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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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May 20, 2020 at 10:32am
May 20, 2020 at 10:32am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 20th
If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose?

That would be a difficult decision. I keep waffling back and forth. If I had been active at thirty, then staying that way would be easier and the need to keep my body fresher and younger would not be a necessity. But keeping the mind sharp... there are some pretty spry 90 year olds - look at Betty White.

Besides if the choosing meant ending your life at 90 and not going beyond I would probably go with not taking the choice and living to the natural end of my life - be that 90 or 100.

Being a writer, I would think keeping the mind sharp and active would be more my thing, but this getting old thing is beginning to settle in.... I think ultimately, if a choice were required I would say MIND.

Blog City - Day 2135

Prompt: Write about a lesson you learned the hard way.

Lessons learned the hard way are lessons that stick. Not that I would wish anyone the hard lessons, but I think they go along way toward building a person's character. And as a writer and a person who loves to study human behaviour (a sociology and psychology major) character is paramount.

I am still learning from my divorce. I'm sure I have learned to put up walls in some ways, but I am aware of that and try to remain open and positive. I have learned things about myself that I don't like and need to work on. I have come closer to what I want and don't want in my life.

I am still continuing to learn.

May 19, 2020 at 9:51pm
May 19, 2020 at 9:51pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 19th
If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are living now? If so, what would you change and why?

I think I would work at getting some of my bucket list items done - like going to Paris and to the writing retreat at the Gladstone Library in Wales.

I'd take chances I normally shy away from and with any luck I would get my novel finished and published along with a book of poetry. I may even write a blog / book of daily writings that would be filled with gratitude and inspiration.

So what is stopping me? Sudden death or not, each day is precious. Why am I wasting them?
May 18, 2020 at 9:16pm
May 18, 2020 at 9:16pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 18th
What chore do you most dislike doing? Tell us a creative story about how you might get out of doing it.

I don't like chores. Any chores. But getting them done keeps life relatively sane. Trying to get things done while making the job easier or less arduous is something I am up for.

For example, mix up some cupcakes and while they bake run the vacuum around for the twenty minutes that they are baking and cooling. The reward for doing the vacuuming... a cupcake or two ... or three or six... ho, hell eat the whole pan. Then take myself out for a walk to burn off the calories or better yet tackle the weeding in the garden.

I am open to any other tricks.
May 17, 2020 at 8:10am
May 17, 2020 at 8:10am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 17th
Write about a fictional road trip where you meet up with your fellow competitors from the 30DBC! Who do you visit first? Do you bring any gifts? Tell us about the crazy blogger shenanigans you all get up to!

I love virtual traveling. It is almost as good at the real thing.... only cheaper.

Well, I would have to choose Alexi as she is in England and I would love to go there. Meeting her would be a blast. Maybe I could entice her to join me at the Gladstone Library in Wales and take part in Jessica Lourey's Writing Retreat there. Who wouldn't want to stay in a library and spend a week writing with an author like that. I have just ordered a couple of her books this morning - two fiction ones - The Cantalian Book of Secrets and May Day and one writing book - Rewrite Your Life: Discover Your Truth Through the Healing Power of Fiction. I am excited to get reading. I have heard her Ted Talk as well. Interesting lady who is not afraid to share her story.


During this pandemic, I have been taking advantage of writing with various groups in London, England and in Paris, France. Groups I cannot get to because I live in Canada, but because they are virtual right now I have met some really great people. Paris is a bucket list item for me and in my google attempts to explore writing retreats in the area, I ran across Jessica Lourey. She does a retreat in France, an hour outside of Paris, but I noticed she also does retreats in Wales. To write, sleep and eat in a library that is over 125 years old would be fabulous - definitely a bucket list item.


My friend's daughter is getting married next year. She lives in England now. I may just see about going to something like this... if I save my pennies. Maybe I can go and wouldn't it just be fabulous to have a WDC partner in crime!? Anyone else interested?

May 16, 2020 at 5:58pm
May 16, 2020 at 5:58pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 16th
Do you believe in ghosts or other supernatural entities? Have you ever experienced something you could not explain?

I am open to the possibility. After my father died by mother got a 'call' in her dream telling her it was 7 am and it was time to get up. She had forgotten to set her alarm that day and the dream woke her only to find out that it was in fact 7 am.

My friend's brother, Clay, also got a phone call while he was babysitting my cousin. The man on the line asked if his daughter was okay. When Clay said yes, the man hung up. At the time, my aunt was going through colon cancer treatments and her father, my grandfather, had died several months before this. Grandpa was not a man of many words on the phone and he too had died of cancer.

Blog City - Day 2131

Discuss this quote in your blog. โ€œIt is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.โ€ โ€“ Charles Spurgeon

I agree with this. Some people can have so many things and be overwhelmed by them or take them for granted. While other people may not have much, but appreciate all they do have. This quote brings to mind the happy faces of children who may live in poverty, but still smile because they have their families close. That gets me thinking of the times we are in now as we pull together during this time of pandemic. Being alone with lots of things would be empty if I did not have other human or animal contact. It is the connection that keeps the sanity and brings the happiness.

Practicing gratitude and appreciation is important to a happy life. Don't take the small things for granted. A smile can go a long way to making someone's day.
May 15, 2020 at 8:50pm
May 15, 2020 at 8:50pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 15th
Write about a time when you or someone you know acted selflessly. What was the motivation and what were the results?

I would say when my Grandmother went to work in town for a well to do family so that her older sister could attend teacher's college. Her income went to pay for her sister's schooling. She adored her sister, Jean and would have been only too happy to do this for her.

The sad thing is, her sister died of pneumonia while at Teacher's College and never did get to teach.
The thing is, Aunt Jean was a favourite to my grandmother's mother. I don't think her mother treated my grandmother all that well and later in life, my grandmother was the only one of her three remaining siblings to take the woman in when she got old.

Even though she got the cruddy end of the stick, my grandmother was able to see the good through it all. Even with a physically and emotionally abusive husband, she would have done it all again because it meant having children and grandchildren that absolutely adored her.

She was my champion. She was my strong foundation when my own world started to rattle and shake. I could always count on her unconditional love. I still miss my Gramzie. I am better for having had her in my life.
May 15, 2020 at 8:31pm
May 15, 2020 at 8:31pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 14th
What was the best/worst letter or email you ever received or wrote? Write about the situation surrounding that letter, and why it was so significant.

I am thinking this would be the letters I received when I was accepted into University and Teacher's College. I received two acceptance letters for Teacher's College and decided to go to Western in London instead of York University in Toronto. I jokingly say I accepted Western because I did not want to be driving into the sun both ways when I commuted to school. But the truth was, Western had a better special education program and that is my area of interest.

Being accepted meant bettering myself. I come from a family where only two people on my mother's side attended university and none that I know of on my father's side of the family went. My father was an electrician and my mother was a secretary - both admirable professions, but I wanted more education.

Going to university had always been a dream of mine.
May 13, 2020 at 10:10pm
May 13, 2020 at 10:10pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 13th
Writing Sprint! Set a timer for 10 minutes and write without stopping about whatever comes to your mind. I challenge you to deny your urge to edit yourself as you write. If you must, youโ€™re allowed to edit, but only after you finish your ten minute sprint. Ready? Set. GO!

So I have set my timer for ten minutes. I find whenever I write in a sprint form I tend not to write anything of value because I am just trying to get the words done, but I have written enough this morning to already have my 750 words so this is an extra bit. Yesterday I posted my clock story to one of my work colleagues that sent in a picture of a grandfather clock. She liked it or at least said that she liked it.

I am wondering how many people will just do a little bit of writing that they have polished up after all no worries. if you can clean it up and edit it after the ten minute bout anything can change.

I am trying to not fix things n t on the first go of this but it is tricky.

I like yesterday's post prompt of the what if aspect.

I was also thinking what if I had gone to Paris after I finished high school or maybe even during University. What about a girl who goes to Paris and gets to stay in a friends apartment while her friend is away. She has a month or two to enjoy the place and take advantage of Parisian life. Taking a month long Paris Writer's Workshop. going to join the writing group at Unicorners. Making friends with people from around the world. Now that would be a cool experience... but as a story probably only for me. and that is okay. ten nine eight seven six five. Timer went off.

Blog City - Day 2128

Prompt: What is your new normal these days?
My new normal. The only thing I really miss is writing in cafes. Beyond that I am quite comfortable being at home. Every few days I head out to do a few errand like buy some groceries. I reward myself with a trip to Starbucks to use some of my stars. I have managed to get through all of April without having to pay for anything at Starbucks.

My last trip to Walmart, which I tend to avoid, (but had to go to get my prescription because my doctor sent it there instead of Shoppers Drug Mart), I spent over $250 which is huge for me. But I bought groceries, cleaning supplies and gifts for my mother for Mother's Day as well as a few books for myself. I won't have to go back until I need to refill my prescription and that isn't for 100 days.

I am not minding the teaching from a distance, but I would much rather be in my classroom with my students since I have an ASD class and they learn so much better when we are there with them. I feel for the parents having all of their children home. Many of our students have siblings, so parents are having to manage more than one educational program. It's a lot.

I live with my 82 year old mother, so I don't put myself out there much. I also discourage her from venturing out too far. We have many a good laugh.

I have one computer I can't open without upsetting my WiFi so I have to go to the Starbuck's parking lot to use it. Luckily, I have another computer and a Chromebook that I borrowed from the school.

Another plus is that a lot of things have gone virtual. So I have been able to join a writing group in Paris that I have never been able to before. Eventbrite also has many writing sessions to connect people.

May 12, 2020 at 10:39pm
May 12, 2020 at 10:39pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 12th
Write about a fork in the road in your life, and how you made the decision to go the direction you did. What would have happened if you chose the other path?

This sounds like what I would do if I was coming up with a story idea. What if I had traveled after high school instead of going to University right away? What if my travels took me to England and France.? What if I met someone over there and didn't come back to Canada? What would I be doing?

What if I started writing more seriously sooner? What if what if what if?

What if I went to Simon Fraser University instead of staying at the University of Guelph where I went to high school?

Would I be a more confident and secure adult? Would I have studied criminology.... then gone on to write more compelling mysteries?

Life is all about choices. I made the ones I did. I hold to them, but I dream about the others... and work them into stories that take me into the 'what if/' world.

May 11, 2020 at 1:51pm
May 11, 2020 at 1:51pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 11th
Look at a picture from your younger years. You donโ€™t have to share the photo with us, but try to describe it in as much detail as possible. What led up to the photo being taken and what happened after?

I remember a photo taken at my aunt and uncle's wedding back in 1972. I was five and I was the flower girl. The photo is of me and my Dad. We are outside of the Italian Canadian Club in Guelph and Dad is asking me if I am ready to go home. I have my finger in my mouth and my two front teeth are gone. My fine blond hair is pulled up and baby's breath has been worked in to the hairdo. My Dad is wearing a brown jacket. He is bent over giving me his full attention.

I remember shaking my head, not wanting to go. I have no idea what happened after this photo, but my guess is I got my way and we went back in to the hall.

Blog City - Day 2126

Prompt: โ€œBut mothers lie. It's in the job description,โ€ says John Green. In your opinion, through which ways can mothers lie?

I would love to know the context of this quote because it does not give me a warm feeling for this John Green guy. Still if mother's lie it is to protect their children, to protect their hearts and minds from the outside world. Or in the case of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, it is to bring joy to the season.

Mother's also tell you you are amazing and beautiful even when you are a punk ass kid with a zit filled face. They carry your self esteem when your peer group is cruel.

They believe in you when you are just learning something new. They bolster your confidence when mistakes and setbacks happen. They are your cheer squad.

I know I have been blessed to have a mother and a Grandmother like this, but not all children have this same luxury. Some don't have a mother's love to cocoon them through the rocky patches and some even have mothers who make the world come in far too soon. For those children, they always seem to be struggling in an uphill battle. A mother's love and protection are sustaining... necessary for future growth and prosperity. (And so is a father's love and protection).

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