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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Interesting write!

For a kid to imagine climbing Mt. Everest without the least idea of its height (290029 ft)and the perils of high velocity winds atop the mountain and smooth sheets of snow covered slopes.

Of course, it was an exercise in imagination with an intention to introduce an "exciting adventure".
It is pretty humorous too.

" the planting of the family flag on the summit not far from where Hillary's flag.."

The story shows how the power of imagination was given a chance by attempting such writing exercises. It brings out the point regarding what interests the pupil.

Events are nicely shown.

There are no language obstacles, much to my reading comfort.

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Review of Life's Puzzle  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi there,

I picked this wonderful essay to review for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing another year of creativity at the WDC. Have lovely day!

Your essay on life and death and how to celebrate the time in between is totally inspiring. Life is a gift no doubt. If more people recognize it, the world would be a much better place to live in. They would realize how important it is to live well and in joy. There would be less depressed or angry people around.

To be remembered after death needs to work on. One should be patient and listen to others' and be sympathetic in the least.

" To have a “remember when” get together with each person adding their unique pieces of my life’s puzzle to the others. "
Great line on life's philosophy, the ultimate goal of life.

Wonderful essay. I have learnt a lot from it. Thank you.

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Review of Last Words  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This story shows that we do not know how and when inspiration strikes the writer. What is important is to look for it and when it presents itself, grab it. The pastor is wise in noting her last words down. They told him a story and his writer's block disappeared like magic.

The description of the block and its eventual disappearance are well shown. The restlessness almost edging on to frustration is convincing enough.

"I banged my fist on the desk, rattling a mug containing the cold dregs of an early coffee brew and knocking a pen onto the floor."

His fumbling with the prayer, by the dead lady's bedside might be because of the rushing excitement of hearing her last words.
"Watch the clouds."

Looks like to him, his writing ambition is more important than his pastoral duties. The young man was right, I thought.

Great story mirroring the mind and behavior of a writer.

Prose flows well.

Thank you for an interesting story.

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Review of He.  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
It is so true. Unless the desire from inside is strong, one can do nothing about it.

You have very well described the situation. color imagery used in a sensible used. Light and dark bring out the life's condition as it existed for you. You might in future decide to reach out for his helping hand and find wings to fly into a world of freedom and joy.
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
That must have been a rewarding experience. You might have reaped the advantages of those summers, when you worked according to your father's directions, in later life. I don't think today's kids know what a hard day's work is and how good it is for physical and mental health.

In a few words, you told us what work ethic means. Early to rise and get ready to work. I am sure you must have been introduced to office jobs too, later on.

Knowing and observing people also seem to be the motive of these working summers and impressionable years.

Well penned and it makes an interesting read.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
There is no doubt that the lion is the king of the forest. We have often seen or heard it killing and overpowering an enemy. It never backs out. Its looks are ferocious and impressive. its walk becomes him. His qualities are natural and hasn't worked for them.

Other animals are afraid of the lion. Their obedience to a lion is born out of fear and the awareness of their own setbacks. Although they find him to be their enemy, they dare not fight him.
Might is right and the lion has plenty of it.

Among human beings, not all are born leaders. Some are naturals, because they have courage and not ambition. Their goals are not for selfish reasons, but for the community of human beings. Leaders like Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela come to my mind. They had clear goals and worked for them. Their courage and fearless attitude (like a lion) and their sincerity of purpose won the hearts of millions all over the world. They won their battles and found freedom without war or violence.

I like the little story you narrated and showed what a leaded needs.

Thank you for sharing.

Keep on writing.

Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I can relate to your feelings and the way you found this wonderful site. It offers plenty solace, and a great opportunity to let you fly on creative wings to worlds beyond the one we are familiar with.

I can imagine the relief and delight you might have gone through after the WDC experience, on the heels of a personal loss.

I was going through some kind of roller-coaster phase of life, when I quite accidentally stumbled on WDC. To me, it was like stepping into a world of wonder and a lovely community. When I received a review on the very next day, on the poem I wrote on the spot, my joy knew no bounds. WDC is irresistible to say the least.

Thank you for a lovely briefing on WDC.

I find your words absolutely proper,
"Not just by the incredible opportunities and resources at writing.com…...... hand of friendship."

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Review of the Leopard  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The fascinating spots on the leopard are interpreted rather appealingly in this sweet little poem.

Leopard gets the spots by birth and it is the way it is created. But the poet's eye looks at them in a unique way. The spots are either thoughts or emotions, with stories or reasons of their own.

"Every spot has a story a meaning."

This poem makes me think what if we wear our thoughts and emotions in a similar way. Well, we cannot sport them on our physical selves, but we can voice them in the special human way granted to us. Express them in various words songs or writings or through the media of other expressive arts. These are going to be our "spots", the spots that leopard cannot "hide."

Imagery is eye-catching.

It flows well.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
One of the best tributes to the partner for life.

"I am still learning every day
Different ways you keep me sound"

I heard people referring to marriage as a kind of prison. In fact, it is kind of release from the perils of being young and alone. It is also as you have so vociferously put, a kind of learning experience.

Of course, it takes a sympathetic and understanding husband to set an example and inspire her in this nice manner.

"Your persistence can not be surpassed
I am still learning every day"

The kind of dedication and devotion, on the part of husband, for his wife to do better in life is so very rare. I find it pretty touching.

The poem flows very well with appealing imagery, choice of appropriate words and the internalized rhythm.

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Review of I Can Hear You  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is a gripping tale of recovery from coma.

The nurse's experience of being in the depths of darkness, yet able to understand and feel the living world are very graphically shown.

The first person point of view only adds to the pull of the story. This is quite a rare presentation of the state of coma.

Her gradual come back is quite realistically done. Her movements, looks and the most important gesture of pressure in the hand, are imaged very credibly.

Language and style reflect the emotions and reactions of the outsiders as they observe the patient.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the story.

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Review of Untitled  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello there,

I find the story interesting and therefore, decided to review it for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing another year at the WDC, which in my opinion is a fantastic site for creative writing. Have a wonderful day!

The story is fine in the sense of story and plot. Setting and dialog are OK.

That being said, I have a couple of doubts.

First, why isn't Melusine aware of the fact that she is a vampire?

" he lowered the gun at her head and pulled the trigger."

I read that vampires cannot be shot or hurt by bullets. At the most, they are inconvenienced.

And who is the man in the red coat? Does he belong to another clan? what is it?

Paranormal fiction is truly interesting with a lot of scope to fictionalize.

Events are well presented in the story.

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Review of Go With The Flow  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Geoff,

It looks like you are laughing at life as well as at self. I have chosen this thought-provoking free -style verse to review for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completion of another creative year with the WDC. Have a great day!

As I understand, you have decided to "go with the flow" much to your displeasure. Correct me if I am wrong. After having tried several alternatives, you appear to have come up with the same procedure of going with the flow.

"If you go with the flow you might bonk your head on that damn concrete dam."
Being aware of the risk of attempting the unknown, you'd rather go with the flow and risk the known danger.

You have mirrored the behavior patterns of ordinary, day-to-day folk.

Many of us, with the exception a few brave souls, do not dare going against the flow.
They'd rather "enter" the "nightmare" and live a monotony.

The choice is our own as I comprehend.

Imagery is fine and the symbols of life cannot be missed.

It flows well.

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Review of Pay back  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello Suzy,

this is an interesting drama. I can see that it has not yet ended. Hope you will soon find the next turn in the story of Jamie and see her in the safe heaven, away from the threat of Pete.

I am reviewing this piece for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on having completed yet another year at the WDC. Have a wonderful day!

The incidents that happened in the life of your protagonist are reported in the flashback. The present starts with a fire that is raging around and in the house, she lived in with her villainous husband, Pete.
Due to pure hatred and prejudice, he turned against her. His resentment of her springs from his own guilt of being a bad person with bad activities.

Jamie, certainly evokes sympathy in the readers, for she is shown spending valuable years in the company of her no-good-husband, for no fault of her own.

Perhaps she is right in burning down the old house. This might be signifying her burying of the past and escape into a new future, waiting for her beyond the borders of the present.

Continuation of the story in such a nice style, might yield great result.

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Review of My Way  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Melly,

This poem got me to read it to the end and I am greatly impressed by doing so. I offer this review of it, for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on the completion of one more year at the WDC. Have a lovely day!

This free-style poem is quite vocal on many levels. First, you excelled in voicing your inner most thoughts quite powerfully for all to hear and pay attention. There is so much potential in your writing.

It starts on a note of life being monotonous and that it offers no hope.
"constantly stuck in a haze
and fighting just to get through each day."

Every one has one life to live and there is a set pattern to it, which we refer to, as "routine".

you said,
"I need the key
that will unlock the gates"

The Key is with you. you only have to feel it with your spirit. We fall or rise by our own selves. This needs self-help.
That narrow dividing line between knowing and not knowing is well shown here.

"Being told no
only makes me more determined to succeed"

You have the problem and the solution in the above lines. You hold the key to success.

what starts on a dull and dejected note ends on determination and a definite way to pursue what you want.

Imagery has tremendous appeal. It flows well.

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Review of A character study  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Smee,

this brief character sketch is pretty visual. It looks as though you have actually observed this person and recorded the details you have come across.

It is interesting that people, I think almost all of us, have certain contrasting features either physically or in behavior or even in thinking patterns. In that sense, your character appears quite natural.

"His voice is deep and tonal, befitting a larger man, and yet somehow still suits him."

A tall serious looking man, sporting three rings in the ear is rather unexpected.

I think this world is an interesting place where we find people made of unmatched yet agreeable combinations.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary!

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Review of A Silent Whisper  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello super sleuth,

I am attracted by this highly imaginative romance, which looks like reality. I am reviewing this for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations and have wonderful day!

The story goes as the lover approaches you and whispers words of love much to your loud delight.

The way the short drama was enacted is pretty good. So the sudden whisper of love materialized as a full- blown love affair to finally end at the altar.

"Tenderly you spoke of love
breathed life into my heart."

Love knows no restrictions. You have chosen words in a befitting manner to describe the way love works in the lives of human beings.

Love also kindles fire of passion, which deepens a relationship.

The rhythm and rhyme are just perfect.

It flows well.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Joyous,

It is my pleasure to review this article for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing another creative year with the WDC. Have a wonderful day!

I consider the following line as the key sentence of the article.

"The power of inspiration lies within us all. Even ourselves."

The self, is an important entity in getting inspired or in inspiring others. This is "power" truly, the force that makes you act constructively. When you read the poem of this gentleman, you reacted in a way that is unique to your "self".

Despite not living actively, the author of the poem, "The cranky old man," left an imprint on those who read and, by doing so he lived that much longer even after his death. It showed in several ways in the life of the author of this article.

To me, it shows the power of words. They shed such brightness on the mind and soul of others that they become beacons of inspiration for others.

Incidents and events are well connected with a fine prose flow.
Its philosophy and psychology are impressive.

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Review of Greek Tragedy  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Myra,

it's fun reading this poem full of references to Greek Mythology. I am reviewing it for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing one more year at the WDC. Have a fun-filled day!

This verse reminded me of all those characters I have studied in my college days. The hierarchy of gods and goddesses and their engagements with the human world made interesting reading. You mentioned a few of the gods in the Greek pantheon, with whom you have created a story within the poem.

Each name rings a story and each story is well entwined with a motive and a pattern. Zeus and Hera competed and created unnumbered events and incidents in the world of Greek mythology.

Emotions and thoughts of these beings are very much like those of human beings except that the more powerful gods and goddesses were able curse, bless or carve a destiny with a flick of their magic wand or scepter.

The present poem is well created so as to mould the events to end up in tragedy. A kind of mock tragedy. The tragedies of Sophocles were a popular read any time.

Thank you for this poem based on Greek Mythology.

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Review of Promise of Frost  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Kate,

I have chosen to review this very elegant poem on nature's changing seasons for your upcoming WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on the completion of another year at the WDC. Have a wonderful day!

I am really taken by the fact that when this poem occurred, you were actually wandering in the forest.

"Hear wind whisper sweet melodies
And roam forgotten woodland trails."

Beautiful observations!

It strikes me as a place of beauty tucked away in the forest. As fall was disappearing round the corner, winter must have entered the scene and setting its own mood and tone.

"A touch of frost is in the air"

Each line is carefully crafted. Imagery shows the forest, cool and quiet.

It flows well.

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Review of Forget Me Not  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The pleadings of the lover are heartening. Impression and time go hand in hand. If the impression is deep, time can never erase it. No need to tell her or him "forget me not." It will surely be a memory forever.

This poem inspires sympathy in the reader. I am sure the girl or boy on the other side is equally moved with the poem and remembers you for a long time.

"Even though you say you won't forget,
I can only see myself fading bit by bit."

I am a little taken aback at the fact that the poem starts on a note of anticipating that she will not remember.
"Is it sad to think that you won't remember me,"

However, hope is that your thought might prove on the contrary.

I like the rhythm and rhyme of the poem.

It flows well with visual images.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I greatly appreciate this story on the reasons behind protesting.
I can see the fine reasoning and explanation of why people protest, and what happens during protestations by people at large.

One of the most important features of democracy is that power rests with the people. Leaders are elected by them, so they understand how to keep the country prosperous and peaceful. If they don't, then peaceful protests are a great means to make their leaders take a look at the problem and set it right.

" “The people out there, they’re trying to say that they’re not happy with something going on in government, ..." "

The spirit of democracy affects the mother too, as she gets ready to join the "99 percenters."

Wonderful story written in an effective conversation format.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Karen,

it's a lovely story. The first part dealing with the sad parting of childhood friends sets the mood and content of the second part as well. Going to the Memorial Wall and looking once again to scan the list of war heroes for the name of her husband, Billy Reynolds, Donna described it in apt terms.

"Located at the Washington War Memorial, it’s the dirge for my generation’s folly."

A sad reality that history cannot change.

The army career that she as wife, mother and then the grandmother was afraid of, seems to run in the family. Both Billy, her son, and Will have gone on and joined the defense forces.

There is nothing fair about any war, be it 'Nam or the more recent Gulf war. Nobody has the right to kill and displace millions of innocent people. They kill for power, now or in the past.

Donna's protest is so very well justified.

A serious story, though flavored with a whiff of the comical element.

I appreciate your language and style, which helped see the pictures of past and present, playing in the mind of Donna.

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Review of Lake Michigan  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello SashaKate,

This passage contains a tribute to your mother. I have chosen it to review for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing a year at the WDC. Have a wonderful day!

Your mom's love of the Lake Michigan is shown in a picturesque manner in this nonfiction. It deserved to be treasured. You did it very well indeed. Bless her soul, for her ability to be so active at a ripe age of Ninety. Age apart, I am impressed that she had the cheer to go with her daughter and grand-daughter to the Lake almost to the end.

"My mother's last romp in the waves was shortly after her 90th birthday."

Her love of the Lake is clearly indicated in her last wish.

Prose-flow is casual and spontaneous. A charming story.

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Review of Morning Dream  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Dan,

It is my pleasure to review this thought-provoking poem for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing one more year at the WDC. Have a wonderful day!

In the early morning of grey skies and with rain pattering down the rooftop, one feels like sleeping for some more time.
"as I fall
back to sleep—"

Yet, the birds are up and dawn is already breaking on the eastern sky. So the poet wonders, pertinent as it seems,

"Will I begin to awaken?"

The mind dwells on the spoiled picnic in the garden, as it becomes sleep-ridden.

The poet terms it as a spiritual poem because, when nature wakes and calls one to rise and shine one needs to pay attention. Or else, that much time we spend sleeping, is wasted by not realizing the godliness in nature. sleep robs one of active contemplation, I think.

short verse, profound and well flowing.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Margaret,

I chose this wonderful nature poem to review for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on the completion of another fruitful year at the WDC. Have a lovely day!

This poem appears to have come from actual observation of nature. It is inspired by the spectacle before you as rain approached.

Imagery shows the kind of scene before the rain, the quietness and cool gentle breeze. The still nature waits for the downpour and when it comes there is joy among the trees and the earth emits sweet aroma.

"The trees dance with the wind with unbridled passion."

Written in a novel form in short lines of each stanza, the poem moves as per the rhythm in nature.

It flows well.

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