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Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

"Nonny voices an opinion in RELIGIOUS TRUTH: THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS.
Citing, the Brad Pitt movie, SEVEN the author admits researching online for concepts surrounding envy, etc. Naming the rest of them here might be a plus for informing readers." Alabama Courier Times // Dec. 7 // T.Teffom

The Suggestion: For further composition filler, try a few lines from either THE FOURTH DEADLY SIN, THE FIFTH DEADLY SIN, the mystery series. Perhaps other ideas will come while doing online research.

Adding the sources will never subtract from one's work, hon.
Review of Warflower  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

Musetrap, one must say this is a farfetched idea to follow a flower "blowing over scorched, glassy ground."

Genre -- Fantasy, afterall.

Three tales of battle, one with Drul, who "listens to the clashes of voices around him" after victory.

Lt. Cromwell "driven mad by the pounding of shells."

Until time and philosophy genre blend over time and the warflower evolves from the pen of this author.

Not bad, a bit flowery for Teff, a little hard to grasp, Musetramp, while genre of Sprititual, hidden or not seen.

The Suggestion: A stronger lead in for changes of character, which also changes the era, or evolution going on in this brave new or old world, where always prolific warflowers flourish and grow.

Best to you and yours for a Happy Holiday.

Merry Merry!

Cordially, Teff

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#1041702 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Susan of Pudlin! Sooooooo roared the N Wind ----------> SSSSSSSAAAAANNNNNN !!!!!!!! O'Pudlin!

Uh, oh, Teff's hamburger with relish, verb sand menu lecture again.

O'Pudlin. Adolescent Lit has less extra mayo with horseradish annoyance than your baggage here of hads, thats in the wrong place, that becauses. Novelist to novelist, Susie Q, you're not listening to teacher, Sr. Tessandra Teff.

Can see from your posts on Auto Rewards ... if its new on AR this revver finds it. Can see copyrite, Jan. Okay, story line good. Empahasize the research.

Note Mary Reily's pink spot outline in Whitechapel, London in

#934458 by April Sunday

Plus why rehash these verb sandwich convos over lunch once more. You may as well say meet me in Boston Harbor. Don't make me come out of Maine, someone will need to rescue me, they're talking 12 foot drifts. Yikes!

On That: In Philly speak and in America we use that ---- thus: That's great.

We watch our fence blow away, two or three kids flush into an incoming Jan wave in Jersey, and say, "That's great."

Q -- Whatyamean y lost the money at the track?

A -- Now that's just great.

Yes, colloguial. Your setting of 1847 sounds marvelous for ships. Give us some live research, quote the source. Impress!

Chronological order:

like that -- glad
Like First Parish Church (Church of Latter Day Yankees)

The father that ammassed great wealth sentence. NO THAT, toss it. Bye.

Note: The above's your hook. A novelist will place hooks at the end of a chapters to hook in the fish for next chapter line. With this common mistake of this hook 'amassed great wealth' it will add to Eliza's flair while properly mittened, sliding on ice. In her (Susan's) opening lines.

Plus this actually makes me want to knit, seriously. Susan knows, I mean her no harm, Mr & Mrs America and all the ships at sea.(Walter Winchel)

ELIZA JANE is Kiddie Lit genre also. Historic if you pick up the pace, America wants to know about the original blue states N of Jersey, Mass. Lunch better be Lobster, Susan.

Here's a rewrite present for you.

"Winter came early, barely Indian Summer prior to frost, snow falling thru Dec."

Hint -- Rent STORM OF THE CENTURY by Steven King. Background accent.

Please check TEFF'S REVS out, where Teffy brags on your prolific writing skills etc (Pssst --- Pudlin's stories are fabulous).

Hey, tiny rev related favor for moi. Por favor -- See if you can make out the rules for me below. Are they getting it? Post this Rev & Rev reply as a post on .... you decide, Miss Susan.

"Invalid Item


Review of Three Quick Shots  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

One hears the screams, feels the danger in THREE QUICK SHOTS.

No sense re-writing the author's piece. Advice of sight, sound, smell are irrelevant, if such advise is rendered by one writer or from a newsletter, best to ignore it. What should we smell, fear?
Plus it's not a book for the blind.

The twist at the end of the tale when the character is back on the ranch is a surprise to this reviewer, who is collecting replies to keep track of them on ===

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#1041702 by Not Available.

Most importantly with this story, true suggestion is for naming the character. Readers tire of she.

ID the one who comes in, gun to the ready on a jet, so reminiscent of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001, above a calm countryside in rural PA.

Writing the actual action here must have been difficult. For this recall, this writer says, thanks.

Good JOB! Write on!


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Sig by Esprit
Review of The Haven  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

THE HAVEN tells of what is, what may be, what might be. Only in the effect via a muse's lingo of which "humans" place in society if defined. As effectual poetic renditions tend to equate real and unreal.

So, if we get it, or if we don't like the poem reads re: our social nicks, perhaps we are all in someway:

"Entwined ... stationay objects, neither bending or moving."

A poem to make readers think, I think.


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Review of Chapter one  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)
<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>

CHAPTER ONE --- a DECENT READ ABOUT a family of witches, the friendly kind from the pen of J. Krome.

Par One: village's ghost
locals --- understood live near

Next: Please don't fudge par breaks, designed for easier reading.

Learnt (?) not a word, learned.

Sum a young witch tries to make a bed, fails. Gulls wear black clothes. A new leader will be chosen for the coven.

The author's Q is: Do you like the characters? Yeah, they're okay, similar to Bewitched, the black & white TV comedy, circa, 1970s.

Can the story be plotted and followed?
Sure, it has a good start.

Suggestion: Dont't depend to much on adjectives, green, tiny. Pretend you're doing a crossword puzzle and pull out the perfect word.

Also almost every had, here, can be dropped. Isn't the story happening as you write it? Read it aloud. If you can drop the hads, toss them as far from the house as possible. Take a little caution to stay the fingers that type the hads that are not needed.

Lastly, you understand, Teff means you no harm. You're characters seem to rival for position. Add the reason to this chapter.

Best in all you do, dear author.

Let's all hope you finish this one and continue to Write ON!

Cordially, Teff, Dec 3, 2005
Review of Longing Memories  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

LONGING MEMORIES from the talented pen of new member, Taniuska, proves once again, not all new members are new to writing.

Sum: The life of Theodore, as told by narrator, a grandson. Times 1916 --- 1940. Interesting.

Genre: Bio --- met, signed sealed & delivered

Favorite lines:

"hemp shirt ... stiff as a tree ..."
Readers, can't you just imagine color and texture?

"narrow road" of "pines" like "a tunnel"
The actual sentence containing the above almost reaches out branches to touch one taking a casual walk. Great detail!

"hymn of the wind" Gorgeous!

The Suggestion:

Cut down on some tense additions, shorten where feasible.

Don't be afraid to use flowery prose.
May be your specialty, Taniuska.

favourite == favorite

Best Christmas to come, welcome to WC where ALL writing remains free & easy going on cold winter days.

Historic details in this one, research, adds to the grade.

Cordially, Teff
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Kalluke, your poem MY FIRST PAPER CUT is well presented with the tiny icons. For the effort and the tale inside the poem, the 3.5 star. Please do not shun this grade as irrelevant or low.

Sometimes entire stories get the same rates. However, reading poetry here on WC, one finds the fine, excellent standards of Ann Ticipation, T L Finch to name a few.

I very much enjoyed the craft side of life and fully agree that homemade gifts can be the most thoughtful presents.

Plus your item is quite timely.

So let's decorate & celebrate this merry month of DEC.

BACK TO --- the edit / write of MY FIRST PAPER CUT, perhaps adhere more carefully to lines and rhymes. Fit them into rhyme delivery via just a teeny bit more tweaking, dear.

Cordially, Teff w/ 4 rev badges. Sorry these don't show up; on PRP similiar to Christmas Past.
Review of Hurt - Part One  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

On horseback " ... Scream down the road to Neverland ..." Shocking words from HURT --- PART ONE, from author, New York Gretta.

Sum: A military wife left at home, tends a horse farm, receives news her husband is _________.

Sorry, not up to Teff (humble reviewer, poet, forum hostess, short story contest winner) to give this one away.

So click here to ... READ ON!

New York Gretta, this is off to a very adequate, tantalizing start. You supply subtle hooks with almost every paragraph while suppling background without pushiness. The former keeps a story afloat. While the latter prevents bogging down readers into the past of the characters per se.

Thanks fo this one, hon.


#934458 by April Sunday
Review of fallen apart  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

El voce, the voice from the heart speaks out in FALLEN APART by >:) (author.)

Teff finds only a few misspells.

nolonger == two words
everymove === two words
delt == dealt

Like the story line when roommates part friends. In fact we're seeing more adds for roommies needed, rooms for rent in private homes in our area. Perhaps due to rising costs of living, withdrawal of federal money to states and cities, and escalating property taxes. How about other places? Many in sev out-of-state papers. And your neck of the woods?

Well, on my front door it used to say, Stay Out, now it says: Rooms for Rent.

Dear poet, Starry Sky, your poem brings home the message above as for the occupation of said space. When two folks crisscross in the hall and no longer speak ... well, a horse of a different color my friend.

This is a narrative poem, almost a prose style write, but in any case, keep an eye on the TV, and other major appliances, dear.

Trying to cheer you, thus the aside and tie-in, prompted by what Teff just read.

Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Attention con artists, would be rip-off-artists, junk collectors or part time crooks ... yeah that's right.

Read it again. Although this is not at all the quote delivered by the host of SELL IT! THE CONTEST.

Instead the perpetrator of SELL IT! THE CONTEST makes members, authors an offer they may not want to refuse.

Come on down to Ravenwand's forum, enter a sales pitch for the non-compromising prompt. Get your gift points here, spurn E-bay all the way, baby.

Great Idea!

Plus enjoy reading these finely crafted, brief, pitches. FUNNY! I tell you true.

Now there is the 1966 Pontiac La Mans we store the Teffom tools and lawn mower in, which we might be willing to part with. So how about it, any takers?

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Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Lenny 66, Teffy didn't know you hail from Joisy. Wow, talk about coincidence. So stop by MF3

LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday

where we occasionally mention the tri-state, blue states, Len.

Okay ... personals aside. IF YOU KNEW JERSEY by humorist extraordinaire, Lenny 66 throws on the table the ins & outs of how to survive New Jersey speedways.

Where === "the most vicious, cold blooded, diabolical, cutthroat drivers ...." keep Lenny on his toes.

Shun speed limits, fall prey to losing your savings ... in Jersey.

The real fun involved with this Oct, 2004 copyrite is indeed survival of the fittest, the fastest, the toughest on those bumper to bumper, high speed chase turnpikes.

If readers & guests seek the funniest piece on all of WC ... they better click here.

TEN STAR WORK!!! Comedy, satire genre.

If you, as readers, are unfamiliar with New Jersey driving standards, click here.

With all the laughter in the entire Garden State, Len, this is the exact reason, we ride the bus to Trumpy's.

Love seeing "in cahoots" used in a roasting like this one.

Best to you ... YO! Watch out ... BBB BBBBB BBEEE EEE EEPPPPPP!!!!
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

Oh, my goodness, Lady Cobra. You actually deleted your original blog!!!
How awful. Teffy deleted about ten reviews received from anti-christos like fans, and anons helping themselves to platefuls of hidden insults. (I'm told we ALL may be, from time to time, privy to the latter.)

But your own blog, how nasty to be driven to the wall like that, dearie.

The good thing is you did receive a new, free, upgraded membership and you have a nice looking, heartfelt blog going once more.

Teffy deleted 3 forum mission statements, one item and felt the loss like burying a pet mouse, which I never had. So, maybe it's not so bad after all.

With your "I always loved Christmas as a child ..." Readers will identify with this, honey child.

The suggestion:

Keep the above thought everyday this month and celebrate the Christmas tides every minute in your own happy-go-lucky way, many of us do.

God Bless! What lives these journal / blogs reveal. My, my.

Members, guests, writers, reviewers .... let's hear some resounding applause for Lady Cobra.


Cobra, post on my blog or forum, maybe it will cheer you.

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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of Call Me a Hippie  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

Poet / author, Jaston offers CALL ME A HIPPIE.

Sometime you read an item on the title alone. A mini poem with good rhymes, sums up the physical details of the look of an unshaven man. This time of the year lots of fellows keep the chin hair for hunting or winter warmth.

Now in the hippie heyday there was bells, peace signs the like. Sorry, Teff digresses to back in the day when American Vetrans stopped a war machine out of control.

So read CALL ME A HIPPIE when you get a chance. Maybe on a lazy, crazed day next March on the White House steps.

Cordially, Teff
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

"My writing is always in a flux," writes WC member and published author, Patrice Lauren.


ABOUT RESEARCH AND WRITING is filled with links for hard to find info, casual browsing and searching how-to's.

Adding this one to favorites, after pushing FIVE star rate.

Best always. Research on!


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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of Gone Home  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Playful 04! Wow!

Flavored with realism, based on dreams coming true, a fine piece of work is found in GONE HOME.

Author, Playful 04, one mean, lean, suggestion (besides those paragraph breaks left on the cutting room floor) .... PLEASE WRITE ON!

Thanks, a breath of fresh air on WC once more.

Best in all you do, darlin.


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 Reviewing Wisdom 1, 2, 3 GO!  (18+)
Criteria for Cordially from MS TEFFs REVs sent
#945969 by April Sunday
Review of Overnight  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

Good morning, Mr. T L Finch.

 Overnight  (E)
A night spent in the woods
#973986 by T.L.Finch

leads one along, into a world we simply must make use of. For it is there to enjoy.

To enjoy this poet is a treat like pumpkin pie or homemade bread brought to the table with a smile on Thankgiving Day.

One simply must read this author.

Finch emboldens and enthralls with his work, no doubt there, poets, authors, members, readers, guests.

Find a world so relaxing in OVERNIGHT, just a click away.

Thanks, man.


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Hard to separate great & good from best and foremost in WC poetry these days.

Finch's work is all four adjectives. Note: these do not come without hard work, where sounds and rhymes surely glow.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

"Its a little known fact that if you rub a buffalo's belly, he will fall asleep really quick." from THE HARE AND THE BUFFALO.

This superb Kiddie Lit read from Jammin John is hilarious! Five Star Work, but actually more a seven star for content.

When a buffalo and a hare pair off for a "tri-animalthon" readers keep a hold of your funny bones. For you will be tickled!

How do you pay a beaver behind a store counter? What currency will the clerk demand? TREES!

Oh, heavens, this is the one!

There's tears pouring from Teff's eyeballs about now. Sorry, over and out!

Hahhha hhha!

Way to go, John! I owe YOU one, for this is a gift on a Sunday morning.

From --- Teff T-E-F-F

(Pause -- doulbed over with laughter)

Teff makes it to the finish line. How fares Billy Buffalo & Harry Hair? Uh, oh! Coming up on the outside stretch ..... Oh NO!
Review of Dances  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

DANCES, an intense, descriptive poem from Penguin's pen, offers an actual intake of the breath, tap of the foot, as a couple pairs of to the rhythm of the dance. Four Star, work, enjoyable poetry!
Alabama Courier Times // Nov 27, 2005 // T.Teffom
Review of Travel notches  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Zooming around Canada (been there, done that) oh sorry.

Zooming around the site, found this eye-opener on "factoids." Factoids me: stored facts for the mental travel log of author Uniquio, and what a fun read it is, too.

TRAVEL NOTCHES tells of a day trip to Vancouver from Seattle. Then a walk in the city and a plate of peanut butter.

For the latter one must read the piece to taste the true essence of this info.
Pity really, as Peanut Butter Pie is available, if you can find it, in the states. A silly, aside really.

Of the gasoline, way out of sight now-a-days. Bush's war takes a toll on our nighbors to the North without a doubt.

Liked this one, Uniquio.

You know the drill, Travel On!

Write ON!


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#952447 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

Teff's going to venture a guess, here.

Guessing the NATURAL BEAUTY, VARIETY COLLECTION is done with very special, zoom lenses. If so, these are surely worth their weight in gold to photographers.

This collection of WC C-notes is from Story Mistress.

So, if you love flowers and are thinking of sending a variety of mixed messages to friends, here's the place for you.

You can post your own messages inside.

Instructions to order are easily
understood. The collection has a lot of beauties to choose from, so click here for all those special gift ideas.


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Sig by Esprit.
Review of Every Time  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

A contest entry from as you wish, EVERY TIME graces Read-A-Newbie Page, this fine, crisp morning of Nov. 26, 2005.

Everytime bespeaks of a love for a girl "across the lonely sea."

Rhymes well, tries to communicate love between the missing persons.

Ah, the mini- romantic -poem, so very popular, where ever you look, these days.


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Review of Bliss  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

Arien 27 offers a mini-poem, BLISS today, Nov.25, 2005.

Dear poet, plese do not be dismayed by this rate. Several times Teff reviewed & rated the poems of T L FINCH, another poet on WC. Sometimes, I feel that 3 star is not a low rate in the least for it is not.

Sometimes, I am not trying to make comparisons between poem or authors.

Perhaps you will express your feelings or the feelings of the narrator in other poems, at other times. For the saying around here is .... Rhyme on!

Welcome to WC, hope you enjoy the site.


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Sig by Esprit.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

Silverhand! Oh, Silverhand, wish you were around when Teffy read to the toddlers, eons ago.

PUMPKINS, PUMPKINS, LOTS OF PUMPKINS! Kiddie Lit zeroing in on the life of three, well named pumkins, apparently (LOL) on the way to the big time or Jack O'Lantern world.

Cute, well written and sassy.

Suggestion: Don't let adult vocab sneak in too much.

Easily visible for the illustrator.

Now, onto yesterday's pie. Gee, better not mention the deep orange, creamy pie made with brown sugar, eggs, nutmeg and well, you know, the P word. Pass the cool whip, will ya, hon?

Cordially, Teff
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)

Fiction author, Fallen's intro for THE BLOODY VALENTINE may be termed friction writing. The narrator is about to blow. His admiration with a girl in high school named Mary, causes "stress." When he's "still thinking about killing" his father, the intro stops."

Suggest: Forming sentences in a positive mode. To save extra baggage.

Readers can take facts, hon.

So, the handling of "I just have an eye for beauty." Perhaps go with, I've an eye for beauty.

Cut to the chase with similar phrases and predicates. Am guessing the kid has a mental problem. So you're seemingly writing for the readers to guess this fact?

Skip lines between paragraphs, which is customary.

Reading this, Teff asks, do I dislike the character? Yes. Good luck with the turn-around. Hard to rate what the writer has up the hidden sleeve at this point.


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