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Review of Heart  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like the way you've started off with a character so deeply and selflessly committed to another person, enough so that they'd sacrifice so much of themself, and then you seamlessly move along to their confrontation with reality and the scar it leaves them with.

There's definitely a lesson to be learned in this.

Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a fun poem! It was no Shakespearean sonnet but it gave me a good idea of how much fun you have bowling!

I haven't bowled since I was a little kid and I didn't enjoy it that much, but this almost makes me want to try it again!

The rhyme was also very neat. Good job. ;)
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Interesting poem. I've often contemplated the bizarre games and experiments we conduct with the minds of our loved ones, and whether there's any purpose in them. I think it's all part of developing as humans, for what it's worth.

This was a great, thoughtful piece. Very well worded.

Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
I can honestly say this is like nothing I've ever read before! Congratulations.

You've actually simulated the experience of walking through an art gallery. Not by describing the motions but by providing the same sensory overload of mind-clearing contradictions, wild ideas and ambiguous suggestions.

The best part is, I'm going to read this again in a few days and I'm sure my impression of it will be totally different. Great work.

Review of self expression  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hey, I totally get the message of this poem/rap which is that self-expression is sometimes all we have so I'm going to feel like a dick picking it apart but hopefully it'll help you cultivate your talent in the long run.

I get that rhyme is number one when you're rapping, but some of the lines just don't make a lot of sense. "feel the peace rise up to your knees" is one example. Peace and knees sound similar, but how many people have tense ankles and shins?

And "nesting" means getting comfortable somewhere so, while it rhymed, which is great, it didn't fit in with the stuff you were saying about being restless and frustrated at all.

Again, I really hope this comes across as constructive. I'm just not one of those reviewers who takes the GPs, doesn't read the work and leaves kisses and cuddles as feedback.

Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
All great points. I'm not college educated but I've studied poetry and picked up the above facts before - Still, it really is useful to be reminded now and then.

Cliches kill the feeling like thinking of your mother kills sex, and telling some-one you're sad isn't poetry, it's telling some-one you're sad.

One thing, though. Did you mean to write: "I meant to write that on purpose"? (As opposed to meaning to write it by accident?) I couldn't figure out if you were being double clever. Either way, my irony monitor exploded.

Thanks for putting this out there.
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Aww, how romantic! This was such a sweet poem, I think I should go get tested for diabetes!

I loved the phrase: "Painting the body with a palette of soft kisses" - It gave a really beautiful and emotive visual.

Looking forward to browsing through your portfolio. Write on!
Review of Little Person  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really liked this. There are a lot of poems about loneliness and low self-esteem around here and most of them don't really stimulate the mind or find a new way to express their message, but this one really got my attention. It was clever.

Write on!
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
That was fantastic! I think everyone's had that experience as a scared kid (minus the unicorns and chimeras).

The rhyme and metre was also perfect.

You should really look into having this published - I know I would have loved to read it as a kid.

Write on!
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (3.0)
I reall respect your inquisitive, thinkative nature. I think you have the beginnings of a good poetic handle on the English language.

I would, however, encourage you to think more about the message everything you write. This poem would have been more enjoyable if it had an evident point.

Write on.
Review of My Sweet  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Awww!! This may be the cutest (I was going to say sweetest, but I wasn't sure if that would be ironic or not ..?) poem I've ever read.

It was a lot of fun to read, but it had heart at the same time.

You guys must be one awesome couple.

Write on!
Review of Invention Of Man  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I gave this a 5 because it seems to carry a very important message (Am I tight in assuming that it's written about war?).

I do think you could work on the way you utilise words in your writing. You had a constant rhyme going there, but I felt that the words could have done a better job at expressing your point if you'd sacrificed some of the rhythm.

Hope this helps.

Write on!
Review of Why I Write  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (4.0)
Interesting piece of reading. i agree that writers shouldn't change or water down their work to fit a mould; it's really just a matter of finding the right audience. I also agree that being published shouldn't be a writer's prime goal. An artist can't be 100% true to his art if he's trying to please a specific crowd.

Although I would point out that art which can appear to hold only entertainment value can be just as important for the development of a human being as something with a political message in it; they can give us an insight into human nature, for example.

Anyway, write on!
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was one stunningly beautiful piece of writing. The phrase: "loveliness sweeps the heartstrings." particularly affected me.

I felt the need to read this slowly, savouring each rich few words. You have a delicate but powerful hold on the English language.

Congratulations, and thank you for sharing this.

Review of To Pest  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
That was brilliant.. Do I smell a hint of Lewis Caroll somewhere in there??

Sometimes, when you're really mad at some-one, the best way to vent it is to let off a chain of angry non-sensicalities (<made-up word).

Thanks for sharing this, it was a blast to read.

Review of Night Terrors  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
The most interesting thing about this poem was that it seems so open to interpretation. I'm not sure if that was your intention, but it made for intriguing reading anyhow.

The message I extracted was that fear will leave you alone if you ignore it, whether there's cause to be afraid or not.

Thanks for sharing :)
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a sad poem, but I think more importantly it was beautiful and it was truthful. I got a real sense of the love and care you have for the individual it's about and, for me, that was the shining aspect of the writing.

Very colourful and rich imagery. Great job, and thanks for sharing.
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
What I like about this poem is that it's very open to interpretation.

With lines like: "When the mighty ring the bell." and "When the trumpet blows." I imagined that it might have been about war, but I couldn't be certain.

Either way, you have a very lively writing style and you can't go wrong with a message like 'Challenge the unknown.'

Write on!
Review of Apparitions  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
I thought the alliterations were done very skillfully, like: "Ticking clocks taunt timid souls.." and "..tell a tragic tender tale."

Ghosts are used a lot as themes in sad poems. I was glad when, in this one, they turned out to be symbols for something in particular. Nice work.

Review of A Stranger's Eyes  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was an interesting piece to read. You did a great job at keeping the rhyme and rhythm neat and tidy, it was about a topic which most of us can relate to on some level so it touched my heart, and the twist at the end was a real suprise.

Write on!
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good point. I've always felt that more attention needs to be paid to words and how we affect others by what we say, especially in an age where everything's so impersonal and impressing is held more importantly than engaging.

Thanks for this.

Write on!
Review of The Note  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was so sad. There's something especially tragic about missed opportunities caused by lost messages, in a romantic context especially.

I also liked that it was relatively short, to-the-point and made a strong impression without taking too long.

Write on!
Review of Changeling  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This poem was less slow and seductive than your others - I liked it. There was still that darkly erotic element that your poetry has, but you proceed more quickly into an active description, that of the creature's transformation.

I thought it was great, provocative and edgy.

Write on!
Review of Falling  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I was just discussing the eerie effects of Autumn with another member!

Nice poem, I like the deeply questioning tone. It's true that the electric feeling Autumn brings to the air can't really be defined as positive or negative, only powerful. Thanks for sharing!
Review of Choices  
Review by ~Benjamyn~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I'm so sorry to read about your grief, and you have my hopes and wishes that your heart will heal one day.

This was a very weighty poem, and I felt that you delivered its punchline and message with perfect timing, so as to give the reader the full impact of your story.

Write on, and warm wishes.

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