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Review of Duality  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)
The first words made me think of the numerous "poems" one can read on this site, another love poem that uses the same words, the same cliches.

Then, the transition was surprising and I had to read it again to understand how it happened.

This is a good idea, an interesting symmetry and, above all, a good attempt to adapt the form to the content.

I wonder what it would be like to try this kind of structure with a more complex content.

No suggestions. Well done.
Review of What Dead Means  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very good poem about this subject. I like the idea of explaining something very "big" and complex by using a short description of a moment. You did this with a short dialogue and the description of a gesture.

Not knowing what happened before this moment makes the poem mysterious and the reader concentrates on the essential details.

Suggestion: I wonder if it wouldn't be better to make the dialogue stand out visually. The whole item looks a little compact to me, but that's just an opinion.

Well done!
Review of My Home  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This was featured in Mavis Moogs newsletter, so I thought I'd have a look.

I really think this is a great subect and you did a great job.

It starts in a simple, almost simplistic way. The kind of writing and situation that everyone is familiar with. At this point, the setting is familiar and it is not clear what you are getting at, which is, well, clever!

Anyway, I agree on the content and I love the simple facts you used to make your readers think. Well done!
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a very interesting poll with a clear question and very good variety of options.

As you said in your introduction, the reactions to this vary and it seems from the answers you got so far, that it's the same here, on wdc.

It's good that you had the idea of sharing the question on this site. Good luck with your poll.
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very sweet piece of poetry, it really fits the intent. It's cool and simple, yet well constructed.

I like the idea this was written in only a few minutes and given to someone. Poetry has so many facets, it can be written in many different ways and this is fascinating.

I have enjoyed reading your poem, I hope you keep writing.
Review of Mother of Many  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a lovely poem and it's the title at first, then the content that attracted me.

I think that your punctuation could be improved here. I noticed that you forgot a period at the end.
Also, I really think you need a comma after 'change" in:
"I smile, watching her children change
Yet stay constant."

These are my favorite verses, sweet and sensitive:
"If she vanished,
If Mother Nature disappeared,
Leaving behind barren
Formless, ever constant lands,
I really don’t know if
I could take"

Well done.

Review by AXiLeA
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is a wonderful poem I have truly enjoyed reading!

The more traditional structure works well enough to convey the message, although, personally, I'm more attracted to free form poetry.

Most of all, the events and the imagery you use to portray them are very strong and to the point.

As for the content, I have to say I totally agree with you on this subject.

Maybe this would even look better if you centered it?

Thank you for this poignant piece of poetry.

Review of Pitch Black  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)
The imagery you have used in this poem is clear and effective.

You have worded your poem with simplicity and accuracy and your rhymes feel quite natural.

I would really use some punctuation for this piece, or at least work more on layout. This would help the reader who searches for sense, for instance in:
"I can't begin to show
My mind is pitch black
with claw marks here and there"
I feel there is something missing, punctuation or just spacing up would help one to find rhythm and meaning.

Overall, well done.
Review of Best personality  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
I took your poll because I found the question intriguing.

It is interesting, although I would advise you to put "cleanliness" and "good hygiene" (careful, both terms are misspelled!) as one option and add something about maternity. I think that there are still many people who think that this is an essential quality for a woman.

I wish you good luck with your poll and English paper.
Review of Untitled  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'm always interested in different ways of writing poetry, personal style, something innovative, or a personal interpretation of more traditional poetry.

I read your poem and was particularly captivated by the rhythm, uneven yet coherent. It made me want to read it until the end with no effort. The form fits the content and this is what makes your poem a good read, in my opinion.

Keep writing!
Review of mamacita  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (3.5)
Your poems deal with the subject of loss and the feelings you convey show this with honesty.

The simplicity of the very different things you have listed is also part of the same honest approach. I like that.

There is a stanza in your poem, though, that I don't think is very clear:

"What a morbid milestone,
so much attached to a date,
I remember it so vividly, but I can't ask you
about old memories and mysteries.
It's too late."

I don't understand if this is about the date at the end of your poem, when she passed away. If it is so, I don't really see what kind of memories and mysteries this can be linked to. Maybe this part can be reworded.

I would also advise you to add commas after:
"knew me"
to make the poem easier to read.

Have you considered using another word for "regular" in the last line? Something that sounds smoother to the ear, maybe "normal" or "another". I'd also cut this line after "14".

These are just a few personal suggestions, feel free to use them or discard them.

Overall, this is a nice poem and would be even better with a little work.

All the best.

Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, Connor,

Thank you for your email.

I'm glad to see this and what you did is interesting as the two versions seem to focus on slightly different aspects. The first one has an unfinished feel, "suspended", the second has a tragic twist in the end. Nice job.

I also re-rated your item. I hope to read more of your work.

All the best.

Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (3.5)
When I saw the title, I was expecting something different, although the item description gives an idea of what is to be found in your poem.

The imagery you found to convey your message is very striking and the poem as a whole is very moving.

I can see the beginning of something beautiful, with a metaphor that does not sound superficial at all. But I have the feeling that something's missing, that you have stopped this a little too early.

I have nothing against a very short poem, but here I get the impression there would be more to write, so why not develop this into a longer poem (not necessarily very long, though).

This is my personal opinion, of course, and you are free to consider it or not.

Overall, I enjoyed your writing.
Review of Is It Possible??  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is an interesting poll with an intriguing question. I was surprised because I had never asked myself the question.

Although this has never happened to me, I think that it is possible. If a character is consistent and well described, the reader can identify with them. You can love or hate characters from a book, so I suppose you can also fall in love with them.

Good luck with your poll.
Review of Zmitri  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This piece deserves five stars. I love the contained passion, the quiet strength of your words in this poem.

It' s really interesting, the way you use numbers that merge into the landscapes of your wonderful imagery. The same feeling arises from the transformation of your description of nature into the features of the one betrayed.

Impressive and beautiful work.
Review of Venice  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is an excellent piece, I'm glad I read it! I was attracted to the title because I lived and studied in Italy for many years and a friend of mine studied in Venice, so I often went to see her. I know the city pretty well.

I like the way you shared your memories, with a subtle sense of humour and great descriptive skills. Your characters are so vivid and, what is rare in this kind of item, you've given yourself the consistency of a character in your story.

I have truly enjoyed reading this, the only thing I would not say is "the jolly italian at the reception"; after all, what do we expect a receptionist to be in Italy?

Well done!
Review of Walk  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This poem brought back many memories, it's strange how a few images, a few words can reveal some of the stuff that's held within.

I read this poem a few times and I really like the intimate voice in it, I get this mixed impression of quiet and deep sadness.

Also, I love the construction of the last stanza.

Well done.

Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is the right poll just before I go to sleep... spooky dreams!

I have enjoyed taking your poll, it's short, with a clear question.

I do have a suggestion concernig the options given. I think that you could add "I don't know or I haven't made up my mind yet" and/or "The experiences I've had are difficult to interpret". This is just my opinion.

Good luck with your poll.
Review of Letter back home  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is a very short madlib, it's cute and funny, which is the purpose in this kind of game.

It could be longer, though, this kind of letter is usually longer and you could add more funny details.

I was wondering, shouldn't the animal name be plural?

Also, you need a capital for "the" after the "!"

Keep having fun and good luck!
Review of You Awaken Me  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I like the message in your poem and the title is strong. It's nice that you chose to repeat the title at the end of your poem, this line really feels at the right place.

The wording is good and effective too, my only suggestion would be to replace "taste" in "taste your kiss" or "drink" in "drink the water from your lips". These expressions seem a little cliche, although they are good and there's nothing wrong with them, choosing an even more personal option to renew the vocabulary here would make it more surprising.

Overall, I have enjoyed reading this and I would like to encourage you to write more and more.
Review of You are not alone  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I especially like the intention and the empathy in this poem. It's rare enough to be noticed.

I like the way you speak to the reader, the questions you ask, making him/her react.

Some of my favorite lines:
"Have you ever swallowed a sob,
To show the world you are tough?"

I noticed a typo: " a freindship card".

I have really enjoyed reading a generous poem.

Review of My Mind  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
This is a poem written to a wonderful idea. It's so intriguing to imagine a map for one's mind.

Some of your verses are very good too, such as:
"In my mind you might see,
A locked door that needs a key,"

It's a pity, though, this poem doesn't keep its promise. There are lots of good ideas and thoughts, but none goes deeper than that.
These lines, for instance, say something important, but I'm sure you could find a less repetitive way of showing this to the reader.
"There are things that can hurt you,
Things that can't hurt you"

Also, I wonder what this means:
"Evev in an ordinary looking colwn"

I won't rate this below average, because I feel that you have something good to say and I think you can suceede by re-editing this poem. I hope this helps and am ready to read and rate it again.

Review of Scat  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)
What really gives this poem a particular style is the choice of vocabulary. The situation is narrated as if it was seen thtough the eyes of a child and the wording is adapted to this.

There are also many things left unsaid, which is both a quality and, somehow, a weakness,(just my opinion), maybe there could be a few more words to tell us about the way the girl sees the man.

Overall, I have enjoyed reading this original poem.

Review of Speak a Lie  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)
What you expressed in this poem is really thought-provoking, a very interesting point you mad on our human condition, full of paradoxes.

I agree on the content that basically, although surrounded by others, we are all different and, at some point, alone.

I appreciate the deep and accurate thoughts that avoid all superficiality in your approach.

The poem reads well, I read it out loud and liked its flow.

I would only suggest a small change:
The word "really" doesn't make the statement stronger and slows the rhythm at the end of the third stanza.

I wrote a poem on a possible reaction to this kind of feelings, observed by the narrator. [#] "Invalid Item that might interest you.

Well done.
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)
Interesting poem, although... I'm not sure I understand who "they" are.

Observers of life on earth? Real stars? Do they watch us from another planet? How are they connected to us?

Mysterious poem, pleasant when I read it out loud, with an intriguing atmosphere.

Nice choice of words, like in these verses:
We fight multicolored lights,
Our silent screams your noises conceal,

I wish there were one or two more distinctive images that would stick to my mind after having read it. This is a direction for improvement, in my opinion, that would make this a very striking poem.

Overall, this is a good poem.
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