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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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May 10, 2020 at 7:35am
May 10, 2020 at 7:35am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 10th
The prompt today is very simple: Write about the person you call Mom.

The song I've chosen for the day, one I absolutely love, says it all. Good Mother.

I am blessed to have a good mother, one who is there for me. She's got my back. She's helped me develop into the person I am today. I am lucky to have been gifted with such a person. Just as she was gifted with my Grandmother. Both strong women who don't realize they are as strong as they are.

I am also lucky that I live with my mother and can see her on this particular Mother's Day. We share a house. We able to help each other move through this life. My mother is 82 and continues to live in her own home. We are good for each other.

Plans for today... I am thinking we are going to order in Chinese Food. That was her request last night. I also have a couple of books for her since she loves to read and is motoring through a lot of books these days. I think we'll both be happy when the libraries reopen. Maybe we'll watch a movie together or perhaps the Carol Burnett CD we have since we both enjoy a good laugh. We also need to take a picture of us having the wine my step-brother and his wife sent for Mother's Day.

Lyrics for the song - Good Mother by Jann Arden

I've got money in my pocket
I like the color of my hair
I've got a friend who loves me
Got a house, I've got a car
I've got a good mother
And her voice is what keeps me here
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Facing forward
Be yourself


May 9, 2020 at 6:46am
May 9, 2020 at 6:46am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 9th
Choose an event in your life that someone else remembers differently. Describe both memories and debate the differences. Who do you think is right? Why do you think you remember it differently?

I have a friend who got pregnant at 23. She was unmarried and I had only met the guy she had been dating briefly in a pass-by when I dropped in to visit and he had been leaving. I hadn't been crazy about him. Any guy not interested in meeting a girl's besties is not a keeper. But I vividly remember her calling me at work and tearfully telling me she had gotten pregnant.

Many years later, when her daughter was a teenager I heard her retell the tale to someone and I was struck by the change in the story. I figured she had changed the story so that her daughter did not realize that she had been an 'accident'. I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to argue over it. Her daughter is my God-daughter and I figured I would let it lie.

Her daughter got to meet her biological father may years later when he had returned to Canada. She had not been impressed. I applaud my friend for not tainting her daughter's opinion of him and I also applaud her daughter for seeing through his self-centeredness to realize she had not been missing anything.

Blog City - Day 2124

Flash Fiction: Write a short story about a clock.

Father Time. Big Ben. Clocks had certainly gained a name for themselves. And here, in the old Atlanta home ,the Grandfather clock standing in the front hall of the stately mansion had also been named by the children years ago. The name stuck. Geoffrey.

Geoffrey towered over the foyer like a stately butler, but he was more than that and the children had sensed it. They would stare up into his clock face and swear he was watching all the goings on. He had been there forever. He had seen everything. He hid the secrets of the house all within his cogs and wheels.

His deep, droning chime pealed through the house on the hour and half hour marking time and fixing the events within his lacquered wooden frame.

When Tully and his family came to visit he would stare up at Geoffrey uneasily. His mother would whisk him away scolding him for dallying, but he would always return. Curious.

One evening dark into the night, Tully ventured from his bed in the wee hours of the morning. Geofrey's chime had dragged him from sleep and he wandered down to stare up at the regal face. The rhythmic tic tock seemed to lull Tully who stood rooted to the spot. Whispers rose up around him. When he looked around he saw no one, but the stately clock seemed to grow within the space.

"You've come boy. Do you want to hear? Do you want to know the secrets I hold dear?'

Tully nodded, unable to speak a word.

"Death hides behind this great facsade. It shakes its fists upon the fraud."

Tully's skin prickled as he felt a cold breeze float over him. He dared not move.

"Ancestors killed to protect their name, now its happening all the same."

Tully wrapped his arms around himself.

"You must leave and take your mother, lest you stay and raise the bother."

A ripple of fear tripped along Tully's spine.

"Stay here and I foresee the trouble, get out before the state of rubble."

Tully moved then. His feet carried him up the stairs where the sound of voices raised in anger caught and bounced around the balustrade.

At his door he called out sharply. "Mama. Mama."

She came then and he could see the bruise. Her face darkening in several hues. Her voice it soothed him and she ran her hand across his brow. "There, there." she cooed trying to reassure, but Tully tensed and would not relax.

"Can we take a walk outside?' he whispered, muffled within her comforting hug.

"Outside?" she questioned and looked into his eyes. A beat past and then she nodded. Taking his hand they slipped down the stairs, grabbed their coats and boots to go.

Geoffrey chimed a deep goodbye as they sailed out into the worn out sky.

Morning found the place in ruins. Dark with charred remains still foul. Smoke filled the air and choked all on the prowl. Only standing, seemly untouched was Geoffrey in the smoldering remains. One body was found a gun in hand. Whiskey in the other.

Wrapped in blankets beyond the caution tape, Tully stood wrapped within his mother's embrace. Their shocked expressions taking in the scene. The wrecked, wicked, awful scene.

Tully looked upon that clock and could swear he saw it wink and grin. Then he turned and taking his mother's hand led her off without a whim.

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

My owl signature from Gemini Gem.
May 8, 2020 at 3:11pm
May 8, 2020 at 3:11pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 8th
Take a look at this list of values: https://liveboldandbloom.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/400-personal-values-list...
Pick your top ten values and rank them based on how important they are to you. Then, write about the values you chose and if any have changed throughout your life.

This list is very interesting. I did not know stillness was a value. Probably a good one to have if you are a tree or a mailman faced with a growling dog.

My top ten does not include that one, but it does include:


As I read these over, I find they feel right. Putting them in order... now that is a challenge.
I also see Love and Mindfulness as important. In fact, I think these values let the other values shine... they are the foundation of all the others. The others are in alphabetical order. That is one way to order them. I am also thinking calmness, to me, is synonymous with mindfulness. But if I had to chose between the two I would have to go with mindfulness in that it involves a presence within it - one of those underlying aspects again.
Faith is both spiritual and hopeful in nature. Faith is within and outwards - a faith in myself and in humanity.
Courtesy can also be implied in both Respect and Love. So if I rework this list it looks more like this:


There I believe these to be ranked 1 - 10.

Blog City - Day 2123

Use a famous movie line in your blog today, but don't tell what movie it is.
I have to laugh when I read this because this line came up early in our confinement... I can't remember the context at the time, but now all I have to do is yell it and we both start laughing.
"There's no crying in baseball!"

Even reading it has me giggling.

When I first saw the prompt I thought of this:
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

Then I considered my options. How to make this blog far more interesting than just dumping lines out there. So here's a little tale...

"Why so serious?" Marty asked leaning over the table towards Jeb.
"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." Jeb said nodding as if that was the best plan.
"May the force be with you." Cody piped up.
"You think he'll refuse?" Marty asked as he lowered his mug.
Cody shrugged, not seeming to care.
"Why not ask me?" Arlon pushed, "I coulda been a contender."
"Nah, not you."
"Why, I oughtta." Arlon groused.
"Oh lie down before you hurt yourself." Jeb fired back.

Got any guesses on what lines go with what movies?

May 8, 2020 at 10:00am
May 8, 2020 at 10:00am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 7th Start your entry today with the words: “I used to believe...”

I used to believe I was invincible
I used to believe life would go on
I used to believe that I could do anything
I used to believe life was my oyster
But then life happened..
Now I believe life is fleeting
Now I believe you must cherish what you have
Now I believe love and gratitude abide
Now I believe in following my bliss
Because life is too short to waste.

Blog City - Day 2122

Prompt: Endure and Let Go. Use these terms in your Blog entry today.

To endure
We must learn to let go.

Let go of being right
Let go of being top dog
Let go of fighting the uphill battle
Let go of blaming ourselves
Let go of blaming others Let go of holding grudges
Let go And just breathe
Be in the moment
And let it endure.

Time marches on What do you want to make of it?

May 6, 2020 at 10:26am
May 6, 2020 at 10:26am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 6th
Write about an object you own that has negligible monetary value, but is priceless to you.

I would not call myself a hoarder, but I have a lot of things piled around certain parts of the house that are more my domain. Which of these things would I deem priceless? That is a good question. Two things that come to mind are things I don't particularly find overly beautiful, but they are the last two gifts my father brought back for me from his trip to Jamaica. He had gone on a golfing holiday with his buddies and remembered to bring something home for his little girl. He died of cancer after that.

One item is a straw doll about a foot long. She has teal coloured pompoms on her skirt and feet. I have her hanging on my mirror where I can see her everyday. The other is a wood carving of a head - a bust of a warrior or some such thing. Both are nice, but it was the person that gave them that strikes me as important and give the object its priceless-ness.
May 5, 2020 at 10:54pm
May 5, 2020 at 10:54pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 5th
Find a local news story that makes you feel something. Share the story along with your opinion on it in your blog.

I have been avoiding the news as of late. I find it stressful. If I do watch any of it, I usually flip it off just as some American President is about to open his mouth.

Instead I have been enjoying a bit of good news. SGN. I laugh. I cry. I rejoice in the good of our world. We are in this together... Globally. Enjoy my friends.

May 4, 2020 at 7:50pm
May 4, 2020 at 7:50pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 3rd What do you do you relax and unwind in the evening? Paint us a picture of your ideal relaxation.

What I do right now it not ideal. There is a lot of mindless TV viewing and pigging out on junk food snacks.

What would I like o be doing? Candle lit baths and a good book. Writing outside on the front stoop. Taking the time to mediate and be fully present.
May 4, 2020 at 5:12pm
May 4, 2020 at 5:12pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 4th
Describe your cooking or baking ability. What was the last thing you cooked/baked that you we’re proud of? Are you a recipe-follower or freestyler?

I am an average cook. I don't tend to bake too much, but I did quite a bit for Christmas last year. I made an awesome fudge which I gave to my cousins and their families as well as a couple of neighbours that had been super helpful with all the snow shoveling and my team at school. I also made up Christmas cookies and made up tins of goodies for about 7, including my client and his mother.

I don't cook as often as I used to. My mother and I take turns making dinner, but she tends to start the meals before I do, so she often does more than I do, but we also have many nights of fending for ourselves and eating left overs.

As for following recipes or being a freestyler - I tend to stick to the recipe, particularly when baking. With cooking I will experiment at times. I used to have to make everything just as it was when I was married, but now that I don't have that restriction, I play around with ingredients and dishes.
May 2, 2020 at 9:50pm
May 2, 2020 at 9:50pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 2nd
What one fictional character would most like to meet and talk to? Why? What would you like to ask?

Can I say my own? The ones currently living in my head. Seeing them up close and personal would be an extra thrill. I would like to transport myself into my story world where I could experience all the sensory dynamics and not just write about them. It would be a little bit like 'Harold and the Purple Crayon' - I could see my own creation come to life.

There used to be a show called Simon and the Land of Chalk Drawings that I watched as a kid. I love the song and the show. Here's a taste.

I am writing this blog just after 4 am. Having joined the Paris writing group for a virtual write in I am up extremely early. I picked the Simon early morning edition.

Another good blog post is 🌑 Darleen - QoD and her entry for today - "Re: PROMPT May 2nd"  

May 1, 2020 at 9:13pm
May 1, 2020 at 9:13pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

May is an Official Month
Happy May! It’s exciting seeing so many new faces! Remember to post your entries in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge" forum on the day they are due using the {entry:######} link and comment on at least one other competitor’s entry every day. Please ask if you have questions! I’m most responsive to email (click the envelope: (613) ). If you post in the forum looking for a response from me, please tag me so I don’t accidentally miss it. Good luck! *Heart*
PROMPT May 1st
Tell us something uplifting! We need good news now more than ever. What is something positive that happened or is about to happen in your life? What has made you smile recently?

Yesterday was Hat Day for our elementary school. Yes, even at a distance we are still doing days like these. Today is PJ Day, but I find it hard to bring myself to wear PJs all day - track pants and t-shirts, but not PJs.
Yesterday we also had teacher retiring. It was the music teacher and he will be greatly missed. To celebrate his retirement, we did a car parade by his house. A few teachers got out and sang the school song while waving a huge Canadian flag on his lawn. We took turns putting a beer into a cooler for him to enjoy. This was all done while practicing responsible social distance. The family across the street came out to cheer and wish him well as well.

Here are a couple of crazy links:
Our school song:


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