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Review of Velvet night  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Solitude, silence and a hot summer night combined to produce a feeling of oneness with nature. A person can have the chance to look inside himself and find affinity with the universe, when he is by himself. With his mood contemplative and the mind keenly observant of the night-sky, he comes close to discover himself.

" I threw my hands up and suddenly realized that the stars were familiar to me..."

Mother nature is shown as a protective entity, guide and philosopher.

The prose is poetic in its concept and capture of the essence of self.

It has a nice flow and a kind of revelation of self and nature.

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Review of In His Presence  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jim,

It is my pleasure and privilege to review this religious poem for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on having completed another year as an eminent member and host of "Anniversary Reviews" among other things, at the WDC. Have a delightful day!

This verse is spiritual to the core. The devotee feels the presence of Almighty and is able communicate with Him.

"... I felt the touch of God today,"

When faith is deep, mind without tensions and the heart full of love, the feeling that God is nearby taking care of all, is credible and worth paying attention to.

The devotee's strong feeling that anyone can see Him, shows that he doesn't consider his experience exclusive, but it is within the reach of all, who believe in God.

" Anyone can hear him, just listen if you may"

The above kind of revelation is rare and precious.

The rhythm and rhyme are well-balanced and help me read and understand the poet's experience.

It flows well.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Andrew,

a lovely story!

It gives me enough stuff to ruminate upon and think how it would be as one travels down to old age and aloneness. I am glad to find, it holds no fears, no tensions and not much grief either. Yoko, will never be able to return to life.

I admire the way you depicted the normal day of a widower at a comfortable pace. After all, comfort is an important factor in the evening years of life.

I see that the story reflects reality. The way Mr. Yamaguchi speaks to his wife at her grave, his conversation with his long-time friend, Kitamura-San, is natural and in the order of the flow of life.

The story moves on softly from one check-post to another, taking us along with it, smoothly.

Language and style are a great draw.

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Glorious and Joyful

Review of alone  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The present situation is well shown. The poet describes how the corona illness forbids people from close contact. We convey our love and affection from afar. Even that could be impossible if the strange virus gets anyone.
Alone in isolation and away from contact of any kind.
I wonder if they let the patients read and see the TV, at least.

The three-liner (Haiku) states the basic facts poetically.

It flows well.

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Review of Be my Romeo  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Ideal love is well depicted in this short free verse. Romeo and Juliet attract the attention of lovers all over the world for obvious reasons. They weathered hostilities between their families and vouchsafed their love for one another. Death had no fears for them. Innocence and passion for each other made the play famous and the lovers became iconic.

The lines that highlight the kind of love between the poet and the lover are,
"Though I had not known love before,
I won’t live without it anymore."

Totally and unconditionally committed.

Imagery is fine and so are some lines, which do bear shades of the eternal love of Romeo and Juliet.

It flows well.

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Glorious and Joyful

Review of Poetry Collection  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello Amay,

I am attracted by this nature poem and wanted to do a review on it for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing another creatively fulfilling year at the WDC. Have a wonderful day!

Nature appears new and unique on each day. Your poem connects human emotions with the changing facets of nature. The way you have shown the connections between the two is very nicely done.

Indeed the stormy weather reflects our own inner struggles and conflicting feelings.
"Tornadoes stirred up trouble"
The ship of life without anchor gets caught in the whirlpool of depression and inner disturbances.

Sunshine follows the storm and calm rules after the mental and physical struggle of human life too.

Imagery mirrors poet's intentions, thoughts and feeling in a crystal clear manner.

Free-style poem flows well.

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Review of THE DREAM  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
At least on Saturday, you should sleep, tosca. Not only you, but all those hardworking people who sweat around the house and outside as well.

This poem is full of welcoming albeit wishful sights, like someone (perhaps your better-half) waking you up with cheering cup of tea at ten, the sounds of well accomplished house work and so on.

It is however, a wishful dream, that remains a dream for most of the housewives.

"Then I'll quietly get up.
It was only a dream"

Imagery paints an appealing sight.

Simple and true to life.

It flows well.

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Review of Getting By  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi Mara,

its my pleasure reading and writing a short review on this lovely story. The single mother's view of the world is quite realistic and her attitude is cool and collected. Her character is clearly defined and it is not everyday you find a person like her around us. I mean being single may be common but the way Elle deals with events is special.

Just a word on language and style. The way you have shown Elle's thinking and talking to herself is worth emulating.

"but Elle couldn't help wonder ..... passed down from mother to daughter".

Another impressive example I find is,
" Kennedy was smart as a whip."

This is so different a figure. Kennedy, I think is compared to a whip because she is smart and sharp in finding the target. Great!

Thank you for a wonderful story.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Old or young what matters is love. As old age takes over and the pace is slowed down. Yet, spring still lives on in the heart.

"But springtime will last,
Forever in our hearts,"

That keeps the mind happy and a smile on the face. Loving memories are a gift to the human being.

"We'll remember the days,
That were so full of joy,"

These memories make the present sweet and life comfortable.

Poet's images of human seasons and those of nature appeal to me. They are so visual and so very real.

It flows well.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
How very true!
Yet, we cannot escape from the world where crime rate increases by the day.
Nobody wants to watch that kind of news, yet it flashes at some point or the other.

"Yet people are tortured
By this blind rage'

This free style poem records in a nutshell what is happening around us. Tragically, we are on the path of regression not progress anymore.

Corruption and dishonesty rule the world. The utopia we imagine cannot materialize, unless man's mindset changes.

Well done poem.

It flows well with telling imagery.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of I Miss My Mother  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

this is a touching verse on mother. Mother is such special person in our lives. It is difficult to imagine life without one's mother.

You have recorded your feelings for your mother very clearly. Emotion can be seen and felt. We should never take mom casually or for granted. It is death that shows the value of a person. She cannot be replaced.

"Leaving me so broken hearted
I miss my Mother"

Memories of a beloved mother cannot be erased. They are so fresh that the memory never fails to draw tears.

A well-written poem in memory of the poet's mother.

Sadness is palpable.

It flows well.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Lou,

I am attracted by this "little piece" in your folder. I try to review it for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on being creatively active for one more year at the WDC. Have a delightful day!

I see the sea and the rocks on which you stand and gaze at the wide blue expanse.

Consider this line:
"I was shaped by wind and tides,"

It could mean that your existence was ruled by elements or as you stand on the rocks your body follows the direction winds and attains shifting shape.As I read through, I can see that the rest of the poem is in present tense except for this one line, which is in the past. That means you are talking about your life.

Now, this line seems a little puzzling.
"Bare beach is exposes then hides."
could it be "Bare beach exposed"?

Your "Oceanic" domain is awesome and the Atlantic under your feet is a strong metaphor.

Imagery prompts me to feel the swirling salty air that surrounds the "riding sea".

Structured poem flows well.

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Review of Tennessee Summers  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Memories find beautiful and simple expression. Tennessee summers are what we feel and see them before us.

Grandma's house in the countryside is very attractive. And for children it is a truly a blessing. Sweet memories of those summer days playing in the barn are well shown.

This rhyming poem is full of visual images of kids having a gala time. Their freedom is much envied by those under pressure of work and making money.

Simple word choices and line endings make the verse all the more fetching.

It flows well.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Author  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
You have expressed your writer's block in an appealing way.
"For hours ideas swirl around,
but when I go to
write it down.......
The paper stares back, still blank."

It is true that writing, I mean putting your swirling stories on paper is not easy. The point I want to make is, you got to start somewhere, either the beginning, middle or end of the story. Like this poem for example.

Your imagery shows the poet thinking and forming ideas and then putting them to paper. Sometimes thinking too much can cause a block in expression.

Great poem.

Keep on writing.

Glorious and Joyful
Review of Locked away Love  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Injured family relationships are brought to surface in this letter to daughter. Sometimes innocent children have to pay a heavy price for the love they ought to get from a parent.

I can see that your daughter became a scapegoat for the friction between the parents. She is not allowed to see her father for no fault of hers.

The father confesses to his helplessness in abandoning the girl. It is quite a bit moving. However, the reader's sympathy remains with the daughter.

Language and style are pretty much a draw. Sentences are well connected and the transformations take place quite smoothly.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello jonblair,

I find this rather interesting note in your portfolio and decided to review it for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on the completion of one more year at the WDC. Have a lovely day!

Your analysis of the first, second and third marriages is done well. The complexion of marriage changes as it passes through different age levels and experience.

However, what I feel is that love must take the first priority. Some people I know marry the second time after being widowed for the sake of a culture norm. Among Mexicans I heard a woman needs to have a man with her if she is young and able.Its culture demands so.

That I aside, a number of women marry the second and third time for both financial and physical security.
A lone woman is an easy prey for the predatory males I guess.

I give top marks for the line,
"No matter where you find yourself on the marriage wheel, people would benefit far more by spending less time planning the wedding, and more time planning the marriage."

Meaning a marriage should be resting on warmth and loving togetherness first and foremost.

Great write.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
In the depth of heart lie dreams.
Everyone has an inner sanctum, one's own private world. some dreams and desires that we cannot express are found here.

In this rhyming poem I find a beautiful world full of vernal charm. Imagery shows the glorious green canopy of trees, golden sun, angels and mermaids. What a youthful world full of dreamscapes!

Imagery has appeal to eye and heart.

Unfulfilled wishes too rest here.

It flows well.

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Glorious and Joyful
Review of After hours  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Lusha

I am attracted to this poem because I can relate to the subject. Bringing up children is a real challenge indeed. Yet, a mother loves them more than anyone in the world. No wonder moms are referred to as "Supreme Mother."

Imagery shows what a drag a job it is to take care of kids. Their energy is difficult to deal with. A mother needs to extremely creative and patient while handling her children. Their curiosity is endless and the spirit of adventure terrifying. A mother is constantly nervous of their safety.
No wonder the grey in the hair makes an early appearance.

The second half of the poem shows her manner of relaxation. Now she assumes her role as a queen of her own world.
"Your sweet scent of tobacco and strong coffee enveloping ..."

Sounds exciting.

Happy WDC Account Anniversary!
Have a wonderful day!

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Roxanna,

this poem that deals with computers and real life sounds interesting. I am reviewing it for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations and have a lovely day.

It is difficult to mix personal pleasure and business. I mean a job. But being human, I think we do use the freedom to click on what interests us more than the deadlines set by the job concerns.

"There’s a deadline this afternoon
How will I ever make it through."

Checking email is the first thing any computer buff would do and then according to priorities we move on.
An important factor you highlighted is the slipping away of time. The computer is one of the most absorbing diversions the human intellect had ever invented. Hours pass and we still keep on clicking away.

" What, is it lunch time already?"

Great poem with a realistic touch and appealing imagery.

It flows well.

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Review of Love found me  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello ridinghood,

I found this poem with a great appeal in your portfolio and am reviewing it for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations for being creatively active for one more year at the WDC. Have a wonderful day!

One single line illuminates the whole poem like a beacon light that lights up a whole dark sea.

"We are all immigrant souls."

This thoughtfully used metaphor brings out the spiritual meaning of our life on earth. We are all immigrants on earth. None can claim a place of earth as their own. We have no rights on anything. The moment we use up the gift of life we leave.
I feel that living with detachment can make us happy and hassle-free.

This awareness at the end of the poem is the result of a glorious summer night filled with the memories of "stories and prayers" gifted to you by grandmothers.

To me, prayer for the welfare of "migrants" could be read as prayer for all living beings on earth.

It flows well.

Write on!

Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Review of Caged  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Built on a web of metaphors your prose-poem caught me in the thick of it and I have no way to get out. You spun the words in a way that paint the picture of a single person in a cage freed by the hand of love, aggressively.

You had shown and experienced that the deepest dark and the brightest of light are not exclusive. They blend with love and touch the shores of joy forever.

With the literary adornments like metaphor, image and imagination in place it flows well.

Keep on writing.

Glorious and Joyful

Review of May Angels Watch  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Victoria,

this is a great poem of blessing, which I picked from your port. I am reviewing it for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing another year with the WDC. Have a lovely day!

This poem full of blessings is an effective one. It certainly uplifted my drooping spirits. When darkness surrounds me, poems of this kind soothe my mind and heart. They tell me that life is yet to be. It tells me that never think too much of past and become tearful. I am also warned not to entertain too many dreams about future, for it might make me fearful. So I conclude that living in the present is the best way to use gift of life, in a way that makes me cheerful.

"May Angels steer you into morning dew,
May they warm you and live in your heart,"

This structured verse has a number of telling images that appeal to my eye and mind as well.

Spiritual to the core it flows well.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Enthusiasm to learn art from an unexpected section of students is beautifully shown in this poem.
The poem starts on a note of mystery. The artist had no idea who his apprentices would be. His puzzlement comes to fore agreeably, when he meets them.

"About fifty children running, laughing, and aged about eight or ten,"

Instead of shouting and drawing attention from the playful kids, the poet unfurls his canvas and starts the painting. It proved to be the right move. Children loved the drawing and were attracted to it. Its effect is shown in their total attention to the painting with various scenes from nature.

"Silent, wide eyed, and frozen still as if each were a statue of a child."

What better compliment can an artist expect from his students? Helping them learn the art of painting certainly gives the reward of satisfaction to the teacher.

This perfectly rhyming poem is well penned with visual imagery and it has a great flow.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Lyrical Minds  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Writing to kindle hope in millions of minds is certainly possible for poets like you, Brenda.
One of my most favored themes is, hope. This poem breathes a fresh fragrance into the spirit of hope.

Title is especially charming. "Lyrical minds" certainly suit the poets. It describes the heart and soul of a poet with a song of love displayed in his or her verses.

"The sweet notes that make life go round."

This rhyming verse is made of sweet thoughts of aspirations and songs of love and hope. Words used ring in the way poets sail through their poems with their immortal lyricism. Music is not only food of love but of hope too.

My favorite lines;
"Some people live with a song in their heart,
And an anthem of hope in their soul,"

It flows well.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Changing Seasons  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The poet's idea of keeping hope alive takes a novel expression. Changing seasons keep the glow of hope burning. The parching heat somewhat dries it but the thought of future rain and cool winds brings solace to soul.

"The parching heat of summer
To the cool winds of autumn"

Similarly, winter, a season with killing cold and discomfort soon gives way to spring and once again the hope's glow.

"the icy hand of winter
Only to awaken again in the spring"

Oh yes. We definitely need hope whatever be the season. With hope we feel energized and inspired.

Imagery from nature is attractive to the eye and mind.

It flows well.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
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