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Review of Heart Attack  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

I liked the beginning of the lyrics. ‘My heart missed a beat” is very a clever connotation; the heart being the place of the emotions. It seems the singer is struggling to win the affections of a woman. He basically is love struck describes barriers that frustrate him. Am I right?” Anyway, this is a nice piece worthy of commendation. Happy Anniversary!
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

The nature of war is horrific. PTSD must be a big obstacle to a normal life. I know of someone on here on WDC who was recently hospitalized for months because his symptoms were so bad. He’ s doing good now though. Like your friend, we owe much to those who died in the name of freedom. So many people do not credit and honor such individuals. I’m sure the gruesomeness of battle is beyond description. Thanks for baring your soul for us.
Review of Little Bird  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

To start out with your metaphor was creative and effective. The struggle of the little bird to be free of the cage was apparent. One line I thought was cool was “A chance to escape her dark kingdom.” To me this symbolized the antagonism of others who rule this kingdom. Besides being simply a barrier to fly in the sky, is there any exact thing you’re identifying?
Review of Especially Jacob  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Sometimes people try to push or ignore pain. But, if you do not express it the hurt can devour you. Writing is safe and effective method to do so. That’s why WDC has saved lives. Jake’s mom was right when she tried to move pass the horrible circumstances; as hard as it may have been. Thanks for the narration and happy anniversary!
Review of Trail of Tears #2  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

The narrator is very passionate and very up front and plain about the Native Americans plight. I think we owe something special to those who were bereaved of their land. Nevertheless some good did come with the sacrifice of the ownership of the Native Americans. This nation came from their land. I must admit it is bittersweet. We owe a debt to them. I understand the anger that they hold and this is indeed a sad poem. I hope your WDC anniversary helps.
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
This story opens up with a nice mystery element. It was very captivating. Why did you start the narrator’s voice with a quotation mark? This occurred through the entire story. Despite this, I found myself wanting to read more and more as I went. It was pretty easy to follow for the most part. I got confused with content that began with “That meant – .” at the end. Why did you suddenly switch to the school setting? I might have missed something but upon an initial read I did not pick that part up. Anyway this was very entertaining and you know how to hook the reader with the first sentence. Great work!
Review of If Trees Are Gone  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I loved your ingenious selection and implementation of words for every stanza. This is a couplet poem and that is pretty much all the kind of poetry I write. Trees are essential. They create oxygen, they aerate the sols and are the homes of many animals as you mentioned. This was great. Keep writing!
Review of Clowns  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hmmm...nice emotional content. I liked your ending. It was melancholy and it left me with a hole in my heart. I was just hanging there at a loss for expression. I enjoy that feeling. It makes me remember it more. As a prose, I can’t really critique you; I would not know where to start. I’d’ read one of your stories but I don’t read items that are 18+. Well, I how this was uplifting for you. Good job!
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This was funny and clever. So how did Sabrina and Joey meet? I did not pick that up. Does Joey know that Sabrina is from another world? That did not stick out. Your characterization and dialog was great man. The personas were “crystal” clear. Maybe you could capitalize on your idea and start your own business. I would have said you need more description but for some reason It is fine the way it is. Keep writing!
Review of "Gasp!"  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hey Lesley, maybe you could have had your own nature show. A good name might have been “Animal Cops.” Although dangerous, your job sounded unique and fun. I would personally have wanted to taste most of life’s 52 flavors like you. How truly adventuresome. What do you do now?-you may have mentioned this. I am space cadet like I said(: I'll hear from you.
Review of A Bowl of Wisdom  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This was a very interesting conversation by a couple fighting over something and there is no right answer. It was very short but you still got everything you need into this work of yours. You did a good job of establishing a clear setting with the shop and the cold weather. One thing I would have liked to have seen was a more powerful spinoff at the end. Perhaps end it with a sentence of dialog that hints at is what to come in their relationship. This is how I feel so you do not have to change it if you don’t want to. Happy writing!
Review of Lemons  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
You are so right on. We’re only defeated when we admit defeat. The world is full of sour sorrow yet despite how things appear, we need only to keep a cool head and call on Jesus. I speak out of experience. I am schizophrenic and whenever those anxious darts of the world come at me, I reach out to Him and he saves me. This was very inspiring!
Review of Disease of Doubt  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
When I saw this posted on the HUB page, the topic of doubt atracted me to your poem. I frequently have self deteating thoughts about my competency as a writer. What I write frequently seems to be criticized and it is discouraging. However there are those who highly praise my work. I eventually want to publish but apparently I have a long way to go. ANyway thakns fro the read. There are allot of people who tormented with doubt. Everyone will experience it at some point.
Review of Name Inspiration  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

To me this pome is about the breathtaking renewal of the earth. Its’ short and sweet, and I like it that way. Nature poems are especially wonderful. I love Gods’ creation and all its detail. The acrostic spells “Jason.” Would that be a significant other? Anyway, I congratulate you being with WDC for yet another year up to date. Happy anniversary!
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I like magical nature stories like this. I love the peaceful nostalgia that the atmosphere creates- clever of you to set the theme of your poem at the morning. The sense of golden sunlight that illuminates the inhabited forest is pleasant. A favorite line of mine is “Through that haunting and yet inviting wooded entrance.” It gives a looming, hypnotic feel. I can imagine myself laying against a tree observing all those enchanted creatures playing and watching the look at me with curious eyes. Very Nice.
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
This kind of poetry is not my forte so I cannot give you any constructive feedback but only what I liked. The sense of being in a magical wood full of enchanted beings is very effective and nostalgic. I do think it would be useful if you could expound on the element of the moon. I’m sure that you can come up with something deep that mystifies the senses if you would utilize it more. Beside the wood itself, the moon could be the most vivid picture. Beautiful, melancholy poem!
Review of The Magic Stone  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1861151 Unavailable **

The short narration amplifies the simple innocent emotion of the young boy. I liked the ending so much. It made me think of crying. When I was reading this I thought the father would find the stone but what you came up with was so sweet and unexpected. I see that this has gotten allot of good reviews and I concur. This was a jewel of a story. Did you spend time revising it at all?
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
You know what; most panhandlers make a pretty good living. With this being written for a flash contest it had an effective little twist at the end. I’d suggest giving a bigger description and really flesh out a good angry and surprised reaction at the end on the narrator’s part but only having such a short writing space it is probably not possible. Nice wit that fit the limit! Ones like these are hard to do. I’ve never even tried it.
Review by brom21
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
What you have here is entertaining and you did a good job of staying in Allee’s head. I would suggest however to put more emotion with the thoughts. For example: when she notices the men chasing her she acts indifferently with a detached string of recalling what her father would do and questioned who they are. This is okay but try to put more fear and anxiety into her head as well as the questioning. Very good emotional connection between Allee and the pyrogon-creative name too. The human and beast bonding is quite appealing. Nice read!
Review of To Angel  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This was very good and your choice of first person really drew me in. I don’t know what it was, but I had to keep reading. The rich selection of moments of time throughout the narration was right on. And Sabian’s complex emotions were fascinating. What a surprise when I found out that Angel was blind too. I liked how the overall tone was distant and melancholy. Sabian was slightly egocentric; something that was mentioned. That facet of his mentality kind of drove the whole story. When I notice something that needs changing, I point it out. I could not see anything that did. Great read!
Review of My Star  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

This was lovely! Your words bring peace and nostalgia. I can feel the emotion like a cold flake of snow in a morning gale. The passing of the friend presents a fleeting sense of joy and happiness. The appeal of nature is very effective. I get a strong sense of being out in the snow like my little poetic tid-bit before. I do not know why that other person gave such a low rating. I think it deserves more. And have a blessed WDC birthday!
Review by brom21
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Nice allusion to nature to withdraw the sense of living. It did not come across as a love poem exactly. It was more like an exploration of a person’s journey through nature and how it astounds him. As far as suggestions, poetry is about creativity and who can criticize one’s creativity?-unless off course it is blatantly out of meter, rhyme and full of overdone obscurity. Congrats on wining 3rd place. Keep writing and stay cool!
Review by brom21
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (3.5)
I'll say one thing; this was qiute unique! It seemed to be geared towards children; I'd consider it a lymric. Kids would love this. This was very short so I cannot critique much. i will say that a "caplane" and a "croat" is creative and silly-in a god way. I woud suggest adding more or turning it into a traditional poem format. Good work!
Review of Pete's Last Out  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This was a charming little epitaph with a whimsical edge. I reads like a comic book actually. That could be a good thing or bad thing. I choose the former. I would have like to have seen more dialog. Also, when you mention prostitution and homicide, it made it kind of serious and dark. I personally don’t like dark humor. Just identify who your audience is. Good job and keep improving. Kudos!
Review of My Rating System  
Review by brom21
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I loved your rating conditions. I completely see your reasons for how you rate. I saw that you said that you do not do long drawn out reviews. I have a question for you; percentage wise, how much of your reviewing is critiquing and suggestions compared to simply praise giving? I tend to hinge on the latter. Unless it is blatantly under quality work I have a hard time giving advice. If you would, may you review a piece of my work so I can better understand your method? Oh, and happy WDC birthday!
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