished in the deepest part of what (was known-passive voice) as "the blue hole." If she tired of that, she could make mud pies and decorate them with stones and wildflowers. There was always an unlimited supply of things for a child to do. Grandmama had forbidden her to go to one place only, the old Dogwood Plantation home. (Could she be telling this to anyone so there is dialogue? Sharing good times she had as a kid with a friend would be good)

There were many who thought the old mansion to be haunted. She had heard in whispers(,) tales of the ghosts that resided there. Some claimed there was a child's spirit that (could be heard-passive) at times in the night. Many thought there had been an ill(-) fated love triangle leaving a young wife dead at her handsome husband's hand. No one seemed to know whether it had been an accident or cold(-) blooded murder. There were even tales of an occupant being a witch.

Grandmama always said it was most likely just folks adding to stories they didn't think were colorful enough. She admitted the people had** died under shady circumstances at the plantation, but didn't know the real cause of death. Grandmama's fears rested more around an open well and decaying buildings on the property. Grandma also knew there were seemingly no bounds to( her-verb confusion, you have two females in the sentence so ‘her’ should clarify) curiosity.

She was coming to visit with Grandmama a while at the nursing home she lived in now that she was unable to care for herself(you have 3 ‘shes’ in one sentence and two different females.-verb confusion. ‘I’m going to visit my grandma. She had a stroke and mom put her in a nursing home. I really miss her…etc). Her grandmother had always visited her and Mom in West Virginia until she recently had a stroke. Mom had come to take care of the initial move from the hospital to the nursing home. Now might be the perfect time to finally visit and explore the old home she had wondered about for years. (She had even dreamed about the house with the dreams occurring more often lately. They were beginning to haunt her daylight hours.—have her dream this and wake up in a sweat, get some tension going here, some premonition of what’s to come. Get us curious.)

Arial turned down a winding dirt road posted as being Dogwood Drive. As she did, the trees cast shadows on her car causing it to seem much later in the day than it actually was. The car (thermometer-had an n, spelled it) instantly dropped five degrees. Who would have thought tree shade could make such a difference?(Man it’s cooler, who would have thought a few trees could drop the temp so fast.)

As she approached the old house, she wondered how many families had occupied the home, what their lives had been like. She wondered if the stories of Lizzie were true. Lizzie (was supposedly gifted-passive) with an inner sight that allowed her to see into the world of the spirits, good and evil. (This would be good told with the action as it happened, told to a friend. ‘I was sitting with my mom on the front porch, and the ladies who came to visit told her Lizzie went into a trance and ….)

The first thing she noticed (about the house was the cracked-changed topic from lizzie to the house, clarified), peeling white paint that had covered the mansion built with heart-pine cut from the land it was built on by Caleb Mason himself. Many of the windows were cracked or broken from local kids throwing rocks at them.

As she got out of her vehicle, she noticed how the once beautiful lace curtains were in shreds simply from age.(How long has she been in the nursing home? Curtains fall apart from age, but it takes years) The front porch was sad with it's rotting rocking chairs still waiting for someone to occupy them. The swing hanging by one rusty chain seemed forlorn.

Arial's eyes widened as the planks of the porch groaned beneath her feet. (Sure are brave aren't you,-thoughts are often in italics to identify them as internal speech or esp speech) she thought as she reached for the door knob and twisted it. ‘What made me think the front door would be open?’ she said to herself as (when)she found it locked.

Not to (be deterred-passive voice), she made her way down the steps to the overgrown yard. It was a shame someone was not caring for the house and property. Perhaps she'd do more research on the past inhabitants and why no one still wanted the mansion.

At the bottom of the back doorsteps was an arbor with a metal gate preventing entrance. Arial picked up the chain and lock that threatened to disintegrate(In sea air, that would be about 10-20 years old) which held the gate together. The lock fell off in her hand giving her access to the back entrance.

Floral scents from a different time- Cape Jasmine mixed with fragrant old garden roses filled her nostrils. Someone had loved flowers and herbs. Perhaps Lizzie had grown them for medicinal purposes. There had also been talk of Lizzie's grandmother being Choctaw/Cherokee mix who had the gift too.(what does ‘the gift’ have to do with the fragrant flowers? Clarify)

(Why is she trespassing there?) Arial reached for the back door. The wind blew around the house blowing it open before she could grasp the (door knob-one word). ‘Strange’, she thought as she cautiously stepped inside the door.

Light instantly turned to midnight darkness within the creaking house. The door slammed behind her with a crash as if in a vacuum. With a deep intake of breath, Arial stood motionless willing herself to think. ‘I could surely find my way back to the door and leave. No, I've wondered about this house since I felt drawn to it as a child’*.She needed to see if the shadows of her dreams could be made clear by being here. ‘Stop being a baby’, she instructed herself.

A small voice in the darkness ** instructed her to repeat the words let there be light.(Don’t tell us, show us. –A small voice in the darkness said, “Repeat these words. ‘Let there be light.’”

"Let there be light," came out as a trembling sound from her mouth.

The second she did so the room became illuminated with lights from candles, sconces, and lamps on the floor, wall and furniture revealing a kitchen filled with an old woodburning stove, dishpans, a scarred and dented wooden table and cabinets filled with old china.(This sentence is too long and confusing. Here is my suggestion—The second she said the words, the room became illuminated with light from candles, sconces and lamps. The light reflected from the floor, wall and furniture revealed a crowded kitchen with an old wood burning stove, a scarred and dented wooden table piled with old dishpans and nearby stood a couple of cabinets. Ariel reached out, and opened one of the cabinets and saw they were filled with old china. Dust covered everything.) There was a pantry filled with empty mason jars to her left. –

Making her way through another door(going where? Outside, to mud room, a back bedroom?) she caught her breath as darkness again seemed to swallow her. She whispered, "Let there be light." A whisper was all she could muster. Nothing happened(;) the dark was thick and heavy. She couldn't see even inches in front of her.

Arial reached to pick up and light a candle lying on the table before stepping through the doorway on her right.(Arial picked up and lit a candle…) Faint as it was the candle's glow was a comfort.(good with the emotion) A cold draft encircled her as she stepped over the threshold extinguishing the candle.

With a catch in her voice(,) she repeated the words again. (I added these sentences together)"Let there be light." Only darkness filled the room. "Why didn't it work this time"(No quote marks, only apostrophe and make italics) she wondered, her mind going back only a few minutes previously.

A snicker came from deep in the darkness. A chill ran down her spine and her brain tingled. She wondered if this is what it meant for your hair to stand on end with fright. ‘It surely must be.’
(Give us a reason why she is staying in a haunted house)

Silence once again. Darkness all around. Not a( peep-peep is a sound- how about ..There was not a glimmer of light to (be found-passive voice). She reached out feeling all around her but found only empty space. She inched one foot forward. Nothing. She moved the other foot a little more. She crept along(,) feeling in front of herself, and gently sliding her feet until with a thud, she collided with something solid. As she bumped whatever it was in the darkness(,) some creature squealed and ran over her foot.

Arial heard her own scream echo back to her from the darkness. What had touched her? Was it a rat? Was it a cat, no it squealed different than a scared cat. Would it bite her? Why couldn't she find something to light that darned candle with she was clutching so tightly?

She felt a wisp of frigid air swirl around her and heard a whisper, "to the left."

(Since the other voice spoke and now it’s Arial, new paragraph is needed.)Arial stood frozen, so scared she could not breathe. "Breathe," she reminded herself. "It didn't harm me whatever it was.*

(New voice, new paragraph) "To the left," it said. What could be the harm...she reached to her left and felt a piece of furniture. Ever so slowly, she felt along the edge making out drawers with metal handles. She cautiously pulled one of the drawers open.(Why would she do that? Give us a reason. She already had tried to lite it) Nothing. She could feel nothing. She edged her fingers to the next drawer pull and tugged. The drawer would not open. It felt as if it had swelled and was too tightly wedged to open. One last pull...(maybe...one last yank)

Swoosh....something flew out of the drawer brushing up the side of her arm, neck and face...another scream echoed back to her. Yet, this time it seemed as if she'd heard two screams instead of one.

Terror held her spellbound, (nauseous). Breathe...Breathe...she silently coached herself. As her heartbeat began to slow down she wondered how long she had been inside the mansion. It couldn't have been more than a few minutes but it seemed like hours.

What to do now? Should she try another drawer? The voice had said she'd find something to light the candle with to her left, didn't it? The first voice was right, wasn't it? What if she were not alone in this room? Who could it be? She knew she had heard another voice besides her own scream...
(Finished this far) My bold didn't come through, sorry. You'll have to compare to yours
love, LinnAnn

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Review of Mystery Meat  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
EEEW, gross and nicely done. Rabbits breed fast, and you can use the pelts for blankets. lol I did NOT see that coming! Which means you did well!

Midwest Nuclear Research had seen to that. --If you decide to espand this to a story, I'd like to know what they did. Cause even Japan hasn't had that problem. (shudder) That repetative worked well. Also the inner thoughts thrown in.

I hope they shaved the head first. lol hairy stew, gross.
I rarely give 5's.

Good job,
love, LinnAnn

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
To help you be at ease, I am not sitting high in my opinion, I am a basic kind of poetry writer. I am not a pro. If I can be of help, great, but you have the option to throw out what you don't want. lol

I love your second sentence! I just read in my writers mag about the cliches. According to them I'm in trouble. lol

I am so sorry that someone wrote in such a way you did not find it helpful, but torn apart.

I do like your last sentence. Maybe they are only blind to some aspects. We all have our favoirite forms and styples. I do hope you get more helpful reviews.

I know my intent is to only help others become better writers, but again I am not a pro. Hang in there.

Love, LinnAnn

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Review of Beggar's Sermon  
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Our Mayor put up a sign by the railroad tracks telling people to not give money to the two panhandlers that work that spot. He accused them of putting the money toward drugs. But the old lady gets her social security money stolen each month by her daughters boyfriend and makes her beg.

I hear words of praise instead of words of woe.--lovely line

“Grace is when God gives us what we don’t deserve…salvation.
Mercy is when the Lord doesn’t give us what we do…damnation.”--So nicely put. What a wonderful reminder and so beautifully said.

This poem was so great to remind us to look a bit deeper, in others and in ourselves

this was very moving and very profound. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I ejoyed it.

love, LinnAnn

Reviewing image for SAJ and SP

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Review of Heartbeat  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The picture you have up is amazing. I like the heartbeat pictured in it, and the flames, hmm intriging. I can't read this small print, so pardon any typos.

For what it's worth, I read the poem twice and yet am still puzzled. I couldn't figure out if the 'city' is a metqphore for the body of the beloved, or if it was for Heqven or what.

In your vast city there are many springs,
where I may dip and cool my soul.--I did like these lines the best. 'dip and cool my soul' lovely and falls off the tongue so nicely.

A moment in time when I fell in love with you,
all within a single beat.--nice ending, but I do like the 'cool my soul' the best, lol

thanks for sharing.

love, LinnAnn

Reviewing image for SAJ and SP

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
this is set up like poetry but it reads like prose. so I'm going to review it like prose and hope that will work for you.

I used to live in Arizona, Mesa. It's a lot hotter now than it was back then. I agree with you, it was and still is ugly. And if someone has grass...it's not like northwestern or eastern grass. The AZ grass was stiff and crunchy under my feet. Washington state grass is soft and green

You made me laugh with your 'my oven cooks with dry heat' crack. lol

I read your second paragraph, I live outside of a rainforest. I"m just hoping we get enough sun and heat to get some red tomatoes this year!

Is God mad at us? (I didn’t do it!)--Also funny. Take your 'white water' (rinse water, from floors or dishes and use it to water plants and flowers to keep them alive. Use soaps that are biodegradable)

I feel your heat, we had high 80's maybe even a 96 last week. but my tomatoes are still green. My squash are about 2 inches long, I've gotten two handfulls of peas out of the garden Two weeks of sun does not make up for summer being
2 1/2 months late.. Yeah, Bush said there wasn't such a thing as global warming. The USA was the only major country that did not go to the summit.

Hang in there, fall is coming.

Nicely done, thanks for sharing.

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Review of Empty Tracks  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I thouroughly enjoyed your poem.

I like the cadence and it wasn't pretentious.

The 'voice' you used was consistant all the way through, and kept the tone sad and mellow. I could hear the sad old whistle blowing in my head. I could see the train coming around a curve of a mountain train track.

Thanks for taking me back a few years.

love, LinnAnn

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Review of Same Birthday  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
I't set up like a poem, but reads like a story. What style is this?

I got confused with the line under the title saying 1 yr old boy.

I thought the gift mix up was a cute theme for the WDC birthday.

I didn't quite get how all the guests got both kids mixed up. I take it none of guests knew the recipients? Or am I being too literal and it's just a spoof? lol

Glad you wrote a tribute for the birthday celebration.

love, LinnAnn

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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Your poem totally broke my heart. I feel so sad for you. Love is a fickle thing, we put our whole hearts into it and sometimes we get them busted.

You used great imagery. Your first three lines were quite beautiful.

Your 'he loves me not' is very fitting.

Prism dreams are shattered--I love the way you worded this.

Your 'yarn of tangled thoughts' was a very fitting ending.

thanks so much for sharing this lovely, but wrenching poem.

Love, LinnAnn

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Review of White Twilight  
Rated: E | (4.0)
pardon my typos, It's hard for me to see this tiny print.

I'm so glad you told us it was about quiltling. lol At first I thought you were talking about chocolate ice cream. lol hadn't seen the explanation yet. lol

I take it you are writing about the mania that hits when you are in a quilting frenzy?

I only do basic quilts, not pretty at all. I do them for disaster victims and it would take a victim to want mine. lol

I'm not sure what you meant by the 'taste the pain.' Unless you mean the sore finger from pushing the needle in. I can't find the leather finger protector. I love it, no slippage like the metal ones.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

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Review of LOTS OF WORDS  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I really enjoyed readin gyour poem. At the blog site, it didn't look like a poem.
Your first line caught my attention right away.
I think too many people have forgotten to stay youthful.

let childish endeavors be in my favor.--kite flying, running through sprinklers, helium balloons. lol

I think artistic/creative people have a tendancy to be a bit more youthful and fun.
stay old enough to pay the bills and young enough to enjoy life.

Your last two lines I absolutely love.

love, LinnAnn

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